Dorkdom that is firefly fandom

UPDATED: Thursday, February 2, 2006 05:09
VIEWED: 13197
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Tuesday, January 17, 2006 12:45 PM


So, I was thinking that when we all love something as much as...well, we all love firefly then we can't help but express it in everday life. So...welcome to the Dorkdom.

Dorkdom law states that if in deed and work and speech and breath you can not go one day without relating your daily activities to the 'verse, then you are a qualified citizen of said dorkdom.

To illustrate your rightful place in this society, you must provide examples of such behavior.

The aforementioned requirements as follows:

I have previously mentioned that when a car part(the catalytic converter) went bad in my car I had to call around and price the repair. Except, when I called I kept telling everyone that it was the catylizer that was broken. I did not realize my mistake until later and even then, I was not

Also, any new news now illicits a Shiny! from me, whereas any bad news is most certain to get a gorramnit or ruttin' (insert explicative here).

Claim your rightful place in the dorkdom with me!

"See this is another sign of your tragic space dementia, all paranoid and crochety. Breaks the heart." -Mal


Tuesday, January 17, 2006 12:53 PM


During Christmas my mom, sister, and cousin came to visit. I put on Serentiy but we are all way too chatty, so none of us were paying attention till I put on the Fruity Oaty Bar Commercial Easter Egg. My sister's attention was caught by the catchy beat so she and I got up and did a go-go dance to the commercial. My cousin Will and mom were cracking up! THey made fun of us for the rest of the day! I think Firefly has eliminated my ability to function as a normal human being.


Tuesday, January 17, 2006 12:54 PM


This looks pretty neat. I'll be a member of Dorkdom too.

Here's my little story to assure my place here:

I was in Orlando for Martin Luther King Jr. weekend and I had to bring Serenity with me to watch on the way up. Anyways, I decided to go to Disney Marketplace and spend some time in Pleasure Island and the Virgin Megastore nearby to pick up a CD that I couldn't find. Anywho, whilst there, I saw that they were playing Serenity on the big screens everywhere. What did I do? I stood there and watched the gorram thing for nearly an hour and started repeating the lines. My family told me we had to go and started to get pissed at me for just staring and standing there for nearly an hour and we had to leave. I couldn't not stop and watch. I needed to have my Firefly/Serenity fix right then and there.

BTW, Serenity was the first thing that was in the store when I walked in and I was really proud of it cause everyone said it was selling like hot cakes in Alaska. A pat on the back is deserved for everyone for a job well done in making our BDM known.

*Pats gypsylife's and Leighkohl's back*

Jayne: Are you saying River's a witch?
Wash: Yes, Jayne, she's a witch. She's had congress with the Beast.
Jayne: She's in Congress?
Wash: How did your brain even learn human speech? I'm just so curious!


Tuesday, January 17, 2006 12:59 PM



Originally posted by Leighkohl:
I think Firefly has eliminated my ability to function as a normal human being.

I think that Firefly has eliminated everyone's ability to function as normal human beings, sweetie. It's affected everyone in a profound way and I don't think we can live a day without it. It's what we like to call obsession, but it's a healthy one.

Jayne: Are you saying River's a witch?
Wash: Yes, Jayne, she's a witch. She's had congress with the Beast.
Jayne: She's in Congress?
Wash: How did your brain even learn human speech? I'm just so curious!


Tuesday, January 17, 2006 1:01 PM


2 things:

1. The people I work with are not quite up on the latest trends, much less cancelled tv shows from years back. But they DO know I'm a Firefly fan (even the word Browncoat is a bit much for them to understand). I work in a daycare with 20 three year olds, and often find myself using the line, "You might not want to mistake that for a suggestion," among MANY other lines. Also, I have a sweatshirt I ordered that is brown (duh) and says Browncoat on it. the people I work with are so clueless, despite my constant firefly-isms and clothing, that someone actually asked me if I couldn't remember the color of my coat. So of course I launched into the explanation of the series and movie in its entirety to which he replied, "You're weird, you know?" and I said, "Shiny."

