Sexual tension between Mal and Inara

UPDATED: Friday, January 13, 2006 10:44
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Wednesday, January 11, 2006 8:30 AM


Sexual tension between Mal and Inara

My wife and I just got into the Firefly series. We saw the movie and liked it enough to catch the 12 episodes of the series that were on the air last week. (Actually we have seen 4 so far).

I found this site so I can get more information as to where I can find more episodes. Sadly I find that the 4-year-old series is cancelled. But I also saw a few posts that confused me to no end. A few posters were commenting on the sexual tension between Mal and Inara.

I for one don't get it. Believe me when I say I am no prude. I just don't get a prostitute as a "goal" for a permanent partner. I find the whole thing "icky." I am sure the writer wants me to feel the tension between those two the way I feel it between Simon and Kaylee, but it just doesn't work for me.

Inara is no catch! Who want to be romantically involved with a WORKING prostitute? That whole prostitute with the heart of gold only works for ex-prostitutes. Heck, throw me a bone. At least pretend like Inara wants to quit her job before looking longingly into Mal's eyes. And Mal, at least wait for her to get back from the client's bed and take a shower (washing the client's cooties off) before wishing you could kiss her.

It must be just me. My wife digs them too.

PS. I also hate River. Never liked uber-powerful heroes that can kill 20 trained professionals with a toothpick, but I love everything else about the show enough to be really sad it is over. Here is to Serenity 2...


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 9:33 AM


Love doesn't take into account trivialities like profession. The way I see it, Inara's trade is the biggest reason for why they don't get together, despite their mutual attraction.

I'm new here, by the way. My story of discovering Firefly is probably similar to what you've heard a lot of recently (being a devoted sci-fi fan, I saw Serenity and became interested. Got boxset, fell in love). It really brightened the holidays.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 10:00 AM


There is no comparison between Mal/Inara and Simon/Kaylee. Mal and Inara's relationship revolves around pain and need.

I have written long rambling posts about Mal and Inara in the past so I won't repeat it all here... but briefly.. we don't know yet what Inara was running from (why she left her home world to go out into the black). Whatever it was.. I do believe her to be running from something.. yet when she found Mal.. and the longer she is around him she finds herself more and more running TOWARDS something.. and that is Mal. Many a man may be attracted/want/love Inara the companion.. but it is the mystery of Mal.. a man who wants/needs/is attracted to/loves? Inara the WOMAN... the real her.. the one that can let down all her guards and be herself.. who can truely feel.. where her feelings matter.. that she is uncontrollably drawn to.

And their attraction towards each other.. is not based upon physical.. not even at the beginning.. it's much deeper. Inara is what will make Mal complete again... and able to feel pleasure. To let go of pain, bitterness and lonliness.. and feel joy and pleasure again. But they are both waiting... Mal is waiting for Inara to quit being a compainion.. and Inara is waiting for Mal to simply claim her as his... which I believe she would then willingly give up being a companion. I have said this before.. but I beleve that Mal will not end up in Inara's bed.. it will be she that ends up in his. She leaves men breatless with her "wiles".. but it is Mal that will leave her breathless..

As far as I can tell.. after the series and before the movie when Inara left.. she DID NOT continue to be a companion.. at least not still seeing clients. From what we saw in the movie and the deleted scenes.. she was just at a companion training house teaching other girls to be companions.. but it didn't appear she was seeing any more clients. I believe that after she felt the pain of what it felt like for the man she wantes.. and loves.. to willingly sleep with another (which is what Mal feels when she goes to a client).. she couldn't bring herself to see any more clients.. even as her and Mal are apart. Which will be the first step to bring them together.. although I believe it will take some kind of tragedy to finlally get them both to drop all their gards..

Ok.. beter stop there... before I write another thesis.. lol..



Wednesday, January 11, 2006 10:08 AM


River is not a hero. You really didnt get it apparently. Maybe you should watch the remaining 10 episodes ;)

And a compaion is of very high statue. You cant compare it to nowadays.

edit: And when did river kill 20 trained professionals?

