Let it go

UPDATED: Thursday, January 26, 2006 00:45
VIEWED: 24396
PAGE 2 of 2

Saturday, January 21, 2006 9:54 PM


I think its perfectly healthy to want to keep firefly alive. Its when that sort of thing consumes your life that you have problems. For the majority of people here I'm sure that's not the case though so hey, keep the faith, woo!

There's no show I'd rather see, than the one with Serenity.
You can't take the sky from me...


Saturday, January 21, 2006 10:10 PM



We're with ya!
Keep recruiting, grow our numbers...soon my friends, very soon we will be impossible to ignore.

Cudos to you KiltedBC! Know that you have comrades-in-arms on this side of the pond.

This fight is only just beginning.

Thanks for that ,some of you have been fighting a long time ,you must feel tired and weary.
Do not give up hope brothers and sisters,been sending out some waves ,recruiting more for the cause,we will fight on.


Saturday, January 21, 2006 10:39 PM


I like the show i like the movie, i like the world and the characters. I think it worth the fighting for, to see how it all turns out. Part of me wants to say some cool brown coat line like the '...and that makes us mighty..' like mal said to a fellow brown coat. and that same part of me wants to i don't know arange showings of serenity and firefly with fellow fans to invite potensial BC, you know spread the madness lol. But i guess the other part of me the part that is going wait let see what happens before you get all enthusiastic keeps telling me not to get involved. I liked a show before, 'the x-files' not like a super great show firefly is SO much better but still i liked it before enough to buy the Show on DvD and i waited for the 2nd movie and, it just all went to hell. I just dont want to get super into a fandom that is dead or rather on that little rim waiting to be pushed of to its death, it just gets my hopes up that i will have more cool adventures to watch or read. But then the other side of me the brown coat that knows she has lost things before but she has to get over it and fight comes back to say maybe you just did not fight hard enough maybe you just did not Want it bad enough. and so i try to find a blance, and that is to just take it as is comes and be happy with what you got, but if you want something and you see a way to get it that is within the laws of morality ... then fight for it and fight so hard so that no one can make the mistake of thinking you just dont give a damn...


Saturday, January 21, 2006 10:49 PM


The day we give up and stop wanting more is the day we forgot why we became Browncoats.
We are fans because we have shared in a vision that is very special and very unique.
We are Browncoats because we aren't willing to give up on getting the show/BDMs ressurected no matter what the odds because of that vision shared.

Even the cast and crew love us for loving them and giving them a chance to fly again.

I can't do anything as selfish as give up, I have my fellow browncoats, Joss, the cast and all the other people out there who are potential browncoats to think about.
And that gives me strength.

Just to quote
We have done the impossible and that makes us mighty.
Can't stop the signal.


Sunday, January 22, 2006 3:48 AM



Here ya go.

The one that says 20006 Preview on it, with Johnny Depp in the upper left corner and the new Superman in the lower left and Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts and the Sopranos in the lower three circles at the bottom. It is Issue# 860 dated January 27, 2006 ( my birthday!) and the list of the top 100 is on page 23. Serenity is # 95 (granted that is way down there, but it is WITHIN the top 100!) total box office to date $38.8. I'm assuming that is theatre alone, since this top 100 is about theatre take.

The article tops with The Top 100 then below that says "Meet last year's century club......"

I for one am proud of our little movie that could: after all it came out the same year as the latest Star Wars film no less!! Not easy competition.

" I start fighting a war, I guarantee you'll see something new. " Mal


Sunday, January 22, 2006 4:42 AM


Let it go?? Let's see...
You gotta be kidding me!!! I'm a newbie and one of the first things that I learned is that browncoats are not the type of fans to give up.
The odds are against us... Our backs are against the wall but there ain't no giving up or letting it go!!! If Firefly/Serenity affected your life as much as it did mine and countless other browncoats... You wouldn't think of letting it go or giving up. What else is there without our Big Damn Heroes??


Sunday, January 22, 2006 5:07 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by BKIvey:
Firefly is great. Serenity is fantastic (in all senses of the word). Let it go.

As far as sci-fi is concerned "Serenity" and
"Firefly" raise the bar.

Let us take what we have and build upon it but not wish for the glory days of old. Serenity may never sail again but the frission is still there.

I think that Firefly/Serenity are good at 14 episodes and one great movie. Don't try to spoil things with a desire for more.

Sometimes forcing the issue ends up only making a mess. I know of what you speak, but many here think the story remains untold. I don't expect much more than what we've gotten already, as we really have done the impossible. I can live w/ that.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, January 22, 2006 7:07 AM



Originally posted by BKIvey:
Let it go.

If you can, good for you. I cant. Simple.

