First Firefly Experience...Last Week!...and what should happen NEXT!!

UPDATED: Tuesday, December 27, 2005 05:01
VIEWED: 3188
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Friday, December 23, 2005 11:43 PM


I'm not sure how I made is so far without seeing Firefly, but I did. But I can say that I'm better now having experienced this side of the Verse.
I am a Shepherd (a term I occasionally used BEFORE Firefly, interestingly enough), and as Destiny would have it, I would have to wait until my 28th birthday before I experienced Firefly. But that's what happened on December 12th, I saw my first episode of Firefly compliments of bittorrent (I plan to buy the dvd set after Christmas). By 8am on the 14th I had seen all the episodes and was HORRIFIED that I would never get to see more...
Then I found out about Serenity (I'm really not that sheltered, honest), and at Midnight on the 20th I was waiting at Walmart and making them open up all the boxes to find me a copy of the movie I have NEEDED to see more badly than any I can remember (save perhaps LoTR). I loved the movie (parts were quite sad, of course), but I have to say I'm still wanting more. There simply isn't enough.
I am a true videophile--I've even considered film school--and I think Firefly/Serenity is one of the best fictional universes that has been created. The only rivals would be Middle Earth and the Star Wars Universe--and I don't mean in "coolness," but in the incredibly written complexity and exquisitely uncanny ability to seem "real" even though it's science fiction/fantasy. Whedon is truly a genious! This is the most realistic science fiction I've ever seen--so much so that it's barely even science fiction (the same reason I love the Aliens movies--how can fighting giant alien monsters seen realistic?--but those movies make it happen).
Also, as an "intellectual" for lack of a better term (I have a Master's degree and write Theological studies, my wife is a medical doctor), I find Firefly so refreshing. It's just so well put together--not half-assed effects-driven cliches like we've become used to.
Okay okay, I'm not saying anything you haven't heard before. I see a lot of talk of a Serenity sequal or another Firefly series. A movie sequal is possible (not very likely given the net profit, but possible). HOWEVER, I think that the most plausible venue for more time in the Verse is neither, but rather a Mini Series!
Think about it, they could do a 3-part Sci-Fi channel mini series event (the Sci-Fi Channel does that a lot anyway (Triangle, etc), and with Firefly they would have a GUARANTEED base audience). Plus we would get about 6 hours (i.e. half a season's worth!!) of Firefly out of the deal. Then if this Mini Series did well enough, the jump to full series or another movie would not be so far.
I'm a Shepherd, not a marketing expert, but it seems to me that a Mini Series is a good idea both for fans of the show and for those who need to profit monetarily in order to produce said show.
So what do you all think?

Member--Coalition for a Firefly Mini Series


Saturday, December 24, 2005 12:04 AM


Ho, ho, ho!
You're gonna love this:

Welcome to the 'verse!
Mini-series would be great, I'll take what
I can get at this point.
Maybe one day we'll see some kind of movie or
something. BTW -the comic books (at lest the 1st
in the set) suck. Just an opinion.


Saturday, December 24, 2005 2:35 AM


you need to get into comic books....

The 3 issue set of 'Serenity' comics, which bridged the 6 month gap in the lives of our BDHs after the end of 'Firefly' and before the movie episode 'Serenity'

The graphic novel formate of the comics should come out next month...or in February,
but some comic book stores may still be able to get you the original books (there are 9, three covers for each issue, so each of our BDHs gets a cover)
just don't order through tfaw, but midtown comics and
might be able to take care of you.

the reason I say you NEED to get into comics?
because for the next year that might be where all our new adventures are coming from.
Joss promises to write more watch for them!

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse,
and have you joined the Browncoats yet?


Saturday, December 24, 2005 3:05 AM


Yeah what they said and Hi.

I think Firefly could do well as an animated series too, if it was done right, and not cheesy and too 'cartoony'.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
Remember, the ice caps aren't melting, the water is being liberated.


Saturday, December 24, 2005 4:36 AM


Welcome and again... what they said.

Hope you enjoy this big happy ship as much as I do. This is my home away from home.

