So, what are your other fan-obsessions?

UPDATED: Thursday, December 22, 2005 14:00
VIEWED: 15569
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Tuesday, November 29, 2005 8:21 AM


For me, I've been a semi-professional fanatic for many years now. Firefly/Serenity is only the newest addition to my list of fan obsessions. So, I thought I'd see what other people here are in to, and cover the ones I'm really into.

Star Wars: I've been into these since I saw the original in the theatre as a toddler. I adore the originals (esp. 4&5), and I do enjoy the prequels for the most part (1 was awfull, but had it's moments, 2 OK, and 3 pretty cool).

Batman: Became a fan with the original Burton/Keaton movie. Became a BIG fan with the animated series (which is amazingly dark for a cartoon, esp. on DVD when you don't have cereal comercials breaking the flow).

Highlander: I was a fan of the original movie since it's release, but only became a fanatic once the TV series started airing in the 90's.

Farscape: Came to this show mid-way through season 3, fell in love, caught up on the DVD's, had a FREAKING BREAKDOWN when it was cancelled. Spent many dollars on postage and "Crackers DO matter" postcards.

Babylon 5: Another one I came to late, fell in love, and had to get caught-up on.

Firefly/Serenity: Duh. No need to preach to the chior here.

Overall, the last year (or so) has been great for my particular obsessions. A new (and pretty good IMO) Star Wars movie, a DAMN GOOD Batman movie, a Farscape miniseries to wrap-up the most excurtiating series finale EVER, the very, very fantabulous Serenity, and a new (and from the looks of it, potentially good) Highlander movie is about 1 week from wrapping shooting, with an animated movie also nearly finished.

If only the Babylon 5 movie hadn't fallen apart late last year, this year would have been perfect (from my fan-perspective).

How about you folk?

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 9:32 AM


I felt strongly enough about Buffy to attend a fan convention....
but that wasn't nearly as strong as how much I love Firefly/Serenity....

I've liked a lot of shows, making them 'must see TV' and taping them...
but I never bought DVDs until Buffy

however I have been a huge fan of actors in the past, accumulating their movies on video...and I went to NYC to see Kevin Kline on stage four times!
so maybe that qualifies.....

pretty much I'm just Whedon's bitch, and I expect to like anything he does as much as I love these things he has already done!

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse,
and have you joined the Browncoats yet?


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 9:37 AM


While i was a big fan of Buffy I can honestly say i have never been obsessed with any show as much i have been with Firefly But then i'm a bit young for Bab 5, Trek and Star Wars


Liu koushui de biaozi he houzi de ben erzi.


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 10:17 AM


Has anyone here seen Carnivale? not exactly sci-fi but definetly fantasy,

about, would you believe it, a Carnival. set in thirties America, theres outcasts and misfits, good versus evil (but only in a highly fuzzy way) suspect preachers and a good looking/bad tempered braces wearing character, hmmm, sounds familiar...

no, truly, brilliant show, the kinds of intelligent, gripping, terrifying and amazing t.v. that only comes along once in a blue moon and naturally has to be messed around by the t.v. schedulers.

everyone has to get the box sets and watch it cause its truly frelling brilliant.

I was one of those people who signed the petitions and stamped her little feet when Farscape was cancelled, especially when charmed was picked up again, but at the time i was being held captive in a towering halls of residence and being prevented from watching the last few seasons by evil trendy types, so i was slightly anaesthetised, lucky me...


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 10:23 AM


STAR WARS: I've been a Star Wars fan since I was 5 or 6. We only had Return of the Jedi, so I knew about the whole Vader/Luke/Leia thing from the beginning (awful, I know). I really dug Episode III, after the atrocity that was Episode II (yeah, I liked Phantom Menace. Sue me.)

KEVIN SMITH FILMS: Sure, it's childish and dumb, but I really love Kevin Smith's films (Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back, Jersey Girl). Clerks is the reason I'm a film student right now. And with Clerks 2 due out next August, I love being a fan of the Askewniverse right now.

ZOMBIE FILMS: I've only begun my obsession over zombie films in the past year. Land of the Dead, Shaun of the Dead, all those. There's just something intrinsically cool about zombie films. I don't know what it is.

HELLBOY: Huge fan of the comics. Loved the movie, really looking forward to the sequel and the animated films. Go Mignola!

