Let it go

UPDATED: Thursday, January 26, 2006 00:45
VIEWED: 23581
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Saturday, January 21, 2006 4:45 AM


Firefly is great. Serenity is fantastic (in all senses of the word). Let it go.

As far as sci-fi is concerned "Serenity" and
"Firefly" raise the bar.

Let us take what we have and build upon it but not wish for the glory days of old. Serenity may never sail again but the frission is still there.

I think that Firefly/Serenity are good at 14 episodes and one great movie. Don't try to spoil things with a desire for more.


Saturday, January 21, 2006 4:59 AM


Nope, think I keep the faith. Never gave up on Star Trek after I watched the orignal series as a kid.
Quiting is just not my style, Its not over till I say it is.


Saturday, January 21, 2006 5:06 AM


I'm with Subtorpman. It ain't over till I'm dead and buried. I want a sequel and I'll make sure the world won't be at peace until I get it. Defeatists always try and soft pedal things like being grateful for what they've got and resigning themselves to things as they are because they lack the fortitude to push on and keep trying. We've done the impossible and we'll do it again and that'll make us mightier.



Saturday, January 21, 2006 5:11 AM


I'm holding the line too... can't give up, it's too important.

We HAVE to have a sequel or a return of the show. No other options for me.

I'm in love, and I don't fall out of love easy.

Not gonna settle.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Saturday, January 21, 2006 5:14 AM


I agree with BKIvey, except for the great movie part -- so why do I still come here?


Saturday, January 21, 2006 5:19 AM


Ya'll are my kind of stupid :D


"Funny and sexy. You have no idea. And you never will."


Saturday, January 21, 2006 5:23 AM


I agree in respect to hating to see something of diminished quality turned out. If there is a good movie or series to be had with full support and effort that delivers what Firefly did, bring it on. Otherwise, maybe we'd be better off with a consistently quality memory.


Saturday, January 21, 2006 5:25 AM


You know, the Beatles are mentioned in another thread here, and there is a certain parallel I wish to make, regarding a possible return for "Firefly/Serenity".

I don't know the ages of the folks in here, but I'm guessing that many of you were not born when the Beatles were around. Well, the Beatles changed the face of popular music, and there was no going back. After six short years (6 years of fame, with about 5 more before that in obscurity), they broke up and for people who loved music, it was like the music died.

The whole of the 1970's was just one big "Let's get the Beatles back together" thing after another. Rumors abounded. A few ambitious promoters even offered inordinant sums of money in an attempt to entice the boys back together.

(If memory serves me correctly, in 1978 one promoter offered them 200 million dollars for a 30 minute concert. 200 million is a lot now, imagine what that could buy 30 years ago.)

People never stopped demanding a Beatles reunion until there physically could no longer be a Beatles reunion (on Dec. 8, 1980, when John Lennon died).

I imagine it will be the same with "Firefly". In a certain respect, "Firefly" (while not boasting the longetivity of the Beatles) showed us what "good sci-fi" could be like. We're not happy that we were short-changed by the idiot networks, and would like more.

But as someone else has said, the actors aren't getting any younger. Unless you want a "Firefly" with the crew in wheelchairs...

Anyhow, I'd like to see the show return, but I wouldn't hold my breath. I saw this happen with the Beatles, and a lot of music lovers never got their wish.

"You guys started a riot? On account of me? Oh...I am truly touched, truly, truly touched by that. I mean -- all of this has been swell and all, but that, my very own RIOT!"


Saturday, January 21, 2006 5:49 AM



Originally posted by BKIvey:
Don't try to spoil things with a desire for more.

*cough* without that desire there wouldn't have been a movie in the first place *cough*

In a real war I would consider your attitude desertion.

°°°°°°°°°°°° - my selfmade ambient/lounge/chillout music


Saturday, January 21, 2006 5:59 AM



Originally posted by BKIvey:
Firefly is great. Serenity is fantastic (in all senses of the word). Let it go.

NEVER! If it was just us, the fans, that wanted more stories in the 'verse, it would be selfish. But no, the creater, the producers, the crew and the cast want it too. All of these people and the fans are the reason Serenity was made in the first place. Remember, dear Mr. Fillion has said that everyone wanted sequals, including him (he wants to die at the end of #3).


Saturday, January 21, 2006 6:01 AM



Originally posted by PurpleBelly:
so why do I still come here?

