Did Inara know?

UPDATED: Wednesday, December 7, 2005 08:15
VIEWED: 5185
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Monday, December 5, 2005 1:19 PM


So I was at the pub with a mate last night, and we got to talking about the future of the ‘verse. Of course, both of us would prefer a series: lots more screen time, slower and deeper character development. But we admitted of the possibility that we wouldn’t get that, and so turned to the topic of possible movie sequels.

The possibility that we both agreed on had something to do with Inara’s background. A brief review of some of things (note: some of the things) that we know:

1) We know that Inara is running from something (EDIT: Bushwhacked)
2) We know that she was successful on Sihnon (Heart of Gold)—even in line to be the house priestess (or whatever the title was)—so evidently she is from something, but she is leaving something pretty significant behind.
3) She didn’t get fed up with the lifestyle of a companion, like Nandi did. Not only did she still companion (to use it as a verb), she even said that she could still belong in high society (Shindig).
4) Although she could have shipped out with a luxury liner or some such, she didn’t—she chose a disreputable ship, just like Simon.

We concluded that although Inara enjoyed the life of a companion and high society, something—and something horrible and dangerous—drove her to run, and not just to another location, but to a place where she would always be on the run: Serenity.

My friend mulled this over and rather excited suggested that Inara had been on Miranda when all the bad things happened. She knew the truth, and was running from Parliament. Of course, I rejected this because: 1) Nandi and Inara were together on Sihnon (and Inara grew up there), so Inara couldn’t have been on Miranda; 2) Inara obviously did die and she didn’t become a Reaver, either; the disaster on Miranda was being settled right before the war (which on my reading is about 10-12 years in the past) which would have made Inara much too young.

But this got me thinking: what if, instead of being on Miranda, Inara knew about Miranda. Maybe a “key member of parliament” availed himself of her services and, in the throes of passion (or perhaps shortly thereafter), said something like, “We killed a planet-full of folk and made the Reavers in the process” and then prompted fell asleep. Well, now. That would be something.

Perhaps Inara knew (if not the specifics) at least the general outline of what happened. Somehow she got spooked and started running. Hence, Serenity. Hence, Firefly.

What do you fine folks think of that one?

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.


Monday, December 5, 2005 1:54 PM


Come on, doesn't anyone have a thought about this?

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.


Monday, December 5, 2005 2:08 PM


I t hink that she was not running from something, but rather running to something.

I think as much was mentioned in the commentary, I think by Tim Minear.

I think she liked the ship. Maybe she was on one when she was kid.

Maybe the life she was living(successful or not) was unfulfilling and something on Serenity provided that?

Perhaps Mal? or maybe it was just Freedom that life on that boat would provide?

Maybe it was just my imagination but did she seem nostalgic for the Firefly class ship?

"Jesus saves, everyone else takes damage" -tee shirt some girl was wearing at Megacon. <-my webcomic


Monday, December 5, 2005 2:15 PM


My friend has a theory that Inara is actually a lot older than she is. That she takes something, to keep her young and beautiful. And that the non-suicide syringe...was something to stop the process.

There is evidence. It would explain why Inara left Sihnon. She'd been living there a long time...and if she stayed for another ten years then people would really start to catch on. Thats why she moves about.

When Nandi greets her in "Heart Of Gold" she says "You haven't aged a bit."

In "Out Of Gas" Inara says to Simon "I don't wanna die at all."

I'm not sure why Inara would want to do this...but hey, its a theory with evidence.


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Monday, December 5, 2005 2:20 PM


In the directors commentary for "Out of Gas" Joss says that there's a big clue to what is going on to Inara during her conversation with Simon.
Inara says she loves the ship, has since she first saw it. (Which would tie to your idea that perhaps she was on a Firefly in her childhood.)
Simon says "I just don't want to die on it."
Inara: "I don't want to die at all."

I think perhaps Inara is dying, and that her "Required companion medical exam" during 'Ariel' was actually a cover for some kind of treatment. This would also help explain her insistence in "Our Mrs. Reynolds" that she doesn't need to be examined when she passes out.

I don't think she knew about Miranda. I just don't see how it would be possible.


Monday, December 5, 2005 2:21 PM


I think Inara owned Serenity before Mal. Of course then it was called something else.

The ship symbolizes something so significant to her, she gave up everything she'd come to know just to be close to it. Her choice is known to others familiar of her history...hence Atherting Wing's disdainful reference to it as
doggy poop.