Jayne: All those years of preacher training, getting knocked out by one bounty hunter
Book: Oh, dont get me wrong. I gave him a hell of a fight
Jayne: Epic i'm guessing


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 10:36 AM



first I would like to say Welcome,

Ok so you can either go to Bestbuy and get the box set of Firefly and finish watching or you can try to catch it on Sci-fi. Assuming you don't already have it.

Inara and Mal is a complex deal. I believe under todays standards you would be correct. I would want nothing to do with a prostitute. But in the show Prostitutes are elivated to some sort of level most normal men can not afford and likely don't cary the negatives that todays prostitutes do. Also Mal is no saint. Good/bad guy depending on the situation.

River, well she is a bad a$$. Not a natural born killer but something created. As you are well aware even today the super power governments have been trying to build a better soldier a super soldier so to speak. Assuming that progression continues in this field. I do not believe it is completely out of bound to see in 500 years our super soldiers will be quite remarkable killers.

My two cents...

Keep flyin'


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 10:50 AM


Welcome Third Monkey

Interesting to hear a guy's point of view. Me, I love the Mal and Inara relationship. His line, smug smile, and her "you knocked my wind out" look at the end of "Our Mrs. Reynolds", "I knew you kissed her" just kills me every time. Rewatch "Trash" for some more fun banter. But to "see the love", "Serenity-the Pilot" (when Mal tells Inara to take the passengers on the shuttle), "Shindig" ("don't take the job")and Objects in Space (the near touch at the end)show what is there beneath the fighting.

Warning - here comes the sacrilege - I like Mal and Inara the way I like (adore, reread a million times) Elizabeth and Darcy. I just hope that if there is a sequel out there, that Joss lets them finally come together at the end and doesn't pull a Wuthering Heights-type resolution on us. Isn't there a Lady Catherine figure (mistress of the Companion House perhaps) out there who could bring them together?


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 11:10 AM


Well I appreciate the welcomes. Thanks.

Is this a man/woman thing?

I mean you ladies would not accept the following line from a cheating husband: "Honey, I just slept with her...It's you I love"

Why should men accept that attitude from a prostitute? "Sleeping with others" is just my job and does not involve any emotions would not work for a man. Why is it OK for her? Inara needs to quit her job first and then see if she has a chance with Mal. It can't work the other way around.

For the record, my wife is on your side ladies. I just don't see how you can be on both sides of the sexual liberation front depending on which sexes are involved.

Am I the only one? Any guys out there agree with me?

I'll be back after I see more episodes. We are seeing them at a rate of 2 a day.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 11:15 AM


No I see your point Thirdmonkey perhaps it is a guy/girl thing.

Enjoy the rest of the series.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 11:29 AM


I love it. I think it fits into Mal's world and Mal's luck perfectly. Here's a man whose life is nothing but one complication, battle, and struggle after another. It seems only appropriate that the love of his life is a holier-than-thou space geisha that can't get around the politics of her chosen profession.

Select to view spoiler:

For what its worth, I think they did the Mal/Inara/Nandi triangle a real diservice by killing one of its members of before it ever got juicy.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 11:31 AM


I think the fact that she's a companion is a problem for Mal. Notice how many times he calls her "whore." He's not ok with her profession. He dosen't get why she does it. But, he's attracted to her and cares for her. To paraphrase Inara, he'll lay a man out (and refuse to run from a fight he knows he'll lose) for implying she's a whore. But he keeps calling her one to her face.

Inara identifies herself as a Companion. It's not just a job. It's who she's spent a great deal of her life training to become. (since she was 12 according to BDM deleted scenes) And she's attracted to this man who constantly degrades her work, but also tells her he respects her. He confuses and frightens her.

Watch Shindig. They talk a lot about her job.

Oh and welcome.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 12:51 PM



Originally posted by thirdmonkey:
... A few posters were commenting on the sexual tension between Mal and Inara.

I for one don't get it. Believe me when I say I am no prude. I just don't get a prostitute as a "goal" for a permanent partner. I find the whole thing "icky." I am sure the writer wants me to feel the tension between those two the way I feel it between Simon and Kaylee, but it just doesn't work for me.

