My top 78 Sci-fi and fantasy flicks.

UPDATED: Wednesday, January 4, 2006 09:20
VIEWED: 13539
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Monday, December 26, 2005 11:03 PM


Since i love the genre of Sci-fi and enjoy a little fantasy, here are top movies of the genres.

1. Star Wars classic Trilogy.
2. Revenge of the Sith.
3. The Wizard of Oz. (Greatest fantasy ever!)
4. The Dark Crystal.
5. Blade Runner.
6. The Last Unicorn ( a great 1982 animated fantasy).
7. The Secret of NIMH.
8. The Fifth Element.
9. 2001: A Space Odyssey.
10. Akira.
11. Ghost in the Shell.
12. The Crow.
13. The Princess Bride.
14. Serenity.
15. Harry Potter movies.
16. Lord of the Rings Trilogy.
17. Conan The Barbarian.
18. Aliens.
19. Alien.
20. Terminator 1 & 2.
21. Total Recall.
22. Back to the Future.
23. The Thing ( 1982).
24. Heavy Metal.
25. King Kong ( 1933 and 2005).
26. Batman ( 1989).
27. Batman Begins.
28. Vampire Hunter D (1985) & Bloodlust.
29. Brazil. (Great fantasy)
30. Time Bandits.
31. Predator.
32. Wizards.
33. Fire & Ice.
34. Jason and The Argonauts.
35. Spaceballs.
36. Army of Darkness.
37. Excalibur.
38. Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky.
39. Battle Royale.
40. The Abyss.
41. Rock & Rule.
42. Big Trouble in Little China.
43. Willy Wonka.
44. Charlie and The Chocolate Factory.
45. The Fly ( 1986).
46. Scanners.
47. Videodrome.
48. Princess Mononoke.
49. Spirited Away.
50. The Day The Earth Stood Still.
51. Tron.
52. Close Encounters of The Third Kind.
53. War of the Worlds ( 1953 and 2005).
54. Lifeforce.
55. The blob ( 1958 and 1988).
56. Independence Day.
57. Jurassic Park.
58. Men in Black.
59. Stargate.
60. Dark City.
61. The Running Man.
62. The Hobbit.
63. The Flight of Dragons.
64. Starship Troopers.
65. Mortal kombat.
66. Highlander.
67. Escape from New York.
68. Mad Max.
69. The Road Warrior.
70. Invasion of the Body Snatchers ( 1957).
71. The Deadly Spawn.
72. Critters 1 & 2.
73. Transformers The Movie. (Also love the show)
74. A Clockwork Orange.
75. E.T.
76. Starchaser Legend of Orin.
77. X-Men 1 & 2.
78. Superman.

Cool eh?


Monday, December 26, 2005 11:49 PM


Thought you might like to know that you listed Serenity twice on your list -- at 14 and 28. Now personally, I liked the movie enough for two people, and maybe that's what you meant, but I doubt it.

Edit: Yeah, yeah, you fixed it. Well, it was true when I originally posted this.

Oh, and "The Fifth Element" higher than "Batman Begins"? What's up with that?

The hardest thing in this world is to live in it.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 12:00 AM


Look again, i edited that! well it's my list ok i can have anything higher than anything.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 12:00 AM


Well, the #28 Serenity is obviously the Fullscreen version...

Arrgh...foiled by the edit...

Isn't it technically more than 78 movies since quite a few of the entries are more than one movie?

And #2 is Revenge of the Sith?

Cool to see that someone else besides myself has seen Lifeforce...


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 12:17 AM



Originally posted by Roland19:
Oh, and "The Fifth Element" higher than "Batman Begins"? What's up with that?

Fifth Element is one of my favourite SciFi movies. Although i havent seen Batman Begins i'm pretty sure 5th Element is better

As for my views on the list: Serenity would be 1. on my list. I personally wouldnt consider Battle Royale Scifi nor fantasy, but if your going to slap it to the list, it should be higher on the list ;) Also Contact isnt on your list??

