
UPDATED: Saturday, January 21, 2006 10:46
VIEWED: 7512
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Thursday, January 19, 2006 8:21 PM


AN EXTRAORDINARY "hyperspace" engine that could make interstellar space travel a reality by flying into other dimensions is being investigated by the United States government.

The hypothetical device, which has been outlined in principle but is based on a controversial theory about the fabric of the universe, could potentially allow a spacecraft to travel to Mars in three hours and journey to a star 11 light years away in just 80 days, according to a report in today's New Scientist magazine.

New engine has to travel approximately 48.81875 times the speed of light or approximately 14,645,625km/s to get to Lacaille 9352 which is about 10.7 light years away and is the closet star to what the distance mentioned in the article and it is the optimal choice because they have discovered a planet orbiting that star.

My math might be off a little but I can't find anything wrong with it.

Edited: To fix mistake in my math.

Mal: Define Interesting
Wash: Oh god, Oh god, We're all gonna die?


Thursday, January 19, 2006 8:27 PM


I want to know what you think, but I got the speed by using distance in kilometers from earth by using a kilometers per year traveling at the speed of light times light years to get distance. Than divided it by 365 and 80 to get speed and finally divided it by 300,000 to get times the speed of light.

Mal: Define Interesting
Wash: Oh god, Oh god, We're all gonna die?


Thursday, January 19, 2006 8:31 PM


I just realized I may have messed up on the math be back in a few minutes.

Mal: Define Interesting
Wash: Oh god, Oh god, We're all gonna die?


Thursday, January 19, 2006 8:38 PM


New totals come out like this....

10.7 light years is approximately 101,230,560,000,000 kilometers away.

Your traveling at about 14,645,625km/s to get there in 80 days or about 48.81875 times speed of light.

Someone please check my math to figure out if it is correct.

Mal: Define Interesting
Wash: Oh god, Oh god, We're all gonna die?


Friday, January 20, 2006 1:16 PM


What is it that no one cares, or you can't figure out the math, or you don't have an opinion, cause I want to know what other people think about this.

Mal: Define Interesting
Wash: Oh god, Oh god, We're all gonna die?


Friday, January 20, 2006 1:22 PM


ooh ah. Most people don't care about math, its intresting to hear. Would be cool if it happened. People like to fly in planes, not learn the math to keep them in the air.

If you play check out the region Firefly.


Friday, January 20, 2006 1:25 PM


I say go for it. I'm a bit of a geek when it comes to space travel, interstellar missions and NASA. And the news that just maybe hyperspace travel is no longer science fiction but science FACT makes me all warm inside.

When the Bush Administration is no more, and whoever is lift to clean up the mess they made were to invest in this, it would be like when Kennedy promised to have a man on the moon by the ed of the decade. It'll give us something to hope and believe in.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"YES!!!I'm a man posessed by many demons....Polite demons that would open the door for a lady carrying too many parcels...BUT DEMONS NONETHELESS!!!! Yes. I have walked along the path of evil many times, it's a twisting, curving path that..actually leads to a charming plot garden, BUT BEYOND THAT EVIL!!!"


Friday, January 20, 2006 1:29 PM


It is based on controversial theories from some time ago. So, whether these theories are correct is still open for debate, never mind if they can be applied practically.

I at least will wait to see if the theory holds water before I begin to get my hopes up.

Basically, to say that the media jumped the gun here is rather an understatement.

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Friday, January 20, 2006 1:29 PM


It is a neat idea if the story is for real.

Anyone remember the Anti-Gravity substance?


Friday, January 20, 2006 1:37 PM


Not that we don't care, just that not all of us are up on math. As my struggling with math children say " Math is not my friend."

I would be awed if this pans out. Travel to the distant stars has been a dream that I wished for us as humanity since my father instilled it in me with his excitement over the moon landings when I was a girl.

Keep us posted and let us know if it jumps from theory to practicality.


Mal: Well, we're still flyin'.
Simon: That's not much.
Mal: It's enough.


Friday, January 20, 2006 1:41 PM


hehe this one again :]

Ok heres my (admitedly uninformed opinion) as an experimental particle physicist.

(sorry for the typos but .. meh)

Whilst extra dimensions and all these things sound cool, what they tend to be used for most is to get big shiny research grants out of the military.

most of the future tech from star wars program was physicists making outrageous claims to military bods to justify their pet projects. Its standard practise.

