Newbie in withdrawl...mourning...This sucks

UPDATED: Saturday, January 28, 2006 13:39
VIEWED: 13416
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Monday, January 9, 2006 11:01 PM


My trip to addiction...........

My sister and I were discussing what movies to rent over the holidays and I suggested the Firefly Dvds and Serenity to top it off. I didnt know anything about the show..never even heard of it...and very little about the movie (ok, ok....I admit I saw a picture of Nathan Fillion in an article and was willing to chance even a bad movie to watch him for a few hours...what can I say..Im shallow when it comes the boys I like...)

So... we marathoned the Firefly DVDs...I knew the show had been cancelled and there were 13 episodes or something...but Im not at all... so like any inoccent I went to watch Firefly

"Serenity Prt 1 and 2" hhmmm...interesting..Im likin' this...opening theme kinda silly... but...

By "The Train Job" .....there was no going back.....

By "Bushwacked" I was hooked.....

"Shindig".........Living happily in deniel...know all the words to the best opening theme!....I had 2 more discs of episodes!..special features!....out-takes!...and a whole movie still to watch!

"out of Gas" is over (so freaking good I cant take it)......I start to feel the panic..just a little....I could deal with being almost done with the show..I'd been watching for two days straight after all (every night....2 in the morning...bleary from three episodes in a row and too much sugar from under the sister an I look at each other..just one more... right?...then we'll go to sleep...)

"the Message"...Im getting cranky...My sister asks whats wrong..."Nothing!" I pout...."Its just that Christmas is over and you're going home soon and we never see each other and Ive had too much sugar and...and....and ...Theres only TWO episodes left and then ITS OVER!!!!!! No more Firefly!

She laughs at me. But she understands...she has been refering to her boyfriend Jayne for a couple of days now (telling about her if I do say so...)

"Objects in Space"....the best ever...(no! I cant decide on a favorite ep!) but good...

Love the special features...but I need more! Ouch! Its starting to hurt...ts ok....its ok...I still have the movie

Then I watch "Serenity" the movie. VERY CRANKY!! I dont get it! Wash! How could you!! My captain! He was mean! "I didnt like it!" I pout some more to my sister..."it didnt give me what I wanted" I want my Firefly show back"!

"You're an idiot" my sister says..."it was a great movie"

Shes right of course.. but she doesnt know how hooked I am...and she leaves me there..with the Firefly/Serentiy discs and couple of weeks off...

So...(and dont read this if you cant handle the downward spiral of addiction)

I watch them all again
Then I watch them all again with the comentary
Then I rewatched Serenity
Then I rewatched Serentiy with the comentary (Thank you Joss...I now love this movie! I forgive you for Wash ...well still bummed but..and extra mean Captain...Of course...hes hurting...he cant help it..I get it now)
I decide I need to return my Netflix..but.....but...I..cant give them...up....
So I go out and buy the Firefly set and movie..wide screen of course
Then my Mom comes over and she needs to see the episodes she missed so I watch them with her
Then she needs to see the I watch it with her
And she of course needs to see them with comentary so....
Oh and look...theres a Firefly marathon on SciFi...I should Tivo it just in case right...?

I have no shame..Im fully addicted...and am going through withdrawl...why oh why can i not have any more Firefly....I miss the crew..I miss the Captain!!! And its really more show no matter how hard I friends dont understand...

So here I am...looking for my fix...trolling the web for a taste of Firefly...Nathan...Joss..any bit of information to make me feel better. anyone that will understand my addiction..

Does anybody understand???!! Please tell me Im not a freak....Its better to have loved and lost then to never have loved at all right....?

Is there a 12 step program for this..?? Whew!...I feel better for telling my story.

I cant believe with all the CRAP on television that this show that was so well done got cancelled!! Stupid networks! Stupid FOX! Arrested Development...are you insane taking it off the air! Another brilliant show!(Nathan Fillion would be great on that show btw) wont hurt so bad but....right now....I sure do miss my Firefly.......



