Pipedream or viable possibility, you decide.

UPDATED: Sunday, January 22, 2006 18:00
VIEWED: 2371
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Sunday, January 22, 2006 5:51 AM


There has been a lot of talk about pledging money for the resurection of FF. It seems to me that the roadblock is not really funding or atleast not the initial investment. What seems to be the problem is that we need more clout. Face it, the average browncoat has atleast twenty IQ points on the Fox executives who cancelled the series. I have read some of the fan fiction here, I guarantee you we have more intelligence that a lot of proffessional screenwriters in Hollywood today. We know our product, intimately. We are truly dedicated. To paraphrase Joss, we are mighty! So I return to the previous clout defficeincy. What would happen if a stranger were to arrive at the offices of Mutant Enemy productions and tell the secretary no she (Hey the strager can be female) didn't have a appointment, but she represents a large group of investors interested in ressurecting the Firefly series, this group is the browncoats. The investors are also willing to work as unpaid interns as production assistants to help defray productions costs. (Tell me you wouldn't be willing to volunteer time to bring back Firefly.) It's not like people would be working for free they would be securing their investment.

Could it happen? You tell me. Is it a pipe dream or is it viable?

Scorpion Regent


Sunday, January 22, 2006 5:59 AM


Pipedream. The ONLY way Firefly/BDM sequel is happening is if the exec's see profit in it.

Pledging money is the wrong idea, since they're not so concerned with the money they put in so much as the money they get out.

So, if you really want to see the Browncoats hit the big/small screen again, buy boxed sets for your freinds, blackmail your freinds into buying boxed sets, and buy all the paraphenilia you can get your hands on.

Make them look at the bottom line of that Serenity T-shirt and go "Wow."


Sunday, January 22, 2006 6:15 AM


I agree totally with thepistonengine, but I would also like to add and (excuse me if this was stated in previous threads.) Has anyone thought about sending Billionaires like Bill Gates, Paul Allen etc, DVDS of the Firefly/Serenity with a letter attached explaining the cause?

Maybe after seeing the series/movie they will become Browncoats too. It is quite possible that these people have never heard of the story of Firefly/Serenity. They have clout and money to make things happen.


Sunday, January 22, 2006 7:15 AM



Originally posted by HIXIE129:
I agree totally with thepistonengine, but I would also like to add and (excuse me if this was stated in previous threads.) Has anyone thought about sending Billionaires like Bill Gates, Paul Allen etc, DVDS of the Firefly/Serenity with a letter attached explaining the cause?

Maybe after seeing the series/movie they will become Browncoats too. It is quite possible that these people have never heard of the story of Firefly/Serenity. They have clout and money to make things happen.

I like it, but you also gotta remember respectables like Stephen King already have expressed appreciation for Serenity. Also, I'm betting those fellow's mail is pretty well filtered before it ever gets to them.


Sunday, January 22, 2006 7:40 AM


Yes, I agree, but when a person like Bill Gates speaks, people analyze every word he says, he can move stock markets and every interview is published around the world. Imagine at the end of and interview he announced that he was a browncoat too!. It would get more free press than all of the money paid on advertising for Firefly/Serenity combined.


Sunday, January 22, 2006 7:59 AM


Doubt it. Last time I heard him was when he did the whole "people are starving in africa" gig. Again, as I said before, it's getting the general public to buy stuff. Though having Bill Gates give the exec's a little shove couldn't hurt.


Sunday, January 22, 2006 1:28 PM


All that maybe so, though I suspect that you guys would rather just go out and shop than quit your day jobs and really commit it all to the cause.

Don't take what I'm saying too personally, but I have a obligation to defend my premise.

Scorpion Regent


Sunday, January 22, 2006 1:46 PM



Originally posted by ThePistonEngine:
Pipedream. The ONLY way Firefly/BDM sequel is happening is if the exec's see profit in it.

Pledging money is the wrong idea, since they're not so concerned with the money they put in so much as the money they get out.

So, if you really want to see the Browncoats hit the big/small screen again, buy boxed sets for your freinds, blackmail your freinds into buying boxed sets, and buy all the paraphenilia you can get your hands on.

Make them look at the bottom line of that Serenity T-shirt and go "Wow."