Inara is no catch! Who want to be romantically involved with a WORKING prostitute? That whole prostitute with the heart of gold only works for ex-prostitutes. Heck, throw me a bone. At least pretend like Inara wants to quit her job before looking longingly into Mal's eyes. And Mal, at least wait for her to get back from the client's bed and take a shower (washing the client's cooties off) before wishing you could kiss her.

Ummm, that's the point - the tragedy of it. Mal is in love with her, yet feels exactly the way you do about it. Their relationship works (or, more accurately, doesn't work) on many different levels, but I think this is the underlying issue. It's not just Inara keeping Mal away - it's Mal keeping himself away for the very reasons you mention. And it goes both ways. The tension is not only between Mal and Inara, it is between Mal's life_and_beliefs and his heart, as it is between Inara's life_and_beliefs and her heart.

(Edited to add: LilKristy has explained it pretty well, actually...)

And, I don't know about anyone else, but I've never really felt sexual "tension" between Kaylee and Simon, more just amusement at the fumbling involved.

So welcome, thirdmonkey, and go get the DVDs and watch the rest of the episodes before you catch too many spoilers!!

Ain't. We. Just.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 1:15 PM



Originally posted by thirdmonkey:
Well I appreciate the welcomes. Thanks.

Is this a man/woman thing?

I mean you ladies would not accept the following line from a cheating husband: "Honey, I just slept with her...It's you I love"

Mal and Inara aren't married, though. They've made no kind of commitment whatsoever to one another, not even a boyfriend/girlfriend commitment. All they have is feelings for one another that neither of them wants to have.

And also, my cousin mentioned that they have a two-sided relationship that neither of them knows about. What this confusing statement means is that they both have feelings for each other, but neither one of them knows that. Mal doesn't know Inara is in love with him, especially she's repeatedly disdainful of him. Inara doesn't know Mal is in love with her, especially since he continually calls her a whore. But it's there for everybody else to see.

Anyways, welcome and sorry for the mini-rant!!

"I'm having one of those things - a headache with pictures."

"Sucker! Competitive violence, that's why you're here!"

Like books? Go to this thread:
to find out how to buy mine!


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 3:34 PM


I think a great moment between the two of them is in Out of Gas. At the dinner table, they are all joking around when ...

Inara: A Companion doesn't kiss and tell.
Mal: So there is kissing (sorry to misquote!)

...which seems like a mean remark at first but then he flashes her an absolutely sweet smile. With that look, it is clear that they care about each other - he is not being really mean and she knows that he doesn't.

As for calling her "whore"...I think he does it just to yank her chain. It is his way to get her attention - sort of junior high behavior but has anyone ever said that Mal was emotionally mature?

I liked the comment about the "two-sided" relationship. Joss mentions something like it in the commentary on Serenity - The Pilot when Mal and Inara look at each other but independently so during Kaylee's surgery. Also,
Inara does find out that Mal cares for her because Nandee drops a hint of it. I think that is why she decides to leave - she knows she can't fight both her feelings and his.

Well, enough drivel from me....sigh....which episode to watch tonight?


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 4:09 PM



Originally posted by nosadseven:

Ummm, that's the point - the tragedy of it. Mal is in love with her, yet feels exactly the way you do about it. Their relationship works (or, more accurately, doesn't work) on many different levels, but I think this is the underlying issue. It's not just Inara keeping Mal away - it's Mal keeping himself away for the very reasons you mention. And it goes both ways. The tension is not only between Mal and Inara, it is between Mal's life_and_beliefs and his heart, as it is between Inara's life_and_beliefs and her heart.

(Edited to add: LilKristy has explained it pretty well, actually...)

And, I don't know about anyone else, but I've never really felt sexual "tension" between Kaylee and Simon, more just amusement at the fumbling involved.

Ain't. We. Just.

On the money Nosadseven!

I am always torn when I watch Mal and Inara because of the whole prostitute thing...but I cant help feeling the love and wanting them together at the same time....ahhh the tragedy of it all!