2. My dorkiness over Firefly is SO bad that when I got married, I actually made my husband wear his Mal costume when we got home, wear a hat made out of a tree, and drink rice wine out of a bowl so we could "really be married". Man, that's SAD. :)

***Never judge a book by its movie***


Tuesday, January 17, 2006 1:46 PM


Hmm, finally, a club I can relate to.

I recently converted a good friend of mine, along with the rest of her family, to the ‘verse.

She now grades every hot guy that she passes on the street on the Simon scale.

Between us, we have slipped so deeply into the ‘Dorkdom effect’ that on New Years Eve, a group of us were in the car, in the middle of town and decided that we had to spread the word. We rolled down the windows and sung The Hero of Canton at the top of our lungs.

The fact this seemed to me to be so completely acceptable and appropriate worried me for about .2 of a second. Then we started on the theme song.

I have used the lingo in day to day life for awhile but a week ago I used it for the first without consciously realising it was of firefly origin. I mentioned that someone was “all manner of angry with me”. The slip of tongue delighted me in ways that only those tipped over the edge into the ‘obsession’ category would quite relate to. To me it felt like a milestone.


Tuesday, January 17, 2006 1:59 PM


Ok, dorkdom here I am.

Took my daughter to the dentist today... long story short, they wouldn't see her, were rude to her. I stood there while the amazing anger washed over me, then I said abruptly... "NO, shiny, the wheel never stops turning... " and I walked out of there, just like Mal.

Felt good.

"Come a day there won't be room for naughty men like us to slip about at all." - Malcolm Reynolds


Tuesday, January 17, 2006 6:20 PM


well lets see......

I am working on building my vocab up to include all the Firefly words I can. And its working. Gorram and shiny are widely used, and my mother understands being a bit of a brown coat herself, but I wasn't happy with those. So I wrote out a paper of usable cusses and such, and take it with me werever I go. It was a little embaresing at first, cause when I got mad I'd have to pick out the paper and read to the appropriet word, but I hardly have to look at it at all anymore. I can say Gou shi on reflex, though my friends, who have always thought I was a little fong luh give me even wierder looks then usaule. I just say, "What?"

I'v also found my tastes in clothes have changed. I used to just wear jeans and any shirt I had lying around, but now I find myself asking, hmmmmm is there anyway I can get that more Asian? Like flowers and such? I also went shoe shopping today, picked out a pair of boots that looked almost exactly like rivers. The leather ones. The clerk looked at me real strange when I told him I was getting them cause they were so "shiny" They were not the 'shiny' type of shiny. :) LOL

Oh yeah, and I'v turned in homework with Firefly jargon written in, and had to re do it because Gou shi is not, according to my teacher, a word. :P The Hwoon dahn!

If you play check out the region Firefly.


Tuesday, January 17, 2006 7:33 PM


I was making a return at the Tower store, and the manager and I were stuck waiting for the register to spit out a return ticket. I held out for about 5 seconds before I was like, "So, how're Serenity and Firefly selling?" My fiance also caught me moving DVDs around on their shelf so that their single Firefly box set was facing cover-forward rather than spine-forward for that convenient impulse buy...


Tuesday, January 17, 2006 8:26 PM


My boss has a lot of inspirational posters in his office so I printed a copy of the "chain of command" one (off this site) and stuck it to his door (thankfully, he has a sense of humor). I find myself doing a hokey "ha-ha-ha, mine is an evil laugh" whenever I find a situation that applys. "That's a might disturbin'" and "shiny" also get daily use. I've been trying to slip chinese curses in but keep forgeting them (I'll have try carrying a list, thanks for the shiny idea).

Some people juggle geese!


Tuesday, January 17, 2006 8:44 PM


I was in my car the other day and the song on the radio finished and all of a sudden, it started...

"Take my love, take my land.
Take me where I cannot stand..."


It took me a full minute or so to realise that it was my phone ringing.

I'm geeky enough to be thinking that the theme song of Firefly would be played on the radio. Does that count?

