Noob Browncoat in need of assistance!

UPDATED: Thursday, January 5, 2006 18:30
VIEWED: 5402
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Tuesday, January 3, 2006 10:00 PM


Im pretty new. I saw Serenity and wanted more.. i did some research and found out there was a series a few years back called Firefly. My girlfriend bought the box set for me for christmas and i've seen almost all of it. (decided not to stop at the third disc, just so theres still some mystery to me)

Now, i've been lurking around and replying on a few posts, but this is my first. I've noticed that everyone seems to be recruiting more browncoats and saying "everyone i've showed it to loves it." Im having some trouble with this. Perhaps its the way i approach them, and i know my friends and family will like it, but they shoot it down before they really give it a chance. Any ideas on how to get people to watch it without sounding like a total weirdo that is obsessed with a canceled show?(cause i am a little addicted )

***someone should make a MMORPG based on the 'verse!***

Geeze i want Firefly to come back!



Tuesday, January 3, 2006 10:29 PM


It' s a bit difficult, people are reluctant to watch it because it was an axed series. I bought the boxset for my friend at christmas and he still has not opened it. Nothing wrong with being a total weirdo who is obssessed with a cancelled show. we are all the same here :)

Yeh I'd love a MMO in the Firefly 'verse. My idea is to take the Eve - Online engine and tweak it for the Firefly 'verse. That'd work


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 10:31 PM


lol, you can try it in real subtle ways. say like, if you know you are having friends over, have an episode playing when they arrive. or mention the show in a conversation and talk about how good it is, but just be smooth about it. don't get all excited over it (i know it's hard). just sound real casual about it and how you really enjoyed it. or when you get together with friends to watch a movie, suggest Serenity. but don't tell them about it. don't tell them that it is based off this great cancelled series and how great it is. like i said, just act smooth. we're all Browncoats, but if there is one thing i've learned, and this applies to most things, not just Firefly, people are a little turned off by other people's great loves or obsessions. you may gush over something, but that sometimes scares people away. don't hype it up and use all sorts of wild adjectives to tell how great it is. like i said, act cool and casual about it.


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 10:32 PM


Well lets just say i gave my friend the exact same trouble, he was really persistent, thats all i can say really, im obsessed with the show now.


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 10:40 PM


Yeah I got into it because a friend drag my to the theatre to see Serenity, from there on in I was hooked. So I recommend suggesting to watch the movie first, because having them sit down and watch an episode can be kinda weird.


I aim to misbehave. -Mal


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 10:47 PM



Originally posted by kasluvsg1:
Yeah I got into it because a friend drag my to the theatre to see Serenity, from there on in I was hooked. So I recommend suggesting to watch the movie first, because having them sit down and watch an episode can be kinda weird.


I aim to misbehave. -Mal

i definately agree with that. if you are having trouble getting someone to get into it, have them watch the movie first. starting with the series would be a little ackward. i think they'd get more out of it if they saw the series first, but it would be harder to persuade them to give it a chance.


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 12:30 AM


To balance patience and persistence is kinda hard to do. It's also hard to be casual when you're talking about the greatest thing you've seen on screen... most of all... something that never had the fair shot it truly deserved. I wouldn't know anything about playing it cool. That is not my department. I see that there's a couple of really good suggestions from our fellow browncoats and I suggest you listen to them. Just remember... all FIREFLY/SERENITY needs is a good kickstart and it's own charm will do the rest. I didn't Know anything about the cast or the story the first time I saw SERENITY and it only took me a few minutes to realize that whatever it was gonna be about... I was gonna like it. The Captain and the battle scenes had that effect on me. I knew that he was gonna be a great hero. Hopefuly... the same will happen for your friends/family. If they can just start playing the dvd... We all know that they will end up loving it as much as we do.


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 1:39 AM


We all know that Firefly is a great show but, as TEETHGRINDER expertly wrote it just needs a kickstart. The thing is, i believe Sci-Fi can come off as really unapproachable, like you have to be some sort of freak to like it (or in my case obbsesse about it). So when introducing Serenity to someone, it helps to emphasive the serious butt-kicking by River or the great battle scenes. To make the idea more (dare I say it) main stream.


I aim to misbehave -Mal


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 2:58 AM


You know--I always thought the trekkies and Star Wars fans that got so worked up about these fictional universes enough to dress up, speak the lingo, and haunt conventions--had lost some grasp of reason to a small extent. Never would I be involved in anything to that extent--and I liked StarWars as much as anyone else. Then there was Firefly & Serenity--and here I am--a cerifiable fan that has lost reason to a small extent. LOL. Anyway--my point is--that when family and friends have noticed the wackiness that is me in my devotion to all that is "shiny" in regards to Serenity & Firefly--heads perk up and really want to find out for themselves what the "deal" is. What is this all about--and why is this person who we thought was sane--gone off the deep end over some "program" and movie. Suffice it to say--they are all now converts--so don't you worry about looking half crazed--that's probably what will be your ticket to bringing others to our shiny "verse". Cheers!

