Have you guys seen this?

UPDATED: Wednesday, February 1, 2006 17:57
VIEWED: 24948
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Friday, December 16, 2005 3:24 PM


I just saw this on myspace. Is this for real? I teared up while reading it. ...*sniffle*

article taken from


Adios, 'Firefly'...
Joss Whedon lets ''Firefly'' go -- The ''Serenity'' director may turn to ''Buff the Vampire Slayer'' for his next big-screen project by Jeff Jensen

When Buffy the Vampire Slayer creator Joss Whedon looks back on 2005, he can take comfort in knowing that his film-directing debut, the sci-fi Western Serenity, resurrected his canceled-too-soon cult classic TV series Firefly, and was also one of the year's best-reviewed movies. ''I should say I'm above reading reviews,'' he says. ''But I would be lying.'' Alas, Whedon's fond memories are also tainted by Serenity's status as a franchise nonstarter; despite Universal's best marketing efforts, the film only mustered $25 million. ''In the end, it was what it was: a tough sell,'' says Whedon, adding that it appears the Firefly saga has reached its conclusion. He has no regrets and he's moving on. He's currently penning a Wonder Woman flick for Warner Bros., and has the thriller Goners set up at Universal; he'll direct whichever gets a green light first. Buffy's papa has more Slayerstuff in the pipeline as well: an ongoing comic book (''the eighth season we never made''), and possibly a series of DVD flicks focusing on characters like platinum bloodsucker Spike. As for Serenity, ''I have closure,'' he says. ''And now, I can have it in my home which means that finally I can actually stop working on it.''


Friday, December 16, 2005 3:42 PM


I'm putting my fingers in my ears, shutting my eyes and humming...I can't hear you...


Friday, December 16, 2005 3:45 PM


Well to be honest, a lot of those quotes are taken completly out of context from his DVDtalk interview. Joss actually said a sequel still depends mainly on DVD sales, so lets at least see how they go before we completly right things off.


Friday, December 16, 2005 3:49 PM


it's just an object. it's not what you think.


Friday, December 16, 2005 3:50 PM


I'm not sure I belive all that. I mean, this could be me being optimstic but I'm fairly sure I've seen those quotes in context, and they didn't give the impression they did up there. And didn't the film make closer to 40 mil? (34 domestic was the last I had heard).

And honestly? They made Cheaper by the Dozen, part 2. If they can sell that drivel, Serenity 2 (Back in [the] Black) had better be made, damn it!


Friday, December 16, 2005 3:52 PM


I did a little searching to see if I could find anything to confirm or deny this. I found this article by that came out Dec. 14th.

He basically reiterates that it all does still depend on the DVD sales.

*croses fingers, toes, eyes, and anything else that can be crossed.


"Ten percent of nuthin' is...let me do the math here...nuthin' into nuthin'...carry the nuthin'"


Friday, December 16, 2005 4:14 PM


Yah, There have been several sequals to movies that "lost" money out of the gate but that became very sucessfull later on.

Look at firefly boxset sales years after the show was cancelled. Currently #11 on Amazon and has been steadily rising for months... Fans converting fans at an exponential rate.

Meme transfer / Viral Marketing starts off slow, but when it does take off, get out of the way. This only works for GOOD products by the way - After all, NOONE is gonna tell their friends "Hey, I bought this crappy DVD. You should to!"

Serenity is Amazons #4 (#3 if you lump the 2 versions of penguin march) right behind Starwars and it isn't even officially out yet... Consider, Star Wars has had over 20 YEARS of advertising behind it and it has HUGELY successfull earlier films to ride the coattails of.

Cream rises to the top. Maybe not fast (and, yes, sometimes too slowly to do any good) but it gets there.

Unless there is a massive collaps in sales after christmass, I'm gonn keep my wait-and-see hopefull attitude for a while yet.

Remember, it took years to get from the criticly acclaimed TV series hardly anyone ever heard of to the criticly acclaimed movie that, it seems, hardly anyone ever heard of... Almost everyone I've ever mentioned it to has said "What's that?"

Show me it's still on the books in the red a year from now and I'll believe it's dead then. And probably curse you at the same time for proving it.


