So, what are your opinions of the DVD???

UPDATED: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 18:50
VIEWED: 11651
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Tuesday, December 20, 2005 12:28 PM


Well, I can say that I am so glad that it is finally on DVD. Today was awesome, cuz I finished my last exam, went to Future Shop, came home, and watched Serenity two times in a row.

It was still a very good movie, but I have a few complaints.

1. There's French on the Canadian version. I mean, really, come on. More people speak only Chinese in Canada, than only French. Especially here in the prairies, not very many people speak only French. If you can read English in a country where 99% of the people speak or read it, leave the second language off of it. Only one person out of my graduating class of 300 actually speaks French, and not many of us have strong feelings of fluffy love towards the French, or Quebecers in general (they are trying to split our country apart, by the way).

2. I think the clarity of the colour is too dark compared to theatres. I'm not sure if it's just me, so if any of you out there have the same problems, chime in.

3. A lot of Morena Baccarin's scenes were cut out. I know it was like this in theatres, but I saw it twice before I got the DVD, so I didn't know how much of a crucial part she had. Watching her cut scenes makes me wonder why they were cut. She's a very good actress, and those scenes would have put depth to her role for those who hadn't seen the show.

4. Not enough Special Features. I know there's a lot, but I wish there were more .

So, what are YOUR impressions of the DVD???

"I aim to misbehave."

"If you can't do something smart, do something right".


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 12:48 PM


I woke up this morning expecting to find a package waiting for me from amazon, but there was none. I checked the website and they've pushed the delivery date back to March! WTF!

Sorry for hijacking your thread, I'll be buying it in a shop tomorrow, and then I'll give my impression of the dvd.


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 1:33 PM


well, there were a couple of spots where the sound seemed to go softer than it sound of been. May have been the player or the TV, I'm try it on some other equip., before I can say for sure.
I got mine as part of the package that Wal-Mart had. They were out of Widescreen, except for the bundle with the Hulk. I made the guy take it out so I just bought Serenity, But When I opened the DVD case, there was just the DVD. Nothing else. It's been a while since I bought a DVD, did they stop putting the Chapter guide pages inside? Anyone else get nothing but the disc? Should I just go get another widescreen elsewhere?

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"Dreaming the dream that only the sleepless know."
"Say you understand me, And I will leave myself completely.
Forgive me if I stare, But I can see the island behind your tired, troubled eyes." -Fantastic Place (Marbles) -Marillion


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 1:35 PM


i got a disc and a battlestar galactica ad.


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 1:43 PM


I bought it today, but not for myself. As Christmas gifts for 2 soon-to-be-very-pleased relatives.

My main complaint thus far is that there just aren't enough of them. I went to Blockbuster (for something else entirely) and noticed that they only had five copies for rental. Just five! Must Love f*ing Dogs had about 100. Why no love for Serenity? Though, every single Serenity was checked out, so hopefully that's a good sign.

"Were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose?"


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 2:23 PM


i went to walmart last night at midnight. we waited and waited for them to bring out the dvds. while waiting i talked to the store manager (who was in plain cloths and was off work) he was also waiting for serenity. after about 10 min of waiting for the dvds, he got on the cb and hollored to the stock boys. well after the dvds were rolled out he and i opened it. we picked out the widescreen version. after a few minutes i asked him if i could have the display. he gave me the top portion(i will post a pic later). i was so excited!!! there was not a lot of browncoats there waiting for the dvd other than me and the manager. ( at least they didnt show themselves) anyway. i didnt like how universal put the Battlestar flyer in the dvd case and not put in a cool serenity or firefly insert??? (i know firefly is fox, but there is a dvd doc on the canceled firefly series)

i stayed up and watched the extra features. it was too late to watch the whole movie. but since i own my own business i watched the movie and the Joss commentary while waiting on customers.

I just figured i would share that with you fellow browncoats.

now if anybody knows please post, how long will it take before the DVD sales are a bust or a success????


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 2:28 PM


Does anyone know why the security sticker across the top says "Serenity (Unrated)" on it? I didn't notice anything being added and the rating screen before the movie starts says "PG-13".

Possibly a mistake or did they only print stickers for a soon to be released Director's Cut?