Because it's not just about Firefly or Serenity anymore. It's about the community we built. You built. You've been here for a while. Your views and theories and opinions helped shaped the board. Folks feel comfortable expressing themselves here. Not just about Firefly and Book's past as a Purple Belly, but about life. I like that. I like that we've kinda made a little home for ourselves.
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Saturday, January 21, 2006 6:08 AM



Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:
Not just about Firefly....

Are we evolving?

"You think somebody wouldn't go see somebody if they didn't want entertainment?"


Saturday, January 21, 2006 6:12 AM


Nahh I wont be doing that.

Despite what Joss has been saying going back to Firefly does not require a time machine or a hole to be ripped in the very fabric of space, It merle requires the will to do it.

I wont give up hope.

Who do you suppose is in there?


Saturday, January 21, 2006 6:13 AM


If I thought a sequel or return to tv would be sub-par, I would never pine for it, but we are talking about Joss.

No I think I'll hold for awhile longer...we'll pass through this storm soon enough.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young


Saturday, January 21, 2006 6:16 AM


I should add, I'm not holding out for a second movie or a return to tv. If that happens, shiny. But I know the odds. We held the line and got our movie. We've shown Joss and Co. that we loved their creation. In my mind, we've already won.
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Saturday, January 21, 2006 6:16 AM


Don't try to spoil things with a desire for more?

Are you serious?

I'd like to see if We and Joss can capture that
"Lightning in a bottle" again.


Saturday, January 21, 2006 6:19 AM



Well, being born in 1956 me and my brothers used to run around the house singing beetles songs. We also role played at Star Trek TOS. So I guess I meet the age limit. As far as an actors age goes, thanks to plastic surgery a lot of them retain their youthful looks very late in life. I know that William Shatner had aged a few years between the ending of the series and the begining of the first movie and he looked pretty good.
The Beetles, well they were a singing group and Star Trek was a T.V. Series. Apples and Oranges to me. Think I'll just keep the faith and go to a few conventions. Going to one in Orlando Fl next weekend to see Wash and River.

I see that you post a lot and enjoy your posts


Saturday, January 21, 2006 6:41 AM


PurpleBelly wrote:

I agree with BKIvey, except for the great movie part -- so why do I still come here?

You're just pissed that your "denouement" can never come to pass. On the other hand, you could look at it metaphorically, as though Wash overdosed on the heroin you thought he'd eventually become addicted to. ...Not the drug, but from using too large a (wooden) needle.

All due respect, but I think I'll hold onto hope for more. As I wrote in that 'Beatles comparison' referred to above, we need a show about fighting the powers that be, governmental and corporate. I think that's what attracted people all over the world to the show, and is probably the reason the show and movie were both plagued by poor support. Semi-anarchy and anti-commercialism are not exactly welcome topics at the top levels of the media outlets, no matter how much they (subconsciously?) appeal to us.

The show was the antithesis of the utopian attitudes of Star Trek. Can anybody recall a single episode of the series that didn't have some 'a big nosey government is bad' or 'BlueSun owns everything' reference in it? Of course, the entire movie is anti-'overgovernance'. Not because the government is necessarily totally rotten from top to bottom, but because it's got its whole fist in your reconstituted protein birthday cake (made as chocolatey as possible, given the quality of commercial foodstuffs)...



Scroll, 'Belly, scroll...


"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Saturday, January 21, 2006 7:09 AM



Originally posted by subtorpman:
Think I'll just keep the faith and go to a few conventions. Going to one in Orlando Fl next weekend to see Wash and River.

Be sure to tell 'em how we all enjoyed their work. (Make sure Summer knows we think she was robbed by award-nominating powers that be.)


Originally posted by subtorpman:
I see that you post a lot and enjoy your posts

Thank you. You're probably the only one.

14 episodes and a movie is way too little to leave us with, and I'm still hoping for more, as well. Nonetheless, to look at things positively, we should probably be glad we have what we do. I mean, this whole show may've never been produced in the first place, and we never would've enjoyed any of the exploits of Mal, Jayne, River, et al. Pretty dull and boring sci-fi world before "Firefly", and 14 is better than zero.

"No. I just, I have captainy stuff I have to do."


Saturday, January 21, 2006 7:11 AM


If there is never another Firefly episode or Serenity movie, I will not be terribly sad. I will not feel like I, or any of the fans, failed. I will be glad for what was and what is.

But I will also want to know that I put forth effort to gather support for something I so enjoy.

I don't mind that some fans would rather put the series to rest, but why, why in the name of all that is shiny would you try and get others to do the same?

It don't make no sense to me.

I am a leaf on the wind.


