Destiny, Episode 9: Stranded

UPDATED: Monday, March 6, 2006 08:48
VIEWED: 17073
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Sunday, January 1, 2006 11:08 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

New Year. New Planet. New Peril

So, Destiny's had a hell of a year. Weird alien parasites, homicidal robots (including one called Bubbles!), rampaging clones, evil doubles and extreme Boy Whore shrinkage.
I've got a feeling though, what with the current situation - a new device in Destiny's Chamber with limitless possibilities and a strange new alien planet - that things are only going to get weirder.

Here's the previous thread -

Destiny has, thanks to the teleportation capabilities of "The Machine", escaped the icy depths of the frozen lake, but is now badly damaged and the crew need to search the planet in hopes of finding supplies to repair her so that they can get airbourne. Phew.
Of course, all the high drama really takes it out on you and so - before any search of the planet was undertaken - a party was in order. A party with lots of alcohol, loud music, dirty dancing (though Patrick Swayze was NOT involved), and the usual drunken debauchery. Cue hangovers...



Bodies are strewn across the chairs and floors of the room; bottles and glasses which once contained alcohol lay scattered about; and Lexa Doig lays asleep sandwiched between Jack and Jazaf. All crew-members, bar two, are accounted for and rest peacefully after a fulfilling and exhausting party. Even Needy, who began the party angry and jealous, lay content in the fact that it wasn’t a total disaster. It turned out the three dates Me and OK arrived with were too much to handle, and the good doctor kindly set one of them up with a depressed boy whore. The two were now sharing the couch – Needy laying on top of her, due to his tiny stature.
As the crew rest easy, two of their number – Safe and Serenity – are getting to work, though not in the naked fun way

The sleeping crew are rudely awaken when the music that they had only a few hours been dancing to, blares out suddenly. Jazaf and Jack jolt up, squashing Lexa in the progress; Soul, Amy, Flechette, Me, Ok, and others all jump to upright position, throwing their respective partners off in the process… all accept Needy who is flung himself when the redhead he was laying on top of jumps and sends him flying.

"AGH!" he moans as he hits his already bruised head on a table.

Nobody cares to acknowledge his pain however as all of them focus their gaze on the person responsible for their wake-up call.

Standing before them is Safe – remote control in hand - with Serenity beside him. Both are dressed up warmly with jumpers and large fur coats. Then, as if on cue, both unzip their coats to reveal an rich arsenal of weapons – grenades, handguns, spatulas – they’re prepared.

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Sunday, January 1, 2006 11:16 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

"Oh no, you’re not evil are you?" grumbles a groggy Flechette.

"What? NO!" replies Serenity.

"We’re going for a trip" Safe announces

"Good for you" Jazaf calls back, before turning to face Lexa as she lays beside him. Ignoring Safe and Serenity, he lays back down and snuggles close to her. SMACK. A jealous Jack clouts him on the shoulder.

"Oi!" Jazaf calls, before slapping Jack back. What follows is a slap for slap fight, resembling a scrap between children more than grown men.

"Hey!" Safe calls out. "Cut it out. You’re going too!" indicating to Jazaf and Jack.

Both of them stop fighting and turn to Safe and in unison ask "Why?!"

"Because. It’s dangerous out there and I’m not going to go out there on my own"

"Coward" Jazaf insults, sniggering with Jack.

"Ow!" Jazaf bellows as the metal plate Serenity had flung, hits him square in the forehead.

"You’re going!" Serenity instructs. Then she turns to the others in the room "All of you, get ready. You might not all be going, but you’re all going to be alert. There’s no telling what’s out there or what will come next. Besides, there’s plenty of work to be done on the ship that can be accomplished without the needed supplies"

"Yes mum." Jack retorts, sniggering again with Jazaf – the pair now showing no animosity towards each other over their fight for Lexa’s affections.

Serenity gives them both a stern look, which moves them to quickly get to their feet, ready to help out, for fear they would be punished.

"Needy" Safe calls heading towards the bruised boy whore on the floor. "I know you’re not at your best, but we could really need you"

"Why. Do you want me to sex up the natives?" Needy replies sarcastically

"Possibly" a serious Safe replies, ignoring Needy’s stunned expression as he heads over to a partially clothed Flechette. "You have fun last night?"

Flechette looks down at what she’s wearing, then looks at Jayne, then back at Safe. "From what I remember..." she bobs her head back and forth, remembering the antics she got into "it was fantastic!"

"Well, now you can help clean up this mess and help Amy in getting this ship in order... as much as you can that is"

"What?" Amy interrupts whilst Flechette asks "We’re not going on the trip too?"