"When you can't do something smart, do something right."


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 4:06 PM


I thought the color on the DVD looked fine as well as the sound..I am also a big fan of Morena but I thought that she was off her game a little in most of her deleted scenes...Escpecially the scene with the other woman at the companion training school(just some bad acting) Like I said I am a fan of her acting she just missed the mark in those deleted scenes...Overall I was impressed with DVD,extras an all..

The answer to the question about the inserts in the DVD is no..No they dont put inserts in more then 50% of DVD's now a days...I dont like it but thats the way it is...


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 4:48 PM



2. I think the clarity of the colour is too dark compared to theatres. I'm not sure if it's just me, so if any of you out there have the same problems, chime in.

My dvd is also way to dark. I bought my copy at future shop too. Maybe future shop got a bad batch?


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 5:11 PM


Video and audio are pretty much flawless, as near as I can tell -- extras are adequate, would've wished more (still working on viewing 'em all). Why didn't we get the same expanded extras the Aussies got, dang it? Should we expect a double-dip?

My only complaint has been discussed elsewhere -- the abominable cover art. I'm waiting for someone with a talent for design to step up and do a print-yer-own version in the Blue Sun room. Any takers?

"Well, here I am..." - Jubal Early


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 5:24 PM


I thought it was great. BUT THEY KILLED WASH!!!
I didn't know that (didn't see it in theatres). Arrrgh!

Anybody who doesn't appreciate what America has done and President Bush, let them go to hell!
-- Iraqi voter Betty Devisha.


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 5:46 PM


Ya, I also did not like the cover the cover art. It doesn't even look like Summer Glau for god sake!!! Last time I checked, she didn't have blue eyes.

I don't think Future Shop got a bad batch, cuz it looks the same on my iBook G4 as it does on my T.V.

"I aim to misbehave."


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 5:49 PM


To be honest, I was a little disappointed. I watched the deleted scenes and the outtakes (which are hi-larious) so far. There was one scene that I was so looking forward to seeing, and it's not even on the DVD.
There's a scene right after the one where they're on Miranda, they've just watched the video of the woman explaining the Reavers and getting attacked. Mal walks outside, we cut to him outside the building. Now, after that (according to both the novelization and the script) there is supposed to be a scene where Inara follows him out, and they have a tearful little moment, before we cut to the scene of Mal talking to everyone back on the ship (i.e. the "I aim to misbehave" speech).
The missing scene is in the novelization, it's in the script, there are pictures from it (2, to be exact) in the official Serenity magazine, and there's even a blooper from it on the Serenity DVD (it's the blooper where Nathan flubs his line, starts dancing, the camera slides sideways a little so we can see that Morena is there too and then he takes her hand and starts dancing with her).
I guess I just don't understand why if you've gone to the trouble to film the scene, show images from it in a publication, and include a blooper from it on the DVD, why you wouldn't put the actual scene on the DVD with all the other deleted scenes.
I guess that's my only major complaint. I was really looking forward to seeing that scene. Maybe I was the only one (or part of the vast minority).
Other than that, I think it's great. I can't wait to watch the other features.

Oh yeah, one other thing. I have to agree about the cover art. Does anyone else think they made her look a little too much like Aleria?


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 5:51 PM


Here are my main ones: (but they're kinda smallish I guess)

1.) When I watched the deleted scenes I thought there was at least one that they should've added, though a shorter version of it) That one was when the operative was looking up Mal and Serenity Valley, etc. Since the BDM was the first I ever saw of Serenity and Firefly, I didn't really understand the ships name and its connection with the story all that great. All I knew was there was a war, and it was pretty ugly. Not that there was a war, and it was pretty ugly. Firefly filled me in on that part.

2.) I noticed the dark thing too. Mine isn't too dark, but it is dark enough to annoy you if you have any kinda light source in the room.

3.) The cover and that Granted it is what's inside that counts, but if I had never seen Serenity and was out to buy a DVD, I'd pass it up. River looks more eerie than normal. And the yellow planet covered with what I'm assuming is Reavers, to me doesn't really have anything to do with the movie and looks kinda cheesy.

