Possibility of Firefly on the new CW??

UPDATED: Thursday, January 26, 2006 13:19
VIEWED: 14037
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Tuesday, January 24, 2006 4:09 PM


Just saw this commentary on Maureen Ryan's recommendation for the new lineup on the CW network. Link here:

First of all, from her mouth to God's (and the network execs') ears! I read this and felt a crazy flicker of hope that Firefly might be able to come back and find a new home.

Second, I know I haven't been around from Day 1, as many of you have, but why does there seem to be a pervasive sentiment (showing up more and more often the past few days it seems) of wanting to let Firefly die its too-early death? I've read all the same interviews as everyone else, and I have not interpreted them to mean that a return to tv, with Joss, Tim and all the same cast, would be out of the question. I've interpreted all the comments to mean that it may be unlikely, but more due to network problems and lack of studio interest (read: $$) than lack of interest on behalf of the beautiful ones who gave us Firefly in the first place.

What am I missing? Because if there really is no hope or possibility of that happening, then why aren't we all jumping ship right now? Obsessing about something for the purpose of trying to bring it back and share with others is worthwhile, in my opinion. Obsessing over something futile that many (even the long-term fans) do not seem to want, is not.

MAL: We're still flying.
SIMON: That's not much.
MAL: It's enough.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 4:18 PM


All of the naysayers and "Let it goers" are still logging onto this site and believe me they are still waiting for the day when we can say...our friends are coming home.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 4:35 PM


Hi mcallen, just thought I throw in my 2 cents for what it's worth.

I understand how you feel .I myself have been a fan of Firefly since summer 2004 when I bought the DVD set. However I personally think now that the movie has been released (taking it's Box Office into consideration) I have to say with a heavy heart that I don't see Firefly , as we know and love it, returning to TV any time soon.

Don't get me wrong, there's nothing I would like more than to see that happen but Joss already tried to do that after the initial cancellation and even he couldn't get anywhere with other networks. As sad as it makes me to say this, the BDM may well be the final act of this story.

NOW, having said all that, I will be delighted to eat my words should we learn that Firefly is to be picked up again by the CW, for example. I'm just not betting on it.

This is my personal pipe dream: Joss goes from strength to strength in his film career, he's already off to a great start with Serenity(plus WW and Goners) afterall. Once he's gotten a few commercial hits under his belt he will have a different place in the Hollywood hierarchy and when he feels the time is right, he will make his inevitable return to TV, either with a completely new series premise OR with a spin-off of Firefly/Serenity, with new and hopefully old characters in a different setting within our beloved 'verse. Once he's an established film director, he should be afforded slightly more respect by network executives and hopefully the TV climate will have evolved in a positive direction, i.e less cancel-happy.

I'm sure many browncoats feel very differently to me about the future of Firefly, and I'm definitely keeping my fingers crossed that I'll be proven wrong and we hear some good news about a 2nd BDM, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

These last few news days have proven very interesting for us Browncoats. Who knows what the future will bring?

We're still flying.

That's not much.

It's enough.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 5:20 PM



Originally posted by werealljustfloating:
Hi mcallen, just thought I throw in my 2 cents for what it's worth.

Don't get me wrong, there's nothing I would like more than to see that happen but Joss already tried to do that after the initial cancellation and even he couldn't get anywhere with other networks. As sad as it makes me to say this, the BDM may well be the final act of this story.

One thing i might add (or should i say counter) is that when Joss first tried to find Firefly a new home, it was a canceled & rejected half season of TV with dreadful ratings. A LOT has changed since then. I wonder if all the networks would turn their backs on Firefly *now* after all the DVD sales *still* going strong, doing the impossible with Serenity, & the fact that 3 years after cancellation, there is still a boat load of vehement fans yelling loudly, “WE want more!”

Given the chance, I think *someone* would see Firefly for the treasure it truly is & make season 2(3) happen.

Just my optimistic thoughts…

You can't take the sky from me


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 5:23 PM


another factor to look at in Firefly's favor is that IT WAS COMPLETELY SCREWED OVER BY FOX AND NOT EVEN GIVE A FIRST CHANCE. how can you call airing a series on Friday night completely out of order a chance? only at Fox. Firefly is still waiting for a network to give it an honest FIRST chance to fly.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 5:25 PM


It confuddles me that someone hasn't noticed yet....completely confuddles me.

It makes me wonder sometimes what Joss did to piss off the whole TV exec community to have them treat him like this...


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 6:46 PM


I think some people say "let it die" because they don't want to keep their hopes up and then watch them die painfully after years of disappointment. It's a self-defense mechanism. But for that to work, they either have to stop visiting the site, or we all say we give up. As long as many of us still have hope, they'll keep getting re-infected. And the occassional false promises don't help the matter.

