Video interview with Nathan and Summer

UPDATED: Saturday, May 20, 2006 15:53
VIEWED: 19711
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Monday, January 2, 2006 5:38 AM


Just found this, don't know if it's been posted before, but even if it has I'm sure there's some people who haven't seen it.

Here's a video of Nathan and Summer being interviewed on U.K TV, promoting Serenity

And this page has lots of info on Serenity

Here's a high quality, extended version of the interview to download
Credit to thomas7g at battlestargalactica-forum

Hope you enjoy!!!


Monday, January 2, 2006 6:03 AM


Nathan really seems to want Mal to die in a 3rd film, that's the second time I've seen him say that in an interview :P


Monday, January 2, 2006 8:34 AM


Summer seems deeply uncomfortable in that interview. Her body language is screaming “I don’t want to be here” Nathan seems to have picked up on it as is diverting attention his way. A tad uncomfortable to watch.

Who do you suppose is in there?


Monday, January 2, 2006 8:38 AM


I remember talking to Summer about that interview. She said she was nervous, being live on tv and all. And we talked about how Fiona Phillips was so negative! And when I talked to her, Fiona was doing badly on strictly come dancing, so we decided maybe that was karma.


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Monday, January 2, 2006 8:52 AM


I DID enjoy it very much! Thank you!

Oooo Nathan goodness.

I'm afraid that I have to agree about the killing Mal off..... only of course if the series or movies don't go on past the trilogy and someone somewhere gets the bright idea to replace him.
ONLY Nathan can be Mal. He embodies him.

Actually, I feel that about all of the characters.... only they will do for me. No, new folks taking over the ship, or other folks in the 'verse for me. I only wanna know about these folks. They have captured my imagination fully.

"There's obstacles in our path, and we're gonna deal with them, one by one. We'll get through this."
Malcolm Reynolds


Monday, January 2, 2006 8:55 AM



Originally posted by PsychicRiver:
I remember talking to Summer about that interview. She said she was nervous, being live on tv and all. And we talked about how Fiona Phillips was so negative! And when I talked to her, Fiona was doing badly on strictly come dancing, so we decided maybe that was karma.


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."

Damn you PR! Why can’t I have conversations with Summer like that! Oh wait… I would have to go to a convention first. Sorry.

Who do you suppose is in there?


Monday, January 2, 2006 9:23 AM


I would have to agree with Nathan on the idea that he should be killed off in the trilogy. In fact the whole crew except River and Simon should be offed by the end, coming full circle. That would be cinematic history.



Monday, January 2, 2006 10:47 AM



Originally posted by BrettyBoy:
I would have to agree with Nathan on the idea that he should be killed off in the trilogy. In fact the whole crew except River and Simon should be offed by the end, coming full circle. That would be cinematic history.


I'd still rather have 7 seasons on TV instead of any additional movies, but IF a trilogy is all we get, and there's no chance of another TV series, then yes, they should all be killed by the end, except for one or two of them (probably, as you said, the Tams).

--- Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.


Monday, January 2, 2006 11:12 AM


totally agreee with Khyron - on all points. tv seems to last longer


Monday, January 2, 2006 12:09 PM


Thanks for the heads-up on this interview. Although Nathan "stole" the dialogue Summer held her own and seemed at ease if not totally "comfortable" with the interview style. Nice dig at the "Bond" franchise

BTW, anyone know how to save out videos like this (Flash video). Eventually, they'll disappear from the originating site and I'd like to make this a keepsake in my Browncoat Library. As all things Internet, such videos are very ephemeral.

"We'll be in our bunk."


Monday, January 2, 2006 12:17 PM



Originally posted by Khyron:

I'd still rather have 7 seasons on TV instead of any additional movies, but IF a trilogy is all we get, and there's no chance of another TV series, then yes, they should all be killed by the end, except for one or two of them (probably, as you said, the Tams).

I don't think I could watch Kaylee die. I just feel like I physically couldn't.

But I do share the feeling that nobody except this cast should play these characters. But I certainly wouldn't like to see anymore of them die. Although if the story continues, I'm sure more of them will do.

