Nitpickers of the verse...UNITE!!

UPDATED: Tuesday, January 3, 2006 05:08
VIEWED: 14236
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Tuesday, December 27, 2005 11:44 AM


I never noticed Wash's empty hand until I watched the commentary where it gets pointed out. Now, it makes me nuts.

My biggest issue is the medical stuff. Maybe because half my family are nurses and doctors, but -
a) Wash is giving blood for a transfusion with the tourniquet still it place?
b) You DON'T use direct pulmonary adrenalin injection if the heart is still beating! That's a sure fire way to make it STOP beating. (Mal in "Out of Gas", Simon's suggestion in "Serenity"
c) Uh...shouldn't electronic resuscitation be placed where the impact will go to the heart muscle? (Niska)
d) Simon doing pulmonary massage with Zoe on the table and his arms bent? Come on, send that doc to CPR class!

I just overlook them. I love it anyway! However, watching it with the family this weekend, we laughed ALOT. My sister, the terminal care nurse ran around all weekend saying, "The patient was cynical and non responsive!"


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 11:54 AM


More curiosity than nit picking...

In the message tracy says that you have to transport organs in a human...but how the heck were they gonna transport his "own workin's" to put them back in????

There's problly an easy answer to this...I just don't know it lol

"See this is another sign of your tragic space dementia, all paranoid and crochety. Breaks the heart." -Mal


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 11:57 AM


Just a thought. Has anyone put forward the idea that Mal was actually demoted to Sergeant from Captain. Mal's intelligent, a leader, and apparently one of the earlier Browncoats. He also has a slight problem with authority. It seems possible that Mal was a captain at some point, ticked off the wrong higher-ups, and was busted down to Sergeant, where he met Zoe.

I have absolutely no evidence to back this up. Just seems to fit, somehow.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 12:59 PM


My theory on where Mal got the money to buy Serenity: The Alliance actually paid for some of the land they annexed, in Mal's case this was the family ranch on Shadow. What he was paid is a fraction of what it would really have been worth, but enough for a slightly used spaceship.

History repeats the old conceits
Updated! Improved! Shiny!


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 2:01 PM



Originally posted by gypsylife:
More curiosity than nit picking...

In the message tracy says that you have to transport organs in a human...but how the heck were they gonna transport his "own workin's" to put them back in????

There's problly an easy answer to this...I just don't know it lol

"See this is another sign of your tragic space dementia, all paranoid and crochety. Breaks the heart." -Mal

It's only the Lab Grown organs needed to be transported in a human - not just a carrier, but an incubater (blastimmunes not approved; likely unstable).
We have the capacity today to transport human organs with no problem, and in Firefly we know they have full cryo-capabilities, so we can assume there would be no problem with transporting fully developed human organs.

My guess is that in Firefly the labgrown ones aren't completely developed - like the way Tracy's heartbeat was eratic and fast, like a newborn infants would be.
The real curiousity here is really how close we are to growing human organs in labs from stem-cels. It may not be long until something like "The Message" could actually take place.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005 3:47 PM



Originally posted by mal4prez:
Is anyone else bothered about how they move in space in the pilot? Mal pushes off, then starts turning. And again he changes momentum - turns and stops in midair next to Zoe. They coulda done that better.

The Spacesuits include miniture thruster jets. They react to user movements to give minor control over movement and orientation.

Of course if you move violently enough you can use your own inertia to spin in space, despite there being nothing to push against.


And how about that Net in OMR? They seemed to be thinking this electric lightening stuff was gonna fry everyone IN the ship. Electric current stays on the OUTSIDE of a metal body - Physics 101 baby.

It was more than electricity. You wouldn't see electricity in a vacuum, so obviously theres also some plasma and a general EM field going on. The plasma would heat up the interior, thereby frying the crew.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
Remember, the ice caps aren't melting, the water is being liberated.


Monday, January 2, 2006 6:54 AM



Originally posted by citizen:

Originally posted by mal4prez:
Is anyone else bothered about how they move in space in the pilot? Mal pushes off, then starts turning. And again he changes momentum - turns and stops in midair next to Zoe. They coulda done that better.