Jayne: I once hit a guy in the neck from 500 yards with a bent scope. Don't that count upstairs?
Book: Oh, it'll be taken into consideration.
Jayne: You made that sound kind of ominous.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 7:22 PM


Okay assuming said show were to be picked up by CW... where should it be best put to take on and be a contender against the other networks?

Assuming (yet again) they get Firefly rolling again... they can't put Firefly on Mondays and expect it to succeed. It'd be suicide, First off, there's 24. Secondly if it's not 24... CBS would drive a nail in it's coffin with their sitcom line up... too many people watch those.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 7:32 PM


While this new network does look intresting I still hold my highest hopes with either SciFi or that whole Firefly Season2 project thing. And I am very much looking forward to some new comics set in the Verse.

And we all have been hurt by scams and the like before, people are just weary of getting hurt again but they all would be excited to see Firefly hit the air waves once again. (think I just dated myself a little bit )


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 8:26 PM


mcallen wrote, in part:

...Second, I know I haven't been around from Day 1, as many of you have, but why does there seem to be a pervasive sentiment (showing up more and more often the past few days it seems) of wanting to let Firefly die its too-early death? I've read all the same interviews as everyone else, and I have not interpreted them to mean that a return to tv, with Joss, Tim and all the same cast, would be out of the question. I've interpreted all the comments to mean that it may be unlikely, but more due to network problems and lack of studio interest (read: $$) than lack of interest on behalf of the beautiful ones who gave us Firefly in the first place.

What am I missing? Because if there really is no hope or possibility of that happening, then why aren't we all jumping ship right now? Obsessing about something for the purpose of trying to bring it back and share with others is worthwhile, in my opinion. Obsessing over something futile that many (even the long-term fans) do not seem to want, is not.

Well, I consider myself lucky enough to have seen every episode of Firefly when it first aired on F*x, and lucky to have felt such sweet sorrow for my lost love during the dark months following its forced "hiatus". I've been a member of this board for going on two years now, and before that I posted daily on and even downloaded eps from alt.binaries.multimedia.firefly before the Firefly DVD set was a twinkle in F*x's eye (shout out to "Hel" from the UK for posting those within days of them airing on British SciFi). As soon as they became available commercially, I round-filed my DVD-Rs and purchased them. I convinced at least 4 of my acquaintances to purchase them also (and they convinced 4 friends; iterate x times).

Point is, I've never given up hope of seeing more Firefly. The movie was a good start; but I want it back on TV. To those who would be satisfied with comics and paperback serializations: To each his/her own. I'm not gonna be truly satisfied until it's back in a one-hour weekly format.

I've never given up that hope, and I never will. Maybe I'm stubborn; maybe I'm stupid. I don't really care. I have never felt this strongly about a televised entertainment. Firefly is something special and we all know it. For Firefly, I will gladly tilt with windmills and be thought a fool.

As for the "pervasive sentiment" you mention: Check the "Profile" pages of those registering such comments. I'll bet most of those posters have been members here not longer than since last June, when the promotional efforts for the movie were starting to ramp up. Fair weather friends. "Lukewarm" Browncoats (I spit them out). As for those who want to leave Firefly a cherished memory, for fear that it couldn't be as good in a second incarnation: Cowards! What red-blooded man or woman lives in fear that the future will not be as good as the past, so why bother even trying?

So, mcallen, have faith and take heart. If your love for Firefly is true, you can bet your ass that you will always have at least one 'old-timer' who will hold the line with you, to his very last breath.



"I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all." -Alfred Lord Tennyson, In Memoriam 27: I Envy Not In Any Moods, 13-16


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 8:51 PM



I just offically watched firefly this last christmas. I'm pretty new.

It was weird walking into these boards one of the first threads I read was sort of a "Let it Go" thread so I felt like I showed up too late for the party and now everyone wants to go home.

But Well... that's enlightening to know that there are "Old Skoolerz" that still are giving their all. Thank You


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 9:35 PM



Welcome. As I implied above, there are many hereabouts who are only surfing the latest entertainment wave, who are not true 'fishermen' of the 'verse. To carry the analogy a little further: They troll around, making too much noise devoid of meaning, and occasionally throw in a stick of dynamite just to see what will float to the surface.

You've got to get up early, weather the storms, tend the nets, and bring a lantern and a lunch to be a real fisherman, a real Browncoat. A lot of people all over the world truly 'get' Firefly. We're not going anywhere.

I let the blowhards rant and poke and needle. I figure they'll be gone as soon as the 'next big thing' rolls around. But, when I read the comments of someone who's newly discovered the ingenious artistry of Firefly -- like mcallen and yourself -- stating that they're beginning to doubt their blossoming love for Firefly because of those blowhards, well... I just gotta say something.