Jayne: All those years of preacher training, getting knocked out by one bounty hunter
Book: Oh, dont get me wrong. I gave him a hell of a fight
Jayne: Epic i'm guessing


Sunday, January 22, 2006 7:40 AM


The architect of this thread should be put out of the air-lock.


Sunday, January 22, 2006 10:38 AM


BKIvey, Thanks for the comment
However, sorry I favor in fighting for what I believe. If more is made great. If not zannen, Oh well, but either way I keep fighting. I ain't been told to lay down arms yet... So I keep holden and helpen in the small ways I can. Anyways thanks for the comments.
mata, Ookami yori

Surren tis a whole heapen pile of right ugly trouble ain't it.


Sunday, January 22, 2006 10:46 AM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
The architect of this thread should be put out of the air-lock.


Andre: You turned away! You gave up
BKIVEY: Nooo...i would never do such a thing
Andre: Yes you did
BKIVEY:Oh, i'm sorry ok? Its not like i turned you down!
Andre: Oh, but you did. You turn on ANY 1. series of mine, you turn on me. You did it to me BK....and thats a fact.

*opens hatch*
*bk flies out*

Jayne: All those years of preacher training, getting knocked out by one bounty hunter
Book: Oh, dont get me wrong. I gave him a hell of a fight
Jayne: Epic i'm guessing


Sunday, January 22, 2006 11:00 AM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
The architect of this thread should be put out of the air-lock.

I agree but isn't the option of thier kneecaps with Vera still open?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, January 22, 2006 11:01 AM



Originally posted by Haekeldrache:
Right now Amazon Germany has rated the Serenity Special edition DVD #168

Where did you find that figure? I can see only three versions there...

- Serenity UK Import (this is the one I preordered) is at #8.365
- Serenity German +UMD (whatever UMD is) is at #6.661
- Serenity German without UMD (?) is at #6.809

Am I looking in the wrong place?

°°°°°°°°°°°° - my selfmade ambient/lounge/chillout music


Sunday, January 22, 2006 11:09 AM


CBY, UMD is a video medium used to view movies on the PlayStation Portable (PSP). Don't much cotton to it myself, but hey, to each his own.

I don't know about shoving the architect out the airlock. After all, I can see where he's coming from. I spent most of my recent time with Star Wars desperately wishing the torrent of crap would just stop. Honestly, I'd rather see the 'verse stop too rather than see it turned over to someone who either doesn't know or doesnt care what it should look like.

'Course, I trust Joss, so I don't think that's even an issue.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal, Fox!


Sunday, January 22, 2006 11:15 AM



Originally posted by ChrisPV:
CBY, UMD is a video medium used to view movies on the PlayStation Portable (PSP). Don't much cotton to it myself, but hey, to each his own.

I don't know about shoving the architect out the airlock. After all, I can see where he's coming from. I spent most of my recent time with Star Wars desperately wishing the torrent of crap would just stop. Honestly, I'd rather see the 'verse stop too rather than see it turned over to someone who either doesn't know or doesnt care what it should look like.

'Course, I trust Joss, so I don't think that's even an issue.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal, Fox!

Where on earth does this come from?

Let me give you a piece of info:

George Lucas cant write for shit. Thats the problem

Joss can.....thats his strenght

Jayne: All those years of preacher training, getting knocked out by one bounty hunter
Book: Oh, dont get me wrong. I gave him a hell of a fight
Jayne: Epic i'm guessing


Sunday, January 22, 2006 12:56 PM


Exactly my point.

If the 'verse would wind up getting pawned off on someone other than Joss, someone like, say George Lucas, than I'd rather it just end. However, I doubt Joss would ever do such a thing, and as such, I see no point in giving up hope.

Merely stating that I can understand a circumstance where the story coming to a close might be superior to it continuing, i.e. the current state of Star Wars.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal, Fox!


Monday, January 23, 2006 1:33 AM



Originally posted by ChrisPV:
Exactly my point.

If the 'verse would wind up getting pawned off on someone other than Joss, someone like, say George Lucas, than I'd rather it just end. However, I doubt Joss would ever do such a thing, and as such, I see no point in giving up hope.

Merely stating that I can understand a circumstance where the story coming to a close might be superior to it continuing, i.e. the current state of Star Wars.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal, Fox!

Oh, then we agree :)

Noone else but `Joss and TIm should touch this.

Jayne: All those years of preacher training, getting knocked out by one bounty hunter
Book: Oh, dont get me wrong. I gave him a hell of a fight
Jayne: Epic i'm guessing


Monday, January 23, 2006 2:30 AM



Originally posted by BKIvey:
Firefly is great. Serenity is fantastic (in all senses of the word). Let it go.

As far as sci-fi is concerned "Serenity" and
"Firefly" raise the bar.

