Browncoat Influx

UPDATED: Thursday, January 12, 2006 07:28
VIEWED: 8595
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Wednesday, January 4, 2006 4:47 AM


Anyone else notice the influx of new recruits as the DVD makes it's rounds?


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 4:54 AM


I was just thinking the same thing when I saw your post! So very shiny--all the new recruits.

*Never judge a book by it's movie*
*The heart is an artist that paints over what profoundly disturbs it, leaving on the canvas a less dark,less sharp version of the truth*--D.Koontz (Forever Odd)


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 4:58 AM


It was just luck I stumbled onto Firefly but it is nice to see lots of new fans like myself

Shame Serenity still isn't in the UK, had to order the region1 version, but lots of people in Europe can't view R1 DVDs.

Maybe there will be another influx from UK and Europe with the R2 release of Serenity!


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 5:05 AM


I think also it's b/c alot of people got them as christmas gifts.

A friend of mine got me one as a gift, I had never really heard of the show but i ended up ordering the show and loveing it.

Maybe i wasn't the only one. With a movie that came out right at this time of year it could be part of the reason why...

Inara: Honestly, Mal, if we can't be civilized and talk like --
Mal: I'm plenty civilized. You're using wiles on me.
Inara: I'm using what?
Mal: Your feminine wiles. Your companion training, your some-might-say uncanny ability to make a man sweaty and/or compliant, of which I have had just about enough today.


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 5:11 AM


We seem to have had a series of "waves" of new Browncoats.

The first, of course, were those who fell in love with Firefly during its broadcast run (that's me, though I didn't get active in the fan community until much later).

Then came those who found it through the Firefly DVD set, as older Flans passed them around.

Next came a group who saw the reruns on SciFi prior to the release of Serenity.

Then, the BDM hit the theaters, and that sent a big wave of fresh-faced Browncoats into the ranks.

Now we're getting the folks who got the Serenity DVD, or received either Serenity or the Firefly DVDs for Christmas.

However you made your way here, you're all very welcome! Your enthusiasm and energy keeps us jaded vets going. Well, that and our undying love for this 'verse. Thanks, and keep spreading the word!

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 5:11 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I love to see all the new browncoats comin' aboard. It does the heart good to see all the new faces & read all their stories on how they found movie, series, or both.

Honestly it is like seeing reinforcements coming over the hill as you are about to have your position overrun. Some of us have been here since the beginning when things were looking pretty bleak. It is a big boost to morale to see all the new people coming into the fold.

I hope they keep coming. I for one would like to see the fanbase triple in size or more. You see how much we have done in the past. Imagine how much we can accomplish if there were three times as many of us.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 5:14 AM


I think that was my friend's idea. It was my brother's girlfriend and she is really shy around me but she told me i'd like it and i did. and i work for a movie store and have gotten more people to watch it.

Inara: Honestly, Mal, if we can't be civilized and talk like --
Mal: I'm plenty civilized. You're using wiles on me.
Inara: I'm using what?
Mal: Your feminine wiles. Your companion training, your some-might-say uncanny ability to make a man sweaty and/or compliant, of which I have had just about enough today.


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 5:14 AM


You can add my family of four to the mix. I got the Firefly series for X-mas and immediately bought the movie. My mom borrowed the series and is now in love with the Captain and the whole verse. My sisters joined the ranks too recently.


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 5:18 AM


See. *Winks* Christmas.

Maybe people should give more gifts. LOL!

Inara: Honestly, Mal, if we can't be civilized and talk like --
Mal: I'm plenty civilized. You're using wiles on me.
Inara: I'm using what?
Mal: Your feminine wiles. Your companion training, your some-might-say uncanny ability to make a man sweaty and/or compliant, of which I have had just about enough today.


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 5:19 AM


The fanbase is part of the charm I think.
Loyal followers have the potential to grow this wonderful verse.
We all know loyal fans means money and lots of money means Fox or whoever might just get interested again.
And that can only mean good things

After-all if it worked for years and years with Star Trek it can work for Firefly can't it?
Star Trek was built on it's fanbase, I can only hope for the same success for Firefly and are just proud to be here before the big explosion.

I do feel a gathering pace, like a snowball rolling down hill.

I just hope it's not because everything Firefly is new to me so I am catching up.

Gorram, I just love the show


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 5:21 AM


I think the fan base is why. Shows are great but it makes it better to talk and share, to laugh and hang out with other people who love the show.

