such frustration

UPDATED: Wednesday, December 28, 2005 11:11
VIEWED: 4695
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Tuesday, December 27, 2005 6:17 PM


I only got into Firefly after seeing Serenity and now I'm experiencing this deep frustration. The series got cancelled way too prematurely. The series DVD left me inklin for so much more. I can't even describe my frustration. And what makes it worse is the fact that Whedon has resigned himself about the whole thing. He could at least offer conclusions to story lines.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 6:20 PM


those conclusions will be in the form of

1: another season or 10
2: a miniseries
3: a sequel to serenity
4: straight to dvd movie

just wait and see, the dvd sales will pull us outta this rut


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 6:31 PM


After seeing a couple episodes of Firefly on Scifi a few months ago, I downloaded the series, watched it and loved it so completely that I went out and bought the series immediately.

I feel the same. Knowing from the beginning that the series was so short made it hard. By episode four I was so hooked that I was already dreading the inevitable end.

I did my part and bought a few copies of the DVD for myself and as gifts for friends. I can only hope for more in the future.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 7:02 PM


Hardly the same since of impending doom that people who came in after the fact, but I remember when everything was first publicly going to hell (it privately went to hell when Serenity was rejected as pilot) I was hanging on every word I heard here (not sure if I was registered at the time, but I was certainly reading) and everything I could find elsewhere.

Then came the realization that it was truly dead, every network turned us down, every time we risked hope we were screwed over (actually I think those two things came in the opposite order) and it was over. Then came withdrawal, trying to find another show to give us a small Firefly fix because we knew we wouldn't get another.

Damn that sucked.

Never gave up hope, but I gave up any delusion that the hope was justified. Like Joss said, Serenity shouldn't exist. There is no way in any semi-logical non-screwed-up world that it could exist. (Of course in such a world Firefly wouldn't have been cancelled anyway.)


I think going to Serenity had a similar kind of feeling for me though. When you watched Firefly you knew it would end, when I went to see Serenity I was afraid it was the end. I was afraid that I was going to see our crew made over for the movie to the point they weren't our crew anymore.

Everyone posting after the previews was saying how it was different, I think they said, "better," at times. I didn't want better, I mean imagine our crew better, imagine the ship better ... disgusting isn't it?

So I was afraid that it would destroy everything I'd seen before and I'd have to fight to put it out of my mind.

I was very happy when I found that it was in no way better, and also not worse.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 7:23 PM


I sympathize with the frustration over the cancellation. It was even harder back in ’02, when the BDM wasn’t even a glimmer in the eye of anybody and it felt like the end of the ‘verse. Yet we did the impossible.

And what makes it worse is the fact that Whedon has resigned himself about the whole thing. He could at least offer conclusions to story lines.
Where are you getting this from? I certainly haven’t heard about it, and I try to stay pretty current on the developments. If you’re referring to the Entertainment Weekly article which claims Joss is done with the ‘verse, that article has been debunked by none other than Joss Whedon himself in a post a few days ago on Whedonesque. Joss wants to do more with the ‘verse. But right now, the future is still up in the air. DVD sales (and rentals) of Serenity will be the deciding factor in convincing the Universal execs that a continuation in one form or another would be profitable. And sales so far have been damn shiny. What’s more, the execs seem to think they’re damn shiny. Here’s an excerpted post from Whedonesque I ran across just a little while ago (

Originally posted by Danregal on Whedonesque:
Just thought everyone would like to hear this. I received an email from someone in the marketing dept. at Universal. And I quote "And speaking of
impressive, the DVD sales for Serenity were amazing!"

So it looks like Universal is very happy with the first week's sales.

So, it ain’t over yet. Please, stick around on the site and help contribute to the community, ‘cuz I think we might be around for quite a while.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 7:24 PM


just cant give up its name changed but the imposible still happend and for thise out there who like games there is a pen and paper sernity rpg then add a few toys and that adds a little bit more hope.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 8:09 PM


The original Browncoats never gave up. Thanks to their love and persistence, and the faith that they showed, we GOT "Firefly" on dvd, we got her a run on the Sci-Fi channel.
They managed to get us a movie!
Oh, how their hearts must have soared when they first heard that delicate violin music and saw Serenity come into focus against the black screen!
Now, watching the dvd, I think I can almost experience a hint of what they must have felt!
Their faith paid off.