Monday, December 5, 2005 2:28 PM


Another tantilizing tidbit. In Ariel when Kaylee asks Inarra how her exam went, Inarra says "same as last year."


Monday, December 5, 2005 2:52 PM



Originally posted by SameErtia:
This would also help explain her insistence in "Our Mrs. Reynolds" that she doesn't need to be examined when she passes out.

I always assumed this was because she did not want them to know she had succumbed to the same drug as Mal.. she knew she kissed Mal, and might assume and the others would think that.. of course Mal assumes Inara kissed Saffron (clueless

All of these are interesting tho.. I WANT that other series (agree slower and deeper character devlopment) or I want a movie about Inara and I definitely want one about Book...


COME BACK FIREFLY.. gone too soon!!!


Monday, December 5, 2005 3:32 PM


I think there are secrets and practices within the guild which drove Inara away. We know that the Companion Guild is powerful but how did it become so powerful? Courtesans and prostitutes have been used as spies for as long as espionage has existed. I think that certain Companions, the ones who service more powerful clients, are trained to acquire secrets from these clients which the guild could then use to blackmail people. It is entirely possible that the guild became so socially, economically, and possibly politically powerful through extortion.

There’s also the issue how the guild acquires girls. We know that the Companions are partially based on the Geisha. The Geisha houses bought girls and trained them from a young age. It is reasonable to assume that the Companion Guild also buys girls in order to train them as Companions. Now what if the parents don’t want child to be a Companion? Is the guild going to give up? Maybe, if they don’t think the girl is worth it but what if they think that the girl has the potential to become a great Companion? The guild might have other ways of acquiring the girl, perhaps through some dishonorable or insidious methods.

"I swallowed a bug." -River Tam


Monday, December 5, 2005 3:57 PM


Would the guild be a part of Blue Sun in some way? Who knows...

Inara has secrets.. lots of them...remember in the pilot when the suitor says to Inara it must have been hard to leave her world.. the camera holds on her as she looks away and she does not look happy...



Monday, December 5, 2005 4:15 PM



Originally posted by PsychicRiver:
My friend has a theory that Inara is actually a lot older than she is. That she takes something, to keep her young and beautiful. And that the non-suicide syringe...was something to stop the process.

There is evidence. It would explain why Inara left Sihnon. She'd been living there a long time...and if she stayed for another ten years then people would really start to catch on. Thats why she moves about.

When Nandi greets her in "Heart Of Gold" she says "You haven't aged a bit."

In "Out Of Gas" Inara says to Simon "I don't wanna die at all."

I'm not sure why Inara would want to do this...but hey, its a theory with evidence.

God, not the time-travelling/"Time Enough For Love" theory. When will people learn that the likelihood of a theories veracity varies in inverse proportion to its complexity?

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.


Monday, December 5, 2005 5:40 PM


I agree Chindi, I think she was just trying to avoid Simon guessing that she was woozy because she kissed Mal.

Lots of interesting theories about Inara, I hope our sequel ( or series) tells us these things.
And I wanna know about Book too. I was watching "War Stories" again last night and his back story intrigues me... a lot.

I think the theory that interests me the most about Inara is that she is dying of something.
I don't buy the non-aging idea at all.

( Oh, and I didn't get to see the BDM yesterday, but(!) my local movie rental place is saving the BDM poster for me!)

"Don't tell 'em what I did. Make somethin' up." Jayne


Monday, December 5, 2005 6:37 PM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

I agree Chindi, I think she was just trying to avoid Simon guessing that she was woozy because she kissed Mal.

See, I agree that she didn't want anyone to know she'd been foolish enough to kiss Mal and fall victim to the goodnight kiss. But I also think she protests a bit too much. Remember, she's a woman skilled in manipulation, in controlling social situations, and yet, when Simon goes to examine her, she practically chases him away with her protests.

Seemed... out of character, is all.


Monday, December 5, 2005 6:42 PM


Whoo Hoo FollowMal.. free goodies from the local cinema... saving on that cashy money is always a good thing!!!

I didn't go hunting dvds yesterday.. will let the BDM come to me in its own time...

Back to Inara.. I think these theories are verrry interesting... keep em coming.. it helps to pass the time while waiting for the BDM... or.. I COULD watch another episode...

Chindi..moving toward the DVD player... after the Daily Show...

