What turned you onto Firefly?

UPDATED: Tuesday, December 13, 2005 15:43
VIEWED: 4187
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Tuesday, December 13, 2005 7:27 AM


I am a new fan. After Read many posts on this board, I have noticed quite a bit of animosity towards traditional Sci Fi (SW, ST, ETC.) So this got me to wondering why everyone started watching the show? Is it Joss? Was it Sci Fi? Was it A freinds recomendation?
For me it was all three. I was a Buffy fan from day one. A Sci fi Fan, I try not to get too geeky about it but I did make the midnight shows for the three SW Prequels. I Watched the DVD set on a freinds constant nagging to watch them. I was not suprised that I liked them.

How About everyone else?

Only the half mad are wholly alive!


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 7:45 AM


Yep, I like lots of other SF, in the movie, TV, and written forms.

I tuned in because I had liked Buffy and Angel. The shot that hooked me was the end of the opening credits, where Serenity buzzes the stampeding herd of horses. (I waited all through the series and that shot never shows up!)

My cat likes Jayne because he kills things.


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 7:50 AM


I'm a sci-fi fan (thats not a dirty word) But I feel that alot of sci-fi is mostly dog-and-pony show effects and concept with not alot of charcter development. I was into Babylon 5 for a long time, The characters had weakness, love, vice, regret, compassion, morals, inadaquacies(sp?), saddness....all the ranges of emotion. and the storyline was a slowly opening, deliberate treat. But there is something about the Human interaction in Firefly that gets into your heart. The sci-fi setting is just that, a setting. The characters would be just as likable and enthralling if it were set in a hospital, beverly hills, or a police station. I was trying to think of my LEAST favorite character in the show... Its hard, and even when you can single them down. The Giant vaccuum that would exist in their absence would hinder every plot and all other interactions between all other characters... But to answer your question, I saw a matinee of the BDM one day and had to go back for the series... Hooked almost immediatly, I was.

"Dear God In Heaven!" - Plastic Dinosaur


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 7:53 AM


First and foremost, welcome aboard Mtnscott!! I've been on board for about 4 weeks now and I love it here, and I'm sure you'll find this place as a good home.

As to your question, I am a fan of Sci-Fi anyway. However, I was unfortunate enough not to know about this show when it was on Fox (or Faux), because I somehow missed the little advertising for it that there was. I wasn't aware of the show until I saw the movie. The preview clips and commercials for Serenity caught my attention and I had noticed that most of the reviews were outstanding, so I wanted to see what the fuss was about. Only then did I come to find out that it was a show a few years ago (some people in the movie theatre told me about it). Once I saw the movie, I went on a hunt to find out as much as I could about the show. One of the Browncoats at the movie had mentioned that the Sci-Fi channel is now showing re-runs, so I watch it when it comes on. I went on the internet and did a search, and found this website...and I've been blessed to have met the people here! And in talking to another friend of mine, who I recruited onto this site as well, he happened to have the DVD set and had been showing me the series. I'm now going to go out soon and buy the set myself so that my monies will go to prove to someone out there that this show needs to be revived.


"Ten percent of nuthin' is...let me do the math here...nuthin' into nuthin'...carry the nuthin'"


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 8:00 AM


What turned me on to Firefly? Well, I'm almost ashamed to admit it, but it was the preview for the BDM. After I saw that, things just sort of snowballed. I watched the Sci-Fi channel special on the making of the movie, watched one episode, and went to see the BDM the first weekend. Well, to put it mildly, I was hooked. As in, "Reel me in and fillet me" hooked.

It's been an interesting few months. I begged for the series DVD's for my birthday, saw the movie three times, and have spent a good portion of my waking hours on this site and, reading fanfic and ruminating on the chances of another movie and/or season. I hope I can keep this enthusiasm up for a good long while, 'cause I'm having a lot of fun with this world.

Viva la Firefly!


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 8:12 AM


What got me to watch it was that I knew this new show from Joss Whedon was coming on. That may be different than what "turned me on" about it. It took three episodes for me to get sold on the concept. If they had shown the original pilot first, it would have only taken one. Anyway, the most impressive thing to me was Joss' ability to create a show which had 9 characters in one relatively small location and still make them distinctive and give them stories where all 9 were developed. I think that's an extraordinary achievement and it made me respect Joss as a writer/creator even more. And of course, Tim Minear and the other writers get a lot of credit too.