"No, we need some here to guard the ship..." Safe explains

"Guard?" Amy interrupts again

"Ok, look after the ship" he offers. "Plus, there’s other work to be done. Serenity’s written a list of chores"

"Thanks mum" Amy and Flechette call to Serenity

"Wait, she’s written them out... why don’t she just tell us?" Amy asks

"Cos, she’s coming" Safe mumbles under his breath

"What? How come she gets to go?!" Amy complains

"We don’t know what’s out there, but she feels she could be of use. And she says you two would be quite capable back here"

"Gee, thanks" Amy’s tone has a whiff of sarcasm

"Did you want to go then? You can if you want. Both of you. But I warn you, what we have faced the past few months will probably be nothing to what we will face out there. It’s uncharted territory. There could be animals out there as big as the ship, ones for whom humans are considered a delicacy, and thus quite tasty. The natives... presuming there are any, may be murderous, sadistic, cannibals..." Safe elaborates before looking at Flechette and adding "...with big feet"

Flechette cringes. "I hate big feet... they’re freaky!"

Amy gives her a "you’re freaky" look.

"But if you wanna join us... suit up. Just be prepared to face certain death... oh and you might get blood in your hair"

With that, Flechette and Amy look at each other, then both turn to Serenity and once again in unison call out "Good luck!"

Turning again to Safe, Amy asks "Now where is that list you say?"


Ok, I wrote a whole lot more than I expected - trust me to babble on as usual - but there are still tasks to give out to others. Sorry if I missed you out of the story, and sorry if you think I made you sound like a moany git (Yes Amy, I mean your character - but my excuse is you've got a hangover)

I haven’t yet completed the first chapter of my first fanfic based around my character – I was actually going to do that after this, but this took longer than expected. So maybe I’ll get to do it tomorrow considering it’s a bank holiday.

Lastly, I don’t know if you all know about this, but there’s a site which allows you to create your own "South Park" style characters. It’s pretty simple to use (the only downside being that if you want to save your pic, you have to press Print Screen, then paste it in a paint program, then cut out the image so that it stands alone), and can be found here:

Here’s one of me/Needy as he/I’d appear on the ship. I’ve done a few others, such as wearing what I’d consider to be my companion-wear… and a mischievous one where I’m wearing nothing but a scarf (in homage to that little incident a few threads ago)

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Sunday, January 1, 2006 11:46 AM


Nah, Needy, I don't think you made me sound unnessasarily whiny considering the circumstances, it seemed pretty true to me (I guess we all show through in these posts more than I expected or y'all are good at reading minds because sarcasm really is big in my family).

Amy "Ok, fine then. Flechette and I will just stay here and clean up and repair everything--which means WE get all the credit when the ship looks shiny again :) Also, we're going to eat the last of the chocolate before you get back, so go ahead, have a nice trip guys."

Flechette grins. Serenity pauses for a minute, thinking. Even Needy licks his lips.

Amy: "But don't let me hold you up. Before you go though, please let me give you some advice about dressing for the snow! I've lead snow camping trips (in Yosemite!) and you're ok during the day if you wear the right layers. You'll still freeze at night and in the morning--but again, don't let me stop you"

haha, have funs out there y'all. (though something makes me think Flechette and I will still have to swoop in and save you later)

Safe--wow! I'm going to be in your story! I'm honored, even if it only turns out to be a Dickensian style character bit about a quirky haberdashery owner who assists the underground. I heartily approve and can't wait to read it six months from now when you're done polishing :) Thanks!

Amylisai, Chopstick Ninja Queen O'Fancy Garb (or in this case, snow weather gear)


Sunday, January 1, 2006 12:22 PM


Amy, 6 months eh? Are you trying to pressure me?!?

I agree with you about us showing through. I never thought I was obvious, but you "guys" tend to be able to write for each other (me included) and stay in character, even follow a storyline (even an obscure one). I'll tell ya, I'm flabbergasted by it at times.

Needy, NICE job!

"We'll signal you if we need you" Safe says brandishing a flare gun, causing eveyone to flinch.

Safe notices this, and it amuses him. He slowly moves the flare gun around and watches each crew member cower as the gun barrel points anywhere near their vicinity.

Safe chuckles to himself and holsters the gun ending his little game, but in doing so, inadvertantly fires off the gun. The flare bounces off the floor ricocheting around the room narrowly missed everyone before fizzling out in the half empty punch bowl.

"Well I guess we'll be off then" Safe says as he quickly leaves the room.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Monday, January 2, 2006 2:24 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

LMAO! You and that flare gun.

