Making a Firefly episode ourselves

UPDATED: Tuesday, May 2, 2006 23:22
VIEWED: 33029
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Friday, November 18, 2005 7:11 AM


I was watching some fanfilms from the Star Wars series... [] and I was thinking, what if we made "Dead or Alive" ourselves? I'm sure we have a few actors in our midst and I'm sure we can convert a couple CG artist, if we haven't already.

As long as no money exchanges hands at any point and we don't try to sell the show or even say it's ours then I don't see anything wrong with it. We can get some one to clean it up a little[maybe Joss himself, wouldn't that be nice].

What do you think? If not "Dead or Alive" then I'm sure theres a couple of good writers out there that would love to write an episode for Firefly and this could be a chance to show the world hope rabid we are for more Firefly.


Friday, November 18, 2005 7:20 AM


It would be fantastic. I have had a little experience in CGI, Camera work, Directing, Animation etc... But yeah, i would totally love to work on somthing like this - getting together with a bunch of browncoats and doing a production - although with me being in the UK, i probably could not be involved.

-------Huge Fan of:---------
Andromeda (Early Seasons)


Friday, November 18, 2005 7:27 AM


I do think, though, that if you were to do such a thing, you would have to base it around another crew\bunch of characters inside the Firefly universe.

I mean, Getting Serenity to look right would be hard. I'm talking about the interior. Notice how all the Star Wars fan films potray storlines outside of the main characters. Also, by doing this the actors involved would'nt have to try and play the crew of Serenity, i dont think i can imagine anyone else playing Kaylee or Jayne.

It would be an idea to have a FanFilm that keep the premise of the show, the "spirit" so to speak, and was about a different crew in the Firefly universe, being surpressed by the alliance, visiting core and barron lands, and avoiding the reavers.

Just my two "sense". Dunno if it makes sense or not.

-------Huge Fan of:---------
Andromeda (Early Seasons)


Friday, November 18, 2005 7:31 AM


Browntrousers I totally agree! If you guys are serious lets see about doing it. maybe we could set up a chat time to talk about it.


Friday, November 18, 2005 7:50 AM


I'd say it's about time we got some FF fan films out there. I'd be willing to pitch in, whatever I can offer.

I'm a student filmmaker. Not a whole lot at my disposal, but then that's part of being a student I guess.

"Were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose?"


Friday, November 18, 2005 7:53 AM


I would like to be involved, but as i said being in the UK it would be a bit of a nightmare - if the majority of those who are interested are in the US that is (which i assume they would be). It is my ambition to get into the industry, and a project like this would be a dream come true for me - In other words, i would be well up for it! I dont have much experience in each area, but beleive me when i say i have dabbed in every area from CGI Animatic storyboards, to film editing, to animation, to Directing.

-------Huge Fan of:---------
Andromeda (Early Seasons)


Friday, November 18, 2005 7:57 AM


I would love to do it. I don't have much experience or education with film making, but it's something I always wanted to do [My wife and family say I would make a great director, being the perfectionist I am ].

I would really love to do this, and I would be willing to help in any capacity.

My original idea was to make a new episode useing the same crew different actors. I know it would wierd to see and it might turn many off from the episode, but I think that it would be wierder to make a completely different crew and try to pass off the same type of show.

I'm incredibly serious about this, but anybody that agrees to help as to realize that no money will ever change hands. No one will get paid for this at all. This is a completely "volunteer only" project.

Any are welcome to join and if we can get enough people to help I'll start setting it up to get it going.

I know it will be difficult to get everything just right, and as such I'm going to have to calm my perfectionist ways down a little, but I think as long as we get the essence of the show and all the characters remain true to their... well... characters then I think we can pull it off.

Let me know what you can do for this if you want to join in. This could be fun and a start of something bigger.
Zoe: Get her running, Sir?
Mal: Yep.
Zoe: So not running now?
Mal: Not so much.
Mal: I even know what I'm going to name her. Got a name all picked out.


Friday, November 18, 2005 8:18 AM


Hey, I sent you a private message. Just in case, you werent sure, to read it you gotta check your email. I just figured this out now.

-------Huge Fan of:---------
Andromeda (Early Seasons)


Friday, November 18, 2005 8:29 AM


Hi. I would definitely like to take part in this, if that's possible. I also live in the UK, though.
i can write, and i think i might be able to act. maybe.