But the cover doesn't really matter to me that much.

4.) It sucks that there are no more inside slippy things. I think the movie people that put out these DVD's and all are just to cheap to do it. Which kinda sucks, but I don't really give a about Battlestar Galactica. I don't have cable.

That is my long winded-ness about complaints...but my happiness makes all of them obsolete (I think that's spelled wrong, sorry).

Drunks are so cute.


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 5:56 PM


my DVD picture quality is beautiful... better than the theater's quality where it was noticiably darker...

I'd turn the contrast up on your tv

Boston Legal - Tuesdays @ 10:00 (ET) on ABC
Arrested Development - Mondays @ 8:00 (ET) on FOX


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 5:59 PM



Originally posted by Buckaroo:
Video and audio are pretty much flawless, as near as I can tell -- extras are adequate, would've wished more (still working on viewing 'em all). Why didn't we get the same expanded extras the Aussies got, dang it? Should we expect a double-dip?

My only complaint has been discussed elsewhere -- the abominable cover art. I'm waiting for someone with a talent for design to step up and do a print-yer-own version in the Blue Sun room. Any takers?

"Well, here I am..." - Jubal Early

There have been several posted here a while back. Many were very well done. My personal favourite was from 11th Hour, who also did the art for the Serenity RPG. It's here in the blue sun room somewhere, you may have to dig. Or head over to the Universal board and find the alt cover thread. Most of the ones here were posted there as well, I think.


Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Dreaming the dream that only the sleepless know."
"Say you understand me, And I will leave myself completely.
Forgive me if I stare, But I can see the island behind your tired, troubled eyes." -Fantastic Place (Marbles) -Marillion


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 6:27 PM


My guess is that some of those scenes that we've caps of and that were in the script that we know were filmed are probably on the 2 disc Australia version and that there will be an extended version available for us here in the US at some point.
They probably rushed a bit to get it out before Christmas here and we can expect something more later.


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 6:36 PM


I would agree with JUTIN the picture quality is great and its not dark at all..
As for the missing scene there are many reasons they might have left it out when they edited the movie (lighting,bad sound,actors were off there mark in the scene,maybe it was too sensitive,etc..)

The picture of Summer clearly looks nothing like her I must admit..
But I am somewhat shocked by the negatives reviews by fans..I am usually a very harsh film critic..
Lets remember this was a cancelled scifi soap opera (which i loved)made into a very good action adventure film what did people expect "The Third Man" or "Raging Bull"..
Everyone is entitled to there opinion but the main points of all the negative reviews are
1. Wash and Book died (sorry if someone possibly didn't know this)
2. The movie should have been 16 hours long so it had everything i could possible want..

On the first point I think the main reason they died is because it was a movie..Movies have formulas and someone always has to die , and if there is a sequel we will most likely lose more crew..
On the second point its tough to sell studios 16 hour movies..
If my DVD was dark or had bad sound I would be upset..This movie like most has flaws to be criticized but I have not heard many valid ones..


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 7:45 PM


I hope there's an extended director's cut DVD like what was done for Lord of the Rings.

And finally, I think Book got the short end of the stick in the movie. When I first saw the movie and he died, I couldn't have cared less, but when I watched the show afterwards, Book became my favourite character behind Mal.

His story was so mysterious, I couldn't pass up being intrigued by him.

"I aim to misbehave."


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 7:52 PM


I am also waiting on my delivery of the dvd from Amazon, but when I checked the website, it listed the delivery dates Dec 23-24... Hmmmm

I'll probably buy it in the store before I get it anyway, the wait is killing me.

***Never judge a book by its movie***


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 8:10 PM


There are fewer complaints than there are praises so I'll stick with them.

1) Whedon's commentary, while highly enjoyable, isn't what I was looking for. He spent most of the time talking about the lighting and camera effects, and, while interesting, I would've preferred more talk about the actors and characters. A cast commentary would've (probably) not only solved this but been a blast as well, or at least one with Fillion, who seems most apt of all to yak about the show.

2) Not enough extras! Maybe I'm being greedy, but I went through all of them in what seems like a really short amount of time. The easter egg is a gem, though.