Let us take what we have and build upon it but not wish for the glory days of old. Serenity may never sail again but the frission is still there.

I think that Firefly/Serenity are good at 14 episodes and one great movie. Don't try to spoil things with a desire for more.

Why in the WORLD would you want to let it go????
Sorry, I'm with the rest, CANT and WONT let it go :) I love the 'verse and the gang far too much and have too much respect for Joss and his baby to let it go. WE WILL see something from them all again in the 'verse, trust me...:)

Let's be bad guys!


Monday, January 23, 2006 2:31 AM



Originally posted by Andre83:

Originally posted by ChrisPV:
Exactly my point.

If the 'verse would wind up getting pawned off on someone other than Joss, someone like, say George Lucas, than I'd rather it just end. However, I doubt Joss would ever do such a thing, and as such, I see no point in giving up hope.

Merely stating that I can understand a circumstance where the story coming to a close might be superior to it continuing, i.e. the current state of Star Wars.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal, Fox!

Oh, then we agree :)

Noone else but `Joss and TIm should touch this.

Jayne: All those years of preacher training, getting knocked out by one bounty hunter
Book: Oh, dont get me wrong. I gave him a hell of a fight
Jayne: Epic i'm guessing

No one else But Joss would touch this, Joss wouldn't let em :) lol Would probably send Mal after 'em too! heh

Let's be bad guys!


Monday, January 23, 2006 2:38 AM



Originally posted by illegalArgentine:
Firefly will probably never be remade...but remember that the show Family Guy was also canceled by Fox only to come back and recieve a higher viewing rate then the Simpsons. I don't think firefly can do this...but you never know if the Sci-Fi Channel will decide to stop making their crappy movies and put the money to making more Firefly. I doubt that will happen.

Firefly is probably dead...but the idea will start a revolution in the creation of space series. The show gave a more western lawless frountere idea to space travel, something Star Wars and Star Trek never did. More space series will have adventures in the red neck planets of the universe because of Firefly. Hopefully the ideals of main characters being shot anywere form 3 to 4 times an epp will live on too. Firefly was the first show where the main characters were shot in every epp.

Firefly was and forever will be the only Space Western that isn't afraid to have a witch burning!

Again with the negative...
How can you say it's "probably" dont have a clue what's up for it next...none of us do...if we start thinking it's "probably dead" etc then what does that say to Joss and to everyone out there? That makes no sense after all we have done to get to where we are now! :) I refuse to hear probablys and talking negatively and in the past tense.....Firefly isn't dead my friend (sure it may not be a tv series again, that's okay, but we will see it again in some form :)
PS, I know you weren't meaning the post to be bad or negative, cuz i also have said that part about Family Guy, etc...but we just can't think negatively one second! :)

Let's be bad guys!


Monday, January 23, 2006 4:46 AM



Originally posted by Andre83:
Oh, then we agree :)

Noone else but `Joss and TIm should touch this.


Y'see, I've been following Star Wars, Star Trek, and most superhero comics since I was a kid. Pains me to see the state they're in these days, all of them. We've got a Superman that mindwipes villains (and Batmen), Spider-Man with what amounts to Wolverine claws, Captain Sam Beckett fighting Borg with Vulcan Hottie McCantAct, and Anakin "Obi-Wan's holding me Back!" Skywalker. Joss can turn out excellent product, consistently. I trust him, and only him, with the 'verse. Fortunately, I think he only trusts him with the 'verse too. That's why I put myself firmly in the "hold the line camp."

Thing is, this ship isn't grounded yet. Joss has said there'll be more comics in two seperate interviews, and the other two novels have been coming for ages.

Keep the faith!

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal, Fox!


Monday, January 23, 2006 4:58 AM



Originally posted by CBY:

Originally posted by Haekeldrache:
Right now Amazon Germany has rated the Serenity Special edition DVD #168

Where did you find that figure? I can see only three versions there...
Am I looking in the wrong place?

#161. Try this link (Or search for "Serenity" and select "DVD" in the Dropdown-Menu:


"Burn the land and boil the Sea, you can´t take the Sky from me..."

Haekeldrache is german for Crochetdragon


Monday, January 23, 2006 5:02 AM


Sorry, can't....won't do......I'm holding.......holding as long as I can.......

Browncoats Unite!!!!!!!!

Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that.


Monday, January 23, 2006 7:18 AM


Until such time as Joss Whedon himself states unequivocably that he will not be involved in a movie sequal or tv series, I will continue to believe and hope.


Monday, January 23, 2006 7:23 AM



Originally posted by pilotrita:

Originally posted by Andre83:

Originally posted by ChrisPV:
Exactly my point.

