Hair or no hair? A poll for the ladies

UPDATED: Wednesday, December 28, 2005 05:18
VIEWED: 12477
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Tuesday, December 27, 2005 12:37 AM


Sorry if this is too "off-topic"...

I know that many men (whom I consider serious fools)
get their chests waxed.
What happened to women who see a hairy chest as
masculine -even hot?
There's a post here "Sean Maher on Lifetime" wherein
women (presumably) are losing drool over a shirtless
Maher. Is he waxed in the other shows? I just can't accept the idea that most men are naturally hairless
like that. I know they are out there, but is it really the norm? Has it anything to do with declining testosterone levels (yes, it's happening -read about it in some medical journal).
I doubt Sean Connery ever waxed -he's a Scott for f'sake! Many women saw him as a sex symbol. Is this whole hairless chest thing a passing fad? Is it just Western women who have this :cough: fetish? IS it a fetish? Is there a TYPE of woman who likes hairless? Can they be identified so as to be avoided?
-Any info appreciated ;]
P.S. FWIW, *high* testosterone levels result in male pattern baldness (just thought I'd throw that in for completeness).


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 1:05 AM


Personally... I kinda *like* a hairy chest.

I mean, not gorilla hairy... but, nice hairy. Hell, look at Adam Baldwin. Man is sex on legs. Hubba hubba.

And, with a hairless boy, what are you supposed to run your fingers through to tease him? Tug on during foreplay?


I mean, sure, Sean Maher isn't bad to look at in OiS, that shirtless scene is not hard to look at, but... I'd much rather look at Mr. Baldwin.

"He's hurting a woman, he really *is* a bad guy... and I wouldn't call him a gentleman."
- Kyle, 9, watching 'Serenity'.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 3:55 AM


I don't know about most men, but I have very little, basically zero, chest hair. (I don't think it has anything to do with testosterone levels...)

In any case, my wife manages to find something to "tug on" during foreplay, just fine .


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 4:02 AM


Oh, the comedic possibilities of this thread...

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 5:02 AM


personally I like the hairy (Adam Baldwin)
AND the hairless (Sean Maher)
and the in-between (Nathan Fillion)
and the pale so you can't really tell if he has any hair on his chest or not (Alan Tudyk)
(I just love my BDHs)

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse,
and have you joined the Browncoats yet?


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 5:07 AM


I'll have to agree with Jacqui. I like a little chest hair, and I do find it sexy. Now, I'm not into the gorrilla style either (poor Robin Williams). But I like hair on the chest. I find Sean Connery sexy as a matter of fact.


"Ten percent of nuthin' is...let me do the math here...nuthin' into nuthin'...carry the nuthin'"


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 5:20 AM


I just wanted to post to say I naturally have no chest hair (and I don't mean very little I mean Sean mayer waxed style none), and its not like I don't grow hair anywhere else I have even hair distribution everywhere else...just not my chest. The only thing I have is a little happy trail goin on. I never thought about not having any or it not beeing common...::shrug:: Just wanted to throw that out there.


Ain't that just shiny?


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 5:49 AM


ihave hair evry were not a lot do i got some and i think most guys do.

and i also think it got at last some thing to do with testosteron lvls since testosteron developes secondary grendr features with males and hair chest is one off does features. do i am not saying that men with littel or no chest hair are less men then does with a lot off chest hair.

The wages of sin are death, but the hours are good and the perks are fantastic.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 6:28 AM


I am attracted to physique, intellect, and ability. Hairy or hairless, it's all good with me. Although I would not normally be attracted to the extreme in either case. Sean Connery is an excellent example of a very hairy and VERY hot guy. He just got better and better with age! Sean Maher has a smokin' bod but a baby face. Adam Baldwin is just straight up beautiful in every way possible. Ok, now I am digressing...what was the question ;D

nice cover fire


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 6:57 AM


Hmm interesting question.

I'm noticing this is coming up a lot these days? I wonder why? But you turn on the tv and some show is doing some bit about a man having to remove his chest hair. As though there's something wrong with it?

"And we'll be back after the break to watch him suffer extreme pain as he has it waxed off!"

I got a little on me not much but enough for a little playfull frolic with the fingers - and damn it yeah it's nice. I like having it :D

My girlfirend said upon our meeting how she wasn't into chest hair - but in all reality when it came to it she didn't really care!

Truth is there's plenty wrong with me before the shirt even comes off so if I got to go around sorting out all my little failings: well.... lets just say I don't got that kinda time!

I think there's too much 'over manicuring' going on these days. It's like trying to change a person. Not good.