"Gorramit Mal... I've forgotten my line."


Friday, November 18, 2005 8:33 AM


I think something along the lines of "RED SHIRT BLUES" would be better. Have you guys seen it? Set in the Star Trek universe, it was a fan film about a disgruntled "red shirt". (You know they always die first!) Too damn funny.

Plus, it paid tribute to a beloved series without trying to coopt it...know what I mean?

"Funny and sexy. You have no idea. And you never will."


Friday, November 18, 2005 8:37 AM


Hell, I've done theatre since the 8th grade. I'd love tio be a part of this. And living in the Southwest, there's a lot of sorrounding areas that resemble a lot of areas in the show. I think it's an awesome, viable idea.

"Ah, the pitter-patter of little feet in big combat boots... SHUT UP."

"Were I unwed, I would take you in a manly fashion."


Friday, November 18, 2005 8:41 AM


Im in New England so I doubt I could participate but I would love to.

Put me in the potential 'actor' list..if there is one. My height would suggest I play jayne but my sense of humor is more like wash's.

" is my very favorite gun."


Friday, November 18, 2005 8:46 AM


I wish you guys the best of luck with this if you go ahead with the idea, but if you play the parts of my BDH I'll struggle to force myself to watch it, I have to be honest.

Another crew though, that'd be shiny :D ALLIANCE crew..


Friday, November 18, 2005 8:49 AM


Right now the only Firefly fan film i know of is Mesquito. It would be real nice to see some more people making them. There are tons of good SW films on the net (, but not realy any Firefly ones.

I agree on the fact that it would have to focus upon another ship/crew in the firefly universe to actually work. Trying to get the personalities created by Joss/the crew's actors down would take a hollywood-grade actor. Perhaps a crew like the one which shoots Mal in Out of Gas would work for a fan film.

"Someone Tries to Kill You, You Try and Kill Em' Right Back"


Friday, November 18, 2005 9:11 AM


Well, I'll try to get as many people from long distance I can in to help. I will try to find things to do for long distance people.

I wasn't expecting this many people to respond this fast.

I would also like to point out that this project is not to parody, copy, or satire Firefly. It simply a project to make something for ourselves that we would love to happen for real [IE: more episodes in a season fashion]. I don't want this to be looked upon as copying or even as an actual episode, just a bunch of fans getting together and creating a piece of the magic that we have all seen on screen.

Like I said it will be a non profit project and the episode [if done and finished] will be distributed for all to see free of charge [minus the internet fees you already pay].

I believe that it will be fun to do and try.

Honestly the acting and getting the mannerisms right can be a challenge, but if you think that the actors they chose for the crew of Firefly were "Relatively unknowns" when they started the job. I believe that the characters can come to life with a good actor in the place.

That being said I will look into doing another crew. Maybe a crew that has a run in with some characters of the Firefly 'verse. I'll get a bunch of writers together and maybe we can come up with something. So any writers out there that would like to write a Firefly episode let me know and we'll get together and start tossing ideas back and forth.


Friday, November 18, 2005 9:50 AM


Sign me up and count me in.

"Ah, the pitter-patter of little feet in big combat boots... SHUT UP."

"Were I unwed, I would take you in a manly fashion."


Friday, November 18, 2005 10:03 AM


You can count on me to help out, too.

I'm a participator over at as well, and have experience in CGI and directing. Hell, my signiture quote came from a film I directed...but let's not talk about that particular debacle. Being a Kiwi, I probably won't be able to get involved in production, but anything possible over the 'net - CGI, compositing, whatever - count me in.

I agree with those who say you'd have to portray another crew or people other than the crew of Serenity - but you can still sneak them in there, whether with the CG exterior of Serenity, voice clips taken from the series or movie and reordered, or clips taken from the movie or series, and had the actor 'rotoscoped' out. Check out the below link for an example.

Oh, and since no-one has mentioned this Firefly fanfilm yet...

"We want to put you in a safehouse, where you'll be safe."
-- Ryan Templer, Graduate Massacre


Friday, November 18, 2005 10:09 AM


Fan film. Hmm, interesting idea. We've been producing no-budget projects for awhile and have most of the gear needed but since we're up here in Canada, may not be able to help out.