Friday, December 16, 2005 4:52 PM


Thanks guys, I really do feel better now, I guess even now and again a browncoat needs a little reassurance.


Friday, December 16, 2005 5:09 PM


Whew, I feel better now too. On first sight that article is just plain frightening. Read the one though and seems much more straight forward.
Thanks folks for helping.
I feel like writing EW and saying, it ain't over 'til it's over.
The fan base is growing and growing and Joss will get done with his other projects one of these days and we'll be next again. We just have to help sell lots of DVD's. And keep letting Joss know that we want more of the 'verse.

"I sure as hell ain't layin' down arms." Mal


Friday, December 16, 2005 6:02 PM


Um...I have a problem with the the sentence that begins with "despite Universal's best marketing efforts..." I saw like 3 TV ads and no posters, whereas if I see one more Aeon Flux commercial I'm going to throw something at the TV. I'm glad they agreed to make the movie and all, but the marketing was lackluster IMHO. So given that bit of EW editorializing, I'm not too confident in their interpretation of Whedon's words which others have already said were taken out of context.


Friday, December 16, 2005 6:36 PM


I know you just said this but I'm saying it in a different way...

that article is another fake trying to get our hopes up, they always screw up somewhere in trying to sound professional. Here they screwed up by saying "Universal's best marketing efforts..."

I saw a commercial for Serenity on FOX about 6 times, a comercial on F/X 3 or 4 times and one (1) ((1!!)) on NBC!! None on SCI-FI (other than during Firefly) OH OH and the trailer twice on UniversalHD.

I love Universal but I saw a commercial for Into The Blue about 100 times and a Serenity commercial 12-13 times.

Boston Legal - Tuesdays @ 10:00 (ET) on ABC
Arrested Development - Mondays @ 8:00 (ET) on FOX


Friday, December 16, 2005 8:53 PM


Yeah... well I do not believe most (anything???) I read on the internet.. nor from entertainment magazines... but I do believe what I have heard with my own ears.. or that which comes from the horses mouth.

Joss has said repeatedly in interviews and in his letters to the fans.. that he loves this 'verse and will do what it takes to get it back out there...



Friday, December 16, 2005 9:06 PM


Remeber the source to. Just because it is on (sorry thought it was dosn't mean jack shit. Take Whikipedia (sp?) they have had to change things around due to a stunt that one person pulled in writing fake items in. Do I have to say this again and again. Just because it is on the net does not make it true. Frist off you have to do a detailed analysis of the site and where it got the information from. 2nd wait for Joss to comment and or wait to see what he says next. Third Universal needs to take their PR boys and line them up against wall for a firing squad. As I noted in a diff post, the movie has not even been shown in Asia (minus Singapore and Australia), Africa, and South/Latin America. Thus the total profit is decreased due to this. Not to mention the pool of Firefly fans. Cho baka da yo!!!! Anyways there is my 2 cents folk.

Hey Sarge, which one we going for this time? Sharps or the traditional pistol blazen charge???


Sunday, December 18, 2005 1:45 AM


You gotta focus on the way this "article" closes. Those sound like a farewell. "...possibly a series of DVD flicks focusing on characters like platinum bloodsucker Spike. As for Serenity, "I have closure," he says. "And now, I can have it in my home which means that finally I can actually stop working on it."

He's mostly refering to the Firefly verse having a resolution finally... it's saddening me.

Boston Legal - Tuesdays @ 10:00 (ET) on ABC
Arrested Development - Mondays @ 8:00 (ET) on FOX
Huff - (Season 2 spring 2006)


Sunday, December 18, 2005 1:52 AM


hey we are second at amazone let not give up :)

The wages of sin are death, but the hours are good and the perks are fantastic.


Sunday, December 18, 2005 1:58 AM


Here we go again. How often will this be quoted again? This one gets far more attention that it derserves.

I wonder if the old browncoats would have given up that quickly as some of us seem to do just because of this small article.

Universal and the producers themselves (if they make a direct statement towards the fans) are the only sources I will trust.


Sunday, December 18, 2005 2:00 AM


*curls up in a ball in a corner*
LALALALA I can't hear you

The human body can be drained of blood in 8.6 seconds given adequate vacuuming systems.