If the 'verse would wind up getting pawned off on someone other than Joss, someone like, say George Lucas, than I'd rather it just end. However, I doubt Joss would ever do such a thing, and as such, I see no point in giving up hope.

Merely stating that I can understand a circumstance where the story coming to a close might be superior to it continuing, i.e. the current state of Star Wars.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal, Fox!

Oh, then we agree :)

Noone else but `Joss and TIm should touch this.

Jayne: All those years of preacher training, getting knocked out by one bounty hunter
Book: Oh, dont get me wrong. I gave him a hell of a fight
Jayne: Epic i'm guessing

No one else But Joss would touch this, Joss wouldn't let em :) lol Would probably send Mal after 'em too! heh

Let's be bad guys!

Actually, there are others that could work on Firefly/Serenity such as Tim Minear who have the same vision as Joss as to where the 'verse should go.

If a sequel is picked up I believe Tim Minear will be the one to direct it if not write it as well with Joss overseeing (probably taking more of producer spot).

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Monday, January 23, 2006 7:37 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by BKIvey:
Firefly is great. Serenity is fantastic (in all senses of the word). Let it go.

As far as sci-fi is concerned "Serenity" and
"Firefly" raise the bar.

Let us take what we have and build upon it but not wish for the glory days of old. Serenity may never sail again but the frission is still there.

I think that Firefly/Serenity are good at 14 episodes and one great movie. Don't try to spoil things with a desire for more.

Well, you'll have to forgive the majority of us if we don't decide to just give up & go home.

You see, many of us have been here since the series was still on the air. More found their way here when the series went on hiatus. More found their way after the DVD for the series was released & then the rest have followed since the release of the movie & it's DVD. To me it doesn't matter if someone has been here since before the show aired if they just found their way here yesterday. The important thing is that they are here. Their being here means that they care & want to do something to help get the show back on the air.

Some of us have been fighting so long it is hard to remember a time when we weren't employing guerilla marketing techniques or pitching the DVD to new people to inspire interest & expand the fanbase. I ain't whinging mind you, I am only to happy to do as much as I can for Firefly & Serenity. I am very proud to have been a part of this since the beginning. I feel a flush of pride whenever I hear Joss, the BDHs or the writer of an article talk about us browncoats.

You see, not giving up is why we are still here. If we had given up when Fox put the show on hiatus we wouldn't have what we have now. There would be no series DVD set, no movie or DVD, no comics, no action figures, no cards, no Visual Companion, no movie magazine, no novels in the near future, no t-shirts or other fan made merchandise, or all the other shiny things that are on the way. Browncoats don't quit. Not ever. It just isn't in our nature.

So, you can figure on us quitting when politicians stop lying, lawyers stop chasing ambulances, & pigs fly.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Monday, January 23, 2006 11:49 AM


I will never let this show go. I am new to this forum and this is my first post. Yes, I have been around since the beginning of Firefly, but who cares? As has been said, it doesn't matter how we got here, just that we ARE here. I am in love with this show and this universe. And I won't give up.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 5:04 AM



Originally posted by Haekeldrache:
Try this link (Or search for "Serenity" and select "DVD" in the Dropdown-Menu:
[*snip* URL *snip*]

Ah, I see my mistake now: The one you linked can be found under "special edition", the other three I looked at are listed as "Sci Fi" or "import".
°°°°°°°°°°°° - my selfmade ambient/lounge/chillout music


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 5:48 AM



Originally posted by Haekeldrache:
Right now Amazon Germany has rated the Serenity Special edition DVD #168, six weeks before release.

Update: #83


"Burn the land and boil the Sea, you can´t take the Sky from me..."

Haekeldrache is german for Crochetdragon


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 5:57 AM


**spoiler involved**

I think a sequel to the movie would be a great idea, but I think another series is out of the question. It would have to be set after Serenity, and who could

Select to view spoiler:

last a whole series without Wash being around? It'd be so dull, he was the funny one after all...

Well, my sister's a ship. We had a complicated childhood


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 1:12 AM


I'm kind tickled by the fact that your comment about the missing wit in any followup is followed by your signature quote, containing one of my favourite pieces of dry humour in the show. From SIMON :)

"Well, my sister's a ship. We had a complicated childhood."


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 1:57 AM



Originally posted by Haekeldrache:

Originally posted by Haekeldrache:
Right now Amazon Germany has rated the Serenity Special edition DVD #168, six weeks before release.

Update: #83

Have to Update it again, its exploding!

# 28


"Burn the land and boil the Sea, you can´t take the Sky from me..."

Haekeldrache is german for Crochetdragon


Thursday, January 26, 2006 12:45 AM


Ah you can't be predictable about things like that. Gotta surprise people lol!

Well, my sister's a ship. We had a complicated childhood






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