Monday, January 9, 2006 11:23 PM


darlin' it's like i'm reading my own story. (except for the nathan part. i love him, but i'm a jayne girl, through and through.)
i actually refused to watch objects in space for three days because i knew it was the end. i felt like i had just discovered something so amazing and it was taken away! and this was less than 4 months ago, since i've only been a browncoat since the movie came out.
welcome home, darlin'.

maybe if we pray hard to buddha, he may give us a pony, a rocket and a sequel. for now, you can hang out here and get support from these fine folks. as a newbie myself, i can tell you that they are so awesome here.

and one more thing: i think we all ache for wash. zoe's reaction the moment he's gone just kicks my ass all over the place.
you won't remember anyway


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 1:09 AM


I watched it after I saw the trailer on

I watched the dvds(I bought them on recommendations and faith)

Then I watched them again with commentaries. Then I watched them again. Then more.

Then I saw the moie when it came out in theaters.Like 8 times.

So I think I understand.


You'll be ok.

"Jesus saves, everyone else takes damage" -tee shirt some girl was wearing at Megacon. <-my webcomic


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 1:45 AM



So here I am...looking for my fix...trolling the web for a taste of Firefly...

About the only things left for you to chew on
are these -a script (never aired),
and a seriously cool little video...

You're not a freak -and even if you are,
you're safe here ;]


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 1:52 AM


Oh, one more thing -it might even make you
laugh again ;] (or cry in a good way)
!!!!!!!!!!!!Spoilers at this link!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 2:41 AM


No honey, you aren't a freak. Trust me, we all went through it, most of us are still going through it, I know I am. I only disagree on one tiny point. I love our dear cap, he's so shiny but I'm a loyal Jayne devotee, Violetrix and I even have a war going on as to the rigths of our mercenary's bunk. In fact Adam was on Arrested Development for a while, I haven't seen those eps yet, but I hear he's wonderful.

If you want a fix of the wonderful Nathan go and watch the last series of Buffy- he was Caleb the evil priest, also he was Johhny in 2 Guys & A girl so try and watch those as well.

It's funny you mention 12 step programs though because one of my friends jokingly suggested that she should write me a self-help program for overcoming my withdrawls.
How about when I finally get it I pass it on to you?

The human body can be drained of blood in 8.6 seconds given adequate vacuuming systems.


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 3:17 AM


No one's a freak on this board, well thats's if you kinda exclude me...anyways, that's kinda similar to my story, except my dad brought home the Firefly box set. I was complaining that I didn't want to watch it and that I probably wouldn't like it. My father forced me to sit on that couch and watch that show. After the second episode, Train Job, I couldn't stop watching. It was like my life had been taken away from me now and was devoted to Firefly forever. After I finished watching all the episodes with and without the commentary, I asked we could go to see the move. Didn't get to see it in time, but my sister did and she gave me the short short version, which really didn't do it for me. Then, I waited patiently until that dvd came out and I had to watch it four times in a row, twice with the commentary and twice without. I couldn't stop. Anyways, that's my story and I have probably just wasted all of your precious time. By the way, I'm a Simon gal.

Jayne: Are you saying River's a witch?
Wash: Yes, Jayne, she's a witch. She's had congress with the Beast.
Jayne: She's in Congress?
Wash: How did your brain even learn human speech? I'm just so curious!


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 4:23 AM


I will admit i didn't want to see this series but my wife insisted. So i got the discs from a freind, copied them and sat down and watched them. From the first minute I knew I found something I liked. Then got to the last episode and wept. The crew I came to love and the series I was swept away with ended. So I looked online for any website and found my way here, its amazing that so many people got caught up in this series like I did. Since getting the disc's from my freind I have order the actual set as well as the movie and keep watching scenes over and over. Its great I love it and need more. Please give us more.



Tuesday, January 10, 2006 4:34 AM



Originally posted by Jetgirl23:
My trip to addiction...........
I cant believe with all the CRAP on television that this show that was so well done got cancelled!! Stupid networks! Stupid FOX! Arrested Development...are you insane taking it off the air! Another brilliant show!(Nathan Fillion would be great on that show btw) wont hurt so bad but....right now....I sure do miss my Firefly.......


you know, i never thought about it, but i think you're right. Nathan would be great on Arrested Development. I could just imagine him on there, and that smile. i'm a guy, and as straight as they come, but Nathan has a great smile.