Whilst im not sure about the actual physics of his extra dimension machine its worth pointing ou that there have been LOTS of theories that use extra dimensions, but as of yet none have been found, not saying they wont be but tbh im skeptical.

As you reach the scary edge of theoreticla physics ,whihc im afraid extra dimensions and the other associated things are. (non integer dimensions, M-branes, string theory, supersymetry, Msugra, graviton waves etc etc there tend to be as many explanations as theoretical physicists working on them. THe big roblem is that there is so little informaiton and the whole area is so damn strange that the parameter space is only limited by the imagination and the ability to do maths. So yes it COULD work but so could a lot of arndom thigns and its only one of a hunderad million equally way out theories. It just seems like this guy managed to get a cheque thrown his way.

The article mentions 'Z' a z pinch Inertial confinement fusion machine at scandia national labs. Yes it can produce those fields but only for nanoseconds and to be farnk its absolutly ENORMOUS! so you probaly wouldnt get very far if you need a machine like that to make a 50 micoron extra dimension (the size of the things they are doing at the moment).

Also not wising to add extra credence to it by mentioning scandia, IF thre turns out to be anyhting actually hapening here it will throw quantum mechinics on its head and then the WHOLE physics community will be very interestd in it. However quantum mech and the associated particle physics have been tested pretty thoroughly already so as i say im not that hopeful that we will have a shiny new theory to play with, and even less hopeful it will lead to the USS enterprise.

Sorry i know that there are a lot of respectable theorists out there its just ive had to sit through quite a number of SUSE talks recently and im still not sure i believe ;]


Friday, January 20, 2006 2:53 PM


This makes me think of a brand new show for FOX to ruin...!

This is the first though I had on reading the headline.
"Welcome to Mars express: only a three hour trip"


Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale,
A tale of a fateful trip
That started from this rocket port
Aboard this theoretical ship.

The mate was a mighty rocket man,
The skipper brave and sure.
Five passengers set forth that day
For a three hour tour, a three hour tour.

The engines started running rough,
The tiny ship was tossed,
If not for the courage of the fearless crew
The prototype would be lost, the prototype would be lost.

The ship set down on the surface of this uncharted desert moon
With Gilligan
The Skipper too,
The trillionaire and his wife,
The movie star
The professor and Mary Ann,
Here on Gilligans Moon.

So this is the tale of the castways,
They're here for a long, long time,
They'll have to make the best of things,
It's a gravity well climb.

The first mate and the Skipper too,
Will do their very best,
To make the others comfortable,
In the arid, airless nest.

No water, no air no protien bars,
Not a single luxury,
Like Robinson Crusoe,
As primative as can be.

So join us here each week my freinds,
You're sure to get a smile,
From seven stranded castways,
Here on "Gilligan's Moon."


Perhaps one too many happy pills today...



Friday, January 20, 2006 7:38 PM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:
It is based on controversial theories from some time ago. So, whether these theories are correct is still open for debate, never mind if they can be applied practically.

I at least will wait to see if the theory holds water before I begin to get my hopes up.

Basically, to say that the media jumped the gun here is rather an understatement.

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki

The quantum theory is still the leading scientific theory. It has been gaining ground in the scientific wold for many years and there are huge labs trying to prove the theory by discovering. Certian subatomic particles which would greatly aid in the progress of the theory. And as some of you said that you don't care about the math or the classic Math is not my friend thing. Well math is my friend. Oh and BTW I'm only 15.

Mal: Define Interesting
Wash: Oh god, Oh god, We're all gonna die?


Friday, January 20, 2006 7:45 PM



Originally posted by rplackett:
The article mentions 'Z' a z pinch Inertial confinement fusion machine at scandia national labs. Yes it can produce those fields but only for nanoseconds and to be farnk its absolutly ENORMOUS! so you probaly wouldnt get very far if you need a machine like that to make a 50 micoron extra dimension (the size of the things they are doing at the moment).

Also not wising to add extra credence to it by mentioning scandia, IF thre turns out to be anyhting actually hapening here it will throw quantum mechinics on its head and then the WHOLE physics community will be very interestd in it. However quantum mech and the associated particle physics have been tested pretty thoroughly already so as i say im not that hopeful that we will have a shiny new theory to play with, and even less hopeful it will lead to the USS enterprise.

Sorry i know that there are a lot of respectable theorists out there its just ive had to sit through quite a number of SUSE talks recently and im still not sure i believe ;]

Those magnetic fields needed to operate this engine would require a lot of energy and would not last long, It all fals back on anti-matter.