The faster the attention-deficient 'surfers' convince themselves to leave, the better, as far as I'm concerned. I'm not rude enough to actually chase them off; I'll let them run their (short) course. Once they're gone, we can get back to the serious business of harvesting the catch. They'll have their fun, flitting about from one fancy to the next. But we'll land The Big One. We did it before, and I believe we will do it again.

Firefly's for lifelong lovers, not thrill seekers...



I just had a strange association pop into my head. Didja ever see "The Perfect Storm"? The fishermen haul in a record catch and then lose the boat (and their lives) in "the storm of the century". It occurs to me that we may very well have lost our Serenity catch to a devastating storm (Katrina), too. But we're keeping our heads above water and hoping for rescue. Davey Jones' Locker is too cold and dark to resign yourself to, without first exhausting your last ounce of strength. "When you can't run anymore, you crawl, and when you can't do that... " Well, let's just say somebody's gonna have to carry me out of this place.

"I'm thinking we'll rise again." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Firefly, "The Train Job"


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 10:43 PM


First of all, CW is owned by Time Warner so for the best chance for it to go to the CW network it would need for one of Time Warner's production companies to aquire the rights from 20th Century Fox or otherwise a new season of Firefly made by 20th Century Fox means that most likely it'll go to a network owned by Fox including the infamous Fox Broadcasting Network that gave Firefly the axe in the first place. Second, as a Time Warner employee, I don't think your chances are good that Time Warner would bother to aquire the rights. Time Warner is mainly interested in building their Cable network, news network (CNN, and their numerous local 24 hour new stations; which is where I work), and their Premium channel networks (HBO, Cinemax, Showtime, etc...). CW for the most part gleans most of their shows from other production companies not owned by Time Warner that have been turned away from most other networks.

Your best bets right now are if Universal greenlights a movie sequel, Universal aquires the rights to Tv broadcast, or Brilliant Screens Entertainment (that Ace Underhill character) aquires the rights in seeing more Firefly/Serenity.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 11:11 PM


I think I'm going to be here for the long haul... because believe it or not I've been a very similar boat before. Not completly the same boat but both of them have the same smell it's got the odor of... Survival and Honey (this place is a beehive).

What makes it so similar is that I happen to also be a Droogie you see... (What is a droogie?... let's just say a fan of Megadeth). And in mid '02 for 2 whole days the Megadeth website was down... for those days I had no clue what had happened until the website finally came back on. The homepage loaded and then in big bold letters it had said that Megadeth was no more. The "Official Forums" got completely wiped into oblivion... it was like someone had nuked a city. Because that community is/was irreplaceable.

And now after another lineup change Megadeth is back... if it hadn't been for the fans that created the so many incarnations of "Fans United". "The System Has Failed" would've never been created... because we showed Dave that we were still there.

PS. Don't mind me... I'm tired.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 4:32 AM


I'm gonna ask a cheeky question here, so bare with me please:

What are people's thoughts about a possible spin-off from Firefly in the not-too-distant future?

Now just to clarify, I LOVE these characters to death, I LOVE the show and appreciate it as something truly unique in the world of episodic tv, but above all else, I LOVE, LOVE , LOVE Joss Whedon as a writer/director/creator.(I have done so since about 1999) When I went to see the BDM the first time my strongest feeling was one of pride - I was just so proud of Joss for making such a brilliant cinematic debut and showing the rest of the world - at least those uninitiated people who came to see the film - what a truly talented man he is. Of course anyone who's already watched his tv shows knows this but let's not forget, the rest of the world knew little of the genius we call Whedon.

I honestly think that someday Joss will want to return to the verse with a show that has the very best of what made Firefly so special, plus a whole boatload of new shiny stuff. Does anyone else agree?

And to amend my earlier post, I still hold onto the hope of either a Bid Damn Sequel from Universal, or another season of Firefly on TV - trust me, nothing would bring me more joy.


We're still flying.

That's not much.

It's enough.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 4:32 AM



You constantly inspire me. And thanks. I'll be right here with you, holding the line, not giving up.

'Nuff said.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 4:46 AM


For myself, Werealljustfloating- I can't see anyone but these characters and actors in a story set in the 'verse.

I would not be happy, especially if Mal were not there. And a different ship than Serenity?! No way.

The magic created with this show is a combination of writing, the ship being real to us and the actors embodying their characters so fully. Lightning in a bottle, literally. Don't think it could be dupicated.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 4:49 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by MichaelAngelo:

One thing i might add (or should i say counter) is that when Joss first tried to find Firefly a new home, it was a canceled & rejected half season of TV with dreadful ratings. A LOT has changed since then. I wonder if all the networks would turn their backs on Firefly *now* after all the DVD sales *still* going strong, doing the impossible with Serenity, & the fact that 3 years after cancellation, there is still a boat load of vehement fans yelling loudly, “WE want more!”