Sunday, December 18, 2005 3:13 AM


I'm so proud of all you Browncoats that can't be tricked or discouraged so easily!

DC4BS said: "Cream rises to the top"

ErinBC said: "the marketing was lackluster IMHO"

Jutin said: "I love Universal but I saw a commercial for Into the Blue about 100 times and a Serenity commercial 12-13 times"

And Ookamikawahara said: "Universal needs to take their PR boys and line them up against a wall for a firing squad"

Yes, yes, yes!! With people like you on their side, how can anybody lose? You make me happy.


Sunday, December 18, 2005 3:14 AM


Yeah, I have faith that I'll be singing on the way to the theater to see The Serenity Sequel. I'll be seeing River again on that huge screen. I try to not worry and agonize over that whole this could be the end. I have faith.

Boston Legal - Tuesdays @ 10:00 (ET) on ABC
Arrested Development - Mondays @ 8:00 (ET) on FOX


Sunday, December 18, 2005 4:11 AM


Yes I have. And, I'm not L I S T E N I N G.

We were talking about this the other day. I believe the actors are contracted for at least 2 more movies.

All my fingers and toes are crossed.

Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that.


Sunday, December 18, 2005 4:34 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by JuTin:
You gotta focus on the way this "article" closes. Those sound like a farewell. "...possibly a series of DVD flicks focusing on characters like platinum bloodsucker Spike. As for Serenity, "I have closure," he says. "And now, I can have it in my home which means that finally I can actually stop working on it."

He's mostly refering to the Firefly verse having a resolution finally... it's saddening me.

I gave that a negative read the first time too (typical human!). Now when I read it it feels more like he's talking about the movie Serenity and not the whole 'verse. When it says:
As for Serenity, "I have closure..." that just means he's survived the making of the movie and its release and he's ready to move on... and bring it back to tv where it belongs - say the SciFi Channel - in 12 episode installments followed by a hugely big selling DVD (ala BSG) for at least 5 more years... at least that's what I see on a second read.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Sunday, December 18, 2005 4:52 AM


Ah... even trolls have their moments. Mine is an "I told you so!" kind of moment.

Of course, let's dissect the interview, regurgitate it with lots of analyzing, and "hope" it's not true. Show is over. Period. You guys are sitting on the deck of the Titanic and the captain is floating away on his own private rowboat.

I give you "Wonder Woman", "Goners", a cast who've moved on to other "shows" and "movies", and a Whedon who gave us a showstopper series-ending movie called "Serenity". I'm such a villain.

I told you so! Don't you kind of wish the people who were involved with making Firefly loved it half as much as we do? Time to let go.


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Sunday, December 18, 2005 4:57 AM


Serenity cost $39,000,000

So far Serenity has made $37,335,935

In Hollywood a movie generally has to make 3 times what it cost to be considered profitable. This has more to do with Hollywood politics than anything else (so that every department gets it's cut and anyone who would be getting paid a percent of the Net gets screwed).

On paper - anyway - we're $2 /3 mill from breaking even. Serenity doesn't have to make a ridiculous amount of money for a sequel to be viable.

Don't count us out yet - momentum continues with both Firefly DVD sales and soon to be Serenity DVD sales.

It's very possible that Serenity 2 could cost $39 mil (or less if 1) some of the set pieces were kept and 2) Joss is very clever)) and stand to make $50 at the Box office if the fan base has grown.

If Universal believes this they will green light a sequel – and if they don't..... they could always give Joss $12mil to play with knowing they're going to get $37mil + DVD sales out of it.

Possibilities abound.


Sunday, December 18, 2005 5:14 AM


Ugh, not again! There's already like, 5 threads out here on this stupid article. Here's a quote from Joss from the TV guide one: Are you considering any future installments of the Serenity/Firefly franchise?
Whedon: "It's hard to say. I think the DVD sales will have a lot to say about that. Are there more stories to tell? You bet. Would I love to tell them and work with everyone again? The answer is also yup. Now, the movie did not get a huge amount of people out to see it. We'll need the DVD to make the money back. But I rule out nothing. I think it's the type of movie that can be discovered on DVD. It has definitely affected the people who have seen it. "

Sooo, buy, buy, buy. Go crazy. I'm convinced that if it's selling better than Star Wars right now on amazon, then we definitely have something, and a lot of browncoats aren't buying on preorder. I also think this is one of those good rental movies. I know I've told just about everyone I've met to go check it out next week. Literally, everyone.