Nah...I think I'd like to see an ending much like the ending of the BDM. With them sailing off into the sky, to have more fun and hijinks!

Keeping true to the original mission statement...

"Still flyin'."


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Monday, January 2, 2006 1:11 PM


Thanks for posting this, I hadn't seen it. Nice clip!

NY/NJ/CT Browncoats:


Monday, January 2, 2006 1:18 PM



Originally posted by PsychicRiver:
But I do share the feeling that nobody except this cast should play these characters. But I certainly wouldn't like to see anymore of them die. Although if the story continues, I'm sure more of them will do.

PR, I'm with you. But I don't think we have to worry. No one else played Kirk, Spock, goes on and on. And we didn't have to kill them off! Well, okay, Kirk. But no-one else! Well, okay, Tasha Yar, and DATA...but well, okay, you get my point!

I don't think our Big Damn Cast ever has to worry. This ISN'T Bond! (Thank the heavens!)

ZOE: “It’s just, the Captain’s so tense…”
WASH: “Of course he’s tense. He’s awake.”


Monday, January 2, 2006 1:36 PM


Yeah...offing some more characters would be horrible since they're the BDH, they're the heart of it all but it seems liek that with the nature of their work, tis bound to happen.

I agree with PR, I don't think I could physically bring myself to watching Kaylee die. It's quite possible that it could happen of the serie of continued in some way, but I don't think I could do it.


Jayne! Try not to steal too much of their shit.


Monday, January 2, 2006 1:40 PM


Thanks for that! SHINY indeed and I had NOT seen it...



Monday, January 2, 2006 1:52 PM



Originally posted by Alicetc:
Just found this, don't know if it's been posted before, but even if it has I'm sure there's some people who haven't seen it.

Here's a video of Nathan and Summer being interviewed on U.K TV, promoting Serenity

And this page has lots of info on Serenity

Hope you enjoy!!!

It appears that Serenity has been better received in the UK than here in the US


Monday, January 2, 2006 2:22 PM



Originally posted by BrettyBoy:
I would have to agree with Nathan on the idea that he should be killed off in the trilogy. In fact the whole crew except River and Simon should be offed by the end, coming full circle. That would be cinematic history.


I think Nathan was just playin' around with that. Humorously mentioning that he wants to kill his character rather than have someone else play him, like James Bond.

If there is a definate end to the story, I'd like to see Mal riding off and just going about his business. As he always does. If there was ever a final shot of him, that's what I'd like to see. And I'm glad we saw something like that as the end of Serenity, in case a sequel doesn't get made. I liked how it ended. Had that "Keep flying." feeling.


Monday, January 2, 2006 3:03 PM



Originally posted by PsychicRiver:
...we talked about how Fiona Phillips was so negative! And when I talked to her, Fiona was doing badly on strictly come dancing, so we decided maybe that was karma.

What's all this? Who's Fiona Phillips? What negativity? I have the IQ of a slug here; help me out.

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.


Monday, January 2, 2006 3:14 PM



Originally posted by Eleka:
I don't think I could physically bring myself to watching Kaylee die. It's quite possible that it could happen of the serie of continued in some way, but I don't think I could do it.

"...quite possible..."? More like "really very extremely possible". The proof: Simon and Kaylee just started a relationship and are (probably) quite happy together; hence, since this is a Joss-verse, something bad, most likely death, must happen to one of them at some stage. It's unlikely to be Simon, since Simon is more "important" for the overall storyline, so Kaylee dies (or gets horribly mutilated or some such thing). It's a sad thought, but there you go.

--- Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.


Monday, January 2, 2006 3:32 PM


Shiny! Thanks for the vid link. I hadn't seen that one yet. A trilogy would be great (Insert pleas to Universal, Joss & Co., etc. here!)Also I agree with SADLITTLEKING, Nathan's just kiddin'. He just doesn't want anyonelse to play his character. Neither do we!

