Sixth Floor: Desert Island Nice People Hidey Places

UPDATED: Wednesday, December 28, 2005 11:58
VIEWED: 8665
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Sunday, December 18, 2005 11:40 AM


This floor is opened in the name of Desert Island Lists (and faster page load times)

To bring yourself up to the current floor of the hidey place of nice-ish folks that's located in a plainly visible skyscraper (and how large it is!), read these:

Ground Floor: Hunt for the Secret Hidey Place of Nice Boys

Second Floor: The Hidey Place of Nice Boys & Girls

Third Floor: Hidey Place of Nice-ish Boys and Girls

4th Floor - Shoes, Linens, Nice People Hidey Places

Fifth Floor: Hiding Nicely in Plain View

What would you take with you if you were going to be trapped on a desert island? Any list goes: books, music, movies, favorite eye name it ;)

--- <-inching towards daylight


Sunday, December 18, 2005 12:47 PM


we can take a whole lists worth of our favorite eye-candy to a desert island with us?

ok, get me their agents and book the plane tickets!

mmm, who to take...

1, Trent Reznor (topical...) ok, so he's rather in the head, but gorramit the man is beautiful - fantastic, intense, intelligent and passionate mind. And the fluid, unusual features and lovely eyes don't hurt.

2, Zach Braff - funny, a-typical view of the world, plus passionate and deep-feeling soul. Cute and sexy to boot, with that fabulous nose.

3, Christian Bale - like Trent in that he has a slightly scary intensity about him, but intelligent, thinking and damn good looking.

4, Nathan Fillion - never EVER though I would see a man who could wear high waist pants and braces and still make my toes tingle. Another bloody good looking man with wit, attitude, intelligence and a propensity to take his clothes off at the slightest provocation - which will always improve the view.

5, Claudia Black - cause if anyone could convince me to start batting for the other team, it would be her.

Right my bags are packed, where are they?

*sheepish look*

ok, i'll get serious now, you already have my music albums, I'll get down to the hard work of sorting my top five movies at work tomorrow.

what, you think I would actually, like, work?

'She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan.' - Mal


Sunday, December 18, 2005 1:51 PM


Oh, we can take people to the island? Um, I'll take all the folk from the hidey place, the nook, and insomniac's juggled gosling chat. I'd never get bored. Yeah, I'd like to live in the nook, Good folk, swimming pool, infinite booze, coffee, cola, ice water, and CalvinBall. Big screentv with a great DVD selection. Which will improve Tues!!!. I used to have one of those lists of Celebs that I was into, Not so much any more. Though I do really like the character from Underworld played by Kate Beckinsale. But Vampire chick + desert island = no so much with the fun.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Dreaming the dream that only the sleepless know."
"Say you understand me, And I will leave myself completely.
Forgive me if I stare, But I can see the island behind your tired, troubled eyes." -Fantastic Place (Marbles) -Marillion


Sunday, December 18, 2005 2:06 PM


I'm still young!

my hormones haven't really settled in yet!

ok, so maybe I'm just a bad bad girl.

but you have to admit, very picturesque selection.

Huh, wrong crowd.


Yeah, I'd like to live in the nook

I've never had a product of my warped imagination embraced and enjoyed by others so much. I'm very glad that you (all) like it.

BEG - do you think there might be room for a Calvinball court somewhere in the building? one with room for little dug-out things, a cooler for the snow, spectator benches and a craft area for making masks and snow shoes?

so, Jadehand, Marillion is pretty much a given, but is there anyone else you would add to the list? (its just occured to me that LMD imposed no limits...)

'She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan.' - Mal


Sunday, December 18, 2005 2:11 PM


we limit ourselves

i like to stay within reason (though being out of reason is fun, too ;D)

I would have listed the nook threads at the beginning of this post, as well, if i'd known the url's to all of them. It is part of the hidiness, after all ;)

I'll have to check back with a list of some sort later.

--- <-inching towards daylight


Sunday, December 18, 2005 2:18 PM


do you think its wise to direct people to the 'fun with fruit' thread without a lengthy warning?

one day I will go through and get the cumulative list - probably for the next Nook subject, would people find that useful do you think?