That said, we DO have a sci-fi project in the script stage that likely will resemble Firefly in production style simply because that's the way I've always worked. I'm going to be looking for some CG artists so if anyone is interested in maybe helping out, drop me a line via my website:




Friday, November 18, 2005 12:23 PM


I would also love to. I have about 15 years experience acting, and would love to lend my talents any way possible. I also agree that we should come up with a new cast. Doing that would open the world up so that the script could head just about anywhere.


Friday, November 18, 2005 12:42 PM


I'm only 18, but I have studied both acting and film making in High school. In addition, my friends and I have been producing a local cable access show in Portland Oregon for over two years now. It's a show that uses a lot of special effects, and is actually fairly professional and decent looking, not something like Wayne's World. I live in the Northwest, so I don't know how involved I could possibly be, but I would love to help out if not be more involved. Like I said,I have experience shoting, directing and acting for film.


"Today we were kidnapped by hill-folk, never to be seen again and it was the best day ever."


Friday, November 18, 2005 12:42 PM


I'm only 18, but I have studied both acting and film making in High school. In addition, my friends and I have been producing a local cable access show in Portland Oregon for over two years now. It's a show that uses a lot of special effects, and is actually fairly professional and decent looking, not something like Wayne's World. I live in the Northwest, so I don't know how involved I could possibly be, but I would love to help out if not be more involved. Like I said,I have experience shoting, directing and acting for film.


"Today we were kidnapped by hill-folk, never to be seen again and it was the best day ever."


Friday, November 18, 2005 12:44 PM


thats weird, my reply was put on here twice....


"Today we were kidnapped by hill-folk, never to be seen again and it was the best day ever."


Friday, November 18, 2005 3:59 PM


Maybe we should do one about how Serenity found its way to the ship dealer that Mal bought it from. A story about Serenitys "Former Crew". That way we could have a new crew and new storyline - but keep the heart and soul of Firefly - The ship itself.

-------Huge Fan of:---------
Andromeda (Early Seasons)


Friday, November 18, 2005 4:08 PM


Browntrousers, Great IDEA!

Being in the UK did you ever see a series with Roy Marsden called "Airline?" It was about a guy who flew DC3's during the war and who buys a surplus plane and starts an airline once the war is over.

If we imagine that Serenity was impounded or war surplus we could start just after the Unification war and have a 3 year run until Mal gets her.

One problem though, she wouldn't be called Serenity until Mal gets her, how do we make that link?


Friday, November 18, 2005 4:31 PM


Now this sounds like my kind of idea. Brilliant!

I'm willing to offer my services as a writer or part of a writing staff. As an English-major-to-be, I'd say I have a fairly decent grip on the English language. I also have professional-style scriptwriting software, so it does all the formatting for you and stuff. I just have to figure out how to use it.


Friday, November 18, 2005 4:36 PM


I personally would be interested in it. I wished i didnt graduate from high school until THIS upcoming spring because I was in a film class, and I so would have done a short film. Unfortunately, being a university student I have no time anymore to direct/write/produce/score/cast/act any of my movie ideas. A plus would be that I live in Manitoba (for those of you who dont have a map, it's the middle province in Canada) and we have TONS of old west type landscape, scenery, and buildings if were a story about one of the independent planets. And about that comment about not being able to act like Kaylee or Jayne, a girl that was in a movie of mine could seriously pull it off, and for Jayne, well, I know a lot of dumb people. But, ya, it would have to be a story outside the main cast.

"I aim to misbehave."


Friday, November 18, 2005 4:37 PM


Heres an idea:
Our crew - whoever they may be -go through a hard time. One event leads to another -what ever those events may be - and eventually they have to say goodbye to their trusty firefly. As they land at the dealer, they say an emotional goodbye to their ship. One of the crew states somthing like "I hope she gets treated right by whoever she ends up with", and then we cut to Mal outside, looking over to the Firefly parked in the Dealers.

In other words, The connection could come at the very end. Preferbly, we would keep the audience in the dark untill the very end - untill that point, they ar'rnt sure if this is the same Firefly or not.

