Destiny, Episode 9: Stranded

UPDATED: Monday, March 6, 2006 08:48
VIEWED: 17075
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Friday, January 20, 2006 10:38 AM


HAHAHAHAHA!! Good to have you back Soul. Now if we could only find CastIronJack...

As Soul, Serenity and Needy start making their way down the hill after Jack, Safe remembers something, besides the fact his clothes are all stuffed with snow...

He brought his toboggan!!

"Jazaf, jump on. Betcha we beat 'em down the hill."

With a mighty shove, Safe and Jazaf rocket down the hill.

"Safe!!" Jazaf hollers, "How do you steer this thing?"

"Steer??" Safe hollers back, puzzled "Why would you want to do that? Next thing I know, you'll be asking how to stop it..."

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Friday, January 20, 2006 12:27 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


This is getting funnier and funnier... and now I can think of nothing funny to add myself

oh well

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Friday, January 20, 2006 5:45 PM



Originally posted by safeat2nd:
HAHAHAHAHA!! Good to have you back Soul. Now if we could only find CastIronJack...

As Soul, Serenity and Needy start making their way down the hill after Jack, Safe remembers something, besides the fact his clothes are all stuffed with snow...

He brought his toboggan!!

"Jazaf, jump on. Betcha we beat 'em down the hill."

With a mighty shove, Safe and Jazaf rocket down the hill.

"Safe!!" Jazaf hollers, "How do you steer this thing?"

"Steer??" Safe hollers back, puzzled "Why would you want to do that? Next thing I know, you'll be asking how to stop it..."

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny

'Well....I would...but it doesn't look like we have time for the answer.'

Safe gets the snow out from his eyes just in time to see a Soul, Jack, and Serenity with Needy in tow, run around a rather large mound. Had Safe had the time, he would've said "oh crap." Before the duo knew it the toboggan they were on hit the mound like a ramp and became airborne.

Safe and Jazaf fly over the other crewmembers. The toboggan lands first flipping end over end until it stops upside down a few feet before Jack. Then down comes Safe, who lands on his rear and slides a bit. Jack, who was running full tilt, didn't have time to stop and tripped on the toboggan. Jazaf, however, went face first into another large mound of snow. His legs kicking wildly until the other crewmembers pulled him out.

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Sunday, January 22, 2006 7:21 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

As Serenity tries to pull Jazaf's legs she falls on her back, crushing Needy in the process.

"What the hell? I was sure I had you" She excalims as she tries to pull herself back up

There she sees Jazaf still in the snow... only his trousers are in Serenity's hands

All that can be heard from Jazaf is muffled screams and his insane wriggling doesn't improve the picture.

"I was sure I had him." Serenity explains, brushing the snow off a damaged Needy before putting him back on her back "That's the trouble with the cold weather, you can't feel your fingers, even with gloves"

"Wrr Smmnn Plm gm mmm hm hm hrr" mumbles a bottomless Jazaf

"I'm not touching that" Safe firmly states.

Jack too waves his hands in an attempt to shun any responsibility

Serenity then turns to Soul

"You get him out of it" Soul tells her "You pulled the trousers off of him"

"I was just trying to..." she starts before giving in and moving over to the struggling crewmember... and his member

She grabs a leg with each arm and leans back in an effort to get more pulling power

"You know, this isn't a pretty sight from up here." Needy adds

"It's not for me either" Serenity replies

"Mmmm!" Jazaf mumbles seemingly insulted. The crew might not be able to understand him, but it appears he can understand them completely

Believing it is taking too long and fearing that the image of Jazaf stuck in the snow with his naked backside sticking out and his legs open would be imprinted on their minds forever, the other crewmembers pitch in, grab a piece of leg and pull.
Finally the snow gives way and Jazaf is free... but still bottomless

Coughing up a mouth full of snow whilst covering his manhood, he pleads for his clothes which Serenity gladly gives him

"Why have you got a mouthful of snow?" Safe asks. "were you trying to eat your way out?"

"No, he felt opening his mouth to scream would be beneficial to him" adds Jack in a further attempt to mock Jazaf

Ignoring their comments Jazaf puts his trousers back on

"Why aren't you wearing underwear?" Soul asks respectfully

"Yeah why? We're in the freezing snow!" Serenity adds

"Oh for the love of all that is shiny, why? Why?!" Needy joins in

"Hey do I ask you personal stuff? I have my own reasons" Jazaf defends. "What is this, gang-up-on-Jazaf day?"

The crew look around at each other before Needy raises his arm

"Uh, I had sticky snowballs thrown at me!"

"I had a monster sticky snowball at me" Serenity adds

"Toboggan crash" Jack and Safe both offer

"I died" Soul concludes

"You died?" Needy asks

"Kinda. For a while at least"

"How did I miss that?" Needy states, confused.

Finally, Jazaf breaks the pattern. "Ok, ok I get it. We've all suffered. Can we get back to the mission?" Then he adds "Also, could we forget this trouser incident ever happened too?"

"Gladly" Serenity, Soul, Safe and Jack reply as one

Needy can only reply "Wish I could... I'm scarred for life"

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 9:00 AM


My... that was some bump...

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 3:57 AM


"Maybe you should put some pants on if you want to continue fighting evil today."

*amuses herself greatly.*


Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 10:58 AM


hmmm it appears to me that you all have lost my manbot Jayne--- *whistles innocently*

Gee I wonder what Amy and I are up too back at the ship......


Sorry about lack of posts all - RL has been busy and work has limited internet access which is where I used to do most of my reading/posting.