"Don't take his offer." "What?" "If you do, then that means he's the fella' that killed me, and I don't like fella's that kill me."....(One of my favorite Mal/Inara moments ala Shindig)


Monday, January 2, 2006 3:37 PM



Originally posted by Khyron:

I'd still rather have 7 seasons on TV instead of any additional movies,

Yes quite agree. And they should ignore the movie, (like the second highlander) and have the full crew in the series.


Monday, January 2, 2006 3:39 PM



Originally posted by Causal:

Originally posted by PsychicRiver:
...we talked about how Fiona Phillips was so negative! And when I talked to her, Fiona was doing badly on strictly come dancing, so we decided maybe that was karma.

What's all this? Who's Fiona Phillips? What negativity? I have the IQ of a slug here; help me out.

Fiona is the female host, you only see her briefly in the clip.

Btw, they spoke to them longer, and someone posted the full clip to the binary newsgroups at one time.


Monday, January 2, 2006 4:15 PM



since this is a Joss-verse

I had a moment when I thought maybe Joss will be nice, maybe he'll let someone be happy but then I remembered that this is Joss we're talking about here...

It made me sad.


Jayne! Try not to steal too much of their shit.


Monday, January 2, 2006 4:57 PM



Originally posted by Khyron:

Originally posted by Eleka:
I don't think I could physically bring myself to watching Kaylee die. It's quite possible that it could happen of the serie of continued in some way, but I don't think I could do it.

"...quite possible..."? More like "really very extremely possible". The proof: Simon and Kaylee just started a relationship and are (probably) quite happy together; hence, since this is a Joss-verse, something bad, most likely death, must happen to one of them at some stage. It's unlikely to be Simon, since Simon is more "important" for the overall storyline, so Kaylee dies (or gets horribly mutilated or some such thing). It's a sad thought, but there you go.

Joss could never make himself kill off Willow, and Kaylee is sort of the Willow of Firefly, so I don't think she'd die. She's even nicer and not naturally proned to lose it and go evil. Simon is totally willing to die for his sister (and probably Kaylee), but if he's anything like Angel- who throws himself into anything dangerous and deadly- death rarely comes to anyone willing to take it.


Monday, January 2, 2006 5:00 PM

OCEANWALKER that i've seen the!!!!

that interview says nothing to me... they looked hopeful and hopeful. they were not going to give it up and you see it try'n to come on out for the both of them nathan and summer( by the way summer, my eldest daughters name is summer jewel)they did great!


Monday, January 2, 2006 5:13 PM


I have to enjoy Nathan's answer to the question of "Will the fans be satisfied?" It was like he knew how we all felt that yeah we'll most likely be fans of hte movie but we can't get enough of the verse and will always want more. He understands this as most browncoats do, but he didn't exactly describe it like that to the host but kept it at yeah we'll like it yet be sad. Just wanted to point that out.


Ain't that just shiny?


Monday, January 2, 2006 5:13 PM


I am not sure if I understand the need to kill people off in order to end the series. It’s not a Greek tragedy. If Serenity is fortunate to be a trilogy, end it with our BDH on the ship we love still fighting the good fight or find em a new home some where planet side. I know that’s a little fluffy, but geez the verse is a rough place to be they deserve better than having it beat them.


Monday, January 2, 2006 5:41 PM


The series should end the way it began, still flying.

Also the idea that you need to kill off a character to stop someone else from playing that character is about the same as the idea that you have to kill off a person to avoid seeing them, while the killing would help it is not remotely necessary and is highly excessive.

Further simply killing a character is no guarantee that that character will not be played by someone else.


Finally I think it's rather stupid (though rather Joss-like none the less) to force tragedy every time something good happens. It makes it about as realistic as having everyone happy and content all the time and never having anything bad happening.

Screwing up the Kaylee-Simon relationship just to add to the tension is about as smart as making Mal and Inara magically get together for the hell of it.


Monday, January 2, 2006 6:14 PM


I really dont think that Joss would keep killing people in a sequel. He killed Wash n Book for two reasons, two reasons only:

A)The death of a character is always a great arc, so the next movie doesnt have to kill anyone, just cover Zoe handling wash's death..