Mal: Define Interesting
Wash: Oh god, Oh god, We're all gonna die?


Friday, January 20, 2006 7:49 PM



Originally posted by dc4bs:
This makes me think of a brand new show for FOX to ruin...!

This is the first though I had on reading the headline.
"Welcome to Mars express: only a three hour trip"


Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale,
A tale of a fateful trip
That started from this rocket port
Aboard this theoretical ship.

The mate was a mighty rocket man,
The skipper brave and sure.
Five passengers set forth that day
For a three hour tour, a three hour tour.

The engines started running rough,
The tiny ship was tossed,
If not for the courage of the fearless crew
The prototype would be lost, the prototype would be lost.

The ship set down on the surface of this uncharted desert moon
With Gilligan
The Skipper too,
The trillionaire and his wife,
The movie star
The professor and Mary Ann,
Here on Gilligans Moon.

So this is the tale of the castways,
They're here for a long, long time,
They'll have to make the best of things,
It's a gravity well climb.

The first mate and the Skipper too,
Will do their very best,
To make the others comfortable,
In the arid, airless nest.

No water, no air no protien bars,
Not a single luxury,
Like Robinson Crusoe,
As primative as can be.

So join us here each week my freinds,
You're sure to get a smile,
From seven stranded castways,
Here on "Gilligan's Moon."


Perhaps one too many happy pills today...



Mal: Define Interesting
Wash: Oh god, Oh god, We're all gonna die?


Friday, January 20, 2006 8:06 PM



Originally posted by Rodwy:

The quantum theory is still the leading scientific theory. It has been gaining ground in the scientific wold for many years and there are huge labs trying to prove the theory by discovering. Certian subatomic particles which would greatly aid in the progress of the theory. And as some of you said that you don't care about the math or the classic Math is not my friend thing. Well math is my friend. Oh and BTW I'm only 15.

This isn't based on standard quantum mechanics. It's based on someones feild theory (read: different). It was Burkhard Heim in the 50's, (this info is in the article). So, bearing that in mind, what's you point?

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Friday, January 20, 2006 8:10 PM



Originally posted by Rodwy:
I want to know what you think, but I got the speed by using distance in kilometers from earth by using a kilometers per year traveling at the speed of light times light years to get distance. Than divided it by 365 and 80 to get speed and finally divided it by 300,000 to get times the speed of light.

Mal: Define Interesting
Wash: Oh god, Oh god, We're all gonna die?

If you are trying to figure out my math with this post, don't cause this is before I changed it, cause I realized that you only divide it by 80 and not 365. Cause then you are figuringout the wrong equation and it ends up slower than it would have to be.




It's easy to do the math but figuring out what I had to do was another story.

Mal: Define Interesting
Wash: Oh god, Oh god, We're all gonna die?


Friday, January 20, 2006 8:17 PM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:

Originally posted by Rodwy:

The quantum theory is still the leading scientific theory. It has been gaining ground in the scientific wold for many years and there are huge labs trying to prove the theory by discovering. Certian subatomic particles which would greatly aid in the progress of the theory. And as some of you said that you don't care about the math or the classic Math is not my friend thing. Well math is my friend. Oh and BTW I'm only 15.

This isn't based on standard quantum mechanics. It's based on someones feild theory (read: different). It was Burkhard Heim in the 50's, (this info is in the article). So, bearing that in mind, what's you point?

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki

Well the theory was made back in the 50's and if there were any inconsistencies they would have been filtered out. Plus even though its not based on true quantum mechanics, It is a different theory with ties to quantum mechanics.

Mal: Define Interesting
Wash: Oh god, Oh god, We're all gonna die?


Friday, January 20, 2006 8:24 PM



Originally posted by Rodwy:

It all fals back on anti-matter.

Which we can only create in extremely small quantities, for extremely small time intervals, which requires an ass load of energy to do.

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Friday, January 20, 2006 8:28 PM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:

Originally posted by Rodwy:

It all fals back on anti-matter.

Which we can only create in extremely small quantities, for extremely small time intervals, which requires an ass load of energy to do.

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki

Anti matter could be collected from certian types of comets, but there would be certian risks upon re-entering the atmoshpere.

Mal: Define Interesting
Wash: Oh god, Oh god, We're all gonna die?


Friday, January 20, 2006 8:39 PM



Originally posted by Rodwy:

Well the theory was made back in the 50's and if there were any inconsistencies they would have been filtered out. Plus even though its not based on true quantum mechanics, It is a different theory with ties to quantum mechanics.