You are all doing some amazing things here - thanks for the smiles!

Flechette - Destiny's Cook

We got Crab and pig tell:Squid ink and fish scale
Okra and dasheen leaves
Chitchat and chatter:Fill up the platter
With a garnish of pure make believe
- Jimmy Buffett's Calaloo


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 11:11 AM


Safe looks around.

"Hey, where's Jayne gone?"

Jack looks up alarmed, "He's trying to beat me to the bar!! Bastard!!"

Again, Jack runs off towards the settlement. Not only is Jack being nimble, Jack is also quick.

Safe stares after the departing Jack and shakes his head.
Hi Flechette!!

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 11:42 AM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by safeat2nd:
Safe looks around.

"Hey, where's Jayne go?"

Jack looks up alarmed, "He's trying to beat me to the bar!! Bastard!!"

Again, Jack runs off towards the settlement. Not only is Jack being nimble, Jack is also quick.

Soul laughs as Jack tries to jump over a candlestick, but trips and falls on his face.


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Thursday, January 26, 2006 8:42 AM


"Y'know, that guy's becomin' a real liability to my calm..." Jayne says, causing everyone to start and turn around.

"Wha? Y'all look like you weren't expectin' me" He says with a smirk. "Humans is so twitchy"

"Well enough chit chattin'. I'm sure there's not a soul in that settlement that doesn't know we're comin', thanks to Jack, so lets get a move on. Flechette and Amy are likely to start worrin' if we're not back soon." Serenity says as she readjusts the Needy backpack.

"Are you gettin' heavier? Seriously. Someone elses turn to carry him." She looks for help from the rest of the team.

All appear to be suddenly very interested in the snow, the sky, tyin' their boots...

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Thursday, January 26, 2006 8:12 PM


.....and putting on their pants.

'Let the boy-whore walk. I bet he could use the exercise, 'sides the settlement isn't that far away.' Jazaf says.

'I'd suffer from frostbite before I reach that settlement! Have a heart Jazaf!' Needy cries pleadingly.

Jazaf rolls his eyes 'Fine......Jayne'll carry ya.'

Jayne snaps his head toward Jazaf 'I'll what?'
'Aw c'mon, Needy is a small guy. Not to mention you ain't exactly a living being.'
'I'm not exactly a pack mule neither.'
'Hey Cap'n, What do you think?' Safe turns to Soul. Soul rubs his chin with his woolen gloved hand,thinking about what to say.

He smiles when he says, 'I think you should carry him, Jazaf.'
Jazaf stands there mouth open and eyes wide. 'But why?!?'

'Cause you owe all of us for not wearing underwear. Needy just gets to be the first one to cash in.'

Defeated, Jazaf walks over to Serenity and takes the Makeshift Needy carrier. 'I'm gonna need a hard drink when we reach that bar.'

'I think we all need one.' Serenity says.

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Friday, January 27, 2006 3:46 AM



I'm tellin' ya, this should be a comic...

Now my cheeks hurt from laughing..

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Friday, January 27, 2006 4:02 AM


*With Needy settled on Jazaf's back, every heads out toward the settlement once again. Jack has run ahead of the rest of the group again. They enter the village to find him standing in front of a building, looking very dejected.*

Serenity: Jack, what's wrong?

Jack: I found the bar.

Jazaf: Great! Let's go in! I need a drink!

Jack: We can't. Look!

*He points to the door where they all see a sign posted in Chinese "Closed on Sundays"*

Jack: Today's Sunday. It's closed.

Jazaf: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Friday, January 27, 2006 8:58 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

LMAO - this fic is great


"Like hell I'm gonna let that stop us" Needy calls from behind Jazaf

All eyes turn to Needy

"Well, what are you gonna do? Break in?" Serenity asks

"Why not? I'm small enough, I'm sure I can squeeze in somewhere" Needy replies back. "For once, my current size could do something for me, for all of us"

"You're suggesting, as first act on an unknown planet, that we break into the first bar we find?" Soul adds "This is how we're going to get the locals' attention is it? The locals we intend to ask for help?"

"All I know is, I need a drink. Besides nobody's watching" Needy reasons

Although the crew don't respond to the boy whore's suggestion, Soul looks at him intently before shaking his head. "I can't work you out. One minute you're a moaner, the next a hero, a bitch, sincere, childish..."

"Have you finished?" Needy replies

"Hmm, I think"

"Good. So what do you say?"

"I say you do it" Safe chips in

"You do?" Serenity asks

"Sure, why not. I'm sure if anyone does catch us, they'll understand. But, like Needy said, there's nobody around"

"Thank you Safe... for once you back me up"

"No problem shorty"

"Don't call me that"

"Okaaay. Quick go round back and see if you can find a way in." Safe instructs.

Jazaf helps the companion down and he quickly staggers over the snow, which isn't as deep around the building, round to the back of the bar

"Are you sure about this?" Jazaf mutters to Safe as all other ears listen in

"Why not? If he's caught, we'll just say he's not with us. Now lets go meet the locals"

"What?" Serenity asks flabbergasted.

"Yeah, what about the drinks?" Jayne interrupts

"Relax, I'm pretty sure that's another bar over there" Safe points across the empty yard

"Shiny" Jayne replies

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Friday, January 27, 2006 9:08 AM


Oh well, in that case, let's go!!

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Friday, January 27, 2006 9:10 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

oops, I hoped nobody had read it yet, I just adjusted my last post so that what was in the bar was more of a mystery - hence no "two people had just walked out drunk"

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Friday, January 27, 2006 9:57 AM


Eh, that's okay. Let's go over there anyway.

