UPDATED: Wednesday, January 4, 2006 10:46
VIEWED: 6374
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Monday, January 2, 2006 12:32 AM


I truly enjoyed the series... and would like to see another 10 or so seasons. I prefer the series method of telling this grand story much over the movie format. Fact is.... Most of us fell in love with the series and the characters as they develop during each successive show.

But - I have to ask...... was I the ONLY fan that was extremely ticked that Wash and Shep bite the dust?

These two characters brought so much dimension to the series. These are important characters that still have major character development capabilities. They contributed greatly to the well balanced character pallete - and WHY I loved season One. When season two is filmed (Positive thinker)- Josh - please write them back in somehow, someway!


Monday, January 2, 2006 12:41 AM


They might do it before the movie for the second season. But I was mad and sad to see wash go like that. Lets just hope for the best.

Mal: Define Interesting
Wash: Oh god, Oh god, We're all gonna die?


Monday, January 2, 2006 12:58 AM


I was disapointed that Book wasn't on Serenity, anyway. I hated it, but his death didn't really suprise me because of that (just depressing). But Wash! I couldn't believe it! I literally reacted like Zoe... Wash COULDN'T be dead! All six times I saw it at the theater, I left depressed. Delighted, but depressed.

"...If you can't do summin smart... do summin right."


Monday, January 2, 2006 1:54 AM


Wash is my favorite and killing him off just plain made for a bad day. That being said if they ever start the series again there are many ways to bring back Wash. The simple way would just show us some adventures post series and pre movie. Was he an only child? Did he have a twin brother? Hell they could just ignore the fact that he was killed if they wanted to. It would be alright by me. I think killing off any of the crew was a bad Idea but it did make for a good movie.


Monday, January 2, 2006 2:01 AM


As has been discussed elsewhere, there are still people who haven't seen the movie browsing these boards. Thread titles like this are unnecessary and are just going to end up annoying people.


Monday, January 2, 2006 4:47 AM


Yeah guys, this is dangerous territory; a couple days ago I happened to post an idea for fanfiction writers about how to bring (SPOILER) back to life- clearly labeled as such too.
Several posters went berserk, calling me various smelly things in capitals and suggesting harikari...
one guy even claimed it ruined the movie he hadn't seen yet, which made no sense to me- if say mebbe Spock or Luke was gonna be killed off, you'd wanna see it more, not less. Go figure...

You have to wait until (SPOILER) has been on cable 10 times or so before you can talk about this...

and whatever you do don't mention (SPOILER)!

The more rational suggested editing the title, that might be a good idea, unless you know somebody in the Witless Protection Program.

anyway, I agree with you, and as you MUST be new here, welcome!:]


Monday, January 2, 2006 5:00 AM


If (*ahem* When) there's another movie, Book and Wash will be in it - Joss has confirmed this.


Monday, January 2, 2006 6:06 AM



Originally posted by aahhaaa:
Yeah guys, this is dangerous territory; a couple days ago I happened to post an idea for fanfiction writers about how to bring (SPOILER) back to life- clearly labeled as such too.
Several posters went berserk, calling me various smelly things in capitals and suggesting harikari...
one guy even claimed it ruined the movie he hadn't seen yet, which made no sense to me- if say mebbe Spock or Luke was gonna be killed off, you'd wanna see it more, not less. Go figure...

You have to wait until (SPOILER) has been on cable 10 times or so before you can talk about this...

and whatever you do don't mention (SPOILER)!

The more rational suggested editing the title, that might be a good idea, unless you know somebody in the Witless Protection Program.

anyway, I agree with you, and as you MUST be new here, welcome!:]

Oh, stop acting so persecuted. Remember, people come to this board from all over the world, even places where the BDM hasn't been released yet. Useing thread titles like this is very inconsiderate to those who havn't HAD the chance to see the movie yet. Fell free to talk all about it in the body of a post, which a person can read or not if they like, but don't put it in the TITLE, which is posted for everone who visits the front page.

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Monday, January 2, 2006 6:09 AM



Originally posted by aahhaaa:
You have to wait until (SPOILER) has been on cable 10 times or so before you can talk about this...

I don't really think there is, or should be, a time when "spoilers" should be discussed freely. People discover movies and television shows at different times in their life, and not everyone sees everything at the same time.

I, for one, am sick and tired of reading topics about Wash and Book and having everyone assume that I've seen all of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and therefore freely discuss major plot points from the show.

I think it is just courteous that, in a public forum, you err on the side of caution and refrain from mentioning major plot points without a specific warning of some sorts (à la *Serenity Spoilers!* or *Buffy Spoilers!* or *Welcome Back, Kotter Spoilers!*).

"Remember, there's a big difference between kneeling down and bending over."