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 4:47 AM


Let me just start off by saying, Jetgirl, YOU ROCK!! I love your story. So very entertaining. You are so not a freak, I know this because, as a newbie myself, I refuse to think of myself as a freak. So there, can't be a freak. We are just "special". LOL!! It is an addicting show. Even my parents are all up in arms over the fact that there are no more episodes. They saw the movie and IMEDIATELY went out and bought the Firefly DVD set. It can happen to anyone.

OH, and before I forget, WELCOME!!!!!!

"I'm in my own little world... but they know me there."


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 4:51 AM



Originally posted by STDOUBT:
Oh, one more thing -it might even make you
laugh again ;] (or cry in a good way)
!!!!!!!!!!!!Spoilers at this link!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lol, Love it!


"Take my Book, Take my Wash, kick me right smack in the crotch,
I don't care, cause I'll still see, this film Whedon made for me!"

"I'll be in my bunk"


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 5:03 AM


Ahhhh, welcome now to our world. We are all suffering from symptoms of withdrawal of somekind here because we all love this show so gorram much! So make yourself right at home Jetgirl!

Incidentally, there was a thread created not too long ago that is a 12-step proccess for symptoms of withdrawal. Check it out:


"Ten percent of nuthin' is...let me do the math here...nuthin' into nuthin'...carry the nuthin'"


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 5:17 AM


Is it just us? Is there something *we* possess that others are lacking -- or is this show actually that good?!?!?

To me, the qualifier of how much I enjoy something is -- when it's over, do I get up and go on with my life, or am I left feeling empty, wishing there was more?

With "Firefly" (while it's not perfect), I definitely feel empty, wanting much, much, much more.

Even with the single episode I didn't like ("Heart of Gold"), I was still left wanting to see even more "Firefly".

Maybe it's "the less you have of something, the more you want it" syndrome. Life's usually like that. You can own 10,000 books, and someone borrows a single volume, and naturally, that's the volume you feel like reading when it's not around.

Somehow, I don't think that's the story with "Firefly", though. I genuinely think the stories (and mostly) the characters grab a hold of you, and they don't let go. You actually care about them -- for all their faults, and they feel like good friends or family, and you're sad when you can't see them and spend more time with them.

Man, this is pathetic. I need to get a life.


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 5:18 AM


Sweetie... You are not a freak. Are you addicted?? Oh yes you are... Just like the rest of us. Welcome!!! One more browncoat to help us hold the line. We will hold the line!!!!
(Nice storytelling by the way. You should be a writer or something like that.)


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 6:27 AM



Originally posted by Jetgirl23:
Then I watch "Serenity" the movie. VERY CRANKY!! I dont get it! Wash! How could you!! My captain! He was mean! "I didnt like it!" I pout some more to my sister..."it didnt give me what I wanted" I want my Firefly show back"!

"You're an idiot" my sister says..."it was a great movie"

Shes right of course.. but she doesnt know how hooked I am...

I love this part. Especially the contrast with your still-rational sister.

Yeah, we've all been there (that's why we're here). The details are different, but the story's the same.

Also, have you read the comics yet? They are due to be re-released shortly as a trade paperback, and take place between the series and the movie.

Oh, and it was Alan on Arrested Development. He played Pastor Veal (Anne's dad). Also of note, the Bluth office building exterior is the same building Jayne picks up the uniforms in front of in Ariel.

Anyway, welcome to the pain.

Ain't. We. Just.


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 7:18 AM


My story right there, started a few months ago, so at least my husband got to load me up at Christmas with trading cards and action figures and the comic books.
Don't want it to be over...
Can't stand it...


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 7:28 AM


Wow,,,,,did I write this?

No, JETGIRL23 did.

Wow, sounds like what I wrote.

Ditto.....all the way

Join the club. I'm stuck now between two stages, which is depression and anger. Been at these two stages for a while

I can't tell you how many times I've watched and re-watched the shows. It took me a long time to re-watch objects in space. That is probably the only eps. I don't know by heart because I can't bring myself to watch it. Panic settles in that I'm at the end of the set again.