ETA maybeee Samertia.. or maybe she was still drugged... and her defenses were not up to full speed


Monday, December 5, 2005 6:50 PM


Woot! Another fan of "The Daily Show"! Although I'm not watching it I'm watching "Firefly" on my computer while I'm typing. LOL

I am so pleased I'm getting the poster. And the movie rental place is the one I'm getting the "Firefly" DVD's for, so I can spread the word about "Firefly" along with the rentals of "Serenity" The fellow there is a long time friend, and he promised to encourage folks to watch "Serenity" He hasn't seen it or "Firefly" yet, but I know him, as soon as he does he will be hooked immediately and he's in a unique position to promote our BDH's.

Good day, good day!

"See, this is another sign of your tragic space dementia, all paranoid and crotchety. Breaks the heart." Mal


Monday, December 5, 2005 6:54 PM


ahhh it is insideous.. and inevitable.. he will become a browncoat..and another independent will join the ranks...


so FollowMal, what TIME zone do you find yourself in?? I am PST...

"Now morbid and creepifying I got no problem with..."


Monday, December 5, 2005 7:04 PM


I am in the Central Time Zone.

I live in Missouri, the good ole Show Me State.

I actually don't think I'm missing " The Daily Show" yet, I think it comes on again at 10:00 or 10:30 here.

Do you like The Colbert Report as well?

And your right, Gene ( guy at the movie place) doesn't stand a chance. HaHa ( Mine is an evil laugh!)

Is this what is called "hijacking a thread?" lol

Good night, gotta run to catch the phone!

"See, this is another sign of your tragic space dementia, all paranoid and crotchety. Breaks the heart." Mal


Monday, December 5, 2005 10:52 PM


I think that if there is a sequel, we will find out Book's secret...but as for Inara's secret? I doubt we'll learn that until the third movie, if there is one.

Im also certain that either Inara or Mal will die in the third movie.


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Tuesday, December 6, 2005 2:06 AM


I thought books past was explored pretty much in depth in serenity through the operative. So I don't see how his past can be explored further in future releases.


Tuesday, December 6, 2005 4:18 AM


I think you are right, PsychicRiver.. either Mal or Inara will die with the end of this story.

Nathan Fillion has said in Entertainment Weekly, and I'm paraphrasing here... that he doesn't really want Mal to go on like Bond or something, and he hopes when the story ends, Mal will end.
I have to say I agree, as much as that thought pains me, only these actors can play these characters and I for one don't want the story without them.

(My hope is that we will have a continuation of the story for a loooonnnnggg time though!)

"I'm going to the special hell..." Mal


Tuesday, December 6, 2005 5:02 AM


Of all the Inara theories here, I buy the one that she's dying the most. There was also a thread posted somewhere on the idea that she's committed a murder and is sort in hiding for that. Based on a few of the comments that she makes throughout the series, I think that's a fairly compelling theory too (basically, she killed in self-defense, bringing back in the "I don't want to die at all" comment, and although it's perhaps justifiable, it was a member of Parliament or somesuch). If someone knows where that thread is, let me know; wouldn't mind re-reading it.

I'm pretty sure that the business in "Our Mrs. Reynolds" is comic relief and some folks are are reading too much significance into it.

As for Book, I have a feeling that we won't see too much more of him, although Whedon is supposedly doing another comic mini-series that would be set during the continuity of the show, so we might see hints there.

"Here's how it might've been..."


Tuesday, December 6, 2005 5:21 AM


Hi - I have more Inara guessing to throw in the mix, but first ...

I like the idea of her being drawn to the Firefly ship, like she's been on one before. That hadn't occurred to me but it makes sense. Maybe it could be related to something else I've noticed:

Inara seems to have a strong reaction anytime families are mentioned. On Bushwhacked, when they say there were families on the wrecked ship, OMR when Mal is in her cabin hiding from Saffron, and in HoG when she talks about being drawn into a family, and she'd rather leave Firefly instead. I think there's bad family background. I don't know what exactly, maybe she lost her family, or they are still alive but in danger somehow, or maybe she can't have children (part of the staying young or terminally ill theories?)

Whatever Inara's secret is, I so wish Joss could reveal it over a full season of episodes!

Ask Dr. Science ... he knows more than you do.
"I have a Master's degree ... in science!"


Tuesday, December 6, 2005 5:32 AM


First off, a nitpick to the original posting: I don't get where Inara is supposed to be on the run--I've just rewatched "Out of Gas", and I didn't spot any telltales.