Also if you like some Anime scifi, you might want to check out Crest/Banner of the Stars. Absolutely amazing serie, and ive heard their making another season to it. Also the movie Jin Roh is a really good Anime movie.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 12:33 AM



Originally posted by whispering:

Originally posted by Roland19:
Oh, and "The Fifth Element" higher than "Batman Begins"? What's up with that?

Fifth Element is one of my favourite SciFi movies. Although i havent seen Batman Begins i'm pretty sure 5th Element is better

I don't know, it's been a couple of years since I've seen "The Fifth Element" but I remember thinking that it kinda sucked. I'll go rent it this weekend just to make sure. And you haven't seen "Batman Begins" yet? Oh, it's awesome. Check it out.

The hardest thing in this world is to live in it.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 12:44 AM


What no "Raiders of the Lost Ark?!"


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 1:20 AM


Batman B was a good movie but nothing that marvolus

The wages of sin are death, but the hours are good and the perks are fantastic.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 1:37 AM


I would class Indiana Jones as just an aadventure, however it does deal with supernatural themes which would make it a fantasy i guess :P

There's no show I'd rather see, than the one with Serenity.
You can't take the sky from me...


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 2:48 AM



Originally posted by whispering:

Originally posted by Roland19:
Oh, and "The Fifth Element" higher than "Batman Begins"? What's up with that?

Fifth Element is one of my favourite SciFi movies. Although i havent seen Batman Begins i'm pretty sure 5th Element is better

As for my views on the list: Serenity would be 1. on my list. I personally wouldnt consider Battle Royale Scifi nor fantasy, but if your going to slap it to the list, it should be higher on the list ;) Also Contact isnt on your list??

Also if you like some Anime scifi, you might want to check out Crest/Banner of the Stars. Absolutely amazing serie, and ive heard their making another season to it. Also the movie Jin Roh is a really good Anime movie.

I should get that Jin-Roh movie! I liked "Contact" but it's no fave, Battle Royale i consider to be a Sci-fi movie since it's set in the future. Great that your also a 5th Element fan, if you like that one try Luc Besson's "Leon" ( a.k.a. The Professional).


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 5:24 AM


You've also listed The Crow twice at #12 and #31. Good movie definitely, one of my favorites.

You've only listed one of the Back to the Future movies...did you not like the 2nd or 3rd installments? Personally, the 2nd one was not my favorite at all...but I loved the 3rd one.


"Ten percent of nuthin' is...let me do the math here...nuthin' into nuthin'...carry the nuthin'"


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 6:31 AM


Lots of good movies there.

But personally i would rank Darkcity much higher. Its one of my favorite movies. Its a shame it didnt do better. I guess a lot of good movies have had this kind of fate.

Equilibrium comes into my mind.

Jayne: All those years of preacher training, getting knocked out by one bounty hunter
Book: Oh, dont get me wrong. I gave him a hell of a fight
Jayne: Epic i'm guessing


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 9:08 PM



Originally posted by Psolaris:
You've also listed The Crow twice at #12 and #31. Good movie definitely, one of my favorites.

You've only listed one of the Back to the Future movies...did you not like the 2nd or 3rd installments? Personally, the 2nd one was not my favorite at all...but I loved the 3rd one.


"Ten percent of nuthin' is...let me do the math here...nuthin' into nuthin'...carry the nuthin'"

Well i liked the sequels to "Back to the Future" but i loved the first one! I don't have the Crow twice, i just edited the other "Crow" out with "Predator" which was a high school fave of mine.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 9:34 PM


Wow, you like all the flicks I like, but why not Firestarter or Logan's Run?

Nitpickin' Chrisisall


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 9:39 PM


Firestarter was good but not great, so was "Logan's Run" so what movies on my list do you like?


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 9:42 PM


Serenity is a bit low on your list for my tastes. I can see why the original Star Wars is higher, but "Revenge of the Sith"?

It was good the first time, but come on, Serenity is much funnier, more original, has better acting, and doesn't have an overabundance of using visual effects.

I would personally place Serenity at #1, closely followed by the Star Wars Trilogy (not the new ones) at #2.

"I aim to misbehave."


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 9:48 PM



Originally posted by DarthJohn:

so what movies on my list do you like?