Can't wait to go home now and keep watching.

I hold on to this saying because I feel, here, at this site, on this ship, all of these fans, friends I've made, help carry me through the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that.

Tracey: 'When you can't run anymore, you crawl... and when you can't do that--'
Zoe: 'You find someone... to carry you.'

Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that.


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 8:50 AM


I went through the same problem in December..When I had finished the series and seen the film twice ...Friends of mine that were big Whedon fans told me to check out his first TV project BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER which he created (he wrote and directed about 1/3 of the episodes just like he did for Firefly)...Even though this was the same friend who introduced me to firefly and this was also a Whedon creation I resisted...Title ,premise and Sarah Michelle Gellar completely turned me off...On top of that I had seen parts of some episodes and thought it looked stupid...
My friend finally almost demanded that i watch the show and lent me all 7 seasons of the show on DVD..He gave them to me around mid December..I watched the first few episodes of the first season and still was unimpressed...It took me about a week to finish the 12 episodes of Season 1...The beginning of season 2 is where everything changed..It was clear that the writing and acting were starting to improve and the show was beginning to get a very funny edge to it...I watched Seasons 2 - 7(22 episodes each) in about a week(insomnia)..As the show went on it was interesting to see Whedons talents grow...After finishing the series I was feeling the same empty feeling that I had after I was done with the FIREFLY series...I am not comparing the two but the fact is that Whedon took alot from Buffy that he put into Firefly...The operative has word for word dialogue that is stolen from Whedons Spike character,there is a character in buffy that has been brain washed so he freaks out when a specific song is played(sound familiar),there are hundreds of similarities including the Scooby gang in Buffy has the same type family feeling that the crew does in Firefly...There are many characters in Buffy that have some incredibly funny moments(Giles,Xander,Spike,Willow,Anya,Oz,Cordellia,The Three Super Villain Geeks,The Mayor,All three principals,and even Buffy and Dawn have many very funny moments in the Series)
I am not trying to compare Buffy to Firefly but the fact is Whedon does a great job With Buffy and you can see him growing episode to episode..Buffy is an action,drama,comedy,horror show... There is no denying that the silent episode and the Musical Episode that both won emmy's are brilliant...
If you have not checked out Buffy and you are a Whedon fan you are making a mistake..

Former Buffy Hater


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 8:53 AM


Welcome aboard!
and we all feel this way.
but don't lose heart; there will be more

first there will be more comics
but eventually there will be more shows and/or movies

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse
have you checked out this thread?:


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 9:02 AM


Welcome here, we're weird.

Ok, so since your new here, and I've been saying this to everyone who is new here, here's the deal: New movie depends on DVD sales, right now it's looking not so good, new series depends on many things, money being one of them.

If you want more get more people to watch, get more people to buy the DVDs.


That over and done with some things you should know:

1 You are a freak, but in a good way, and you are hardly alone in that freakness.

2 You are very welcome here and we are quite glad to have you. You'll never find a better group of people. Ok, so maybe you will, but it won't be easy and if you do you should count yourself twice blessed.

3 There are other things you should know, and I should know them too, but either I forgot them or I never knew them in the first place.


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 9:21 AM


I am also a newbie in withdrawal. It hurts so bad! I can't stop thinking about Firefly! I'm even renting Buffy from my school's library and watching episode after episode to try to relieve some of the pain!

However, I do plan on converting as many of my friends as possible so that they can share my misery.

P.S. Is it strange that my biggest crush is on Wash? Anybody else share the love for the blond-haired, wise-cracking pilot?

P.P.S. Nathan Fillion really reminds me of this guy from my school in both personality and appearance - maybe that's why I'm not as into him - too close to home.

"Dear Diary, Today I was pompous and my sister was crazy. Today we were kidnapped by hill folk never to be seen again. It was the best day ever."


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 9:34 AM



If you ARE a freak.. you're our kind of freak...

Welcome "Home" we have a ways to go and some time to kill before the next go round.. but we are a friendly and supportive bunch and I think it will help the time to pass..

sigh. reading your tale makes me want to go watch em all over again.. but I gotta work just now...