The Spacesuits include miniture thruster jets. They react to user movements to give minor control over movement and orientation.

Of course if you move violently enough you can use your own inertia to spin in space, despite there being nothing to push against.

ya but... I don't see little jets firing and there's no arm circling happening. It looks to me like they're hanging by wires in a studio. I admit, my standards are high because Firefly is so good with how the ships move. But would it have been so hard to cgi in jets, or have Zoe braced against a bulkhead so she could catch Mal after he pushes back from the door?

And please don't flame me for being too picky! That's the point of this, a chance to let my too-picky physics freak flag fly! (trying saying that 3 times )



And how about that Net in OMR? They seemed to be thinking this electric lightening stuff was gonna fry everyone IN the ship. Electric current stays on the OUTSIDE of a metal body - Physics 101 baby.

It was more than electricity. You wouldn't see electricity in a vacuum, so obviously theres also some plasma and a general EM field going on. The plasma would heat up the interior, thereby frying the crew.

Good point. I hadn't thought of the lightening not visible in space thing. I thought the crew talked about the gate like it was electricity though. Guess I'll have to watch OMR again! (any excuse will do)

Ask Dr. Science ... he knows more than you do.
"I have a Master's degree ... in science!"


Monday, January 2, 2006 7:06 AM


Heh, the whole spacesuit thing was me just being stupid

The plasma in OMR seems reasonable though. The electrical and em fields would keep the plasma in place, while the high voltage electricity would keep it nice and toasty.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
Remember, the ice caps aren't melting, the water is being liberated.


Monday, January 2, 2006 8:27 AM



In the message tracy says that you have to transport organs in a human...but how the heck were they gonna transport his "own workin's" to put them back in????

Its also very possible that the people tracy was working for lied, and were just gonna take his fake guts out, leave him dead, and keep the money. After all, Tracy doesn't seem like the brightest apple in the bunch, this scenario probably never occured to him.

Another thing that bothers me about Serenity, is how as Simon is rescuing River and they're in that shaft. The security lazers start at the bottom and light up a step at a time...very slowly. Thats just silly. Its a cliche suspence tactic that I find lame.


Four out of five gynecologists recommend calling Ebo a girl.


Monday, January 2, 2006 8:27 AM


Besides, why should we assume that Serenity's hull includes enough metal to make an effective Faraday cage?

Composite materials and ceramics can be assumed to be far advanced 500 years from now. Serenity could be made of a kind of super-fiberglass or some material we don't know about yet. After all, it's strong enough to stop all but the highest-energy projectile rounds.

We know one thing for sure: it's not a good enough Faraday cage to prevent massive EMP when it suffers a particle-beam hit to the engine nacelle.

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


Monday, January 2, 2006 8:34 AM



Originally posted by ebonezer:
Another thing that bothers me about Serenity, is how as Simon is rescuing River and they're in that shaft. The security lazers start at the bottom and light up a step at a time...very slowly. Thats just silly.

I was thinking about this last time I watched it. If there's some technical reason not to activate them all at once, why in the 'verse would you not turn them on from the top down, thereby cutting off a possible escape route?

And just what good are those lasers anyway? Are we supposed to think they're powerful enough to fry an escaping human? That seems a bit extreme, considering the possible value of those escapees... especially when all you'd need to do is close a door or grating over the top of the shaft.

Ah me. Why are we always the most critical of those we love the most?

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


Monday, January 2, 2006 8:46 AM


In serenity, during the battle of the reavers/alliance, the operative takes a bitty escape pod. Miraculously, it (crash?)lands exactly where Serenity fell, which was exactly where they needed to be. The operative then finds a secret duct vent directly into mr. universe's lair, avoiding the reavers.

biggest gaping WTF of the movie, but the heartpounding suspense of the reavers and the emotional shock of wash cover it up.


Monday, January 2, 2006 10:31 AM



Originally posted by citizen:
The plasma in OMR seems reasonable though. The electrical and em fields would keep the plasma in place, while the high voltage electricity would keep it nice and toasty.