SOUTH PARK: Again, it's childish and stupid, but I've been a fan since the beginning. And the current run of episodes are as funny as they've ever been. I'll buy up anything Trey Parker and Matt Stone put out.

It's just been the past few years that I've been getting into fandoms. Used to be, it was nothing but Star Wars for me. But now I'm more open to other stuff. I know I can't be a fan of everything (especially of the stuff that I just hate), but I'd like to get acquainted with as much of it all as I can.


"Were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose?"


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 10:55 AM


A lot of Starwars fans out there I notice. I'm not a fan myself though I've seen all the films. My son is a big fan though.
Quantum Leap was my favourite t.v. show prior to Firefly, and though I wouldn't really class it as an obsession I liked it enough to buy a couple of dvd sets.
My only other real obsession is a writer called Robin Hobb who also writes under the name Megan Lindholm. It's the only message board I've been a member of apart from this one. She writes intricate, complex, extensive and highly addictive fantasy trilogies about very believable people and places. I would highly recommend anyone who likes fantasy novels to read them. Start with The Farseer Trilogy, which comprises The Assassin's Apprentice, Royal Assassin and The Assassin's Quest.


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 11:10 AM


Well I'll start by saying I have ADD so for me to stay interested in something for long, well I just cant, this is the first time that I find my self watching a show more than once, actually over and over again, I love sci-fi including STAR WARS and yes STAR TREK NEXT GERENATION. But this is my first obsession. Oh wait and shoes,
I love shoes, does that count?


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 11:15 AM


a great TV show on FX called "Nip/Tuck" also the now broken up band The Smashing Pumpkins, i also go in and out of fanaticism with wrestling. i've been watching it for like 17 years now, so the level of fanatasicm is bound to flux.

"mine is an evil laugh"


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 11:15 AM


FARSCAPE! Oh dear god... I had a complete and utter freak out when it got cancelled. I had a freakout at the end of the season 2 finale as well... I mean, aside from the season 4 finale, that was the worst cliffhanger I have EVER seen in ANY TV show in my ENTIRE life! I was practicaly banging my head on the wall by the time season 3 started. And Season of Death did NOT disappoint, following extremely wel in Die Me Dichotomy's footsteps.

And the season 4 finale... I just stared in shock. Until the point where "To be continued" came up, and I 'knew' there weren't going to be anymore, so I burst into tears.

*clears throat* Anyway, Farscape... my pre-Firefly (and during, and after) fan obsession.

I also loved Carnivale, FYI


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 11:18 AM


Lord of the Rings.. and uhm... cough cough.. (am I really going to admit this in public???))

Russell Crowe

Chindi (hiding face in embarrassment..)


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 11:18 AM


Well... Never like this. But I've been a big fan of Babylon 5, Lost as of late and of course Star wars (go ahead sue me....I was 7 when it came out...I was powerless) ....But I've never been a memeber of a Forum like this.

Unless your counting Video games.... Gran Turismo and Guild Wars equaly suck the hours out of my day.

"Dear God In Heaven!" - Plastic Dinosaur


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 11:18 AM


system glitch= double post..


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 11:33 AM


Oh god, I am like a fandom junkie!

Music: Depeche Mode

TV: Buffy, Angel, Roswell (I even sent in hot sauce), Dark Angel, I didn't discover Farscape until it was cancelled, but it's bloody brilliant I say. Also Carnivale, Dead Like Me and Deadwood.

Movies: Anything Kevin Smith touches (he is to movies as Joss is to TV)

Books: Anything by Laurie Notaro cos I am so her.

Lemme think on this some more...

Inara: "Do aliens live among us?"
Kaylee: "Yes. One of them's a doctor."


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 11:45 AM



KEVIN SMITH FILMS: Sure, it's childish and dumb, but I really love Kevin Smith's films (Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back, Jersey Girl). Clerks is the reason I'm a film student right now. And with Clerks 2 due out next August, I love being a fan of the Askewniverse right now.


SOUTH PARK: Again, it's childish and stupid, but I've been a fan since the beginning. And the current run of episodes are as funny as they've ever been. I'll buy up anything Trey Parker and Matt Stone put out.

I totally forgot Kevin Smith. Big fan of his movies, especially Chasing Amy.