3) Perhaps the sound system in my living room is just low quality (entirely possible!) but I remember the score being way more prevalent and soaring in the theatre, particularly during the title sequence when it plays such a huge part. I don't know, this is a peccadillo.

4) Is it just me, or did the "what was that?" completely disappear from the end? I was actually surprised.


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 8:23 PM



Tuesday, December 20, 2005 9:08 PM


Iloved the movie I saw it 2x in theatre and ran to the store to get my copy. I watched it tongight and I plan to watch it on Xmas as it is amazing....



Tuesday, December 20, 2005 9:45 PM


It seemed like there were some sound balancing issues in the DVD. I work late, so when I got home with my DVD and got ready to watch, it was right around midnight, and I couldn't be too loud lest I disturb my neighbors outside of the paper-thin walls of my apartment. So I had to keep the sound down a bit and found myself constantly raising the volume in several scenes to hear what was being said and straining to hear voices when the score got loud. I've seen home videos that were much worse in that respect, but it could have been a touch better.

Usually when one gets a DVD with deleted scenes, it's usually apparent why they were cut out and usually they were good choices for cuts. However, I felt the majority of the deleted scenes in "Serenity" needed to be included in the final cut. Not so much for the Browncoats, but for those coming in with no experience with the "Firefly" 'verse. The movie did a great job creating an experience for both fans of the show and newcomers, but two or three of those deleted scenes would have gone a long way toward filling in people not familiar with the show. And it would've maybe added five minutes in length to the film. It's a shame they had to be cut, as they would have made some of the things in the film make a lot more sense to those not in the know. Don't know if that would have helped sell a few more tickets or not, but...

But overall...


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 2:49 AM



Originally posted by 20thCentFoxHater:
I hope there's an extended director's cut DVD like what was done for Lord of the Rings.

And finally, I think Book got the short end of the stick in the movie. When I first saw the movie and he died, I couldn't have cared less, but when I watched the show afterwards, Book became my favourite character behind Mal.

His story was so mysterious, I couldn't pass up being intrigued by him.

"I aim to misbehave."

Hi FoxHater,
FYI Joss has been quoted as saying Serenity was the movie he wanted to make and that was the Director's cut, so there probably won't be an extended version.

I aim to misbehave!

Firefly items:
For lapel pins and badge holder lanyards


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 2:55 AM



Originally posted by oiamslain:
There are fewer complaints than there are praises so I'll stick with them.

1) Whedon's commentary, while highly enjoyable, isn't what I was looking for. He spent most of the time talking about the lighting and camera effects, and, while interesting, I would've preferred more talk about the actors and characters. A cast commentary would've (probably) not only solved this but been a blast as well, or at least one with Fillion, who seems most apt of all to yak about the show.

2) Not enough extras! Maybe I'm being greedy, but I went through all of them in what seems like a really short amount of time. The easter egg is a gem, though.


BINGO! Someone said it before me, Joss spent too much time on the shooting of the movie and not enough on stuff of interest to more fans. IE the fact that they built the set 6" too wide in the opening (ok 2nd) scene when Simon and River escape and they had to put up a length of board so Summer could fit across it. Also pointing out, during the scene in the vault when you can see past the walls into the set. I was hoping for lots more of that stuff. I was pretty disappointed that Joss didn't even mention the Browncoats being cast as extras!

Also I thought Joss introduction to the special screenings should have been an Easter Egg. The folks that only saw the movie in the theaters won't really understand that "extra".

Then of course not enough of the blooper reel or deleted scenes or making of etc...

But overall I'll play the thing till I wear it out.

I aim to misbehave!

Firefly items:
For lapel pins and badge holder lanyards


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 2:55 AM


"It's okay to leave them to die"

Haven't bought the DVD but I did check it out at the local 'big-box' bookstore. I will buy it, but not at the price they are asking. "Serenity" is a very good movie and "Firefly" is an equally good TV show.

The reviews of the DVD have been helpful and I agree with the prevailing view that the cover art is not good. I tried to look at the package as a newcomer and it did not excite me. I plan to print out a new cover based on the image that appears on the home page (you know, with River wielding heavy metal)and use that as a 'skin'. The orientation of the picture will be vertical rather than horizontal but so what. A good movie deserves a good representation.