Amen to that MichaelAngelo!

This is a point that a lot of people don't consider when they say tv is impossible or nearly impossible. When Joss shopped it around before we had no DVD sales, a huge fanbase, a presence & Cons or a BDM.

I'm thinking it would be a different story now.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 5:00 AM


I understand how you feel FollowMal - I should have guessed from your name . I too can't really imagine a show without Mal or Serenity, or any of the other characters for that matter. But I have faith in Joss and the other writers such as Tim Minear that they could continue telling countless stories within this verse, as they would have done had the show been kept on the air. After all, look at how much Buffy and Angel evolved as shows during their respective lifetimes.

By the way I didn't mean I wanted a show with wholly new characters and a new ship - remember Serenity has been flying long before Mal bought her and I'm certain he ain't letting go of her anytime soon...

I can so see him as an ageing Captain(ten/twently years down the road), still hopping from planet to planet, taking jobs that inevitably go awry, thinking about the early days with a twinkle in his eye...


We're still flying.

That's not much.

It's enough.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 5:14 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by mcallen:
Second, I know I haven't been around from Day 1, as many of you have, but why does there seem to be a pervasive sentiment (showing up more and more often the past few days it seems) of wanting to let Firefly die its too-early death?

I can’t understand why anyone would give up hope either - it really doesn’t take that much more effort to believe and it’s a whole lot more fun. Besides, how can anyone even guess at what might happen positive or otherwise? Only a few days ago there had been all sorts of possible comeback scenarios and dreams and none of them included, “the WB and UPN networks have combined and it would be a good fit for a JW show...” no one saw that coming.
I also don’t understand how, worst case scenario (beside no Firefly) a bad redux would tarnish the original... wouldn’t that just make it more special? It would even make for an interesting footnote in the 100 year history of the longest running show on tv. In 2102, when they have the anniversary and unveil the ceremonial crystal glass Firefly timeline that will hang in the Television and Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Academy, Firefly scholars on hand will look back and comment on that first return to tv as being....

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 5:15 AM


I would LOVE to have a new weekly "Firefly/Serenity" fix but at the same time Joss is an artists and artists need to create new things. So, I would not begrudge him a new show or new concept but I would hope that he would bring "Firefly/Serenity" maybe into a new phase or genera.

I would not be upset if he decided to do something new. Well, I would for like a minute or something.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 5:29 AM


you guys im sorry to bother you but what is the CW. you guys keep talking about it. I dont kno what you are all talking about.

"My only regret......Was not being with you"


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 5:30 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by zoid:
Point is, I've never given up hope of seeing more Firefly. The movie was a good start; but I want it back on TV. To those who would be satisfied with comics and paperback serializations: To each his/her own. I'm not gonna be truly satisfied until it's back in a one-hour weekly format.

I've never given up that hope, and I never will. Maybe I'm stubborn; maybe I'm stupid. I don't really care. I have never felt this strongly about a televised entertainment. Firefly is something special and we all know it. For Firefly, I will gladly tilt with windmills and be thought a fool.

If you are stupid Zoid, you are my kind of stupid.


Originally posted by zoid:
So, mcallen, have faith and take heart. If your love for Firefly is true, you can bet your ass that you will always have at least one 'old-timer' who will hold the line with you, to his very last breath.

Make that TWO old timers.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 5:39 AM


A few things to remember about back when the show was cancelled:

1. Advertising was still in a horribly soft state. It had been dropping across all industries since 4th qtr 2000 and 9/11 gutted budgets. This meant networks were feeling in a fragile way.

2. For some unfathomable reason Scifi was moving away from space shows. Makes the mind wobbble, that.

3. There was more competition. Andromeduh and Enterprise were both out. UPN wouldn't consider Firefly due to Enterprise being on their bill.

Since all of these things have changed and we have done the impossible already I would love to get the show back on the small screen.

Then again, I'll take it however I can get it. Novels, comics, subscription radio dramas like Doctor Who did, movies, whatever manner I can get it.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 5:43 AM



Originally posted by DarienDayshadow:
you guys im sorry to bother you but what is the CW. you guys keep talking about it. I dont kno what you are all talking about.

No problem DarienDayshadow, this should clear things up for you:

This is what linked to yesterday, but if you Google it there's plently of other articles to choose from.

"NEW YORK ( - Warner Brothers and CBS Corp. announced plans Tuesday for the creation of a new broadcast television network, called CW, that would replace the WB and UPN networks in the fall of this year.

The new broadcast network will draw on programming from both WB and UPN, and will be a joint venture between Warner Bros. and CBS (Research), with each company owning 50 percent, officials of both companies said. (The "C" stands for CBS, the "W" is for Warner.)"