"He's hurting a woman, he really *is* a bad guy... and I wouldn't call him a gentleman."
- Kyle, 9, watching 'Serenity'.


Tuesday, January 17, 2006 8:47 PM


Slayer730 you are my hero. I love the 'ah, can't you remember the colour of your coat story' Now tell me did you get your husband to say that he aims to misbehave. Whew baby;)


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 6:03 AM



Originally posted by slayer730:
My dorkiness over Firefly is SO bad that when I got married, I actually made my husband wear his Mal costume when we got home, wear a hat made out of a tree, and drink rice wine out of a bowl so we could "really be married". Man, that's SAD. :)

I think it's sweet. I'd do that in a heartbeat for my beloved, if I ever start having a beloved.

I don't disagree on any particular point.


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 6:51 AM


Me too ... me too!!!
A few days after me and my sister discovered SERENITY/FIREFLY... I was picking her up from work and of course we we're talking about Mal and the rest of the gang when I came to a moment of clarity and told her how happy and relieved I am that I'm still alive and that I didn't kill myself when the urge to do so was at it's strongest. (I've had a troubled past-- All is well now though!)Co'z if I did... I would have missed out on Firefly/Serenity. I would have missed out on what I think is the best addiction/obsession anyone could ask for. (family and your significant other excluded of course!).
She looked at me as any normal person would( eyes and mouth wide open), shook her head in disbelief... I smiled and told her that I will never think of commiting that gorram act ever again. To my relief.. Instead of slapping me at the bak of my head or instead of crying... She smiled and said something like... "You big dummy... You would have found out about Firefly/Serenity any way". She said... One night... You'll miss me and come to haunt me and guess what I'll be doing?? Watching Firefly/Serenity ...of course!!! That thought hasn't entered my mind I guess (smile!)and I think she's right co'z eversince we found out about this verse.... That's all we ever do.
Don't get me wrong though... I'm still happy to be alive (smile).


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 8:44 AM


Does the fact that I refuse to leave the library before I post here--at the risk of being late to class--not count?
Humm, what makes me qualified to be a member of Dorkdom? If you read my post on the "You know you're obsessed when..." thread, you'll understand why I am SUPER qualified to be a member.
Here's a story, though. The other day at work I trained a new girl. My boyfirend came in to see me and he warned--YES WARNED--the newbie about my Firefly/Serenity obsession. He told her to make fun of me every time I said "shiny" and "gorramnit" because he's so sick of hearing me say those words. I told her not to--I'm her manager! And I gave him the look of death (followed by a bright and beautiful smile).
Me, qualified for Dorkdom? Nah.

Wacky fun!


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 9:05 AM


The following words are now as much a part of my vocabulary as door, dog, bed, etc. "Shiny, Gorram, Dong-ma, ruttin... On top of all of that I use the phrase "Hand to God" quite frequently...Thanks Wash and his juggled goslings.

"Smellin' alot of IF comin' offa' this plan!"


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 11:03 AM


Ok... first off... why aren't any of you living in my ruttin' city so I can hang with others of my ilk?

I would have loved to have gone around singing the Hero of Canton on New Year's Eve!

Here's my contribution to prove my dorkdom:

I bought myself the Firefly dvds and was sooooo blown away that I have since bought me a 'back-up' copy, another for my best friend and yet another for new friends that are keen to misbehave. I also got a copy of Serenity for Christmas that I promptly gave away to someone not as fortunate as I. I also ordered my own copy of Finding Serenity and read it cover to cover, only to give it away to another close fried and fan. After that, I re-ordered the book and film (along the the role playing game, some Buffy books and the original Firefly score cd) but the order was taking too long to arrive... So, I went out and bought 4 copies of Serenity, kept one for me, gave the other 3 to my girlfriends when we were out for dinner on Friday night.

I figure I need to contribute the dvd sales... gotta keep the signal strong - we want more Firefly right? Right :)

(Oh, and for New Year's Eve this year, I watched 7 straight hours of Firefly, pausing only for champagne at midnight.)

