wouldnt a 'firefly-the game' be a good idea?

UPDATED: Thursday, December 29, 2005 17:08
VIEWED: 5878
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Wednesday, December 28, 2005 3:17 PM


hm just a stupid thought i just came up with

seems like a good idea to me

privateer style and all + first person stuff



Wednesday, December 28, 2005 3:28 PM


That's the stupidest idea in the whole world.

Sign me up!


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 3:43 PM


Something I've given a lot of thought to. If it was done well and Joss/Tim was/were heavily involved it could be great, but I don't think it would ever happen.

The fanbase is too small to guarantee the sales numbers that publishers would want to see, and Joss is probably far too busy to have the level of input into a game that he'd want to have.

Also the problem of what sort of game to make it. Most likely it would be a 3rd person "action-adventure" game where you controlled different members of the cast doing different kinds of levels:

Mal/Jayne/Zoe - action-oriented levels with gunfights and explosions. River - perhaps more action-y than those, possibly levels set inside her broken mind (ala Psychonauts?). Kaylee - side-levels concerned with machinery etc, fixing Serenity or making modifications to the Mule, these would provide a break from the normal levels, probably using mini-game type interfaces. Inara - espionage? As a companion she'd be perfectly suited to entering the houses of the rich and powerful and snooping around, probably stealth elements since she'd be taken out by any security personnel that caught her. Wash - piloting segments, could be really good especially a Reaver chase :D

That's just a rough idea, and on a personal note not really the sort of game I'd like to see based on the license. That's just the sort of thing most "cult" licenses get made into, so it's fairly simple and doesn't require a massive budget. With high production values and a good script/gameplay it could be pretty shiny though.

Of course, a RPG set in the 'verse could work pretty well too, though perhaps not focusing on the BDH.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 3:47 PM


I like your idea and all but it all seems too linear. The gaming industry is actually trying to take a turn away from that direction by making more "do what you want whenever you want" type of games such as world of warcraft and guildwars

well this is what i was thinking
the basics of firefly is that they are all rugged merchant/pirates doing odd jobs to stay alive. so essentially you have a ship and you can freely choose missions accordingly travelling to different worlds or you can go develop storylines such as shepherds and the such. oh and the weapons and upgrading of the ship is always nice..

so basically i would say its a free flight simulator that you can possibly incorporate first person shooting style stuff by actually physically travelling to bars and whatnot to get "missions" and if the alliance get in the way

blah blah blah my head hurts.

it should appeal not just to firefly fans but to other people also. You dont have to like firefly to like a good story and im sure as heck that firefly has a pretty good story (and substories blh blah blah)



Wednesday, December 28, 2005 3:52 PM


Yah, when I said "RPG set in the 'verse" I didn't mean a Final Fantasy clone ;)

The X games are doing a good job of giving the space flight sim genre a new lease of life. A game like that set in our 'verse would probably be quite good.

Like I said though, I just don't think the license is considered popular enough for anyone to put money into a game (yet).

Ask me again once we've had our Big Damn Trilogy and Nathan is President :D


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 4:16 PM


Wierd...I had this exact idea last night at about 3AM when I couldn't sleep.

But here's my idea. Yeah, with the 3rd person action adventure game, but at the same time, make it a hybrid. And have it be true to the movie. I don't care if it makes a short game, Batman and EpIII were short...and not terribly great. Here's my specifics:

Okay, play as Wash/Serenity when landing, you know make it skillful. Jayne/Zoe/Mal for the robbery. Zoe for the escape, or Wash to pick them up, all the while avoiding the Reavers. Play as River in the bar, beating up innocents. Save Inara as Mal. Etc etc.

But make it a game that isn't only shooting and fighting. Give a chance to play all the characters, using all their facets. Then, after the game is done, open up the galazy to explore...kind of like Freelancer, which I have the Serenity model. Throw some puzzles in. Kind of like the beginning of Indigo Prophecy. I dunno, kind of lost my train of thought...but you might see where I'm going.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 4:45 PM


I'm not sure I'd like the idea of controlling Mal, Zoe and the crew, but if you wanted to do a game set in the verse I'd like that.