I also really dig Robert Rodriguez. Most of his movies are "B" grade, but as an aspiring filmmaker, the way he built his career is inspiring.

And I'm in partial agreement with you on South Park. It's a great show, and one of my all-time favs. I just disagree that it's stupid. Childish and juvanile (I guess that's redundant), sure. But the satire on that show is often much deeper than most people give it credit for.

And since we're expanding the lists beyond filmed media, I'll trow in a couple few others.

Writers: I'll read anything from Neil Gaiman, or comics by Frank Miller, Alan Moore, Warren Ellis or Garth Ennis.

Music: I'm a total nut for Pearl Jam and Radiohead.

Video games: I have lost countless hours to the Grand Theft Auto and Metal Gear series. Or most any game with Star Wars in the title(good and bad).

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 11:49 AM



I just disagree that it's stupid.

Don't get me wrong. I wasn't calling it stupid, myself. I was just pre-empting haters who might try to tell me that it is.

Actually, I think the show's genius, if completely juvenile.

"Were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose?"


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 12:19 PM


My obsession being that Buffy/Angel/Firefly aren't on anymore are comic books. For all of you who think comics are for kids, you're WRONG. Comics are for teenagers and adults. Pick up "Y: The Last Man" and "The Walking Dead" if you don't believe me. I've also had an ongoing minor obsession with Star Wars since grade 4 (about 12 years ago).

"I aim to misbehave."


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 1:40 PM


WOOT BEG!!! Go Depeche Mode!!!

My secret shame, on and off through the years, has been Magic: The Addiction - erm, Gathering. Curse that card game - so wonderful, so overpriced. It makes me feel like an alcholic - I've been out a little over a year now, but I had been out for a year and a half before that. It always comes back, curse it!

I've also spent my time idolizing Star Wars, but there's no need to rehash what others have said.


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 1:53 PM


Well, I, too am a huge Star Wars fan, having growing up watching the originals when I was little. I've done the whole deal: dressing up for halloween, premieres, etc, figures, drawings...well, I'm definitely a SW geek!

Books: Harry Potter. Big time.
Music: Vanessa Carlton, Fleetwood Mac, John Mayer
Movies: SW, The Mummy+The Mummy Returns: seriously campy movies, but I'm a bit of an Egypt and mythology junkie, too, so these movies are just plain amazing. And I adore the actors in them.
Video Games: Age of Mythology: such a shiny game. I love toppling civilizations with the click of the mouse.

Now, however, Firefly has taken me. Hard. lol. This series has definitely been my current obsession, and probably the strongest in the least amount of time.


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 2:07 PM


Good to see another Highlander fan!!!!!
I am Ertia, Methos' lost love slave, and always will be. :D

I've been a Lord of the Rings geek since I first read the books when I was 13, and the movies brought on a whole new fervor for all things Tolkien.
(My home office is entirely decorated in all things LOTR and Highlander.)

Loved Farscape & LEXX, really like Law & Order, but I'm not as ...well... I don't spend my spare time writing fanfiction for them, or rewatching old episodes until my eyes I don't think they really count as Fan-fodder for me.

Thank the powers that be for the Internet which brings fanatics together! :D


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 2:18 PM



Originally posted by RiverGoddess:
Books: Harry Potter. Big time.
Music: Vanessa Carlton, Fleetwood Mac, John Mayer
Now, however, Firefly has taken me. Hard. lol. This series has definitely been my current obsession, and probably the strongest in the least amount of time.

I agree. Strongly! Especially to Fleetwood Mac and Harry Potter.

Other than that, probably Bab 5 and Stargate SG-1/Atlantis. I kmnow a lot of people on this site actually HATE the Stargate franchise, but, hey...someone's gotta break the mold.

I love fanfic so, pretty much anything I like tends to end up as a fic in my 'verse.

~ForeverShiny~ (aka: Queen of the Sci-Fi Geeks to my friends. )

Can't stop the signal!
"No, Cap'n, I think it's shiny!"--Kaylee, o'course.
"Yeah, but she's our witch, so cut her the hell down." --Mal in "Safe."


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 2:19 PM


Farscape, Farscape, Farscape!