B)Joss felt he had to, and he was probably right, kill someone unexpectedly in the film in order to drive the point home that no one is safe for the final battle scenes. However, now that he has established that for the movies (he would have done same in the series sometime) he doesn't need to rampantly kill folks.

I survived a day in Whitefall and all I got was this lousy signature!

Terrifying Space Monkey of Destiny


Monday, January 2, 2006 6:19 PM


It's not like he would just all of a sudden kill Kaylee or Simon two seconds after they got together. Willow and Tara were together almost 3 seasons--and Joss delayed the inevitable for over a year because he didn't want their story to end so fast. Anya and Xander were together for nearly a full 3 seasons and weren't even 'officially' back together by Chosen.

I think Joss gets way too much credit for being a killer. The paranoia is understandable, but, just that...mostly paranoia. Tim Minear does a lot of damage on his own and no one hardly ever mentions him. Jeez, he killed the same character like 3 times; more than that if you count symbolically...

If the series was still around, you would have to look out for more than Joss, he wasn't the only executive producer.


Monday, January 2, 2006 6:39 PM


This whole convo is exactly what Joss was tryin to spur when he killed off the two in Serenity. He wants us to wonder if someone's gonna die, the death of one of the characters makes us appreciate the others more and keep the uncertainty around. Lets face it life IS uncertainty and I think that's what Joss is tryin to aim for somethin thats as close to real life (in a sense) as possible. Again just my opinion...


Ain't that just shiny?


Monday, January 2, 2006 7:16 PM



Originally posted by DanielFyre:
This whole convo is exactly what Joss was tryin to spur when he killed off the two in Serenity. He wants us to wonder if someone's gonna die, the death of one of the characters makes us appreciate the others more and keep the uncertainty around. Lets face it life IS uncertainty and I think that's what Joss is tryin to aim for somethin thats as close to real life (in a sense) as possible. Again just my opinion...

And what a wonderful opinion it is. I couldn't agree more. Like you said, when you see characters dying, you start wondering who's gonna go next, when, and how. It increases the tension for future incidents. And when things calm down, it makes us feel lucky to have them, that they're still alive and still with us.


Monday, January 2, 2006 9:29 PM



Originally posted by Haze:
Summer seems deeply uncomfortable in that interview. Her body language is screaming “I don’t want to be here” Nathan seems to have picked up on it as is diverting attention his way. A tad uncomfortable to watch.

Who do you suppose is in there?

Yeah, as Matt was probably because of Fiona Phillips. I don't know how much is shown in that clip, because I have it on video, but she was really not very nice about them before they came out.

And the first time she mentioned they were coming up, she called Nathan "Nathan Fullion"!


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 12:41 AM


Going back to what you said, shinybrownshorts, I completely agree. I'm from the UK, and even though Sci-Fi films and such aren't alweays that popular over here Serenity went down a storm. You can now actually find Firefly at the shops (Yay!!!) I got the box set for Xmas and managed to watch them all by the next day. They're excellent.

Definately no way would extra characters work, or trying to get other people to play those parts. It's almost like the characters where picked for the actors, not the actors for the parts. They just work so well. And I think that a new series would be better than a new film, eventhough the film was good.

x x x kellianne x x x


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 1:14 AM


I've added a downloadable interview to my first post, which is longer than the one available on the GMTV site


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 2:10 AM



Originally posted by Whitefall:
I really dont think that Joss would keep killing people in a sequel. He killed Wash n Book for two reasons, two reasons only:

A)The death of a character is always a great arc, so the next movie doesnt have to kill anyone, just cover Zoe handling wash's death..

B)Joss felt he had to, and he was probably right, kill someone unexpectedly in the film in order to drive the point home that no one is safe for the final battle scenes. However, now that he has established that for the movies (he would have done same in the series sometime) he doesn't need to rampantly kill folks.

And he may have needed to cut down the size of his cast a bit. Nine characters is a lot to serve in a movie. And it's hard to make sure they all get sufficient screen time, and stick to a story. I don't think Joss even did that with Serenity. I mean, c'mon two scenes for Shepherd Book!?! So maybe now that Joss only has 7 characters to write for, he'll put away his killing pen.[/Naive optimism]

Causal - Like ExcitingNewCrime said, Fiona Phillips was rather negative about them before they came out, which they obviously heard. And it was just absolutely un-necessary. So what if she doesn't like Sci-fi, thats no reason to be rude to these to two actors, who happen to be lovely people!! I was surprised, I thought Fiona was nice...