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 9:00 AM


I'm a big Buffy fan. I enjoyed Angel, and when I saw that Fox had a sci-fi western made by Joss, I had to watch.

However, Fox's evil ways made short work of me. I'm very fickle about my TV watching. Once I start watching something, it pretty much has to be on every week, at the same time, or my dumb forgetful brain forgets about it. So when Fox screwed up the schedule, I promptly forgot about the show.

Fast forward about a year. A guy that worked at one of the companies for which I contracted computer work offered to sell me the Firefly DVD's for $20. I had seen them on the shelf at Best Buy about a week prior, and was waiting for a paycheck to buy it, so I bought it from him that day. I went home, and watched the whole set over the course of 3 days.

Fast forward to January. I run across an article on the internet that mentions they're pushing the release of Serenity back to Sept. 30. Serenity? What the hell is that? The artwork looked interesting, so I looked it up. Seeing a feature film of Firefly blew me away. I had no idea anything like that was happening.

After finding out about the movie, I took it upon myself to recruit as many friends of mine as I could nito the Firefly world. As of right now, my influence has directly converted 6 people, and indirectly another 20+. I only made 2 hardcore believers, but that's not too shabby.

So there you have it; how I got sucked into Firefly.


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 10:30 AM



Originally posted by Haidon:

However, Fox's evil ways made short work of me. I'm very fickle about my TV watching. Once I start watching something, it pretty much has to be on every week, at the same time, or my dumb forgetful brain forgets about it. So when Fox screwed up the schedule, I promptly forgot about the show.

Fox has this problem every year, with many people. The Start of the TV season always is interupted by the World Series, and the new shows are sporadically shown, at best, for the first two to three weeks of the season. Viewers have already settled on thier viewing habits before fox's shows are on a consistant schedule, or have started at all. This is what has happened with Arrested Developement. (Funniest show on TV EVER)

Only the half mad are wholly alive!


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 10:36 AM


I like Star Wars (the originals; very lukewarm about the prequels) and a couple of other things, but generally, I'm not big on sci-fi, especially TV series. I missed FF when it originally aired, but being a huge Joss fan, I really wanted to give it a try once I heard about it. But since I wasn't willing to spend $35 or so on DVDs of a show I'd never seen and might not like, I sadly had to wait until the Sci-Fi Channel started showing the re-runs this summer. Needless to say, by the end of the second week (part 2 of "Serenity") I was already shopping for the best deal on the DVD set...


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 10:38 AM


The ship had the same name as me.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 11:12 AM


I loved Buffy and Angel so when I heard Joss was doing a SF series I was excited. We watched up until Jaynestown when we lost track due to various Fox pre-emptions and real world schedules.

The next thing I knew it had been cancelled. I grabbed the DVD set and quickly realized that this was an even better show than I remembered and the rest, as they say, is history.

Simon: You are my beautiful sister.
River: I- I threw up on your bed.
Simon: Yep. Definitely my sister.


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 11:55 AM



I was a big Joss fan, I loved Buffy and Angel, but I avoided Firefly like the plague. I guess I was bitter, 'cause it was taking so much of his time away from Buffy and Angel and, also, the words "space cowboys" scared the living beejeesus outta me. I avoided it for years.

But I wrote the guides for Buffy/Angel over at a website, where some members were Firefly fans and I figured I couldn't avoid writing Firefly guides forever. Cut to May this year when I finally caved and got the DVDs. I mean, hell, it was only fourteen episodes, even if it sucked, right?

I watched it and promptly fell in love. Then I came online and found that there was gonna be a movie later this year. I was hooked. I don't think I've watched Buffy or Angel since May. Which is a scary thought.

"He's hurting a woman, he really *is* a bad guy... and I wouldn't call him a gentleman."
- Kyle, 9, watching 'Serenity'.


