Serenity Region 2 Exclusive Content

UPDATED: Thursday, October 19, 2006 17:41
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Friday, December 9, 2005 8:02 AM


Just found the following information out about the Region 2 release of Serenity at

It reads:

One of the best sci-fi films of the year, Serenity, is coming to DVD on February 27 – and the UK is to get some bonus material not included on the US release because we're Joss' favourites.

As well as his introduction (which screening audiences will already have seen) and his commentary, there are also nine deleted scenes (finally, Inara gets some screen time) and outtakes. Featurettes cover the history of the 500 years between now and Serenity, the visual effects and the journey of the crew from cancelled TV show to feature film. But the real news is that we in the UK are going to get A Filmmaker's Journey, following Joss from script to screen, in a 20-minute documentary that won't appear on the US disc.

Check back nearer the time for the Empire review of the DVD release.


Friday, December 9, 2005 9:31 AM


Can i purchase a region 2 DVD copy and have it work on my DVD machine here? Pretty much sucks that a cool "Making of with Joss" is not slotted to appear on our US version? What's up with that? We watched 25 million worth of that movie in the US?

Little frustrated...sorry


Friday, December 9, 2005 11:24 AM


A number of reasons. The feature might not have been reading in time to get the US DVD out for Xmas, Universal know some people in the UK will import the DVD from America and want to try to get them to buy a Region 2 version when it comes out there too. And probably visa-versa, USA browncoats might shell out for a second copy with a new feature.

Anyway, to answer your question: yes, if you have a multi-region/region-free DVD player. If you don't, then your player might have a built-in code to unlock it and let it watch DVDs from any region. Just search the net for DVD region-free hacks and see if you can find your model listed somewhere. I did it to let my mum's DVD player play Region 1 discs and it wasn't difficult once I found the code for her model. Alternatively, if you have a DVD drive on your PC, you should be able to find a small piece of software to unlock the region encoding on your drive, allowing you to watch Region 2 movies on your PC. Again, this will depend on your model.


Friday, December 9, 2005 11:34 AM



Originally posted by TheDuke333:
Can i purchase a region 2 DVD copy and have it work on my DVD machine here? Pretty much sucks that a cool "Making of with Joss" is not slotted to appear on our US version? What's up with that? We watched 25 million worth of that movie in the US?

Little frustrated...sorry

Region 2 is PAL, so unless you have a PAL DVD player, you will only be able to watch it on your computer


Friday, December 9, 2005 12:30 PM


I used to think that too...

I bought some PAL Danger Mouse DVDs in London and they play just fine on the DVD player in my livingroom connected to a standard US/NTSC TV.

If the player can deal with the reagon coding, that seems to be the only barrier. The signal is encoded from the DVD into whatever the player outputs.

Might end up with bars on the sides or the top/bottom or a stretched image though.

FOX Execs...


Friday, December 9, 2005 12:35 PM


Why where Regions used in the first place? Was it a way to restrict export/imports of DVDs, as well as keep control on blackmarket copies?

Anyone who mentions Shakespeare will get a .50 in their ass


Friday, December 9, 2005 12:45 PM



Originally posted by dc4bs:
I used to think that too...

I bought some PAL Danger Mouse DVDs in London and they play just fine on the DVD player in my livingroom connected to a standard US/NTSC TV.

If the player can deal with the reagon coding, that seems to be the only barrier. The signal is encoded from the DVD into whatever the player outputs.

Might end up with bars on the sides or the top/bottom or a stretched image though.

FOX Execs...

very dvd player and tv play PAL VCDs fine


Friday, December 9, 2005 1:37 PM


Basically yeah, and also to protect cinema releases since I'm not sure if you know but by the time a lot of big films come out here in the UK it's only a few weeks until they come out on DVD in the USA. Much cheaper to import a DVD than for a group of people to go to the cinema and buy overpriced food and sit with noisy kids. So the regions mean you (in theory) can't see the DVD until it's out in your country, so if you want to see a movie any time soon you'll need to go to the cinema with your friends.