Cant agree with you on the Simon Kaylee no tension though...I do feel it...when they were alone in the hall and get interrupted by Book...I was feeling it!

On a side note with Mal and Inara...did anyone else (Im sure I cant be the only one) notice the scene in the BDM where right after Mal askes Zoe if shes "here" and she tells him to go to the he rushes past the crew to the elevator he turns and looks straight at Inara. Its in the background and a half a second long but I notice it evertime and it slays me! I wonder if it was in the script...or just a great little idea from Nathan or Joss on set?

Ahhh....the TRAGEDY (deep sigh!)



Wednesday, January 11, 2006 4:26 PM


sorry if I repeat something, I find when you look at the two of them (Mal and Inara) after watching the series OVER AND OVER AND OVER and then the movie, You look past the fact she is a companion and it just becomes invisible to you, or maybe I am just crazy. Also the River thing you said. . . I am speechless, now what she can do may not be logical, but If I recall, she aint no normal girl, and plus the scene in the bar is one of my favourite fight scenes in history, due to her using one of my favourite fighting styles, to me River is quite perfect the way Joss made her.

If someone tries to kill you. . . You try and Kill em' right back!


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 4:49 PM


Personally, Mal and Inara are definitely my favorite of the three Firefly "couples." Don't get me wrong - I love all three (someday I want a marriage just like Wash and Zoe's!) - but Mal and Inara make the most interesting pair because of the "love that dare not speak its name" factor. The problems facing their love are colossal - not because she's an "icky" prostitute but because she would have to give up the high-status, well-paying career for which she has a natural talent aka her identity. Maybe it is the "girl" thing, but I can relate to Inara's struggle. Eventually she must make a choice between her career or the man she loves.

If the series had continued (or if it does - oh please oh please oh please!), I could see the relationship going one of two ways.

1. Inara gives up her career as a companion to be with Mal but goes through a period of depression when she realizes that she has committed herself to a life of petty thievery and rustic settings. Her discontent causes lots of fun drama in her relationship with Mal (fun for us, I mean). Eventually she finds a new high-status career - say as politician or writer or something - and Mal sacrifices his loathing for high society and occasionally acts as her arm candy at important events/shindigs/etc.

2. Inara and Mal have the most monumental quarral of their aquaintance, and one of them unthinkingly blurts out their true feelings for the other. They, of course, end up in bed together. They hook up repeatedly without ever really acknowledging their feelings for each other in words again, until finally Mal snaps in a fit of jealousy and gives Inara an ultimatum - him or the hooker life. Or - ooh - Mal sleeps with other women to make Inara as jealous as he is.

*curses in Mandarin* Okay, there had better be a sequel / mini-series / new show or I am going to die from lack of information!

Also, the relationship between Kaylee and Simon is adorable, but the sexual tension has always seemed really one-sided to me. Poor horny Kaylee.

P.S. I LOVE River. I took ballet for 10 years, and dancers are the toughest people you will ever meet (and also often crazy).

"Dear Diary, Today I was pompous and my sister was crazy. Today we were kidnapped by hill folk never to be seen again. It was the best day ever."


Thursday, January 12, 2006 6:11 AM


Jetgirl wroye

". . .as he rushes past the crew to the elevator he turns and looks straight at Inara."

Yup saw it and my heart ached.


Thursday, January 12, 2006 6:14 AM


Yup, me too. Watched the movie again last night, just to look for this and was stunned I hadn't noticed it before.

There had better be more.... I've got to know what happens between these two!!!!!!!!

"...You're fighting a war you cannot win."
"Yeah, I'm known for that."


Thursday, January 12, 2006 6:33 AM


Never icky.

Inara is a Companion, and everything she did through the series set out the rules and mores without making that big a deal out of it.

She really is quite grand, as evidenced by the way ordinary folks behave when she breezes in, but she has enough class not to abuse her status. (Er... except if some Jackass needs rescuing from Sheriffs and such.)

Anyone that beautiful could so easily have ended up as the empty bimbo others end up as. She never overdoes things, but has fun now and then.