But this isn't what we want to know!

Come on LMD, your list, of anything, share share dear...

'She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan.' - Mal


Sunday, December 18, 2005 3:27 PM


Hmm, a list...of anything

/me ponders

well, i'm such a music nut I may as well start with the standard Which Five CDs? It's rather depressing to think I'd have only five to listen to, but...that's the game ;)

NIN's The Fragile
mentioned earlier, i've called this my favorite album for quite a long time...i'm not sure if it still is, but it will still be how i'd answer such a question

Remembering Never's Women and Children Die First
now, now, i know the title sounds rather aweful, but this is a stellar album with what i would call a positive message, for the most part. this is the cd i pop in if i'm in a bad mood and want to feel better.

VAST's Visual Audio Sensory Theater
their first and still their best album, though i love them all. there's a good variety on here, very emotionally connected, too.

Devin Townsend's Ocean Machine/Biomech
i'd like to take every devin townsend and strapping young lad album with me, but i think this one tops it for me.

three way tie of:
Between the Buried and Me's Alaska
Dillinger Escape Plan's Calculating Infinity
Porcupine Tree's In Absentia

wow, even making my fifth one here a three way tie was brutally hard to do...In Absentia is a great slice of modern progressive rock/metal, Calculating Infinity is a landmark album for an entire subgenre of music and is brilliant, and Alaska is probably BtBaM's most cohesive release to date

Wow, so's like choosing between children. I'm sure I'll come back later and realize I left off an essential pick and hate myself for it, but there you go.

--- <-inching towards daylight


Sunday, December 18, 2005 4:36 PM


My Desert Island Discs (sounds like a good name for a record store at the beach):

Mr. Bungle: [italics]California[/italics]. Mr. Bungle is just some of the most off the wall stuff I've ever listened to (I know there's stranger stuff, but I'm not there yet). Plus, "None of Them Knew They Were Robots" is the coolest rockabilly song ever.

Faith No More: [italics]King For a Day, Fool For a Lifetime[/italics]. Hands down, my favorite FNM album. Lounge music and metal never sounded so comfortable together.

Blue Man Group: [italics]Audio[/italics]. Outside of movie soundtracks, Audio is my favorite instrumental album. On a desert island, I think this would fit the mood nicely.

Red Hot Chili Peppers: [italics]Mother's Milk[/italics]. I really can't explain what it is about this album that I dig so much, but I love it. Their version of 'Higher Ground' is one of my absolute favorite songs.

And a tie for my last desert island CD:

Soundgarden: [italics]BadMotorFinger[/italics] and [italics]SuperUnknown[/italics]. I can't exclude one, because I've always listened to both as one big album. Great for when I'm in those depressing moods.

I'll be back shortly with my Desert Island movies, books, whatever else.

Edit: Hooray for the 6th floor!

"Were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose?"


Sunday, December 18, 2005 4:43 PM


Yes! Mr. Bungle, FNM, and Blue Man Group...good stuff, O

--- <-inching towards daylight


Sunday, December 18, 2005 7:34 PM


Alrighty then, if there are no limits, The whole Marillion collection is in. (LMD: If you like porcupine tree you'll love Marillion, 'cause everybody I mention Marillion to that knows both bands, suggests that I listen to Porcupine Tree)

Other stuff I listen too that I'd Have to take:

Fish(Not Phish). Fish Is a Scotish Solo artist. Did lyrics and vocals for Marillion from '80-'88 or about that. Vigil in a wilderness of Mirrors etc.

Queensryche - Operation: Mindcrime - another Concept album. Begins at 6:00 with the guy in a hospital saying "I remember now. I remember how it started..."etc. Album tells his story. Ends with "I remember now," 6:01.

Cure - Disintegration (even the kids on Southpark called this the best album ever). Also: Wish, Bloodflowers, Pornography.


Soundtrack to Pump up the Volume (bring the movie too)

Jesus Jones- Yes I still like these guys, they were just fun. Plus the bonus track on "Doubt", "Move Me":words to live by: "Move me, Move me, If you can't it's not worth a damn."

Pink Floyd- all of it.