You're making a lot of assumptions here.

From the article:

But this thing is not around the corner; we first have to prove the basic science is correct and there are quite a few physicists who have a different opinion.

Please actually read the article before you start telling me things that are in it that actually aren't in it. You can read that as, you said that the theory had basically been worked out, which this article itself contradicts.

Things are only "filtered out" over time if people actually work to do that. Which in this case they haven't. This theory has basically been sitting on the shelf all that time.

Oh, and for those that are interested in the actual paper (google is our friend ):

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Friday, January 20, 2006 8:42 PM



Originally posted by Rodwy:

Anti matter could be collected from certian types of comets, but there would be certian risks upon re-entering the atmoshpere.

Thank you for proving that you have no clue what you're talking about. Come back when you've learned science from not science-fiction novels.

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Friday, January 20, 2006 8:45 PM


The stuff not mentioned in the article comes from my studies I have been studing basic quatuam mechanics and anti-matter and all that advanced stuff for 3 years I think I know the lot of it.

Mal: Define Interesting
Wash: Oh god, Oh god, We're all gonna die?


Friday, January 20, 2006 8:47 PM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:

Originally posted by Rodwy:

Anti matter could be collected from certian types of comets, but there would be certian risks upon re-entering the atmoshpere.

Thank you for proving that you have no clue what you're talking about. Come back when you've learned science from not science-fiction novels.

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki

Look at my last post, I am a gifted youg teen and have studied this for a time. Look up anti-matter and you will learn that it is found naturally in certian comets and other things from the solar system.

Mal: Define Interesting
Wash: Oh god, Oh god, We're all gonna die?


Friday, January 20, 2006 8:50 PM



Originally posted by Rodwy:

The stuff not mentioned in the article comes from my studies I have been studing basic quatuam mechanics and anti-matter and all that advanced stuff for 3 years I think I know the lot of it.

So, you started learning this stuff when you were 12? Sure.

If you actually did, then you wouldn't be calling it all that "stuff." You'd be able to argue on physics terms.

So, put you're money where your mouth is and tell me about all these anti-matter comets that are flying around. Please provide links to the articles on the arXiv that support what you say.

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Friday, January 20, 2006 8:51 PM



Originally posted by Rodwy:

Look at my last post, I am a gifted youg teen and have studied this for a time. Look up anti-matter and you will learn that it is found naturally in certian comets and other things from the solar system.

Look at the time stamp of my posts and you'll see that I hadn't the chance to read your post before I posted. Gifted, eh?

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Friday, January 20, 2006 9:05 PM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:

Originally posted by Rodwy:

The stuff not mentioned in the article comes from my studies I have been studing basic quatuam mechanics and anti-matter and all that advanced stuff for 3 years I think I know the lot of it.

So, you started learning this stuff when you were 12? Sure.

If you actually did, then you wouldn't be calling it all that "stuff." You'd be able to argue on physics terms.

So, put you're money where your mouth is and tell me about all these anti-matter comets that are flying around. Please provide links to the articles on the arXiv that support what you say.

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki

Explains about matter anti-matter comets that have collieded with earth, the last one being in the early 1900's. It also has stuff about part of the reaction of a comet getting to close to the sun has to do with antimatter.

I will get more if you want.

Mal: Define Interesting
Wash: Oh god, Oh god, We're all gonna die?


Friday, January 20, 2006 9:07 PM


Here's another interesting fact.

On April 22, 2002, the announcement was made that comets were discovered to be natural sources of antimatter.

Mal: Define Interesting
Wash: Oh god, Oh god, We're all gonna die?


Friday, January 20, 2006 9:17 PM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:

So, you started learning this stuff when you were 12? Sure.

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki

Well when I was 12 barely studied it. But in the past year I've gotten to study a lot more, I don't use scietific terms cause I really just don't like to as it seems to confuse most people, and I found that explaining it sipmly is a lot easier, for all of us.

Mal: Define Interesting
Wash: Oh god, Oh god, We're all gonna die?


Saturday, January 21, 2006 12:39 AM


the problem with antimatter as an energy source (quite appart fomr wehre to get more then a few atoms of the stuff and the ENORMOUS amount of energy you require to confine it away from real matter) is how to actually turn it into a useful energy source. This isnt just some sort of battery you can turn on and get infinite electricity (whihc is what 'Z' runs on not plasma conduits or any trekbabble)

You need to tuen what is basically a VERY large source of EXTREMLY high energy photons (and a metrick-f*ckton or other MUCH nastyier radioactive things) somehow into electricity, in a reliable manner. The problmes faced by experimental machines such as JET and ITER where at the proposed operational radiation levels the very concerete of the building startsa to crumble after a couple of years are an indiacation of what we will have to overcome with the next generation of fusiuon machines, let alone antimatter.

