Petition for a 'Fan Cut' of Serenity (I feel like such a whiner...)

UPDATED: Wednesday, December 28, 2005 17:05
VIEWED: 8240
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Tuesday, December 27, 2005 7:43 PM


I don't usually start these things, but after listening to the commentary on the deleted scenes, I have one thing to say; SCREW THE MOMENTUM!!!
I want as much character as I can get. I want the slow, wordy stuff like in the series. I want a 'fan cut' that takes it's time, and don't care to rush to it's climax.

I'll love the movie anyway, but a version with the deleted scenes replaced would be taken as a kindness by me.

Any of y'all agree, or is Serenity better as she is?

Inquiring Chrisisall


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 7:54 PM


heee want some cheese with that whine?

(J/K) I want MORE TOO!



Tuesday, December 27, 2005 8:01 PM


more more more! i know, i feel like a whiner too, but i loved what peter jackson did for the LOTR fans with the dvds. that's what i want. i know i'm being a baby, but come on! you just can't get enough of this stuff.
you won't remember anyway


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 8:12 PM


YES. I keep thinkin' about that, since I got my"Why is it that you can play the movie with the commentary, but not with deleted scenes!?"

There's probably a good reason, but I'm 14 years old, I'm allowed to make weird statements.

Captain Reynolds never touched me, all he did was rent me a shuttle and be very, very annoying!


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 8:18 PM



Originally posted by Chindi:
heee want some cheese with that whine?

Maybe a nice Monteray Jack....

Seriously, I can't stress enough how much fuller and satisfying a new cut, or 'branching' version would be. I want as much of these characters as I can get (without having to re-edit it in my brain). I don't mind at all payin' again, Hell, I want every version possible!!!

Joss, tell us it's in the cards!

Addicted Chrisisall


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 8:29 PM


I agree and thought the same thing when i watched the deleted scenes. Its good that the movie was shown the way it was and its good that the DVD was released the way it was (unlike when Aliens originally came out on DVD it was the directors cut and long and boring as hell), but now that thats all done, lets have a special edition long ass movie (LAM). If for no other reason it'll sell copies and make 'versal some money and give more of a chance to get a new movie.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 8:35 PM


lol, that's right, we need a LAM of the BDM!



Tuesday, December 27, 2005 8:57 PM


For me personally I wanted more talking like in the series. I wish they would have left the deleted scenes in.

But on the other hand the people who didnt watch firefly wouldnt have liked serenity as much with all the talking beacuse they were expecting and action packed movie, which it was.

Life's short...Play hard.
The only worry in ones mind should be looking back on ones life and wondering what they did with it.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 9:26 PM


Non-Browncoats were best served by the theatrical release, I believe. But those of us who know Mal and his crew could use more.
Joss was forced by the medium to second-guess himself; every word he wrote, every scene he filmed had special meaning, especially to us, the Browncoat family.

In time, I trust, the full version will be available to us (or, the version I'll make for myself with my 'puter, although I'd much rather PAY [MONEY, $$$$ to UNIVERSAL] for another incarnation of the BDM).

Hopefully, dollars speak for Chrisisall


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 9:46 PM


I agree.

Since we're asking for a full cut DVD version, how about a cast commentary added also. That would be SHINY!

Oh, and the extended outtakes reel. What can I say, I'm greedy.

"Lets be bad guys" - Jayne


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 10:46 PM



Originally posted by CaptKar:
For me personally I wanted more talking like in the series. I wish they would have left the deleted scenes in.

But on the other hand the people who didnt watch firefly wouldnt have liked serenity as much with all the talking beacuse they were expecting and action packed movie, which it was.

I think there were about 5 minutes of the deleted scenes that would have gone a long way toward fleshing out the characters for the people who were new to the Firefly universe and should have been left in. I don't think they would have affected the pacing of the film that much. I think half of the deleted scenes should have made it in, and the other half would have been okay staying out of the film.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 12:20 AM


I would love a fan cut!!

Actually wouldn't mind a UK release of the BDM right now [[]Grumble[]] gotta wait till feburary [[]Bitch[]] stupid damn [[]Moan[]]...

Anyone got the special edition of The Abyss? The version I've got lets you play either the Theatrical or Special Edition on the same disc, by inserting the Special Edition scenes into the Theatrical version. That would be great, then you could choose to watch the Theatrical or Fan release...