*Never judge a book by it's movie*
*The heart is an artist that paints over what profoundly disturbs it, leaving on the canvas a less dark,less sharp version of the truth*--D.Koontz (Forever Odd)


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 3:04 AM


Ahh--and also, Itsbroken, when you know your family/friends are coming to visit--have Firefly or Serenity playing on your TV set--and just leave it on casually & gradually they may take notice. I had the same problem you're having with my husband--this agenda worked for me & he is now a fan!

*Never judge a book by it's movie*
*The heart is an artist that paints over what profoundly disturbs it, leaving on the canvas a less dark,less sharp version of the truth*--D.Koontz (Forever Odd)


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 3:10 AM


I just got hammered with all my buddies and told em the show is awesome. They know me well enough to trust in my taste. Booze does help break the ice. After I sprung Firefly and Serenity on them we talked about it for awhile. So now theres a few of em who went out and bought the series and the movie. One of my buddies tried to pawn The OC on me, since I actually live in Orange County I put a stop to that 90210, Melrose Place generic drama Bull**** right away. So to sum things up. Use alcohol.


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 3:22 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Getting people to love Firefly/Serenity is not the hard part, getting them to give it a chance is. The show is so good it sells itself, but getting people to be openminded enough to give a cancelled sci-fi/western a chance is tough.

Case in point, my stepfather. He is a big Joss fan. He loves Buffy & Angel & has all of the seasons for both on DVD. He likes westerns & sci-fi, so you would think Firefly was a no brainer, right? Wrong. For some reason he didn't seem interested while it was on tv, even when I visited him & my mom & talked the show up. Last Christmas I bought him the DVD set in a hope he would give it a chance. It sat on the media shelf in his entertainment room until October of this year when my son went to visit. My son is a huge Firefly fan & asked if he could watch the pilot episode. My stepdad is a sucker for his grandson, so they sat down & watched it. My mom said they watched all of "Serenity" then the rest of disk one and most of disk two before they decided to stop for dinner. My stepdad finished the set the next day. He has since tuned into Sci Fi to watch the episodes again, and when I got him the Serenity DVD for Christmas he flipped.

I guess my point is that you can't force someone to give the series a shot. Better to educate them about the show, offer up the pilot to watch & see what happens. If they refuse, back off for awhile then try again. The above suggestion about having an episode in the DVD player when the holdout comes over is a good one. I used it to crack a diehard hold out & he is now a fan. I knew he was coming over to hang out & I popped "Serenity" into the player. When he knocked on the door I had it playing. He sat down & asked what I was watching. I just shushed him and acted totally engrossed in the episode (even though I have seen it nearly twenty times now). Next thing I know he is really getting into the episode.

When it went off he asked to borrow the set & watched them all over the weekend.

You have to be a bit tricky as well as patient & persistent.

Hang in there & keep flyin'.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 3:32 AM


I gotta go with the booze suggestion also. I have been talking non-stop about Firefly/Serenity for the past 3 months (yes, I came to the 'verse a bit late). I'm a known scifi fan/geek so most of my friends just stop listening when I start talking...

Anyway, I got 2 of my friends (girls) watching it one night when we were drinking several very nice bottles of wine. One got totally hooked and I'm still working on the other...she is coming around.

Funny thing is, I'm having trouble with the guys. I find this perplexing because they are usually much more willing to talk about geeky stuff with me.

So, booze...and start with the women.



Wednesday, January 4, 2006 3:34 AM


Best way to get poeple to watch Firefly/Serenity is good sturdy rope ,stong chair (not from Ikea) and two match sticks work every time.

Yes i had trouble to get friends to watch the show they just didn't like the souund of sci-fi westen, but just leave it on in the back ground and slowly turn the conversation towards tv


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 4:16 AM


LMAO @ the Ikea comment! So true--too funny.

*Never judge a book by it's movie*
*The heart is an artist that paints over what profoundly disturbs it, leaving on the canvas a less dark,less sharp version of the truth*--D.Koontz (Forever Odd)


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 11:11 AM


all suggestions sound great. Im still a couple years away from the booze, so are most of my friends but ill see what i can do Tried having it the background with my cousin, but he picked up the cover and said.."Serenity, sounds gay.." and never paid attention to the tv. Most of my cousins and friends are big sci-fi or western fans, they're mostly mainstream and think everything else not mainstream is stupid or 'gay' or a waste of time . But i havent given up yet! still trying to trick my girlfriend into watching the pilot

***someone should make a MMORPG based on the 'verse!***

Geeze i want Firefly to come back!



Wednesday, January 4, 2006 11:39 AM


Well, these friends of yours are obviously juvenile, stupid . . . and exactly like my friends.