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 12:16 PM


Only had a vague awareness of the show when it came out on FOX but I work evenings and based on the lame adds, I couldn't be bothered to try to tape it...

Now I have a ReplayTV (like TiVo) so when I heard about it being on Sci-Fi I recorded Heart of Gold. I thought it was prety good.

The following week I recorded Objects In Space. When I finished watching that, I found and orded the DVD set within the next 20 minutes or so.

Box set arrived on the following Tuesday. Watched it from Tuesday-Friday night. Pre-orded the movie Friday night and then saw it Saturday afternoon at a local 3rd run theater ($2 matinee).

Found out about the comic series and RPG game and now have those as well. Have orderd most of the other Firefly related books and stuff at Amazon and pre-orded the Australian Serenity DVD yesterday (has 2nd disk with extra content in that release).

Also got an awesome Serenity sticker from Artcat that is now on the back of my truck. She has a website with smaller stickers but only sells the big one I got on Ebay as far as I can tell.

FOX Execs...


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 12:32 PM


I've always been a Sci-Fi fan. Read Heinlen and Asimov as a kid, watched the "original re-runs" of Star Trek in the late 60's and animated version on TV in the early 70's, loved Star Wars. I came to Buffy rather late, because I actually liked the delightfully cheesy movie, and thought the series would be a poor rip-off. Then I read an article in Newsweek about the show, it's depth and cult following, and I decided to give it a try (it was Oz's character that really hooked me at first). Angel, later, I didn't really get into as much, but I have seen since every episode of Buffy (I believe) thanks to re-runs on FX.

Then I heard about a new show from the creator of Buffy. Had guns, spaceships and humour, so even though the ads made it sound like an attempt to be a kooky, zany "Animal House In Spaaaaace!!" I thought I'd watch. Three years later, I still watch at least one episode a week between the SciFi re-runs and the Sunday V-Shindigs on AIM.

And welcome MtnScott! Alway room for another browncoat!

MAL "You only gotta scare him."
JAYNE "Pain is scary..." - Big Damn Podcast


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 1:43 PM


Like many above, I am also a science fiction fan. First in print, Asimov, Clark, EE Doc Smith, etc, since I was pre-teen. I also make it a habit of trying to watch the first episode of any new series that might have the slightest chance of being interesting, Sci-fi or not.
I watched Firefly from the get-go. I loved it. They cancelled it. I was pissed and then forgot about it. I watched Buffy and Angel, but I'm not sure I was actively aware that Firefly was done by the same guy. Then, as my wife and I were out Christmas shopping last year (2004) I noticed the boxed set. I turned to her and told her "I want that for Christmas". I still had no idea there was a movie being made. I suppose I'm actualy a closet browncoat, although my duster is black.

Laugh while you can, monkey-boy.

If I were you, I'd run!
If you were me, you'd be good-looking


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 1:47 PM


What a cool thread!

We were lent the Firefly DVD set from some friends who have previously lent us Ultraviolet and Casanova - a couple of british productions that we loved.

Neither of us had watched Buffy or Angel, and we don't watch much US sci-fi.

We loved it immediately.

Hell is other people's music


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 2:43 PM



Originally posted by dc4bs:
pre-orded the Australian Serenity DVD yesterday (has 2nd disk with extra content in that release).

FOX Execs...

Where did you buy the australian dvd, if you don't mind me asking?


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 3:43 PM


I don't consider myself a sci-fi fan. Hate star wars, star trek, ect..

I am a BTVS/Angel fan and have been since Buffy first aired. When I heard Joss was doing another show I was excited until I heard it was sci-fi and a western (another genre which i don't care for overmuch). Once i heard what the show was supposed to be I no longer had any interest in watching it and hadn't thought of it since.

That was until last November (2004) when a coworker mentioned that she was a fan of the show. She highly recommended it to me, especially since I had enjoyed Joss's other works. I took her word for it and Netflixed it. After watching the first disc i was hooked and ran out to buy the series.

The rest is, as they say, history.

Want Firefly/ Serenity/ BtVS/ Angel desktop wallpapers? Take a look at the ones I've created at:
Now hosting the Firefly Extended Gagreel
I have added a forum to my site and now I need some members!






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