Plus, I hadn't realised that your 'initials' are CIA Chris (yeah I know it was staring me in the face, but I don't think about that kind of stuff). I remember talk of a Central Intelligence Agency mole in the RWED, we thought it was Lynch, but how cunning would it be for them to use an alias that spells out CIA? A conspiracy theorist, the last person you'd expect to be a government stooge...

Well Chris, I'm watching you...

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
Remember, the ice caps aren't melting, the water is being liberated.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 12:26 AM


Ok, i truly HATE double dip with a passion. Studios release a barebones dvd and then 4 months later a new edition comes along. Really hate it.

But, just this once, i would really like them to do so. I meen...lets just face it. If they wait 3 months, release a new version. What would happen? All the fans would buy it. Income income income :)

Universal, use me! Use me

Jayne: All those years of preacher training, getting knocked out by one bounty hunter
Book: Oh, dont get me wrong. I gave him a hell of a fight
Jayne: Epic i'm guessing


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 2:04 AM


For clarify - strongly suspect there will now be a 'double dip' on Serenity (ie a special edition). Cast commentary, hello.

That said, Joss does not want to do a 'fan' cut. I'm not a fan of making Joss do creative things he doesn't like, and so don't work for Fox. Also, the deleted scenes are not colour timed, don't have a proper score and are missing VFX in places -- or, in other words, it'd cost a lot of post production money to finish them and insert into the movie.

I don't think you'll see an extended cut. That said, it wouldn't take much effort to (clumsily) insert the deleted scenes into the movie via fan editing. Anybody up to a challenge?

Now, cast commentary.... Oh yeah.

- gossi


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 3:51 AM


And it needs a good name. A lot of the special editions lately have had really lameass names, usually taken from some line from the movie. The Region 1 SE of Ferris Bueller's Day Off that comes out in January is called (you ready for this?) the 'Bueller...Bueller' Edition. Egh.

The fan cut of Serenity needs to be called 'The Browncoat Edition.' No question about it. Of course, knowing the corporations, they'll probably call it the 'Oh God, Oh God, We're All Gonna Die' Edition.

"Were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose?"


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 4:46 AM



Originally posted by Orpheus:

The fan cut of Serenity needs to be called 'The Browncoat Edition.' No question about it.


As far as double dipping goes, I don't think an extended addition qualifies. I think of Batman begins which had no extras on the version I bought, and I didn't know there was a special one (assholes). An an extended version though usually sucks because there were reasons those scenes were cut in the first place. lets face it, were any of us better off with Jabba being in "A New Hope"? Did Dances with wolves really need to be 4 hours? And sometimes they mess up the know like Greedo firing first. But this time (like Blade Runner directors cut) a "Browncoat Edition" LAM would be awesome. It'll happen, cause 'versal is a coporation and corporations want money and this will make them money. I just hope they have some really cool extras to go along with it.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 4:55 AM


Sad truly sad

But if you really want one.
Take matter's into your one hands (like are Cap. would do) and do it yourself, the movie and deleted scenes are all on the disk all you need to do is splice them toghter.
ya'll just need a basic pc some software and a little time reading up on stuff.

This site will walk you thew it and as links to all the software you need. all-be-it some of the free stuff is not all that user friendly but it'll do the job.

hell if you relly want to bucher Joss's vison why not have everyone live at the end too.

p.s. I know my spelling and gramer suck so ha!


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 6:25 AM



Originally posted by Travis:
hell if you relly want to bucher Joss's vison why not have everyone live at the end too.

Remember, this is all stuff that nearly made it to the final cut, so in essence it would be one of Joss' visions.

Chrisisall bein' technical


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 6:35 AM


I'd like to see a Director's Cut with some of the deleted scenes put back in but I'd want it done at Joss's direction. The BDM is just fine but yes, I crave more "like a hungry, angry baby" but I'm grateful for what I've gotten so far. The outtakes are hilarious. I agree with some of the sentiment like "Jabba didn't need to be in A New Hope and all that. Frankly I kinda wanted an extra two hours of JarJar Binks in the first movie so I could have died puking and avoided the other two altogether but then I would have missed Serenity. Isn't irony pretty ironic sometimes?



Wednesday, December 28, 2005 6:38 AM



Originally posted by citizen:

Well Chris, I'm watching you...

Hidin' in plain sight, bro.

heh heh, Zoot started callin' me CIA in Dark Angel thread posts, It felt most odd at first, but now I think it's kinda funny.