Tuesday, January 10, 2006 9:49 AM



Originally posted by proserpine:
P.S. Is it strange that my biggest crush is on Wash? Anybody else share the love for the blond-haired, wise-cracking pilot?

Were I a straight female, or perhaps simply gay, my biggest crush would probably be on him.

On the other hand I am a striaght guy, so the fact I think I would have the same crush could mean that you are strange.

Originally posted by Chindi:

If you ARE a freak.. you're our kind of freak...



Tuesday, January 10, 2006 9:59 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Welcome to the site Jetgirl23 & the fandom, or should I say obsession?

If it is any consolation everyone here is feeling or has felt the same way at some point. We have ridden the emotional roller coaster a while now, some of us for years. At least now you are amongst other browncoats who can sympathize w/ how you feel.

Take care & keep flyin'!


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 2:31 PM


Everytime I read a post of a shiny new browncoat I get the gorram warm fuzzys...(your post was extra shiny) It reminds me of what I went through with this experience....(here... )...Its kind of vicarious, the feeling.

I gave Firefly to my good friend Barry For Christmas... (well Chaunakah, hes a Joo)And when ever we cant think of anything to do. I'll go over and watch the episodes with him... I love his reactions to things that I reacted to... Its almost like I'm seeing it for the first time....almost.

"Smellin' alot of IF comin' offa' this plan!"


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 4:42 PM



Originally posted by proserpine:
I am also a newbie in withdrawal. It hurts so bad! I can't stop thinking about Firefly!

Same here. Do you think there was some kind of subliminal message implanted in the series itself ALA "fruity oaty bars"?!?


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 5:13 PM


You guys rock. I am still a bit dumbfounded by how affected we all seem to be by this show….story…cast….dialogue…some of the links to your newbie stories expressed it better than I ever could. so thanks…I’m glad I found you!

(see..…I’m feeling all Firefly warm and fuzzy inside again…..but with a slight…”something’s missing from my life…maybe I’ll just put on the DVD in the background…”)

Thanks for ALL your responses, welcomes, links, similar stories...I have had endless amounts of joy reading them and giggling like an idiot

I can see I'm in the right place.

(I ESPECIALLY like everyone’s signature quotes/lines.... each one gets me.... EVERY SINGLE TIME!)


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 5:47 PM



Originally posted by Omelet:
l: By the way, I'm a Simon gal.

Simon....? Sean...? No...Not really my style...I like me the brutish types...Whats that you say? Did I see what a great acting job he did in Objects in Space? well I would have noticed( I did BTW) but then there was that scene where he took off his shirt......... and.....well.......ummm..what was I talking about? he kidding with that upper body of perfection??? Hows a girl supposed to think clearly!? (Sorry guys..had to be said)


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 5:55 PM



Originally posted by nosadseven:
(quote)Also, have you read the comics yet? They are due to be re-released shortly as a trade paperback, and take place between the series and the movie.
Ain't. We. Just.


Where can i read the comics? Did I miss it in this link?

Oh and where is your signature quote from? I cant seem to place it (and cant see to get it out of my head)


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 7:05 PM


i know how you feel, just watched it (by it i mean all) and then all of a sudden i stand up and say to my friends "i can do cg graphics, you have a camcorder, lets make a firefly FANSERIES!!!" only to be stopped by my friend bringing it to my attention that we do not have enough actors or money to make it happen, not to mention possible legality issues. so now i am plotting ways around all that...

that's what you get when you obsess a crazy person


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 7:41 PM


Wow...much like a few other folks"it's like reading my story"
We also drug out the watching of the final episode on DVD....
...and so there we were..Friday night...watching the wonderful wonderful 'verse...

and just like that..*poof* it was gone.
My husband moped about all weekend "Honey what's wrong" "I dunno" mumbled under his breath..this was repeated over and over again...finally he admitted "I just miss Firefly"
and there it was..enough to bring a grown man to depression...not to mention me.