I'll take whatever I can get of the 'verse, mini-series sounds good to me, as long as it's this cast and those writers from the show. ( Whedon, Minear, etc.)

Shiny Christmas!

"Is it Christmas?" Mal


Saturday, December 24, 2005 4:37 AM

GRAYFURY we go again. Someone should sticky a link for the order and location of things.

1) Watch the series IN ORDER as they are formated in the DVD box set.

2) Watch ALL the Bonus material on DVD box set

3) Repeat step 1 but this time with all the commentary tracks ON.

4) Get Extended Gag reel from Firefly on a site that downloads video... I like Limewire. Type in "Firefly gag" in search field

4) Read "DEAD OR ALIVE" unfilmed script... Link is here...

5) Watch the River Tam sessions... In Order... Link Is here...

6) Read All 3 Dark Horse comics, entitled Serenity

7) Watch the BDM (thats what us Browncoats call the Serenity movie... It means BIG DAMN MOVIE. Derived from the line by Zoe in the episode "Safe"... "Big Damn Heroes, Sir!")

8) Watch all Bonus material on the BDM DVD

9) Repeat step 7 But this time with Joss Whedons commentary track on

10) Read the novelazation of the BDM, There are a few Non-Joss insights that are aluded to in the book.

11) Read "Finding Serenity" edited by Jane Espenson, Its a clever compilation of essays written by different folk influenced by Firefly/Serenity

12) Leaf through the visual companion, and the movie magazine for Serenity... Nothing in there that any diehard Browncoat wont already know

13) Read "the Killer Angels" By Michael Shaara. It is a book that Joss read, and was moved by the mood, and honesty of, to the point of inspiration.

14) Buy a BLUE SUN shirt on ebay and wear it while rocking back and forth in the dark, in the fetal postion, thumb in your mouth, wondering how this show was not the slamdunk hit of the decade.

15) Repeat step 14

16) Repeat step 14

Now Any of you Browncoats noticed that I missed anything....lemmee know and I'll paste it in. Some of you may have a beef with the order I placed 2 through 5 in. Its just a preference... any mixing of 2-5 wont hinder shit. Same goes for 8 through 13. Enjoy!!

"Smellin' alot of IF comin' offa' this plan!"


Saturday, December 24, 2005 9:45 AM


GrayFury, that was EXCELLENT. I may have to print off your steps and have them ready as a handout for all the lucky people I am introducing "Firefly/Serenity" to.

I can't think of a thing you missed...except maybe buying and watching all of the videos of the convention panels...some pretty precious quotes there!

ZOE: “It’s just, the Captain’s so tense…”
WASH: “Of course he’s tense. He’s awake.”


Saturday, December 24, 2005 9:53 AM



Originally posted by GrayFury:

12) Leaf through the visual companion, and the movie magazine for Serenity... Nothing in there that any diehard Browncoat wont already know

woe there cowboy! I was right with you until we got here...
I have to say that I think 'Serenity: The Official Visual Companion' is a MUST buy!

With Joss' original shooting script.
With Joss original notes to the composer, lighting director, and others
With Joss' notes on how he interprets each of the BDHs
and with story boards, set & costume designs, and other goodies
I've never seen a book this beautiful and complete for any other movie, ever. It is a beautiful thing and I highly recommend it.

The magazine is probably NOT vital, but has individual interviews with each actor, and I really enjoyed it.

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse,
and have you joined the Browncoats yet?


Saturday, December 24, 2005 11:52 AM


Nice job, GrayFury, but you left off the part about spreading the "good news" (i.e. strapping unsuspecting innocents into seats and making them watch, or, I suppose, loaning out the DVDs). Though, that does come naturally...

Ain't. We. Just.


Saturday, December 24, 2005 12:51 PM


That's Hi-larious. I agree we should pass out this list to each new fan. Might consider picking up the Firefly and the Serenity original soundtracks, you know something to listen to whilst repeating step 14.