I really like her schoolgirl crush moment in Jaynestown. Seth is talking about this big hero, and she goes all blushy and goofy "Yeah, he's a really great guy, isn't he?" Followed a moment later by a perfect gobsmack as she has now to try and fit Jayne into the picture...


Mal: Jayne?
Jayne: Yeah?
Mal: You want to tell me how come there's a statue of you here looking at me like I owe him something?
Jayne: Wishing I could, Captain.


Thursday, January 12, 2006 6:39 AM


Also, I think in the movie (what was I thinking when I loaned it to a friend!!!?? Anyways, it's not here so I have not checked) that Inara looks at the elevator to see if Mal is coming back when they all down and out in the corridor.

With regard to sexual tension, who else loved the "twist me about" line? Can't live with her - can't live without here.

And I also agree that, with the exception of the corridor scene, there is zilch sexual tension between Kaylee and Simon. That's not to say there isn't chemistry - there is. It is just that their relationship is just not a "she love me, she loves me not" kind of thing.

I love this thread!


Thursday, January 12, 2006 6:42 AM


America loves a winner!


On a side note with Mal and Inara...did anyone else (Im sure I cant be the only one) notice the scene in the BDM where right after Mal askes Zoe if shes "here" and she tells him to go to the he rushes past the crew to the elevator he turns and looks straight at Inara. Its in the background and a half a second long but I notice it evertime and it slays me! I wonder if it was in the script...or just a great little idea from Nathan or Joss on set?

Ahhh....the TRAGEDY (deep sigh!)

I'm in a hurry reading this, so I'm stuck with... huh? Where's that scene? At the end before the final battle ? ( mind races as I leave the a hurry )

Gonna check that out.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Thursday, January 12, 2006 7:54 AM


I think it happens right after Mal asks Zoe if she is there. It is in the foyer right after they throw a few grenades and they are getting ready to battle the Reavers.

Does anyone have the shooting script book? Don't you love the photo of Nathan and Morena talking to Joss on the Companion house set? Great lighting!

Back to the whore/Companion thing...interesting that Companion is capitalized, n'est-ce pas?


Thursday, January 12, 2006 11:04 AM



Originally posted by Jetgirl23:
On a side note with Mal and Inara...did anyone else (Im sure I cant be the only one) notice the scene in the BDM where right after Mal askes Zoe if shes "here" and she tells him to go to the he rushes past the crew to the elevator he turns and looks straight at Inara. Its in the background and a half a second long but I notice it evertime and it slays me! I wonder if it was in the script...or just a great little idea from Nathan or Joss on set?

Oh, I love that bit - especially how Mal is looking back as he's walking away. It reminds me of the moment in the pilot when Mal tells Inara to take the civilians into her shuttle to escape the reavers... That embracing push-away that said all that needed to be said about how much they cared. *sigh*

But the scene from the movie is indeed in the script.

From the Visual Companion Shooting Script:
MAL: You hold. Hold till I'm back.

He takes off - passes Inara, the two of them holding a look for as long as they can. Then he's in the elevator and gone.

Ain't. We. Just.


Thursday, January 12, 2006 11:38 AM


A little aside here.

At the recent Flanvention (during the banquet) I happened to use the expression "UST" within earshot of Nathan. He perked up his ears and said, "UST? What's that?"

I was almost laughing too hard to explain that it stood for "unresolved sexual tension".

Sorry for the interruption. i just thought it was hi-larious that Nathan Fillion, portrayer of Mal Reynolds, had never heard that acronym.

... Darn it, I'd forgotten that little moment and never put it in my reports from Flan I. Well, better late than never.

I don't disagree on any particular point.


Thursday, January 12, 2006 11:51 AM



Originally posted by nosadseven:
But the scene from the movie is indeed in the script.

From the Visual Companion Shooting Script:
MAL: You hold. Hold till I'm back.

He takes off - passes Inara, the two of them holding a look for as long as they can. Then he's in the elevator and gone.

Ain't. We. Just.

Ahhhhh...where do i get the VISUAL COMPANION you speak of!!!???