Would you want EVERY deleted scene back in, or just specific ones?
For me, all Inara scenes and the extended end with the Operative (whiner) are must-includes. Anything else is a bonus.

Treading Fanboy territory Chrisisall


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 6:39 AM


I'd like an extended version too.

Let's hope Joss reads this post and sees the opportunity!


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Wednesday, December 28, 2005 6:49 AM



Originally posted by JayTee:
Frankly I kinda wanted an extra two hours of JarJar Binks in the first movie so I could have died puking and avoided the other two altogether but then I would have missed Serenity.

Feel better dude, just think, 20 years from now when Joss is makin' movies about how the Alliance was formed and who Mal's parents were, we can all re-live the same kind of horror!
*Jarj and Padey Reynolds conceive Mal, a whiner from the start. Constantly takin' off his diaper sos he can go independently.*


Chrisisall with the funny


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 6:52 AM


I don't really mind if there's a director's cut or not, b/c I'm more into the fact that there should be a cast/crew commentary. The WHOLE main cast (actor who played Mr. Universe is invited b/c I like him), not just one of them.

*sighs and looks off in a dreamy state* That would be just grand...


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 7:40 AM


I'm more than a little confused about why DVDs don't have more commentaries. I mean if adding an audio track is as simple as it seems, and since audio commentaries are done in one go, if there is space on the disk why not just sit everyone down and get their comments.

Hell why not have one for each of the main characters' actors solo, and one where everyone does it together (totally failing to make any kind of point because there are too many people for one audio track, but you get to smile at them all interacting as themselves instead of characters)?

It takes ages to make a movie, it takes two hours plus or minus a bit to make a commentary, why not make more?


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 8:56 AM



Originally posted by Orpheus:

The fan cut of Serenity needs to be called 'The Browncoat Edition.' No question about it. Of course, knowing the corporations, they'll probably call it the 'Oh God, Oh God, We're All Gonna Die' Edition.

Or maybe the 'Whining Browncoat SE'.

Chrisisall, a whiner on this issue


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 9:06 AM



Originally posted by christhecynic:
I'm more than a little confused about why DVDs don't have more commentaries. I mean if adding an audio track is as simple as it seems, and since audio commentaries are done in one go, if there is space on the disk why not just sit everyone down and get their comments.

I'm not expert or anything, but I'd suspect it's due to the length of time between when the actors finish filming and when the DVD is getting authored - this can be a significant length of time and the various actors will be working on their next projects and won't necessarily be able to get together at the same time to record the commentary, even though it's probably only a days work for them. And I think with an ensemble cast like Serenity, you'd need to have as many of the actors there as possible.

Having said that, I'd love it if there was a cast commentary released!

Not so sure about a 'directors cut' - I watched the deleted scenes last night and although I enjoyed them as a Firefly fan, I didn't feel they needed to be in the movie.

Hell is other people's music


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 9:12 AM


Some more possible names:

Serenity 1.5
The Firefly-class Edition (complete with Serenity shaped case (wouldn't THAT be kickass!?))
The Misbehavin' Edition
The "Can't Stop the Signal" Edition
The Reaver Deluxe Edition

Egh, brain stopped working. What else?

"Were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose?"


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 9:22 AM



Originally posted by Orpheus:
Some more possible names:

The Misbehavin' Edition

That's IT! Genius!
I love it!

Bad guy Chrisisall


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 11:24 AM


Sign me up for the extended version. And while we're at it can we get someone to redo the soundtrack with Greg Edmonson score from the series. It'd take some work, but Newmans junk just blows. Ok... to be fair there are couple of good pieces, but most of it sounds like he wasn't even trying.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 12:12 PM


Half the deleted scenes featured Inara. Serenity needed more Inara. Serenity wasn't like Firefly, but with the deleted scenes it would be better.
I dunno.

My hands are talking to much.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 1:02 PM



Originally posted by christhecynic:
I'm more than a little confused about why DVDs don't have more commentaries. I mean if adding an audio track is as simple as it seems, and since audio commentaries are done in one go, if there is space on the disk why not just sit everyone down and get their comments.

Hell why not have one for each of the main characters' actors solo, and one where everyone does it together (totally failing to make any kind of point because there are too many people for one audio track, but you get to smile at them all interacting as themselves instead of characters)?

It takes ages to make a movie, it takes two hours plus or minus a bit to make a commentary, why not make more?