As for our abilities in writing for each other, in all honesty when I write, I think I just write the same character... I just give them a different voice (one is moany, one is sarcastic, one is courageous), but I think they are all essentially the same, or I imagine different parts of myself. So, maybe if thats the same of everyone else, its not so much that we write for each other so well, but that we are all in essence the same type of people.
Just one theory

hmm... what to do - add to my own fic, or this one? I'll start off with the former I think, and then come back to this if I have time.

Incidentally, I thought if my current story doesn't turn out as light-hearted as it could be, my next could be a farce. I was thinking of writing (afterwards I've done this one of course - one step at a time) about what happened to Needy that time he ran away with Bubbles. Could have been fun

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Monday, January 2, 2006 4:48 AM



Well, of course I'm going. I'm first mate and I've got a big gun and there needs to be at least 1 female coming with to keep all the men in check.

Happy New Year Destinites!

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Monday, January 2, 2006 12:15 PM


"Wait... Seriously"

Flechette untangles herself, straightens up clothing etc.

"Take either Janye or Lexa with you. I'm guessin at this point we trust 'em.... mostly."

Flechette grins and winks at Jayne.

"Snow and water and whatnot withstanding- both of them are stronger than any one of us and you have to admit Jayne can kick some butt in combat too. I'm also a guessin he passed that on to Lexa"

Jayne sudden finds the ceiling utterly facinating.

"and give me about 15 minutes and I can have appropriate rations set up for you - something that can help the body retain heat, create energy, etc."

Lexa shrugs "That has a certain logic to it. Why are you so fond of the word etc?"

Janye grins "Certain death huh? I think I'd like to be the dealin that out don'tcha?"

Safe and Serenity share a glance and shrug.

"so which one wants to go?"


Happy New Year All!

Flechette - Destiny's Cook

We got Crab and pig tell:Squid ink and fish scale
Okra and dasheen leaves :Chitchat and chatter
Fill up the platter
With a garnish of pure make believe
- Jimmy Buffett's Calaloo


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 9:31 AM


Safe's eyes light up, "Eenny.."

"Rock, Paper, Scissors." Serenity interupts matter-o-factly.

Safe snaps his fingers and shuffles his feet degectedly, "Awww, I wanted to do eeny meenies."

"I really like catching the tiger" Safe says looking down at Jaynes feet.

Jayne follows Safes gaze down, clearly not knowing the rest of the rhyme...

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Tuesday, January 3, 2006 9:56 AM


You know what? Jayne is coming. How's that. I made a First Mate decision.

Now, everyone get yourselves ready. Time's a-wastin'.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Thursday, January 5, 2006 3:20 PM


Safe pulls his mittens on tighter, tugs his hat down, wraps his scarf tight and rummages in his pockets.

He produces several mismatched pairs of sunglasses and starts handing them out.

A pair of pink sunglasses with butterflys on the corners for Serenity,
Terminator glasses for Jack,
Tom Cruise/Cory Hart sunglasses for Jazaf,
Catseye sunglasses for Needy,
Micky Mouse glasses for Jayne,
and a pair of 3D glasses for himself.

"They're to protect against snowblindness"

He also pulls out a red sweater for Needy, amazingly the right size.

Safe looks at the crew satisfied, then flings opens the door. Safe turns and runs back towards the engine room.

Jayne mutters "chicken"

Serenity stands there in shock.

Safe reappears a moment later to see the rest of the "away" party staring at him.

"Wha?? I forgot my toboggan, whadda think I was doin'?"

"And I had to pee..." Safe blushs.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Friday, January 6, 2006 6:37 AM


Bumpity bump bump

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Friday, January 6, 2006 6:47 AM


Yay! Butterfly glasses!

I mean, they go so well with my big GUN *sarcasm*

Okay, let's head out. Everyone keep alert. And, Jayne! NO pushing Needy into the snow drifts!

*she gives Needy a hand up. Helps him brush the snow off his red sweater*

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Friday, January 6, 2006 10:04 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Needy tries his best to walk in the deep snow, but finds it increasingly more difficult with every step. For the other crew members, its is merely up to their ankles but for Needy, he is knee deep in it

"Why did I agree to this assignment?" Needy grumbles. "Does anyone want to give me a piggy-back?"

Needy looks around, hoping one of the crew will agree to it. "Safe? Piggy-back?"

Safe looks at him with a raised-eyebrow before scoffing "You'd have to pay me quite a bit for that sort of action"

Confused as to what he meant, Needy turns to the next person.

"Serenity? Little help?"

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Friday, January 6, 2006 10:18 AM


Oh for crying out loud! Aren't you a charitable bunch!

*Serenity glares at the rest of the crew as she takes off her scarf and wraps it around herself, tying a knot at her shoulder and slinging it under one arm to form a sling.*

Hop in, Needy.