Immaculate Fools-very obscure band I discovered when I bought the vinyl of the album "dumb poet" for $.25
King of fools-even more obscure-I think they just had the one self titled cd and a single which I found and bought cause I liked the name- turned out not so bad.
The list is getting long but I have to throw in another oldie from my past. The Hooters. Played all kinds of atypical instuments. Fun.
Movies and other stuff can wait.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Dreaming the dream that only the sleepless know."
"Say you understand me, And I will leave myself completely.
Forgive me if I stare, But I can see the island behind your tired, troubled eyes." -Fantastic Place (Marbles) -Marillion


Sunday, December 18, 2005 7:49 PM


Operation Mindcrime...good choice!

"Were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose?"


Monday, December 19, 2005 2:02 AM


Everyone's taste in music makes me realise I'm being generation gapped on the bottom end. A lot of these bands I don't recognise. As for my own list I'm still collating and prioritizing.

Desert island stuff, some one out there is making for a really crowded island. The point is to keep it simple, and this is coming from someone who is accused by his entire family of traveling too heavy.

Seryn you're a bad, bad girl. Got my room!


On chopsticks, I have no idea how to use them, but I really don't eat anything that would require them. Lucky me ;D

Dude! can over a billion chinese people all be wrong? You're missing out on some good food. You need to feed your inner asian.

Scorpion Regent


Monday, December 19, 2005 2:35 AM


Ooops! typo...

Seryn you're a bad, bad girl! Go to my room!

Scorpion Regent


Monday, December 19, 2005 4:29 AM


Morning folks! I'm back to having free time, yay!

Fun on a desert island... who needs anything but Nathan Fillion? OK, and a stocked bar and a blender for making dirty bananas.

If there's a CD player, I'd bring my 10+ Oakenfold CDs, all the Floyd there is, Rachmoninov's piano concertos, and Bach's solo cello suites. And an internet connection for online radio.

Can I bring a grill too? For all the luscious seafood Nathan will be catching? (hmm, Nathan in a loincloth with a spear. Funny and hot.)


Ask Dr. Science ... he knows more than you do.
"I have a Master's degree ... in science!"


Monday, December 19, 2005 8:05 AM


The only CD I can think that I'd want to bring with me would be Faure's Requem.

Everything else I could live without, but not that. I want it played at my funeral I love it so much (and, seeing as it's a requem, it makes perfect sense.)

I have lots of favourite CDs, but I like having music that fits where I am and what I'm doing. Music should be the soundtrack to my life. So I'd like to have Island music: Steel drums, Hawaiian and Guamanian and polynesian music. Something that would sound great while we were sitting around the bonfire at the end of the day. Something soothing while we lay on the beach drinking pina coladas. Something that blends in with the sound of the waves crashing on the shore and the wind blowing through the palm trees.

That's what I'd want on my deserted island.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Monday, December 19, 2005 8:40 AM



Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:
Dude! can over a billion chinese people all be wrong? You're missing out on some good food. You need to feed your inner asian.

They're wrong as far as I'm concerned ;D I'm very picky when it comes to food and drink. There are some chinese foods I like, but I haven't had a craving for any of it in at least 10 months...weird.

CMS, your, hmm, dedication to that one album is commendable and also intriguing. I will have to see if I can hear it at some point.

--- <-inching towards daylight


Monday, December 19, 2005 9:50 AM


It's in latin. And I think it is the post exquisite piece of music ever written. Especially the Agnus Dei. It gives me shivers.

I think I'll listen to it now.

aaaah. That's nice.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Monday, December 19, 2005 9:53 AM



Originally posted by LightMeDark:

Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:
Dude! can over a billion chinese people all be wrong? You're missing out on some good food. You need to feed your inner asian.

They're wrong as far as I'm concerned ;D I'm very picky when it comes to food and drink. There are some chinese foods I like, but I haven't had a craving for any of it in at least 10 months...weird.

Poor you! No inner asian! I love asian foods. Chinese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese. Mmmmmmmmm.

I may look white, but I'm really polynesian.