Anyhoo, do you know what I'd really like to see if the verse continues...our 9 BDH's all together in one scene, round that dining table.


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 3:26 AM



Originally posted by ExcitingNewCrime:

Originally posted by Haze:
Summer seems deeply uncomfortable in that interview. Her body language is screaming “I don’t want to be here” Nathan seems to have picked up on it as is diverting attention his way. A tad uncomfortable to watch.

Who do you suppose is in there?

Yeah, as Matt was probably because of Fiona Phillips. I don't know how much is shown in that clip, because I have it on video, but she was really not very nice about them before they came out.

And the first time she mentioned they were coming up, she called Nathan "Nathan Fullion"!

I saw the interview when it was on TV and as the camera panned round to Nathan and Summer she was leaving her seat and there was a bit of confusion for a few seconds until she came back, so I got the impression she was very, very nervous. She soon relaxed more though didn't she and I thought they were both great.

I think the other presenter (Andrew Castle?)was already a fan. It sounded like it from what he said earlier in the programme, but I agree Fiona Phillips was very uncomplimentary.


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 4:00 AM


Fiona Phillips gets on my gorram nerve. She is so dim. How dare she be negative to our Summer


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 5:50 AM


To amyel

Going to change the order here.


I think Joss gets way too much credit for being a killer.

Willow and Tara were together almost 3 seasons--and Joss delayed the inevitable for over a year because he didn't want their story to end so fast.

If he gets too much credit why did you call it inevitable?

He gets just the right amount of credit, if something good happens to a person that person will either die, or wish they had. There is no reason for the word "inevitable" there (which you were right to use) other than the fact Joss was involved.

Obviously I have nothing against Joss, he gave us Firefly and two other shows, he fought for Serenity, but his way of dealing with happiness is fairly consistent, and very unrealistic. Even people who have miserable lives and ended up killing themselves have had happiness that lasts for longer than Joss will allow, and their lives were no less dramatic because of it.

There have been people who lived lives, in real life, far more interesting (and indeed tragic) than Willow’s and yet they had loving relationships for most of their lives.


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 6:08 AM


I think Joss has to absolutely kill more of the crew. Given his being a control freak and having a hard time letting this universe go, killing off most if not everyone will be sort of an enforced closure.

Besides Mal needs to have his emotional arc pushed a little. Sure he got some buttons pushed when Book kicked the bucket, but killing off either Zoe or Inara will spur a major turning point inside him. Also offing Simon is a no-brainer. His part in River's arc is done and no one REALLY wants to see Simon and Kaylee together. It's like with Moonlighting or Luke and Lorali or Bond and Moneypenny. Sure they're all cute when flirting with the possibility of getting together but couldn't be more boring when they do. Simon's death will give Kaylee a little more depth and tragedy. I'd really like to see Jewel Staite show-off some more of her considerable acting chops. And it's time for Mal to become River's surrogate dad.


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 9:01 AM


I enjoyed the interview. Poor Summer! If someone said something mean about me just before I went on live television, I'd probably be a little more nervous myself. It definetly showed that she we nervous. Lucky for her she had Mr. Chilvalrous himslef sitting next to her! How amazing is Nathan?!
I thoght it was so cool when the interviewer said,"it's like this could go on forever. You could just keep adding threads to this story and it could go on forever." And Summer's response was,"we want it to!" It was sincere, and what's more, it gives me hope.
As for what Nathan said about killing Mal in the last episode.... Why not kill him? This BDH gives his all to protect his little family. Would it not be satisfying--in a morbid and depressing sort of way--to see him die trying to save those people that he loves? What if his last act was saving lttle Kaylee and River? I think that if the surviving seven last until the very end, and then Mal dies, Serenity will still be able to keep flyin'. He brought them together so why should his death disband them? I think that Joss could find a way to satisfy Nathan's hope as well as satisfy his audience. He is the genius that created this 'verse!