Shows wouldn't be fun alone....

Inara: Honestly, Mal, if we can't be civilized and talk like --
Mal: I'm plenty civilized. You're using wiles on me.
Inara: I'm using what?
Mal: Your feminine wiles. Your companion training, your some-might-say uncanny ability to make a man sweaty and/or compliant, of which I have had just about enough today.


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 5:59 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
Honestly it is like seeing reinforcements coming over the hill as you are about to have your position overrun.

Specifically, it's like seeing our reinforcements coming over the hill. Not at all the "that's not our air support" feeling that some of us may also be familiar with.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 6:07 AM


Just registered on the site moments ago after discovering it over the weekend while searching for Serentiy t-shirts. Gotta say that I think I'm gonna like this place.

I run a comic book store and had numerous customers tell me to check out Firefly on Sci-Fi and then see the movie. So I did, and I'm hooked! Same thing happened with Buffy and Angel for me as I got on board late with those series in syndication.

Heard that Wal-Mart stores had the Firefly set on DVD for $20, but missed out locally. After hitting every day for 3 days, it popped back into stock and I snagged one. Wish I would've bought more to give to friends, because now they're sold out again. But keep checking!

Also, thanks to this site, I've been hitting every day hoping that they get more Serenity shirts back in stock. Just checked, and they do have a medium River shirt called "My Turn" from Firefly. Any of you medium shirt wearing folks should fly over there!

I'll be around :)

New action figures and collectibles at fair prices.


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 6:35 AM


I am one of those new browncoats myself. I had heard of the show right as it ended, though never caught an episode. then a few months back, I caught a rebroadcast of Out of Gas on SciFi. Friends of mine had mentioned the show, and I knew one had the DVD's, so I borrowed them, and have been hooked since. Can't get enough. Have since bought both Firefly and Serenity DVD's for myself, watched them several times, and curse Fox everytime I do so.

My one regret is that I was not in on this from the beginning, and wasn't able to do all I could to keep Firefly going back then. while it is usually better late than never, not so much in this case.

I want to give a personal thanks to all you Browncoats who were here back then, and were able to get Serenity to us through your efforts.


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 6:59 AM



Originally posted by Trevor:

My one regret is that I was not in on this from the beginning, and wasn't able to do all I could to keep Firefly going back then. while it is usually better late than never, not so much in this case.

I want to give a personal thanks to all you Browncoats who were here back then, and were able to get Serenity to us through your efforts.

I think better late than never still holds true in this case. After all, now us newer Browncoats (I discovered Serenity in the theatre the last week it was here) get to fight for the Big Damn Sequel! So its our turn to spread the word, and buy the DVD's again and again. (My husband officially called me a "zealot" when I went up to a random guy at Hollywood Video and convinced him to rent Serenity. But we do what we gotta do, I say.)

Welcome to everyone new. Great to have you on the crew!


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 8:09 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Cybersnark:
Specifically, it's like seeing our reinforcements coming over the hill. Not at all the "that's not our air support" feeling that some of us may also be familiar with.

Gorram right!


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 8:11 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Welcome to the site Trevor! Make yourself right at home. Sit back & relax..........Ok, that is enough relaxing. Now get out there & introduce Firefly & Serenity to everybody you know.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 9:50 AM


LOVE all the new ppl.. they all have such great STORIES!


It just re affirms the POWER of Joss' words and the cast and crew of Firefly...

No power in the 'verse can stop us,,,



Wednesday, January 4, 2006 10:06 AM


I’m another new fan. This is my first post, although I’ve been lurking for a few weeks.

I don’t like television.
Hadn’t had cable or satellite in over 18 years. On the way home from a meditation retreat this summer, I saw the first part of Serenity on SciFi. Fell in love.
Got Disk 1 from Netflix. Had to have my own, so I bought the DVDs.
Addicted. Is the term.
So when I tell you that I can’t get enough of the ‘verse, I want you to understand my full

I have to have more. I’m hopeful that there will be more because I’m doing to the math. I’ve managed to spread my addiction to 3 other households. None of these people had even heard of Firefly or Serenity. Now they’ve all got a big space monkey on their back too.

What I really want to do is thank everyone here for keeping this thing going so people like me can find it. And get addicted to it.