I want a hot toddy if at all possible.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Sunday, January 29, 2006 5:20 PM


"Ooooo, drinks AND hot toddies?? My kinda place." Jack rubs his hands together.

"Lets go, times a wastin'. My drinks will be gettin' warm and my toddies will be gettin' cold. Nuthin' worse than cold toddies. Makes 'em all cranky..."

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Monday, January 30, 2006 5:49 AM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by safeat2nd:
"Ooooo, drinks AND hot toddies?? My kinda place." Jack rubs his hands together.

"Lets go, times a wastin'. My drinks will be gettin' warm and my toddies will be gettin' cold. Nuthin' worse than cold toddies. Makes 'em all cranky..."

Soul simply stares at Jack and shakes his head.

"Okay, I could really use a drink now..."


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Monday, January 30, 2006 8:01 AM


Meanwhile, back on the ship...

Amy and Flechette set about fixing the leak on the ship first. As they were outside patching the hull, they noticed that Serenity's crash landing had started a natural oil deposit spurting.

"Well I'll be..." Amy murmered in wonderment. "Now we have something valuable to trade if the crew finds people who can help us."

"To celebrate, let's go inside and have some tumblers of hot cocoa" suggested Flechette.

The girls kick back in the lounge by a fire and defrost their feet with some rich chocolate.

"I wonder how the crew is fairing out in the cold..." they muse

Amylisai, Chopstick Ninja Queen O'Fancy Garb.

(Also fan of "Reading Rainbow" and the book "Meanwhile, back on the ranch")

PS Flechette, thanks again for the chopsticks. Now that the UB site is closed, I never would have earned them! I was a couple hundred points short. You're awesome!


Tuesday, January 31, 2006 10:54 AM


The group follow Jack into the "other" bar.

While the others take a table, Jack and Serenity make for the bar. Jack to order a drink, Serenity to question the barkeep.

Back at the closed bar, the door knob rattles and is still.

It rattles again and the door flings open revealing a smudged and grinning Needy.

"See I told you...." he trails off when he notices nobody is there. If it were warm enough the only sound would be crickets.

"I'm beginning to think there's something to this red shirt thingy."

Amy, you found Texas Tea?? Wahoo, now we can get a cement pond!

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Tuesday, January 31, 2006 11:22 AM


Yup, Texas Tea :-) Now we can mess up this planet as much as we did Earth that Was!

"Meanwhile, Back on the Ranch" is a charming "kids" book in which an old married farmer goes to town for flour or some such and his "big day" consists of watching some guys play chess, a turtle cross the road (declared a town holiday), and buying a box of cracker jacks for his wife. In between his story you get "Meanwhile, back at the ranch..." the wife has become a movie star, met with the president, and struck oil. But when her husband gets home and she opens the box of cracker jacks and finds a ring inside, she exclaims that it's the best thing that happened to her all day. Really sweet. So now you'll get my humor when I intersperse "meanwhile, back on the ship..."

Cheers, Amylisai


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 11:42 AM


Amy - you're soo welcome! I'm very glad they found a good home!


well I was hoping to say "see some of you at Dragon*Con" but hubby got an unofficial call last night telling him to not make plans after May this year and to expect this weekend to be informative

This weekend is his Nat'l Guard weekend so best bet is his unit is being activated for some sort of duty - either Iraq, Afganistan, or Kuwait I'd say (apologies for any mis-spells).

He got back from Iraq a year ago - just about to the day- yesterday--

and yech - guess we'll find out for sure Sat, haven't said anything to work or his family yet til we've got more info but man this week as sucked--

okay done borrowing trouble for now!


Back on the ship

"Hey Amy! Let grab Lexa and do some exploring on Destiny. I mean something always seems to be going on in the bowels of the ship - let be proactive and find the next monster before it gets too big or something"

Amy and Lexa seem to ponder over the idea.....

Flechette - Destiny's Cook

We got Crab and pig tell:Squid ink and fish scale
Okra and dasheen leaves
Chitchat and chatter :Fill up the platter
With a garnish of pure make believe
- Jimmy Buffett's Calaloo


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 12:05 PM


*Serenity joins everyone at the table, a warm drink in her hand.*

Well, I found out where we can get the supplies we need. Apparently the barkeep's brother hs a salvage shop down at the other end of town. He can pretty much get us anything we need.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 9:06 PM


"Well allright! 'sides my place is back on the ship. Plottin' courses into space,.... among other things." Jazaf's thoughts wander to the ship Destiny and the Lexa Doig bot within.
Jack seems to get what Jazaf was getting at and hits him in the shoulder.
Meanwhile Needy, after a little bit of searching finds the bar the crew went into and orders the most expensive liqour they have.
'Put it on their bill.' He says pointing his thumb in the crew's direction. After recieving his liqour and feeling a little vindicated Needy goes and joins the rest of the crew.

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Thursday, February 2, 2006 6:54 AM


*a grease covered woman walks into the bar*

Ow! Chùsheng xai-jiao de xiang huo! Bloody petunias! How'd I miss that?

Barkeep! I need a drink...and an ice pack.
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Thursday, February 2, 2006 8:06 AM


Flechette, you're not borrowing trouble here. If you need cheering up, let me know. I can be funnier... I think... hold on, I know I have funnier here somewhere *checks pockets, under his hat* Ah yes here it is. The famous fake arrow through the head Wakka wakka wakka.... no?? Ok, let me get back to you.

Safe watches the woman walk into the bar. Violins start playing in his head... mi'amore...