I OWN like 90% of them!

But Serenity is the #1 along side with Blade Runner.
And sorry, but ROTS wadn't that good...

Chrisisall,a Luke fan


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 11:25 PM


Do you think Lord of the Rings is better than Sith?


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 12:37 AM



Originally posted by DarthJohn:

Do you think Lord of the Rings is better than Sith?

i wouldnt put all LOTR movies under one. Simply because the first, FOTR, is so much better then the other 2. Dont get me wrong, i love the other 2. But the first is just magical. And that particular one, i would say it ages ahead of Sith - which imo wasnt that good. It had its moments. But putting 6 sword duels and 4 battles in a movie dont make it. Sith was a fun ride - which i will probably see again someday. But not more then that.

Jayne: All those years of preacher training, getting knocked out by one bounty hunter
Book: Oh, dont get me wrong. I gave him a hell of a fight
Jayne: Epic i'm guessing


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 3:30 AM


Prior to saying anything, just know that I'm not poking fun at anyone for liking Revenge of the Sith, in fact I enjoyed the experience of seeing it. This is just an opinion on its status a "great sci-fi film".

I actually think Sith was "good" at best. I had fun watching it, it was exciting, and on occasion funny (although not always on purpose). I mean, certainly compared to Lucas's last two Star Wars ventures... well heck, it surpasses them by a great deal. But then again, that's not saying much. I think people put WAY too much stock in ROTS. I mean, it certainly has nothing on the original filmic cuts of the original trilogy (if you understand their importance and relevance to the film industry and pop culture).

Maybe its just because the first two prequels were that bad? And seriously, when I think of the tacky dialogue that Lucas put into Sith (The mind boggles, I mean: "What have I done?";"I don’t even know you anymore!"; "I loved you like a brother!"; "Nooooooooooo!" - C'mon George dude!!!) I can't help but cringe. These things could have been done and said in a more natural and realistic sense.

In my humble opinion I don't believe Revenge of the Sith deserves to be above Blade Runner and certain other films that really emphasized and shaped the sci-fi landscape. (By the way its a fantasticly compiled list,and I respect and understand they are YOUR favourites, most of which are among my favourites also ).

And yes, I do concede that this may be a matter of opinion. And I concede further that I was very strongly against the first two prequels and most importantly over the changes of the original filmic cuts of the original trilogy (Why oh why did he alter Boba Fett's voice, and for that matter take away the dark mystery of his character). HOWEVER: Revenge of the Sith to me had poor dialogue and acting that left something to be desired.For a movie that wants to use these things to convey emotion and message, it did fail in that respect. As for the rest of the movie, the story was good, the action was great and the visuals (the creatures and worlds and machines) were excellent, as they have always been.

When push comes to shove, for Revenge of the Sith to be considered among the giants of sci-fi and fantasy as one of the best, it had to have made me feel something on an intellectual or emotional level. I felt something in A New Hope, in The Empire Strikes Back and in Return of the Jedi, but I felt nothing in Sith, and for me that prevents it from achieving a very high status, especially as high as number two.

btw: Hell yes are Fellowship of the Ring and Return of the King better than ROTS! (Lol Two Towers however I'm not sure :P)

There's no show I'd rather see, than the one with Serenity.
You can't take the sky from me...


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 4:20 AM


I have a lot of issues with your so-called list. Starting with the clearly non-canonical 78. How can you possibly choose such a ridiculous number????

Just kidding. Anyone who has The Princess Bride in there is fine by me.


Whoa. Good List...


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 4:20 AM



Originally posted by DarthJohn:
Well i liked the sequels to "Back to the Future" but i loved the first one! I don't have the Crow twice, i just edited the other "Crow" out with "Predator" which was a high school fave of mine.

Yeah I see you added Predator instead now. I'd have to say that I actually like that movie myself. You've got a good list. Quite a few on there that I've seen over and over and over.