I think it would be best as single player
boo! hiss
and would be good as a first person shooter
boo! hiss

You could go out, do jobs, make deals, shoot people, and all of that stuff and it would fit well into current FPS systems. A flag system could be set up so that your actions (be they avoidance, deals, threats, or violence) would have an effect on things that came later meaning that like Mal you'd have to avoid pissing off the people you'll need on your next job, and if you were to want to give the cargo back or some such it might come back to bite you.

Of course that wouldn't make it unique or special, but the difference is always in the details, not in a loose description made off the top of someone's head.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 4:50 PM


Well the board RPG version of the verse is already out, has been for awhile. I've read that even people who would never play D&D type stuff in their lifetime have tried it and really enjoyed it.

"What'd y'all order a dead guy for?"
Jayne Cobb


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 5:15 PM


I don't fit into normal RPGs.

For example I know that any building in my city, which admittedly has small buildings, could be destroyed with a 10 lb bag of flour, a fan, and a single spark. So if I'm in an RPG I just find myself asking, "Where’s the nearest bakery?"

Well if the person in charge gives me the bakery they've just handed me a powerful explosive and they have to re-think everything, which is sort of the point I suppose, but then I'll do something else like that, and something else. I'm just that kind of person. At some point they're going to have to stand back and say, "Screw real life, you can’t do that."

For me the lack of limitations on the medium (no one can say, "That wasn't programmed into the computer,") makes the lack of realism stick out more.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 5:19 PM


The only way I think it could really work is as an MMORPG, you can get a ship, choose a proffesion, even work for the alliance, a very open-ended game in which you live a life in the 'verse.

Only way it would work IMO.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 5:22 PM


We sniff the air, we don't kiss the dirt.

Why not an open ended game like World of Warcraft, Star Wars Galaxies or Guild Wars? You could create your own characters and even aquire your own ship and try to get jobs in the Firefly 'verse. Except of course I'd be out of a job within a week in this universe.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 5:23 PM


We sniff the air, we don't kiss the dirt.

Wow, same idea three minutes apart.--great minds think alike


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 5:28 PM


I can't stand Warcraft style games though. I hate having to make troops and gathereres, make them go get materials, etc. I just don't see the fun in that. I don't think Firefly/Serenity can work as a computer game. I find most computer games too limiting. I think the only way it could work is if it was an online game. Even then you'd have to do massive programming to give everyone playing the game unlimited freedom. Most existing computer games still have limits on where you can go, what you can get, etc.

"What'd y'all order a dead guy for?"
Jayne Cobb


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 5:33 PM


Bad Idea!!!!!!!!

Have you ever played a Movie/TV based videogame before?

Only two of them were good: James Bond 007 Goldeneye(N64), and Cronicals of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (Xbox).
All others were crap on a disc, well below the game reviewer's average, or at best, extremely mediocre.

I really do not want to see Firefly forced into anything that would garner less than a "perfect score" from any critics.

The real-life box droppin', man-ape gone wrong thing, now without the pesky falling boxes


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 5:34 PM


Well, I'd like to see an action RPG set in the 'verse. I've been thinking of how a game could work for years...and honestly, thats the best route. Sort of like Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, except more action and more expansive worlds. You go where you choose, find a job, do it, get payed. Keep flying. Of course, if things go south, and your able to try and talk to the guy first before you blow his brains out, you can use a conversation tree (similar to what they had in KOTOR) and try to convince them to not resort to violence.

I think it would work rather well. Just so long as you get to shoot people yourself. One thing that kinda killed KOTR for me was that you couldn't control your characters during battle. You just issued commands and watched how things folded out.