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 4:10 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

I thought people were being way too tetchy back when the cover was first shown on the internet. Turns out that *bad* one was even better than the real thing - at least the version circulated on the boards didn't have a dull metallic surface that made it hard to see. When I finally spotted it I had to turn it left, right and then hold it up closer to light (20-20) so I could see what was what. If you weren't looking for it you'd probably never see it.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 5:23 AM


Being late to the verse this was the first chance I had to see the BDM.

1. I didn't like it as well as I do the series. Obviously a movie has to have more flash. The series just seemed to have a more character centric feel to it.
2. Does anybody think Kaylee looked better with a few additional pounds?
3. I think the outakes with Mal and Inara in the shuttle should have been included. They showed some of the banter those two always had in the series.
4. The DVD had a great LFE track on it. My SVS sub had a good workout.
5. I agree that there were times where the dialog was kind of drowned out by the music/effects and was hard to make out what they were saying.
6. I was sad to see Wash get killed, but it looks like River may have found a job on the ship now.
7. One of my favorite scenes is toward the end when Simon and Kaylee start to make out, and you see Rivers face appear in the hatch looking down at them, lol.

All in all, a nice addition to the 'Verse'. As for the missing scene with the Mal and Inara hug, maybe Joss is holding that for the BDM2.

"I'll be in my bunk"


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 5:56 AM


We had our Christmas party at work yesterday before everyone took off for their Christmas break. Its one of those parties where everyone has to exchange gifts, and I recieved a LOT of gifts from those morons at work this year, and I BET you guyz and galz can't guess what all of my co-workers chose to get me?

I now have 18 copies of Serenity, and 6 copies of Firefly the Complete Series Dvd!!!! What were they thinking?

I watched Serenity last night and I have to say that the lighting was really bad in certain scenes...especially the Miranda scenes. It was too bright to the point where I couldnt even see the actors! Kaylee is a beautiful character in Serenity, and she looks really good thin, but the "baby fat" that she carried with her in the Firefly series added to her perkiness, and in a way, made her more beautiful and lovable.

The DVD cover was icky, and so 70ish looking. I did like the advertisment for the new Battlestar Galactica seeing that its my new space opera and all. I felt let-down by the cut scenes.

After watching the movie, and while I was converting and burning it straight into my new ipod video, I realized that, though Serenity is a good movie, the Firefly series blows it out of the water in a very big way.


For those who are interested:
Serenity converts down nicely to MP4 format at a nice 327MB, which fits perfectly on the new ipod video. I now have ever firefly episode plus Serenity on my new ipod video. Pretty cool huh?


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 6:07 AM


I have to say, I'm more of an extra whore when it comes to DVDs i saw more then once in teh theaters. I want to see things I havn't seen before, like Featerettes (can't spell) and gag reels, not usually deleted scenes cause they usually are cut for a reason (as long as its not time for the reason). And for comittary, as much as I like Joss Whedon, and think hes a good speaker ( i mean look at the Joss intro to one of the screenings), I don't really care how he shot certain things, or what they did to set up the shot, some people might I just dont. I'd rather hear the cast (it was the best ones on Firefly DVDs), there usually funny ( I mean, you couldn't help liking the Alan and Nathan or Nathan and Joss commentary on the FF DVDs).

But i digress, the movie still kicks ass, and i'm picking up more for very late x-mas presents when i get to england (since i move soon)

"Right Now/ Somebody's stuck in Iraq, Hoping that he gets hipped back breathing/ In a war he's not really sure the reasons/ So we show our support when the press misleads him/ Though we mourn / Remain proud / Salute the troops..."-Ryu of Fort Minor
Death is like sex in high school... If you knew how many times you missed having it you'd be paralyzed- Georgia Lass (Dead Like Me)
*Andersen AFB, Guam*


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 6:14 AM


Biggest peeve about the DVD...
You should be able to play the movie WITH deleted scenes inserted back in!!!

Other than that, the DVD was perfect.

And it weren't too dark Chrisisall


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 8:10 AM



Originally posted by jerryt:
Being late to the verse this was the first chance I had to see the BDM.