Summer's response to Nathan getting his very own action figure:
"I tried to pull his head off."


Sunday, December 18, 2005 5:51 AM


As one of the "Old Browncoats" mentioned in an earlier post all I have to say is;

"We've done the impossible. That makes us mighty."

The forces of mediocrity and crap reality television have come and tried to push us off this here mountain. But I still see us standin' here.

They said the DVD of the show wouldn't sell, but it did. They said the movie couldn't get made, but it did. Now we're on the eve of the movie's DVD bein' released. We're this close to turnin' a profit. To maybe doin' the impossible once again. And all I can hear is sour milk. Well ain't that just somethin'.

You don't believe in this then just walk off this mountain. There's lots of browncoats about we don't hear from any more. They've dropped by the wayside but they're still browncoats. TinyTimm, SaintJayne, Hjermsted, Jaynesgirlfriend, SaintofCheese, Sarahetc, Browncoat1, Lerxst. Haven't seen Malicious in a while either, wonderin' if she's still about.

When that miracle happens I'll still be here. Holdin' on to what's mine.

The more I get to know people the more I like my dogs.


Sunday, December 18, 2005 6:10 AM


Think of Austin Powers. I, along with many others, discovered the first film in that series on cable and DVD. Look what happened! The Princess Bride didn't do that well in the box office either. Who knew?

Excerpt from My Genre Geek Resume:
~huge Odyssey 5 fan (despite its cancellation)
~dangerously obsessed with BtVS and Angel
~former Andromeda fan


Sunday, December 18, 2005 7:25 AM



Originally posted by XeroGravity:
Ah... even trolls have their moments. Mine is an "I told you so!" kind of moment.

It was so predictible that you would give us one of your pathetic comments... You're slowly becoming a running gag here

Unfortunately there is no ignore list we can put you on (yet )


Sunday, December 18, 2005 8:53 AM


Joss seems far to passionate about this story to give up now, especially considering how far he's bought it already.


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Sunday, December 18, 2005 9:31 AM



Originally posted by PsychicRiver:
Joss seems far to passionate about this story to give up now, especially considering how far he's bought it already.


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."

I think that too.

If this is a REAL article, then... I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!!

~A message from Serenyty~


Sunday, December 18, 2005 10:04 AM


OK Joss says it depends on DVD sales....and what do ya know its Christmas time...pick up an extra DVD...or five for some of your non browncoat friends as gifts. Someone had said that whenever they mention Serenity or Firefly to their friends they go what was that? This is your chance to show them. Plus the way I figure it is each DVD sold is one step closer to the return of the verse to TV and movies. Recruit some browncoats this holiday season!


Ain't that just shiny?


Sunday, December 18, 2005 10:21 AM



Originally posted by DanielFyre:
OK Joss says it depends on DVD sales....and what do ya know its Christmas time...pick up an extra DVD...or five for some of your non browncoat friends as gifts. Someone had said that whenever they mention Serenity or Firefly to their friends they go what was that? This is your chance to show them. Plus the way I figure it is each DVD sold is one step closer to the return of the verse to TV and movies. Recruit some browncoats this holiday season!

Here, here! *Raises glass, and a sackload of DVD's he plans to throw at his mates.*


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Sunday, December 18, 2005 12:05 PM



Originally posted by Nellie:
I'm so proud of all you Browncoats that can't be tricked or discouraged so easily!

Thanks for the Support Nellie!!! Always appricated. Lets see if we can't keep this Shiny little rebellion a goen huh. mochiron doumo arigatou ne.
mata, Ookami yori

I ain't disagreen, I only wanted another drink!!!


Sunday, December 18, 2005 12:31 PM


How do we find out dvd sales figures? Is it possible?


Sunday, December 18, 2005 12:35 PM


Hi guys!

I'm new here- somebody who just discovered Firefly, and this gorram den of fans!:

Just a thought, but seems to me the best thing that could happen would be getting back on series TV, not waiting for another film. This cast is HOT, the creative juices are flowing NOW, and they should work together frequently NOW. (Not to mention Joss has his conception clear NOW too.)