-------Huge Fan of:---------
Andromeda (Early Seasons)


Friday, November 18, 2005 5:01 PM


Oh, and one more thing, when I also edited my movies I used a Macintosh. Very helpful computers. If any of you make a movie, I would highly suggest using a Mac and a version of Final Cut. Here's a link for the Final Cut program:

A word of warning though, it can be expensive and is difficult to learn competently. Despite that, it's the best thing for someone to use who isn't in the movie business.

"I aim to misbehave."


Friday, November 18, 2005 5:01 PM


Browntrousers that's good, you are brilliant!
I would want to help out with this but couldn't, as I'm a 15 year old australian wannabe actor and/or programmer, so yeah.

but I would love to help out, but my higher priority would be to help out in any way possible to get the show back on the air.


Friday, November 18, 2005 5:28 PM


I'd love to but I don't have any of the skills everyone else has mentioned.

How about the fan the keeps writing the director to see when the movie will be released? I can do
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Friday, November 18, 2005 5:28 PM


Yes! Double Post...wooohooo!
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Friday, November 18, 2005 6:14 PM


I'm a Machead. If you want to go for this I will buy the hardware and software we need (never need an excuse to give Apple more money.)

Script editor is IMHO the most important job. They are the ones that make the series consistant. We would also need someone able to compose music.


Friday, November 18, 2005 6:15 PM


You can do basic editing using iMovie and iDVD if it comes down to it. I love my Mac and make a movie every year for my friends and family.

"Funny and sexy. You have no idea. And you never will."


Friday, November 18, 2005 6:29 PM


So, at this point has any real decision been made about what story/ script will be used, or where this all will be filmed, or if it is even going to happen?

I will personally do anything to help, and I would love to be as involved as I can. Wheter that means I get the part of the querky new Wash-esque pilot, or I go and get everyone coffe, I just want to help.


"Today we were kidnapped by hill-folk, never to be seen again and it was the best day ever."


Friday, November 18, 2005 9:35 PM


Ok... WOW!!! Since I've been gone this has gotten alot of attention. Where to start?

Ok.... since it seems there is a lot of people looking to go for another crew than I think that would a good Idea.... I've been running my brain ragged the last couple hours on script ideas.

We will need Scriptwriters: I want at least three if possible [they can be anywhere... email is a wonderful thing]. I want this many at least to proofread and collaborate on it, since three heads are better than one.

CG artists: As many as want to join.... we will delegate the jobs accordingly and they can collaborate with each other. I hope that people are willing to share models and textures.

We need actors: As many as the script needs. This includes extras.

Director: I would gladly stand down from position if there is someone that is in a position to get more people, or if the actors and crew are more numerous in one area.

Composer: Definitely need one, or just use the soundtrack, but I find that kinda tacty [oh well].

Anything I forgot?

I have started writing a script already. I'm picturing a two-hour pilot, but I really doubt that I will get that long.

Maybe only an hour, but when I get done with it maybe someone can look it over and critique it. Eventually we'll have a top notch script that a someone can use to make this thing.

Everyone that can help please post what you can do and where you hail from. That way I can start a list and start making this thing happen.

Please just make it what you can do and where you're from. After the list is made I'll start grabbing ideas from people and see what comes out.

This is something that I wasn't even sure would get a response. This is cool.

Browntrouser: I love your idea and will definitely be expanding on it if you don't mind.

Kaylee: Going on a year now and aint nothing touched my nether regions that aint been runned by batteries.
Mal: OH GOD! I can't know that!


Friday, November 18, 2005 11:13 PM


Script editor if you want to do more than one.

What I would suggest is to get someone to be the script editor and have that person write a small show Bible, basically just detailing who the new BDH's are any worlds we haven't visited and any changes to the world (ie if we do a "prequel" who was the fixer before Badger, what is the state of the 'Verse just after the war.

I then suggest asking for scripts or plot ideas and use the best ones. Oh and perhaps not maping the new crew too closely to the BDH's...... maybe a pilot that drinks, rather than one that is just wild and crazy. Since Companions and Shepards are rare on ships maybe if we have those characters at all we put them someplace rather than as part of the crew.

One idea I did have. Haven seems to have been well established by the time book got there (that wasn't the work of 8 months) so perhaps it has always been a safe place for folks on the run or hiding out? An early "proto Haven" would be a better place to use as a base of operation than somewhere like Whitefall were we could never build a big enough set.