Space is part of the reason. Only so much can fit on a single disk. So, to add more comentaries, either you'd loose some extra features, or picture/sound qaulity in the movie itself. Of you have to spread things out over more disks, which drives up the cost.

Also, you have to pay everyone for their commentaries, so that also drives the cost up, especially when you have 9 main characters (11 if you want Mr. Universe and the Operative in as well).

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 1:09 PM


I would probably give my right arm for more Serenity or Firefly..But I will be the one to say it , 90% of the deleted scenes were poorly acted and some poorly lit..I love the actors but people have bad takes...Joss is a passionate director and I think he would take it as an insult if you questioned his editing decisions...Especially since he has already said this is the final cut..Everything you love about these characters exists because Joss created them..Not just actors have egos so do Directors..This is Whedons Movie directorial debut and it is extemely impressive enjoy it for what a masterpiece it is not what he left out...No artist wants someone hacking up his creation and adding things...Trust Joss he is the genius..If he cut it then it should be cut!!

I know you just want more Serenity ,but I think its criticizing Joss not praising him...Paraphrazing Whedons intro "if there is something you dont like about the film now is the time for Quiet months and months of quiet"

Saying that you think he cut the scenes to appeal to new fans and you wish he left them in the film is a criticizism and somewhat of a harsh one..



Wednesday, December 28, 2005 1:13 PM


I agree. I think UniversaL should release an extended version for the fans. I am glad the theatrical version came out on dvd for non converts. I would buy an extended version in a heartbeat.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 1:29 PM



Originally posted by geejake:
Saying that you think he cut the scenes to appeal to new fans and you wish he left them in the film is a criticizism and somewhat of a harsh one.

Why do you say that? I don't wish to argue about. I mean no one would force you to watch an extended version or anything. But I'm curious why you think that's a criticism. All it amounts to is a recognition of the limitations under which he was working. The beauty of DVD's and alternate cuts is that a director, and his fans, can be free from the limitations of the theater release.

Todd Rundgren has been releasing cds for years now that allow the user to remix the songs. Is that an affront to his vision? No, its a recognition that people have different tastes. Nothing more.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 2:05 PM


I Would snatch up any extended edition with glee unmatched cept when I got a SNES for my ninth birthday, However I crave cast commentaries more then i care bout the deleted scenes being put into the film.

I love all the deleted scenes and do think that they flesh out the story more, But I already have them and can see where many of them go even if they are a bit rough. Plus I kinda get the feeling that they put most of the deleted scenes on the disc already so a new cut would only run ten to fifteen minutes longer.

But just so you folk don't think i'm not on this bandwagon I would love to see not so much an extended cut of the movie but a special edition with Extras galore, Commentaries, Interviews with the cast, crew and even the people who set up the buffet table, a starchart showing where all the planets are, a lil model of serenity and a cool metal dvd case to hold it all

Heck since i'm dreaming a version of the film done in lego animation ala the holy grail special edition would be pretty shiny


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 2:13 PM


I have already made a version putting the deleted scenes back in. Its not as simple as it sounds. Some deleted scenes require being broken up and inserted between theatrical scenes (extended locker/Haven arrival). Also, some theatrical bits need to be removed (Jayne playing guitar, the Operative looking at the Maidenhead feed, the computer display of Mal's profile).

The running time of what I made is 2:07, but I also removed Mal's attack on the Reavers to get them to follow. I felt it takes away the WOAH moment when they come out of the cloud. So figure 2:08 if that is kept in.

I had to do it on VHS because I don't have any DVD editing software that allows precise editing, and can play the sound when you edit (VERY important if you want to try it).

Another problem when trying it with software is the differences between the movie and deleted scenes files. The acpect ration and audio are not compatible so conversion is necessary. Thats why I decided to do it to VHS, I was able to do it the day I got the DVD.

If anyone cares to try, good luck. I think you will find it both challenging and satisfying.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 3:02 PM


For the most part, I thought the cuts were a good idea. Many really didn't fit the movie and it works better without them. And we still got to see them.

The only one I really, really miss and adds all of, oh, ten seconds to the running time, is the intro of Haven and Book with his prayer as a voiceover. Not only do you see more of Haven and its relationship to Serenity (the guy coming off the cannon, the crew being fed, Jayne giving Book a cigar), it established Book as a preacher and, in a larger narrative sense, a voice of not just wisdom, but of authority. I think the inclusion of Book's prayer would have done a lot for the few moments we have with the character, and it was nice to hear Ron Glass read.

