ITS TIME! Post How much you would personally give to Joss Whedon & Co. to get our Ship in the air AGAIN!

UPDATED: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 05:19
VIEWED: 71049
PAGE 2 of 7

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 4:35 PM


$200 a season. Gimme my Firefly!

I've been wondering if Fox would sell the rights to make new TV shows to a consortium of fans. My understanding from reading websites is that they retain these rights for another several years. Money talks. If we bought the rights and could get the original Firefly team together, and then found someone to broadcast it (even if it were sold, say, online by the download)...

I dunno, it's interesting, for sure. But if throwing money at the problem is all I need to do, I'm down with it!

- A


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 4:38 PM


I don't have much, but I can do $50-100 a season.


"Today we were kidnapped by hill-folk, never to be seen again and it was the best day ever."


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 4:38 PM


Understood, but there are plenty of organizations setup to help the poor, and people recovering from disasters, but I have yet to see an organization set up to bring back my Firefly program!

I consider the cancellation of Firefly, the lack of written novels, and 3 years later only one movie has been made as a bonifide disaster. There needs to be a Firefly disaster program to insure that this sort of thing never happens again.

Oh, by the way. People who usually point out the needs of poor people when other folks want a particular thing, are the very same people who would "suggest" that you give all the collected money to their church, so that the church could distribute the funds to the poor, which almost always never happens. The "church" ends up using the money for its on ends.


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 4:39 PM


Is this US or CDN?

put me down for $75 US or $100 CDN

You know what's bad? Animal testing.
You know what's worse? Nuclear testing.
You know what's even worse than that? Nuclear animal testing!!! When will they learn?


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 4:39 PM



Originally posted by Ghola:
You guys do realize that Enterprise fans tried doing the same thing (only they were actually pledging real money with PayPal). Paramount's lawyers shot that idea down fast. Sorry to be pessimistic but this aint happening and besides I'd feal kind of guilty if we paid for a full season of a TV show when that money could be used to actually help people (IIRC it cost around $2 million per episode of Firefly).

Now I give to charity and all, but I would consider this to be a hobby of mine and a fine one at that. I have money to give and money to have fun with, and this would be the money that I play with. At least that's how I feel about it.


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 4:44 PM


Oh, count me in for $50. Or $100 if need be. I don't think an online accounting is going to get the ball rolling, but I guess it couldn't hurt to let them know we're out here and willing. What we need is someone in a position of authority with some vision who will step up to the plate and find a way to make this work.

Of course Joss has vision. *g*



Wednesday, November 16, 2005 5:12 PM


Put me in for $100 a season!


Zoë: Shepard, isn't the Bible kind of specific about killing?
Book: Very specific. It is, however, somewhat fuzzy around the area of kneecaps.


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 5:38 PM


I'm poorer than the Mudders, but I'll donate $100 per season.

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at UPDATED 11/15/05!


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 5:39 PM


Who's this 'WE' ya got tapeworms or somethin'?

I don't remember asking you to feel guilty about where I put my money after I divi it up between tuition, rent, food, my chosen charities, and myself.

This thread is for getting a rough but realistic estimate about our weight financially as a collective fan base, especially as applied to throwing it at the networks and giving it to the creators to get our ship in the air.

I don't give a gorram flying fuck about the enterprise. 'twas a nice show, but that's not what I am here for.

We are seeing what we can do here and now, and If you don't want to be a part of it I have no ill will to you, but I would be much obliged if you posted on another thread.

Lets keep the naysaying to a minimum & somewhere else, and focus on what can and should be done.



Wednesday, November 16, 2005 5:41 PM


I'm po $50+ for season, maybe $65 ^^


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 5:42 PM


Might be wise to set up a webpage where you can just submit your name/e-mail address/pledge amount. I'd be e-mailing that to dozens of people, but dunno how many I could convince to sign up to just for this.