A simple but logical explanation for Inara's wanderings is presented in the novelization, where it is suggested that she was on what could be called a scouting mission. With Unification, and the opening up of new territories for the Companion's Guild, it was necessary for someone to explore the new markets, unless the Guild wanted to cede them all to unlicensed whores, and allow the attitudes that accompany suchlike to contaminate half the 'Verse. In this case, Inara's unwillingness to discuss her reasons for departure can be explained as a simple wish not to tip her hand, the same reasons restaurant critics don't announce their arrival in advance.

It's possible also that this mission was self-imposed, due to some secret desire on Inara's part to escape the restrictions of Guild life, at least for a while.

As for the mystery needle, at this point we may never know.

"She's tore up plenty. But she'll fly true." -- Zoë Washburn


Tuesday, December 6, 2005 5:53 AM


There’s also the issue how the guild acquires girls. We know that the Companions are partially based on the Geisha. The Geisha houses bought girls and trained them from a young age. It is reasonable to assume that the Companion Guild also buys girls in order to train them as Companions. Now what if the parents don’t want child to be a Companion? Is the guild going to give up? Maybe, if they don’t think the girl is worth it but what if they think that the girl has the potential to become a great Companion? The guild might have other ways of acquiring the girl, perhaps through some dishonorable or insidious methods -----------------

Badger was inspecting a youngish girl in the begining of the pilot/serenity ... she wasnt 12 but she could have been a companion prospectus

"Dear God In Heaven!" - Plastic Dinosaur


Tuesday, December 6, 2005 6:37 AM


Rocketjock, to your point about "Out of Gas," I agree that there's nothing obvious in the episode itself, but if you watch it with commentary, there's a comment made (I believe by Whedon, but I could be mistaken) that there's a hint in the scene where Simon and Inara are talking concerning Inara's past/backstory. There's also mention in the commentary (possibly the same episode/scene, but I don't recall), that someone like Inara doesn't necessarily need to be on a ship like Serenity, so that means she's probably either running away from or to something.

(For the record, the whole "running" idea, mentioned by the man himself, sort of debunks the admittedly-interesting idea that Inara has a strong connection with a Firefly in general or Serenity in particular).

I read the novel and didn't necessarily take away that Inara was on a "scouting expedition." Quite the contrary. I remember reading that she did whatever it was that she did to leave (which remains vague), and THEN the Guild took her back as an instructor because she has "real life" experience that many of the other instructors don't. As the Guild pushes out further and further, companions have to deal with situations very different from what they'd be trained for on Sinhon, and someone like Inara has the experience to help prepare them. Don't recall any mention of a scouting mission, though (if you remember where it was, let me know... I actually think I have the novel with me and can check it out at lunch).


Tuesday, December 6, 2005 7:02 AM


All story-internal considerations aside, that would be just plain bad writing; you don't attach two significant subplots to the same idea (Miranda). If there's one thing I haven't found the slightest trace of in Firefly/Serenity, it's bad writing. Sure, River had somewhat of a Buffy moment when

Select to view spoiler:

she faced that whole room full of Reavers on her own and killed them all

and I thought that was just a little too exaggerated, but hey, it looked so fucking cool I won't complain.

What a sequel must not be is anything like the first movie. Attaching another storyline to Miranda would be silly. We know its significance now, it's an important bit of 'verse background, but that's that. Miranda's done, let's move on.

What I *am* afraid of is how they'd handle the "over-powered central character" thing in a potential sequel. Not that I don't trust Joss to handle it decently, but let's say I wouldn't like to be in his position if he gets to write a sequel.

Oh hell, who am I kidding, of course I'd love to be in his position ;P


Tuesday, December 6, 2005 7:42 AM


Inara is obviously running from something, just like everyone on the ship. The difference between Inara & Book and everyone else, is that we don't know what they were running from. And unless the show comes back we never will.

See, the thing is, that in Serenity, Inara's back of Sihnon (I think). Why would she return if what she's running from is there?


Tuesday, December 6, 2005 8:02 AM


Hm, milk, cookies and Inara have kept you up at night?

You guys are all coming up with great ideas!!!...

I love the idea that perhaps, she had inside info about Miranda. Clearly, she's not running from the guild because when she leaves Serenity, she goes "HOME"...

I have my own personal theory about Inara, but first, lets see these great ideas that have come up (with my take on them).

(You haven't aged a bit) Actually, she stayed in nice, controled environments where Nandy is in the rough and tumble with desert conditions. And not close to beauty products (it's a poor planet-all the cash being sucked by the most powerful). I don't believe Inara is dying. And if she is, then we are all dying!