I am ordering the Firefly Soundtrack from Amazon as we speak. Gotta have that music on my Ipod

"Faster would be better"


Thursday, January 12, 2006 12:03 PM



Originally posted by Jetgirl23:
Ahhhhh...where do i get the VISUAL COMPANION you speak of!!!???

I am ordering the Firefly Soundtrack from Amazon as we speak. Gotta have that music on my Ipod

Well, you're already in the right place. Just search for Serenity Visual Companion in Books on Amazon.

Or follow the link on the main page of this site :-)

I don't disagree on any particular point.


Thursday, January 12, 2006 2:55 PM


I'm kinda shocked that no one has mentioned Companion were very heavily influenced by Geishas. Geisha, while they did sell their virginity and took on patrons, were not prostitutes. Geisha means 'artist'. They were highly respected and valued for their art of converation, elegance, talents at dance and music, amoung other attributes. They worked long and hard from an early age to attain these skills in training that as seems very much like Companion training. Being a geisha as I imagine being a companion is a very hard life. They can't marry and lead a very isolated life high on a pedistal. Not everyone can cut it. Nandi couldn't take the continuous training and practice.

I think Thirdmonkey is taking an aweful black and white view of Companions. Irana doesn't open her legs for anyone that flashed a couple of bucks her way. She chooses her clients very carefully. There's a big difference between Inara and Nandi and her girls.

Thirdmonkey, you seem to be taking the same stance as Atherton Wing and not able to see who Inara is beyond her profession. Mal's sees the real Inara. To paraphrase what he said in Shindig, Mal may disrespect her profession, but he respects her as a person.

Look at the flipside of it. Irara is a highly respected member of Alliance society. Mal is a thief, a smuggler, and murderer. Wouldn't that be kind of 'icky' to her? But she sees past that to who he really is.

Inara/Mal ship is my favorite in Firefly. I like the grand epicness of it. It could either go into tradgedy or fairly happily ever after and that's the fun of it. I never felt any sexual tension with Kaylee and Simon other than Simon's different than any man she's had the oppertunity to come in contact with. She wants the rich pretty boy. If I've felt any UST with Kaylee and anyone else is with Jayne. The way he was peeking into the infirmary when Kaylee was being operated on. I really think that's why he doesn't like Simon, because he's jealous of the big fuss Kaylee makes of it. I so don't see the River/Jayne thing so many people seem to see. I see abosolutely nothing there. Not to mention he's like 40 and she's 17.

Wow, look at how I rambled on. I hardly ever post.


"Shoot first, send flowers later. It works."
Colonel Jack O'Neill


Thursday, January 12, 2006 3:15 PM


People see a River/Jayne thing? Where? At first he just considers her a nut, after "Trash" he's almost afraid of her.


Thursday, January 12, 2006 4:41 PM


I got to get away from this thread....

But did y'all notice in Out of Gas that there is a nice link between Mal and Inara. She tells Simon that she loves Serenity and has from the moment she saw her just as, at the end of the episode, we see Mal as he falls in love with Serenity at first sight.

You spin me about


Thursday, January 12, 2006 4:42 PM



Originally posted by EmpXenu:
People see a River/Jayne thing? Where? At first he just considers her a nut, after "Trash" he's almost afraid of her.

People see every damn thing, and sometimes they give 'em cute names too:

River/Jayne - "Rayne"
Jayne/Kaylee - "Jaylee"
River/Simon - "CSI" (Crazy Space Incest)
Mal/Simon (or any m/m) - "HoYay" (Homoeroticism Yay!), or the general fanfic term, "slash"

Ain't. We. Just.


Thursday, January 12, 2006 4:44 PM


I noticed it too, Capercaillie. Good connection between the two of them that....

"...You're fighting a war you cannot win."
"Yeah, I'm known for that."


Thursday, January 12, 2006 4:49 PM



Originally posted by EmpXenu:
People see a River/Jayne thing? Where?