That being said, I'm in for at least $250 for the initial season, perhaps more. I might want to decrease that to a more modest $50 or so for subsequent seasons.

"You are on the Global Frequency."


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 5:42 PM


Put me down for 300 per season.


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 5:43 PM



The purpose of this pledge is to tell the world, specifically Joss and Company who you are and how much money you are actually willing to put on the table to make Firefly a series again.

Who am I?
Someone who wishes this world was full of intelligent, creative, funny and enjoyable art like our Firefly.
How much would I throw down for The Big Damn Fund?
$100 on a whim...
More if this got really real

Good answer


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 5:46 PM


$16 695.00 In less than 8 hours... Yeehah!


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 6:19 PM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
Put me in for $10,000 if thats what would help put this thing back on the screen.

People, what are you waiting for?

Serenity is still in the theaters!
See the movie Thursday
and ask to buy a ticket for Saturday.

Can't get to a showing...Buy an on-line
ticket and don't go!

Start your own collection of on-line
tickets purchased that you did not attend.

Take them to conventions and prove to
people that you are willing to spend
cashy money to get this done.

Still plenty of on-line ticket buying
theaters with Serenity playing.

We are holding. Serenity is on the
US map at least until Thanksgiving.
The movie made it to Thankgiving!!!!

Anybody know any theater owners who
would let us buy tickets and have
free showings for the public?

Or, anyway
you can arrange for us to pay for
free showings of Serenity to the
public? How about you convention
organizers? Might make the news...
like that man who bought out that
theater and tried to give away tickets.
He had trouble getting people to take
them. They wanted to know the catch.
But maybe if the theater is saying

Universal is looking at the cashy money
spent now...not future pledges.

Serenity Box office ticket sales.

Serenity DVD widescreen
Serenity DVD fullscreen
Serenity VHS
Serenity UMD Video for PSP (Sony Game player)
Serenity novel
Serenity The Official Visual Companion
Serenity Comic books
Serenity the Official Movie Magazine

Did I forget something?

Hmmm, you know I haven't been using
cashy money buying on-line tickets...
I've been using plasticy money. I have
lots of plasticy money.

Plasticy money counts too!

Put me down for $50 an episode.

Serenity DVDs, VHSs, UMDs for Christmas!


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 6:41 PM


Yes, you forgot something. The new Ipod video is available right now and I just picked up one today, and its a beaut!

My point here is that on itunes, they are selling televison show episodes for $1.99 per episode, and so far the selection is as lame as it gets. The only thing worth downloading is that NightStalker show and its scary. Wouldnt it be nice to have all the episodes of Firefly on your ipod, in your pocket?

I've already written itunes about having Firefly converted to their movie format and then putting them up for download along with the other shows. I said that we would be willing to spend $2.99 per episode instead on the $1.99 per episode.

Also, I have a PSP, and I want to see Firefly available for that.


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 6:42 PM


$100 at least.

"Butcher's Knife..."


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 6:51 PM


100-200 a season


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 6:55 PM


For a season, I'd pay $100. But I'm actually willing to put up several hundred more (seriously) for a real shot at resurrection. A "cause" if you will, as opposed to a simple purchase of a commodity.

I'm willing to buy shares in a risky investment scheme that involves bringing back a cancelled TV series that was made into a kickass but low-grossing soon-to-be cult film. I'm not kidding about this...I think it's totally feasible to set up a little holding company that exists to raise money to finance Serenity/Firefly/Cap'n Tightpants Rides Again/Whatever. You pays your money and you takes your chances. There would be SEC wrangling involved, I suppose...unless somebody already has a dormant public corporation lying around that we could use (don't laugh, it could happen). Anybody who wants to could buy a share (or 10,000) in the holding company. If/when Serenity/Firefly/etc. is made and makes a profit, each shareholder would receive a dividend based on how many shares they purchased.

