Sequel Plot? ( Mild Serenity spoiler)

UPDATED: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 07:11
VIEWED: 11400
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Wednesday, January 4, 2006 5:05 AM


Hi All;

Just curious what everyone thinks about what may be the plot for the BDS "When" it gets here.

We all know that the Alliance now knows for sure exactly where River is and what ship she is on. The Operative said he told them that River is no longer a threat, but she is still a real weapon to contend with.

We don't know how much the rank and file Alliance knows about her though, since River was a black project, and someone sure wants to keep that under wraps.

Mal humped them good with his broadcast and I don't see them forgiving him easily for that. .

Also they may have an even harder time picking up work now since the Alliance killed so many people that they worked with, and I'm sure word of that got around to the type of people that they get jobs from.

What do ya' think will happen?

"I'll be in my bunk"


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 5:30 AM


Very good questions.

I think it would start out with them finding it almost impossible to get work, but then they would find that people looked at them as heros. Kind of like what happened to Jayne with the Mudders. He did not PLAN to be their know the rest. But then again, not much money in being a hero. Maybe Mal even considers going legit because the legit people now respect him...but then he finds out they are worse than the crooks he used to work with because they are pretending to NOT be crooks, but rip off everyone just as bad. It makes Mal appreciate Badger, Niska and Patience that much more.

To add to your questions....
• Do we find out some more about Book's past (I think he is a retired operative)
• Why did Inara leave the companion house where she was about to be made the high priestess? (I speculate that with the job came something she was unprepared reporting to the Alliance about clients...or even being made to do assassin work for the Alliance.)
• Is Zoe pregnant?
• What is the involvement with Blue Sun and the Alliance? Are they adding stuff to the food like they added Pax to Miranda's air supply?
• What is that little wand the blue gloved guys does it work? Is it reacting to the something in the Blue Sun brand items?
• Most we get to see Nathan's naked ass again? He is one fine hunk-o-man!

"Funny and sexy. You have no idea. And you never will."


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 5:54 AM


And still more...

• Is River the new pilot of Serenity? If not, will there be a new crewman?

• Will Zoe go through the stages of grieving for Wash? Will she ever be able to break down and cry?

• Will we see Wash and/or Book again? If so, how -- flashbacks, or some kind of resurrection?

• How many parts can fall off a Firefly and still have it fly true?

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 6:27 AM


Well, questions in my head:

*In the end of Serenity the Operative seems to respect Mal - and even understand *why* he did it. Come one, he even cried. Would he even go so far as to help him if the alliance came after Mal?

*Does Jubal Early live? And does the bounty on her came from someone else then the alliance? Many could have use for a psycic - not just a totallitarian government.

*Will we see Jayne walking around with the bible? :D

*Can we finally have a cook on board? As mentioned in the episode "out of gas". ("get ourself a cook, a pilot")

Jayne: All those years of preacher training, getting knocked out by one bounty hunter
Book: Oh, dont get me wrong. I gave him a hell of a fight
Jayne: Epic i'm guessing


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 6:28 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Here's my take on things.

River & Mal were the focus of Serenity because that is the way that Joss originally intended the series to go. Had the show continued on tv than Joss would have revealed the secrets behind what was done to River & why leading up to the events we saw in the movie.

I think that the sequel will focus on another crew member. My guess is that Mal will still get a lot of camera time but I am thinking that Inara will be the character we focus on the most. I think we will find out why she left the temple in the first place & what had her sign on w/ Serenity to begin with. This will also allow Joss to delve into the Mal/Inara relationship.

As far as Mal having difficulty finding work, you are most likely right, but not necessarily for the reasons most people might think.

I have no doubt that the power vacuum left by the murders of all the associates/contacts of the crew of Serenity we saw in the movie will be quickly filled by second stringers & opportunists in the criminal world that did not have the power or resources to unseat those above them before. The Operative killing all of the people that might shelter Mal & the crew has opened up all kinds of opportunities for those that would not have had a shot otherwise.

I do think though that word will get out that the deceased's association w/ Mal is what led to their demise so many may be very hesitant to work w/ Mal in the near future. This could mean some pretty lean times for the crew & more plot avenues for Joss to explore. No doubt once things settle down Mal will find work again, but it will take some time to undo the stigma that will be attached to Serenity & her captain.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 6:34 AM


An Inara based movie would be kinda dull don't you think?