It's like we all found a place in time..the friends we always wanted, all the warm fuzzy moments you have after going through something together..the trials we wish we had those comrades to follow us to..the chance to fight or die for someone we truly truly love..something we truly believe in.
And then you're brought back down to Earth That Is....and it's lonelier here..the lighting's not so warm. And you miss that place in time where you left your couch and became a part in something wonderful.

Well...on that happy note *ehem* I think I'll go drink myself silly on cheap red wine and watch "Our Mrs Reynolds" again.

Maybe we should all take up juggling would pass the time 'till the next season.
(Dear God let there be a next season)

at least, I found this site where the lighting is nice and everyone's in love with a people and a place more interesting than today. where's that dang Merlot?


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 8:20 PM


Oh poor dear. *tears in my eyes*

I am so happy and so sad for you at the same time.

You are in mourning and we have all gone through it.

I was there when Firefly first aired on Fox. I was there when I realized it was aired out of order, when it was cancelled and live on only our hope for more of this 'verse.

It has taken 3 years to get the movie. The Serenity DVD came out 3 years to the day that the Serenity pilot was shown for the first time. It was the last episode aired by Fox. They didn't even give us all the episodes.

You have found a home and a family among Browncoats. You are not crazy. You are a Browncoat and you will get through it. I firmly believe we will get our Trilogy. Joss signed the cast to a 3 movie deal including for the whole cast.

All you can do it spread the word about Firefly/Serenity. Making converts is what we do.

We are still flying and that is enough. Maybe you can make it to a con and meet a BDH.


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 8:42 PM



I liked your post too! A very intertaining read!

And as for you being a simon girl...

Of course he has a great body...He plays a Chicago Bears Running back by the name of Brian Piccolo in the feature movie:
Brian's Song, the 2001 version.


"Jesus saves, everyone else takes damage" -tee shirt some girl was wearing at Megacon. <-my webcomic


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 9:17 PM



Originally posted by Jetgirl23:

Where can i read the comics? Did I miss it in this link?

Oh and where is your signature quote from? I cant seem to place it (and cant see to get it out of my head)

Finding the individual comic books may require a bit of hunting by now (I honestly don't know), but the three issues are compiled into the TPB - available for pre-order now at amazon:

My understanding is that it is to be released July 25th. To hold you over, you can preview the first five pages of Issue #1 at Dark Horse:

As for the sig...

From Safe -
MAL: Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
ZOE: Big damn heroes, sir.
MAL: Ain't we just.

EDIT - If anyone can tell me how to include an absurdly long link (like the amazon one) without stretching the entire page, please do.

Ain't. We. Just.


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 11:36 PM


You are right, it had to be said. The back alone from the Serenity scene should win an Academy Award.



Wednesday, January 11, 2006 6:54 AM


like everyones already said - 'thats my story too!'

its scary how quickly it takes hold of you. i watched the series within a week and had started a full blown addiction that relied on comics/commentary/extras/ and re-viewing the episodes again and again to get more!
when it came to watching 'objects in space' i was sad before i'd even pressed play because i knew that there wouldnt be anything else and i watched it in dumb silence, finally breathing after the final credits.

i love that nearly everyone here has a similar kind of story and 'gets it'. i have to admit i did get kind of worried about myself, ive never really become an active member of a fandom before, ive never become so consumed with a tv show or a film before. ive never become so defensive about a piece of popular culture that i feel the need to tell every one about its brilliance, understanding that the 'verse needs more viewers and more money and more support.

i loved your story and everybody's own story on this thread.

browncoats make me happy

"Dear diary: Today I was pompous and my sister was crazy. Today we were kidnapped by hill folk, never to be seen again. It was the best day ever."


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 7:56 AM

LOLA good to hear I haven't gone off the deep end...
There seems like so many of us were so deeply marked by Firefly....I wonder what our commen thred is? why us? Where's the rest of the world who should be as nuts over this show as we all are.
How very very odd.'s good to see there's more folks who LOVE Firefly.
nice to know I can find my fix :)

"I smell alotta IF comin' off this plan"



Wednesday, January 11, 2006 9:52 AM


The common thread is intelligence and empathy. Intelligence allows you to appreciate Joss' sharp and witty dialog (and the other writers', of course). Empathy forces you to care about them. Deeply.