I must take a moment to encourage anyone who has not read Finding Serenity to go do so at your earliest convenience. It was one of the most rewarding reads of recent past and made me see that others watch the show with the same eye for detail as myself.

I cannot tell you just how great it is to find a wealth of kindred folk out her in the verse like yourselves.



Ching-wah TSAO duh liou mahng. Shiny.


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 11:22 AM



Originally posted by Ninah148:
My fiance also caught me moving DVDs around on their shelf so that their single Firefly box set was facing cover-forward rather than spine-forward for that convenient impulse buy...

Hahaha! My idea is spreading throughout this place!

Jayne: Are you saying River's a witch?
Wash: Yes, Jayne, she's a witch. She's had congress with the Beast.
Jayne: She's in Congress?
Wash: How did your brain even learn human speech? I'm just so curious!


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 11:40 AM



Does the fact that I am teaching my 2 yr old to use shiny count me in? I'll ask Gabe(the aformentioned tyke) "Do you like broccoli?" his reply "It's shiny!" Or alternatly "not shiny"
Although the other mothers at the playground look at me a bit weird husband said something under his breath to the effect of "they always did honey". I'm not sure I know what he's talking about *ehem*
I also taught the little one "mine is an evil laugh" and then he gives this goofy 2yr old evil laugh. Kids are fun.
I find myself just lonely for Firefly..I'm still in the "just finished watching all the episodes sad sad sad phase"
Oh, and much like I believe Doncoat I use "my hand t' God" and "Hey we could be juggling geese" and a few other Wash-isms.
Oh and I read any fanfic Gypsylife writes too..they rock!
can I be a card carrying Dorkdom member, too? pretty puuulleeeaaassseeee.


" ya ever sailed on a Firefly?"


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 12:36 PM



Originally posted by Lola:
Oh, and much like I believe Doncoat I use "my hand t' God"...

That was Greyfury. However, I shall start using it (even though I'm agnostic) just so you won't be wrong...

I don't disagree on any particular point.


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 1:01 PM


I had to stop myself from telling a developer who works for me that it's love that would keep his code flying.

Yes, I'm definitely into this.


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 1:48 PM


I'm living in something of a sci-fi vacum - Geeks will not be tolerated, so I have to keep things subtle, quotes and references are frequent but low-key, I bought my self some goslings to juggle, but so far haven't managed to learn well enough to juggle in public, so visible signs are kept to the 'Browncoats' band around my wrist.

so I haven't quite earned my wings yet, but one day the Dorkdom will spring forth...

I just had to tell this touching little story though, my mom (converted in spirit, she knows all about it and likes what she knows, I just have to pin her down long enough to see the actual episodes) Comes into my room sometimes to say goodnight etc, and since I put that picture from the caption competition (Nathan and Zoe pulling faces on the Mule in the BDM) She's started coming right into the room, facing the screen and kind of lingering...

I got the hint tonight and closed down all of the browser windows so she could see it, and giggle, and go to bed happy.

She's great, and just imagine what she'll be like when she's actually seen them.


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 2:03 PM


I love my Doncoat! or captain as Kaylee would say :)


"ever sailed on a Firefly?"


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 2:20 PM


Yes.....I really thought that it would take a lot to get me and well it has happened.

I am trying to stop myself from using "Shinny" in everyday life but I think that it might just have to be a regular thing. Stopping "Goramit" it is getting to be a pretty regular thing.

Yes, I am a DORK. With a big D.


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 2:24 PM



Originally posted by Jacqui:
I'm geeky enough to be thinking that the theme song of Firefly would be played on the radio. Does that count?

And, apparently I'm geeky enough to have believed you actually heard it on the radio -- until you finished your story, properly explaining the misunderstanding.

I think we all need to get a life.

"These are stone killers, little man. They ain't cuddly like me."