(Required companion medical exam-same as last year) Inara would not lie about that to the crew if it can be verified, if such a lie could be exposed. Compagnons have money, make money, want to keep their place in High Society. I believe they would put Health and medical treatment at a high priority for all companions. It's good business to stay Pretty...

(Atherting Wing's disdainful for the ship)this is just what keeps Inara from him, her home, so of course he wants her to change her mind... He's just a guy trying to get some...

(secrets and practices within the guild which drove Inara away) Inara leaves Serenity to go back to the guild. Of course, she doesn't see the House as Home. It isn't home for her, perhaps never was.

(PYCHICRIVER :Im also certain that either Inara or Mal will die in the third movie...)

I also believe this will not become the James Bond of space... And that Malcolm Reynolds is the series, is the franchise.

My theory about Inara lies in one simple gesture. It's the threat of Reavers taking over the ship in the pilot-Serenity.

My Damselle-in-distress-Defense-Mode goes off every single time I see it: Inara moves her hand to her thighs... To me, that suggests a horrible fear of rape. And a fairly recent event also. Had it been a childhood thing, it would have made her angry, bitter, something. Inara is confident, smart and funny and only glimpses of her secrets show up. I see it as happenning moments before she left the guild to board Serenity.

This being said, the culprit may be linked to Inara's knowledge of Miranda for all I know...



Tuesday, December 6, 2005 8:45 AM



Originally posted by GWEK:
If someone knows where that thread is, let me know; wouldn't mind re-reading it.

Is it the "My Big Damn Inara Theory" thread in Firefly Episode Discussions?

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


Tuesday, December 6, 2005 8:57 AM


My understanding of the events in Serenity (BDM) is that Inara did NOT return to Sihnon. Instead, she became a teacher (professor?) at a satellite Guild school somewhere out on the frontier.

We certainly don't see any evidence that Inara's school is anywhere close to "civilization" as depicted in Ariel. Also, it seems unlikely she would have mentioned "trouble with the locals" if she were referring to Sihnon.

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


Tuesday, December 6, 2005 1:11 PM



Originally posted by mal4prez:
Inara seems to have a strong reaction anytime families are mentioned. On Bushwhacked, when they say there were families on the wrecked ship, OMR when Mal is in her cabin hiding from Saffron, and in HoG when she talks about being drawn into a family, and she'd rather leave Firefly instead. I think there's bad family background. I don't know what exactly, maybe she lost her family, or they are still alive but in danger somehow, or maybe she can't have children (part of the staying young or terminally ill theories?)

It is quite possible that Inara was sold by her family to the Companion Guild.

"I swallowed a bug." -River Tam


Tuesday, December 6, 2005 1:32 PM



Originally posted by RocketJock:
First off, a nitpick to the original posting: I don't get where Inara is supposed to be on the run--I've just rewatched "Out of Gas", and I didn't spot any telltales.

Yeah...that was Bushwhacked.

I selflessly turned use both into wanted fugitives.

Well. We're all running from something I suppose.

Corrected in the original post above. Note that it doesn't change the fact that Inara is running from something, regardless of what episode she said it in.

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.


Tuesday, December 6, 2005 9:30 PM


There are some interesting tidbits in a deleted scene on the Serenity DVD...

Want to know? Read ahead...otherwise steer clear of these *DVD EXTRA'S SPOILERS*

In a conversation between Inara and someone named Sheydra at the whore academy, we get some interesting commentary on the former's history. It seems many of the up-and-coming space hookers look upon Inara as "a figure of great romance," and that she's "seen so much." Also Inara had been training to be a companion from age 12. The sleep-over cadets even trade stories about her, including one about her and a certain pirate. Inara takes her cue to freak out when she hears that.


Wednesday, December 7, 2005 8:15 AM



Originally posted by Giantevilhead:

Originally posted by mal4prez:
Inara seems to have a strong reaction anytime families are mentioned. On Bushwhacked, when they say there were families on the wrecked ship, OMR when Mal is in her cabin hiding from Saffron, and in HoG when she talks about being drawn into a family, and she'd rather leave Firefly instead. I think there's bad family background. I don't know what exactly, maybe she lost her family, or they are still alive but in danger somehow, or maybe she can't have children (part of the staying young or terminally ill theories?)

It is quite possible that Inara was sold by her family to the Companion Guild.

"I swallowed a bug." -River Tam

hmm, possible. Maybe we'll meet her family one day. Could be interesting!

Ask Dr. Science ... he knows more than you do.
"I have a Master's degree ... in science!"






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