Monday, January 2, 2006 7:39 AM



Originally posted by MohrStoutbeard:

I don't really think there is, or should be, a time when "spoilers" should be discussed freely. People discover movies and television shows at different times in their life, and not everyone sees everything at the same time.

.. refrain from mentioning major plot points without a specific warning of some sorts

I agree with your second point no prob, altho it'd be nice if there was a '2nd level' forum for people who do want to talk about a drastic change in the ensemble.

On the 1st point, sorry... but that would apply equally to Romeo & Juliet- even now centuries later. They die (SPOILER). All of the centuries of discussion about one of the greatest dramas ever would have been hampered at the least.
R&J wasn't about plot, Firefly & Serenity weren't about plot- they had good ones, but the essential draw is Joss' characterizations. His players come truly 'alive', we really care what happens to them (so unusual in EFX driven SF) and that's what he has in common with Shakespeare.

imho, Joss has yet to do his best work. He actually could be our Shakespeare in jeans- he's that good. Look at how he wove lifelines together- when did you last see that in American film? mebbe the Godfather, sure not lately... but let's not ruin 'the plot' on that.

His time is now, and Hollywood needs to see him as more than another Ridley Scott or Kubrik. Discussing his work here in terms of merely money-making is doing him a dis-service. His next project will be crucual to his career.

And that is where insightful reviewing and analysis play their vital part; might even excite another Serenity film into existence. Hard to do without revealing (SPOILER).


Monday, January 2, 2006 7:51 AM


You seem to be assuming they wouldn't of died if there had been a Season 2 instead of the Film.

Joss kills his characters sometimes. Also I think it would totally ruin Firefly to write Wash and Book back in. Firefly isn't Star Trek.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
Remember, the ice caps aren't melting, the water is being liberated.


Monday, January 2, 2006 8:04 AM



Originally posted by MohrStoutbeard:

I don't really think there is, or should be, a time when "spoilers" should be discussed freely.

I've gotta say that I disagree with that. I think that once something has been made accesible everywhere in the world (or every reasonable place in the world) it's fair game. Having to put spoiler warnings get really annoying after a while. With Buffy and Angel, for instance, unless someone outright says they haven't seen them all I'm not gonna censor anything I say. To me its silly and bothersome.

Now, before you say I'm being insensitive to others, let me say that I have been spoiled for many things (some in Buffy, for example) that I really wish I could have avoided. That's not anyone else's problem, but mine though. I hadn't seen some stuff and I was hanging around on the internet long after this stuff was firmly set in canon. What did I expect to happen?

I'm not going to be putting spoiler warnings on stuff until the end of time. "Welcome Back Kotter" spoilers? Nuh uh.

And I realize this post may sound inflammatory. It's not! Just putting my opinion out there.


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 9:08 AM


Well, sometimes being polite isn't always convenient.

This doesn't mean you shouldn't be allowed to discuss "spoilers," just that you give people some kind of warning beforehand. Is it really that difficult to be courteous? You can't expect everyone to have seen and read everything you have.

I mean, I'll avoid specific forums that I know are likely to be filled with spoilers, like the IMDb, or the Buffyverse and Angelus Arcanum boards here on Fireflyfans. But how is someone to know, for example, to expect a major plot point for Buffy the Vampire Slayer to be revealed in an unrelated thread without some kind of warning beforehand?

Yes, plot twists eventually become public knowledge. But should they really? I mean, wouldn't it be nice if you didn't know about the plot points of Planet of the Apes, The Crying Game, Fight Club, The Empire Strikes Back, etc, years before you ever saw them? Don't you think people should get the chance to experience things the way you did? Fresh and new?

Plot twists may not be the most important part of a movie or book or television show, but there's no reason to potentially ruin others' experience just because you're too lazy to type a few extra words for a spoiler warning.

"Remember, there's a big difference between kneeling down and bending over."


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 12:56 PM


I agree it is sooo annoying to find out the outcome of films etc, and many a time i have played the "lah lah lah I'm not listening" game with my fingers stuck my fingers in my ears to avoid hearing things from friends, but come on, this is a Firefly discussion page is it not? I am quite new to this and not completely sure of the chat etiquette, but surely its whole existance is to talk about all aspects of the series and the film? how can you do this freely without mentioning plotlines and outcome?

Perhaps a big warning on the front page saying "THIS WEBSITE MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS" which isn't far off "smoking causes cancer" on cigarette packs ..... really? I hadn't even thought of that (there isn't a sign for tongue in cheek sarcasm)

Of course it would be fantastic to not know the outcome of every film we see but people have to be realistic .... and also question how they don't know the outcome of Romeo and Juliet before watching Leonardo's effort at Shakespeare.

Out of interest does anyone know of someone that didn't know what happened to the Titantic before they watched the film?