Of course, there will also be Reaver chases, you can use the Mule to get from place to place on a planet faster, tune your Mule, your guns, and Serenity up to better withstand battles and chases. As you level up you learn more complicated hand to hand combat techniques, and you can draw your gun faster and shoot it more accurately. To add some strategy to each mission, you choose who you bring with you everytime you leave the ship. If your going somewhere where you feel you might need to bring a medic, bring Simon along. If your doing something that could use persuasion from a special person, bring Inara or Book. Etc etc.

And honestly, a Firefly game isn't all that far fetched. Plenty of game makers make games every year based on obscure franchises, and new never before seen franchises. A lot of games flop this day and age. I honestly think Firefly would fare better then most. There are really only a few million seller games that get released in any given year. Most are lucky to sell over 100,000 copies. If Firefly game can move at least half that of the DVDs (around 250,000, I suppose?) that would be considered a success in the industry (for a franchise like Firefly/Serenity, successful numbers would be around 100,000).

Anyone hear about the Serenity cell phone game?


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 5:37 PM


Yeah, it'd be better to make it a game 'like' Firefly, but avoid the licensing junk. You get lawyers involved and they'll find a way to make it suck.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 6:17 PM


My conception of the perfect Firefly game would be something like a cross between Independence War 2, without the combat, and YoHoHo Puzzle Pirates.

A key feature would be the ability to do interesting space activities - salvage, repairs, mining, smuggling, navigating, trading, etc - and still allow for players to land the ship, get out and have something like a 3D first person interface. You should be able to get out and leave the ship once you land. I think it would be important to combine these two perspectives.

The element I'd borrow from Puzzle Pirates is the ingenious way they reflect crew dynamics. In that game, the process of sailing a ship requires that certain crew stations be operated by player characters, or hired npc's (though they're generally not as effective). The really interesting thing is that the skill with which each player performs their respective duties is incorporated into the whole, affecting the performance of the ship and the ability of the pilot to sail it successfully. Something like this would reinforce the 'crew' aspect that would be essential for a Firefly game. Puzzle Pirates also does a fantastic job and having a real player driven economy.

I believe that there are two very important ways in which a Firefly game would have to differ from ordinary MMORPG's. First, no ship-to-ship combat. This seems essential to me. Serenity wasn't armed for a reason. The ship was a home and base of operations for the characters, not a weapon.

Second, none of the leveling/powerup nonsense. Puzzle Pirates dealt with this by making all the skills of the game dependent on actually playing tetris-like games, live-action puzzlers. Your characters skill in the game wasn't artificially amped up just because you spent umpteen hours killing rats or somesuch. It was directly related to your performance and skill as a player.

I'm not sure if the puzzle game thing would translate well to a Firefly game, but something like that seems worth exploring. I've really lost interest in the last few years in games that use arbitrary skill or attribute numbers to describe a character. The only way to make that interesting is to do the level/ladder junk, and that gets old in a hurry.

Comments? Insults? Ideas?


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 6:22 PM


Just an idea of what I'd like to see if budget wasn't a problem. I would want an online RPG computer game. You make a character you start having to join a crew of other online members on some type of ship. You go having to do a job of some type and each job gives you more cash. You can leave and join new crews as you wish and save up cash to get your own ship and get your own jobs and crew. And there would be programmed alliance characters who are constantly tryin to foil your plans somehow and your goal is to outsmart/outrun them in order to get what you want.


Ain't that just shiny?


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 6:39 PM


sounds pretty good

and an idea to solve the "kill countless rats to level up crap"

couldnt you do something like

if you use a certain skill enough it will level up
something along the lines of practice make perfect.

ex: repair a lot of stuff you become good at repairing stuff


repair a lot of stuff and somehow you get more life.

not sure if that make sense to anyone because im incoherent right now


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 8:06 PM



Originally posted by Liunaticz:
sounds pretty good

and an idea to solve the "kill countless rats to level up crap"

couldnt you do something like

if you use a certain skill enough it will level up
something along the lines of practice make perfect.

ex: repair a lot of stuff you become good at repairing stuff


repair a lot of stuff and somehow you get more life.

not sure if that make sense to anyone because im incoherent right now

It makes sense enough, but what I'm wanting to do is get rid of the levelling up thing altogether. I'd like to see a game where fiddling your characters various skills or attribute scores doesn't enter into it, maybe not even have traditional rpg stats at all.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 8:54 PM


I'd prefer human controlled alliance players. I'm sure there would be several folks out there willing to play alliance characters.