*She helps Needy settle in the sling so he's riding piggy back.

When he gets heavy, one of you is taking a turn!

And Needy, if you try ANYTHING, they won't find your remains until the snow melts.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Friday, January 6, 2006 10:42 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

"Of course I wont try anything!" Needy promises before popping his head over her shoulder to glance down her top.
Stupid winter-wear and their lack of revealyness Needy grumbles to himself

Serenity glares at him from the corner of her eye
"What are you doing?"

"Er, nothing, I was just thinking what lovely clothes you are wearing. Are they warm?" Needy blunders.

Serenity shrugs it off before replying a wholehearted "Meh"

"Right... wait a minute!" Needy raises his voice as he realises an alarming detail "I'm wearing a red top! Safe! You put me in a red top! And we're going on a mission. I'm wearing a frakking red top! I'm a dead man."

"What's he talking about?" Safe sighs

"You got me" Jayne growls

"Red top? Hello? Star Trek?!" Needy panics

"What's a star trek?" Serenity asks confused

"Am I the only one who watched those tv serials from back in the day?"

"Apparently" Safe replies, not caring either way

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Friday, January 6, 2006 10:42 AM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
And Needy, if you try ANYTHING, they won't find your remains until the snow melts.


Ummm Serenity, there's a reason no one else wanted to give Needy a lift. It's not 'cause we don't like him, we like him just fine. It's just that... well... this is an "away" team right?

He's wearing the red sweater...

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Friday, January 6, 2006 10:47 AM


Damn Needy!! You beat me to the punchline!!

Yours is funnier tho'.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Friday, January 6, 2006 11:11 AM


Oh for crying out loud!

*punches Safe in the arm, hard*

Why would you do that?

Always, ALWAYS put the red sweater on the evil clones. Not on the people.

There's only one thing to do. Safe: give me your jacket.

Safe: NO way!

Serenity: *pumps rifle barrel* *points it at Safe*

Safe: Fine! *takes off jacket* *hands it to Serenity* *sulks*

Serenity: Here Needy: put this on over your sweater.

Now, no more funny business. This is a rescue mission.

*realizes she's fighting a losing battle.*

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Saturday, January 7, 2006 9:08 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

"Thanks Serenity" Needy says before he turns and sticks his tongue out at Safe

After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, walking in the snow, Needy pops the important question to Serenity... "Did you bring any toffees?"


Didn't add much to the story cos I've jsut wrote a bunch for the first chapter of my Needy Prequel fanfic. Trouble is, I've done enough that would qualify as a chapter, but I haven't reached a "cliffhanger", which ideally I'd like to for the end of each chapter. I did a word count and its at about 4,500 words, and I checked other fanfics and each of their chapters seem to range between 1,500 and 4,500.

I think I'm close to my first cliffhanger so here's the question, do I split up the fic as it is in to 2 parts and post them, and leave the third part till when its done? Or do I just wait till I'm finished the first chapter. Man, its just the FIRST chapter! I don't know how long it will go on for or how long it will take.

Just thought someone might give me some advice. I'd rather have a good cliffhanger at the end of the chapter as opposed to just the end of a paragraph. But at the same time, I wouldn't want one chapter to seem so long that nobody would read it

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Saturday, January 7, 2006 2:02 PM


Needy, my opinion is that you don't necessarily need a "cliff hanger" to end the chapter. Just something subtle. If your story is good enough, people will want to read more with or without a cliffhanger.

So don't sweat it, just pick an apporpriate spot to stop.

We'll read it.

One thing I found out, is that you actually need to have a skeleton to build on. Have the destination in mind and write your way to it. Thats what I'm trying to do.

Trying is the operative word...

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Sunday, January 8, 2006 5:15 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Thanks for the advice Safe. I’m about to add more to my fic now, so if it doesn’t come to an end by the time I’m finished, I’ll just post what I’ve got so far.

As for having some planned direction, I’ve found can work out for the worst or better. Depends how “planned” it is. I’ve tried to write something where I knew what I wanted to achieve in each chapter and found it hard cos I’m so used to following a tangent I hadn’t thought of whilst I’m writing – some things flow naturally which I hadn’t necessarily thought of. So, with this at least I have some idea about where I’m going and what the end will be, with some little points I imagine the story can go in, but its all pretty vague. And I think in this case at least, it’s a good thing, cos I’m free to go wherever I feel, because one day I may feel the need to be more comedy, other times serious. Which leads me to the point where I must say that my fic might end up a bit “all over the place”. I think its going to be a darkish, with some light-hearted touches, and I think I’ll be able to stick to that at least. Although at one point, before I started it, I imagined that even a song and dance could be included. Like I say, depends on my mood (and at that time, I was listening to West Side Story and Phantom of the Opera soundtracks)

Anywho, enough yapping, let me get to work on it…

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Sunday, January 8, 2006 3:50 PM


Jazaf looks off into the distance and sees nothing but snow as far as his eyes can see.
'Is it just me.....or did we suddenly hit a "Lost In Space" moment? Is it too late to go back to the ship and clean up?'