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 10:44 AM


Yep, fairly recent addict myself. Actually found Firefly in an AVS forum thread. Everyone was raving about it and the DVD set was only $25, so I figured what the hell.
Of course after watching it I went down the all to familiar path of addiction and dependancy that everyone here has.

"I'll be in my bunk"


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 1:22 PM



Originally posted by dharmagal:
I’ve managed to spread my addiction to 3 other households. None of these people had even heard of Firefly or Serenity. Now they’ve all got a big space monkey on their back too.

I almost lost bladder control when I read this one, dharmagal!

Terrifying space monkeys, no doubt...

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 1:26 PM



Next came a group who saw the reruns on SciFi prior to the release of Serenity.

Yeah, that was me. I heard the story about it, watched a couple episodes (Our Mrs. Reynolds and Ariel), then went and saw the movie, bought the series the next day and the rest is history.

The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule. – H.L. Mencken


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 1:31 PM


I also saw the Sci-Fi reruns before seeing the movie.

I had heard about the series before it initially aired, but wasn't interested in watching it. Then, I saw the trailer to "Serenity" prior to another film to which I'd taken my nephew & niece, and was entirely sold on seeing the film.

A day or two before the film was released, the Sci-Fi Channel ran a small marathon of "Firefly", from which I only caught 2 or 3 episodes.

That was it. I was hooked.

Then the depression set in when I realized the show only ran 14 episodes.

Of course, no one ever accused TV executives of ever having brains.


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 1:54 PM


Ditto on all counts.

I saw and loved the show when it was on (well, the few episodes I could catch), but didn't really become a browncoat 'til I got the DVD set for Christmas 2003.

Since then I've spread the love to over 30 people, and only one of them hasn't loved it-- and that was just because she's a sci-fi fan who couldn't stand the cowboy.

It really is wonderful to see all you new folks. I hadn't put it together, but you're right-- it feels *exactly* like seeing those much needed reinforcements come over the hill.

I'm thinking we'll rise again...


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 2:09 PM


I'm a New Browncoat to the ranks as well.

I saw the movie, loved it and was issued a shiny new browncoat as I exited the theater and have been wearing it ever since. :) I have since then bought then series and am in love...addicted is more like it...

I was trying to think about what it is I like so much about it and I realized that its EVERYTHING. The concept (sci-fi western! awesome!), the stories, the charaters, the writing, Joss (everytime I hear him in a commentary or read something from him I fall a little bit more in love), the actors, and then the fans. To read about what you all did and accomplsihed is just mind blowing! I have read that the browncoats have the best stories and its true. The scufs and tears and holes and patches on your browncoats have been well earned in a worthy pursuit. As someone else said, alot of of us new recruits owe our new addiction to you guys since most of us discovered the 'verse through Serenity.

Anyway, I look forward to posting and being a part of the fan community and heres to hopeing it can be done again. :)


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 2:16 PM


Welcome, Bluishbrowncoat, we're glad to have you with us.

Welcome aboard to all the new Browncoats.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 2:19 PM


Well said and well done.... browncoat.
Why did you have to make me feel all choked up?? I love it!!!!


Thursday, January 5, 2006 10:28 AM


thanks for the warm welcome folks, it is appreciated. I have gotten to work, converted a few, and have my sons both hooked, and telling friends as well.

Here is to hoping the future is shiny, and Joss and crew fly again.


Thursday, January 5, 2006 10:38 AM


Count me in the rush. I've been a fan since the movie but I haven't started posting untill a couple of days ago.

I caught a couple of randome episodes of SciFi, loved it
...That made me go se the movie which made me love it more
......That made me buy the show and watch it all in one sitting which made me love it more
............After that I bought the show for other people an the dvd.
Conclusion: Firefly is one of the best things to happen to TV in a while (my opinion)



Thursday, January 5, 2006 11:09 AM


I'm an "Influxed Browncoat"...and PROUD of it! I'm just embarassed that it took me this long to find this 'Verse! Similar to interest was peaked when I first saw the promos for Serenity. I started asking around about it with some of the guys/gals on play on Xbox LIVE turned toward the series...well long story short...rented the Series from Netflix...then the movie...what an AMAZING journey it has become. I finished the movie and DVD extras at 3AM this morning...and only wished for more! (lol...I guess I'll get more tonight as I'm rewatching the movie with Joss' commentary! YEAH!!!!)