There's more info in the article but that's the jist of it. What it'll mean for future incarnations of Firefly is all just speculation on our part.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 5:55 AM



Originally posted by zoid:

I've never given up that hope, and I never will. Maybe I'm stubborn; maybe I'm stupid. I don't really care. I have never felt this strongly about a televised entertainment. Firefly is something special and we all know it. For Firefly, I will gladly tilt with windmills and be thought a fool.

As for the "pervasive sentiment" you mention: Check the "Profile" pages of those registering such comments. I'll bet most of those posters have been members here not longer than since last June, when the promotional efforts for the movie were starting to ramp up. Fair weather friends. "Lukewarm" Browncoats (I spit them out). As for those who want to leave Firefly a cherished memory, for fear that it couldn't be as good in a second incarnation: Cowards! What red-blooded man or woman lives in fear that the future will not be as good as the past, so why bother even trying?

So, mcallen, have faith and take heart. If your love for Firefly is true, you can bet your ass that you will always have at least one 'old-timer' who will hold the line with you, to his very last breath.

ZOID--THANK YOU!! I think that pretty much covers it. :-)

MAL: We're still flying.
SIMON: That's not much.
MAL: It's enough.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 6:00 AM



Originally posted by zoid:

Welcome. As I implied above, there are many hereabouts who are only surfing the latest entertainment wave, who are not true 'fishermen' of the 'verse. To carry the analogy a little further: They troll around, making too much noise devoid of meaning, and occasionally throw in a stick of dynamite just to see what will float to the surface.

This analogy reminds me of an old Hemingway i once read, "The old Man and the Sea".
There is an old fisherman, Santiago, in Cuba who has gone eighty-four days without a catch. Santiago leaves shore early in the morning, hoping to catch a stray or perhaps even discover a marlin. The first bite of the marlin was hard, and after a few nibbles he swallowed the hook.
The fish is strong, though, and does not come up. Instead, he swims away, dragging the old man and his skiff along behind.
After hours and hours of exhausting fight Santiago catched the Marlin and the huge fish finally dies. Having killed the Marlin, Santiago lashes its body alongside his skiff.
Two hours later, two shovel-nosed sharks arrive at the skiff. Santiago is tring to get rid of them with his knife, but the sharks are ripping off the Marlin from underneath the boat. More sharks appear at sunset and Santiago only has a club with which to beat them away.
He concentrates purely on steering homewards and ignored the sharks that came to gnaw on the marlin's bones.
Santiago fought well, but when he arrives at the harbor, the Marlin was barely more than a Skeleton.

I think this man was a true Browncoat. Let´s hope that we will get more than a fleshless carcass - anyway, we will keep on fighting...


"Burn the land and boil the Sea, you can´t take the Sky from me..."

Haekeldrache is german for Crochetdragon


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 6:11 AM


DarienDayshadow asked:

you guys im sorry to bother you but what is the CW. you guys keep talking about it. I dont kno what you are all talking about.

It was alluded to in the first post of the thread, which included a link to Whedonesque, which in turn included a link to Mo Ryan's Chicago Tribune online musings, here:

Before anybody goes totally ga-ga, it should be noted that Ms. Ryan is nominally a journalist, not a programmer or consultant for the new network. I doubt seriously that her opinions account for much more than any of ours with the CW's brass. Still, it's nice to know we've got some paid TV critics on our side of the fight. (NB: She specifically mentions "Cowboys in space...".)

But it was a good opportunity for me to grind my axe on a different website, so I did. Look for the comment by 'zoid', and I think you'll recognize my signature bull-headed reasoning. Other 'flans' have similarly piped up with their own commentary.

I think it would be just really special and heartwarming if all of y'all would likewise post a short and supportive response on their board ...crashing their server in the process.

That'd teach 'em to mention Firefly or conjure with the name of Joss Whedon within earshot of a Browncoat.



Still free-associating, how about this for a line from a future episode of Firefly?

Mal: "River, we need to talk..."
River: [Studying her computer screen] "Can't right now, Captain..." [looks up at him, and says slowly, eerily] "...I've got an axe to grind."
Mal closes his mouth just in time to avoid saying anything further, does a precise about-face and exits, stage right.

"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 6:12 AM



Originally posted by werealljustfloating:

"NEW YORK ( - Warner Brothers and CBS Corp. announced plans Tuesday for the creation of a new broadcast television network, called CW, that would replace the WB and UPN networks in the fall of this year.

I just read "Browncoat Televison Network"... think i got a narrow, firefly related perspective on reality -_-


"Burn the land and boil the Sea, you can´t take the Sky from me..."

Haekeldrache is german for Crochetdragon


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 7:14 AM


Haekeldrache wrote:

This analogy reminds me of an old Hemingway i once read, "The old Man and the Sea"...