Saturday, November 19, 2005 12:34 AM


Hi Everyone!! I'm a new fan that missed the movie in theatres (I KNOW!!)I ignored my bfs plead to go with him to see the movie (he described as space cowboy movie!?)If only he had mentioned Sean Maher or Jewel Staite(flash forward<3lol)OR said that it was the "ultimate Shiznit!!"

Anywayza a couple weeks ago I saw my 1st episode on Sci Fi (I told my b-f and he was pissed "this is what i've been trying to show u for the past gorram year! (whoopsO) He also thinks I "look exactly like Jewel StaIte only blonder and hotter"(ur like RIhiiiite Ill be da judge-o-dat... tell me how to put a pic up n I will!;))
I know hotter impossible!! She's just such a natural beauty (i saw Jewel on x files when she was like 13? WTF what happend to looking akward and plain ugly when ur that age?!Geezuss!!)

-->Getting to the point I love the idea of the fans making our own Firefly movie with a new cast!!Im offering my services!! I've been an actress for a while now. I just moved from Mejico City where I had a small part in an Azteca tv telenovela! I am now going to castings for telenovelas here in Miami. I might
be Spanish but I dont have an accent when speakin English or anything. I always thought that the crew needed a BLONDEsexy kitten !! (or the new crew!)
ANY1 AGREE?? Holla Back! ;)

Naked Mal: Yup... that went well
(1st snippet of Firefly I ever saw!! What a SHINNY way to start it Off!)
Break me Off a piece of dat (drooling over Shirtless Maher) Grr Baby Grr!!
Yea? Eyes. Yea?


Saturday, November 19, 2005 12:38 AM


I might write a script, how many pages (roughly)? If not, I will at least try to come up with some characters bios and whatnot.

sound good?


Saturday, November 19, 2005 5:24 AM


Remember guys, we should keep in contact!
I would also love to keep updated as to how the scrip\character creation process is going, so it would be great if you could post somekind of update as to how everything was going every now and then.

-------Huge Fan of:---------
Andromeda (Early Seasons)


Saturday, November 19, 2005 5:50 AM


Ok. I might as well list what i consider myself to be able to do:

I can help with the script, if you want. Just email me (head_cheif-at-yahoo-dot-com).

I can help with editing. Edited a few movies before, so if you need any help in that area just ask.

I can help with CGI, although i am no expert. I cannot texture to save my life, either. I could provide some models though, and i can do some pretty good CGI desert shots. For example, flying over a grand canyon sort of thing. However, i canot texture. I would'nt trust me to do anything that would pass the "camera" to close. In fact i've already got some CGI 3d models lying around that i made, a few of which you could use in some of the "Core City" shots, such as buildings and little crafts (including a mobile "Blue Sun" Advertising vessel).

I could do CGI animatics - a kind of rough composite of what the final effect shot would look like. Perfect to visualise a shot before it is completed, (and a great fill-in for the editor).

I would love to help with the filming, but as previously mentioned i am in the UK. Maybe, If there are a lot of UK'ers interested, we could do some "Second Unit" stuff. I dunno.

Anyway, in other words, i would love to help in as many ways possible!

-------Huge Fan of:---------
Andromeda (Early Seasons)


Saturday, November 19, 2005 5:51 AM


I'd be willing to help, somewhat.

I wouldn't be able to travel, and I'm not really into CGI.

However, I'm an aspiring writer. I could help write an episode, if needed. I'm still a high school student, so I may not be the best, but my fanfic is up, so that's a taste of my writing.

Also, I play clarinet, if one was needed. I couldn't go anywhere with it, but I have a computer microphone...

~A message from Serenyty~


Saturday, November 19, 2005 5:57 AM


Im VERY interested in writing a script, particularly something based on the fan-fic continuity im currently working on. I live in Ireland so working together face to face is not on the cards but speaking as a man who has suffered from social phobia since he was 12 im well able to work around being only a voice on a phone or words on a screen.

Who do you suppose is in there?