I downloaded the extended clip, and all I got was the audio: no visual. Shoot, I even tried twice. Any tips anyone?

Wacky fun!


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 9:16 AM



Originally said by Summer Glau:
I'll kill you! (patting Nate's knee affectionately)

LOL! Summer's so cute!


Serenity on DVD. 12/20/05.


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 2:46 PM


what TRILOGY??



Tuesday, January 3, 2006 3:35 PM


The other way to end this would be to kill off everybody *except* Mal, and as a final shot have Mal as an old man sitting on a porch of a modest homestead on a desolate planet, all alone and somberly looking off into the distance.

--- Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 3:52 PM



Originally posted by christhecynic:

He gets just the right amount of credit, if something good happens to a person that person will either die, or wish they had. There is no reason for the word "inevitable" there (which you were right to use) other than the fact Joss was involved.

I used the word "inevitable" because once the character of Tara was created and cast, she was built to die so that Willow would go crazy!evil. She's the only character that had a whole arc planned out in such a way.


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 5:05 PM



The hoped for, dreamed of, prayed for, begged for, BDSequel and movie after that!

The cast have mentioned a trilogy, Nathan particularly in interviews, and I believe Joss has said there is more story in his head after this movie.... so.... we're waitin' and wishin'!

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 5:55 PM


This would be my ending-Mal as an old man sitting with his and Inara's children (or grandchildren) and the son/daughter (I feel sure it would be a girl) of Wash and Zoe all around with their children. They are groaning a bit-Mal is getting ready to them ANOTHER annoying story about the BDH's

At the moment of his death cut to the inside of Serenity-every one is there and in their prime, there are greetings all around welcoming Mal and the last shot is of Serenity flying off into space. Maybe a bit of buffer panel flying off as it goes out of sight.

Is that too much like Titanic? It would be fitting though


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 7:10 PM


Thanks for that link! This new fan was glad to see it. Someone mentioned the idea of this being better recieved in the UK. Why? And why wasn't this better received here in the US?

For one thing the idea of guns is generally considered offensive and inherently evil to most UKers I know - I'm surprised this frontier mentality isn't a complete turn off to most of them...?

Check out my songs:


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 7:30 PM


Whoa! I was totally imagining a Titanic-like ending even before I read that next line. I'm not so fond of seeing them all old and crotchety, but if Serenity crashed (to save the 'verse), then I could see it.

If Joss ever kills Mal off I'm gonna cry like a baby! I could imagine that really heroic end where he sacrifices himself for his crew/family, but I would prefer to believe that he's still flying. I think killing Mal off really would be the end, and that's not smart franchise-wise. If Mal's still out there they can always make comic books and whatnot.

Watching Kaylee die would definitely turn on the waterworks (I'm attached to all the characters, but she's so sweet). Perversly, part of me almost wants Kaylee to die so we can see the reactions in the crew. I think both Mal and Jayne would break down eventually. Horrible!... but compelling. I don't think anyone would have to die in a second movie, but I think it would be almost guaranteed in a trilogy.

I'm afraid another movie would necessitate another grand theme, which could mean going after the Alliance again. I don't want the BDH trying to bust up the Alliance - that smacks of Star Wars. I liked the more internal story lines, with no one Bad Guy. Work on exploring the characters instead ... wait, does that make it more like Empire Strikes Back? Well, I trust in Joss.

Last thing, I swear. It was so sweet how Nathan had his arm behind Summer during the interview, like he was protecting her from That Evil Woman.

Jayne: I once hit a guy in the neck from 500 yards with a bent scope. Don't that count upstairs?
Book: Oh, it'll be taken into consideration.
Jayne: You made that sound kind of ominous.


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 9:02 AM



Originally posted by Mattie:
I downloaded the extended clip, and all I got was the audio: no visual. Shoot, I even tried twice. Any tips anyone?

Do you have the DivX codec? I used to have that type of trouble with .avi files until I downloaded DivX.

Second one down, "DivX Play Bundle". It's a "Free Download".






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