I say we new fans can have plenty of faith, and help carry the message from here. Don't give up.

Heed the words of Shepherd Book; "Just believe."

(Oh, and keep buying dvds, and spreading the word.)


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 8:23 PM


I'm glad that serenity has brought new fans into the fold. But I gotta say I'm getting annoyed when I hear them complain that the show was canceled simply because had they all been watching it, maybe it wouldn't have been. Its kinda like the guy who isn't registered to vote complaining about the government not acting like he wants them to. Okay, I know I'm being a bit of a jerk, and I'm sorry, I'm just frustrated too.

I had a friend who saw FF for the first time on Sci Fi, and he thought it was a new show. When I told him it wasn't and it had been cancled he was shocked. But at least he didn't have to wait 3 years for the movie.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 7:36 AM


i was referring to the entertainment weekly article. it's nice to have that debunked. thanks.

and to early, i don't much see the relation. the guy who isn't registered isn't taking an active role in what he wants. we late fans are by supporting the thing by buying the merchandise. yes, i wish i would've discovered the series when it was on fox and it would've helped. but i didn't, so i do what i can now to see its continuation.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 7:45 AM


I can TOTALLY relate to what everyone has said on this thread...that realization of no more Firefly and that feeling is terrible...anyway, I'm happy to be a browncoat and do what I can to keep that ship in the air, when she should fall-


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 8:16 AM



Originally posted by Uselessrocker:
I downloaded the series, watched it and loved it

Same here.

I know what you people are thinking: "What? They downloaded it? Holy shit, burn in hell, whatever."

But when you think about it, it is the only way you can check it out before the buy when you live in a country that doesn't show Firefly on tv at all. You just don't pay money (50 Euro* in my case) for something you never heard of before.

It is of course not my prefered way to fall in love with a tv show (since it is completely illegal and risky of course).

Sorry for beeing slightly Offtopic but I just wanted to point out that "downloading" is not necessarily a bad thing for a franchise.

(I have the bill if someone wants prove )

*Google says this is 59.25 U.S. dollar

°°°°°°°°°°°° - my selfmade ambient/lounge/chillout music


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 8:31 AM



Originally posted by Bastaroid:
yes, i wish i would've discovered the series when it was on fox and it would've helped. but i didn't, so i do what i can now to see its continuation.

Same here, I started watching on Scifi channel... and I bought 5 copies of Serenity dvd so far. So it looks like the Scifi run is bringing in new fans.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 8:43 AM



Originally posted by Bastaroid:
I only got into Firefly after seeing Serenity and now I'm experiencing this deep frustration. The series got cancelled way too prematurely. The series DVD left me inklin for so much more. I can't even describe my frustration. And what makes it worse is the fact that Whedon has resigned himself about the whole thing. He could at least offer conclusions to story lines.

First of all I just want to say: Patience, grasshopper! and second, I think you meant "hankerin" but said "inklin". A state of wanting or desiring is "hankerin". An inklin is a sort of intuitive feeling or clue about something as in "I got me an inklin that somethin terrible's 'bout to happen." or "He hasn't got an inklin of what's about to happen, tee-hee!"
You can find those words and more in "Webster's Dictionary of Good Ole Boy Colloquialisms"



Wednesday, December 28, 2005 9:06 AM


JayTee is right. Patience! We all want more, more, more and someday I think it will come. Keep hoping, praying, being proactive, and someday our dreams will come to fruition. I just know it!
While we wait, though, just enjoy what we DO have.

Wacky fun!


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 9:12 AM



Originally posted by Deckerd:
just cant give up its name changed but the imposible still happend and for thise out there who like games there is a pen and paper sernity rpg then add a few toys and that adds a little bit more hope.

This has got to be the most mangled post I've ever seen on this board. Just saying.

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 11:11 AM



Originally posted by SameErtia:

Oh, how their hearts must have soared when they first heard that delicate violin music and saw Serenity come into focus against the black screen!
Now, watching the dvd, I think I can almost experience a hint of what they must have felt!
Their faith paid off.

I think the same. I know being a recent convert to the "verse" that it still got to me seeing her flying again in the BDM. I can only imagine how much it must have meant to the coats who have been here since the early days.

Must have been many a wet eye in the theater when she showed up for the first time.

"I'll be in my bunk"






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