Jayne is the man


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 6:53 AM


what i think is gonna happen are many people are going to see the Pax message, and turn on the alliance, and in an effort to keep favor on their side, the alliance is going to tell everyone that the message is a hoax created by the browncoats, for whom the war will never be over, and that the woman in the message was forced to repeat those lines, then the browncoats set captured reavers on her. thinking about it, i dont know if that is exactly how it CAN happen, because from what i remember, the alliance denies the existance of reavers, and to say the browncoats captured some, would tell the people they were being lied to. but what i think is going to happen is there will be a real civil war this time, instead of a unification war, and i cant decide if Mal is going to fight in it, or if he is going to take the standard run and hide senario.

i dont belive River is going to be tourmented by her memories of miranda anymore, but she is most definitly going to still be crazy, what with that doohickey in her head being missing...

and in responce to how i think Joss is bringing the others back:

Originally posted by DonCoat:
• Will we see Wash and/or Book again? If so, how -- flashbacks, or some kind of resurrection?

i think we are going to be seeing flashbacks, but mostly of Wash. while on Miranda, River could still 'hear' every single person in the city, even though they were saying nothing. is it possible, because River is what she is, Book and Wash may still be able to communicate with River? thats just wishful thinking on my part though.

The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 7:38 AM


I had not considered the whole River "seeing dead people" scenario to bring back Wash and Book. Although I admit given the present state of the story that, along with flashbacks, would be the most credible way to bring them back. As for the BDS I think it would focus on book's past as opposed to Inara. I think the Inara-Mal Relationship would get brought up along with Zoe's greif over Wash. This greif could introduce the River seeing dead people and Zoe not knowing how to react to all this. As far as finding work I think that was and will continue to be a problem for the crew. I think whatever job they take for the BDS will tie into Book's past and all the links will be connected. Oh and I think there will be more of River kicking some major tail too. Or maybe I just hope so...


Ain't that just shiny?


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 8:00 AM



Originally posted by UnregisteredCompanion:
I think it would start out with them finding it almost impossible to get work, but then they would find that people looked at them as heros.

i could see them not getting work, as was stated earlier, most of their contacts are now dead. but i dont think people would see them as heroes. it was not made known, as far as we know, at the end of Serenity that anyone else in the 'verse, aside from the BDH, The Operative, and possibly The 'Puppet Theater', even knows who broadcast the message. since it came from Mr. Universe i would guess most people would credit him for finding and broadcasting the message. i also think it would be intelegent on Mals part to keep that under wraps, as to no bitter alliance brass seeking revenge on him.

The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 8:20 AM


America loves a winner!

Possibly some other enemy that the Alliance fears, in which we find was the real reason River was created. The alliance has no trust or love for the Browncoats, but sees them as beaten and defeated. Except for the likes of Mal. They always exaggerate Mal's intent in regards to his former status in the war vs what his current plans are today. Reavers? I highly doubt that River could infiltrate them too well. I highly suspect that the Alliance greatly underestimated their number and strength, until the big battle. They now may consider the issue basically over.

So, who else out there in the 'verse could the Alliance fear ? Maybe some underground Trade Federation? (sorry, sounds too familiar to that OTHER movie...). But think about it... River and the other kids were being bred for some sort of covert action. They had to be unuusally bright, well educated and likely from the more upper class levels of society. And they could also kill a mess of trained soldiers and lay waste to pretty much anything before getting themselves killed.

No, River wasn't being bred to slaughter Reavers, but something else.

I wonder what.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 11:09 AM



i could see them not getting work, as was stated earlier, most of their contacts are now dead. but i dont think people would see them as heroes. it was not made known, as far as we know, at the end of Serenity that anyone else in the 'verse, aside from the BDH, The Operative, and possibly The 'Puppet Theater', even knows who broadcast the message. since it came from Mr. Universe i would guess most people would credit him for finding and broadcasting the message. i also think it would be intelegent on Mals part to keep that under wraps, as to no bitter alliance brass seeking revenge on him.

The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry

I guess that could be true. The Alliance wouldn't want to let it out that they were responsible for the deaths, and they did it to force Mal to come in to them. That would raise too many questions as to why they wanted Serenity so badly.

"I'll be in my bunk"


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 11:15 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
No, River wasn't being bred to slaughter Reavers, but something else.

I wonder what.

Maybe they just want to create a super sleeper agent that will fit in anywhere they put them with no knowledge of what they are, and can be triggered when required.

"I'll be in my bunk"


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 11:18 AM



Originally posted by UnregisteredCompanion:
• Most we get to see Nathan's naked ass again? He is one fine hunk-o-man!

Ohhh, yes please!!


"Ten percent of nuthin' is...let me do the math here...nuthin' into nuthin'...carry the nuthin'"


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 11:36 AM



No, River wasn't being bred to slaughter Reavers, but something else.

I wonder what.

Joss is going to tie in the Weyland Corp.

The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 11:45 AM


I honestly think that River and the rest of them were created to destroy reavers, and other random acts that operatives were not too proficient in. By creating a bunch of killing machines they could forever cover up the miranda incident and deny the existance of reavers as they had been trying to do all along. If they let out a team of River-like individuals on the Reavers they would be all taken care of for good. Then the new River-like soldiers would replace operatives...makes sense to me.


Ain't that just shiny?


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 12:00 PM



Possibly some other enemy that the Alliance fears, in which we find was the real reason River was created. The alliance has no trust or love for the Browncoats, but sees them as beaten and defeated. Except for the likes of Mal. They always exaggerate Mal's intent in regards to his former status in the war vs what his current plans are today.