Tuesday, December 27, 2005 8:27 AM


The guys I have been with who had a lot of chest hair didn't bother me. I liked running my fingers through it. What did turn me off was the hair they also had on their back and ass. But the guys I have been with that had a naturally smooth chest also had a hairless back and ass. That I liked a lot and was more apt to pay attention to their chest with my mouth as well as my hands. One guy "manicured" his area but went a little overboard. I like it when men trim below, but he trimmed off the hair above up to his belly button as well.

It is all just genetics that control hair growth. My ex had no hair on his chest when I met him, but his dad did. He told me that when his dad was his age, he was bare chested too. As he got older, it "creeped up" year by year. Ex was the same way, by the time we divorced the hair had reached just above his stomach.

"I'm not gonna say Satchel is stupid, but that's only because I can no longer hear his voice over the dueling banjos."
— Bucky Katt in Get Fuzzy (by Darby Conley)


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 9:05 AM


Men with hairless chests are homosexuals!

Frankly, I’m an animal. I sometimes work out bare-chested or in a tank, and I’ve gotten lots of comments from both sides of the camp, some good some bad. I never found any hard and fast rule to determine if a woman likes a hairy man or not, but it does seem that the younger more girly types of girls tend to be slightly more put off by my noticeable manlytude. But I’ve actually found lots of exception as well, and in general, there are actually very few women who have been completely put off, or who I couldn’t persuade to the hairy camp.

Of the homosexuals that I know, at least one claims to like hairy-chested men. I don’t know. Maybe they just say that to get in my pants. I know they want me.

What difference does it really make? Any girl who would turn down a guy simply because he has a hairy chest is a self-absorbed flake.

Qui desiderat pacem praeparet bellum.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 9:39 AM



Any girl who would turn down a guy simply because he has a hairy chest is a self-absorbed flake.

have to agree, that said I find the sean connery thing a bit much but I reckon thats cos I'm not a fan anyway, if I loved a man like that then I'm sure I'd love his rug too.

its been said but holy crap, adam baldwin's fine, he's my kind of hairy and I prefer him to the sean maher smooth and delicate, but I did have a fella that was naturally smooth as a baby's bottom which is nice too.

I read somewhere, (it may be a myth but it sounds true) that some time in the 18th century a razor company put out adverts saying that women ought to shave and instantly doubled their sales and it became a big deal, before it had been ok for women to be a bit hairy. I resent it very much because if we didn't ever start shaving our legs the hair would be soft and discreet but since we're told at a young age that its disgusting to have even a little bit of hair we end up with stubble and waxing and ingrowing hairs. now we're expected to be bald downstairs too like an 8 year old. its sick, and totally unrealistic.

I'm not really surprised that men are coming under the same pressure, but its a shame and I hope there are enough women out there who like a bit of hair to stop it becoming such an issue.

now, where are the men who like hairy women?

"I'm an artist, with an e and a beret."


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 10:11 AM


true the hair woude be soft do i still woude not like my girl friend to have a hair lip thats just me


It is all just genetics that control hair growth. My ex had no hair on his chest when I met him, but his dad did. He told me that when his dad was his age, he was bare chested too. As he got older, it "creeped up" year by year. Ex was the same way, by the time we divorced the hair had reached just above his stomach.

true genetics control hair growt true hormones like testoron. (again not really making a point her just trying to show off the littel knowlege that still resides in my brain after like 15 years at school)

The wages of sin are death, but the hours are good and the perks are fantastic.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 11:27 AM


I have exactly ONE hair on my chest. I've been thinking about naming it since it seems to be a permanent resident. Maybe Carl.

Other than that I have a bunch around my nipples, lol, but isn't that kind of mandatory anyways? I do have really hairy legs though, hehe. I suspect I will turn into a gorilla in time.

More on topic; men are hairy, end of story. I really don't get the whole wax business. If you really are that desperate to get all the hair off my body, bloody pull it off yourself, cause I'm not about to torture myself so that you can be happy with a less real version of me.

I can see why some people trim a bit here and there, but hair is basically one of the most normal components of an adult human body, so why there's such a craze and craving after looking like a prepubertal kid, I have no idea.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 12:49 PM


charliethebloody wrote, in part:

... read somewhere, (it may be a myth but it sounds true) that some time in the 18th century a razor company put out adverts saying that women ought to shave and instantly doubled their sales and it became a big deal, before it had been ok for women to be a bit hairy. I resent it very much because if we didn't ever start shaving our legs the hair would be soft and discreet but since we're told at a young age that its disgusting to have even a little bit of hair we end up with stubble and waxing and ingrowing hairs. now we're expected to be bald downstairs too like an 8 year old. its sick, and totally unrealistic...