Saturday, November 19, 2005 6:59 AM


A story not involving the current crew would be interesting, but maybe with people portraying members as they were when they were younger. A "flashback" episode, if you will.
Like Mal back on the farm with his dozen aunts and 56 cousins.
Tomboy Zoe all "Caddie Woodlawn" with a mom and older sister that have mastered roast chicken and embroidery while she's out hunting pigeons and fighting bullies.
Fun stuff like that maybe.


Saturday, November 19, 2005 8:18 AM


I live near Portland OR.
I have experience writing, shooting, some directing, and acting for television.

I can be contacted at, or through .

I just want to say I really like the idea of showing the crew that was on Serenity before Mal bought it.


"Today we were kidnapped by hill-folk, never to be seen again and it was the best day ever."


Saturday, November 19, 2005 8:19 AM


I was thinking of couple of ideas:

Using the idea of Browntrousers do one with the original crew of the Serenity [not called that at the time]. I was thinking of a female pilot, a captian that has a huge conscience, a drunk mechanic, and merc that been living on the rim too long and knows how the rim works.

I was thinking that the pilot and the captian can have a thing going, but make it complicated in some way [Maybe she's married or something]. Captian has a conscience and isn't the type of person that you would think would live in the rim let alone run a ship in the rim [i was thinking that through the course of this we can show his personality change to fit the lifestyle better].
The merc is no holds barred and ruthless, but loyal. He follows the captian no matter how much he disagrees with his way of doing things.
The mechanic is a drunk. I'm picturing in my head an old guy with a beard, but that can easily be changed to whatever. This can get the crew into trouble [bar fights, unpaid tabs, etc].
If anyone can think of anymore that could join then I gladly except them.

I think that the crew decisions will be the sole decision of the writers and script editors. Who thinks they can help with the writing. I'll send whoever can what I've written so far and we can collaborate on changes and additions.

"You what the definition of a hero is. Someone that gets other people killed."


Saturday, November 19, 2005 8:27 AM


I thought of this one possible idea.
Maybe a couple of guys who in some way or another get into some serious trouble with the law on some outer rims planet, and manage to run away by stealing an old firefly (which would eventally become serenity) from some junk yard. The two of them then have to run and fly the ship by themesleves, and outrun the law.
Eventually if this thing continued they might find more crew members along the way like a strong female character and there could be some kind of conflict over the two of them being attracted to her, and her only looking to escape some kind of trouble she's in too, not interested in them at all.

I don't know, just a thought I had.


"Today we were kidnapped by hill-folk, never to be seen again and it was the best day ever."


Saturday, November 19, 2005 8:29 AM


We could involve Blue Sun somehow. And perhaps even "the acadamy".

-------Huge Fan of:---------
Andromeda (Early Seasons)


Saturday, November 19, 2005 8:43 AM


Here's a little more on my idea if anyone's interested, I just thought of something and i really want to get it written out before I forget.

Two brothers, maybe just good friends who grew up together, work for some sleazy junkyard owner on a very rural outer rims planet, the older more responsible one is always looking out for the younger one who one day stops official guards of the magestrate that runs that planet from beating some kid who stole food for his family. this gets the two main characters into serious trouble with the magestrate, and they escape from the planet by stealing an old beat up firefly from the junk yard. The younger characters flies the ship, maybe possible dialogue could be like

"Older character: You sure you can fly this thing?
Younger one: Yeah, it's just like driving a tractor
Older one: You've never driven a tractor!
(the ship crashes into something)"

and the older character stays in the engine room to make sure the ship doesn't explode or something horrible like that.

Later they meet more characters who are also in some serious trouble, possibly incorperating other ideas that involve Blue Sun or the Alliance.

feel free to use any of my thoughts, or think they're all extremely stupid and just stick me in with the trolls for having such dumb ideas.


"Today we were kidnapped by hill-folk, never to be seen again and it was the best day ever."


Saturday, November 19, 2005 8:48 AM


Musthavemorefirefly , Like FireStalker said, we need all the ideas we can get, and the more minds the better. So keep inputing! I'm sure we can use idea's contributed by everyone, in some way or another.

-------Huge Fan of:---------
Andromeda (Early Seasons)


Saturday, November 19, 2005 9:03 AM


Hey, FireStalker, Do you think we should organise a "Chat Event" for all who are interested in working on the script?

-------Huge Fan of:---------
Andromeda (Early Seasons)






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