This is very interesting to me, the way all (or most) of the Alliance muckety mucks we meet onscreen are sure Mal is still "fighting the same war," and won't let Mal convince them otherwise. Powerful governments think there are plots against them all the time, and with good reason, because when they govern so many people, there usually are. It's so easy to overreach, treat people who really just want to go their own way like conspirators, and make even more enemies.

That said, I'm leaning towards believing that River was created without any specific target in mind, and that the Parliament simply wanted weapons it could use against potential threats, including those Browncoats they believe will never stop fighting them. They considered it pragmatic at the time, but now River's fallen into the Browncoat fold, in a way. Dramatic irony and all that.


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 12:35 PM


maybe mal uses miranda as a base of operations alliance dont like to get out that far ,or maybe they actively seek to destroy the reavers where they find them

browncoat forever


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 12:37 PM


I see several areas that need attention for the story to be consistant.

1. What is River like now?
She's "all right" but her brain is damaged, she's gone through years of trauma and just to top things off she's a genius and a psychic. I think some big part of the next installment should explain who the "new" River is. Maybe include....dare I say it...... a crush/love interest for her.

2. How does Zoe deal with Washes death?
How does she deal with her grief? Does she think about suicide? Does she bang every sod in sight? How does Mal deal with it.

3. What does Inara want to do
It's been made clear that she doesn't want complications, but she feels deeply for Mal. The tension between her and Mal forms the backbone of the drama in the show. This is an issue which needs time and more excellent writting to resolve but it needs to be addressed.

4. How does Kaylee and Simons relationship affect the dynamics of the ship.
It must be hell on Zoe to see these two shiny new lovers exploring eachother (litterally and emotionall). I'm sure Jayne isn't happy either, he never liked Simon but he seemed to like Kaylee in some ways.

5. How has Mal changed?
We've seen that Mal's faith shattered when the war was lost but he's regained some belief in the movie. Does he decide to go rebal and start fighting the Allience for real? Does he start to take more "legit" jobs? Does Inara respect him more?

Those are the biggies that have to be addressed for the show to continue post-Serenity. In addition we need some new characters to balance the deaths. We, as an audience, don't need them to appear immediatly but the lack of Book and Wash will be felt and our emotions need to be changed/directed somewhere to make up for that (although we will never forget them).



Wednesday, January 4, 2006 12:43 PM


Firstly... I'm going to sound stupid but what does "BDS" stand for?

I don't think they'll make an "Inara" movie. She'll probably always remain a subplot unless Joss comes up with something totally spontaneously brilliant (which... knowing him, seems kind of likely, especially considering the fact that her character hasn't really done anything supremely interesting yet, but nevermind). As we can't know what's going on in Whedon's head, and as we've been given no real set up except for the constant contradiction between her constant insistance that being a Companion is totally okay and comfortable and wonderful, and the ocassional situations she ends up in that are very obviously not okay. The "prostitute falling in love" is compelling enough to make a feature film about it (in fact, it's been done multiple many times). BUT, although at it's heart Firefly is a character study and a drama, it will always have its roots in the sci-fi/action world, and unless they can weave in something more compelling, just telling the story of Mal and Inara falling in love will not be enough to keep fans and non-browncoat audiences interested. Goodness knows the show's already been killed by being something other than what people thought it was. Lets not suddenly turn it into something completely different, just when it's starting to pick up speed.

On a different note, but still relating to the whole Inara thing, I think it likely that she'll be the next to die. She obviously has a strong connection to Mal, but I really just don't believe that Joss'll let Malcom have a happy ending. They'll probably have a "torrid love afair," as they're already rumored to have had, and then she'll be killed, just to amp up the emotions. It's probably just me, but I don't see Mal's character arch ending with him as totally... okay. I see him as having a dark life... a tragic hero.

As to the River seeing dead people... it seems kind of likely that something like this'll happen, though I'm not sure of the context, or how the other characters will react to it.


• What is the involvement with Blue Sun and the Alliance? Are they adding stuff to the food like they added Pax to Miranda's air supply?
• What is that little wand the blue gloved guys does it work? Is it reacting to the something in the Blue Sun brand items?

I like this bit. Bravo, unregisteredcompanion.

I also, really like the idea of Zoe being pregnant. I don't know why... it just really tickles me.

I think a probable plot line will include more about River's background. I think it's likely the alliance had no real reason for the "academy" just premptive measures. What interests me about it is that we know there are more people like River. Obviously, River was the star pupil, so the others probably won't be as good as her, but we have no idea how many of them there are... which is kind of horrifying, if you think about it. I seriously doubt that the parliment would just let the Tams go, and since they have an unspecified number of River-like fighters, it's very probably that they'll be coming after her. One on one she would beat them, but again, who knows how many of them there are.