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 4:23 PM


Oh yes, my man is quick with the Malisms. And I find myself spouting weird lines like "Don't shame me in front of new people." The aforementioned people just stare at me in confusion. Like the random guy did when I asked him to take a picture of me and my husband by the Serenity poster at the theater on opening day. It also could have something to do with the fact that I approached the topic of asking a stranger to take my picture by saying, "Can I ask you something weird?"

Also, I have committed the ultimate act of fandom and completed my unholy trilogy of Whedon-inspired tattoos. That's right kiddies: I have a sweet tattoo of my girl and yours - Serenity - on my back that says Browncoat underneath. Hey - some people juggle geese.

And a teeny bit of useless info: I work in a daycare and next week's theme is Wild West. I'm still pondering how to make it a very Browncoat craft week for my 3 year olds. Just another excuse for me to initiate my passel of critters: like wearing my Jayne hat on Crazy Hat Day...

***Never judge a book by its movie***


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 10:50 PM



Originally posted by Jacqui:

I was in my car the other day and the song on the radio finished and all of a sudden, it started...

"Take my love, take my land.
Take me where I cannot stand..."


It took me a full minute or so to realise that it was my phone ringing.

I'm geeky enough to be thinking that the theme song of Firefly would be played on the radio. Does that count?

"He's hurting a woman, he really *is* a bad guy... and I wouldn't call him a gentleman."
- Kyle, 9, watching 'Serenity'.

Where in the 'verse did you get the ringtone? And what type of phone do you have? I want...bad

"There is a sense that this is still not over. It's hard to put a finger on what's so special about this project and about this group of people, but it's just one of those things you have to trust in, and relish. I am very, very proud."
---Jewel Staite on "Firefly" and "Serenity" in "Finding Serenity" (essay collection by Jane Espenson)


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 11:06 PM



Originally posted by TheCrazyIvan:

Where in the 'verse did you get the ringtone? And what type of phone do you have? I want...bad

I have a Sony Ericsson z800i. It has real tones, which means I could grab the actual theme song (not a ringtone) from my computer and transfer it across.

I've also got soundbites from episodes on it, too. So, if I'm bored or need a pick up... I can press a button...

"Dear Diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy... today we were kidnapped by hillfolk, never to be seen again. It was the best day ever."

I am a simple being.

"He's hurting a woman, he really *is* a bad guy... and I wouldn't call him a gentleman."
- Kyle, 9, watching 'Serenity'.


Thursday, January 19, 2006 9:33 AM


I love each and every one of you dorks in a deep and meaningful way.

No really good stories like some of you guys (thanks for breaking up a dull workday), but occasionally I threaten my two-year-old daughter with the chain of command. My poor wife is going to cramp her eyes rolling them that much.

For the record, my little girl doesn't bat an eyelash. I suppose I'm as harmless as Jayne to her.


Thursday, January 19, 2006 9:44 AM


As a teacher I am a stickler about grammar, spelling, and the such - but gorram it, if 'ain't' hasn't started to sound right to me!


Thursday, January 19, 2006 10:11 AM


I love it! You guys are all wonderful citizens!! Keep the stories's wonderful to know that there are other dorks just like me.

"See this is another sign of your tragic space dementia, all paranoid and crochety. Breaks the heart." -Mal


Thursday, January 19, 2006 11:54 AM


I dont consider myself a Dork...I consider those who consider me a Dork, Dorks.

I got everybody at work Sayin "Shiney"...I just grin...I mean these are rough tough sailors barely educated enough to sign a pay check.All they know in life is where to find prostitutes and whiskey so watchin a fiction show would be "Dorky" ( and thats puttin it nice).

But there in again I am "El Capitain" so what I say goes or you goes overboard.

Saying that God authored confusion by creating Lucifer is like saying my sniper rifle goes out all by itself and shoots people 2 miles away so I dont get into trouble.

Ridin the Ocean's boring when there aint no waves


Monday, January 30, 2006 8:00 PM


I just love this thread so I decided to bump it!


Monday, January 30, 2006 8:43 PM


Ha, I'll second that motion.

We really are an odd conglomeration, aren't we? We've got sailors, business men--and women-- students, kids and on and on and on. SHINY! This thread is fun. It makes me realize just how at-home I am here.