Great, now I'm craving tofu! *sigh*

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Monday, December 19, 2005 9:57 AM


Ah, look! I'm bad for you :p I made you crave two things with one post, haha

I don't know about not having an inner asian, so much...I do really like some chinese foods (though some would argue that they're not as authentic as others)'s just that my taste buds are a horrific thing to be slaved to, and i have the weakest stomach one could have ;(

That cd sounds rather exquisite...perhaps I could sample it at the nye shindig?

--- <-inching towards daylight


Monday, December 19, 2005 10:02 AM


All this talk of chinese food, and right after my lunch break (yeah, I'm at work. I'm a bad person). It's not authentic Chinese, but I do love sesame chicken. Just give me that and a good egg roll, and I'm a happy guy.

"Were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose?"


Monday, December 19, 2005 10:19 AM


CMS is kinda right, desert island discs should 'reflect the moment' as it were, but i'm just not a steel drums kinda girl, so for those campfires i'd probably go with soft guitar music, and mix tape of all the tori amos songs that make me think 'balmy' (as opposed to just plain barmy) starting with 'sweet the sting' and 'don't make me come to vegas'

And yes I suppose five other people is just plain greedy, so if i had to pick just one it would have to be Nathan - I don't think the others could cope with island life, they're all sort of the 'pale and interesting' type - Nathan at least would get a chance to work on his tan.

But not in a loin cloth, mens knees are, ah... 'amusing' at the best of times, one of those nice pairs of cargo style pants that end mid calf maybe, that should keep the giggles at bay...

And the films,

I know that Gardenstate (the don't give up reminder), Amelie (the romance dose) and the Princess Bride (swash-buckling, laugh out loud, quotability, lush look, all rounder) are in, also Serenity of course, as it ticks off the sci-fi, action, amusing, great story, cool characters, eye-candy, and purty costumes boxes

But now I have to select that last one in terms of 'desert island appropriateness'

Nah, stuff it - Ferris Buellers Day Off.

'She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan.' - Mal


Monday, December 19, 2005 10:36 AM


Leave me in your Borneo.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Monday, December 19, 2005 10:40 AM



Originally posted by seryn:
But not in a loin cloth, mens knees are, ah... 'amusing' at the best of times, one of those nice pairs of cargo style pants that end mid calf maybe, that should keep the giggles at bay...

You called it! He'd look goood in those.

Hard call on the music. I think on my own desert island I can make whatever music I'm in the mood for fit the scene. Not like the neighbors'll be complaining about my bad taste, right?

I'd take a guitar along. Got all that time to figure out how to use it!

Ask Dr. Science ... he knows more than you do.
"I have a Master's degree ... in science!"


Monday, December 19, 2005 10:46 AM



Originally posted by LightMeDark:
Ah, look! I'm bad for you :p I made you crave two things with one post, haha

That cd sounds rather exquisite...perhaps I could sample it at the nye shindig?

I had just been thinking about the same thing. I can probably remember to bring the CD with me.

I am very easily 'suaded to things I like and very easily distracted. I'm like a 2 year old.

Oooh! Shiny!

I just ate two (very small) slices of cake. One was green and tasted like key lime and one was red velvet. Now I feel a bit sick. Tooooo much sugar today. People need to stop feeding me!

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Monday, December 19, 2005 10:50 AM


M4P-oh yes! I'd have to bring my guitar with. Couldn't live without having something to make music with. But knowing me, I'd figure out how to make drums out of coconut shells (ooh, they used to make us do these coconut shell dances on Guam. Can't believe I forgot about that!) and carve bamboo flutes and stuff like that. And then I'd start a band.

Oh! Happy note! I think I may have found a bass player for my band at church. We've been sans and a kid came up to me last night and said he was getting a bass for Christmas and can he be in the band? I said OF COURSE! Yay!

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Monday, December 19, 2005 10:56 AM


Alright then. Desert Island movies:

Lord of the Flies - As a constant reminder of what not to do on a desert island. Ex:

Select to view spoiler:

Don't kill Piggy

. Can that really be considered a spoiler at this point? Oh well.

Raiders of the Lost Ark - I absolutely refuse to part with my all-time favorite movie.

Chasing Amy - It's funny, it's emotional, it's romantic (kinda), Jay and Silent Bob are in it, and it's a pretty good sci-fi film to boot.