Yeah... So, I talked a lot, and for a minute I'm done... until I think of more nonesense to spew.


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 12:58 PM



Originally posted by frankie:
Firstly... I'm going to sound stupid but what does "BDS" stand for?

I think a probable plot line will include more about River's background. I think it's likely the alliance had no real reason for the "academy" just premptive measures. What interests me about it is that we know there are more people like River. Obviously, River was the star pupil, so the others probably won't be as good as her, but we have no idea how many of them there are... which is kind of horrifying, if you think about it. I seriously doubt that the parliment would just let the Tams go, and since they have an unspecified number of River-like fighters, it's very probably that they'll be coming after her. One on one she would beat them, but again, who knows how many of them there are.

Yeah... So, I talked a lot, and for a minute I'm done... until I think of more nonesense to spew.

BDS is Big Damn Sequel

and i never gave that much thought, i knew there had to be more 'rivers' but i never actualy thought about what happend to those people. after watching the R. Tam Sessions i belive a vast majority of them were killed in testing, and that rivers ability to withstand all the tourture and experiments are what made her the greatest 'student' they had to offer. i also dont think there are too many other 'students' because river seemed to be one of the first students... in the R. Tam Sessions she was talking about THE first student who was killed because the doc. cut too deep. i dont know why it gave me the impression she was number two, but it did. when i get home ill watch it again and update on this idea.

The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 12:59 PM



Originally posted by summerwind:
1. What is River like now?
2. How does Zoe deal with Washes death?
3. What does Inara want to do
4. How does Kaylee and Simons relationship affect the dynamics of the ship.
5. How has Mal changed?
In addition we need some new characters to balance the deaths. -Summerwind

BDS = Big Damn Sequel!!!! Ya Dummy!!

Lovin' all the ideas swimmin' around!! Especially yours, Summerwind, that I've quoted above.

I'd love to see River calm down a little after the burden of the Miranda secret has been lifted. And the idea of alove interest for her - yum!! I wonder who? A current character (Jayne/Mal) or a new one??!!

Mal with a little restored faith....... Mal & Inara taking things further....

Simon & Kaylee...... will that work out? How will that change ship dynamics? And how will Jayne react?.....

And Zoe.... pregnant?...... grieving Wash?.... coping / not coping?...... who will support her? Poss. Mal & Zoe pairing?......

So many ideas & questions, so little time.......

I wonder if Joss is getting any ideas from the fan forums??!!! What a lovely idea!!!!!


"Yon know what the first rule of flying is?... Love. You can learn all the math in the 'verse, but you take a boat in the air and you don't love, she'll shake you off just as sure as the turning of worlds. Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down, tells tou she's hurting 'fore she keens. Makes her a home." Mal, BDM


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 1:02 PM


yeah... i kind of figured that out after posting. "big damn sequel" i mean.

but why make one psychic super-weapon when you can get many for the same price. they already had the facilities and programs set up. why not use them on multiple people? more than one was bound to survive.


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 3:16 PM



Originally posted by UnregisteredCompanion:
• Most we get to see Nathan's naked ass again? He is one fine hunk-o-man!

In his DVD commentary, Joss sincerely apologized for only once showing Mal scantily clad.


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 3:48 PM


If there's one thing I've come to expect from Joss, it's the unexpected. I really don't know what the BDS might have in it. The only thing I feel fairly certain won't happen is another big civil war in the 'verse, at least not yet. That would fundamentally alter the dynamic of the narrative. Instead of a bunch of misfits scraping by, it becomes a war story. And in order to tell it properly, we need at least some context for the overall war. Wars need to be epic in scope to work correctly, IMO. Think about the Star Wars prequels, where the Clone Wars were barely mentioned but everyone went on and on about their significance. It rang overwhelming false. If Joss decides to start a war, I can only picture it as the finale of the story, and either the time when Mal dies heroically or gets to ride off into the sunset with his gal. (I'm hoping for option 2, but then again I'm a hopeless romantic.)

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal, Fox!


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 4:48 PM


I don't like the idea of ghosts and I certainly don’t like resurrection (in Firefly I mean), but River is another story. She was in their heads, I see no reason why she couldn’t have created some form of a copy of their personalities in her head by accident, and she’s got more than enough space in there. Them being killed could have made those copies come to life. (Wouldn't be exactly the same of course.)

I don’t mean her ending up with multiple personalities in the strictest sense, but instead being able to see and interact with them in an, "I see dead people," fashion without actual ghosts involved.


As for the plot, there are so many ways to go, but I think tying up of loose ends might be in order. Book had secrets, which means he probably had unfinished business, which could open up huge unexplored lands of plot threads all waiting to be explored.

Then there is the fact that River is still the alliance’s biggest success in the project she was in, and now that she's lucid (though I'm not remotely convinced she's sane in the normal sense of the word) she’d be even more valuable.

Mr. Universe could also have things life undone that should be done, and as for Wash, I don't know, I can't think of anything his death could create, but I do wonder if Zoe will have his child, I bet they have a way she could.

