Going global

UPDATED: Thursday, July 24, 2003 17:56
VIEWED: 1203
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Thursday, July 24, 2003 4:02 PM


Greetings, Firefly fans.

I've been watching Firefly on the Sci-Fi channel in the UK. Top stuff. It's like having the most beautiful and witty partner imaginable and knowing you'll never keep them.

Anyway, I'm desperate to see Firefly continue on TV ( it's just too damn good to be released at movie frequency ) and I had an idea. Just wondering how feasible it is.

As a Brit, I've travelled around Europe quite a bit. One of the first things you notice is the television. Home-grown shows are normally terrible. Imported shows suffer from laughable dubbing.

Given that a great proportion of making a show like Firefly goes into set creation and post-production, how viable is the prospect of running multiple casts that are native speakers of a foreign language? The same sets and CGI could be used. The only extra expense would be employing French / German / Spanish actors to take the principal and recurring roles.

It's my view that a show with Firefly's production values would be snapped up in overseas territories if they had an angle like that, especially given its anti-government stance ( which seems based on the US govt ).

I'm English, so the regular cast will do fine for me ;-)

I'm aware that certain things would need to change ( maybe the composition of the Alliance ) but generally, Firefly contains universal elements that will appeal to people of all cultures.

What do you guys think?



Thursday, July 24, 2003 5:56 PM


Unless a miracle happens, I don't think Firefly will be seen on the small screen in the United States again. At least, not any new episodes anyway. It may fly again in reruns on another network, U.S. SciFi or something, but Joss Wheaton is pretty much disgusted with how shamefully the fox network used him and has his sights on the silver screen. I think he would need a change of heart first before your plan could truly be considered. It's an interesting thought, though. (And, I've read a ton of them.) Every Browncoat around the world has considered what could be done to save or prolong Firefly. Would the U.K. consider producing Firefly? Any rumors of that on your side of the waves?

p.s. We Firefly fans have termed ourselves "Browncoats." Kinda like Star Trek fans have called themselves "Trekkies." I don't know why. To heighten the espirit de corp?

Viva Firefly!






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