The cool thing that we have working in our favor is that TV and film producers are greedy capitalists at heart. If this shiny scheme takes off, it's a way of gathering money AND a bucks-on-the-barrelhead demonstration of the fan support that's out there for our BDH. Fan support = potential revenues as far as greedy capitalists are concerned.

Of course, right now, this is just random peeps posting numbers on a fan site. But, should a browncoat among us figure out a way to structure this pledge thing so that it's more grounded in reality, I believe the campaign could reach a tipping point...a point at which real live TV and/or film producers say "Hmmm....these fanboys raised $(huge hypothetical number) in just (tiny hypothetical time). There's something to this Serenity deal. if I put together $30 million to finance the show, I could see a return of 12% when I figure in the merchandising."*

This is the reality of Hollywood. RETURN ON INVESTMENT.

Also, in addition to the cash, I will volunteer my time toward marketing and promotion. It is generally recognized that Serenity has suffered from heartbreakingly bad marketing campaigns by both Fox and (especially) Universal. (Hell's bells, I think I personally brought in more business than Universal's entire campaign.)

Anyway, I'm so thrilled to see this discussion. There are so many amazingly talented people on this board...I bet we really could pull this off! Because we are Browncoats. And that makes us mighty.

Oh, and before I forget...that slam about "money that could be used to actually help people..." Bringing Firefly back helps me, and everyone reading this board, and everyone who works on the production, and all of their vendors (office supplies, costuming, lighting, makeup, catering, post-production, graphic designers, t-shirt manufacturers, ad agencies, etc.), DVD manufacturers and employees of the media outlets where they buy advertising, and their merchandising partners, their ad agencies and all of THEIR vendors, etc. etc.

If Firefly gets a green light, all of these people get paychecks. It's a beautiful system!

Thanks for wading through this post.

*totally made-up numbers

It's my job to incite powerful yearning in the hearts and loins of my clients. No, silly, I'm not a Companion...I work at an advertising agency.


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 6:57 PM


50 bucks easy, I'd also love seeing rpg video games, and novels


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 7:15 PM


I have a few lite geniuses working on this with me.

you should email me.

we should talk more.

This thread is part of the master plan right now. The plan ends with our show on the air, it's public face begins here. Let's make this count before we assemble a real crew for the real crazy.

Show me what you got by getting all the other flan sites and sites with network banners and firefly banners linking to this forum, to this thread.

lets call everyone to the podium to see who shows up, and if enough people do than, phase two of my ingenius canuckian plan goes into play.

"the Gorram Canucks, because in space, you need people who are used to the cold."

$17045 and counting...dont stop the signal.


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 7:27 PM



My first post on the site and i'm already putting my money up. So, hi, ya'll. Beautiful community y'got runnin here.

I'd be happy to go more ($200) if there was a concrete websitey/organizational/nonprofity/official-like thing up and running, what with all the taking the credit card numbers, and the me watching the credit card numbers go into the system.

Also! Think of public TV!! add incentives! I'd pay more if I could get a DVD of what got made after the fact!


wi12l44 =aol
willwalkerus =skype


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 7:30 PM


Since the spring of 2004 I have spent money on the following:

--My 1st box set
--My replacement box set to take the place of the 1st, which was given away.
--My purchase of 5 box sets to give away so I could hang onto my 2nd box.
--My purchase of 15 sets to give away because I was caught in a madness of giving.
--A blue sun shirt
--A Jayne "28" shirt for a friend
--4 Tickets for the june 23rd advance screening of Serenity in Indianapolis IN.
--A Serenity RPG players Handbook at Gen Con.
--2 DragonCon 4-day passes for the express purpose of seeing either Joss or Nathan for the 1st time, neither of whom came.
--Hotel rooms for 4 nights at DragonCon.
--Gas to get to Atlanta at a time when it cost 3 bucks a gallon.
--4 payments of 20 bucks each to get autographs from Jewel, Ron, Adam, and Morrena on my personal box set.
--A Jayne hat at DragonCon
--20 movie tickets to see Serenity after sept 30.