There are of course other areas, blue sun, the people who helped break River out, Niska, and even things we have seen nothing of before.


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 5:22 PM


ok i just rewatched the part of the R. Tam Sessions where she talks about loosing the first one. its Session 22 Excerpt. and upon further review there is no evidence whatsoever to imply that River was subject number two. i have no clue why that idea came to me, but it did.

The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 6:23 PM


Besides those complications there are just two words, Niska and YoSafBridge. Add those two to the mix and you'd have a good BDS and not get into complications about the Alliance (could be a subplot though).


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 6:35 PM


Yeah, I agree with that last one.

Fact is, I think that the second movie is going to stay away from the Alliance. Mal won't want to make too much noise and the Alliance will have problems enough in the core and on the Border planets to waste time hunting him down.

I think that more likely, we'll see other characters like Niska (never really killed that plotline since he got away).

Zoe being pregnant sounds possible, but a miscarriage would be likely in her line of work so I'd be surprised if she was.

I think Book's past *should* be alluded to, but a full explanation saved for an even later movie. The BDS should be a "back to basics" movie once Serenity has established hold; it should show more of what Firefly was like by focusing on minor stories; not the big, galaxy-smashing stuff that Big Heroes do. The little, whorehouse-saving stuff that Big DAMN Heroes do.

It would definitely be nice to see Badger again, also. We miss you and your character, Mark. ;)

I'd also like to- maybe- meet Jayne's mother. I think that that would be a great scene.

"See, morbid and creepifying, I got no problem with, long as she does it quiet-like."


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 6:42 PM


How about Kaylee's parents or more of Simon's parents. Could you imagine them meeting each other? or Kaylee meeting Simon's parents, unlikely but sure to be fun. OWWW!


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 7:35 PM


Hi guys- I don't often post but this particular topic tickles me some..

The BDM ended with such optimism for the future. Yeah, it will be harder for them to find jobs now that they are all fugitives in some sense, but the upside is that they are also a stronger unit. Despite the loss of Wash, they are resolved to work together. They've passed through the storm etc.etc.

Therefore, what the sequel needs to do is obliterate all that hope and take the story into a more epic-arena. (Plus, having a major downer sequel sets up the redemptive third parter...)

Here is what I propose:

1. Set it around five years later. This way you see that the BDHs have had their sort period of pure escapist happiness. Zoe and Wash's kid is playing with Mal and Inara's kid in some rim-moon
oasis. Haven? Maybe they've taken over the mining business or they have their own township that 's utopian and self sufficient. Inara is all homely and in love but not completely fulfilled. Simon is taking the shuttle around caring for the sick poor. Kaylees got her own mechanic shop- whatever. Mal/River /Jayne (hitched?) /Zoe- toning down on the heroics. Small jobs here and there cause theyre happy you know.

2. Political rumblings- looks like parliament are getting all kinds of Third Reich. The companion guild is in trouble. They find out that Book has known about these shenanigans for awhile- the key is in Haven. Mining? Platinum? Oil (sorry)? New Alliance V. Independants- Huge stakes, their children are now at risk. Mal and Co. Volunteers. Inara on the other hand thinks that she can help defeat the Alliance by returning to the Guild. Priestess? whatever. Makes sacrifice- Mal not happy, volunteers again, Mal not happy for some time. War ensues. Lots of wicked battles, Book returns in another more sinister form...

I want the sequel to be totally dark. Imagine Zoe as the protective mother- having already lost Wash. Or River wanting to be mad again because sanity ain't all its cracked up to be.
Jayne finds his soul in doing the right and smart thing for a change. And Kaylee/Simon. Their beautiful 'clash of worlds' relationship is a foil to the painful conclusion of Mal and Inara's relationship. Inara must be the main casualty here- I want to see Mal real pissed again...

#special requests: 1. Laurence Fishburne in the film. Helps Zoe get over Wash? (I'm a sap, I love this kind of real-life-meets-art thang).
2.Inara the villain. Or in Mals eyes anyway. We know she is only doing what she thinks is best but...
3. Book's secret. And he can't just be an operative, He was up there in parliament...
4. Bring back Jubal Early. And Badger (as played by Joss Whedon) as arms dealer.
5. Mal commanding not just the crew, but a whole chunk o' the Browncoats.

Not much to ask is it?

Miss Madrassa


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 7:53 PM


My, aren't we demanding tonight!

Seriously, intriguing stuff. Not sure if I go along with it, but then again, I'm a self-professed hopeless romantic and, gorramit, I want Inara and Mal together. I have an overblown sense of chivalry about me, and watching her cry in Heart of Gold was painful. I just wanted to smack Mal upside the head for being so dense.

(Wow, listen to me. I sound like a fifteen year old girl. I'm gonna have to go and do some manly stuff to bolster my confidence.)