Now im afraid i have to say just because somone can write a website about antimattre comets really REALLY dosent mean they exist im afraid. It isnt really quatum mechanics you ned to look at when dealing with these thigns but a subset called High Energy Physics (particle physics). (And if you have read angels and deamon by dan brown and believed a WORD of it please revaluate your scientific understanding)

The simple reason we know there are NO large deposits of antimatter out there floating round the glaxy (let alone the solar system) is that they would shine like the daystar. when antimatter (antiprotons etc) and normal matter meet they annihilate and produce the aforementiond photons. There is enough normal matter in the solar wind and interstellar space for the boundries between regions of antimatter and normal matter to be ENORMOUSLY lumionous. Astronomers would have easily seen them, and people HAVE looked.

This leads to the question why is there so littel antimatter out there and the answer is a technical thing called CP violation, which reoughly reanslates to a slight asymmetry between the way matter and antimatter behave - they arent *quite* mirror images, and these small deviations are enough to (over the age of the universe) eat up all the antimatter.

Not wishing to pour cold water on the whole enterprise id suggest confined singularites may be a way to go for starship power ;]


Saturday, January 21, 2006 3:09 AM



Originally posted by Rodwy:
Well the theory was made back in the 50's and if there were any inconsistencies they would have been filtered out. Plus even though its not based on true quantum mechanics, It is a different theory with ties to quantum mechanics.

A theory that contradicts not only currently accepted Quantum Mechanics but Einstein’s Relativity as well. It's supposed to replace both, though it is partly a retooling of Relativity.
Now the fact is that Heim's theory is very difficult, even incomprehencible, to understand, and that's for physicists as well. Even its perceived strengths could be an example of groupthink, due to the small number of people working on the theory.

The incomprehensible nature of the theory, owing to it not being published in standard scientific language could also be hiding huge flaws.

The fact is that this hyperspace drive hinges on an entirely unproven and incomplete theory, requires us to ignore Relativity, major aspects of which have been proven scientifically, and Quantum Mechanics which does a very good job of describing what is happening at the Sub-Atomic level.

The stuff not mentioned in the article comes from my studies I have been studing basic quatuam mechanics and anti-matter and all that advanced stuff for 3 years I think I know the lot of it.

That's a little arrogant don't you think? Three years of amateur research isn't enough to 'know the lot of it'.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.


Saturday, January 21, 2006 3:30 AM



Originally posted by rplackett:
(And if you have read angels and deamon by dan brown and believed a WORD of it please revaluate your scientific understanding)

Yeah, I laughed at that. Dan Brown's books are very much Sci-Fantasy with their science really, have you read Digital Fortress? My god I don't think he did any research into cryptography or even computers with that one.

This leads to the question why is there so littel antimatter out there and the answer is a technical thing called CP violation, which reoughly reanslates to a slight asymmetry between the way matter and antimatter behave - they arent *quite* mirror images, and these small deviations are enough to (over the age of the universe) eat up all the antimatter.

Charge and parity Asymmetry goes some way to explaining why there is less Anti-matter than Matter in the Universe, but it still falls short by several orders of magnitude, so there must be something else going on.

Not wishing to pour cold water on the whole enterprise id suggest confined singularites may be a way to go for starship power

Problem with that is how does one confine a singularity, and again how do you get electricity from it?
There are a few Anti-matter systems that look like they could work though, like Anti-matter initiated Microfusion.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.


Saturday, January 21, 2006 3:50 AM



Charge and parity Asymmetry goes some way to explaining why there is less Anti-matter than Matter in the Universe, but it still falls short by several orders of magnitude, so there must be something else going on.

oh absolutly! The curently observed systems containing cp violating actions do not acoutn for it by any stretch of the imagineation - however its suspected that there are far more systems that contain CP assymetry. This is a very current field of research and so thre are no definite answers at the moment.

There are also 'theoretical uncertainties' when you track the system back to the beginning of the univese. It *could* be somthing else going on, or it could be different manifestations of the same system. We dont know yet.