1. I didn't like it as well as I do the series. Obviously a movie has to have more flash. The series just seemed to have a more character centric feel to it.
2. Does anybody think Kaylee looked better with a few additional pounds?
3. I think the outakes with Mal and Inara in the shuttle should have been included. They showed some of the banter those two always had in the series.
4. The DVD had a great LFE track on it. My SVS sub had a good workout.
5. I agree that there were times where the dialog was kind of drowned out by the music/effects and was hard to make out what they were saying.
6. I was sad to see Wash get killed, but it looks like River may have found a job on the ship now.
7. One of my favorite scenes is toward the end when Simon and Kaylee start to make out, and you see Rivers face appear in the hatch looking down at them, lol.

All in all, a nice addition to the 'Verse'. As for the missing scene with the Mal and Inara hug, maybe Joss is holding that for the BDM2.

"I'll be in my bunk"

Your first and second comments were discussed in a lively manner when the movie came out. I liked the series more because I didn't like the subtle changes in character and didn't like having Wash and Book killed. Some people counterargued that it's realistic to have main characters die and I countered their counterarguments by saying that there was a lot of unrealistic violence in the movie so they could've spared Wash and Book. I liked Kaylee with more meat on her bones and so did a lot of other people but not everybody agreed. Some people liked the trimmed down Kaylee better.

"You can keep a dog; but it is the cat who keeps people, because cats find humans useful domestic animals."--George Mikes


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 8:12 AM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
We had our Christmas party at work yesterday before everyone took off for their Christmas break. Its one of those parties where everyone has to exchange gifts, and I recieved a LOT of gifts from those morons at work this year, and I BET you guyz and galz can't guess what all of my co-workers chose to get me?

I now have 18 copies of Serenity, and 6 copies of Firefly the Complete Series Dvd!!!! What were they thinking?

I watched Serenity last night and I have to say that the lighting was really bad in certain scenes...especially the Miranda scenes. It was too bright to the point where I couldnt even see the actors! Kaylee is a beautiful character in Serenity, and she looks really good thin, but the "baby fat" that she carried with her in the Firefly series added to her perkiness, and in a way, made her more beautiful and lovable.

The DVD cover was icky, and so 70ish looking. I did like the advertisment for the new Battlestar Galactica seeing that its my new space opera and all. I felt let-down by the cut scenes.

After watching the movie, and while I was converting and burning it straight into my new ipod video, I realized that, though Serenity is a good movie, the Firefly series blows it out of the water in a very big way.


For those who are interested:
Serenity converts down nicely to MP4 format at a nice 327MB, which fits perfectly on the new ipod video. I now have ever firefly episode plus Serenity on my new ipod video. Pretty cool huh?

Gosh! I guess a lot of people are going to be regifted copies of Serenity and Firefly. Sounds like your Christmas shopping is done!

"You can keep a dog; but it is the cat who keeps people, because cats find humans useful domestic animals."--George Mikes


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 9:48 AM


I pretty much like the DVD. It's awesome, and the movie tied in so well with everything. I mean, the quality just works for everyone, its so awesome. Thank God or whoever for Firefly!



Wednesday, December 21, 2005 9:51 AM


I must be a bit less critical of the film than most. I thought it was fantastic, though a bit darker in theme than the series. I never saw Wash's death coming. It was totally out of the blue, and added a very emotional twist toward the end.

The cover art isn't horrible. I've seen much worse on other DVD releases.

I agree, it would be nice to see the film complete with the deleted scenes added in, but I think it would be nicer to see some more Episodes of a new Firefly series instead.


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 9:52 AM


Ok, sometimes I just read FAR too much into things, But I was curious if those of you who listened to the comentary remember when Joss was talking about the 20 minutes of talking about the past and on the 21st minute some people will walk out, ......or sometimes after 14 minutes. Reference to FOX walking out on him after 14 episodes? It's near the beginning of the commentary.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 10:09 AM


I didnt think the movie was too dark at all. I remember people complaining about that with the Firefly set, too. I think the problem with some people is, you watch it at day time. You have to watch it in the dark, as it aint that shiny out in the black.