Serenity gives him a glare colder than the surrounding.

'Or I could stay here, with you guys and search this frozen wasteland for food and materials.'

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Sunday, January 8, 2006 4:04 PM


Amy props feet on pilot's control table (where the dinos would be...) and bites into a fresh piece of Flechette's toffee.
"Enjoy your search of the frozen wastes little people," she says, gazing down at them affectionately from the cockpit. The crew is slowly making their way through the snow in the distance, their tracks fading out of sight. "So Flechette, what do you think the chances are that they'll be joining us for pizza night?"

Jazaf, you crack me up. Safe, Needy, loved the part about the red-shirt who always gets it. Might I point out that Needy is still technically wearing the red shirt? Safe may freeze, but Needy is still in line to get "offed". I guess I'd have to admit I was a trekie... (ok, ok, I still watch DS9 occaisionally with friends... uncle,uncle!)

(Wow, I'm about to make dinner for myself and look how food has over-run this post? Actually, while we're on the subject, I've been meaning for some time to decorate an apron with all the food quotes from firefly, like "A man can go from here to doomsday on packaged food as long as he has enough rosemary" or "wife soup!")

Amylisai, going to go eat something with my SHINY RED SERENITY CHOPSTICKS


Sunday, January 8, 2006 5:24 PM


Safe Jumps out from behind Jazaf and throws his "most excellent" snowball, hitting Needy in the back of the head and in doing so, showers Serenity in snow, so his glee at the great shot is tempered by the glare Serenity levels at him.
Safe stomps along grumbling to himself. "No sense of humour... that's my coat..."

Louder, "I saw the glint of light there." He point towards the outcropping of rock in the distance.

Amy & Flechette (Needy, you'll follow shortly), I've dragged you into the Sereni-Tree thread but don't feel obligated to write there if you don't want to. I will write your parts. I've been putting my Boros story into the thread in bits and pieces to "try it out". I will be taking these bits and stringing them together for my actual story.
It will differ from the thread except for my bits, which will remain, for the most part, unchanged. Not because I don't like the other input, but because I don't want to "steal" anyone elses ideas.

Glad you liked the red shirt bit. I laughed out loud writing it and even harder when Needy caught my idea.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Sunday, January 8, 2006 8:07 PM


I may be perfectly happy to let you write for me, but you bet your life I want to read about it! It's not every day that somebody uses me in a story! Completely and utterly shiny, I say. Please tell me how I get to read what you posted! I have no idea where to go.
Thanks! I'll just go hunt out a muse costume now, haha

Amylisai, happy to be in a story!


Monday, January 9, 2006 6:58 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Great idea Safe, weaving you fic into Sereni-Tree. I look forward to reading my "special guest appearance".
Admittedly, I would have liked to write over there too - I made a grand entrance a while back, and had an idea for where I could take my story in the thread, but sadly I got behind until eventually I was too far gone.
Maybe if you're working me back into it, then I could return to write for myself there. But I wouldn't want to step on your toes (esp if you're writing me into your Boros Bound adventure there), so I'll probably hold off actually writing for myself for a while. Its not like I haven't got enough Needy adventures to keep up with - what with this thread and my Prequel fic

I would like to have gotten further ahead with my fic, but it seems that whenever I get the time to write, I am interrupted and so only get to write a bit at a time.
I was going to post the first 2 chapters yesterday (after deciding to split what I've got in two), but when I went back and re-read it, I noticed a contradiction or two, so I made some slight alterations and added some bits. Just gotta make the last finishing touches on it before posting

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Monday, January 9, 2006 11:05 AM


Amy, here's the link. You may have to read through some goofy stuff though.

Needy, don't worry about my toes.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Thursday, January 12, 2006 8:10 AM


Amy! I keep forgetting to let you know that I checked out those pics.

Your dress is gorgeous (as were you in it!) Thanks for sharing. And your hair, and your sister's hair! If we ever meet, IRL, I'm going ot make you do my hair.
It looked like a lot of fun. I would love to have the opportunity to do something like that some day.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Friday, January 13, 2006 4:15 AM


Ok, time to give this thread a poke. it's been idle too long.


Well that didn't work, I shall try again.



You do the POKEY POKEY and you turn you... errr.


Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Friday, January 13, 2006 5:04 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Ow! Quick poking me, that really hurts!


After what seems like days of walking in the unforgiving snow, Serenity stops and turns around to address the rest of the crew

"We may be close to a settlement, but I think its time we had a break."

"YOU THINK?" everyone replies at once, clearly looking cold and exhausted.
The only one that doesn't reply is Needy, who is quite comfortable hanging on to Serenity via piggy back, far too comfortable to risk her wrath by raising his voice to her.

"You know, if you wanted a break earlier, you could have just said so" Serenity told them

"Well... I was going to but..." Safe, her partner in this operation, began


Safe is now silent

"I'm not that scary am I?" Serenity asks

"NO, NO!" everyone jumps in at once

"Whatever" Serenity replies, clearly not caring "Safe, dish out the food"

Safe looks clueless at Serenity, who looks straight back at him

"I thought you said you were going to bring it" Safe shyly admits

"You've got to be kidding me. Please tell me you're kidding" Serenity begs

"He doesn't sound like he's kiddin'" Jayne interrupts

Needy looks nervously on

"Would somebody please tell me who's got the food?!" Jazaf begins to panic

An argument soon erupts with "he said" and "She said" featuring prominently.

Unbeknowngst to them, Jack laughs to himself as he conceals the bag of food behind him.

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Friday, January 13, 2006 5:59 AM


In order to avoid being on the receiving end of a beating, Safe, thinking quickly makes a snowball for each party member. He then rummages in his pockets and produces a flask of Canadian Maple Syrup. He pours some on each snowball and hands them to each party member.

It's only then that he notices the stunned look on everyones faces.

"What now... You eat it.. the snow turns the maple syrup to taffy.."

"Not that," Jazaf says. "Who carries maple syrup around?"

"Oh I've got other stuff." Safe says rummaging through his pockets. "Let's see, I've got a pocket Knife, some spare changes, some buttons, a bottle of hot sauce, a bottle opener, silly putty, a Yo-Yo, a package of peanuts, some batteries.."

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Friday, January 13, 2006 6:20 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions



Originally posted by safeat2nd:
"Oh I've got other stuff." Safe says rummaging through his pockets. "Let's see, I've got a pocket Knife, some spare changes, some buttons, a bottle of hot sauce, a bottle opener, silly putty, a Yo-Yo, a package of peanuts, some batteries.."

"... picture of Kellaway's wife"

sorry, couldn't help myself.

Then again, if you haven't seen The Mask, you'll have no idea what I'm talking about

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Friday, January 13, 2006 6:21 AM


Mmmm..I love eating maple syrup in snow!

(I read about it in Little House on the Praire when I was a little girl and the first time we had snow, I had to try it.)

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Friday, January 13, 2006 9:01 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
Mmmm..I love eating maple syrup in snow!

"What?" Needy blurts out, shocked by the confession, before muttering under his breath "Freak"

"I heard that!" Serenity snaps back. Stopping suddenly and stooping forward, Needy goes hurtling over her head and into the thick snow.

She stands over him, staring and squinting, feigning anger. Then, without warning, an evil smile pops up and before Needy can react he gets a maple syrup snowball in the face

"Who's with me?!" she encourages, and with that, every crew member present reveals their own maple syrup snowball and throws it at the boy whore. Head, knee, shoulder, chest - no area is left unsnowsyrupped (yeah that's right, I made that word up)

After the snowsyrup monsoon had died down. Needy gets up on his feet, determined and driven. There he reveals his own maple syrup snowball, only a much larger one - one that has collated remains of the others to form what can only be described as a Mega Syrup Snowball, one bigger than Needy's own head.
Granted Needy was only miniature himself, but this only served to make the Snowball that much more terrifying to the other crewmembers

"Quick, make me another Syrup snowball" Jazaf promptly orders to Safe

"I can't... I'm all out of syrup" Safe replies, panicking

Then, all eyes turn back to Needy who is crushing the snowball in his hands to make it that much more firmer... and his hands that much more stickier (Dont ask why)

"He's only got one" Jack reassures, "he can only get one of us. He'll only hit the one he really hates"

This revelation leads the crew to look at each other to size up who is more likely to get it.

"It could be any of us" Jack realises much to his frustration

"Should we spread out?" Safe calls to his crewmates

"But that will make whoever the target is a easy hit!" Jazaf notes

"That's what I thought... HIDE!" Safe screams

With that, all the men jump for cover... in a single line behind Serenity

"Uhh... guys?" Serenity quakes, before turning her gaze towards Needy again, who is STILL grinding that ball. "I've got a bad feeling about this"

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Friday, January 13, 2006 11:20 AM


"ok, that tears it" Safe fumes, shouldering his way out of the crowd.