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Thursday, February 2, 2006 8:35 AM


*the young woman sits at the bar, waiting for her drink*

Woman: Ambrose, what’s taking so long? *the barkeep tips his head towards the corner table and the strangers occupying it.* Huh, they look familiar to you?

Ambrose: Not from around here. That tough looking woman with the big gun asked about spare parts. I told her about Willie’s salvage yard. You guys think you can handle them?

Woman: What were your exact words?

Ambrose: If you’re lookin’ for parts, you should check out my kin’s place, Willie’s Salvage.

Woman: So, they’re likely thinkin’ I’m a man.

Ambrose: Yup.

Woman: Great. Why do you that? Folks come down expectin’ one thing and then leave when they don’t get what they think they’re supposed to get. I’m just as good as any man!

*the woman turns back to face the occupants of the table. She slams down a second shot of whisky while she examines the very nice form of the one they seem to refer to as Safe. She pulls a metal coil from her hair, letting the honey colored tresses cascade down her back.*

Now that’s a form I could stand to get to know. Any idea the last time I had anything other than batteries? *Ambrose frantically shakes his head and shoves his fingers in his ears* You know what? I’m leaving. I’m gonna trade parts and mechanic services with these visitors for a ticket off this frozen jiao-zi. Ambrose, send a bottle over to that well armed man.

Right, so I know I'm not a crew member, but the challenge is over and your capn' said I'd be welcome. Feel free to write me into the story...or not.
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Thursday, February 2, 2006 8:43 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

OOC: Hey, welcome, Weirdess!!!


Soul looks at the way Safe is oogling over the girl at the bar and turns to Serenity.

"I thought he was interested in you?"

Serenity shrugs.

He turns back to see the barkeep approaching with a bottle for...Safe?

"From the lady by the bar."

Soul notices with a chuckle his emplasis on the word "lady".


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Saturday, February 4, 2006 12:37 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Firstly let me say welcome WeirdGirl! Of course it's ok for you to join in - new cast members means new stories. Plus this thread seems to be all about the "new", so jump straight in

What do you mean you already have?
Oh, the cheek!

Secondly, I gotta say Jazaf, I loved the way you gave Needy a bit of revenge here:


Originally posted by Jazaf:

Meanwhile Needy, after a little bit of searching finds the bar the crew went into and orders the most expensive liqour they have.
'Put it on their bill.' He says pointing his thumb in the crew's direction. After recieving his liqour and feeling a little vindicated Needy goes and joins the rest of the crew.

If I had done it, I probably would have just made him angry at the crew as always. I'm glad you beat me to it

Thirdly... well there isn't any third, at least none that I can think of.
Well I will say this: Thanks Safe for your kind comments regarding my fic. I think I know exactly where its heading now - if I'm not writing an actual chapter, I'm making notes (bit annoying really considering I wasn't going to put much planning into the fic. I was originally just going to play it by ear, but when you see how it all pans out, you'll realise I would have just messed it up if I made it up as I went along) There's just one thing I've yet to decide on regarding Nemmi - one of the character s in the fic. I'm still undecided about which direction to take her character in as she's one that will become fairly intergral to the plot and one I hope to bring back in future fics. I've got two directions (or should that be explanations) for her character. The one direction I like best is flawed because... well I can't really say. I jsut need to think about it more... trouble is I'm at a standstill at the minute until I decide

Anyway, lets get back to the bar...


"Where's mine?" Needy asks the barkeep

"Sorry?" He asks, taking a step back

"Don't I get one?"

"No. This was for this gentleman here" He replies nodding his head towards Safe

Needy scoffs "Gentleman"

The crew all look at Needy, giving him the "pipe down" look

"Fine, whatever." Needy concedes.

He looks towards the bar where the mystery woman sits. She isn't unpleasant to the eyes, despite her fairly scruffy atire.

Typical, the guy walks into the bar and within a matter of minutes he's got a bunk buddy!

Needy looks around the bar attempting to spot another female. No such luck. The majority of the occupants were men, and not good looking ones at that. And as for the women... well the ugly men still looked better than the so-called females.
Maybe it was because of his time at Crescendo - the companion house in Kara where he was trained - he had become spoilt with seeing beautiful women. So much so that now, when he found a member of the opposite sex, he felt nothing but disappointment.
He knew it was superficial of him to judge people that way, but considering how he'd been treated the past few months on Destiny, he felt that if prejudice was his only bad quality, then he's still doing alright for himself

Just then, an attractive blonde waltzed out of, what he could only assume, was the restroom. She hadn't yet taken her seat before Needy rose from his chair and started to walk towards her

The other surprised crewmembers could only sit, watch and hope that what was about to happen would be entertaining, no matter what the end result.
Serenity sat with her mouth open; Soul cringed; Safe scoffed; Jayne watched with a smug grin; and Jazaf tucked into his popcorn which had seemingly appeared from out of nowhere. Meanwhile, the barkeep looked on in fear, praying that the male visitor really wasn't going to do what it looked like he was about to do.