I remember what happened when the Star Trek & Star Wars fans waited for movies. The cast got fat, the stories got retreaded, and the cutting edge got blunt.

I've seen elsewhere that has Scifi channel has booked another season. I hope so and would sure like to push for that. the corner of no & where...


Sunday, December 18, 2005 12:59 PM


All I can really say in response to that article is that the DVD isn't even (officially) out yet... have faith... we shocked and surprised everyone with DVD sales for Firefly and we'll do it again with Serenity!

~*~ Cheryl
The Nathan Fillion Archives:
CafePress Shops:


Sunday, December 18, 2005 5:33 PM


Lemme ask all of you a question. How much money beyond "break-even" do you think it'll take to bring back the show? Have we abandoned all hope of that?

Frankly, being a "browncoat" to me is all about bringing back the show. At this point, it seems we all accept that ain't gonna happen. At least not within the next 20 years. Maybe it'll come back with an all new cast? Hell, they are planning to bring back the "A-Team". I just wanna vomit! Loved "A-Team". Can't imagine a cancelled semi-season of something with that name. But they'll try anyhow. George Peppard, Mr. T, Dirk Benedict, and schizo-dude. (let's go break his ass out of the asylum and put him on Star Trek as the whiny milquetoast man who one day makes admiral).

If they can't bring back Firefly now, they will never bring it back. Well... maybe in 10-20 years from now but it will never be the same. The magic will be lost.

Ok... back to my troll den (all the sexiest goblins, orcs, and minor trek nerds are here hanging out with me). We're hoping for a sequel. Let's see... how much money past the breakeven point do we have to get to get (deja-vu?) a sequel? How many DVDs have to sell to make that possible? Forget bringing back the show. Let's hope for a movie sequel. Oh hoorah and whatnot! *blowing on my gazoo and spinning my noisemaker*

The thrill is gone.


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Sunday, December 18, 2005 5:53 PM


I hate to be the one to break it to all of you guyz and galz in this Cylon occupied Forum, but Firefly is gone....forever. I guess the people in charge did find a way to take your skies away from you.

Deal with it.

Have a nice day Ms McFly


Sunday, December 18, 2005 6:16 PM


Most of the Hollywood dollar amounts you hear are bogus; for a series all you really need is a sponsor or two, a sound stage, and commitments from the actors.
And Joss, of course, because he hasn't revealed the timeline and nobody writes dialog like he does.
As far as the stories being too outrageous, they are not at all beyond the written science fiction of the last couple decades- it just shocks the conservative element to see it because they haven't read it. How long ago was Bladerunner produced? How long before that was it written?

For that matter, I remember that original Macintosh ad. Do you think Apple would sponsor Firefly today? Not hardly...

Who would?


Sunday, December 18, 2005 7:23 PM


As someone said earlier, firefly was cancelled, the fans did something probably never done before and look what came out of it. A awesome movie that so many of us love. I do realize that many prefer the show, but because of the circumstances it had to be written a certain way. If you know others who do not own either Firefly or Serentiy, now you know what to get them for xmas. Everyone should own their own copy. When I leave home, I'm taking mine with me. Stay Shiny everyone...its far from over for us Browncoats...we need to think of something big to do...

thank you Universal...Fox release your rights to the show, you suck!


Monday, December 19, 2005 4:01 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

XG, You're not by any chance Zoid's evil twin are you?

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Monday, December 19, 2005 8:37 AM



Originally posted by XeroGravity:

We're hoping for a sequel. Let's see... how much money past the breakeven point do we have to get to get (deja-vu?) a sequel? How many DVDs have to sell to make that possible? Forget bringing back the show. Let's hope for a movie sequel.

XG, I'm not trolling you here, so don't take this the wrong way...but it did happen for Family Guy. They cancelled a funny show that a lot of people adored because they thought they didn't have a hit. However when the Season 1 DVD sales went through the roof, they re-thought it, and now those of us that LOVE that show get to see more of it.

I would love either a sequel or a new series. And I'm not counting either possibility out until those numbers come in. They didn't do a good job of promoting it, yet it's on the top of the charts on Amazon because people like us are getting out there and pounding the pavement about this show. I don't think it's naive of anyone here to wait and see what's going to happen.