Wacky fun!


Monday, January 30, 2006 9:46 PM


I was comforting a friend recently as she was going through a rough time. In the middle of doing so I actually gave her the 'love' speech from the end of Serenity. Forget that the speech has no real world references, after I was done she just sat there in stunned silence! I think she felt a little better because at least she wasn't retarded like me.


Monday, January 30, 2006 10:06 PM


I find I'm actually more suspending my daily activities, in favor of the 'verse, rather than relating them to it; does that count, too?

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam.


Tuesday, January 31, 2006 3:45 AM



Originally posted by ethan:
I think she felt a little better because at least she wasn't retarded like me.

LOL! In fact, LOL at a bunch of these which hit awfully close to home. The wedding... The day care... The RADIO! What a wunnerful thread.


Tuesday, January 31, 2006 10:36 AM


I have to say I can relate. I am a high school history teacher and I have found myself using Mal-isms from time to time.


"(student), your mouth is talking, you might want to see to that."

"why are we discussing what's already been decided?"


Tuesday, January 31, 2006 12:44 PM


That's totally awesome! You gave her the speech? Did she realize what it was from, or did you have to tell her? No, really, you aren't retarded--because if you are, then that means I am too, and I don't generally like myself when I'm retarded.

Using lines from the show is an unintentional constant in my life. Inadvertantly relating real-life situations to scenes from the show/movie drives my freinds, family and the strangers around me crazy. My brother is sick of being called the "man-ape-gone-wrong-thing" as are some of the people I work with. My boyfriend has actually forbidden me to talk about it when we're together, though that doesn't stop me from referring to it when I email him. My boss wants to borrow the movie from me, but I don't think I can let it go for that long. Aargh! Obsessed? No, not me! Never!

Wacky fun!


Tuesday, January 31, 2006 1:07 PM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Mattie:
My boyfriend has actually forbidden me to talk about it when we're together

Dump that loser now! If he can't get with the 'Fly he needs to get with the 'Bye...

(joking of course...still)

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Tuesday, January 31, 2006 1:22 PM


Haha, it turns out I may qualify, after all.

Okay, so I do some Ministerial work (and no, don't say, "Keep walking, preacher-man", cuz I ain't gonna go anywhere, lol). And I was drafting some sort of positional paper today. Being totally crazy about River, and I really mean utterly smitten, plus having spent half the day here among my fellow browncoats, I find myself writing this:

"The soul is that (psychic) part of our creation that was made in the image of God, invisible and not of the material, and what constitutes the real man."

I stared at it; it looked off somehow; but I could, for the life of me, not put my finger on it. Then, after 5 minutes, I finally saw it: I meant "spiritual", instead of "psychic". LOL

Oh Gawd, it's gotten bad! :) Arghhh.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam.


Tuesday, January 31, 2006 3:27 PM



Originally posted by Mattie:
Did she realize what it was from, or did you have to tell her?
...Wacky fun!

No, but knowing me she probably had a pretty good idea, lol.


Tuesday, January 31, 2006 6:31 PM


Ok, so I'm midway through "Wild West Week" at my daycare. On Thursday we're having a "wear your cowboy clothes day". Since I'm the resident artist at my job (don't ask), they asked me to design a sign to keep the parents informed. So I made the sign...and subtley added in GIANT blue letters:

"Mighty Fine Shindig!"

***Never judge a book by its movie***


Tuesday, January 31, 2006 6:47 PM



Originally posted by Omelet:
I think that Firefly has eliminated everyone's ability to function as normal human beings, sweetie. It's affected everyone in a profound way and I don't think we can live a day without it...

At Hollywood Video I picked up 2 previewed copies of Serenity along with another DVD. The cashier asked, "Do you know you've got two of the same movie?" I of course took that opportunity to spread the word. Yes, it has affected us.


Tuesday, January 31, 2006 6:47 PM



Originally posted by Omelet:
I think that Firefly has eliminated everyone's ability to function as normal human beings, sweetie. It's affected everyone in a profound way and I don't think we can live a day without it...