Very apt. Bravo.

It's good to see that someone has not only read Hemingway, but comprehended his message. I will be like Santiago, who finally understands the old lion that through failing eyes, still roars defiance at the setting of the sun...



...And if you need any proof that our educational system is whacked, get an eyeful of this: If the Boards of Education and the teachers don't understand the meaning of Hemingway any better than this, how will their students? It's about sea turtle conservation and Joe DiMaggio's baseball stats?!?

"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 7:21 AM


What some folks have said already is about right... Some of it's just being on the defensive; you don't want to get let down, particularly regarding something you love so much.

I fell in love with Firefly within five minutes of watching one episode. That's never happened before with any form of entertainment, and likely never will again. The show did absolutely everything I like to see, and nothing that irritated me. Of course I'd love to see it come back, in some form, anywhere.

But, unlike some others, I'm not afraid of being let down. I prefer to be optimistic, even if it seems like there's no possibilities. Hell, we've already done the impossible at least once... and I maintain hope that we can do that again. Just... if there's another Serenity movie, let's not open it the same weekend as some Jessica Alba skinflick. KF


"Lord, I'm walking your way. Let me in, for my feet are sore, my clothes are ragged. Look in my eyes, Lord, and my sins will play out on them as on a screen. Read them all. Forgive what you can and send me on my path. I will walk on until you bid me rest." ~Haven Prayer


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 7:39 AM



I will be like Santiago, who finally understands the old lion that through failing eyes, still roars defiance at the setting of the sun...

Zoid, I just read your post and couldn't help thinking of this quote

Am I a lion?


I don't think of myself as a lion.
You may as well, though: I have a
mighty roar. "

We browncoats should have a mighty roar, It's our right as fans. We have indeed done the impossible afterall.

Keep Flyin'



Wednesday, January 25, 2006 7:43 AM


well why aren't we petitioning yet? we have to find the right person to email and everyone should send an email with the same title. like "revive firefly"


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 7:51 AM


I won't "let go" of this. I love this show too much to let it go. Maybe these people that think we should just bid goodbye to Firefly are nothing more than chronic defeatists.

I will not surrender to defeat. I will hold the line. I will stand on the line and die standing on it if needs be. Some things just aren't meant to be given up on.

Just like Firefly I cherish my nation and it's Constitutional freedoms but I fear those freedoms are in jeopardy not by terrorists so much as by our own leaders who use that fear as a tool to undermine our freedoms and cement their power. When the freedoms our forefathers fought to pass down to us are all stripped away then I have only these words for those in Congress and the White House who in a treasonable fashion sold us all out. To paraphrase Mal, "Take my nation from me and I guarantee you'll see somethin new!"



Wednesday, January 25, 2006 7:52 AM


Do email petitions work though? I remember during the campaign to save Angel, fans were told not to send emails but to send snail mail as emails can just be deleted at the touch of a button while postcards and letters create more of an impression.

I'd happily send some postcards of letters if only I knew where to send them to. Anyone got any suggestions?


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 8:00 AM



Originally posted by zoid:

Haekeldrache wrote:

This analogy reminds me of an old Hemingway i once read, "The old Man and the Sea"...

Very apt. Bravo.

It's good to see that someone has not only read Hemingway, but comprehended his message. I will be like Santiago, who finally understands the old lion that through failing eyes, still roars defiance at the setting of the sun...



Thank you ;)


...And if you need any proof that our educational system is whacked, get an eyeful of this: If the Boards of Education and the teachers don't understand the meaning of Hemingway any better than this, how will their students? It's about sea turtle conservation and Joe DiMaggio's baseball stats?!?

"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'

Well, I think this might be an adequate summary - for the first 10 Pages... Argh! This is Crap! But... i don´t think that our (The German)educational system is much better though...


"Burn the land and boil the Sea, you can´t take the Sky from me..."

Haekeldrache is german for Crochetdragon


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 8:07 AM



Originally posted by werealljustfloating:
I understand how you feel FollowMal - I should have guessed from your name . I too can't really imagine a show without Mal ...

Neither can I. Verse without Mal? No way!
(not all oldfogies is men-folk.)

Breathes there the man with soul so dead
Who never to himself hath said
Firefly is home, my crew, my band.
...apologies to Sir Scott.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 8:09 AM


you're right. let's do a snail mail campaign. honestly. this could be a great opportunity.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 8:27 AM


Not to be a naysayer, but execs behind the upcoming CW have said the network will target the youth and minority audience. And while I'm sure we have pleanty of young and/or minority browncoats, I think that just means we'll be seeing more WB style teen dramas, and UPN style sitcoms - but all on 1 network. Yeah.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 8:28 AM


Huzzah! I'm all in. I think the WB owes Joss, seeing as all of his shows put that station on the map and kept it afloat. If there's no Buffy, there's no WB plain and simple. Buffy brought in the Smallville and Gilmour Girls viewers. If someone (I'd do it but I'm already behind at work, it'll have to wait for me till spring break as I'm a teacher) is willing to find out who we need to contact, I think a cojoined snail/e-mail attack would be fairly effective. There are thousands of us. Remember the lesson learned from Bug's Life and the Three Amigos? Good sewing saves the day! No...wait...there's more of us than there are of them. Yeah, that's the lesson. Ignore the sewing part.