That being said, I pledge $100. I hope it helps.

Do not fear me. Ours is a peaceful race, and we must live in harmony.


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 7:34 PM


100 of your earth dollars per season.

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 8:03 PM


All the posts in this thread and only a single one of them I can identify with (that would be you Auraptor)...

I'm into Whedon for plenty of coinage already. Let him tack his name on new seasons of Firefly without me having to pledge some monthly stipend. Hell.. he already has given all kinds of lip service to how dedicated he is to the show. How about he back it up with action. Friggin guy has all the marketing juice and he hardly did any of the scriptwriting. Logic has long since went out the window. Sign me up for 100 gabilliozillion dollars.

He has already inked his name on a couple of contracts (Wonder Woman and Goners? wtf?).


Save us Obi-Tim-Knobi. You're our only hope.


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 8:35 PM


I wasn't going to post in this thread as I figured it was going to die down in about 15 minutes.

But I am wrong and I will put up my $100.

Oh, and isn't there some way to send a link to this thread to Joss or something?


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 8:38 PM


50 eazy come all ye fathful the fly will rise again


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 8:58 PM


yea...already dunnit

I sent one email to his agencey, one to his website, I am in the process of tracking down Jewel staite...she lives kinda nearby me....i am told...

I am on this like a fat kid on a smarty. Just keep the mock pledge money coming in....

link this to every firefly site and forum you can bloody find....I want to break 18 000 by midnight my time and it's 11.

I will make this happen...just hoist me up into the air and I will body surf my way to the finish line.

you beloved flan with the Plan;


$17 495....Could it be that this may break 20 000$ by 2 am...exactly 12 hours after I started this?

Awesome...lets keep em coming.


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 9:03 PM


$100 easy, if it's the real thing.

Bjørn Ove


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 9:16 PM


I'd give $250 for another season.
Heck, I'd give that for a TV movie.


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 9:29 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

$50 for another season of Firefly? Definitely, in a heartbeat. I'd probably go as high as $100, but I'd have to sleep on it. But I'd absolutely pledge $50, and I'm poor and unemployed!

Grrrrr. Arrrgghh.


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 9:37 PM


I would pay $100 per season,
even if it was a short season like 10 or 12 episodes ...which I think would be a good way to go, actually.

about that "our money could be used for something better" comment, that's like saying that no one should buy art (and hence that there should be no artists), or that no one should spend money on telescopes trying to understand the nature ofthe universe, because there are people who are hungry in the world. In order to help the needy, there are other things we could give up rather than art, rather than things that are really meaningful, as Firefly is to many of us. also, how is spending this amount on Firefly any different from spending it on other DVD box sets? also, in watching tv at all, we're interfacing with marketing that is the source of the funding for our series ...we are part of a society that spends a ridiculous amount of money on marketing alone (and a lot of what it's spending money to make us spend money on is just the meaningless image of a superior product, never mind any sort of content or meaningful use, aside from 'looking cool', 'smelling good' or getting some sort of fix); we are already supporting a much larger cycle of waste.
So any time you spend money on a soda, think of what you could be giving to the people that need it ...or to artists or scientists who give meaning to the human condition and take humanity as a whole somewhere in the long-term (i'm not saying you should do this, I'm saying that if we worry about spending money on something as worthwhile as Firefly, what about everything else, even the things that we support just by existing in our society, never mind what we actually spend money on?). marketing may have the nice by-product that, through tv, a few pieces of art get funded, but encouraging that system as a whole is a lot worse than spending some money on a season of art that is personally meaningful to you fact, that's a big political statement, for fans of something to get together and say "we're not going to take whatever happens to come out of the marketing system, we're going to stand behind a work of quality and meaning that we want to continue despite the fact that it doesn't fit into the economic system does fit because it has meaning to us and we're willing to spend money to help create something of true value." (that's still a capitalist notion, but it makes it both personal and meaningful)
I'm not saying that one shouldn't spend money on helping the poor, but if we use that as a reason to NOT spend money on art or science (be it on a personal level or a government or corporate level), then as a species we're only about survival, and we are denying what makes humans unique as a species--the ability to think, to understand the universe around us and be conscious and reflective about ourselves and our society, and to create lasting things and ideas which reflect this.
(also, in terms of the world, the problem is much more than a lack of money---it's partly how the global system has ended up, the mode of operation of the wealthy countries, the nature of the governments and the wealthy in some of the poorer countries, and of course overpopulation exceeding food production; it would be much more useful to have a revolution of soceities--of ideas one could say--than to dump more money on the problem ...not that one shouldn't continue to dump money on it).
I suppose it's ironic to say this for a series whose statement is in part "surving is enough", that it is meaningful in and of itself. But even Mal finds some things to believe in (even before the movie, in a quieter way), and if his money and ship could save those meaningful things he would stand behind them rather than trying to help feed the multitudes of struggling families on frontier worlds (that being said, he'd return stolen medicine for them that need it, even when it puts his life and crew on the line ...which is sort of the balance I'm trying to express--that both are important, but one only sacrifices one for the other when a clear dilemma presents itself. aside from keeping that balance, what you choose to stand behind of value is your own business ...what makes us great is to find what we stand behind as individuals, rather than being told what it is by governments, corporations, or even ideas of what a 'good cause' is supposed to be ...our personal good cause may be feeding the poor after all, but one shouldn't give up on other causes just because society says one is more valuable).