Needy reached the object of his desire in no time, but it was in doing so that he realised his major obstacle - he was still way too short and his head was level with her belly. Sure it could have it's uses, but he sensed that he would have to try twice as hard to win her to him.
"Pardon me" she uttered as she bumped into him, knocking him backwards, so much so he tripped and fell to the floor.
Quickly recovering he sprung back up "not a problem at all"
"Are you alright?" she asked, bending down to see eye to eye with him
Maybe this shortness could work to my advantage Needy thought they might think I'm cuter this way
"I am now" Needy replied with a cheesy grin to go with his cheesy line
She smiled and added "you're so small!"
Needy raised an eyebrow, unsure how to take it
"and cute!" she continued
That's it, I'm in here!
"Why thank you. You're not too bad looking yourself. Tell me, how does a beauty like you feel about..."
"Hey Brett, have you seen this guy?"
Two things didn't sound good Needy realised. One, she stopped him mid-sentence when he was coming on to her, obviously proving she didnt take him seriously. And two, she just called to another guy in the room, which is never good

Needy turns around slowly to face the man that has made his way over to the two of them

"Hey!" The tall rough gravel-voiced man called

Oh damn it. Why is it me... everytime?

"Isn't he cute?" the girl asked him

"Yeah, real cute" he replies whilst grabbing Needy by the collar and pulling him up off the ground so that he is now eye-level with the 6ft6 behemoth.

"Uhm..." Needy mumbles

Back at the table the crew watch on

"Remind me again, why did we bring him with us?" Serenity asks the others

Jayne laughs and takes some of Jazaf's popcorn, stuffing it into his mouth. "Cos its fun to watch him get knocked around"


Sorry its another long post. And yet again I've got us into trouble when everything was going swimmingly... even romantic

Hang on, I think I'll settle this cliffhanger right now

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Saturday, February 4, 2006 1:11 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

"Should we do something?" Serenity asks the others

"I think he can handle this one himself" Soul replies

Brett throws the boy whore across the room into a table, breaking glasses and knocking drinks over his head

"Are you sure?" Serenity asks

"He could still recover"

Brett walks over to the wet companion and stoops down to him. "You messing with my girl?!!"

"No no no" Needy apologises

"Well it sure as hell looked like it!!!"

"Are you sure?!" Serenity repeats

Soul shrugs whilst the other crew members dip into the popcorn.

"This is getting interesting" Jayne laughs

"You know what I do to people that mess with my girl?!" Brett threatens

Needy shakes off his fear and retorts "I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say you give 'em a bag full of cash for getting her off your back"

"WRONG ANSWER!" Brett grabs Needy by the collar once more and throws him to the bar

Serenity stands up determined to fight

"Wait a second, give him a chance to fight back." Soul advises

"Yeah, down in front. I'm missing the Boy Whore Beating" Jayne complains

Serenity forces her bottom on the chair, despite every instinct in her telling her otherwise

Brett struts over to the bar, pushing the mysterious woman out of the way in the process "You're gonna wish you never set foot in here!!!"

Just then Brett falls down, unconcious

"Hey! Who cut the show short?" Jayne objects

Needy lays confused with his back to the bar

Did I do that? Wow, I'm telekinetic! Jedi academy here I come!

"Wha... what was that?" Serenity stands up again

There, raising herself up, is the mystery woman... with a needle in her hand

"you..." Serenity starts

"Relax folks, he's still alive... unfortunately. He always gets riled up over nothing, we keep a tranquilizer here at the bar."

"Why don't you just kick him out if he's always causing trouble?" Soul asks

"Now that wouldn't be good business would it?" The barkeep butts in. "He keeps our doors open the amount he drinks!"

"Are you alright little fella?" the mystery woman asks Needy

"That was you who stopped him?"


"Damn." Needy replies, disappointed that he hadn't developed a new skill after all.

As Brett's girlfriend and others help drag the irate troublemaker to a corner to sleep it off, Needy stands up and realises what a mistake he made. Suddenly, the obvious beauty of the one he had just attempted to chat up no longer was appealing.
He wanted more. Someone with guts, someone who could hold her own in a fight.
He looked at his female rescuer in a new light. Screw the fact that she seemed to be attracted to Safe, Needy had fallen for her.

Meanwhile, Safe too watches in awe as this mystery woman reveals just one of many talents.

The two men rarely saw eye to eye on matters, but in that moment in time their thoughts couldn't have been more intertwined as they both utter under their breath, "What a woman"


There, I've freed things up a bit

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Saturday, February 4, 2006 2:55 PM


*The woman brushes the hair back from Needy's face. Sure that the little man is secure on his feet, the woman turns back to the bar and leaves a chunk of change for the barkeep*

I best be headin’ out Ambrose, looks like I’ve got quite a job ahead of me.

*she strides to the door, pauses, looks back over her shoulder and smiles*

I’ll be seeing you later.

*she winks. The doors swing shut behind her. She sings as she tromps thru the snow* If you really want to know what I want in a guy. I’m looking for a dream on a mean machine with hell in his eyes…
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Sunday, February 5, 2006 5:29 AM


I can't take you guys anywhere, can I?

*Serenity helps straighten up the much rumbled Needy and dabs at a cut on his forehead.*

I'm thinking this would be a good time to settle the bill and head over to the salvage yard.

*The crew pays up and heads back out into the cold.*

Soul: So where are we heading?

Serenity: It's a place called Willie's Savage Yard on the far side of town. That should be it, back there. *She points*

Safe: Let's hope Willie will be able to get us everything we need, and for a fair price.

Serenity: Well, I can't guarantee he can get us everything we need, but I'll see what I can do about a fair price.

*They approach a rather run-down looking building with a rusty sign over the door that says "Willie's Salvage". Serenity pulls her hair out of its braid, flipping her head upside down to tousle it, then unzips her sweater partway and unbuttons the top few buttons on her top.

Jazaf: What are you doing?

Serenity: Getting us a fair price.

*They enter the building to find the woman from the bar sitting behind a counter, cleaning tools.*

Soul: Hello ma'am. We're looking for Willie.

Willie: Well, you found her!