History repeats the old conceits
Updated! Improved! Shiny!


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 3:12 PM



Originally posted by CaptBaggytrousers:
For the most part, I thought the cuts were a good idea. Many really didn't fit the movie and it works better without them. And we still got to see them.

The only one I really, really miss and adds all of, oh, ten seconds to the running time, is the intro of Haven and Book with his prayer as a voiceover. Not only do you see more of Haven and its relationship to Serenity (the guy coming off the cannon, the crew being fed, Jayne giving Book a cigar), it established Book as a preacher and, in a larger narrative sense, a voice of not just wisdom, but of authority. I think the inclusion of Book's prayer would have done a lot for the few moments we have with the character, and it was nice to hear Ron Glass read.

History repeats the old conceits
Updated! Improved! Shiny!

Yes that did feel better. When I first saw the movie I really didn't feel for Kaylee's loss when she saw the kid that jumped in her arms was dead. I felt that there must have been more that was shot to establish more of a relationship. The deleted scene didn't really show much more, but overall I think it added.

Unfortunately, in order to put this scene in, a few shots of the crew with the people of Haven that was in the theatrical release had to be sacrificed. It would have been nice if both could have been included.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 4:02 PM


I really liked the cut Mal/Inara escape scenes of them running down the hallway and "I'm OK" on the shuttle craft heading back to the ship.

I DO agree that they would have made Mal look less heroic for non-firefly fans though...

Reinserting those would be prety simple but they wouldn't match the color/sound without some work.

Cutting the fake grenade scene was 100% a good call.



Wednesday, December 28, 2005 4:12 PM



Originally posted by dc4bs:
I really liked the cut Mal/Inara escape scenes of them running down the hallway and "I'm OK" on the shuttle craft heading back to the ship.

I DO agree that they would have made Mal look less heroic for non-firefly fans though...

Reinserting those would be prety simple but they wouldn't match the color/sound without some work.

Cutting the fake grenade scene was 100% a good call.


Not so simple. Thats one of the places where I had to go back of forth between the deleted and theatrical. The lines after 'its not your shuttle' are different. I decided to keep both because I liked both. But it meant that Inara sits down twice.

The real problem isnt the color or sound as much as it is the green screen.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 4:19 PM


Out of all the deleted scenes, I think the extended version of the Mal/Inara escape or the talk betwen Sheydra and Inara should've been kept. I went to see the movie with someone who had never seen the movie and the whole time she was whispering 'Okay so he's in love with some fancy hooker and they used to screw alot?'

A little extra of Inara, since you have her in the final fight, the thing that Mal cares most about, would've helped establish who she was exactly. Two-five extra minutes wouldn't have hurt anything.

However, I am totally gratefull that these deleted scenes were included.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 4:32 PM



Originally posted by geejake:
Joss is a passionate director and I think he would take it as an insult if you questioned his editing decisions

I shouldn't have to remind you, but apparently I do anyway, that Joss was the first one to say he wanted those scenes in the movie. Not all of them, obviously, but he very clearly says that he wanted some of them in but had to remove them for reasons that would not apply to the proposed project.

How the hell is saying, "Joss is right," going to insult him?


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 4:42 PM


I just wish he kept that one-shot River fighting the reavers part going on longer. I always felt that part was too short, and on the commentary he said something about there being more to it.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 5:05 PM



Originally posted by geejake:
...Trust Joss he is the genius..If he cut it then it should be cut!!

I'm okay with that, but consider:
(From my post at the OB)
I just want to say that I respect Joss' editing decisions, I think he made the best movie he possibly could (not to mention my favourite film ever!!!), it's just with the lack of Serenity/Firefly out there, to me, every character exchange counts. Like in X-men, where the deleted scenes interfere with the flow, I can see that. But know what? I watch it both ways depending on my mood.
I got Serenity in full and widescreen for the same reason. Isn't full screen a butcher-job on the perfect widescreen director's vision? Yeah. But sometimes I just want my BDH's up close and personal, y'know?
Now I'm not gonna be extreme and say we need a fan cut where Wash lives to make everyone happy, but the other footage EXISTS and was IN various incarnations during advanced screenings, why shouldn't we want to see some of what we couldn't when many or most of us couldn't be there for those cuts of the BDM?

Just a thought (in a rambling kinda way...).

Chrisisall, Bouncing between 2 boards...*insert cross-eyed emoticon here*






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