"Ten percent of nuthin' is...let me do the math here...nuthin' into nuthin'...carry the nuthin'"


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 4:45 AM


I just happen to be a Star Wars fan, i thought "Revenge of the Sith" was a major improvement over Episodes 1 & 2 and i know Lucas isn't that great of a writer, Peter Jackson could have at least written the script and you have to remembered that he did wrote the script for the first of the classic Star Wars trilogy as that had some hammy dialog too! but i thought it was a major improvement over the the last two SW movies and as good as the old trilogy.

Yes The Princess Bride has always been a fave of mine since i first rented it back in high school in 2000! great mix of fantasy, comedy and adventure with some memorable liners "Anybody want a peanut?"

Well The first of the classic SW trilogy in my opinion is the mother of all sci-fi flicks while Blade Runner comes second! and "Wizard of Oz" is the greatest fantasy flick ever in my opinion while "Dark Crystal" is second in my opinion.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 4:56 AM


Afterall i have loved "Wizards", "Fire & Ice", "Rock and Rule", "Dark Crystal", "Secret of NIMH", "Last Unicorn", "Hobbit", "Wizard of Oz", " Batman", " Terminator 1 & 2", " Willy Wonka", and "Transformers Movie" as a kid yet still do.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 4:56 AM


Well like I said it really comes down to an emotional/ intellectual response, but yeh fair enough.

A bit of trivia: Star Wars was partly based on a samurai film called The Hidden Fortress by Akira Kurosawa, literally one of the most influential directors of films ever. And Lucas along with Francis Coppola actually helped Kurosawa pay for some of his later films when the Japanese studios didnt want to and couldn't afford them. If I'm not mistaken Kagemusha was one of them.

There's no show I'd rather see, than the one with Serenity.
You can't take the sky from me...


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 6:06 AM


Yes, Lord of the Rings was better than ROTS; especially Fellowship of the Ring. That was the best of the three.

"I aim to misbehave."


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 6:24 AM


Gattica would have to be in the top 10 of any best of scifi list, well at least for me.

No comment on the Indiana Jones movies eh? They undeniably fall in the fantasy category. You've got to have a good reason for not including those...


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 7:13 AM


All lists are a matter of opinion, but I offer some classic sci fi that are not on the list and no one has mentioned -

Soylent Green
Silent Running
The 10th Victim
Farenhite 451 (did i get that right?)
Planet of the Apes
Things to Come
Brother From Another Planet
Repo Man
A Boy and His Dog

Just off the top of my head. Some of these, particularly Silent Running, 10th Victim and Metropolis would be quite high on my list.

See how I'm not punching him, I think I've grown!


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 7:24 AM


What about the excellent Army Of Darkness?
Almost up there with the BDM...

Good...bad...I'm the guy with the gun Chrisisall


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 3:03 PM



Haven't seen 'Gattaca", any good? Indiana Jones i'd put in the action category.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 3:49 PM


Hold the phones! Stop the presses! You don't have Matrix up there!

There's no show I'd rather see, than the one with Serenity.
You can't take the sky from me...


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 4:32 PM


I personally found "The Matrix" kind of overrated! i prefer the Lord of the Rings trilogy and the classic Star Wars Trilogy over "Matrix" anytime, hell even Serenity kicks it's a$$


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 6:14 PM


I agree totally.
Gattica is really good, got it for X-mas (finally!)
But what about Army Of Darkness, dude, it's one of the BEST flicks EVER!!!!!

Don't tell us you've never seen it???

Chrisisall Ash


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 6:32 PM


Aww I dunno guys. i mean, the sequels were pure crap but The Matrix was a very defining sci-fi movie. But to each his own eh.

There's no show I'd rather see, than the one with Serenity.
You can't take the sky from me...


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 6:39 PM


There was always something about The Matrix that bugged me, even when I was watching it once a week after the DVD came out. The sequels were the lynch pin to my appreciating it fully, and they exposed the first movie for the slick mess that it was (this is harsh and evil chrisisall speaking now...). It all almost made sense, but needed more...unfortunatly it got less.
But the fights and music are still cool.

I own it Chrisisall
EDIT to add: don't take me too seriously, I mean, I think 2001 ain't so great for similar reasons (lack of coherent disposition), and who agrees with me on THAT one??


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 10:53 PM


I'VE NEVER cared for the Matrix, "LOTR" is better and so is "Blade Runner' and "Star Wars A New Hope".