*Safe grins. Needy looks a bit shocked. Serenity zips up her sweater.*

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Sunday, February 5, 2006 6:29 AM


"Stand aside pleebs, I got me some business to attend to" Safe says as he shoulders his way through the group to address Willie.

"I have to say, from the moment you walked into the bar... those are a pair of the finest..."

Serenity slaps her hand over Safe's mouth.

"Umm, I think what he's...I mean we.. are looking for is parts for a Firefly class transport. Seems we had a bit of "trouble" and have some repairs to do." She glares savagely at Safe.

Safe pushes Serenity's hand away "What? I was just going to say, Those must be comfortable overalls. I bet you could work all day in overalls like that and not feel a thing. I wish I had overalls like that."

Needy, that whole bar fight scene had me in stitches... And Serenity's Charlies Angels routine...

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Sunday, February 5, 2006 8:19 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by safeat2nd:

Safe pushes Serenity's hand away "What? I was just going to say, Those must be comfortable overalls. I bet you could work all day in overalls like that and not feel a thing. I wish I had overalls like that."
Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny

LOL Safe! I know a Forrest Gump reference when I see one. I love that film


"I haven't come across many Firefly vessels myself. Do they still make those things?" Willie asks the crew

The crew look to Soul, worried that he would be offended by her statement.

"Not like they used to" Soul calmly replies

"Well, I can look what I've got handy. Even if I can't find a perfect match, I'm sure I can put something together that will have you in the air in no time."

"Thanks" Serenity politely replies

"So what exactly is the prob..." Willie stops and stares at Needy's head

"What?" he asks worried

"You're bleeding."

"Oh right..."

"He always is. Our little boy whore always finds himself in trouble" Safe mocks whilst scruffing up the hair of his miniature friend.

"You're a whor..."

"A companion, yeah. Well, not so much now" Needy clarifies

"Really? I've never met one before."
Willie seems genuinely interested in him, which is a big boost to his ego. Unfortuantely she follows it with "I didn't realise you came in different sizes!"

Safe lets out a loud laugh, before swiftly apologising when Willie looks at him funny.

"This is just a minor setback. I'm not normally this small. Thats what you get for flying around with this crew"

"Hey!" Serenity and Soul both object. It seems they are the only ones who care what he has to say

"Sounds adventurous" Willie's eyes widen

"Yeah, real adventurous" Needy replies sarcastic

"Well, anyway you should have that cut looked at. I could take you to our doctor if you wish"

"Nah it's alright, we've got our own Doctor right here..." Needy turns around to point at Dr Me.... then realises he isn't with them. "Uhm... didn't we bring him with us?" he addressed the crew.

"No." Serenity reples seriously. "You just noticed?"

"So... where is he?" Needy asks confused


The Chamber, Destiny
Dr Me sits upon the chair of the Machine whilst Original Kimmel and Lexa stand nearby. Standing in a corner of the room, the three attractive women that had accompanied them to the party look on

"Do it" Dr Me orders Kimmel

"Are you sure?" Kimmel verified

"Do it" he repeats

Kimmel turns away and approaches the panel at the side of the machine.

"Here goes nothing" he says, turning a knob and pulling down hard on a lever

Suddenly the chair the doctor is sitting upon begins to shake.

"Is it working?" Lexa asks excited

"Yeah, it sure is" Me replies.

"Ladies..." Kimmel addresses the others "you have just witnessed a scientific breakthrough... This all purpose machine, is now equipped..."

The ladies await with baited breath

"... with a body massager"

"Ahhhhhhhh, that's the spot" Dr Me groans in pleasure

The ladies clap

"Me next!" Lexa asserts


Btw, I kept on putting Winnie instead of Willie in this. Must be a Wonder Years thing

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Monday, February 6, 2006 10:49 AM


I'm glad someone caught that Needy. Now if you're not careful, I'll start quoting Slingblade and O' Brother Where Art Thou, my other two favorite movies...

Back to Serenity's Charlies Angels shtick, Rowr...

Lets see if I can cook up something she has to convince Safe of... Nudge Nudge Wink Wink!

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Monday, February 6, 2006 10:58 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


(I really need to come up with a new acronym, LOL is so overused - but that was funny!)

As for your *other* favourite movies, I'm afraid quotes from them two would be lost on me. I've seen O Brother where art thou (didnt like it a whole lot), but have not heard of Slingblade I don't think

I watched Blade Runner for... well I'd like to say the "first" time, but I have seen it before. Once, a few years ago, but at the time I wasn't keen on watching it and only did so because it was on and I'd never seen it

I saw it today and liked it. Then I looked at some of the discussions for it on the net and now I wanna watch it again

I was planning on finishing off chapter 4 today of my fic, but because I'm now in a "roboty" kind of mood, I fancy writing something else. So I'm gonna write a bit of another Needy adventure - the tale of when he and Bubbles took a journey. I probably won't post it here yet but it will be my opportunity to write something a bit more adventurous than Needy's Destiny

I was going to add to the SereniTree thread after reading a bit of your Boros entries, but I'm totally lost and would have to go back to the beginning (or the beginning of your Boros tale at least) to know what was going on. And TheRealMe didn't post a recap at the beginning of the current thread!

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Monday, February 6, 2006 1:07 PM


*gives Needy a BIG hug in RL*

I knew there had to be another person in this universe that didn't think O Brother was just all that! and I found him among the crew!! yay!

I've been getting "heck" for years from friends who swear they've never heard anyone not like that movie........