Saturday, January 21, 2006 7:38 AM


Nope, not going to give up.



Saturday, January 21, 2006 7:58 AM


I refuse to accept that there won't be more. However, I seem to be somewhat in the minority in that I'd be just fine if "more" translated to a whole passel of comics and novels. It's the Expanded Universe Star Wars nerd in me that, as much as I'd love to see the BDHs on screen again, I'd be more than thrilled if we got a string of quality print fiction.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal, Fox!


Saturday, January 21, 2006 8:06 AM


Give up?

Not gonna happen.

I've seen what can happen if you stick to your guns. Look at Doctor Who and the fan-built dynasty there. What, don't know what I mean? After the show was cancelled the uber-fans kept up the fan fics. Then came the Virgin published novels. Some written by the same uber-fans. Then the BBC published book line, which lasted several *hundred* books. Some written by the same uber-fans.

At the same time there were fan produced radio dramas. I think at least three continuing lines of them. And then the BBC licensed commercial radio dramas, which are quite good. And the fan produced movies.

And now the show is back on the BBC; doing great. If we keep flying and keeping the verse alive we won't wind up on the drift. We may be rolling our own stories; we may wind up saying hellywood turned it's back on us but that doesn't mean that the story has to end....we just have to help Joss find ways to keep telling it and find our own places out on the fringe.


Saturday, January 21, 2006 8:39 AM


Count me in too! I just discovered the 'verse a couple of months ago, and I'm not about to let it go so easily. I agree, if all we end up with is a few novels and comics, so be it, but I'm not ready to take my dog out of this fight just yet.

I'm still pushing Firefly on all my friends and coworkers, and I'm developing a small army of "groupies" as my wife calls them. Awareness of Firefly/Serenity is growing, and while it may be too little and too late to save the sinking ship, I'm heading for the bridge with the Captain, and I'm going down with it.

Zoë: "Preacher, don't the bible have some pretty specific things to say about killing?"

Book: "quite specific. It is however somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps"


Saturday, January 21, 2006 8:49 AM



Originally posted by Jayhawk35:
Count me in too!Awareness of Firefly/Serenity is growing, and while it may be too little and too late to save the sinking ship, I'm heading for the bridge with the Captain, and I'm going down with it.

I'll join ya at the bridge.Oh dear, this is bringing memories of that movie Titanic now. *Sniff* Sorry 'bout that.

I don't think I can let Firefly go. I put my heart and soul into this thing and it's a part of me. It's most important now that we hold the line stronger than ever before for the hope that we may have our 'verse back again.

Jayne: Are you saying River's a witch?
Wash: Yes, Jayne, she's a witch. She's had congress with the Beast.
Jayne: She's in Congress?
Wash: How did your brain even learn human speech? I'm just so curious!


Saturday, January 21, 2006 8:56 AM



Originally posted by ZamIAm:
I don't mind that some fans would rather put the series to rest, but why, why in the name of all that is shiny would you try and get others to do the same?

Very good point. Why can't you guys just keep your insignificant thoughts for yourselves and leave us allone? This is starting to smell like Troll Country.

°°°°°°°°°°°° - my selfmade ambient/lounge/chillout music


Saturday, January 21, 2006 9:24 AM


Give up? Let it go?


Na. Well, maybe, if they make more, and Joss finally says that it’s over.

Well, here I am.


Saturday, January 21, 2006 9:45 AM


We've done the impossible once, so why not try to do it again. What's the worst that can happen? All you invest is time and a little money (DVDs and a shirt or funny hat). Just giving up on something so truly unique and wholly amazing is just sad. I consider the ship and the crew to be friends and if they were truly gone I, well I think it best said by Red (Morgan Freeman) from The Shawshank Redemption. I think we should fight a war with anyone that tells us to stop fighting (even Joss Whedon) doesn't really understand what we have and can't. It's simple hope for a familiar voice in the black so we don't go all bibildy and they were the best. So I fight because it is only right I can see to do when the dark closes in. So make your choice on which side of the line you stand on. Fight for the smallest of hope that one day we will see Serenity fly again or just sit there sadly doing nothing but watching what you've know is there with nothing (not even the smallest of hope) that there could be more. Even if it is gone forever we can still make more even if you and I have to write our own stories. There's still a book or two still coming a comic as well. The RPG is still releasing an adventure. So I say once again fight, fight even when you have no other reasons.

"Those of us who knew it best talk about him often. I swear, the stuff he pulled. It always makes us laugh. Sometimes it makes me sad, though, it being gone. I have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are just too bright and when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoice... but still, the place you live is that much more drab and empty that they're gone. I guess I just miss my friend."