There, out of my system now :p

It's the first and only show that's made me go and buy all the seasons and now the mini's DVD sets. Until Firefly just now ofcourse :)

Another TV show, The Shield. It was hyped for so long before starting, and that first episode did not disappoint at all. Deep down for alot of us I'd guess Vic is our hero


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 5:19 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
no, truly, brilliant show, the kinds of intelligent, gripping, terrifying and amazing t.v. that only comes along once in a blue moon and naturally has to be messed around by the t.v. schedulers.

Oh, I loved Carnivale too. To death. I definately heard it was cancelled, though. I believe I even saw so on the official page on the HBO website. Unless they pulled a just-kidding, which would be AWESOME, but... well, we all know how likely THAT is.


Originally posted by Orpheus:
SOUTH PARK: Again, it's childish and stupid, but I've been a fan since the beginning. And the current run of episodes are as funny as they've ever been. I'll buy up anything Trey Parker and Matt Stone put out.

To be fair, it's frequently childish and stupid, but it's not always childish and stupid. I love the show for the biting and shocking humor, but most of all for the sociopolitical standpoint.

Myself, I don't like to call my fandoms by name because they cycle. I'll have one major obsession at a time, then it'll fall into regular rotation with all my loves as I pick up on something new. But this is all the stuff I'm into, in terms of fandoms:
TV: Firefly (no, really?), Numb3rs, Lost, House, South Park
Literature/Comics: Stephen King books, and the collective works of Jhonen Vasquez
Movies: Well, Serenity of course. Also, most Tim Burton works, The Addams Family, the first Jurrasic Park only (everything that came after was crap)
Music: I'm shifting music tastes again so I don't even know anymore.


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 6:18 PM


Heroes of Might and Magic: "Just one more turn."

Fallout: "War. War never changes"

Andy Richter Controls the Universe: "HITLER!!!!!!"

"I swallowed a bug." -River Tam


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 6:20 PM


I'm a lifelong car nut. Our '04 MINI Cooper S is much more to me than transportation. My 1961 Morgan (bought last year) has been a static display for mostof my life, but that is soon to change.

To the respondent who mentioned Frank Miller comics: Did you catch the Fox Kids animated series based on Miller/Darrow's BIG GUY AND RUSTY THE BOY ROBOT. Fantastic series that only lasted about a season and a half. I've seen about half of them. No DVD sets or rebroadcasts on the horizon, I'm afraid.

British Sci-Fi series THE PRISONER. Great opening sequence of a Series II Lotus Se7en tearing around London (the British car bug rears its ugly head again).

Like many here I came to FF via closet Buffy/Angel Fandom.

Huge Sonic Youth fan. 25 years of continually evolving sound, and (to my ears) it has always been good. Other "out there" music: Anything Nels Cline has been involved in (Nels Cline Trio, Nels Cline Singers, Banyan, etc.), Mike Watt (Minutemen, Firehose, solo recordings, Banyan again), Lightning Bolt, etc..

To the respondent who mentioned zombie films: Put the original version of DAWN OF THE DEAD at the top of your to-see list. Filmed mostly on location inside a shopping mall (at night when closed...~Kevin Smith's MALLRATS). The gore that you expect plus intelligent social commentary that you might not. Also, you can't go wrong with a movie that includes a pie fight scene between a roving biker gang and hordes of living dead.


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 6:26 PM


Dark Angel
Space Above and Beyond
Babylon 5
Stargate SG1
Dr Who
Jeremiah (used to be on Showtime)

And, I almost forgot.....Red Dwarf!

Another one I had forgotten. I too really enjoyed the Highlander tv series.


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 7:19 PM


Longtime Buffy/ Angel fan and then Firefly hit me like a ton of bricks.

Newest fan obsession: Veronica Mars- the slow reveal of the clues to the big mystery is so frustrating- but in a good way.

Fan of but not obsessed: Grey's Anatomy, House, Bones, Dead Like Me.

Want Firefly/ Serenity/ BtVS/ Angel desktop wallpapers? Take a look at the ones I've created at:
Now hosting the Firefly Extended Gagreel
I have added a forum to my site and now I need some members!


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 7:23 PM



Originally posted by LfO:
My secret shame, on and off through the years, has been Magic: The Addiction.

I nearly had to check myself into rehab over that game about 10 years ago. God, that makes me feel old all 'a sudden.