"Ten percent of nuthin' is...let me do the math here...nuthin' into nuthin'...carry the nuthin'"


Monday, December 19, 2005 9:40 AM


Everyone just relax!

Joss is all booked up for awhile. We Browncoats have 2 to 3 years to wait minimum before we'll see anything live-action Serenity related. If you're reading interviews with Joss in the hopes that he will say "a Serenity sequel has been greenlit... we begin shooting in Spring" or something like that... you're in for a loooooong wait.

During that time both the Firefly box set and Serenity dvd have to sell like crazy before any forward motion on a future project can happen. Keeping the show in syndication and the film on HBO and On Demand for as long as possible wouldn't hurt either.

We Browncoats are a patient lot. Three years passed between Firefly and Serenity. We're in for another long wait so hunker down, y'all.

Our mission between now and then is to keep doing what we've been doing: Inform new people about the 'Verse. Keep the dvds selling and keep the show/movie on the air.

We've done it before we can do it again!



Monday, December 19, 2005 11:23 AM


America loves a winner!


..... despite Universal's best marketing efforts,

*cough* bullshit *ahem* No offense meant, but in no way was that the best effort a movie studio's marketing dept. could have done. The posters came out WAY too late, they targeted the commercials on t.v. (Sci Fi channel ) heavily to a audience which was already aware of and planning to see Serenity. Outside of this fanbase, I had a hard time telling anyone about the movie because they had never heard of a) Firefly or b) Serenity.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, December 24, 2005 3:17 PM


*Bullshit-cough* Yes I mean to offend! *cough*

Universal marketed the film?

Ahh. Good Job Universal. I have a bridge in NY I'm selling if you true believers got any pocket change to invest.

The "promoters" are tripping all over themselves to chat up a gay cowboy movie as I write this (which is bombing at the box office). But space cowboys with hawt chicks and western-style action? Newp. It's just too "not Star Trek". Most people have no clue there was even a movie made by the name of "Serenity". Good job with the marketing there Oooh-nee-vurzal (your name be praised).

...anyhow... I'm coming out of my "fellow" browncoat-imposed exile in troll hell to post this...

this is a quoted article from the same site that Whedon did this original interview with our beloved Whedonator... it's the review of "Serenity"... brought to you by the "INDUSTRY APPROVED" site that markets the weekly grist we pay 9 dollars a pop to go view... the very same people who did the interview that spawned this thread... oh how they love "Firefly"...

Das Khwotenzie:

but first.. der link-er-schnitzel:,6115,1141292_2_0_,00.html

so you can verify. now back to das khwote...
(I reprint it here in case in der future they delete it)

By Dalton Ross

"I should begin with a disclaimer: I'm not that guy. I'm not that guy who squealed, whined, and wept when Firefly was taken off the air. I was far more furious when other sci-fi entries like Harsh Realm and Farscape were criminally canceled. Still, I did enjoy the show's space-Western premise. The good news is that follow-up film Serenity is as accessible to newbies as it is to hardcore fans. The bad news is that the film's story line — good guys (Nathan Fillion, back as Capt. Malcolm Reynolds; his crew) protect a woman (Summer Glau's ass-kicking psychic River) whom bad guys will do everything in their power to capture lest she reveal a secret diabolical plan that would unmask them as superbad guys — seems taken straight out of a bottom-shelf Schwarzenegger flick (Eraser, for those of you scoring at home). It also doesn't help that most of the film's antagonists amount to little more than souped-up space zombies.

Still, the wild, wide-open universe that Joss Whedon has created is freewheeling enough to keep things interesting. The director mentions in one of three featurettes that a book about the battle of Gettysburg led to his sci-fi Western epiphany, as he would ''become obsessed with the idea of life on the frontier, and that, of course, makes me think of the Millennium Falcon, because most things do.'' The extras make much of Firefly's resurrection onto the big screen, but the most amusing moment occurs during Whedon's introduction for an advance screening of the film, when he credits fans for bringing the show back to life. ''It is, in an unprecedented sense, your movie,'' he says. ''Which means if it sucks, it's your fault. You blew it.'' In that case, we give all of you a B."