Also, I'm a little paranoid regarding the possibility of there being a trilogy. I love the redemptive third act as much as the next guy, but I'd hate to see the 'verse go out on a tremendous dark note because there was never a chance to firmly resolve the situation.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal, Fox!


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 8:04 PM


I am also a hopeless romantic- and don't you think Thwarted Love is the best kind? Besides Joss is sooo good at writing this kinda thing.

I want Dr Zhivago all over the 'verse. They'll get together alright, but we'll be struggling to see it through tears. (You think you're the 15 year old girl- what the hell am I?... )


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 8:11 PM


I've never personally gotten past the "Happily ever after" phase of development, myself. It happens so seldom in real life, I just like it in my fiction. But I guess I should steel myself, because I think Joss might be a bit more in tune with your preferences. I remeber Buffy's track record with undead boyfriends. I'll follow Joss anywhere he decides to take the 'verse, I'm just hoping he decides to take it in that fairy tale direction.

And tell you what, if he does decide to opt for Thwarted Love, you and me will get together, watch the film, have a good cry, eat some ice cream, and generally just be teenage girls together.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal, Fox!


Friday, January 6, 2006 2:03 PM


Personally I like the idea of happily mostly after. More realistic and fulfilling than happily ever after.

I dislike the idea that things need to be epic. Life and death is still life and death whether they're trying to overthrow a government or rob a bank. The stakes are no less high in an ordinary job than in Serenity.

I also don't think one needs to follow the traditional way of doing things. The second in a trilogy need not end on a down note. The power of a tradition is that you know how to do it; the problem with it is that it is unoriginal, predictable, and stagnant. (Of course the details are what let you make the story not be those things.)

There was a time when you had to march your army in s straight line, Alexander the Great marched his in a diagonal, and so he won.


Friday, January 6, 2006 2:35 PM


Like I said before, I doubt that Joss would ever follow the expected. It's not his style. That, and I don't think that he can afford to have a largely "downer" film with a cliffhanger ending. Unless our fortunes change dramatically, I sincerely doubt that he'll get a guaranteed multiple film deal. Joss loves the 'verse, and the fans, too much to leave us in the lurch. As long as Serenity only gets to fly in fits and spurts, I think he'll always make sure she's firmly on the ground before the film ends.

So to speak.

As for the "epic" feel of things, I agree completely. I honestly don't need to see a big ol' Browncoat/Alliance brawl. But, I do think that if one comes to be, then the overall scope must change in order to do said brawl justice.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal, Fox!


Friday, January 6, 2006 2:56 PM


Hello, I'm new here, but I just had to register to say what I thought about what might happen in the BDS (wether it is a new season or movie). Now, you all say Joss always does the unexpected, and none of you came up with this yet:

Mal becomes the hero of the alliance.

No, wait, don't hang me yet! I've got an explanation! I swear, it's even somewhat coherent! Look here:

So, everybody in the entire 'verse just realised the Alliance poisoned a couple of millions of people, created the Reavers, and then covered it up big time! So, what do you do about it? You BLAME it on someone. The Alliance top guys will find a scape goat within themselves, who will be the evil guy who killed several millions of people and created the Reavers all in his cunning plan to destroy the Alliance and usurp power. And then Mal comes riding in and saves the day for the Alliance. Everybody comes out without losing face (or at least losing as little as possible), and Mal will of course (the way the Alliance hopes) be so overly happy to become the hero of the 'verse that he won't bother to speak up of the truth.


Friday, January 6, 2006 3:07 PM



Originally posted by Chipmunk
In his DVD commentary, Joss sincerely apologized for only once showing Mal scantily clad.

Yes - more semi-clad men, please!

Preferably Jayne or Mal (we've already had Simon, and, as Joss said in the DVD commentary, that view of Mal's chest in Serenity was so brief). Please let the camera linger &/or have a wider shot than just from the collar bone upwards.

We want to enjoy some of those fine looking men you have in that Serenity cast!!!

You have no idea how carefully I have to check my posts. I can spell just fine, but when I type I seems to get dyslexia of the keyboard!!!!!!!!


"You know what the first rule of flying is?... Love. You can learn all the math in the 'verse, but you take a boat in the air you don't love, she'll shake you off just as sure as the turning of worlds. Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down, tells you she's hurting 'fore she keens. Makes her a home." Mal, BDM


Friday, January 6, 2006 3:30 PM


Having just rewatched the entirety (okay, majority) of Firefly on the SciFi Marathon (I know y'all were tuned in too, right?), I think I may have an alternative explanation for Inara's "big secret". Hang onto something...

Inara's a Lesbian. Seriously. But hear me out, 'kay?

The Theory: She was in love with Nandi for years, dating back to their time together in Madrassa House. She never told Nandi, because she knew Nandi was het'ro; but, their classes kept them in close physical contact, so Inara could be intimate with Nandi, without ever revealing her true feelings of love for her. When Nandi chafed at Guild strictures she left Sihnon and the Guild, and Inara left shortly thereafter. When we see Inara crying after Mal sleeps with Nandi, we assume it's because she's pining after Mal; but what if it's actually Nandi's 'betrayal' that she's crying about?