"okay Amy - that's it - bring on your chopsticks and whatever else you want - we're going hunting and exploring this here ship and see what our next problem is"

Flechette grabs Amy and starts to drag her towards the stairs---

" 'Sides - I'm curious as where the hidey holes are and what's in 'em - aren't you?"

Amy rolls here eyes but follows Flechette out of the galley

Flechette - Destiny's Cook

We got Crab and pig tell:Squid ink and fish scale
Okra and dasheen leaves
Chitchat and chatter :Fill up the platter
With a garnish of pure make believe
- Jimmy Buffett's Calaloo


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 6:07 PM


Flechette & Needy, I don't think it was the best movie ever (O Brother Where Art Thou), but I liked it. Can't say as I know why...

If I can clear up, or fast track you on the Boros adventure, let me know.

I just used up my creativity on the Boros stuff, I'll try to contribute to the story later. Besides, isn't it Amy, Soul, Jazaf or Serenity's turn?
How about TWG... maybe it's her turn, afterall she is new.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 7:24 PM


I'm still learning the characters and their personalities. Kindly correct me if I get someone wrong.


*Fascinated with the group dynamics, she takes the momentary confusion over the lack of doctor to make her way around the counter to stand next to Safe. Her arm brushes his shoulder as she tucks a stray hair behind her ear. As she leans closer to Needy to examine his cut, her coveralls shift, giving Safe a clear view of cleavage*

Willie: A real companion? Wow…erm, d’ya still service people?

*Needy noticeably straightens, trying his best to get a peak at the goods*

Serenity: Uh huh. Listen, we would really prefer not to stay on this forsaken ice planet, no offence, any longer than absolutely necessary. Do you have anything we could use?

Willie: Just tell me what ya need and I’ll see what I can scrounge up for ya. I don’t have all the parts in the ‘verse, but I can cobble anything into working order. Pa used to say I had a gift…*she turns, walks passed Safe and in sotto voce says* for trouble.
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 4:55 AM


*Serenity steps between Safe and Willie and hands her a list of the parts and supplies they need.*

Why don't we head back to our ship and you can contact us there when you know how long it'll take?

*The men can all feel the tension as the two women size each other up.*

Willie: That sounds good to me.

*She smiles and tosses her hair. Serenity smiles back.*

Fantastic! Alright men, let's go.

*She grabs Safe's arm as she turns to leave.*

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 1:29 PM


But... but... I... but...

Hey!! I fix things too...

Awwwww.... I never get to do fun stuff!

Hey!! Stop squeezing my arm so tight! You're hurtin' me!

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 6:32 PM


Meanwhile, back on the ship...
I agree Flechette, we can't let them have all the adventures!

And Safe, I also caught the Fozzy Bear woka wokas :) I was just watching some Muppet Shows last week from netflix in fact. Another great show that I wish was still on the air, though there wouldn't be the talent any more to keep it going.

But I digress.

Flechette and Amy have developed a new game: carefully search for all the secret hidey holes on Destiny. Systematically search. Try every unknown button and push on every potentially secret panel. Measure the length of each room to check for hidden compartments.

Hide-and-go-seek for the overly-organized, trapped on a frozen planet with no other crew members around and lots of cookies types :)

Fun for every expert chef who misses her Irish Jaynebot and Crazy Sister who likes to dance! (that was for you Weird Girl, to add to the tidbits you're picking up about our previous adventures and personalities. Also, I recognized your screen name from somewhere else in the Firefly 'verse, so you should be gratified it's catchy--no I don't remember where from)

Cheers, Amylisai
Chopstick Ninja Queen O'Fancy Garb of Destiny Flying


Friday, February 10, 2006 6:07 AM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
Fantastic! Alright men, let's go.

*She grabs Safe's arm as she turns to leave.*

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:

The crew heads out of the salvage yard quickly.
'Did I detect a bit o' tension just then, Serenity?' Jazaf says mockingly.
'No, I'm just in a hurry to get off this rock.'
Jazaf leans his head towards Jack and imitates a cat's hiss.
'Alrighty then! Jazaf, you get to stay behind and load-up any parts Willie might've found for us.' She pauses and looks to Soul 'If I'm not overstepping my bounds.'
Soul mearly smiles, 'Not at all. I do believe that Jazaf owes you the most.'
'Gorramit!' Jazaf says as he throws his hands in the air and turns around.

As the crew continue on back to the ship Jack shouts, 'Don't worry Jazaf! I'll keep Lexa company while you're away.'
Jazaf lets loose a string of profanities as Jack turns and laughs his way to the ship.

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Friday, February 10, 2006 6:12 AM


OOC: ROFLMAO!!! Very funny Jazaf!

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Saturday, February 11, 2006 5:17 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Just stopped by for a bump

Safe - if its not too much trouble, I wouldn't mind a head up on the Boros situation and where I might be able to step in

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Saturday, February 11, 2006 7:13 AM


Jazaf... LOL!!

Needy, you are currently leading Amy, Flechette and Versereader to A clients hanger where he keeps a private collection of Shuttles from various parts of the sci-fi verse (Space 1999 eagle, ISSCV, Galactica type shuttle, old Star trek type shuttle etc.). Safe, Jack and crew are going to meet you there. If you need more, I can email you what I've written so far, it's just a bit choppy.

Safe kicks open the hatch to Destiny and stomps back to the engine room.

