If Firefly's your favourite show of all-time, what's your second favourite?

UPDATED: Monday, December 5, 2005 11:40
VIEWED: 25242
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Thursday, November 10, 2005 10:45 AM



(and contrary to the previous poster, you're not an idiot if you don't mention BSG - but you are missing out on some damn fine tv).
Yeah, that guy was very rude, even though he was right about BSG. It's great!

It's so good, I'm tempted to say you're a moron if you don't like it second after Firefly. But I'm not like that jerk who posted before, OOHHH no. I wouldn't stoop that low.

But he's right.

(Dark Angel 2nd best? - sheesh)


Friday, November 11, 2005 3:32 AM


Kung Fu is great, I own every season. The show is timeless, and it's moralistic stories have much to say to us today.
Plus, the fights are incredibly realistic by most standards.

But Dark Angel is more entertaining. Chrisisall


Friday, November 11, 2005 3:35 AM



Originally posted by Tiger:

(Dark Angel 2nd best? - sheesh)

Okay, I'll back off- BG IS great, and is an excellent 2nd choice.

Dangerously DA obsessed Chrisisall


Friday, November 11, 2005 5:49 AM


I say Twin Peaks. Made even more enjoyable that there isn't any answer behind the whole thing and David Lynch was making it up as he went a long. Rare to find something truly terrifying.

Deadwood's extremly good but that's probably no suprise considering where I'm posting this.

My favorite series is certainly not going to be Rome but that's for a different place (But Firefly could teach them a thing about the strenght good casting brings to a show)


Friday, November 11, 2005 6:26 AM


Ummm, let's see...I'm gonna have to go with B5, Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis. Call me a sci-fi freak, if you will, I don't care. But they're great shows.

Hey to all the FF obsessed people!

No, Cap'n, I think it's shiny!


Friday, November 11, 2005 6:34 AM


I liked FF and definately would be number one if it had been given a chance along with Space: Above and Beyond. Babylon 5, Highlander, BSG, Stargate, funny scifi: Red Dwarf, and sexy scifi Dark Angel. Wonder if the movie plans for RD will ever come about.

Have a better one!!!


Friday, November 11, 2005 6:57 AM


Mentioning my favourite is fairly redundant considering the board I am on

However, my second favourite hasn't been listed yet I don't think and it only finished a few years ago... La Femme Nikita.

Did anyone else ever see it? I only caught the last two seasons before it was cancelled (although after massive fan support it got a fifth season) and I have the first season on DVD. I adored the storylines, they were so complex and well written. And I always found the characters just slightly disturbing. Brilliant.

Then of course there is the mandatory mention of Buffy and Angel - a joint mention I hasten to add. I love the first four seasons of BTVS, after that, not so much. ATS I loved all the way through.

My two cents worth


Friday, November 11, 2005 7:13 AM



Originally posted by Phi:

However, my second favourite hasn't been listed yet I don't think and it only finished a few years ago... La Femme Nikita.

Being you 2nd fav, it must be good...
Is is a little or a lot better than Alias?
Better than Buffy?
Did it maintain high quality throughout all seasons?
Is it a series with a real final episode?
Worth the outragous dvd sticker price?

What? Another show I HAVE to OWN???



Friday, November 11, 2005 7:56 AM


You'll be sorry Chris, you've got me started

LFN was very very similar to Alias but I've got to point it out, it came first. To me (and I know that people get protective of their shows, myself included, so this is just my opinion) LFN was MUCH better. In fact I only watched Alias under duress after the first episode it was THAT similar. Still, each to his own and I guess it does come down to which you discovered first.

Better than Buffy... I'd say... too different to compare. I loved Buffy for the wit and the characters. La Femme, I loved for the sheer fact that you never knew what was going to happen next nor how each character would turn out.

As for maintaining a high Quality throughout the seasons, I can't speak for all of it as I've seen seasons 1, 4 and 5. However, the first season was clearly more dated and I suppose not as dark as the later ones.

A series with a real final episode - hell yes. Personally I think it finished the only way it could.