Nandi likewise -- falsely, according to my theory -- assumes that the regret she sees in Inara's eyes is for Mal, not realizing that Inara is hurt more by Nandi's sleeping with another person, who happens to be a man, no less ("I wouldn't say I'm entirely okay. I'm a little appalled at her taste.").

Now here's the twist: In much the same way that people who have been 'raised' straight can realize in (sometimes much) later life that they have always been gay, Inara who was raised daily sharing intimacies with other women while in Companion training, is beginning to suspect that she may be attracted to -- gasp! -- men. Or specifically one man, Malcolm Reynolds.

And somebody said an Inara-based story would be dull. Musta been high...



"I could stand to hear a little more..." -Jayne Cobb, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Saturday, January 7, 2006 6:42 PM


ChristheCynic You wrote:

"I dislike the idea that things need to be epic. Life and death is still life and death whether they're trying to overthrow a government or rob a bank. The stakes are no less high in an ordinary job than in Serenity.

I also don't think one needs to follow the traditional way of doing things. The second in a trilogy need not end on a down note. The power of a tradition is that you know how to do it; the problem with it is that it is unoriginal, predictable, and stagnant. (Of course the details are what let you make the story not be those things.)"

Mr. Cynic, I wish so much that we could live in a perfect world where Firefly continued to entertain us weekly ad infinitum with ordinary job stories. I love that on the show, we saw the crew eating dinner, going to the toilet, flirting, playing games etc. The whole reason that browncoats (the fans) exist is because there is an ordinariness to Firefly that we can all relate to. It is precious and gives one the warm and fuzzies. And not only to us but to the characters themselves. Which is why, when the ordinary is threatened, as happens on Serenity, the crew turn into Big Damn Heroes in order to preserve it.

Do you not think that Serenity itself is an epic because of this? There was absolutely no room in the film for the mundane. Firstly, because practically cinema is like that- no time, 2 hours max. Secondly, because the characters could no longer live their mundane lives. They were forced into a greater arena. A 'rag-tag group of insignificants bringing the establishment to its knees' is as epic a scenario as it gets. From "The Seven Samurai" to "LOTR" trilogy- yep, it's traditional, maybe even predictable. But stagnant?- as you say, its in the details isn't it?

Unfortunately, I suspect there is no going back to the ordinariness of Firefly. Joss himself has said this. There is no luxury now of whole episodes dedicated to Rivers next dental appointment. The crew are bigger fugitives than ever now, they are going to find it harder to survive, and the captain now gives a damn. In the verse, the repercussions from Miranda will be great. It's looking more epic I'm afraid, not less.


Sunday, January 8, 2006 3:10 AM


sorry if this has already been mentioned but, Wouldn't it be awesome if Jayne had his moment in the next movie now I don't know if you are all following so I will explain. All the characters with the exception of Jayne seemed to have their shining moment. example Inara's "Those aren't incense", Mal's speeches and defeating the operative, Washs "I'm a leaf on the wind" to a certain extent. It seems to me that Jayne realy didn't have the spotlight on him that much with the exception of "Let's be bad guys" early in the movie, I would love to see a part where Jayne really get's to do somthing cool.

Jayne is the man


Sunday, January 8, 2006 7:37 AM


What happened? He see your face?

I have read all the ideas so far and have thoroughly enjoyed them. Here is a conglomeration of some of them with my own little take. Some of this stuff of course would only fit into the series if it were around, but mostly movie stuff. These are little possible avenues, NOT an overall plotline.

Book: Definitely need a glance at his past. And now, maybe a group he was affiliated with look to take “issue” with his demise. Book was part of some underground sect of alliance officials that do not agree with the way things were going. Must have been sort of important since Early said,”That ain’t no Shepard”.

Alliance: Judging by the fact that the movie was based on the cover-up of 30 million people being murdered, the verse must be huge. (I am sure someone has an estimate) So, the Alliance is vast. I see the majority of the Alliance being influenced (obviously) by the river creating, ultra-Special interest group that Book DID know of and where his old cronies come in to play, mentioned earlier.

Reavers: Well, there should be only about 300,000 reavers out there if tenth of a % of the population of Miranda became them. So, with the reaver ships attacking the Alliance at the end of the flick, how many are left. Surely, that could not have been all of them. Being that the Alliance troops seemed to get to Mr. Universe’s place rather quickly, I am assuming the alliance took care of business with reavers or at least gave a team enough time to get there quickly. I don’t think River and those like her were created to destroy reavers since the Alliance didn’t pay much attention to them as long as they were way out on the fringes. Being that they didn’t know they were there for the surprise attack at the end. A few will (reavers) still be out there though.