That's just my assumption though, sounds reasonable to me.


Friday, December 9, 2005 3:17 PM


Exactly. For the most part it worked too.

But more and more people are catching on and it's much easier to get region-free players now. That's one of the many reasons movies are dumping to DVD so much faster than they used to.

I remember waiting a year or more for movies to go to tape. Now it seams like most come out in two or three months or so.

Some never have come out that I know of - EG: Turner bought the 70s musical version of Lost Horizons and has sat on it since... I finaly found a vhs bootleg version on Ebay that actualy had some scenes that were cut from the final movie. Mom loved it.

FOX Execs...


Friday, December 9, 2005 4:43 PM


Read this on DigitalSpy. It was the MAIN headline. Found it a bit suspicious and had a sneaky feeling someone at DS was a Browncoat.


Friday, December 9, 2005 5:36 PM


There are sites on the net that provide codes for some DVD players that will make them multi regional or you can have your player chipped.


Friday, December 9, 2005 11:15 PM


Sorry to say... nothing I have seen so far comes close to the Australian content:

- The film itself
- Deleted Scenes
- Outtakes
- Future History: That Story of Earth That Was
- What's In A Firefly
- Re-lighting The Firefly
- Joss Whedon Introduction
- Feature Commentary
- Easter Egg - We'll Have A Fruity Oaty Good Time
- A Filmmakers Journey: Journey with Joss from Script to Screen (this will be on all international DVDs but not the US version)

DISC 2 (at present, this disc is exclusive to Australia and Benelux - Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg - only but other international territories may decide to release the 2nd disc as well)
- Joss Whedon Q&A Session filmed at FOX Studios in Sydney
- Extended Scenes
- Take a Walk on Serenity: Cast & Crew take us on a special tour of the Serenity ship
- The Green Clan: Feature on Cinematographer Jack Green and his team

Looks damn good to me... but not out until February...



Friday, December 9, 2005 11:29 PM


I'm pretty sure the U.S. version of the DVD will cost significantly less, as is the usual case. Because of this, more and more British folks are getting multi-region DVD players (not expensive at all) and ordering all their DVDs from the States. This may be a measure to discourage that.

I think this will also mean the death of region encoding in the future.

People here in England get ripped off in general. The mark-up on most stuff is just unjustifiable, and I think the Internet is making that a whole lot clearer.

By the way, you can also watch Region 2s on a PlayStation, if you have it modded out.

And if you think about it, this is also an ingenius way to get hard-core fans to buy three different versions.


Friday, December 9, 2005 11:50 PM


Most DVD players will come with PAL/NTSC compatibility on board becasue it saves them making two or more units. Same with region coding. They make one unit with all the codes and then just select the one they need for that particular country.

We in the UK get ripped off a lot. When DVDs first became known R1 discs would have lots of extras but R2 would just be a vanilla release.
R2 would also cost a lot more. I got the first Matrix movie from the US through my door two days after it opened on the cinemas here. It only cost about £11 as well. Thats roughly two ticket prices.
Music CDs are a fine example. We get a "Special Edition" disc which will have a couple of extra tracks (sometimes crap that wouldn't have made the CD anyway) over other releases. They then charge extra money for it of course.

Like someone said release dates are getting closer as well. Far more films open in the cinema on the same weekend these days, or like Serenity a week after the US release.

"These times they are-a-changin'."


Saturday, December 10, 2005 12:57 AM


Well, digital media is removing a lot of barriers.

Used to be, only so many copies of the film were printed.

after the theaters in one area were through showing em, ship em to the next.

Took for ever to get around the globe.

Now with digital theaters, they just send a dvd to them and away they go. So much cheaper than film reels.

So much faster too. With broadband, they can eve do without the physical media hving to be shipped at all... Theaters just get the movie streamed onto a local harddisk and project it straight from there...

You dont have to wait for all those reels to get shipped all over the world and back before you release a film to DVD now because prety much, everyone who is gonna see it in the theaters already has within the first couple months or so.