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The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Sunday, December 25, 2005 2:50 PM


Wow, thanks for all the great info--obviously I have a bit of catching up to do :)
I've never gotten into the "visual companion" thing, but my best friend always gets the Star Wars books, so I'm guessing when he gets into Firefly which he will *waves Jedi mind-trick hand* I'm sure he'll get it and then I'm good. But the SOUNDTRACK is a great idea! I love soundtracks, and these are especially well done I think, so I'll try to pick those up with my Christmas money :)
But my first priority is to introduce the show to some more people. I already made my best friend start watching it, now I have to get my brother, sister, cousins, and wife hooked--I'm calling it "Operation: Browncoat Christmas." I'm starting out with just giving them some ripped files of the first episodes (sorry), and then I'll make them buy the dvds. What I'd really like to do is show them Serenity, but I'm convinced that's a bad idea--gotta start with the series. But I'm a completionist and so I always think that way. (I'm gonna start watching Buffy season 1 after the holidays--never got into the Buffy/Angel thing, but now I think I have to give it a try given Whedon's obvious genious.)
Merry Christmas everyone!

Founder--Coalition for a Firefly Miniseries


Sunday, December 25, 2005 5:07 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


(I'm gonna start watching Buffy season 1 after the holidays--never got into the Buffy/Angel thing, but now I think I have to give it a try given Whedon's obvious genious.

Good plan. Like you, I was never exposed to Joss Whedon's universes until AFTER they were all off the air. I "discovered" Buffy the Vampire Slayer over the past summer in reruns (I picked it up about midway through season 3), got good and hooked, and started buying the seasons on DVD to catch up. Season One of Buffy is a *little* hard to get through for some. The budget and effects really weren't there yet, but there's still some good writing and good story lines. Stick with it and you'll get a good ride. I started picking up Angel DVDs at the point in the show when he went off on his own, and started watching the episodes in correct order to maximize my viewing pleasure.

Some Buffy and Angel seasons are better than others, but ALL of the episodes have some goodness in them. With "Firefly", though, it felt like Joss had really found his place and matured in his abilities to an astounding level. Tighter writing and dialog, better directing, and so on. Fortunately for me, I picked up Firefly last, and finished watching all the episodes for the second time just before the movie hit the theatres.

I still pop in Buffy and Angel disks, but I tend to re-watch the Firefly disks a lot more often. And I just finished watching Serenity on DVD for my third time since Thursday. So far, none of them have gotten boring!

It should be noted that before I got hooked on Buffy, I used to refer to Sarah Michelle Gellar as "that rat-faced little whiner", and when my wife asked me if I knew what "Angel" was supposed to be about, I told her I thought it was "a spinoff with that stiff-haired stupid broody guy from Buffy." Neither of us had ever watched a single episode of either show, figuring that they were "beneath us" - my opinions of the shows and actors were formed purely from what I saw on previews and heard from other people. Boooooyyyy, were WE wrong! Now we're both hardcore Joss fans, and it's all because of the writing, the stories, the characters, and the actors! I'm sorry I ever sold them short.


Grrrrr. Arrrgghh.


Sunday, December 25, 2005 10:17 PM


Yea, my opinion of Buffy has always been that it was pure and simple hyper-cheese. But then I cought a few episodes of Angel on TNT and actually thought it was pretty intelligent for cheesy sci-fi. I think these shows are the epitome of post modernism. But I stated to consider the possibility of watching Buffy when I was in Scotland a few years back--I"m convinced that EVERY SINGLE PERSON in Great Briton watched/watches Buffy. Seriously, it's like crack to those Brits, it's so wierd. On a number of occasions people would ask us if we watched Buffy or what Buffy was like in the States--and I have to admit that my wife and I made fun of them behind thier backs. But it was like a huge cultural joke that the country shut down when Buffy was on ("the best time to nic your favorite sweater from the shop" of "a smart one robs the bank during Buffy--the coppers won't even know it happened for at least an hour" etc.)
Anyway, we'll see what we see, but at this point I can't imagine liking anything more than Firefly, In think I could watch them over and over for quite a while without getting bored.

Founder--Coalition for a Firefly Mini Series


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 5:01 AM


Welcome home, Browncoat!

"Jesus saves, everyone else takes damage" -tee shirt some girl was wearing at Megacon. <-my webcomic






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