We should also give a nod to the outstanding acting abilities of the whole cast. They allow us to feel for the characters because they are the characters.

I don't disagree on any particular point.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 9:54 AM



Originally posted by flywithmecaptn:
I can't tell you how many times I've watched and re-watched the shows. It took me a long time to re-watch objects in space. That is probably the only eps. I don't know by heart because I can't bring myself to watch it. Panic settles in that I'm at the end of the set again.

That should be easy to fix. Just think of OiS as the FIRST episode of your NEXT viewing.

I don't disagree on any particular point.


Friday, January 27, 2006 2:01 PM


Read fan fiction. That's what I'm doing. Try mal4prez's The Fish Job, everything by Kispexi2 and Kaynara, and the Firefly's Glow archive at Then go and write fan fiction and help other people scratch their itches...

"Some people juggle geese!"


Friday, January 27, 2006 2:56 PM


Hi, I'm Gelassenheit.

It's been two months (yes, 2!) since I last viewed my Firefly DVDs. I gorram borrowed 'em out and haven't seen hide nor hair since.

Gelassenheit means Serenity


Saturday, January 28, 2006 12:13 AM




"There is a sense that this is still not over. It's hard to put a finger on what's so special about this project and about this group of people, but it's just one of those things you have to trust in, and relish. I am very, very proud."
---Jewel Staite on "Firefly" and "Serenity" in "Finding Serenity" (essay collection by Jane Espenson)


Saturday, January 28, 2006 4:26 AM


I got Serenity on Christmas Eve. Then I wasn't able watch it until the 26th (I was visiting relatives. Then I watched it. Then I watched it three more times within the next 24 hours. Well, you know where it goes from there.

Oh, it's innovative plot. It's involving characters. What love for it's art, so quickly snatched away? My Firefly! I mourn for my Firefly!


When in doubt, consult the hamster.

Also, I can kill you with my brain


Saturday, January 28, 2006 4:39 AM


Been there. Am there again (rewatching the entire series with my convert husband, I get very angry when he starts an episode without me - almost skipped a girls' night out because I had a suspicion that he would watch another episode!).

Has anybody recovered from this addiction? Does anyone want to?


Saturday, January 28, 2006 5:23 AM


Jetgirl--your post was hilarious. Primarily because it sounded exactly like my own experience! My husband and I got hooked about 6 weeks ago (I more so then he, thanks to that painfully big crush on Mal that I'm afflicted with, but thankfully hubby is tolerant and also adores the 'verse). Like you we've watched and re-watched, then watched some more. I've scoured the net, ordered books and soundtracks, posted on websites, watched old actor interviews, and seriously considered going to a con (which is something that never would have crossed my mind in a million years pre-Firefly). We watch at least one episode EVERY NIGHT. Put the kids to bed, skip our other TIVOed shows, and pop in Firefly or Serenity. A day without Firefly/Serenity is an empty day for me.

Am I concerned about my sanity? A bit (though not as much as my friends and family qre questioning it right now). Do I think this obsession is a might bit unhealthy? A bit. Do I honestly feel like a lovesick puppy over this show and the fact that there *may* never be more of it? Yes. Am I dumbfounded when I tell people about this beauty and they don't run right out and buy the DVDs? Yes. Am I even more confused when they DO watch them and like them but do not become as freakishly obsessed as I have? Yes. Should I probably move on and just rip the band-aid off and put Firefly behind me? Prolly. Do I really have any choice in the matter, though? Not at all. I'm here, I love Firefly and Serenity, and I'll be here hoping and pulling for more of the 'verse until there IS more of the 'verse.

One of the most comforting things I read in response to my own "I'm new and I think I'm going crazy" posts was this, posted by NOSADSEVEN:


Remember, it's not a bunch of freaks who latched onto some show; it's a show that created a bunch of freaks, and will continue to do so in perpetuity.

You're in good company. Here you can feel sane, and feel hopeful. With this many people this dedicated to Firefly/Serenity, it WILL return. It must.

Til then, wear the DVDs out, then go buy some more.