Tuesday, January 3, 2006 1:22 PM



Originally posted by WantSeasonTwo:

But - I have to ask...... was I the ONLY fan that was extremely ticked that Wash and Shep bite the dust?



Serenity on DVD. 12/20/05.


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 1:44 PM


That was a shocker but it doesn't necessarily mean that we'll never see them again in the future. Josh will just have to find a way now, right?


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 2:39 PM


Like all good writers Joss seems to like melodrama... killing off a few of the main cast seems to be part of that.


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 3:15 PM


I was crushed when I read online that Wash got killed before I saw the movie. But I guess it was my fault for going to Firefly related sites.

I'm hoping for a prequel. I want to know how he hooked up with Zoe.


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 4:34 PM


In 7 years of being on the net, I have NEVER cared about any show/movie enough to join ANY group just to voice an opinion. I guess that gives credit to Josh's writing..... he moved the reader/watcher. Yeah..... can honestly say I never took into consideration that someone who has not seen the movie may read this thread prior to seeing the movie. If ANY of you knew me, you would know I'm not one to screw up like that.... I am very diplomatic and tight lipped when appropriate. It was late, found the site, was bummed, made the comment.... end of story.
If someone read this thread and the movie was spoiled - I humbly apologize.
With that said.... I am NOT inconsiderate by nature and those implying that I am - you are not nice. Assumers should be shot. My act was not deliberate... your's was.
However, THANK YOU to those who reminded me of the very reason why I Haven't joined groups like this in the past - too many with no social lives who act and talk like they're all that - and then we find out they are a bunch of nobodies with no job, no life, and no ambition - and thats why they sit ALL day on sites such as these, put down other people when they make an "Honest" ooops and then judge you based on it.
Sorry...... don't need the bull.
Perhaps the admin of this site could have a pop-up BEFORE you start a thread requesting a "Spoiler" label AND state.... remember that some who may read this haven't seen it yet. This would help avoid "events" like this in the future.
To those of you that are nice.... have a great life.... to the others.... GET ONE!
I don't need this crap.... outta here.


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 5:52 AM


I wouldn't take it so personally. People of different minds are just voicing their opinion on spoilers and spoiler warnings, and we're seeing mixed ideas on the subject.

Just because some of us might consider posting blatant spoilers inconsiderate doesn't mean that we are condemning you or personally attacking you. I am sure that most perfectly nice people have done inconsiderate things at time, because everyone makes mistakes. No need to feel persecuted for it. Just say mea culpa and learn from it.

However, if you feel like people are judging you unfairly and assuming things about your personality, it's still probably not wise to turn around and unfairly judge them and assume things about their personality (e.g. "too many with no social lives" and "they are a bunch of nobodies with no job, no life, and no ambition").

Not exactly the highest road you could be taking there, is all I'm saying.

"Remember, there's a big difference between kneeling down and bending over."


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 8:28 AM



Originally posted by Lorie:
If (*ahem* When) there's another movie, Book and Wash will be in it - Joss has confirmed this.

Woah, when did he say this and where? I want to read it with quoties so I can sleep tonight!



Wednesday, January 4, 2006 9:34 AM


As a new fan I watched Serenity before I ever saw Firefly. I wasn't upset with Shepards and Wash's death but after watching the show now I can't believe he killed them both off. Any future (firefly / serenity) incarnations won't be the same.

Unless we see.

Serenity 2: The Search for Wash



Wednesday, January 4, 2006 10:38 AM



Originally posted by WantSeasonTwo:
Yeah..... can honestly say I never took into consideration that someone who has not seen the movie may read this thread prior to seeing the movie.

If someone read this thread and the movie was spoiled - I humbly apologize.

You won't have to worry about accidentally spoiling any more folks if you go to your original post, hit the "edit" link, and change the thread title.

And the rest of us can help avoid spreading the spoiler by not responding to this thread again until the title has been changed (at least then if it never gets fixed it'll drop off the front page for all to see). If you all want to continue the discussion in the meantime, just start a new thread.

Ain't. We. Just.


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 10:46 AM


Ya im the same as LAnd, i saw Serenity before firefly and thought wash was cool in the movie, i wasnt overly angry wen he died tho (i fnk i laughed as it was so unexpected) but wen i got firefly for christmas and saw how awsome he was i got angry, seriously angry.

Also Shepard had so many places to go wiv his character, did he used to be an operative and now hes a priest on the run cause he saw to much? He kneecapped those guys in War Stories way to readily to have not seen or done it before. I fink killing those two was a folly tbo.

They can both be brought back v easily tho, remember The Message? New organs anyone?

They Killed off Wash and Shepard!
Boo, bad film people, Boo

"What did he do?"
"Arson, that little guy loved fire"






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