If you'll look in the Blue Sun Room at the fanfiction. A great many of the stories feature a Jayne/River pairing. Also at Dragon Con this year several of the fans asked Adam Baldwin when River and Jayne were getting together. His argument for it never happening was the 20 year age difference and that Jayne is afraid of River. That was the first I heard of it, then the deeper I got into the Firefly fan network the more I saw of the River/Jayne shippers.


"Shoot first, send flowers later. It works."
Colonel Jack O'Neill


Friday, January 13, 2006 5:42 AM



Originally posted by VickyOcean:
... Irana doesn't open her legs for anyone that flashed a couple of bucks her way. She chooses her clients very carefully. There's a big difference between Inara and Nandi and her girls...

Sorry I just can't let that go

Cheating husband to wife: "Honey I don't just jump into bed with any woman. I pick and choose carefully..."

I guess as long as we are selective...


Friday, January 13, 2006 5:51 AM



Originally posted by thirdmonkey:

Originally posted by VickyOcean:
... Irana doesn't open her legs for anyone that flashed a couple of bucks her way. She chooses her clients very carefully. There's a big difference between Inara and Nandi and her girls...

Sorry I just can't let that go

Cheating husband to wife: "Honey I don't just jump into bed with any woman. I pick and choose carefully..."

I guess as long as we are selective...

Sorry, but I can't let that go either.

You apparently missed my earlier post where I reminded you that Inara and Mal are NOT MARRIED, nor have they made any kind of commitment to one another. Therefore this argument is completely moot. I am sure if the day ever came when Mal and Inara got married, she would never cheat on him with anyone. She would give up her profession as a companion. This is probably why she's reluctant to get into anything with Mal because she doesn't want to give up what her whole life has been about up until now.

"I'm having one of those things - a headache with pictures."

"Sucker! Competitive violence, that's why you're here!"

Like books? Go to this thread:
to find out how to buy mine!


Friday, January 13, 2006 7:11 AM



Originally posted by thirdmonkey:

I for one don't get it. Believe me when I say I am no prude. I just don't get a prostitute as a "goal" for a permanent partner.

She's not a prostitute, she's a 'companion' (courtesane) - and yes you do seem to have a hangup on sex.


Originally posted by thirdmonkey:

Inara is no catch!

So you chose your wife based on what others would think of her and not because of how you felt- how superficial.


Friday, January 13, 2006 10:09 AM


What's with the personal attacks?

Fine, I'll admit it. I do have a "sexual hangup" with sex with anyone other than your partner. I am glad you and your partner don't.

Substitute "cheating boyfriend" for "cheating husband" in my previous post. That will cover the fact that they are not married.


Friday, January 13, 2006 10:18 AM


I'm "sensin' some tension" out there and it's not all UST !!

Let's keep it fun and friendly. We can all agree to disagree....We just probably shouldn't go car-shopping together. (I love the male/female thing on CarTalk)

Remember Mal and Inara are fictional characters not fictionalized people.

Now, back to the fun stuff...

In OOG, when we see Mal and Inara meet for the first time, he says "whore" just under his breath and SHE chooses to respond to it with "That's the last time you get to call me 'whore'" Honestly, she set the whole dynamic up on that one. Besides, she admits to Book that she has "called him worse".

With regard to UST, any comments on the morning meet-up outside Nandi's room in HOG. That was so perfectly awkward!

You spin me about


Friday, January 13, 2006 10:44 AM



Originally posted by thirdmonkey:
What's with the personal attacks?

Fine, I'll admit it. I do have a "sexual hangup" with sex with anyone other than your partner. I am glad you and your partner don't.

Substitute "cheating boyfriend" for "cheating husband" in my previous post. That will cover the fact that they are not married.

I wasn't personally attacking you. Didn't my smiley face indicate that? I was just presenting a different point of view that you seem to have not considered. That is what a discussion board is for, no? Also, they aren't dating at all. That's why I don't think your argument applies. They aren't even going out. They're still in the "does he/doesn't he" "should I/shouldn't I" phase.

Okay, here's a bunch of happy emoticons so you can see I'm not personally attacking you.

"I'm having one of those things - a headache with pictures."

"Sucker! Competitive violence, that's why you're here!"

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