As for confined singularities its obviously EVEN more implausible than burning comet mined antimatter in an unobtianum vessel. It does at least have the advantage of actually giving you energy overall ;].

I certinly take your point about using other variant nuclear reacitions. Muonic fusion is another possible for space ship batteries (you still need to expend a lot of energy at base to make muonic duterium, and far more then you get out in the end) But it would be a reasonably interesting way of storing a funionable fuel that you can prform a (nearly) cold reaction with to get energy out in a reasonably sized reactor that could be got into space reaosnably safely.

After reading about the space plane we allegedly had at CERN (where i have worked on occasion) i decided to not to read any more of dan browns books. The closest i got to a space plane was the CERN branded peugot courier van we had to shift equipment about the site. I think one of the previous director generals drove about in an aged nissan micra.


Saturday, January 21, 2006 4:47 AM



Originally posted by Rodwy:
What is it that no one cares, or you can't figure out the math, or you don't have an opinion, cause I want to know what other people think about this.

Well, I’ve not heard of anything coming down the lines of communication, or even any rumors, for that matter, of this kind of thing going on within the DoD, DoE or NASA. I’m not really in tune with all the advanced propulsion programs, but I would imagine that if they were any where near any kind of resolution on anything, I would have heard something.

I pretty much just dismiss this kind of stuff, when I read about it in the news.

Oh, he's so full of manure, that man! We could lay him in the dirt and grow another one just like him.
-- Ruby


Saturday, January 21, 2006 5:19 AM


It's simple. The required energy to power the engine's magnetic field would be provided by a Cold Fusion generator or maybe a Naquada generator the Air Force will borrow from SG-1.



Saturday, January 21, 2006 6:51 AM


Explains about matter anti-matter comets that have collieded with earth, the last one being in the early 1900's. It also has stuff about part of the reaction of a comet getting to close to the sun has to do with antimatter.

I will get more if you want.

im afraid

lists as one of their "crankiest" websites so I'm afraid im not going to treat it as a serious scientific source


Saturday, January 21, 2006 8:21 AM



Originally posted by Rodwy:

This is not the arXiv and as Rplackett has shown, it's a crackpot site. Please only link to the arXiv (or the journals themselves) as it's pretty much the only source(s) people will pay attention to for very good reasons.


Originally posted by Rodwy:

Here's another interesting fact.

On April 22, 2002, the announcement was made that comets were discovered to be natural sources of antimatter.

And here's another one. You have not cited your source.


Originally posted by Rodwy:

But in the past year I've gotten to study a lot more,

Ah, you've studied it seriously for a year. Than you must be an expert.


Originally posted by Rodwy:

I don't use scietific terms cause I really just don't like to as it seems to confuse most people, and I found that explaining it sipmly is a lot easier, for all of us.

Um, I've (we've) been asking for the scientific explination. And I know for a fact that I've explicitly demanded it. You do know the terminology, right?

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Saturday, January 21, 2006 10:46 AM



Originally posted by Rodwy:
The stuff not mentioned in the article comes from my studies I have been studing basic quatuam mechanics and anti-matter and all that advanced stuff for 3 years I think I know the lot of it.

I wasn't going to say anything because the subject matter has "Trek geek" written all over it, but seriously dude, you have to get over yourself. Even "basic" quantum mechanics is quite difficult if you try to do the underlying maths, and many gifted physics students (I'm talking about university students, not high school students) have problems when it comes to understanding these basics in a mathematically rigorous way.

I'm guessing that what you call "advanced stuff" refers to things you saw on TV and read in some popular (pseudo-)science magazines and books. And you knowing "the lot of it" is just hilarious.

Maybe your sort of attitude works in your class and in other forums, but we've got some pretty smart people on this forum (I don't know if you saw the "What do you do in real life?" thread), and people can see past your hype pretty quickly.

BTW, yeah, it's quantum mechanics, not quatuam mechanics. But you knew that already, being a child prodigy and having studied this for 3 years, didn't you?

My advice to you is keep up the interest in the subject, go to university and study it, then do some research in it. After doing all of that, you'll probably realise that even though you know a lot, you still hardly know anything.

And lose the attitude. Confidence is a good thing to have, but you won't gain any respect or friends on here or in real life by being a prick.

A final piece of advice: whether you end up going on to study something at tertiary level or not, CITE YOUR REFERENCES! I can't emphasise this enough. Even if it's a crackpot site such as matter-antimatter (which can easily be dismissed), don't claim little-known facts to further your argument without giving people a way to check up on them.






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