At Hollywood Video I picked up 2 previewed copies of Serenity along with another DVD. The cashier asked, "Do you know you've got two of the same movie?" I of course took that opportunity to spread the word. Yes, it has affected us.


Tuesday, January 31, 2006 7:32 PM



Originally posted by LatinForBad:
I had to stop myself from telling a developer who works for me that it's love that would keep his code flying.

Yes, I'm definitely into this.

OK, I'm ROTFL on that one. (grin)
I've taught the elementary school kids on my bus route the Firefly theme song.
I say "shiny" and "gorrammit" a lot. Occasionally by accident on the radio.
My coworkers think I am insane.
My best friend whose disc set we watched noted, "I like the show, but you are OBSESSED."

The kicker? My 8 year old's exclamation at the dinner table when he was saying grace and forgot part of the prayer:

"Dammit, mal, I forgot my line!"
(from the FF wrap-party reel)

Think I likley qualify.

Oh yeah, and for days afer watching the show, none of us can seem to break out of the lingo. Honest, I got more book learnin' than to say "ain't".

"Do not go gentle into that good night....
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. . ."
--Dylan Thomas

If you make my favorite show disappear forever, you *will* go to a very special level of hell, one reserved for child molesters, people who talk at the theater, and Fox executives.


Tuesday, January 31, 2006 7:39 PM


Also, I have committed the ultimate act of fandom and completed my unholy trilogy of Whedon-inspired tattoos. That's right kiddies: I have a sweet tattoo of my girl and yours - Serenity - on my back that says Browncoat underneath. Hey - some people juggle geese.
Just another excuse for me to initiate my passel of critters: like wearing my Jayne hat on Crazy Hat Day...

***Never judge a book by its movie***

Um, where did you get a Jayne hat and who designed that tattoo? i am thinking about being brave and getting one....

"Do not go gentle into that good night....
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. . ."
--Dylan Thomas

If you make my favorite show disappear forever, you *will* go to a very special level of hell, one reserved for child molesters, people who talk at the theater, and Fox executives.


Tuesday, January 31, 2006 7:45 PM


I preface this statement with the fact that

A) I come from a rural, hunting type family
B) I am a disabled veteran
C) I have worked, in my life, with some very scary people...

I preface all this because I own firearms...not a ton...less than 10...anyway, I add this disclaimer because people think guns and think psycho many time...i dont think I am, but guns are part of my family and what I grew up with...

but, anyway, my brother in law just recently got a new gun for christmas, and the families were all together, and he and I were talking about trying to find time to go shooting together...our wives (sisters) were going on about some such stuff, and the kids (my son, his daughter, ages 4 and 3 respectively) were playing in the living room at our feet...

It is then that I hear my niece say:
"My daddy got a new rifle..."

To which my son looks her straight in the face and replies...
"My daddy has the captain's gun from firefly..."

Sure enough I had just gotten a ruger blackhawk (revolver) with a 7.5" barrel to be my backup bush gun...being who I am, and without thinking, I replied...

"Actually son, this one is more like Jayne's..."

and he looked at me like, hmm, ok, and went back to playing....


Tuesday, January 31, 2006 7:52 PM



Dump that loser now! If he can't get with the 'Fly he needs to get with the 'Bye...

Well, you're not the first one to tell me that, though you are the first to tell me to do that for that reason. I think you're right though, even though you were kidding .

Wacky fun!


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 1:22 PM



I got the Jayne hat here:

And the tattoo was Serenity in line art that I actually picked up in the blue sun room here aeons ago. (I don't remember who originally drew it, sorry). The Browncoat part was my design.

***Never judge a book by its movie***


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 2:26 PM


I made 20 decks of Blue Sun Tall Cards and specially shrink wrapped them. I gave them away as Christmas presents to my family and friends. I am now steadily working on turning my pinball machine into a Firefly one.

No, I am not insane, I am crazy. Thank you for asking.






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