A Christmas Story - If I'm gonna be on a desert island during the holidays, I've gotta have this.

And 50 copies of Shark Tale. Them's good burning.

"Were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose?"


Monday, December 19, 2005 11:02 AM


CMS: You're right, there's lots of drummy stuff to be had on an island. But being plucky around a beach fire just seems like a necessity. Gorram, why do I live in New England again?

btw, send some of the holiday colored cake my way if you get a chance! This day is draaaaging. I need a sugar rush, and green and red cake sounds yummy!

Ask Dr. Science ... he knows more than you do.
"I have a Master's degree ... in science!"


Monday, December 19, 2005 11:04 AM


LMD - I keep forgetting to comment on VAST - I picked that on a whim at a used CD store many years ago. I listened to it about a million times but I've forgotten about it - thanks for the reminder! I'll put it on when I get home tonight.

It's great music. Kind of angsty, but hey I like my angst.

Ask Dr. Science ... he knows more than you do.
"I have a Master's degree ... in science!"


Monday, December 19, 2005 11:05 AM


oh, and we can't forget the absolute desert island essential - rum!

*sings* yo ho ho, a pirates life for me...

That reminds me, I borrowed my sisters Indy box set, still haven't watched that one (enough) does the fact that I still have to cover my eyes when the bad guys get melted make me a wuss?

I don't care, i'm comfortable with my wussiness.


'She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan.' - Mal


Monday, December 19, 2005 11:47 AM


Nope, you're not a wuss. Or if you are, I'm one, too. I cringe just reading about the bad guys melting. *cringe*. See?

Oh, and did you see my (what I think I remember correctly as a) Tori Amos quote?

I haven't listened to her in years. I was quite obsessed in my high school days, though.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Monday, December 19, 2005 12:50 PM


yes I did, but its taken me this long to remember where it comes from - Cloud on My Tongue - an absolutely divine song,

can't believe I didn't place it immedietly, I mean, jeeze, thats the song i'm playing at my wedding (if I bother with the whole 'actually getting married' part) along with Sleeps with Butterflys from the latest album, its one of those songs - try as I might to resist it - that I actually find myself identifying with.

(my normal routine is to not link any music to any thing situation or person - then if it goes wrong I don't loose the music, cowardly, but there you go )

Hang on, lyrics on the way!

Take you away again,
Are you flying
Above where we live?
Then I look up, a glare in my eyes.
Are you having regrets about last night?
I'm not, but I like rivers that rush in
So then I dove in.
Is there trouble ahead
For you the acrobat?
I won't push you unless you have a net.

You say the word
You know I will find you,
Or if you need some time
I don't mind.
I don't hold on
To the tail of your kite.
I'm not like the girls that you've known,
But I believe I'm worth coming home to.
Kiss away night,
This girl only sleeps with butterflies.
With butterflies
So go on and fly then, boy

Look good from on the ground.
I fear with pins and needles around,
We may fall then stumble
Upon a carousel,
It could take us anywhere.

I'm not like the girls that you've known,
But I believe I'm worth coming home to
Kiss away night
This girl only sleeps with butterflies
With butterflies
With butterflies
So go on and fly, boy

theres also this bit, from 'Space Dog', that I absolutely love - very River Tam like -

Deck the halls, I"m young again
I'm you again.
Racing turtles -
The grapefruit is winning
Seems I keep getting this story twisted
So where's Neil when you need him?
Deck the halls it's you again,
It's you again.
Somewhere someone must know the ending

What I always wanted to know was, who's Neil?

'She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan.' - Mal


Monday, December 19, 2005 12:52 PM


Goodness, that girl goes on a bit...

'She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan.' - Mal


Monday, December 19, 2005 3:31 PM


Woo, I fall asleep after work one day and you guys stick another floor on in my absence! So the Desert Island, do we book passage or is it more random like Lost where you buy a ticket to Y and the plane randomly drops out of the sky at X (must of been using a Capissen 38 engine, those things fall right out of the sky...).

What would I take with me... I'd probably go with something stupidly geeky like my laptop, it's got most of my life on it, or my desktop, which has all my life on it. A sizable portion of my films, all my music and any and all artwork I've done, and the artwork I am doing, is all on there. I can do without television but not my Computer. I'd also need a 'net connection and some sort of power supply.