Is it worth the outrageous sticker price? To a fan like me, without a doubt. Still, I did see two seasons before I made up my mind. So, I guess my advice is, check it out on the net or borrow DVDs or something first. I'm sure you'd love it, I just don't want to be responsible for influencing unnecessary bankruptcy!

Sigh... see what happens when I get up on my soap box to proclaim the virtues of my shows? No power in the 'verse can stop me


Friday, November 11, 2005 8:05 AM



Originally posted by Phi:

see what happens when I get up on my soap box to proclaim the virtues of my shows? No power in the 'verse can stop me

You sound like I do when I expound upon Dark Angel's excellence.
At my first opportunity I will check out LFN.
(BTW, I did like the Besson movie quite a bit.)

Mai, oui Chrisisall


Friday, November 11, 2005 8:11 AM


Okay, my new second favourite (possibly my favourite) is 'Veronica Mars'. It's almost Whedonesque. No, it IS Whedonesque. It could've been written by Joss!

"My days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Friday, December 2, 2005 10:48 AM


Hmmm, that's a toughie. i would probably have to say Wonderfalls. i just love Jay and her cynicsm.

"Put a bullet to me. Bullet in the brain pan, squish."


Friday, December 2, 2005 11:01 AM


Dark Skies was my second I think. It was such a long time ago I watched it I don't know how good the acting was

Anyone who mentions Shakespeare will get a .50 in their ass


Friday, December 2, 2005 7:24 PM


Star Trek the Next Generation. Just watch "Inner Light" and you'll understand.


Friday, December 2, 2005 8:04 PM


It’s hard for me to divide TV shows up that way. I usually define my favorite show as being anything that I’m currently watching, and my second favorite show would be any show that I’m also currently watching, but would not watch in any given week that I don’t have time to watch more then one show. It’s really more an issue of pragmatics and scheduling then an issue of quality.

Dark Angel comes to mind. The first season was pure genius. The second season was not as good. I try to keep my copies of the second season and first season dvds separated by at least one non-Dark Angel dvd for fear that if they touch they will annihilate one another. I’d have to say though that Dark Angel is really the only show during my adult years that I have been as passionate about as Firefly.

The X-files and Buffy are two other tv shows that I also really liked. Whether I liked them more then Dark Angel or Firefly is an interesting question. The X-files and Buffy both ran season after season until they finally devoured themselves with their own stupidity. But there’s the feeling that both the X-files and Buffy got a fair and clean run of it, and that might make it easier to let go. Firefly and Dark Angel were both victims of circumstance and puzzling Fox Network executive decisions, which invariably lead to their untimely cancellation. There’s the possibility that my interest in Firefly and Dark Angel may be biased by nothing more then something like unrequited love; a frustration at having read halfway through a really good novel only to discover that some Fox executive decided not to include the last 100 pages. This is the first time that I’ve ever really thought that hard on it, to be honest.

The last show that I called my favorite was Rome on HBO. That’s gone off and I’m not aware that it will return, but I’m hoping it will. I’d love to see HBO’s probably somewhat fictional take on Marc Anthony’s affair with Cleopatra and Octavian’s war with Brutus and Crassus. Yes, along with Science Fiction, my other amateur interest is ancient history, particularly Post-classical Europe.

But honestly, I just don’t watch tv that much. A lot of the shows that I see people talking about, I’ve never seen, such as Babylon 5, La Femme Nikita, Alias, Deadwood, Twin Peaks, etc. The only one of these that I’ve watched is Alias and I only saw the first episode. As such, I'm a really poor judge of tv shows.

Qui desiderat pacem praeparet bellum.


Friday, December 2, 2005 8:22 PM


Firefly is my second favorite show. Buffy is my very favoritest. Point of interest, Angel is third.