Wow! What an experience it has been!

(Oh...and BTW...Guess what yourstruly is getting for his B-Day in 4 weeks?) lol



Thursday, January 5, 2006 11:19 AM


It's totally awesome to hear from all of these new fans! I've only been here since November, but it sure feels like I've been here longer. (0f course I meant that in a good way.) I feel like a vet, though I haven't come close to putting in the time. I enjoy reading all of these "I'm New Here" threads because I can relate to the excited confusion that these newbies have, but I think the best part is that I've been enlightened and I can answer all of their questions. It's fun to see all these new names. A big fat welcome to everyone and an enthusiastic hello to everyone else.

Wacky fun!


Thursday, January 5, 2006 11:29 AM


OK I posted this somewhere else but I think it belongs here.... : )

Ok so my friend had been telling me about this Movie firefly for about 2 years. I of course blew him off (shame on me) because it just didn't sound like something I would be interested it. That and I was still sorta boycotting Sci-fi since the complete Star Wars debacle and the cancellation of Star Trek NGR. I will have you know it was not completely my fault. Said friend did leave out some very important details. Joss the creator being one and super cool characters, including some very hot girls who can kick a$$ being the other.

So he comes to visit two weeks before Christmas with a video box in one hand and beer in the other. I have to give him credit; he is a great manipulator and knows what buttons to push to get me to do something. I would watch anything if beer is involved.

So we all sit down and he puts in the first DVD of firefly. I open my beer and wham, in no time at all the first 3 episodes are over in a flash. Needless to say I’m completely hooked. Beer and Firefly, it really was a great night I must say. So we watch all four disks over 2 days. Man it was one of the best weekends I have had in a long time; woops I’m getting ahead of myself a bit.

Back to the completion of the box set, I completely loved the series. He then informed me it’s canceled. I of course respond with a drunken WTF because I was drunk and seriously disgusted that anyone would cancel such a great show. Followed by are your kidding me who a$$ do I need to kick to get this show brought back. I immediately went to the computer and fired off a drunken email to Fox. Ok so that was probably not all that helpful to the cause but none the less they are complete idiots and it made me feel better.

After a few days of completely sober thinking I decided I needed a different approach. Money is what makes the world go round and what drives the movie industry. So I methodically planned my attack. I had to start recruiting my friends. So I bought two copies of firefly. My personal copy and one I loan out. Only I only loan the first two disks. If they want to see what happens from then on they have to go buy it. Then I tell them hey there is the movie Serenity out too (which I also own of course) and it picks up where the show leaves off. I then tell them they have to watching firefly before you get it though.

So this is really working for me. My family and friends are lovin it. I am boosting sales one person at a time. I am determined to get 20 people and have them get 20 and so on.

Then I find this place. Now I will have you know I am not normally geeked about any TV show and have never joined a fan site before but I am very excited to be here really, and visit daily to see what’s up. Just want you all to know I am out here fighting the good fight and working everyone I know to keep our little movement going.

Take care and good luck!


Thursday, January 5, 2006 6:03 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

I'm with y'all - amazing to see all these reinforcements showing up. I say that a bit ironically, because I myself am pretty much a noob to the Firefly 'verse as well; I got addicted in July.

The stories are all so varied as to how we came to be here. I myself had vaguely heard something about some sci-fi show on Fox, but never saw any of it (it probably conflicted with something else I thought I had to watch). Then, last summer, I went and did a stupid and wonderful thing: I got hooked on Buffy the Vampire Slayer in syndication! Like Firefly, I'd *heard* of it, but never seen a single episode. Nevertheless, within a week or two of watching occasional eps on FX in the afternoons, I was hooked completely. I bought up all the Buffy seasons and all the Angel seasons, one at a time, until I'd seen all of both shows. Then a friend of mine told me that I was missing something else of Joss's: Firefly. Before my addiction to Buffy & Angel, I'd have said "Joss Who?" But now he had my full attention. I went out searching for the Firefly DVD set the next day... and didn't find it. :( Took a couple weeks of trying, but I tracked it down at Best Buy, finally, when they got a new shipment in. I watched it over a 2-day stretch while my wife was out of town, then showed it to her when she got back. Boom - she was hooked, too!