Long ago, in a distant galaxy far, far away (known by the local lifeforms as Waco, Texas), I knew a very attractive young woman named Fonda (last name withheld for chivalry). She never shaved anything and had the most amazing fine golden down on her derriere and legs. Very soft, and it glowed in the morning sunlight as I lay admiring her whilst she still slept.

To paraphrase Wash from the series DVD cutscene, there was no place on that woman's body that I would not put my tongue...
Quote:, where are the men who like hairy women? ...
Mmmm... Monkey women! Don't knock it guys! Once you've had a girl with opposable thumbs on her feet and a prehensile tail, you'll never go back. Think: Rae Dawn Chong in Quest For Fire...

Can you dig it? I knew thatcha could!



For those that grokked the Quest... reference above, Ron Perlman's character in that flick is an obvious forebear of mine. Stupid, hairy and libidinous is apparently an evolutionary winner, at least for males.
...And on the next Oprah: Nose hair, ear hair (studio crowd says, "Ewww!" on cue) and the 'Uni-brow'... How to make your man spic-n-span and squeaky clean!

"My God, you're like a trained ape! Without the training. No, apes are noble creatures, you're some sort of man-ape-thing that went horribly wrong." -Simon 'Epilady' Tam, Firefly, ep. "Jaynestown"


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 1:45 PM



Originally posted by STDOUBT:

I doubt Sean Connery ever waxed -he's a Scott for f'sake!

Now this may be an "urban myth", but I remember hearing that when Sean started making the Bond movies they actually glued more chest hair on him. That's kind of funny, isn't it, in light of this thread.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 1:48 PM


My boy has a hairless chest. BUT, it really doesn't matter to me. I LIKE a good fuzzy chest, but it's not a requirement.

I think its when they have like four hairs that it just looks a little silly, you know.

Adam has great chest hair. Could do to see more of him bare....


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 1:51 PM


I remember reading somewhere that mens opinions on padded bra v. real thing, was that, by the time the bra came off, it was the furthest thing from their minds, they were just happy to be there when it came off...

so thats probably pretty much how women (real women, not these walking air-head barbie types) feel about chest hair.

personally, as long as I don't get the impression that its gonna leap up and strangle me, me and chest wigs (or the lack there of) get along just fine.

still can't get over knees though...

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 1:51 PM



Hell, look at Adam Baldwin. Man is sex on legs.

dear lord, yes. what she said.

chest hair, not too much, but enough, is wonderfully sexy. i think that the recent lack of chest hair on actors is a the fault of all this "metrosexual" garbage. if you don't have a lot of chest hair, cool. but waxing is so not cool. i don't want a guy i'm interested in spending more time on preening than i do. if i want to be with a girl, i'll be with a girl, you know?

and sean connery or richard harris, back in the day... sexy. sexy!
you won't remember anyway


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 2:00 PM


Genetics and indirectly, due alot to genetics, hormones.

People decended from asian stock tend to have less body hair overall than caucasians from northern european descent. My sister visited China when it was first opening up to westerners. Her boyfriend was constantly sourounded by children cause he had hair like robin williams on his legs. They were fascinated by him because they had never seen anyone with hair like that before.

Post menopause, some women start to lose their hair as the ratio of testosteron to estrogen increases very similar to male pattern baldness.

Also, local grooming customs. I will NEVER forget the day in college I came back to my dorm room to find my roomate and several other guys from the football team sitting in a circle shaving each others backs...

I went and studied at the library for a while.

I think it's partly the whole bodybuilding scene. Guys started shaving body hair off to better show off muscle definition.



Tuesday, December 27, 2005 2:15 PM


I'm a fan of anything from hairless to somewhat fuzzy. If a guy is one step from being a gorilla, though, that doesn't mean I'm going to stop dating him.

On the subject of shaving/waxing chests, can I just say: ewewewewewew. ew.
Because what goes off, must come back. My brother shaves his chest (claims his girlfriend likes it that way) and insists upon walking around in the summer with no shirt on. That guy gets THE WORST razor burn I have ever seen. It's just awful to see him walking around with a huge red rash from the last time he shaved with the stubble already growing in.

Unless you could go to the barbers and get your chest hair thinned, I'll take you au natural, as long as your brain is sexy.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 2:18 PM


My husband put together a KISS cover band for my birthday a few years back. With full on costmes and wigs. He used a thick black hairy chest wig to pull off his role as Paul Stanley.

I have not asked him to don the costume since, so I guess in general I prefer the less hairy. But I do enjoy facial hair quite a bit.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 5:06 PM


Bein female I gotta get my 2 cents in here.