"That was my last flask of syrup, and yer mucking it up."

"I'm about done with you bein'... well... short. I aim to rectify that."

Safe steps closer to Needy. Needy hurls the syruppy-ice ball at Safe.

Safe ducks. "Ha ha ya missed me shrimp."

Safe laughter is cut short by the horrified look on Needys face. Safe looks over his shoulder to see the cause.

The snowball that missed him hit Serenity...


Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Friday, January 13, 2006 2:16 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

LOL Safe!!!

Serenity's playful smile has now totally disappeared, for real this time. "I'm gonna..."

just then, Serenity's threat is interrupted by an inhuman shriek that seems to cry out from in the midst of them

"Thank goodness for that" Needy sighs, "looks like we'll have to get out of here"

Serenity and Safe both look on at him serious as the other crewmembers get ready to run back towards the ship

"Didn't you hear that? We gotta go!!!" Needy asserts

Serenity and Safe still aren't buying it

"What's wrong with you two?"

"That noise didn't come from anywhere in the distance..." Serenity reasons, the snow and syrup still covering her face

"I know, exactly! Some invisible monster is probably here right now" He whispers.

Frustrated that they have failed to change their unimpressed expression he stresses "Well, die then. I'm getting out of here"
Signalling to the other frightened members of the crew, he walks away from the two leaders

"Ahem" Safe calls back

"What?" Needy swings round enfuriated

"What's that in your hand?" He asks, referring to the palm-sized black recorder in Needy's grasp

"Nothing" he replies coyly

"So you wouldn't mind if I just..." Safe suggests before quickly snatching the device from his hand

"That's not what you think it is" Needy reassures

Safe pushes a button on the device at which point a loud inhuman shriek sounds from it... the same noise that issued from it previously

"Ok, it is what you think" Needy admits

"You're such a coward" Safe tells him

"Sorry if I just want this mission over and done with, without us tearing each other apart that is"

"Like I said... coward" Safe repeats

"Fine... what's it matter to you anyway?"

"Not much at all..." Safe admits, just as Serenity - who unbeknownst to Needy had snuck behind him - pulls back the boy whore's collar and stuffs a handful of snow down his back
"...I just wanted to distract you whilst she did that"

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Saturday, January 14, 2006 6:26 PM


I love syrup in the snow too! I also read about it in Little House in the Big Woods, and I'm Canadian, so I guess I have reason to. What a cool crew we have.

Glad you liked the pics, Serenity. I would love to play with your hair. Hopefully someday we'll have the chance!

Goodnight, Amylisai


Saturday, January 14, 2006 9:42 PM


Jack and Jazaf stifle their laughter as best they could while Needy jumped around trying to get all the snow out.

'I think that qualifies as a break. Let's head on to that settlement!' Serenity says with a smile.
The crew trudged along for another hour or so before the settlement came into view.
'Safe, Hand me a pair of Binoculars....I know you have them.'
'Here they are.'
Serenity takes the binoculars and checks the settlement for signs of life. A smile forms as she hands the binoculars back, 'We're in luck boys, that town is inhabited!', She turns around and the crew have odd faces.

She looks at them a little confused, after awhile the crew can't hold it in and burst into laughter.
'What the?....What did you do Safe!'
She take off one of her gloves and searches her face, she feels something slick near her eyes. Pulling her hand back, Serenity notices that the tips of her fingers are now black. Her eyes widen in realization.
'Oh....I'll get you for this.'

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Monday, January 16, 2006 6:10 AM



I've got a great reply for this Jazaf, but I think I'll let Serenity respond first.

It's only fair...

Flechette and Ami made appearances on the Sereni-Tree thread. Thanks for letting me use your likenesses I only hope I did them justice. More is yet to come...

Needy, where's your second chapter?

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Tuesday, January 17, 2006 7:51 AM


Bump, I say, Bump!

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Tuesday, January 17, 2006 11:47 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

On the mound behind them, snow begins to cascade down. They all spin around, weapons raised, just in time to see the Captain himself crest the hill, a big gun in his hands and an even bigger smile on his face.

"So...did I miss anything?"


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Tuesday, January 17, 2006 11:55 AM


Nope, Captain. You're just in time to see me KILL SAFE!