Oh and my Graphics Tablet. I'd need that too.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
Remember, the ice caps aren't melting, the water is being liberated.


Monday, December 19, 2005 3:46 PM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
I had just been thinking about the same thing. I can probably remember to bring the CD with me.

I am very easily 'suaded to things I like and very easily distracted. I'm like a 2 year old.

What were you thinking? That I was bad for you, or that you could bring the cd? Or both? :p Yeah, that'd be cool if you brought it, I'd like to hear it.


Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
And then I'd start a band.

Oh! Happy note! I think I may have found a bass player for my band at church. We've been sans and a kid came up to me last night and said he was getting a bass for Christmas and can he be in the band? I said OF COURSE! Yay!

This is a deserted island, right? Or did you take the liberty I provided and bring a whole crew along? :p

I'm glad you found a bass player...I almost bought myself a bass a few months ago, but I didn't. I'm considering it again, now.


Originally posted by mal4prez:
LMD - I keep forgetting to comment on VAST - I picked that on a whim at a used CD store many years ago. I listened to it about a million times but I've forgotten about it - thanks for the reminder! I'll put it on when I get home tonight.

It's great music. Kind of angsty, but hey I like my angst.

Ah yes, VAST is great :D You have their first album?

I stopped by a record store while I was christmas shopping today...bad idea! I was in the used section and picked up 5 discs, haha. At least I finished off my collection of three different artists with that: Live, Silverchair, and Orgy.

--- <-inching towards daylight


Monday, December 19, 2005 6:12 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
oh, and we can't forget the absolute desert island essential - rum!


*sings* yo ho ho, a pirates life for me...


That reminds me, I borrowed my sisters Indy box set, still haven't watched that one (enough) does the fact that I still have to cover my eyes when the bad guys get melted make me a wuss?

I don't care, i'm comfortable with my wussiness.


'She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan.' - Mal

Awww....but it's funny. They melt. "Oh look something we couldn't possibly understand, Let's kill for it and play with it.... *melty, melty melt*"

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Dreaming the dream that only the sleepless know."
"Say you understand me, And I will leave myself completely.
Forgive me if I stare, But I can see the island behind your tired, troubled eyes." -Fantastic Place (Marbles) -Marillion


Monday, December 19, 2005 10:29 PM


oh I get the funny, even when I was a babe, I got the funny.

the whole greedy messing with what you really don't understand and getting turned into human fondu is hi-larious.

I just can't physically bring myself to watch the actual fonduizing -even last night I pretended to get very interested in scratching my dogs chin (good tactic, 'cos then the other dog and the cat both get jealous and suddenly your surrounded by waggy tales and whiskers and can't even hear the gooey screamy nioses)

Like I said - Wuss, and (almost) proud.

one personal indy break through, I can now watch the bit in Last Crusade where he gets all old and shrivelled very quickly. Not easily, but I can do it.

Yey me?

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 4:18 AM


fonduizing, gooey screamy nioses.

You do put a smile on my face.
Thank you,

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Dreaming the dream that only the sleepless know."
"Say you understand me, And I will leave myself completely.
Forgive me if I stare, But I can see the island behind your tired, troubled eyes." -Fantastic Place (Marbles) -Marillion


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 7:42 AM


I am a secondary school teacher and I feel the generation gap all of the time, even though I'm only thirty-one. I wouldn't even listen to a lot of the music that I hear teens enjoying on campus which makes me feel like my mother. Yuck, I'm too young to think that the music that my students enjoy is just so much noise.

"You can keep a dog; but it is the cat who keeps people, because cats find humans useful domestic animals."--George Mikes


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 8:13 AM


Any time Jadehand

Hallo Bruisersmom!

with music (loose term) like that always I have to go and listen to it a couple of times, see if it eventually settles itself into a tune, Unless its dumf-dumf music (er, rave, hard-house etc) In which case I just tell them that one day they're gonna get pecked to death by the other chickens.

(um, teacher perpetuated urban legend about experiments on chickens - listening to classical music, they were calm and happy, laying went up. rock music - Meatloaf I think - extremely calm, egg laying stopped almost entirely. Hard House - they pecked each other to death with in hours.)