Seriously though, here's a few things you can do: constantly have one of the episodes/movie playing every time someone comes over, until they become interested in spite of themselves. I'm guessing some of your friends are teenage boys, so having one of the River fight scenes playing will really help. You know, ass-kicking action and hot girl goes a long way with that audience.

Or, try starting people off with Jaynestown. I've discovered it to be one of the funniest and most accessible episodes. That's how I converted my cousin. Who now has series/movie on DVD.

Finally, just plain force 'em. That's what I did with my brother. He was laughing right from "We're gonna explode? I don't wanna explode!" to "Three full mags and my swingin' cod!" at which he nearly pissed himself. That's my suggestions anyway.

"Sir, you actually said 'wink, wink'. I don't think that -"
"Oh, you'd be surprised."

"Yes, the new plan will STILL involve rocket skates."

Like books? Go to this thread:
to find out how to buy mine!


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 11:53 AM


Sorry to hijack the thread


Originally posted by j6ngo1977:
Yeh I'd love a MMO in the Firefly 'verse. My idea is to take the Eve - Online engine and tweak it for the Firefly 'verse. That'd work

i gave this some thought. i dont think id like it to be too much like eve. the interface is kinda cold and daunting(sp?) for new users. id rather like to see something like Freelancer, something that would give you more controll over the ship.

maybe something like SWG because id also like to own a character (or i thought it would be fun to own an entire squad, and if you lost a member, you could go hire new hands) and run around on a planet. something i do like about eve though is the total PvP aspect of the game, you can hold up anyone, and shoot them after they pay you. you have to fight to survie in that game.

The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 8:44 PM


Freelancer is a pretty sick game. I've only played the demo though. Maybe something with a feature that you can wander the plantes. With a PvP feature in space and on the ground. Maybe putting a squad together of different users, so that you would have to collaborate? that would be really fun.

***someone should make a MMORPG based on the 'verse!***

Geeze i want Firefly to come back!



Thursday, January 5, 2006 10:39 AM



Originally posted by LootZee:
Best way to get poeple to watch Firefly/Serenity is good sturdy rope ,stong chair (not from Ikea) and two match sticks work every time.

Yes i had trouble to get friends to watch the show they just didn't like the souund of sci-fi westen, but just leave it on in the back ground and slowly turn the conversation towards tv

LMAO!!!!!!!!! i will have to try that out!

*+*~HaNa BaNaNa~*+*


Thursday, January 5, 2006 1:27 PM



Originally posted by kasluvsg1:
We all know that Firefly is a great show but, as TEETHGRINDER expertly wrote it just needs a kickstart.

I blame Universal's advertising department for this -- the lack of a kickstart. I saw the film based solely on the trailer which preceded another film I'd gone to see.

If Universal aired the commercial only a tenth as much as Fox aired "Episode III" commercials, this film would've blown away its competition. I know the budget was low, but heck, if you're going to spend tens of millions to make a film, wouldn't you want to be sure people went to see it?

This film (and the series, before it) were never given a chance, because they weren't properly advertised.

Why weren't more commercials aired? Why didn't the commercials mention the outstanding reviews this film received? Did Universal want to shoot itself in the foot?

They need to fire their advertising department and hire a few competent people -- perhaps a few Browncoats.


Thursday, January 5, 2006 5:01 PM


I admit it. I was a resistern once myself. Yah yah. show from Joss... Shut up, I'm taking a nap.

It took "Serenity" and my lover talking about it incessantly before I finally said, "FINE! TAKE ME TO SEE THE DAMN MOVIE!"
Yeah. Okay. I admit, I was being a total twit before. Mal should have put ME out the airlock. BUT I'll make up for it, I promise!

*raises right hand*
"I pledge allegiance to the Browncoats,
and the 'verse in which they fly.
One ship, under Joss,
indivisible, with big damn heroes and Serenity for all."

The trick I use is to insert Firefly quotes into my conversations. There are quotes for every occasion, honestly! (This works for Highlander, too!) If you need to swear, do it in Mandarin. People will ask, "What did you say?"

And then you look at them incredulously and say "You've NEVER seen Firefly? Here, borrow the first disc!"


Thursday, January 5, 2006 6:30 PM


I'm experimenting with showing teasers from certain episodes. They're only about 5-6 minutes long so it's a lot easier to talk someone into committing that small of a chunk of time.

The episodes I'm using:

"The Train Job"
"The Message"

It's a little early to give definitive results but response has been good so far.

I also use Firefly and Serenity quotes in my sigs when I post on other, non-FF, discussion boards.

Mal: There ain't-a one of us looks the part more than the good doctor. I mean, the pretty fits, soft hands — definitely a moneyed individual. All rich and lily-white, pasty all over—
Simon: All right! Fine. I'll go. Just… stop describing me.






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