MAL: We're still flying.
SIMON: That's not much.
MAL: It's enough.


Saturday, January 28, 2006 6:02 AM


Jetgirl, all 12 step programs are an attempt to overcomplicate a problem that could be solved more effectively with family or friends for the sole purpose of squeezing as much money from you as possible. We wouldn't do that to another Browncoat, and the fact that you're suffering on the same level as us makes you family.

So no 12 step programs, but instead I'll give you 12 bits of advice:

1. Nothing makes you feel better than getting someone else hooked.
2. The Serenity comic books are a good read, as well as the Visual Companion and Novelization.
3. Familiarise yourself with the other shows that have been killed by Fox, like Wonderfalls, Futurama, or the Lone Gunmen. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
4. Know your comedic roots: watch some Monty Python.
5. Before there was Firefly, there was Babylon 5, the scifi show that was at risk of being canceled after each season. It's more sciency than Firefly, but it's very human and very, very witty!
6. If you've got about a million years of spare time, you can build your very own Serenity paper model! Go here,, find the picture of Serenity in paper form, and let the insanity begin!
7. If you enjoy trying to solve the mysteries of the 'verse, try the impossible cases of "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency" by Douglas Adams, author of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."
8. Exercise. We all need to do it. I recomend swimming or a treadmill, especially riding you bike. "I'm a leaf on the wind..."
9. Learn Chinese!
10. Chinese films have become quite a treat now that I'm learning some of the language. I recomend the undubed versions; always better to hear the real actors' voices.
11. Go to The Signal podcast or Firefly talk. They're what keeps me flying.
12. Write 12 helpful hints to solve your Firefly addiction.

No, I am not insane, I am crazy. Thank you for asking.


Saturday, January 28, 2006 9:42 AM


lmao, welcome to the club :P

Personally, this site has been functioning as my own 12-step program. It was right after seeing Objects in Space and watching through all the extras that I felt the overpowering need to find somewhere to rant.


Saturday, January 28, 2006 9:52 AM


It is so nice to be here with people who understand the joy and pain of being a Firefly fan (didn't Joss say that once?). I have a lot of sympathy and respect for those of you who have been here from the beginning.

My obsession also began with Serenity. I didn't want to see the movie at first, because (it pains me to remember) I thought the trailer looked cheesy. But five minutes after the title credits, I was in love. When I finished watching all the episodes, I thought to myself in a moment of despair, "Hell, I wish I'd never met
her. Then I wouldn't've failed her," and I knew I was in trouble.

So to get my daily fix, I read the comics (I bought them on, and they shipped them with a bunch of shiny little freebies), read the Finding Serenity book, and recount my favorite moments with friends. I listen to the soundtrack constantly, and the funeral piece from "The Message" breaks my heart every time (doesn't stop me from listening, though). I watch an episode every day, but of course it's just not enough.

I would also like to get to a con, but there's no way I can afford a $700 pass plus airfare and hotel, and I'm afraid that by the time I get a real job the BDHs won't be doing cons any more. Any chance the Flanvention will be on the east coast in 2007?

BTW, I am right there with mcallen about the Mal crush...

You know you're addicted to Firefly when you'd rather watch "Our Mrs. Reynolds" by yourself than go to the movies with your boyfriend.


Saturday, January 28, 2006 10:14 AM


Ahhhh girl, anyone you talk to here is like family now, so welcome to your second home.

Thought and Action when harmonized free each from the other


Saturday, January 28, 2006 11:48 AM



Originally posted by TheCrazyIvan:


Im sorry....Im holding out for Nathan (insert...he sees me at a con and just cant resist, falls madly in love, I get my FF fix forever and ever fantasy) but if that doesnt work out.......... we'll just ignore the age difference...I look damn good for 35!

Thanks for the bump on my Newbie thread guys. I couldnt even find this myself and I cant believe its been less than a month since my first post. I have spent every day since on this board. It still hurts, I still miss my show. But I am so ok because I am not the only one. (warm and fuzzys again)

I cant state it enough..."theres NO place that I can be...since I found Serenity"

"Faster would be better"






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