"Oohh Safe has to go... Safe do this... Safe wash my dress... Safe clean the floor... No you can't go to the ball Safe..." Throws around Boxes and parts.
"Just 'cause she's got the fancy overalls... and she's oh so very pretty... Safe becomes second banana again.. ooo I like bananas, I have one here somewhere... " Rumages noisily some more.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Saturday, February 11, 2006 1:17 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

ok Safe, I thought I had the basics down, but I went back and read the portions featuring me in Thread 38 as well as the recap on 39 and... well, I wouldn't mind if you could help me out with more backstory. You don't have to send it all if its too much trouble, but I would like some idea about my involvement and the situation
Like Needy at the moment is leading those folk out - is it just those three or the locals too? Who are these locals? What's going on?!! Also would help to know if I'm escaping through tunnels too or am going out into the open.
*one mighty confused boy whore*
I read some of your stuff and its great - the bit about Safe's friend being killed... terrific. I mean terrific in a good story-telling way, not terrific he's dead. Your writing is excellent

I do have a question though:
How are the adventures on Sereni-Tree and on Destiny related?
Are they at all?
Now you might not know the definite answer but how do you write it - as something that happens at a different time, alternate reality, some kind of "ultimate 'verse" (like Marvel are doing with retelling Spider-man, X men etc but in a different way)
Just wondered your take on it because some of the posts, well Serenity mentions in one of her threads meeting me on Boros and the events that happened there, which I thought was kind of neat and I could work into my prequel fic. But then there might be other things I can't "work in"

Maybe I'm putting too much thought into this, I just would like to know where I stand, whether I should treat the adventures as if they're running parallel in alternate realities (so it deosnt matter if certain things contradict from one reality to the other) or that the Destiny adventures area sequel/prequel to them (like that isnt going to play havoc with continuity!)

I'm going to add what I can (probably just adding a bit for starters until I get into the swing of it), but it would help if I knew where I stood on the whole universe issue

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Sunday, February 12, 2006 4:40 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by Jazaf:

The crew heads out of the salvage yard quickly.
'Did I detect a bit o' tension just then, Serenity?' Jazaf says mockingly.
'No, I'm just in a hurry to get off this rock.'
Jazaf leans his head towards Jack and imitates a cat's hiss.
'Alrighty then! Jazaf, you get to stay behind and load-up any parts Willie might've found for us.' She pauses and looks to Soul 'If I'm not overstepping my bounds.'
Soul mearly smiles, 'Not at all. I do believe that Jazaf owes you the most.'
'Gorramit!' Jazaf says as he throws his hands in the air and turns around.

As the crew continue on back to the ship Jack shouts, 'Don't worry Jazaf! I'll keep Lexa company while you're away.'
Jazaf lets loose a string of profanities as Jack turns and laughs his way to the ship.

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny

As the crew walk off ahead, Needy desperately runs to catch up. "Hey I've got short legs, wait up!"

The crew carry on regardless, apparently ignoring him

"Serenity! Piggy back!" he calls

Serenity suddenly turns back in a huff and tells him "you can walk!"

It seems that whatever offended her back at the salvage yard has put her in a seriously bad mood


There is no reply, though Needy suspects this is due to the distance between them and the thick woolly hat that is covering the captain's ears. Its not ignorance, but the simple fact that he can't hear the boy whore's pleas.

He wished it was the same excuse for the others, but he knew better. They were ignoring him!

"Fine, I'll stay here with Jazaf" he calls out to them. "And don't worry Safe, I'll look after Willie!"

Safe continues to ignore him, unthreatened

Needy begins to slowly walk back to the yard where Jazaf sits on top of a large engine part.

"I guess it's just you and me then. The boys!" Needy offers

"I guess" Jazaf replies unenthusiastically

"and... of course" Needy adds nodding his head towards Willie

"Needy?" Jazaf starts


"You've got no chance"

"What? What do you m... why?"

"Trust me"

"And I should do that why?"

"What, trust me? Don't need to but, I'm telling ya, it ain't gonna happen"

"And why's that?"

"Cos she's quite clearly got a thing for me"

Needy scoffs. "You serious?"

"Sure. Any idiot can see it"

"Well I'm not arguing with that" Needy replies sardonically

"Wanna bet?"

"you've gotta be kidding me..."

The two are interrupted as Willie calls out, "Hey lads?"

"Yeah?" they both reply, turning around to face her

"Did you want anything to drink?"

"Sure" and "of course" are their instant replies

"Well come back in here" she offers, "I'll fix you something up"

"Did you hear that, she offered me a *drink*, you know what that means?" Jazaf mutters to the companion

"No, but I'm sure you've got some perverted idea" Needy sighs

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Sunday, February 12, 2006 5:31 AM


Thanks for the praise Needy!

I treat Destiny and Sereni-Tree as two separate stories, or realities, if you will. Destiny for me is easier and funnier to write. Whereas I like the more serious action stuff on the Tree. Safe on Destiny is a cross between Wash and Jayne, if Wash was a mechanic. Safe on the Tree is more of a cross between Bruce Willis from Die Hard and Kurt Russell from Soldier... sort of.

That said, feel free with Needy's character to parallel them as much as you want. Same goes with your escape route. You have free rein in how you get to the hanger. The only people you are bringing are the 3. They are members of the underground. There'll be a shoot-out with the Alliance at the hanger before escaping. Although I'm not sure how the Alliance will know where we're going(stumbling block#1).

I was writing Amy as a Kaylee type character with a knack for thrown weapons. Flechette as a no non-sense type that doesn't care much for your profession, like a female Mal. Versereader is intellegence, runs a book store so it make sense.

Hope that helps. I'm gonna be a while before contributing. My plot's been hijacked and my slow writing "style" is having a hard time coping. Although not for lack of very kind offers to help.

Sorry, nothing to add to my favorite thread today.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny






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