I think their moral is something like 'classical music makes you better at what you're trying to do, house turns you into a raving psycotic lunatic - I don't know where that leaves the rock chicks (groan)

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 8:19 AM


Tee-hee. Work is getting highly stressful. We're in the final crunch before Christmas.

This morning, I instigated an argument between the pastor and the music director over nuances in the bulletins and then I yelled at them both.

You (says me) Stop yelling!
and you(to the other) Take a deep breath!

Then Pastor tried to interrupt and I gave him my mean nanny face and said "No! I'm talking. You listen!"

It was most funny!

Is it bad that I find it amusing when other people yell and get in big snits? My dad smacked me across the face once because he was yelling at me and it made me laugh. I really need to be better at laughing appropriately, like Captain Ebo told me.

New Topic: Those of you coming to my NYE bash (you know who you are): I need to know when you plan on being in town, approximately. I'm trying to decide whether to have people over for dinner at my house New Year's Eve for fondue or something beforehand or if there will be too many of us and we'll need to go to a restaurant.

(Now don't get too excited about the prospect of seeing where I live. It's small and cramped and cluttered and full of old people stuff. I live with my grandparents and they are PACK RATS.)

So, let me know your plans when you know them so I can make mine.


Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 8:39 AM


Bruisersmom, I believe a good amount of the music I listen to would probably drive you nuts and make you feel a generation gap, regardless that my last gf was almost your age, haha.

Bad, bad, Serenity :p That's amusing. One of the very few times I was ever smacked was because I was laughing while my dad yelled at me. I find yelling pretty amusing, hahaha.

I'm planning on showing up in town on the 30th. Regardless of what you say the prospect is still intriguing, anyways ;D

ps: have you seen my latest blog entry, cms? i think you'll find part of it amusing :p

--- <-inching towards daylight


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 8:54 AM



Originally posted by seryn:
Any time Jadehand

Hallo Bruisersmom!

with music (loose term) like that always I have to go and listen to it a couple of times, see if it eventually settles itself into a tune, Unless its dumf-dumf music (er, rave, hard-house etc) In which case I just tell them that one day they're gonna get pecked to death by the other chickens.

(um, teacher perpetuated urban legend about experiments on chickens - listening to classical music, they were calm and happy, laying went up.

*note to self: play more classical music

rock music - Meatloaf I think - extremely calm, egg laying stopped almost entirely. Hard House - they pecked each other to death with in hours.)

I think their moral is something like 'classical music makes you better at what you're trying to do, house turns you into a raving psycotic lunatic - I don't know where that leaves the rock chicks (groan)

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."

This actually explains alot of the behavior I've seen in people who listen to that .
I'd not heard of this experiment before. Here's one of my favourites from college (that I read about, not that I did):
Learned Helplessness: Take 3 large kennel cages with a divider door that folds down in the middle dividing each cage into 2 sections. section 1 metal, section 2 not metal. Insert 3 groups of dogs into the metal sections. Cage A has the divider up so they can't cross. B,C Divider open.
Run a small(very small, no "hey, that's evil") electrical current through the metal parts of cage A & B, but Not C.
Result: Group in A tries to leave but can't.
Group B Crosses to safe side.
Group C No Shock, No move.
Now. 1 Larger cage, same set up, Door opened.
Insert all 3 groups, apply small current.
Result: Group B: "I've seen this before" Crosses to safe side.
Group C: "This is new, but I think group B has the right idea." Cross.
Group A: watch the others cross, and lie down in the metal side taking the current.
In proper context, this too explains some behavior I've seen.

Anyway, Bruisersmom, I'm not that much older. I was one of those that thought I'd always like the newest, popular music. I just had to stop calling the crap they play on the radio music. It's not. I remember when people listened to music because the music was good, and it didn't matter what the people who created it looked like(have you seen some of the artist from the 60's-80's?). Now it's entirely about the appearance, or at least the image (not the same), of the performer. Output can be fixed with computers and mixers. And people buy it up like it's crack.
Well, off to buy Serenity and see how many times I can watch it before I have to sleep.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Dreaming the dream that only the sleepless know."
"Say you understand me, And I will leave myself completely.
Forgive me if I stare, But I can see the island behind your tired, troubled eyes." -Fantastic Place (Marbles) -Marillion


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 9:41 AM



Silly, silly man!