Well, first time I saw Adam's chest as he was puttin the guns on with adhesive tape-I went "OHHHHHH". Then "Owwwwww that hurt a lot" when he pulled it off.

If you look at Nathan's chest real good, especially in the BDM, he has a bit of a shadow right in the middle-looks like it was taken off for the "chest n' pecs" wave scene and he's awfully nice lookin and makes my heart go pitter patter.

Personally I like enough on a guy to run your fingers thru it but not a hairy ape on the back etc.
I did get a good laugh out of this thread. Thanks a lot!


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 5:39 PM


I think men (and shallow women) worry more about the hair than necessary. Many bald men are very sexy, a la Connery, Ben Kingsley, Michael Jordan, and, of course, Patrick Stewart. However, I don't particularly care for the smooth-chested man. I like a nice chest hair, like Adam Baldwin showed off in "Jaynestown" when he ransacked the sickbay looking for tape.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 6:21 PM


Bruce Willis, Yul Brynner, Vin Diesel, Finn.

Qui desiderat pacem praeparet bellum.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 6:57 PM


Thanks for the feedback all.
Looks like on balance,
Hairy = not an issue
Not Hairy = not an issue
Now to be fair and duly reciprocal,

CHARLIETHEBLOODY "..if we didn't ever start shaving our legs the hair would be soft and discreet but since we're told at a young age that its disgusting to have even a little bit of hair we end up with stubble and waxing and ingrowing hairs. now we're expected to be bald downstairs too like an 8 year old. its sick, and totally unrealistic."

I totally agree, and that's at the root of my original post. I'll admit, seeing a woman with full underarm hair can give me a twinge, but that's the result of socialization, and is by no universal. I can quickly get over it too. I mean, if Summer, or any of the womenfolk in the cast were au-natural, fully -ahem- haired, I could get over it real quick.
Thanks again for the interestin' replies!


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 7:58 PM


I sorta like guys with *some* hair- not the whole Greek look where they are Robin Williams hairy all over, but after seeing Adam Baldwin with his shirt off I can safely say that some hair is OK.

Some guys are naturally hairless, my fiancee's like that.
I personally don't like Sean tho not because he's hairless or too hairy but because he just looks so damn scrawny, there's no muscle on the boy!

The human body can be drained of blood in 8.6 seconds given adequate vacuuming systems.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 8:01 PM


How did I know that Violettrix would agree with me on Adam *low challenging growl*
You and I will have to sort this out soon V

The human body can be drained of blood in 8.6 seconds given adequate vacuuming systems.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 8:09 PM



You and I will have to sort this out soon V

shiny, i keep tellin' ya, bring it on, baby.

("V"... i like that. hugo weaving is "V" in V for Vendetta)

back on subject:

of course i agree with you, great minds think alike.
you won't remember anyway


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 8:16 PM



"Some guys are naturally hairless, my fiancee's like that.
I personally don't like Sean tho not because he's hairless or too hairy but because he just looks so damn scrawny, there's no muscle on the boy!"

Dang -If Sean Maher is scrawny I guess that makes me a corpse... (At least River would like me heh!)


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 1:03 AM


It's Ok STDoubt, there are plenty of girls out there who think Simon's hot, you'll find one!

The human body can be drained of blood in 8.6 seconds given adequate vacuuming systems.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 1:38 AM



Originally posted by Psolaris:
I'll have to agree with Jacqui. I like a little chest hair, and I do find it sexy. Now, I'm not into the gorrilla style either (poor Robin Williams). But I like hair on the chest. I find Sean Connery sexy as a matter of fact.


"Ten percent of nuthin' is...let me do the math here...nuthin' into nuthin'...carry the nuthin'"

I don't think Robin Williams is the gorilla type, more the furry teddybear type and i like him a lot.
I do like hairy chests on men better than no hair. (just my two cents worth) I haven't read all the postst in this thread so not sure whether someone's answered this already but Alan Tudyk has quite a hairy chest. :) Check out War Stories

Big Damn Netherflan


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 3:10 AM


It really depends on the guy for me. If it is a girly guy then chest hair just looks out of place, but chest hair looks great on Jayne. It is the combination of chest with the rest of the persons body that makes it look good or bad for me.

~~River: Bible's broken. Contradictions, false logics. Doesn't make sense.~~


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 5:18 AM



Originally posted by imaleaf:
It really depends on the guy for me. If it is a girly guy then chest hair just looks out of place, but chest hair looks great on Jayne. It is the combination of chest with the rest of the persons body that makes it look good or bad for me.

~~River: Bible's broken. Contradictions, false logics. Doesn't make sense.~~

yep, I d have to agree with that. :)

Big Damn Netherflan






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