The Crew Getting’ Work: “Push down Pop up effect” New criminals will always be in full supply. Ever watch the show “The Wire”. The affect of this will be largely determined by the news that the crew made the transmission about Miranda. If so, they are BDH and on a path of the BC, if not, and the Alliance cover up story ensues, they get work and stand up to that “Heel” Mal is talking about.

Inara and Mal: They will get it on and still fight. We will delve into Inara’s past but I doubt she has secret plan that involves Mal or Serenity (just based on her crying in H.O.G.). ……and I can only hope Mal carries the same overall attitude.

Jayne: Some people never change and live day to day, that is why I like Jayne. Most of us have that friend that just says whatever he wants when he wants. Oh yeah, that is what I expect.

Wash: reflections
Simon and Kaylee: they could be happy, but it could complicate things ‘cause their deeper feelings for each other in a dangerous lifestyle.

River: Still quirky but more in control of her abilities. Now rid of the Miranda secret but has emotional issues of being a killer. What would a young girl feel like after slaughtering all those reavers. This is if she remembers that.

Operative: I see the operative coming to aid maybe when least expected or even sacrificing himself to save someone important. Since he now views himself as already dead following the “warrior code” but rejuvenated by the truth of Miranda.

Zoe: Pregnant yes… Her grief is only subsided by the knowledge of the child. Mal is freaked ‘cause he is not sure if he wants to go into situations without her or with her now.



Sunday, January 8, 2006 7:58 AM


I think that Mal and his crew will find it really hard to get work. They'll finally find a job but it turns out to be a trap set by the Alliance Parliament. They get pinned down in an awesome firefight. Zoe and Jayne are badly wounded and things start looking very grim for our Big Damn Heroes but then at the very end of the movie they are all rescued by Jar Jar Binks and his army of Gungan warriors.

(OK, so maybe I went a bit off tangent with that one)



Sunday, January 8, 2006 3:11 PM



Originally posted by VALLONtheREAVER:
sorry if this has already been mentioned but, Wouldn't it be awesome if Jayne had his moment in the next movie now I don't know if you are all following so I will explain. All the characters with the exception of Jayne seemed to have their shining moment. example Inara's "Those aren't incense", Mal's speeches and defeating the operative, Washs "I'm a leaf on the wind" to a certain extent. It seems to me that Jayne realy didn't have the spotlight on him that much with the exception of "Let's be bad guys" early in the movie, I would love to see a part where Jayne really get's to do somthing cool.

Jayne is the man

Jayne, the venal mercenary of the crew quotes a PREACHER, then shares a drink with his least favourite crew member. Look it up. It's one of the best hero moments in the film.


Sunday, January 8, 2006 3:56 PM


Ok, so this has no bearing on any movie possibilities, but I would have loved to see more of YoSafBrig's husband, and the only way I could see that happening is him hiring the crew to steal the Lassiter back. He even seemed like the kind who would have not problem employing the people who robbed him, I don't think he holds a grudge. Even so that would make such an interesting situation.

I've wanted to see more of that character since he said, "I appreciate your honesty ... not, you know, much."


Monday, January 16, 2006 9:45 PM


Two things that'd be cool to see are one: more people like River.

I'd like some insight into the Shepherd's past but I don't see us finding out anymore about Book than we already know.

And number two: Badger!

I write fanfic. It's what I do.


Tuesday, January 17, 2006 6:45 AM


Seems to me that River made for a relatively easy movie plot, since her story is just shouting for grand conspiracy and showdowns.

The other characters all tend to have a more quiet and complex history, and I am a little worried how they'd translate that into a movie without either switching the tone from the first movie so hard it'd be whiplash or disservicing the depth of the characters created on the show.

Movies aren't a great medium for in-depth character study, unlike TV, especially with a cast of (now) 7 main characters.

I like MissMadrassa's idea of creating a kind of spy/soldier/family-divided war story.

Giving Inara a bigger role as someone returning into the arms of the enemy, so to speak, would allow good insight into the structure of the 'verse, while having the rest of them involved in war preparations/battles/whatever on the underdog side would leave room for action and noise and darkness.

Inara could either be a spy for the Independents or genuinely trying to wreak positive change from within. Either way lies interesting moments and some angst and woe for her and Mal, not to mention possible tragedy.

Overall, methinks, the movie would have to focus on the slow taking shape (and breaking out) of changes and/or civil unrest. People would be horrified and want to know more about the Miranda message, so very slowly unbiased research would have to confirm the truth of the Pax story, in spite of the Parliament scrambling to cover it up, causing mayhem and eventually civil war.

It would just take time.


Tuesday, January 17, 2006 7:11 AM



Originally posted by VALLONtheREAVER:
An Inara based movie would be kinda dull don't you think?

Jayne is the man

Depends on what kind of Inara flick we're talking about I guess.

I'll rape you to death.
I'll eat your flesh.
I'll sew your skin into my clothes.
If you're very very lucky, I'll do it in that order - TheReaver






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