So you'll be around on the 30th. Goodie! More people to play with over the weekend. I may try to plan a few "activities" since my brother and Ash will be around, too.

And yes, I saw your blog.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 1:07 PM


CMS: My work is uncooperative with giving schedules early enough to make plans. I really want to see everyone, but I won't have details on my ability to get there until at least this Fri. I'll let you know as soon as I do.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Dreaming the dream that only the sleepless know."
"Say you understand me, And I will leave myself completely.
Forgive me if I stare, But I can see the island behind your tired, troubled eyes." -Fantastic Place (Marbles) -Marillion


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 3:36 PM


I'm not as witty as some of you guys, so I'll just shoot straight. Soothing the savage beast (er student) is part of the reason why teachers play classical, jazz or world music in class, so you guys are right. It's also because we can't play music with swear words in it and most of the music that I hear students playing has a swear word every other line. I'll get fired if parents start complaining about it or the principal walks in when the musician is swearing. Finally, we want to expose our students to music that they don't usually tune into, like classical, jazz or world music, as part of their education (you know, the whole expanding their cultural horizons thing).

I remember the whole Milli Vanilli scandal when the public found out that they were lip sincing during concerts. They spent a few interviews defending themselves and proving to the public that they could sing on their own before they dropped out of sight. Last I heard one of the singers killed himself. This scandal and seeing concerts with all of the bells and whistles reminds me of my grandfather's appreciation for singers like Frank Sinatra who didn't need to lip sinc or a lot of flashing lights, twenty dancers, and a big swing to wow a crowd. All that Frank needed was his amazing voice. I wasn't born until Frank Sinatra and his generation were very old but I do appreciate their music.

"You can keep a dog; but it is the cat who keeps people, because cats find humans useful domestic animals."--George Mikes


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 8:42 PM


It's been a while since I was thirty one. I remember when music was all about sound and it was really still art and business only lurked in the background and a musician's image was entirely secondary to his/her sound. To some degree the fashions of the late sixties and early seventies are echoed in what I see the fashions of today. However much the times seem similar they really are the same. Hell I'm rambling.

Desert island disks, in no specific order:

Al DiMeola Elegant Gypsy
David Gilmour David Gilmour
Enya Watermark
Gary Moore Wild Frontier
Bela Fleck and the Flecktones Outbound
Toni Childs House of Hope
Sky Sky
Little Feat Feats Don't Fail Me Now
Steve Morse The Introduction
Joe Satriani Flying in a Blue Dream

The management reserves the right to make substitutions in cases of emergency. This list maybe revoked at any time and be supplanted with a subsequent list should the need arise.

Scorpion Regent


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 3:54 AM



Originally posted by Jadehand:
CMS: My work is uncooperative with giving schedules early enough to make plans. I really want to see everyone, but I won't have details on my ability to get there until at least this Fri. I'll let you know as soon as I do.

That's fine, JH. We'll see how I feel around then anyway. I might not feel like making dinner and having people over. Right now, all I can think about is sleep, so it's not a good time for me to be making decisions.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 8:17 AM


What happened to everyone today?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
Remember, the ice caps aren't melting, the water is being liberated.


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 8:21 AM


Hey Citizen!

Nose to the grindstone and all that cr**. I'm trying very hard not to be busy, but the world isn't cooperating!

I'm sorry if my input on the Tree wasn't that.. inspiring, too much on the go right now to sit still long enough to be creative.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 9:01 AM



Originally posted by citizen:
What happened to everyone today?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!

You know, worn out from watching Serenity multiple times into the wee hours of the morning then sleeping for a couple of hours before going to work, really slows ya down. *yawns*, Ok...Getting better, ready to cut out of work early to go watch Serenity again.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Dreaming the dream that only the sleepless know."
"Say you understand me, And I will leave myself completely.
Forgive me if I stare, But I can see the island behind your tired, troubled eyes." -Fantastic Place (Marbles) -Marillion






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