"What'd y'all order a dead guy for?"
Jayne Cobb


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 10:41 PM


I love this idea based on one huge condition-
That all of the actors did the voices- and I mean all!
I was so happy when I played Chaos Bleeds to hear James Marsters quipping away!

The human body can be drained of blood in 8.6 seconds given adequate vacuuming systems.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 10:54 PM

FLIPDOG guys want RPG style with the freedom of not being the crew. Go out and get Freelancer, and if you want a one. There is still an online community for the game.

Anyone else played that?


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 11:08 PM


Something along the lines of Gun, with a second spaceship mode would work. Project IGI basically used a flight simulator engine to get large enviroments, so if you added the abillity to fly ships to that you may get something.

I imagine you'd need two seperate engines, one for space flight and one for atmospheric flight/3rd or 1st person.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
Remember, the ice caps aren't melting, the water is being liberated.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 11:08 PM



Originally posted by Browncoater:
I'd prefer human controlled alliance players. I'm sure there would be several folks out there willing to play alliance characters.

That's what I said,

Alliance = Players

or maybe even...

Reavers = Players

Choosing to be a Reaver would be cool, but there would need to be a limit of some sort, otherwise there would be way too many, and I think that the getting better at stuff by using the stuff would be good, and ship-on-ship combat would work, because you wouldn't BE the crew of Serenity, you'd be a different crew, and if you didn't have guns, you would have toreason with them, make a deal for your life, give them something of yours.

I think we should do 1 of 2 things:

1. Somehow try to get a developer to pick this up (unlikely).

2. Get some fans skilled at making games to make a fan-made game of the 'verse, something like Runescape, only good, and different.

after thinking sbout this for so long, I want something, even if it is a 2D fangame, I want something.


Thursday, December 29, 2005 7:40 AM



Originally posted by citizen:
Something along the lines of Gun, with a second spaceship mode would work. Project IGI basically used a flight simulator engine to get large enviroments, so if you added the abillity to fly ships to that you may get something.

I imagine you'd need two seperate engines, one for space flight and one for atmospheric flight/3rd or 1st person.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
Remember, the ice caps aren't melting, the water is being liberated.

hmmm i think a few developers are actually making a step in that direction by actually trying to integrate the 2 together (talking about the space and planet fighting). If you look at the game Empire at War that is in development by lucasarts, you are allowed to have space combat and ground combat at the same time. Of course, the game engine that is running this is all new and one of a kind. and guess what, the game engine was created by the founders of the RTS- genre : the original developers of Dune and C&C


Thursday, December 29, 2005 8:01 AM


There are lots of genres that they could do. Personally I'd like a game like Deus Ex. If we get a sequel I think it's likely they'll do a game at the same time but I'd rather have a seperate Firefly/Serenity game than a Serenity 2 game. The reason most tie-in games suck is that they have to rush development to get it out at the same time as the film and base it on the film rather than creating a new story that is more suited to a game.


Thursday, December 29, 2005 8:19 AM


Probably SWG would be the simplest game to alter. Most of the parts are already there. Hell, you could probably play Firefly there now, if you put your imagination into it.


Thursday, December 29, 2005 9:21 AM


Let's actually step back and look at our actual possible "game" choices:

Firefly Video Game - I seriously doubt anyone would make Firefly into a normal video game. Yes, you've got great characters, decent setting, obvious choices for bad guys, but then what? And who do you market it to? Firefly fans? Even if you released it on every console and PC, you wouldn't come close to the sales needed to pay for production. Only if you could bag all the crew for voice overs, Joss for a plot, and some really interesting game play (Riddick style) to pull in some non-fan dollars would anyone even consider it. This is very unlikely.