Is women's rights less important than feeding the poor? couldn't money spent on Equality Now rather be used to feed people, and then regardless of how women are treated at least people would be alive and not hungry? But I believe that it is worth many deaths, including my own, to have a world of true equality, where a different kind of suffering and moral wrong has been transcended. just as many have echoed that it is better to be free than to be alive. Our ideas and values are more important than our indivdual existence, and art is one of the best ways in which ideas are created and questioned, on a mass scale; it is an integral part of our society and our species trying to understand what we are and what we should be (though often, in this market-driven environment, its content becomes just about thoughtlessly re-enforcing the norm, even in terms of the form and style that art takes on).
In standing up for Firefly, we're not just standing up for what it specifically expresses, but also for the value of art itself, for the idea of constructing a meaningful and non-typical work in the face of all the bland, typical, and relavitely meaningless unchallenging material that is being put out ...and regardless of our specific choice of Firefly, it's saying that when art resonates strongly with people, that resonance can be reinforced beyond what the system has been designed for. and given that the marketing system's nature is to reinforce average works that do their best to upset no one and/or hit on the most obvious mainstream things in the most obvious and maniuplative ways, this is a system that needs to be actively transcended ..doing that is not just good, it's essential, considering what an enormous impact and audience that movies and tv now have ...if the system behind that impact is driven by the need to give the easiest most pleasurable experience for the largest amount of people, then we get a feedback loop where thoughtless acceptance is the repeated message. But if we embrace and stand up for works that have unusual resonance, thoughtfulness, craft, uniqeness, and if we actually consider somehow funding those outside of the fixed expectations of the system (ie. "we make the product and you pay X dollars for it, Y amount of which gets lost to the system itself"), then we create our own little feeback loop, that is not driven by pleasing the masses but rather by how much an individual cares to sacrifice for what that art means to them---and that force is directed toward supporting artists who have something to express, and express it in a way that adds to the people who see it, and to humanity as a whole (rather than cookie-cutter emptiness).
...but this is assuming that we're responding to it as something more than merely "this is something that distracts me from my other problems or the problems of the world", and assuming that we don't fall into the trap of propaganda (ie. having a rigid set of views, not ever questioning those, and only supporting and paying for things that try to brainwash people into having those views ...I'm not saying it's wrong to support things with the views you believe in, what I mean by propaganda is something like the Nazi documentary "A Triumph of Will" which is designed not to thoughtfully express or discuss something, but simply to overwhelm the mind to say "our way is the right way, join us" ...that's an extreme evil example, but it applies no matter how good the cause ...I'm saying if you gave money only to art like that, to propaganda in line with your views, then it becomes a problem).