Saturday, January 21, 2006 10:48 AM



Originally posted by Dataless:

"Those of us who knew it best talk about him often. I swear, the stuff he pulled. It always makes us laugh. Sometimes it makes me sad, though, it being gone. I have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are just too bright and when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoice... but still, the place you live is that much more drab and empty that they're gone. I guess I just miss my friend."

And though it took some time and some work...

Red saw his friend again.

I'm with you all. For now and forever.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young


Saturday, January 21, 2006 10:53 AM


Don't spoil it with a desire for more?

Isn't that what life is about? Desiring more than just what's in front of you? Hope is an integral part of life. If you had no hope or desire for more in life, what would be the point in living?


Saturday, January 21, 2006 10:53 AM


Millions of people out there fervently believe and are waiting for the second coming of Jesus Christ.

I fervently believe and am waiting for the second coming of The 'Verse.

If we can't have the BDHs then whatever characters Joss comes up with be equally adored/reviled and the actors who portray them will be equally wonderful. Joss's standards and passion demand nothing less.

nice cover fire
Oh, and I also have a black belt in Smackdown Fu


Saturday, January 21, 2006 11:51 AM



Originally posted by BKIvey:
Firefly is great. Serenity is fantastic (in all senses of the word). Let it go.

As far as sci-fi is concerned "Serenity" and
"Firefly" raise the bar.

Let us take what we have and build upon it but not wish for the glory days of old. Serenity may never sail again but the frission is still there.

I think that Firefly/Serenity are good at 14 episodes and one great movie. Don't try to spoil things with a desire for more.

And if we thought that way when Firefly was canceled then there would have never been a Serenity. So you're probably already understanding my point here.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Saturday, January 21, 2006 12:38 PM


My first post on here ,in answer to the call to give it up.
No not yet,.............and not by a long way.
I discovered the verse but two months ago,
I've only started handing out the TV series,none of my mates have even heard of Firefly or Serenity.

Hold fast brown coats ,the reinforcements are coming,the word is spreading every day.
Do not doubt that what we have seen is something special,it just has to reach a wider audience.

I'm a brown coat ....I'm a believer ......Serinity WILL fly again.


Saturday, January 21, 2006 12:58 PM


Just checked Amazon UK just now ,Serenity is sitting at No 2 on the hot 100 DVD'S.

Serenity WILL fly again


Saturday, January 21, 2006 1:11 PM


Here 'til the very end, and i dont see an end anytime soon!

Fight on Browncoats!

Hell, the whole basis of the show is to never give up! What a great lesson for a cancelled show with obsessive fans eh?

"There is a sense that this is still not over. It's hard to put a finger on what's so special about this project and about this group of people, but it's just one of those things you have to trust in, and relish. I am very, very proud."
---Jewel Staite on "Firefly" and "Serenity" in "Finding Serenity" (essay collection by Jane Espenson)


Saturday, January 21, 2006 1:32 PM


Firefly will probably never be remade...but remember that the show Family Guy was also canceled by Fox only to come back and recieve a higher viewing rate then the Simpsons. I don't think firefly can do this...but you never know if the Sci-Fi Channel will decide to stop making their crappy movies and put the money to making more Firefly. I doubt that will happen.

Firefly is probably dead...but the idea will start a revolution in the creation of space series. The show gave a more western lawless frountere idea to space travel, something Star Wars and Star Trek never did. More space series will have adventures in the red neck planets of the universe because of Firefly. Hopefully the ideals of main characters being shot anywere form 3 to 4 times an epp will live on too. Firefly was the first show where the main characters were shot in every epp.

Firefly was and forever will be the only Space Western that isn't afraid to have a witch burning!


Saturday, January 21, 2006 2:01 PM



Originally posted by cartoon:
But as someone else has said, the actors aren't getting any younger. Unless you want a "Firefly" with the crew in wheelchairs...

Eh, they're not exactly getting ready to retire either. The oldest cast member - not counting Ron Glass, whose character is now dead - is Adam, and he's 43.

And give up on the finest show in this crap-heel 'verse, when it needs support like never before? Not gonna happen.

"I think, therefore I am... I think"


Saturday, January 21, 2006 2:19 PM



Originally posted by CBY:

Originally posted by BKIvey:
Don't try to spoil things with a desire for more.

*cough* without that desire there wouldn't have been a movie in the first place *cough* ...