Anyway, i was very happy with the DVD. Though would have wanted more extras (but compared to other movies it had pretty much the standard amount, so i aint complaining), but hopefully there will be an SE or LE later on.


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 10:14 AM


I guess I am alone on this...Joss could not make the movie just another episode..Browncoats would have been happy but newcomers and critics would have been confused and probably not liked it as much as they did..A WEEKLY TV SERIES AND A FEATURE FILM ARE TOTALLY DIFFERENT AND SHOULD NOT BE COMPARED..Serenity should be compared to other movies..As for the person who said that because the premise is not realistic both Wash and Book could have lived..Here are some movies with unrealistic premises that killed off important characters..I do remember that Obi Wan was killed in Star Wars , Boromir and Gandalf(sort of)were killed in the Fellowship of the Ring, Ripley is the only one to make it in Alien and Aliens with some big named stars being killed in both movies, Neo , Morpheus and Trinity are the only three from there crew of 8 to make it in the Matrix...Likeable characters sometimes get killed off..I do believe that if someone watches the Movie and enjoys it then watches the series they might like the series more...Because watching an episode every week or flying through the Firefly Dvd's is addictive..Much more addictive then a Movie on its own ,or a Movie with another coming in 2 years,or a movie that killed characters you loved. This doesn't mean the film should lose points for this.. The TV show was an enjoyable entertaining funny somewhat of a family show that I was a huge fan of(beyond reason) but Making the movie another episode would have not had appealed to new fans like a serious action thriller does...For there to be another show or movie we need alot more then just dedicated browncoats to see it...More importantly we need it to appeal to older high school kids and younger college kids..

In closing I think who ever edited the movie deserves an award every bad seen was kept out...
Great Work..

I like scenes between Jayne and Book..So i,m mad because the movie wasn't 20 hours of just those two talking(I am being a wise ass sorry)
And there should have been 300 extras taking up 7 dvds(sorry again)

I want it to be clear that I am not a fanboy..I would love to see someone complain about parts of the story that might not have made sense or the whole Mr. Universe character being cheesy or anything but Why did they kill Wash and Book or why didn,t it have everything that I wanted in it..They just seem like 5th grader complaints.. I would just like to get deeper into discussing the film then the same two points..

Clearly if your DVD has sound or darkness problems that would be unacceptable..


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 4:58 PM


I'm supposed to be gradings papers.... but they can wait a bit.

Loved it. I just hope I will get to see more of them.

Just one thing: I like to put the subtitles for the deaf. At one point, Joss speaks of the "Millenium Falcon", and the subtitles say "Millenium Vulcan".

Also about the comment about the Canadian version having French in it. Well, we are here, we speak French, and French is an official language. Deal with it. Also, it is sad to read comments where we are dissed, and then complain that we want to leave. Just love us. We are nice. On a funny side... maybe we don't want to be part of the Alliance... so that makes us Browncoats


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 6:31 PM



Originally posted by 20thCentFoxHater:
3. A lot of Morena Baccarin's scenes were cut out. I know it was like this in theatres, but I saw it twice before I got the DVD, so I didn't know how much of a crucial part she had. Watching her cut scenes makes me wonder why they were cut. She's a very good actress, and those scenes would have put depth to her role for those who hadn't seen the show.

Did you notice that you can turn on/off a Joss commentary during the deleted scenes? It explains why he had to cut so many of Morena's scenes.

Regarding the cover art, I don't mind it. What I DO mind is the art on the disc itself -- it looks like a blue transporter beam from Star Trek. I'm surprised Browncoats aren't more upset about that, and the lack of any insert, than the cover art. I like the shiny-foil aspect to it.

But of course, the movie ROCKS and I'm very excited to own it!!


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 6:50 PM


The film will not have an extended director's cut. Joss has said that the film is the best at it's current version.

Studios however release "extended" or "unrated" versions at the dismay of directors.

It's quite funny listening to the commentary on "Underworld: extended & unrated" where Len Wiseman says that he wishes Sony (Screen Gems) would have asked him to make a director's cut because he would have restored some of the scenes but left some of them out.

Summing up, Joss likes the film the way it is but studios have been known to release longer versions of films in order to make money. It may happen here.

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