Not only did I collect (and play for hours on end) Magic, but also Star Wars, Star Trek, Highlander, Vampire/Jyhad, Wildstorms (a super-hero game) and a handfull of other very short-lived card games. They were fun, but the debt I accumulated over those games makes me want to go back in time and shoot my younger self in the face.

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 8:41 PM


This may come as a shock to you...but I'm a bit of a Star Wars fan.

I'm all about some Lord of the Rings, too. Not just the movies, but the whole mythology. I'd love to see a Silmarillion mini-series. Oh! An anime mini-series.

I'm pretty nuts over Final Fantasy anything, all things Gundam.

And of course Firefly.

Chief Engineer - USS SereniTREE


Wednesday, November 30, 2005 5:16 AM



Originally posted by Storymark:

Originally posted by LfO:
My secret shame, on and off through the years, has been Magic: The Addiction.

I nearly had to check myself into rehab over that game about 10 years ago. God, that makes me feel old all 'a sudden.

Not only did I collect (and play for hours on end) Magic, but also Star Wars, Star Trek, Highlander, Vampire/Jyhad, Wildstorms (a super-hero game) and a handfull of other very short-lived card games. They were fun, but the debt I accumulated over those games makes me want to go back in time and shoot my younger self in the face.

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."

In 2000/2001, I discovered there were some amusing games that had been discontinued, and so I bought some boxes for about 10% of retail price - I've got a good selection of Guardians cards, which are really quite amusing. I'd forgotten, but I went Star Wars CCG crazy for a while too - fed that one a significant chunk of change.

The other weekend, I met Ed Beard (artist for Magic) at the Texas Ren Faire near Houston - bought a signed print, which is now framed with the corresponding card, and hanging in the wall of my music studio (which is where all the money now goes ;) )


Wednesday, November 30, 2005 2:36 PM


Ah yes, Heroes of Might and Magic, 3 hooked me. Happen to play in ToH or WW Bigevilhead?


Wednesday, November 30, 2005 2:50 PM


Ok so my obsessions go something like this:

Not BTVS but Spike- I have Spike everything, I even bought a jacket that looks like his. I spent $500 just getting to and buying tickets for a fanvention just to meet James!

Batman- Not just the movies but the comics and the merchandise and my head just spins when I think about it.

X-Men- esp. Gambit and Wolverine

Farscape- they haven't shown many of the ep's here Down Under, but I love what I've seen just the same.

Oh yeah and I'm a minor Trekker- I love the shows and the movies but I'm not so much in love that I've learnt a lot about the show or anything.

The human body can be drained of blood in 8.6 seconds given adequate vacuuming systems.


Wednesday, November 30, 2005 3:27 PM


I never was a fannish fan before Firefly, with the fanvids, the merchandise, etc., but I did know a bit of Quenya...

So yeah-- Tolkien and Buffy have a valid claim on me. But only for Firefly would I do such insane things as make a costume.

Um... and if it counts, I'm rather obsessed with Le Morte D'Arthur. ...No, I didn't think it did.

"it has some sweet character deaths -- I mean moments!" - Joss Whedon


Saturday, December 3, 2005 7:35 AM


This is my first and only. I like a lot of other shows, but none has captured my soul the way this one has.


Saturday, December 3, 2005 8:28 AM


ShinyTalent: That's a shame about Farscape eps there, since it was shot there and all :p

X-Men fan here as well :) (from comics, not neccisarily the movies)


Saturday, December 3, 2005 10:18 AM


Can we include games?

I would have to be a Half-Life fan (But not the fan of the Half-Life2, damn that stank).
Professional remakes are unheard off for games, but the remake of Half-Life seems to be awesome

Anyone who mentions Shakespeare will get a .50 in their ass


Saturday, December 3, 2005 10:22 AM


Ah, gee-whiz, do I have to name them ALL?!

Okee-dokee, let's see now...

Well, the first fandom I went completely nuts over was a fantasy book series, The Wheel of Time. I saw book 7 on the "New Books" shelf of my high-school library my sophomore year, thought it sounded interesting, and decided to start from the beginning.

Other book fandom obsessions include: Harry Potter (duh), Douglas Preston/Lincoln Child (they have a recurring character that is among my top five favorites of all time), and Lord of the Rings (another 'duh').