Friday, December 2, 2005 9:15 PM


I refuse to be constrained to listing just my second favourite show. It feels like I would be doing all my other favourite shows a dis-service(is that a word?). I shall therefore attempt to list all my favourite shows in order:

1. Firefly

2. Battlestar Galactica (The new series! although back in the day the old one was my favourite show)

3. Farscape

4. Babylon 5

5. Buffy

6. Star Trek Next Gen

7. Space, Above and Beyond

8. Stargate SG1

9. Angel

10. Band of Brothers deserves to be higher..

11. Stargate Atlantis

12. Star Trek Deep Space nine

13. Star Trek Voyager

14. Star Trek Enterprise

15. Lexx

Hmmm.. I think I have forgotten some.. damn.


Friday, December 2, 2005 9:25 PM


Just a quick response here
For me, Dont have a 2nd instead I have two #1 favs.Firefly/Serenity and Bablyon 5 baby. So far there has never been a epic before or since that matches the diplomatic,military, and raise/fall of empires as B-5. Not to mention the good discussion questions. Key words "Who are you" and "What do you want"

Well I do believe this here qualifys as a reg down home fist fight.


Friday, December 2, 2005 9:57 PM


Wow. I don't think there was one show listed here that I watched besides Dead Like Me.

I'm into much more mainstream choices, sadly. I love Sex and the City (minus season 6), Footballer's wives, and the only show I make sure to catch every week... America's Next Top Model!

Feel free to begin the mocking

"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with until you understand who's in ruttin' command here."


Saturday, December 3, 2005 6:09 AM



Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:

There’s the possibility that my interest in Firefly and Dark Angel may be biased by nothing more then something like unrequited love; a frustration at having read halfway through a really good novel only to discover that some Fox executive decided not to include the last 100 pages. This is the first time that I’ve ever really thought that hard on it, to be honest.

I think you nailed it, in part.
Example: Kung Fu. The show ran 3 seasons and although the third wasn't as great as the first, it was good. It didn't get stupid. Most shows can't say that about themselves.
Firefly might not have gotten stupid, and Dark Angel looked to be in a recovery near the end, but we'll never know now.

"I have something to say, it's better to burn out than to fade away!"

Chrisisall, hoping for a FF/DA crossover TV movie


Saturday, December 3, 2005 11:25 AM


I know, I know... 2nd fav only... but I can't answer this without listing my top five

1. Firefly 2. Buffy 3. Battlestar Galactica (New Series) 4. Doctor Who (2005) 5. Angel

And let me say this... the level of how much I love each of this shows changes very litte from 2-5

~*~ Cheryl
The Nathan Fillion Archives:
CafePress Shops:


Sunday, December 4, 2005 6:12 PM


Dark Angel, Babylon 5, Stargate SG1, Space Above and Beyond, Dr Who, Monty Python are all right up there, but I'd have to say my second favorite was Red Dwarf.

The science in it was actually very good, and it was as funny as Monty Python.

I'd rate Blackadder as my third favorite, ahead of the other mentioned programs. Rowan Atkinson at his absolute best, and if a viewer had knowledge of English history, even more funny.

I have not seen any new Dr Who since the 7th Doctor and the Fox movie, however.


Monday, December 5, 2005 12:23 AM


Thought I posted this once before...

Automan. Dumb as hell, a copy of Tron. But a solo version. It was Matrix before Matrix was Matrix.

Neo in blue just ain't.

Odd. I keep seeing Tron running on continuous loop in computer stores... everywhere I go... will we soon see a Tron remake? Hell, the giant plane-swatting gorilla has come back for the umpteenth time (spoiler: big monkey, kidnapped from habitat, falls in love with blonde, machinegunned by fighterplanes). Pack some tissue in the pockets so you can unpredicatably weep at the end. Hail CGI.

Save some tissue for when they finally remake Casablanca. When that day comes, I'll have a keg of water surgically implanted into my tear glands.

Why? Why not Tron? Automan and cursor just could just might just kinda maybe make an appearance (could be a merger thing).


Nothing new below the sun."


Monday, December 5, 2005 11:40 AM


1) Babylon 5
2) Space: Above and Beyond
3) Firefly
4) Buffy
5) Due South


Deep Thoughts... Jack Handey...

"Whether they ever find life there or not, I think Jupiter should be considered an enemy planet."






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