Firefly MMO Game - As awesome as I think this could be, Matrix proved one thing beyond a shadow of a doubt -- titles don't sell MMOs. MMO games takes years to produce and then have to run for even more years to make their money back. There would be no way to convince a gaming studio the buzz would last that long.

Firefly CCG (collectible card game) - This is totally doable. Cards are cheap, art is cheap-ish, other shows with stong followings have had success with it (Xena comes to mind), and it's something any fan would buy, even if they never planned on playing the game. Get the cast together for a day or two to take new photos, throw in some special collector cards, few new plot angles, and you have a product.

Firefly RPG - This, of course, is out. I have the book and we're slated to start a huge six month long game starting the 3rd of the new year. I've played RPGs for a long time and the system for Serenity is not so good. We're giving it a chance for one reason, it's a Firefly product. I don't have any sell numbers, but I'm guessing this game didn't do so well. If it had a kick butt system, you could have drawn in non-Firefly fans that just wanted a good space themed RPG, but this system was rushed and stank of being made just for fans.

Firefly boardgame - Just like the CCG, this is totally plasuable. There are a lot of folks out there that buy every non-American board game out there. I'm not taking a Monopoly-style game either. I'm talking a good, well thought out, board game set in the Firefly universe. To me, this has the most potential of making money. Theme a game with Firefly, you get the Firefly fans. Make it a strong and involved game, you get the boardgame fans. Smack the two together and you're reaching lots of people for a decently cheap production price. Good graphics, pewter pieces, in-universe currency, and strong gameplay would equal huge sales.

That's how I feel about the whole thing... Who wants to make a board game with me =)


Thursday, December 29, 2005 2:48 PM


An MMO version of Firefly would be good. Take the 'Eve - Online' template, add more varied missions, a more on board ship interaction with bots you can hire as crew at Spacestations, outposts and something I think is largely missing from eve, being able to leave your your ship at spacestations, ports and have an avatar that can move about and interact with other players, like the towns in Guild Wars. However as mentioned earlier it would take years of production and would be hard to get the backing. Shame :(


Thursday, December 29, 2005 2:53 PM


i dont think marketing a collectible card game would be a good idea. other than magic, pokemon, and yugioh, other card games have not had much success at all...


Thursday, December 29, 2005 3:12 PM


Well, barring the MMORPG idea...

Nathan's response to the computer game idea at Serenity Squared was that there had to be a heist; bar fights; a fight on Serenity against Reavers boarding the ship which, once you reached the bridge, would turn into a spaceship chase; and a way to do all kinds of jobs.

When he said that, I turned to the person sat next to me and said three little words.




"My God - you're like a trained ape. Without the training."
"Come a day there won't be room for naughty men like us to slip about at all..."


Thursday, December 29, 2005 3:45 PM



Originally posted by niknak:
There are lots of genres that they could do. Personally I'd like a game like Deus Ex.

I love you now.


Thursday, December 29, 2005 4:56 PM


whoa those are some strong words there. haha


Thursday, December 29, 2005 5:08 PM


Actually, i'd be better as a third person (think: warcraft) type game (MMORPG, possibly?)

you start as a captain with a limited abount of money in the firefly 'verse and have to buy a ship and hire a crew.

buying and upgrading ships could be done at stations around (better ships/parts in the core, cheaper ships/parts on the rim)

hiring crew members would be based off archetypes with randomized backstories in taverns on planets (ie: enter a tavern, see an ex-browncoat pilot, or a local mechanic, fugitive doctor, ect.)

the ship and crew would be completely customizable (meaning that you could do a serenity&crew clone, or your own unique thing.

Meeting contacts and taking on missions would change as your crew changes (having a fugitive crew means no more central planet jobs) and as the ship changes, and as your reputation changes

the possibilities are nearly endless for that type of game, rather than doing jobs as the serenity crew, you could build your own crew and have your own ship.

of course, joss would need to have immense creative control over some of the universe building (ship types, planet/moon setups, ect)

better by far than a cookie-cutter FPS






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