Remember, that but for one trifling exception, the entire universe is made up of others.- Oliver Wendall Holmes


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 8:29 AM



Originally posted by rklenseth:
First of all, CW is owned by Time Warner so for the best chance for it to go to the CW network it would need for one of Time Warner's production companies to aquire the rights from 20th Century Fox or otherwise a new season of Firefly made by 20th Century Fox means that most likely it'll go to a network owned by Fox including the infamous Fox Broadcasting Network that gave Firefly the axe in the first place. Second, as a Time Warner employee, I don't think your chances are good that Time Warner would bother to aquire the rights. Time Warner is mainly interested in building their Cable network, news network (CNN, and their numerous local 24 hour new stations; which is where I work), and their Premium channel networks (HBO, Cinemax, Showtime, etc...). CW for the most part gleans most of their shows from other production companies not owned by Time Warner that have been turned away from most other networks.

Your best bets right now are if Universal greenlights a movie sequel, Universal aquires the rights to Tv broadcast, or Brilliant Screens Entertainment (that Ace Underhill character) aquires the rights in seeing more Firefly/Serenity.

NO...NO...NO... Why won't these un-truths go away and stay away?! 6.5 seasons of BtVS and 5 seasons of Angel were produced by Fox's production company to be aired on the WB and on UPN (the two networks involved in the proposed merger). Other than syndicated episodes in re-runs, they were never aired on a Fox network. Fox's production company would be wrapping up FF season 5 right now if a network had been interested in picking it up (Early on, UPN was thought to be the most likely taker). A relaunched FF would be a great way for the CW to beome known. It could do for them What BtVS did for The WB during its infancy.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 9:43 AM



Originally posted by milford:
Huzzah! I'm all in. I think the WB owes Joss, seeing as all of his shows put that station on the map and kept it afloat. If there's no Buffy, there's no WB plain and simple. Buffy brought in the Smallville and Gilmour Girls viewers.

I admire you're passion milford, but (and I mean no offense) you're wrong.

From the WB's perspective, they don't owe Joss a gorram thing. Similarly neither does UPN, the CW, 20th Television(the studio) or FOX, the network.

The same can be said for Universal. Joss is the one who must convince them to finance and distribute his shows/movies. If the big companies aren't convinced that his 'product' will be a profitable/worthwhile investment, then they can and will decline to invlove themselves, i.e cancel an exisitng show or decide against backing a new one.

That (as I understand it) is what happened to Firefly - the Fox network pulled the plug on it because they didn't want to continue pouring money into it (BIG MISTAKE as we all know, but it was their right to do so). Same thing re Angel - the WB cancelled it for whatever moonbrained reasoning they had -and Joss couldn't do a damn thing to stop them. He did indeed try to get both shows picked up by other networks etc... but he had no luck.

At the end of the day the ball is in the suits' court. We can only voice our support of Joss and all his endevors through the money we spend, the shows we watch and the letters we write, and hope against hope that the PTBs listen to us.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 10:02 AM



Originally posted by oldfogey:

Breathes there the man with soul so dead
Who never to himself hath said
Firefly is home, my crew, my band.
...apologies to Sir Scott.

Ah, I love it, and it is just exactly how my heart sees it.

Thank you.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 10:04 AM



Originally posted by werealljustfloating:
From the WB's perspective, they don't owe Joss a gorram thing.

Actually mi amigo, it is you who are mistaken. Without Buffy, the WB never gets off the ground. If they had cancelled the show after the first offering of epidodes, there was nothing waiting in the wings to keep things going. There's no cash from Buffy or Angel. They don't attract the younger viewer that is now the cornerstone of thier newtwork with all their other teenie-bopper shows (I mean that with no derision, I haven't missed an episode of Smallville yet!). The point is that in fact the WB owes Joss a ton.

Now, that being siad, you are correct werealljustfloating, TECHNICALLY they don't owe Joss a snort. I was foolishly applying human characteristics to evil automotons. If the WB or CW were to order new episodes from Fox, I'm sure those moneygrubbers would find a way.