Of course, my friend who'd turned me onto the show in the first place, being a somewhat evil bugger, hadn't told me there was a feature film coming out, until AFTER I'd watched the whole series. I found this site while searching for more info, and it's been kind of my home ever since. Needless to say, I was there at the theatre for the first screening on opening day, along with my wife. I took my friend to the 5:00pm showing when he got off work that day, too.

So we all got here by different means, but we're all here, don't matter how. And in all honesty, I'm more than a little bit touched by the welcomes that are given to the fresh faces. Most web boards I frequent, noobs are basically told to sit down and shut up until they learn and have something to contribute. Here, though, we were welcomed as new recruits and reinforcements, and the grizzled old veterans were actually glad to see us! It's amazing, really... and very cool. I'm glad to see it.

Let me throw out my "Welcome, Browncoats" to all the new recruits. You'll like it here, and you'll be among friends, all fighting the good fight.


"Kaylee, find that kid that's taking a dirt nap with baby Jesus; we need a hood ornament."


Thursday, January 5, 2006 6:09 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

WildHare wrote:


So I bought two copies of firefly. My personal copy and one I loan out. Only I only loan the first two disks. If they want to see what happens from then on they have to go buy it. Then I tell them hey there is the movie Serenity out too (which I also own of course) and it picks up where the show leaves off. I then tell them they have to watch firefly before you get it though.

What a cool idea! Though, since I think we're all agreed that Firefly and Serenity are an addiction, doesn't that kinda make you a Firefly pusher? :)

I've loaned out my Firefly set a few times now, and I think I'm gathering up a few recruits of my own. Not a battalion yet, but hopefully at least a platoon. Now they need to start putting their money where their mouths are, and buy the sets for themselves so THEY can loan them out, too. And from now on, I'm only loaning out the first two disks of Firefly!


"Kaylee, find that kid that's taking a dirt nap with baby Jesus; we need a hood ornament."


Thursday, January 5, 2006 7:22 PM


Hello, another new guy here. This whole thing is definitely addictive. I thought I was over the whole watching things obsessively phase back in the 80's (I'm an old school Star Wars geek) but this show and movie have pushed me to repeated viewings.

Not to mention I can't seem to get the Fruity Oaty bar song nor "The Hero of Canton" out of my head.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 8:59 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by dharmagal:
I’m another new fan. This is my first post, although I’ve been lurking for a few weeks.

I don’t like television.
Hadn’t had cable or satellite in over 18 years. On the way home from a meditation retreat this summer, I saw the first part of Serenity on SciFi. Fell in love.
Got Disk 1 from Netflix. Had to have my own, so I bought the DVDs.
Addicted. Is the term.
So when I tell you that I can’t get enough of the ‘verse, I want you to understand my full

I have to have more. I’m hopeful that there will be more because I’m doing to the math. I’ve managed to spread my addiction to 3 other households. None of these people had even heard of Firefly or Serenity. Now they’ve all got a big space monkey on their back too.

What I really want to do is thank everyone here for keeping this thing going so people like me can find it. And get addicted to it.

Welcome Dharmagal! Glad to have you aboard. Sorry for the lateness of the welcome, but I missed your intro in the middle of this thread.

Thanks for sharing how you came to discover our 'verse. Make yourself at home.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 9:21 AM


Thanks Browncoat1! I know I should have started a "hi I'm new here" thread, but this board is so big I got stage fright.

Dharmagal, who finds that meditation helps with the space monkeys


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 9:30 AM


I saw one episode of "firefly" before buying Serenity on DVD. Then I bought the box set. I'd rather be a late recruit than miss the fight all together!


Thursday, January 12, 2006 1:29 AM


I suppose this is the place for new recruits to fall in.

I've been on the ship, someone's ship anyway, since about late November of '05, and believe it or not it was because I borrowed the box set from someone who insisted a few discs were unavailable to me and that I would have to buy the boxed set on my own in order to get those discs in any reasonable amount of time.

I wasn’t much of a Joss Whedon fan nor was I a fan of how Fox treats its new shows, mostly because I didn’t know what Joss Whedon dialogue and characters were like, only that I was repulsed by the teeny-bopper image of the Buffy series, and never gave Angel a chance, and that Fox simply doesn’t understand the desires of its audience in the slightest, as firefly should've gotten the crucial Sunday 8:00pm timeslot that catapulted every other series that got the slot into the stratosphere (X-Files for one).