As an added bonus, the advertising for the theater release is still prety fresh in peoples minds (in some cases even still up on billboards and such). Studios can spend less on the DVD release and still get prety good coverage.

FOX Execs...


Saturday, December 10, 2005 12:58 AM


Serenity Australian DVD

$28.00 + $10 Shipping to US... thats about $21 and $7.50 American...

and looks like its Region Free, too.


Saturday, December 10, 2005 6:43 AM


Being in Canada, which being a close relative of the US, this news is not good to me....I hope you enjoy it UK. Don't gloat too much!!!


Saturday, December 10, 2005 6:48 AM


If the DVD sells well enough, Universal could release a 2-Disc Special Edition version later on to include the extra content showing up in other regions. It's been done plenty. And it might bring in some extra sales.


Saturday, December 10, 2005 10:41 PM


If'n anyone needs one, I happened across a region-free DVD player for ~$30 at

I've ordered from these guys before - not the greatest company in the world (and their site-design is HORRENDOUS - don't use more than one window/tab at a time on their site if you're going to order anything!), but they're okay. I ordered a big-ass 21" refurb monitor for my vision-impared wife this summer and somehow DHL "lost" it on the last leg of the journey (it arrived at the local depot, but somehow never made it to my door - just how does one "lose" anything so friggin' big and heavy?!?). Took nearly two months of harrassing the company I ordered from on every e-mail address I could find, but I finally got a replacement. Prior to that I had no probs with them.

Despite that - for just $30, it's probably worth a shot if you need a simple international DVD solution. I'm considering it -- even though I know I could probably make a region-free copy of the DVD on my PC, it'd just be quicker and easier this way...

There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary, and those who don't.
If ignorance is bliss, why aren't there more happy people? (DUHbya would be smilin' out his a$$...)


Saturday, December 10, 2005 11:00 PM


Well loyal browncoat i am I'm already buying like 5 copies of the region 1. I for one am a little hurt that the US isnt getting all the special features. Am i the only one? Sure I'm hopeful that there will be another release, but ouch!


Sunday, December 11, 2005 12:17 PM


Good thing my dvd player is about ten days from crapping out on me, now I have an excuse to by a multi-region player and an extra copy of Serenity.


Sunday, December 11, 2005 4:09 PM


And thus we have optimism. Oh wait, no we don't. Joking matey, all I will say is that who would have thought that a TV series that had only 10 episodes aired would have itself a movie on the big screen.

I'm sure there are films that have done worse and still spawned sequels...

Maybe Serenity didn't blow everything else out of the water but I don't think she's sunk yet. Maybe the DVD sales will be amazing, maybe they won't - surely we all just have to wait and see how much those sales will affect the outcome...

Plus with the amount of time and attention Whedon has put into this project, I'm sure it won't just die...


Sunday, December 11, 2005 6:48 PM


Well, I started another reply to this, but it got so big (and I didn't have time to properly edit my rambling self) that I posted it separately ( Go read at least the last third or so of it (a couple paragraphs above the numbered list I have in there), consider that movie theater attendance has long been in a downward spiral (you can damned well bet the studios know this) for everything but "guaranteed" hits, and I think you'll see there's still quite a bit of reason to have hope left.

Universal needs to see this isn't just a flash in the pan. Believe me when I say the studios are intensely aware of how the fan support for Star Trek kept it alive until a movie was finally released over a decade after the show's cancellation. They know what a long-term cash cow the franchise turned out to be for Paramount and any half-witted studio exec would love to duplicate that success.

They're ALL looking for the next "guaranteed" money makers like Star Trek, Star Wars, and Harry Potter (and apparently they are so few and far between that they had to go back and make yet another "Rocky" - uhg!). Universal knows they have something here that -- while not quite able to reach the same level of general popularity as those others -- could still make some decent money in the long haul due to the dedication of the fan base. It's just not quite as obvious how well it'll do in the long term because there's never been a series quite like it. Let's face it -- as much as I love Firefly, it ain't exactly what I'd call "family-friendly." As such it just can't expect to reach for the same levels of general popularity as the three franchises mentioned above (even though it's far better than any of them), but that doesn't mean the audience that IS there for it isn't sizable enough to be worth investing in.