Remember, that but for one trifling exception, the entire universe is made up of others.- Oliver Wendall Holmes


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 10:25 AM


Dawn Ostroff is the President of Programming. As soon as they launch a web-site or a press release with a few "underlings" we should pick someone and barrage them with "Relight the Firefly/Boy do you guys need Joss" e-mails and snail mail.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 11:01 AM


That someone should be Dawn. IMO, since Joss is good friends with her that gives us leverage.

Or hell we should get a campaign to send all the people working at the new network Firefly and Serenity Dvds in a gift basket of goodies as well. What should be included? A Serenity T-Shirt... with Serenity figurines... with the Serenity Novelization, and even the Serenity Visual Companion.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 11:17 AM


Huzzah Grimjack21502! Let's get on it. I've also heard a rumor that since Unviersal (i.e. NBC, SciFi) now owns the broadcast rights to the series and Serenity, they might be a good option too. Let's get this organized and get on it. You guys are the best. If I ever come up with something clever like Joss, I hope my fans are as good as you are.

Remember, that but for one trifling exception, the entire universe is made up of others.- Oliver Wendall Holmes


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 1:07 PM



Originally posted by zoid:
As for the "pervasive sentiment" you mention: Check the "Profile" pages of those registering such comments. I'll bet most of those posters have been members here not longer than since last June, when the promotional efforts for the movie were starting to ramp up. Fair weather friends. "Lukewarm" Browncoats (I spit them out). As for those who want to leave Firefly a cherished memory, for fear that it couldn't be as good in a second incarnation: Cowards! What red-blooded man or woman lives in fear that the future will not be as good as the past, so why bother even trying?

I beg to differ. I've been a Firefly fan from the days of it originally airing. I didn't frequent these boards back then obviously, but I watched the shows and tried to push it on others.

I have the pervasive feeling you speak of. For me it comes from Joss. Joss has stopped fighting. When our leader lays down arms, that's a huge let down to me. No, he hasn't said he's done with the verse. He loves the verse as much or more than any of us. Still his motto has changed. He's not out trying to find a new home. He's at home working on other projects. He's waiting for a home to be built with a nice Firefly welcome mat on it and a warm dinner on the table for him to walk in on. He's got a wait and see attitude now. It leaves me feeling like it's far less likely anything is going to happen anytime soon.

Which leads me to my next sinking feeling. The actors and actresses aren't cryogenically frozen waiting for the big red button to be pushed. They are getting older and moving on to greener pastures. I can't imagine our window for a Firefly revival is very big.

Obviously there is still some hope left. I've signed up for all the current campaigns I've heard of and I still want to keep abreast of any news about our BDH's. Even if they aren't portraying our beloved characters, I still want more.

I guess, in the end, the problem is that I don't really believe we'll get a Firefly revival. I'll fight for it if there's a decent fight being waged, but my voice inside says, "you're not going to win". Which of course brings up Mal's quote, "Might of been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 2:25 PM


if you let the hope die you die! stay strong and the Serenity will fly agen!

Wash: Oh, my God. What can it be? We're all doomed! Who's flying this thing? Oh, right, that would be me. Back to work.

Kaylee: Everyone's got somebody. Wash, tell me I'm pretty.
Wash: Were I unwed, I would take you in a manly fashion.
Kaylee: 'Cause I'm pretty?
Wash: 'Cause you're pretty.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 3:18 PM



Originally posted by milford:

Actually mi amigo, it is you who are mistaken. Without Buffy, the WB never gets off the ground. If they had cancelled the show after the first offering of epidodes, there was nothing waiting in the wings to keep things going. There's no cash from Buffy or Angel. They don't attract the younger viewer that is now the cornerstone of thier newtwork with all their other teenie-bopper shows (I mean that with no derision, I haven't missed an episode of Smallville yet!). The point is that in fact the WB owes Joss a ton.

I'm aware of how significant a show Buffy was for the WB but I still stand by what I said in that post.

You and I both know that from our perspective the WB owes Joss more than they're ever likely to admit to. My original point was that, in fact, they don't have to see it like that, cos they're a TV network and essentially all they care about is profit, not art!

I think perhaps I came across as more cynical than I truly am. I love Firefly with all my heart but I also understand how little that means to the networks, be they 20th, The CW, or NBC/SciFi. Remember, it's not the fan's affection for this verse that impressed Universal pre- BDM, it was the sales of the DVD's and anything else Firefly related that turned a profit.

I guess what I'm trying to say is this: we need to remember that ultimately, the only way we are going to see this 'verse back on TV is if a studio believes in it enough. Is this fair to us, not a jot, but it's the truth. The same goes for a movie sequel, I still have my fingers crossed that the DVD sales of Serenity will snowball and we will get another BDM.

I have all the faith in the world that Joss will one day get the chance to return to this verse. I just think we're going to have to wait longer than we initially thought. In the meantime, we have Wonder Woman and Goners to look forward to.

"You're a very 'up' person"






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