My first real foray into the world of fanfiction, message boards, and season-DVD purchases was for The X-Files. I'd watched it on and off for several years, then my senior year of high school (Season 8 for XF), I started going online a lot, and discovered the X-Phile subculture. I've been hooked ever since, even almost four years after the series ended. I admit I could have had better timing, but the DVD's have helped, and there's still a thriving fan community out there.

I started watching "Lost" on the very first episode, and I haven't missed one since, even if I've had to tape them on occasion. I've heard that the writers have a whole five-season story-arc planned. Thank God. They know where they're going. I sincerely hope they're able to get there. Network TV studios can be absolutely vicious, as we've all had cause to mourn.

My dad got me hooked on the original Star Trek when I was about 7. I was never able to get into TNG or DS9, mostly because I was too young to go against my Mom's "no network TV" edict. However, when Voyager came around, I watched it fairly consistently for most of its run.

As for Star Wars, I'd hardly call myself obsessed. I've read a few of the novels, seen all of the movies, and went to the midnight premieres of all three of the newer ones. Still, that's small potatoes compared to the die-hards, and more power to them.

I guess that's just about everything...

Oh, wait, Firefly. Well, I'm ashamed to admit it, but I wasn't even interested until I saw a preview for the BDM. I'd had little use for Buffy or Angel, and when I first heard about it, I thought Firefly would be more of the same. Believe me, I've been kicking myself in the head for that for the last several months. I guess better late than never, though.

To be perfectly honest, I almost wish I'd never gotten involved. All the other fandoms I've been involved with were able, or are still able, to get to say everything they wanted to say. They have enjoyed long, prosperous runs and, in the cases of those that have ended, died peacefully in their beds at a ripe old age. Firefly was practically still-born, and even with all the life-saving measures the fans and Joss have taken, along with a much-needed boost from the BDM, it will always be crippled, and there are so many things that we'll never have the chance to see. I hate regrets, and the loss of that chance for Firefly is a big one.

I don't mean to sound maudlin. I adore the show, the movie, the whole damn thing. I'm going to continue to support it in any way I can, and I'll always have hope that it can be, in Joss' words, 'reborn in some - ANY- forum.'


Saturday, December 3, 2005 11:07 AM


I could give a nice big long list here, but as I'm constantly jumping from one obsession to another, I'm just going to go with my one other 'current BIG obsession'.... The New Doctor Who

I first have to say that Firefly/Serenity is my one true love, but I know that a majority of the people around here feel the same way, so I'll leave it at that. The new Doctor Who is the only other show that even comes close to matching my obesession for FF. I wasn't ever even going to watch it (as was the case with Firefly... go figure) but one of my lovely UK friends was kind enough to loan me a copy and after the first episode, I was completely hooked. Great storytelling, good cast, and just plain fun. If any of you haven't seen it yet, you should definitely try to locate a copy or at the very worst, wait until it's released in the States in February and rent it. It will be well worth your time

~*~ Cheryl
The Nathan Fillion Archives:
CafePress Shops:


Sunday, December 4, 2005 12:43 PM


Well,since I discovered this gem of a show due to the gem of a movie,both Firefly/Serenity are my big obsessions at the mo!

Long time avid Buffy/Angel fan. Forever!

I've got into Lost now as well(nearly finished season 1) and it's quite intriguing.

Harry Potter fan-(books more than movies). And a LOTR fan(books and movies)

Scrubs-I adore this show-seriously funny :D

So yeah,that's my obsessions-but always gotta love the Joss!


Sunday, December 4, 2005 5:35 PM


My first fan obsession ever was The Adventures of Brisco County Jr, another great show that got canned in its first season by Fox. grrr But it's coming out on DVD soon, finally, so that's good.

I'm a bit of a sci-fi junky, so my list of obsessions is a bit long. But I'm a poor junky so I haven't bought many of my obsessions on DVD (other then Firefly of course). Having said that my obsessions include: Stargate SG1, Farscape, X-files (until it got all crappy), Carnivale, Invisible Man, Buffy, the first season of Earth Final Conflict, and don't shoot me, but I loved Star Trek: Enterprise (except the last episode, which as far as I'm concerned just is ... #%?#@*... I can't talk about it, makes me too upset). I also love Anne Rice's The Vampire Chronicles. And of course Firefly, but that goes without saying.