Amen to that. And without the movie there wouldn't be all of the new fans like me who now desire a sequel and are helping to spread that desire a little more.


Saturday, January 21, 2006 2:19 PM



Originally posted by CBY:

Originally posted by BKIvey:
Don't try to spoil things with a desire for more.

*cough* without that desire there wouldn't have been a movie in the first place *cough* ...

Amen to that. And without the movie there wouldn't be all of the new fans like me who now desire a sequel and are helping to spread that desire a little more.


Saturday, January 21, 2006 2:24 PM



... too large a (wooden) needle
Hi z
I'm just confused that he doesn't get dusted

BTW your original is a perfect fit


Saturday, January 21, 2006 2:45 PM


Serenity and Firefly DVDs are selling quite well, well enough for a sequel, as in we WILL get our sequel, and then another sequel, and then a continuation of the show.

Our chances arren't as bad as people try to make out.


Saturday, January 21, 2006 2:50 PM



Originally posted by RacoonBoy:
Serenity and Firefly DVDs are selling quite well, well enough for a sequel, as in we WILL get our sequel, and then another sequel, and then a continuation of the show.

Our chances arren't as bad as people try to make out.

I agree. The sequel might not happen in the next year or two but it will happen as sure as the rain will fall.

And while we wait we have these things coming out to quench our thirst for more:

1. Serenity Comic Books Spring or Summer of 2006.
2. Serenity Novels; first one projected for Summer of 2006 probably farther off though; next one's author hasn't been announced yet.
3. An expansion to the Serenity role playing game coming out very soon.
4. Firefly trading cards.

And I'm sure there will be more down the road.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Saturday, January 21, 2006 3:19 PM


Oh, I'm mighty greatful for the 14 Firefly episodes and for the awesome movie, Serenity. I absolutely love what I've got!

The thing is, though, that I can't help but want more. I can't help it because it's been ressurected once, why not a second time? I can't help it because I think that there's more to this 'verse than what we've got. That's why I read fanfic; that's why I read anything I can get my hands on that says anything about Firefly or Serenity; that's why I call this place home. Here, we all recognize that there are more stories to be told; and the most beautiful part of it all is that to fill that Firefly void, we tell our own stories.

Please, please don't ever tell me to give up hope. Please don't ask me to let go of something that has opened my eyes to the world around me. Please don't ask me to forsake my dreams of wanting more, because that's like asking me to leave home.

Oh, I am greatful for what I've got, but for me and many others, there's something more, something wanting about the 'verse that is there.

You don't have to want more, but don't ruin the fun and the hopes of everyone else.

Wacky fun!


Saturday, January 21, 2006 4:11 PM



Originally posted by illegalArgentine:
Firefly will probably never be remade...but remember that the show Family Guy was also canceled by Fox only to come back and recieve a higher viewing rate then the Simpsons. I don't think firefly can do this...

Why not? Both have done very well in DVD sales and Firefly has had the benefit of a movie to enlarge the fanbase, which Family Guy did not. The movie didn't do spectacularly well but it didn't flop either. Another movie or TV series is definitely possible. Whichever they do it would have a bigger initial fanbase and more media hype second time round. Both Fox and Universal would be crazy not to at least consider it.


Saturday, January 21, 2006 4:25 PM



Originally posted by niknak:

Originally posted by illegalArgentine:
Firefly will probably never be remade...but remember that the show Family Guy was also canceled by Fox only to come back and recieve a higher viewing rate then the Simpsons. I don't think firefly can do this...

Why not? Both have done very well in DVD sales and Firefly has had the benefit of a movie to enlarge the fanbase, which Family Guy did not. The movie didn't do spectacularly well but it didn't flop either. Another movie or TV series is definitely possible. Whichever they do it would have a bigger initial fanbase and more media hype second time round. Both Fox and Universal would be crazy not to at least consider it.

the problem is that more people are able to get Family Guy. Firefly is something that is harder for people to relate to. Not as many people can understand the ideas of a Space Western or even want to spend the time watching one. More people can relate to comedy, not as many can relate to Sci-Fi. The problem with the series is that it doesn't have the huge vast numbers that a show needs, it only has a small loyal cult...a cult that couldn't keep the movie in the boxoffice for more then two weeks.


Saturday, January 21, 2006 4:38 PM


Ok, this is now numerous. You've used this "only in theatre's 2 weeks" thing several times. Can't let it go, not in the mood this evening. Not trying to be argumentative but I can't let non-facts go.

The movie was in theatres longer than 2 weeks.
It did fine. It's going to do fine once we tally all the totals.