It's a nice idea, but I'm not sure that would be practical, though. If a ship were to fly through some plasma hot enough to fry everybody inside, the plasma would have to be really hot indeed, and the chances are that the hull would be severely damaged in the process, which is something those junkers (for the lack of a better word) would want to avoid, since that's part of what they're after in the first place. If they want to kill everybody inside it would maybe be better to just puncture the hull in a spot that can easily be fixed or repaced later, thereby causing depressurisation inside the vessel.

But, as you said, Citizen, there must be some sort of plasma, otherwise we wouldn't be able to see the electricity in the first place. It's just that I don't think it plays such a big role and the killing of the people inside.

Somebody else mentioned that maybe the hull isn't made up of metal, but of some futuristic composites and if these composites are bad conductors of electricity, then the hull wouldn't act as a Faraday cage. This to me makes a bit more sense, because that would probably also make the ship light enough to make landing on and taking off from planets feasible, so in the Firefly-verse it would be a better alternative to metal hulls. Easier travel would be the up-side of having a hull made from composites - the down-side would be that it allows everybody inside to be fried in an electric net (assuming the materials are non-conducting).

--- Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.


Monday, January 2, 2006 11:10 AM



Originally posted by Khyron:
Somebody else mentioned that maybe the hull isn't made up of metal...

Story of my life... all my best ideas are credited to "somebody else"...

Speaking of the junkers, there's an interesting point in one of the conversations in the trap control room. One of them claims that the Firefly-class ship isn't worth much as parts, but would still be valuable on the whole.

Strange 'verse, where you make less by "parting out" an old ship than by selling it whole. On Earth-That-Was, that sort of thief always found it more profitable to sell the parts, especially on older models (which were presumably wearing out and in need of repair parts).

Furthermore it's much less risky, as the parts end up scattered all over the place making it hard to trace their origin. But that's not much of an issue out on the raggedy edge, where law enforcement is spotty at best.

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


Monday, January 2, 2006 11:19 AM



Originally posted by mima:
In serenity, during the battle of the reavers/alliance, the operative takes a bitty escape pod. Miraculously, it (crash?)lands exactly where Serenity fell, which was exactly where they needed to be. The operative then finds a secret duct vent directly into mr. universe's lair, avoiding the reavers.

Presumably the escape pod had some maneuverability, and the Operative was able to track Serenity (visually or otherwise) and follow it down. Or not: remember that the Op had already been there and knew where Mal was heading.

As for the access duct, Mr. Universe's lair was originally an Alliance communications outpost (see the novelization for details), so the Operative would have had access to plans and could have studied them before the original assault on Mr. U.

Almost anything can be rationalized!

Did anyone else notice the homage to Star Wars in the escape pod scene, with the Operative upside down and sitting in a couch whose back rest was shaped almost exactly like Darth Vader's helmet?

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


Monday, January 2, 2006 11:39 AM



Originally posted by DonCoat:
Story of my life... all my best ideas are credited to "somebody else"...

Lol, sorry Doncoat. I was too lazy to go back and check who it was. I should have known by the subtle brilliance of the idea that it was you...

--- Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.


Monday, January 2, 2006 11:45 AM



Originally posted by Khyron:
Lol, sorry Doncoat. I was too lazy to go back and check who it was. I should have known by the subtle brilliance of the idea that it was you...

Heheh, no problem. As Wash knows, a little wisecrack is the best revenge -- and you did give me a sweet straight line there...

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


Monday, January 2, 2006 1:02 PM


Have you noticed in "The Message"?

They're still on the ship and are listening to Tracey's message, Jayne takes off his woolly orange hat,

and the next time the camera points his way, he still has the hat on,

and the time after that it is off again......

It hust bugs me now i've noticed it!!!!!!


"She's damaging my calm!" Jayne, Serenity


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 5:08 AM


Ok here's one I haven't seen yet.

In Serenity (the pilot ep.) when the Reavers are chasing them. Kaylee tells Jayne that they need to disable the hydraulics for the port side engine. But when Wash throws the lever to do the crazy Ivan, and they cut to the exterior view, you see the port engine is the one that reverses. Since the hydraulics were not working for the port engine the starboard should have reversed.

Of course it was Jayne that did the work, so he probably got the wrong side.

"I'll be in my bunk"






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