If the DVDs continue to sell on their own long after the show and BDM have come and gone, then they'll know there's probably something there that they can capitalize on. We just need to continue recruiting and getting people to buy the DVDs (which usually isn't all that hard once they've "gotten it") so that the "true believers" within Universal can have something to show the bean counters.

The rest can and WILL happen if we just keep positive about it.

There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary, and those who don't.
If ignorance is bliss, why aren't there more happy people? (DUHbya should be smilin' out his a$$...)


Monday, December 12, 2005 2:57 AM


I've mentioned this before, but anyone interested in a region free (multi-region) dvd player, I HIGHLY recommend the Philips DVP-642. It's $58 at Walmart, and I saw where Target lowered their price to $60 the other day (if you hate shopping at Walmart). This player is da bomb. It can play AVI Divx files AND mpeg files, as well as the usual assortment of mp3 and picture formats. It can also play NTSC or PAL discs. Here's how to make the player region free:

1. Turn on the player.
2. Open the tray.
3. Press the following sequence on the remote:
7 8 9 OK 0
4. The number 0 will appear on the lower left side of your screen.
5. Your player is now region free! Put in a DVD and enjoy! :)

NOTE: The 0 in the sequence above represents the region code. 0 = region free. If you want to change your player to just a specific region code, replace the 0 with the region number you want.

I have two of these DVD players, and I'm thinking about buying a 3rd for another TV in the house. It's wonderful to be able to buy DVDs from all over the world. I have the new Doctor Who DVD series 1 from the UK, the uncut DVD of Kill Bill Vol. 1 from Japan, and the widescreen version of Remo Williams from Korea.


Zoë: "Preacher, dont the bible have some pretty specific things to say about killing?"

Book: "quite specific. It is however somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps"


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 1:29 AM



Us in the uk are in for a real treat.

This seems to happen alot actually with DVD, we get a few more features than you guys over the pond.

IE; Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy dvd, we had an exclusive srecond disc with a documentary on the conception/making etc that was a uk exclusive.

dunno why, maybe they like us better


Sunday, January 1, 2006 8:21 AM


I can waith until it get here on region 2. I have the dvd on region 1 from USA. And I life in Denmark.
few more features of course here - ON it.


Sunday, January 1, 2006 8:33 AM



Originally posted by kaylee86:
I can waith until it get here on region 2. I have the dvd on region 1 from USA. And I life in Denmark.
few more features of course here - ON it.

Do you have a release date yet? Germany is still in the dark... (I'll try to get my hands on a UK copy anyway)

°°°°°°°°°°°° - my selfmade ambient/lounge/chillout music


Sunday, January 1, 2006 8:37 AM


I think is come the one of the firste days in February. maybe I not sour of data.


Thursday, October 19, 2006 4:33 PM



Originally posted by SadLittleKing:
If the DVD sells well enough, Universal could release a 2-Disc Special Edition version later on to include the extra content showing up in other regions. It's been done plenty. And it might bring in some extra sales.

I would TOTALLY spend more money for a second copy of Serenity IF it had the extras not previously on the Region 1 release! I want to see Summer Glau training for her fights and I want to see the explaination for the changes between the BDS Serenity and the BDM Serenity!

Fe'nos Tol
JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD

Self appointed Forsaken! Been on the list for a while now!
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.
"Look at me, I'm STUPID!" The Doctor.


Thursday, October 19, 2006 5:41 PM


Please Universal, release it ... US and Canadian Browncoats want the special stuff too, we rought in the highest $$

//breathe today So many lies s w i r l i n g
All A R O U N D You
you're S U F F O C A T I N G
the e m p t y shape in Y O U
s t e a l s your b r e a t h






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