Anyone seen "Rock & Rule" and "The Last Unicorn"?


Thursday, December 29, 2005 12:54 AM


Okay Chris but, you can't put the problems of the sequels onto Matrix. You said something bugged you about it to begin with so this isn't really talking directly to you, rather for those who DO try to judge it JUST because of the sequels:

For me anyway, Matrix was original and intriguing. It was a good film as a stand-alone movie, and although some things obviously did not make full sense as you suggest (they just HAD to go back and explain the crap out of it in the sequels, only confusing things further)but that was its charm.

I mean, I don't judge A New Hope or Empire Strikes Back harshly just because Phantom Menace was bad. But I know that's not totally relevant to your argument because when you say that about the Matrix I think you're talking more in terms of the storyline and how, as you said, the sequels turned it into a bit of a mess. That aside to everyone else, I just don't think its fair to judge it solely in reference to Reloaded and Revolutions.

It was good that the original didn't reveal everything. That it was a bit of a mystery and strange fantasy. They shouldn't have added those extra movies, but yeh, for me they don't negate the original's greatness.

Anyway, would love to chat about this further 'cause this is a "shiny" thread, but I'm off to New York for a holiday! Whoo! Hopefully talk to you guys some more when I get back in a week's time!

Happy New Year fellows, Peace!

oh PS, Darth John - its a bit harsh to compare Matrix to LOTR and Star Wars, I mean they're totally different movies! Lol anywayz, like I said great list, talk to yas when I get back! adios

There's no show I'd rather see, than the one with Serenity.
You can't take the sky from me...


Thursday, December 29, 2005 1:38 AM


Do you think it's like the same thing with "First Blood" (you know the original Rambo movie?) when it was a stand alone movie that didn't need sequels? why is Matrix so worshipped? Serenity is way F&^%&% better!


Thursday, December 29, 2005 2:44 AM


Hmmm interesting arguments here. Have to agree with everyone about ROTS. Lacked some major emotional and intellectual connections. Was better then the other 2 definitly, but the acting truly was horrendous on a few parts!

Oh and hellooooo BDM!!!! Means Big Damn Movie....SERENITY!!! :)

Also have to agree bout Army of Darkness!! Class film...just hilarious. Makes Brucy boy a hero! lol.

Hmmmm I grew up on Princess Bride so I totally agree with you loving that one!!

Really enjoyed your list. Own most of them so I am in the same mind...but Indiana Jones should really be on the list. You should round it up to a nice 80 or 90! lol.

Love, Ally
'Comfort me with apples for I am sick of love' -Solomon


Thursday, December 29, 2005 3:34 AM



Originally posted by Jumpy:
And seriously, when I think of the tacky dialogue that Lucas put into Sith (The mind boggles, I mean: "What have I done?";"I don’t even know you anymore!"; "I loved you like a brother!"; "Nooooooooooo!" - C'mon George dude!!!) I can't help but cringe. These things could have been done and said in a more natural and realistic sense. Revenge of the Sith to me had poor dialogue and acting that left something to be desired.For a movie that wants to use these things to convey emotion and message, it did fail in that respect.

And I quote:

"I should have expected to find you holding Vader's leash. I detected your foul stench when I was brought on board."

Seriously, are you telling me this is better dialogue than the stuff in RotS? And as for bad acting, I refer you to, "You're not my father! That's impossible!!" *shudders*

In point of fact, none of the Star Wars films have overly great dialogue or acting. But god, this is melodrama, it's not supposed to be Oscar-quality stuff!

My personal theory is that because most of us were acquainted with the original trilogy as children, we just accept the cheese in the original unconditionally, but can't do the same as adults.

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.


Thursday, December 29, 2005 3:57 AM


LIke i said, Indiana Jones is pure action adventure! not fantasy or sci-fi.