Sunday, December 4, 2005 5:55 PM


I liked Briscoe too. How soon I forget.

Comet, the wonderhorse, Lord Boller, John Astin as the inventor. Bruce Campbell's best work apart from playing the thief in Hercules, in my opinion.

For that matter, Hercules and Xena were good also.


Sunday, December 4, 2005 7:47 PM


You guys have time for other fan obsessions. I feel like, scratch that, I know that firefly/serenity takes up all my free time. I liked xena, highlander, I really liked buffy and i loved Angel, but I'm in love with Firefly. I guess it's monogomy for me.


Monday, December 5, 2005 1:23 PM


Dark Angel!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brisco County, Jr.!!
Star Trek (varies by movie/ep/series)
Jackie Chan (anything)!!
Ep 4, 5, & 6 SW
New Battlestar Galactica
Airwolf (to a lesser degree)

Chrisisall makin' lists again


Monday, December 5, 2005 4:40 PM


I am a fan of many things...but firefly was my first foray into total FAN DORK. My first obsession. How quiant.

I blame it on my mid life crisis.

"Funny and sexy. You have no idea. And you never will."


Monday, December 5, 2005 5:13 PM


this is easy

Farscape, my one true television love

firefly, unfortunately, flys second


Monday, December 5, 2005 11:44 PM


My first full-time fandom was Star Wars. The Empire Strikes Back was one of the first films I remember watching, and remains one of my all time favourites.
TV-wise: The X-Files was the big one, I watched every episode without fail right up to when Duchovny left and it went downhill. And even then, I got every single one on tape.
Meanwhile, I had discovered the Buffyverse.
I missed the first season, got mildly interested by the second and then James Marsters as Spike captured my imagination and held on.
Naturally, by virtue of their very Joss-ness, Angel and Firefly followed.
Currently, there isn't anything on TV that's worth watching, so I stick to my DVD collection.
Music-wise: Manic Street Preachers.

"Now somethin' about that is just downright unsettlin'."


Tuesday, December 6, 2005 4:46 AM



Star Wars

Lord of the Rings

Star Trek

new love = Chronicles of Narnia


Cowboy Bebop

Band of Brothers

Almost anything done by these directors:

Spielberg, James Cameron, Ridley Scott, Michael Mann, George Lucas,Bryan Singer, Peter Jackson, Francis Ford Coppola, Kurosawa, Spike Lee and some others.

Les Miserables, show and book.

A Tribe Called Quest

Arthur Adams

John Romita jr.

Apple Computers


the Chicago Bears football team.
Alomst all professional sports teams from Chicago.

Well There is some stuff I am fanatical about.

"Jesus saves, everyone else takes damage" -tee shirt some girl was wearing at Megacon. <-my webcomic


Tuesday, December 6, 2005 6:30 AM


Firefly is the only one I've joined a website about. However there is many other stuff that I love. Herein follows list:

anything anime (though Inuyasha was really the first one to hook me)
Veronica Mars
Chronicles of Narnia (comes out this Friday whoo)
Basically, almost anything sci-fi/fantasy.
Edit: Damn! Thanks Haze! I almost forgot about my obsessions with RPGs, namely, as you said, all things Final Fantasy.

"Well, then, I believe perhaps that I am, in fact, completely screwed."

Like books? Go to this thread:
to find out how to buy mine!


Tuesday, December 6, 2005 9:09 AM


First and foremost amongst all my obsessions is my love for Final Fantasy, In particular the almighty Final Fantasy VII. Amongst some of my others are Doctor Who, Starwars and 2000AD.

Who do you suppose is in there?


Wednesday, December 21, 2005 11:29 PM


~Monty Python
~Harry Potter
~Will & Grace (!)
~Friends (sort of)

~Ah, curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!~


Thursday, December 22, 2005 1:16 AM



The West Wing
Cowboy Bebop
Wolf's Rain
The Shins!! - (Probably the only band I truly cannot get over, and i LOVE lots of music so that's saying something)
World of Warcraft
(I was a Star Wars-boy until it all started falling apart, now not so much. Actually not really at all anymore)
Family Guy
The Simpsons (not the last few seasons)

aaaand probably a few others that I don't quite recall at the moment

There's no show I'd rather see, than the one with Serenity.
You can't take the sky from me...






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