Amen. These execs don't care about petitions. They don't care about attendance at fan shows (although the cast and crew certainly do). They don't care about how passionately we follow the series. All they care about is how much money is in the venture.

Look - I'll be the first to admit that I'm late to the game. I hadn't watched anything more than a trailer up until this month. Now I'm so frappin' hooked that I want/need to see more. I'm not going to spend my time routing petitions or volunteering to be a production gopher - I'm going to put my money where my mouth is - I'm buying as many Firefly / Serenity DVDs as I can fit into my budget. Like it or not, all of my friends will own the pair before long. And then they can pass the word on to their friends... who can pass it on to their friends...

Mark my words, if we make the executives who make the decisions understand that this is a can't miss, profitable venture, Joss and company won't be able to beat them away with a stick.

I've already spent $230 this month on Firefly/Serenity DVDs and memorabilia, and I'm just getting started...


Sunday, January 22, 2006 1:53 PM


Good for you SerenityForever. I'm rather pessimistic though. I just watched my Denver Bronco's get waxed by the steelers, and the previews I saw for series make me shudder. Not only does Firefly have to make them money, it has to make them more money than what's already running and what's in the queue. So, lets look at what's making money and what people, the majority who still haven't heard of Firefly, watch. CSI, Survivor, Love Monkey, reruns of Freinds, Days of our Lives. Nothing Sci Fi. I guess most people aren't interested. Damn George Lucas, friday night primetime, and the World series. They all ruined it for us.


Sunday, January 22, 2006 2:49 PM


I don't know what the deal is with Pittsburgh. Last year, they blew a 15-1 season by laying a turd in the playoffs. This year, they've done the impossible: beaten the #1, #2, and #3 seed, all on the road, to get to the SB. No #6 seed has ever even won 2 games before, much less 3. I'll tell you why I'm in a funk today. I just watched the last of the Firefly series on DVD, and now I have to wait until they make the next movie / tv show to get more. :)


Sunday, January 22, 2006 3:36 PM



Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:
There has been a lot of talk about pledging money for the resurection of FF. It seems to me that the roadblock is not really funding or atleast not the initial investment. What seems to be the problem is that we need more clout. Face it, the average browncoat has atleast twenty IQ points on the Fox executives who cancelled the series. I have read some of the fan fiction here, I guarantee you we have more intelligence that a lot of proffessional screenwriters in Hollywood today. We know our product, intimately. We are truly dedicated. To paraphrase Joss, we are mighty! So I return to the previous clout defficeincy. What would happen if a stranger were to arrive at the offices of Mutant Enemy productions and tell the secretary no she (Hey the strager can be female) didn't have a appointment, but she represents a large group of investors interested in ressurecting the Firefly series, this group is the browncoats. The investors are also willing to work as unpaid interns as production assistants to help defray productions costs. (Tell me you wouldn't be willing to volunteer time to bring back Firefly.) It's not like people would be working for free they would be securing their investment.

Could it happen? You tell me. Is it a pipe dream or is it viable?

Scorpion Regent

The problem would be the unions (or in their case 'guilds') in that industry. If you are a producer, director, actor, studio, production company, etc... that hires people who aren't in the unions or guilds then the rest of the industry will essentially blacklist you. the only time do things like this get away is in the project is considered Independent.

It is just a way for the Hollywood elite to control their little world. Thus they control what gets made into movies and programming for TV.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Sunday, January 22, 2006 3:43 PM



Originally posted by SerenityForever:
I'm going to put my money where my mouth is - I'm buying as many Firefly / Serenity DVDs as I can fit into my budget. Like it or not, all of my friends will own the pair before long. And then they can pass the word on to their friends... who can pass it on to their friends...

Mark my words, if we make the executives who make the decisions understand that this is a can't miss, profitable venture, Joss and company won't be able to beat them away with a stick.

Amen to this!! This is exactly what I am doing. I have my budget mapped out and my birthdays and holidays and gift giving lined up. I am spreading the word of Firefly/Serenity with my pocketbook! And I believe just like you that it WILL work!

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Sunday, January 22, 2006 3:57 PM


Does anyone have any figures on the take of the Firefly DVD set? I know it was running #1 & 2 for a long time on amazon, but how much did that gem make Fox?

You can't take the sky from me


Sunday, January 22, 2006 6:00 PM


I'd like to know how much FOX is making from the DVD set also.






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