So listen up you buncha Skweelerz, whinzers, and weeperz... (gee whiz I love how Mr. Dalton characterizes us... good choice of venues Joss)

I've caught nothing but flak for saying it but I'll say it again. Whedon sold us out. He didn't have his heart in it when it came to bringing back the show. He licked their boots, announced to THEM he wasn't bringing back the show ("THEM" = "the abovementioned" industry sycophants), and left his fanbase clueless. What? We didn't deserve to hear it first?

I've been called a troll for saying it, but now I'm proven right.

"I told you so!" <-- so deserving of BOLDness

Yes. I'm saying I told you so. Cuz I did. And I got chastised for it over and over and over again. I'm such a troll!

The movie was a goodbye letter.

ahh the irony.


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Saturday, December 24, 2005 3:29 PM


XG, I'm curious...this article is only one of many that talk about the fate of the show and/or sequel. So why only comment on this one? We've got other threads on those other articles that are more positive about the outcome, why don't you comment on those?

I'll post the articles that we've discussed so that you can read those too.

Both of these are just as viable a source as And both of them reiterate that he still wants to tell the story, that he's not done with the characters nor the 'verse, and that if someone were to come along and ask him to continue, he would. And that all of this depends on DVD sales.


"Ten percent of nuthin' is...let me do the math here...nuthin' into nuthin'...carry the nuthin'"


Monday, December 26, 2005 3:57 AM


Psolaris I'll respond to this... I've read both articles you posted...

Felt like gay-ass PBS Lipton-shmoozing. Oh you get down with your bad self Lipton.

Here... save yourself...

See how the other side lives. A whole universe of people are disgusted with the monopolistic sludge spewing forth from that foul bodily orifice known as hollywood.

we get our take on things elsewhere (and I warn you, it's vile, it's nasty, a large percentage of it is totally disagreeable). Filthycritic goes beyond the pale and vulgar to a fault. But he's the only voice in an ocean of sell-outs. Gee can I get an interview with this or that star if I only praise your halfass film? Will you market my site by buying up my advertising space?

You'll find answers here...

new master... your way to the movie reviews section... and be warned. This guy is pure filth. Unadulterated filth. Raw, nastiness. But mostly accurate 90+ percent of the time. When I'm not laughing my ass off, I'm nauseated. Except for the fact that he has a master. Ahh... once upon a time.

..anyone would sell out for the right sum of money. (?)

old hijacked link ~ it'll redirect you but that's part of the magic... the magic of what money can do.



No such thing as gravity. The "Big Empire" won. Whedon is making movies. It's all happy weightless utopia. float like a leaf on the wind. like a leaf (watch out for harpoons)


Monday, December 26, 2005 2:00 PM


You gave me the respect of reading my articles, so I did the same and read yours too. And I do see what you mean, he does seem quite negative. And believe it or not I do know what goes on behind closed doors when it comes to the entertainment world. No I'm not from the Hollywood world, but I did work in the entertainment industry for a time in my town here and it can be quite cruel, backstabbing, cut throat etc. and yes, it's tiresome to deal with all of that.

I guess I'm more of a positive thinker though. I know that you loved the show just as much as all of us, and that if you had your choice, you'd want it back too. And I do understand that you're not getting your hopes up and that point of view is very realistic thinking to you. However I don't see that hoping for the show to come back is being all that unrealistic. I've mentioned before that I was a huge Family Guy fan. I watched that show every week it was on the first season, and then suddenly Faux pulled it. Boy was I steamed, but there was nothing I could do. So when the DVD's came out of that season, I bought it right up of course. Then something wonderful happened...those sales went through the roof! Faux saw the numbers, re-thought, and now I get to enjoy one of my favorite shows again. Color me surprised when that happened! Do I count on them bringing back the Would I be happy with another movie if the show does not return...yes. But I'm waiting to see if those numbers keep climbing, and see if we do get what we all hope for.

If I turn out dissappointed if nothing happens...well, then yes, you told me so. But be patient my fellow Browncoat. Hopefully the loud outcry will become so much that someone has to listen. Hopefully someone in their right mind will see the numbers and pay attention. I've watched interviews with Joss and he's said that he'd love to continue the story if someone gave him the chance, and these are ones that aren't necessarily the butt kissing kind of interviews (which, yes you are right, do exist).