side note: if we became a society uncaring for the hunger of others, then we would have sacrificed too much to get where we were ...but if a society maintains the balance then that society, or any person, choosing to spend money to help create art, is a good thing. it's wrong to claim that it's an unworthy cause just because other causes are a more obvious short-term threat (there is such a thing as balancing long-term and short-term ...and what art contributes to may be the most important long-term aspect of our existence as a species and culture ...and there is such a thing as threats that are abstract rather than physical).
Also, if we live our lives meaningfully and honestly, then what we support in the world should be an extention of what we as individuals take meaning from (if we second-guess ourselves based on conventional expectations, then we are not living honestly or meaningfully as individuals). I'm sort of clumsily working toward existentialism here, and that's what Firefly is all about, isn't it? Discover your own morality, not the one told to you. you do that by trying things out---experiencing life, other people, art, and factual knowledge (or as close to facts as you can get and understand), and by challenging all assumptions.
maybe I want to pay to see more Firefly because it contains an implicit discussion about life and morality that I need to help reflect on my future actions and my own forming values. I also think it should be there for other people to do the same (not as propaganda, but as part of a discussion with themselves and the world).

A final word--this is not just about keeping a society on track fact, how many people really reflect deeply on themselves and the world around them, on a regular basis? (to the point of really questioning things around them, and their assumptions) If the majority of people do not do this, we have not yet arrived as an enlightened society. this isn't a matter of maintaining a certain level that we've acheived ...the point is that as a people, especially given our nature as a democracy, we haven't even come close to being able to collectively think about what "should" and "shouldn't" be, or about morality or about anything ...we're just fumbling in blindly in the dark, not because we have to but because we're choosing to. I chose not to. And that's worth $100 a year, just as a start.


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 9:43 PM


I am fighting to hang on to my house right now after owning it for over 9 years and I would still put in $100 for each and every possible whole season of Firefly! Nothing better to calm the spirit and feel better about things than watching an episode of Firefly.
My son would also pay $100 per season and is talking to his coworkers for others.


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 10:18 PM


$100 per season.

Just wanted to check that everyone who has posted here has also voted in Haken's poll on the same issue.

"She was naked, and all ... articulate."


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 11:17 PM


Good Gorram Lord;

ummmmmm....that was shiney and all
thanks for pledging your hundred bucks and given it to us in pennies of thought. Way to be, brown coat!

I'm just gonna go over here now...and say

$18 345

damn....let's keep em coming. Browncoats unite and Post! im' gonna go to bed and when I wake in 8 hours I am going to check this thread and I wanna see at least $20 000. Firefly for the WIN!!!


Thursday, November 17, 2005 12:55 AM


Hey there folks

Being one of the most recent converts to the growing Firefly religion, I must say this is a fabulous community.

For all you guys out the bitching about how low grossing the movie was, without Serenity the movie, I'd never have found Firefly the series. Themissus dragged me along to watch it and I can quite honestly say I'm in love!

I'm currently going through the series one episode per day so I don't finish it all so quick and then I'm left bored. As I type this I'm half way through Ariel, it's almost 11am and I've just worked a night shift. What can I say? I can't get enough of this.

Count me in for £100 for now, and more if you get this off the ground. (yes that's '£' as in English! We loved it over here, but you're right, I never saw any TV advertising for the film. just some really cool looking posters scattered around)

Good luck in your venture folks. Think I'll stick around....

Always do what you're afraid to do...


Thursday, November 17, 2005 1:01 AM



Originally posted by KayleeWannabee:
I think it's totally feasible to set up a little holding company that exists to raise money to finance Serenity/Firefly/Cap'n Tightpants Rides Again/Whatever. You pays your money and you takes your chances.