*Serenity lunges at Safe, who smartly dodges out of the way. He runs, she chases, catches him and tackles him into the snow, where this is much scuffling and shoving of snow into facess and various clothing openings.*

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Tuesday, January 17, 2006 2:23 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Jazaf - LOL LOL LOL that was excellent

Safe - I read this message earlier and thought "Right, I'll post it today" As you can see I didn't. My trouble is, when I've got the time to write for it, I never go straight to the next bit, I read what I've already written to recall to mind what's happened and to make sure I don't contradict what I've put... but I end up making alterations to it and adding or changing certain sentences. As a result, I haven't got further in the story, though I have done work on it.
Basically there are some things I want to say in the 2nd Chapter cos I know I won't get the chance to later so I'm trying to work in some things... but hopefully - if I get to write some tomorrow - I'll have the second chapter posted then.
I gotta say, I'm glad that you're asking for it to be posted though - always a good sign

Soul - what can I say but WELCOME BACK!!!
I think I speak for all when I say we sure have missed you round Destiny. Its good we got our Cap'n back
Now I noticed whilst looking at your profile that you have written fanfic revolving around Destiny and Serenity. Now I hope to get to read this eventually but maybe you could at the moment help me out and tell me what its about. I briefly scanned through it (haven't got time to read it all at the mo) and wodnered if this is the same Destiny we're on - does it take place in an alternate reality or in the past? The reason I ask is because I noticed you were the only character I recognised onboard - do we feature at all?

The reason I ask is because in writing my own Prequel adventure, I had planned to write about meeting you for the first time before I joined the crew. In it you will possibly not be Captain of Destiny yet. But if there's other characters and situations involved... I just wouldn't want to ruin continuity since it's supposed to be set in the same 'verse, not to mention the same ship


Well It's 20 past midnight here so I've got to get some sleep. I hope to add to the story next time I'm on


Oh and Serenity... go easy on Safe. He was just having a laugh, you know him. He doesn't mean anything by it. It's kinda like when he put me in the red shirt knowing full well if anyone's going to get killed on this mission it's now going to be me...
What am I saying? Kill him. Kill him until he dies from it!!!

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Tuesday, January 17, 2006 2:27 PM


"But..." Safe sputters, Serenity shoves his face into the snow again.

"I swear I didn't..." he says coming up for air again only to have his face shoved back into the snow.

Coming up for air a third time, Safe look beseechingly at his Captain.

"Capt'n??" Seeing only a big grin on the captains face, Safe shoots a glare at Jack & Jazaf, not sure which one was responsible.

Serenity shoves him down again.

Edit: Needy, that's a lot of venom coming from such a little man (Keep plugging away at your story)

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Thursday, January 19, 2006 9:20 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

Hey Needy, my Destiny fics have nothin' to do with this fine ship here, and I would love to be in your fic!!!


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Friday, January 20, 2006 8:15 AM


Needy, I like your fic so far. When's Chapter 3??

Safe finally gets free of Serenity, either that or she tired of stuffing snow down his back and whatever other clothing she could reach.

Grabbing the field glasses in a huff, careful to wipe the eye pieces off, looks down at the settlement. A dark shape suddenly obscures his view. Looking up from the glasses, the dark shape reveals itself to be Jack, running full speed towards the settlement.

"JACK!! Stop! What are you doing!"

"A bar!! A real live bar!! And I saw it first! It's mine, I tell ya, ALL MINE!! Don't worry baby, daddy's home!!" the muffled response drifts back to the group.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Friday, January 20, 2006 8:22 AM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by safeat2nd:
Looking up from the glasses, the dark shape reveals itself to be Jack, running full speed towards the settlement.

"JACK!! Stop! What are you doing!"

"A bar!! A real live bar!! And I saw it first! It's mine, I tell ya, ALL MINE!! Don't worry baby, daddy's home!!" the muffled response drifts back to the group.

Soul watches as Jack races down the hill and laughs.

"I hope he falls and breaks his crown."

Everyone just stares at him. He shrugs and hoists his gun up onto his shoulder, and sets off down the hill after Jack.

"What are you doing?" Safe yells after him.

"Call me Jill!" Soul shouts back.


OOC: I really hope somebody gets that.


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Friday, January 20, 2006 10:16 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by SoulOfSerenity:
Soul watches as Jack races down the hill and laughs.

"I hope he falls and breaks his crown."

Everyone just stares at him. He shrugs and hoists his gun up onto his shoulder, and sets off down the hill after Jack.

"What are you doing?" Safe yells after him.

"Call me Jill!" Soul shouts back.


OOC: I really hope somebody gets that.

LMAO!!! I got it... and that's all that matters

Safe - I'm just starting the third chapter now - give me a chance

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Friday, January 20, 2006 10:24 AM


Well, guess we better try to catch up.

Hop back on Needy.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Friday, January 20, 2006 10:30 AM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:

Hop back on Needy.

Uh...considering that he is a boy whore, is that the best thing to say?


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."






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