I don't think you a troll at all for voicing your opinion (please believe me when I say that). That's what all of us here do is voice opinions. I'm being as open minded about the whole thing as I can be and playing the wait and see game. I guess I'm asking you do to the same. (unless of course you've waited for a long time and you're tired of the wait...I'm still pretty new to the show and the site and don't how long you may have been going through all of this.)


"Ten percent of nuthin' is...let me do the math here...nuthin' into nuthin'...carry the nuthin'"


Monday, December 26, 2005 3:01 PM


You haven't read anything on that site. If you had, you'd take an entirely differnt tone of text with me. I urge you, go back to and dig up his critiques of movies you hate and movies you love. Read the "hate" stuff first, because he's brutal with everything. I frequently find myself at odds with the handful of flicks I love that he shreds.

But then again, he NEVER touches scifi or fantasy, so most of what I love is off limits. For example... he never even reviewed Serenity. I'm glad for it because you have to have watched "Firefly" to truly love it (a point lost on Whedon, sadly).

He's vile. He's nasty. He goes over the top way too much and can be repulsive. BUT, when he gets down to analyzing the film, he's right on the money. It's his great gift, and I'm devoted to him for it. I see that "middle finger" rating on a flick, I have zero doubt I'll come away feeling raped out of 9 dollars if I go to see it.

5 fingers... well, his tastes sometimes stray from mine. I'd give 4 fingers most of the time when he's calling out the super-rare 5, but he's not a scifi nerd, and I am.

But bottom line, he's one of the only cinephiles out there taking the hollywood whores by the throat and saying what he thinks. The freakin guy is honest. Those other sites that suck up to the industry lie out their asses.

They hire industry hacks and send them to well-catered junkets, feed them booze, buy them hookers, and then "quote" them as official critics. The "so-called" independant critics who get a paycheck from newspapers and TV news stations are no better. They give softball critiques of films, and never come straight out and say "This flick sucks snot!". If they dare to say that a suck-ass film sucks, they suddenly lose access to the monopoly-controlled people who let them inside. No more big scoops for you hackneyed sluts. How can you pay your bills if the industry people won't talk to you? You'll surely lose your job cuz u ain't bringin home the juicy bacon. We want, we need, NAY we DEMAND quotes and interviews. Kiss all the ass you have to. Or no paycheck.

Frauds. I would never go see a flick until I check to see what Mr. and Mrs. Filthy have to say about it. Their word is that super-rare commodity, more precious than lustrous gold and sparkling gemstones... an honest opinion. It's just raw, nasty, and rated "X" truth. I'm lovin it!

Can't buy honesty. When you find it, it's always free. That is why it's so insanely rare.


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Monday, December 26, 2005 4:10 PM


Ok, at your urge-ance, I went back and read some more. Believe it or not I agree with quite a few of his reviews on movies. Now granted, there are some I loved that he didn't like so much, but that's just different tastes for different folks. Yes, he's quite vile, and he takes the Hollywood crap out of the picture. I had to chuckle at times at some of his utter honesty about his feelings on some things, whether or not I agreed with his review. And you're right, it is a rare thing indeed to find someone so honest about how they feel. I wasn't, however, repulsed by him. What I read in the article from your post before did seem to have a negative throw to it, which is why I said what I did, but I do understand more now of what you mean. He has no pressure.

Still, I do stand by what I say when it comes to the show and the future of it. Hollywood BS or not, Whedon does want to tell the story, and he has more in his brain that he wants to get out there...I have no doubt about that. So don't count it out too soon.

Out of curiosity though, do you know why he doesn't do much sci-fi or fantasy? In the archives the only ones he touched on were Revenge of the Sith, LOTR, and Narnia. If he says why he stays away from them I'm missing it somewhere. I actually like to see him critique more of that genre.


"Ten percent of nuthin' is...let me do the math here...nuthin' into nuthin'...carry the nuthin'"


Monday, December 26, 2005 4:30 PM


I really dont want Firefly rolled out as a franchise. I want it to be here, between us. Yeh I want another series but I don't want it to be Buffy.






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