I am so with you on this. I even think it would be interesting to do if no broadcast station picked it up: there's always Sci-Fi/Space, any number of other cable networks, or even a direct-to-DVD or direct-to-download distribution.


Thursday, November 17, 2005 3:01 AM



Originally posted by Haken:
I have a poll up on the main page. Vote there as to how much you're willing to contribute annualy to produce 'Firefly' or have another movie made.

Thanks, Haken - I'll go add mine right now...



Thursday, November 17, 2005 3:17 AM


Count me in for $100 per season or film.


Thursday, November 17, 2005 3:34 AM


I would give as much money is needed! At least $100, but probably more!!!

sad note: I'm new here. I've watched all of Firefly, but I haven't seen Serenity, yet (two failed attempts: one in Harrisburg, PA [theatre decided to change listings at the last moment...Serenity was replaced by an encore presentation of The 40 Year Old Virgin!!] and the Allentown, PA showing [got stuck in traffic for over an hour on the way lane construction woes!]! So, I'm heading for Baltimore, MD this weekend! I just hope it's still playing! This place rocks!

I'm at work! I'm typing this on the sly! much money would I donate? How much would it take?? I'm THERE!


Thursday, November 17, 2005 3:48 AM


Ok id Pay $50 for a years worth of episodes.


Thursday, November 17, 2005 3:50 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

$100 for me and $100 for my wiffy.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Thursday, November 17, 2005 4:01 AM


How much? Let me give a couple takes on this.

First, assume new episodes are made in a direct-to-DVD format, or something along those lines. I'd have no problem with a price tag of $15/show. Multiply that by as many shows as could be made per year, and that'd be my annual pledge -- 300-400 bucks or so.

However, let's consider a different scenario. If there were an investment company whose funds went into producing more episodes (and paying dividends to investors from any profits from the sale/distribution of those episodes), I would be willing to go deep. I'd buy at least $10,000 worth of shares in that company, as long as the funds would be returned if the production deal fell through.

It would be a risky investment, of course, since Firefly hasn't exactly been a windfall profit maker so far. But I'd take that risk.

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


Thursday, November 17, 2005 4:19 AM


A swift kick in the behind.


Thursday, November 17, 2005 4:21 AM


We'll pledge $100...You might look into something with Time Warner. They are getting ready to offer a lot of their old TV shows for download online. Perhaps a possibility of some new shows, with an avid fan base would appeal to them as well.

I'll send the suggestion up to them, with a link to this site, so they can see the interest.



Thursday, November 17, 2005 5:08 AM


$100 at least for the next series.

I'm a student working a crappy part-time job, so I'll commit to only $100 at the moment. But if this does happen (please powers-that-be!!!) then by the time subsequent series are planned I'll hopefully be a little more well-off and able to throw more money at this shiny venture!

-Overly optomistic...? I hope not!


'Faster! Faster would be better!' - Capt. Mal Reynolds


Thursday, November 17, 2005 5:19 AM


This poor Scottish student would happily pay $100 of your US dollars for another season to be made, and then I'd buy the DVDs and promote them to friends.


Thursday, November 17, 2005 5:39 AM


I would gladly give $100.00 per season!

But, I would also redo my budget and attempt to do more if this becomes a reality.

Say.... $700.00 a year. I have no car payment right now, and don't expect one for a couple of years, so I could go $700.00.

If I'm gonna wear a dress, I want something with some slink. -- Zoe


Thursday, November 17, 2005 5:43 AM


Hellz, yeah! $50, at least! My boyfriend sez he'd pitch in 50, too, so...

$100 total!

Dammit, Mal! I forgot my line!


Thursday, November 17, 2005 5:53 AM


I'm back! I'm pledging another $100, which brings me to $200! I'll probably go higher, too! Insanity!






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