Thursday, December 29, 2005 3:59 AM



Seriously, are you telling me this is better dialogue than the stuff in RotS? And as for bad acting, I refer you to, "You're not my father! That's impossible!!" *shudders*

It all goes back to something Harrison Ford said to Lucas about the original Star Wars: "You can write this s***, but you can't say it." And he's right. One reason it's called a space opera (at least in my mind), is because it's a soap opera in space, bad dialogue and all. I always thought the bad dialogue was part of the charm (except for the prequel trilogy, there's no excuse for some of the garbage that spews out of Anakin's mouth).

"Were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose?"


Thursday, December 29, 2005 4:23 AM



Originally posted by Jumpy:
Hold the phones! Stop the presses! You don't have Matrix up there!

I know! That's the big thing I was wondering! I see how some people could not like them, but the concept is great!

~A message from Serenyty~


Thursday, December 29, 2005 4:24 AM


'Like I said, Indiana Jones is pure action adventure! not fantast or sci-fi.'

Hmm Have you seen them??? lol. Just kidding. I see your point, but seriously...they are borderline adventure/fantasy. A Holy Grail that restores wounds and youth??? Pandora's box???? A PhD with a whip??? lol. Whereas the films are not strictly fantasy they do have elements of yeah guess it is a matter of opinion!

Love, Ally
'Comfort me with apples for I am sick of love' -Solomon


Thursday, December 29, 2005 4:27 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
There was always something about The Matrix that bugged me,

Yeah, it's called Keanu Reeves acting abilitly.


"Ten percent of nuthin' is...let me do the math here...nuthin' into nuthin'...carry the nuthin'"


Thursday, December 29, 2005 4:49 AM


Looking back over this list, I gotta say that a lot of it feels thrown on. The top ten or so are fine, but when you get down to lumping the Batman movies together, both versions of Chocolate Factory, Time Bandits with Brazil, and both X-men films being one entry, it really feels like you just listed them as they came to mind.

(I'm a compulsive listmaker, I do this a lot, so I'm far too attuned to stuff like that)

Don't get me wrong, the fact that you made the list in the first place is great. Just saying it could use a little tweaking. For example, if you're gonna list both versions of a movie as one entry, then Mad Max/The Road Warrior and Alien/Aliens should be like that too. Unless you really feel like one is just a little better than the other, then it's justified.

I really don't mean to sound rude or anything, just saying the list could stand a little further editing.

"Were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose?"


Thursday, December 29, 2005 5:27 AM


I got to number two, saw this list was nothing like I'd put together and kinda lost intrest. I think you're letting your love for Star Wars cloud your judgement. In fact, if you seperate Star Wars into each movie, only the first two would be in my top twenty. And no Wrath of Khan? No Matrix? Sure, the last two stunk, but the first one was really good story telling in the way of putting the first and second half of the movie together without giving away any clue of what is going to happen. And where are any of the animated Batman movies? They're SO much better than the live action ones. You have Superman at the bottom of your list, but no Spiderman?

Oh, and Independence Day, Men in Black, The Hobbit, Starship Troopers, and Mortal Kombat are all above Highlander and E.T.? The first Highlander was really good. I don't know about top 30 good, but so much better than the easilly forgotten (if you're lucky) other movies listed above it.

Your list, your views, but I'm sure you expected to take a little bit of a beating from this list. I think it is safe to say, we differ in movie taste -- we'll leave it at that.


Thursday, December 29, 2005 5:55 AM


Like i said it before and i say it again, i thought "Matrix" was too overrated! give me "Blade Runner" over that movie any day or maybe "Dark City" which "Matrix" was just a knock-off.


Thursday, December 29, 2005 9:10 AM



Originally posted by Psolaris:

Originally posted by chrisisall:
There was always something about The Matrix that bugged me,

Yeah, it's called Keanu Reeves acting abilitly.

lol, no, not that....I just felt there was a better way to produce energy than sucking heat off a human body (or electricity or whatever). And the sanctuary named Zion with Neo being 'the one'...all too religious for me- should have known they were gonna crusify him in the end, though
God, the more I think about it...GRRR
[Highlander was the last time I ever want to hear about 'one']

No one Chrisisall


Thursday, December 29, 2005 2:27 PM


Besides "Matrix" is just mumbo jumbo that is loved by gothic geeks, and sort of just a cyber-"Narnia".






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