The show struck a chord with me as I deliver pizza, and make barely enough to keep gas in the car, and keep the car in running condition. 'Find a ship, keep the ship; find a job, keep flying.' Honestly if I had to live in my car, never out of the question as it were, I'd now need a portable DVD player and a box set of firefly in the glove box. I'd need it like a gospel message.

And, take this as you will, but the show seemed to have an underlying anarchist message whether Whedon intended it to or not. Not the raping, pillaging, murdering, left-nut, punk-rock 'capitalism kills' anarchism, just the bare fact that there isn't much law out in the Black, just a lot of people dealing with the consequences of their actions. 'I just wanna go my own way.'-sort of thing. That which I liked, as I believe folks can be decent to one another given the chance, and the way the Great American Democratic Republic Experiment is turning out hasn't impressed me much. It's not one or two presidencies; it's been a steady gradual drop in ratings, advertising revenue, merchandising, and overall popularity and audience participation since about 1952.

Maybe I'm just bitter missing out on the frontier days, yet growing up in Texas, and am fairly certain I won't live to see the Black expanse frontier days. That BIG frontier. But before this world sees the end of me I want to see first-hand if Earth looks like an un-twinkling blue/green star from the surface of Mars, and firefly greatly affirms within me that desire.

If you'll have me, I could lend a gun-hand and about $100_USD a month to whatever 'save the ship' fund is floating around at any given time, and I don't eat much.


*Addiction/Caffeine(1) *Alertness *Allergy/Pollen(1) *Combat Paralysis(1) *Fast Learner *Good Hearing *Tech Empathy *Vehicle(1) *Owns Vehicle

*Anarchist *Dependants(2) *In For Life/Browncoat *Introvert *Patience *Quirk/Jerk(1) *Quirk/Stubborn(2)
*Quirk/Regret Wasting School Years(1) *Stigma/Abjured Christian *Stigma/American *Stigma/Ricer
*Stigma/Pizza Delivery Driver


Thursday, January 12, 2006 3:55 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Welcome aboard ZiiAnarkist! Glad to have you here w/ us.

Thanks for sharing your story w/ us. Be sure to share Firefly & Serenity w/ everyone you know. We need to do all we can to push the DVD & expand the fanbase if we are to have any hope of a movie sequel.

Take care & keep flyin'!


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Thursday, January 12, 2006 6:44 AM


I noticed the recent influx, seeing as i came in with the rest of them. The Serenity DVD is definately what roped me in. I never even heard of firefly until i seen that movie, since i don't watch tv (dvd's are an exception)


Thursday, January 12, 2006 7:18 AM


Iv got the guys at Empire Mag to thank for my introduction to the 'verse. Middle of lat year i read in the pipeline article (the part of the mag were future projects in pre production are mentioned) had summit about the A team in space on it. I thought "oh cool" (i didn't even know about FIrefly) and read on.

November came and everything had became much clearer and more awsome, cowboys, space battles, cannibles, psiycic worrior girls, a cool black guy who kills people wiv a sword and the ultimate compute geek wth his own private planet. The BDM had finally arrived. Me and my dad went to see it and it was phenominal. Ive been a fan of starwars scince foreever ( i was dressed up at the first showing of ep 2 in my hometown, Redaing) but this was summit else, summit so much cooler, funnier, and generally more belivable. It let me connect with sci fi on a personal level like i never have before. Needless to say i fought the BDM was better than starwars Ep 3.

I then went through wot seems to be the classic cycle for a new browncoat, Elation at the firefly seires, and then depression at its sudden unjust end. Now I'm waiting for Serenity to come ot over here in the uk so i can buy it, and praying for some network to see how wonderful the 'verse is. Rock on people, Serenity will fly again!

"its clear that the only way around this is to stick my fingers in my ears, close my eyes and sing the firefly theme very loudly" a friend of mine talking about a cirtain scene in the BDM


Thursday, January 12, 2006 7:28 AM


Firefly/Serenity Noob here.

The only reason I even jumped on the wagon was due to the intriquing trailer for Serenity. Having heard of Firefly prior to the trailer but not actually seeing it peeked my curiousity as a movie was made based a canceled show.

After renting the series on Netflix, I instantly became a fan and big supporter. In fact, I was able to get a number of people interested in the show and movie as well!

I was disappointed to find that such a great show was canceled so abruptly. Here's to hoping for either a sequel or the reincarnation of the series!

Check out my blog!






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