I'm a business woman, and I can see the logic of doing something with this. It'll happen, but some time will pass before it does. Joss is busy, Universal is still scoping out what will happen next. Lots of DVD's still to sell outside of the USA. This isn't the only market you know.

I got my Entertainment Weekly today. Serenity is within the top 100 sellers for the year. Just on theatre take alone. Not #1 but not bad either. It will make Universal money.
And they will do SOMETHING with it.

Yeah, people like Family Guy, but people fall in LOVE with the 'verse. Then they get busy and help others see the wonders of it and THEY fall in love. Our "small loyal cult" will grow. It's a given.

"I start fighting a war, I guarantee you'll see something new." Mal


Saturday, January 21, 2006 5:09 PM



Originally posted by kiltedbrowncoat:
My first post on here ,in answer to the call to give it up.
No not yet,.............and not by a long way.
I discovered the verse but two months ago,
I've only started handing out the TV series,none of my mates have even heard of Firefly or Serenity.

Hold fast brown coats ,the reinforcements are coming,the word is spreading every day.
Do not doubt that what we have seen is something special,it just has to reach a wider audience.

I'm a brown coat ....I'm a believer ......Serinity WILL fly again.

We're with ya!
Keep recruiting, grow our numbers...soon my friends, very soon we will be impossible to ignore.

Cudos to you KiltedBC! Know that you have comrades-in-arms on this side of the pond.

This fight is only just beginning.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young


Saturday, January 21, 2006 5:15 PM



Originally posted by BKIvey:
Firefly is great. Serenity is fantastic (in all senses of the word). Let it go.

As far as sci-fi is concerned "Serenity" and
"Firefly" raise the bar.

Let us take what we have and build upon it but not wish for the glory days of old. Serenity may never sail again but the frission is still there.

I think that Firefly/Serenity are good at 14 episodes and one great movie. Don't try to spoil things with a desire for more.

I agree completely. Let's just enjoy what we got.


Saturday, January 21, 2006 5:21 PM


Right now Amazon Germany has rated the Serenity Special edition DVD #168, six weeks before release. I think this might say something. Firefly is at #433

Won´t let her go. It´s like leaving an old bleeding friend to die while he is still alive and talking to you! Can´t do this...


"Burn the land and boil the Sea, you can´t take the Sky from me..."

Haekeldrache is german for Crochetdragon


Saturday, January 21, 2006 8:33 PM



Originally posted by FollowMal:
I got my Entertainment Weekly today. Serenity is within the top 100 sellers for the year. Just on theatre take alone. Not #1 but not bad either. It will make Universal money.
And they will do SOMETHING with it.

Which issue of Entertainment Weekly is that in?

What # and date?

What page?


Saturday, January 21, 2006 9:18 PM



Originally posted by BKIvey:
Firefly is great. Serenity is fantastic (in all senses of the word). Let it go.

Yeah, well, i think you're barking up the wrong tree here. I never saw the show on TV. Didn't hear about it til 2 years ago when a friend lent me the DVD set. Been in love ever since. I, as a general rule, don't watch much TV. It's all crap. Then a show like this comes along & some ruttin bungger goes cancelin it. That don't sit right with me. I'm certainly not the loudest recruiter in the bunch (i can claim only 10 or so new Browncoats personally recruited), but ain't no one love this show more than me. And you askin us to lay down & die? Well, that don't sit right either. We hold. I will most likely spend the rest of my days hoping for a few more seasons as i'm right sure it ain't gonna happen, but i ain't givin up. I’ll continue to share Firefly with anyone who will let me. Yeah, we may get 1 more movie out of it, but that's little consolation. As much as I enjoyed it, Serenity wasn't Firefly.

You can't take the sky from me






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Fri, September 27, 2024 16:35 - 3 posts
WHY DID THEY CANCEL THIS??? *FIREFLY* Ep 14 Reaction Movie Night with Jacqui Episode -1-14 Reaction
Thu, September 26, 2024 12:40 - 12 posts
Why isn't this a bigger story?
Tue, September 24, 2024 06:55 - 4 posts
People do stop by
Mon, September 23, 2024 17:50 - 4 posts
Happy Anniversary XXII
Fri, September 20, 2024 16:16 - 5 posts
17th Annual Browncoats Backwoods Bash. Bloomington, Indiana. Saturday September 21, 2024.
Fri, September 20, 2024 04:54 - 5 posts
Poetry in song
Tue, September 17, 2024 18:52 - 18 posts