You know you're obsessed when . . .

UPDATED: Thursday, March 16, 2006 07:06
VIEWED: 34687
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Monday, January 30, 2006 11:33 AM


To ginger from SE Minnesota... We're practically neighors! I'm in New Albin, Iowa.

OK, Obsession Confession Time: I'm still new at this, but I did switch all my sound themes to Firefly sounds. Whenever I start a device, I hear, "'River? Please, why don't you come out?' 'No! Can't. Too. Much. Hair.'"and when I stop it, I hear, "'River, honey, he's putting the hair away now.' 'It doesn't matter. It'll still be there. Waiting.'" Email incoming is "And despite our best efforts, they - they kicked." Windows startup is the Firely theme and shutdown is Jayne hollering, "The Hero of Canton, the one they call meeeee!"

My baby girl loves to sing the Fruity Oaty Bars song (Fwooty Oaty Bawwws, according to her).


Monday, January 30, 2006 11:36 AM


You know your obsessed when:

* You spend your last minutes before you go to sleep thinking of your next post on FFF.

* You can't stop watching the episodes, even though you have them comitted to memory.

* You try to rework your entire financial budget to fit in attending BD Flanvention II.

And you know your obsessed with Joss when:

* You just wish he'd make another gorram tv show!

Were there monkeys? Terrifying space monkeys? - Mal


Monday, January 30, 2006 11:54 AM


I was worried a coworker would unexpectedly walk into the datacenter late in the evening while I was upgrading servers and singing "FRUITY, OATY BAR!" at the top of my lungs last week... (It's noisy in there with all the computers, airconditioning and fans and stuff so you gotta sing loud.)



Monday, January 30, 2006 12:39 PM


I've got the Fruity Oaty Bar theme as my ringtone.

Also, last week my boyfriend and I were walking back to campus from dinner, and some people asked us if we could answer a question for them and have them videotape it. Sure, why not? The question was, and I am not making this up, "What are you obsessed about?" I answered Firefly/Serenity, and I was very proud of my 2 minute coherent spiel on the basics and how it's about 9 people just trying to live (somewhere in there I was asked about them being rebels, and I answered that I think deep down, we're all rebels at heart). I found out afterwards that this was a project for their church (not sure how they'll use my entry), but at least one of the guys asking the questions knew what I was talking about (it helped that I had my Serenity pin on my purse)

No power in the 'verse can stop me!


Monday, January 30, 2006 12:54 PM


Let's see, I am logged on here and I am supposed to be working right now. Hmmm...a touch of obsession. Not too bad.

I feel the need to check in to the site as much as possible to see what other Browncoats have on their minds...again during working hours. Maybe a bit more obsessed.

Have gotten a tattoo of the Serenity chinese charachters on the shoulder. Does that mean obsessed? Probably. Though at least the tat is not of Mal or the ship itself. THAT might be taking it too far lol.


Monday, January 30, 2006 12:58 PM


...when you buy a brand new laptop computer, and the very first thing you do when you turn it on for the very first time is insert the Serenity DVD and watch it.

I don't disagree on any particular point.


Monday, January 30, 2006 1:00 PM



Originally posted by 25MyTurn25:
I always find myslef saying things like "aint" and talking in a western way. Using "don't" instead of "doesn't", very odd what an obsession can truely do to the mind.

I love it; my accent and vernacular go mainstream. Well kind of -- for years I've had to hide my accent; now I don't!


Monday, January 30, 2006 1:50 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Better, if instead of asking if they understand, you say - Dong Ma?

Shuh-MUH? :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam.


Monday, January 30, 2006 2:09 PM


I love this thread. :) *giggle*

Okay, you know you're obsessed ...

- When "Mal" means "good";

- When you start ducking when you hear the Fruity Oaty Bars song;

- When you no longer associate "River" with water;

- When Chinese no longer sounds like Greek.

This was fun. :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam.


Monday, January 30, 2006 2:38 PM


I am officially obsessed, I say gorrammit, gos se, shiny, not so much, damn site better than...all of the above. Plus I hum and sing the theme song at work, while cooking, in my sleep...Other TV bores me now too. At work today my boss told me something to do and I replied with, "It all looks very doable." Sigh...Obsession is shiny...

"You got time to do my hair?" "Out!"...Train Job


Monday, January 30, 2006 2:49 PM

PROSERPINE graciously toast a piece of bread for your boyfriend and say "wife soup!" when you hand it to him. jump up and down when a character in a tv movie is named Washburne. have a final exam worth 70% of your winter session grade tomorrow and yet you've still managed to find time to check this site three times today.

"Dear Diary, Today I was pompous and my sister was crazy. Today we were kidnapped by hill folk never to be seen again. It was the best day ever."


Monday, January 30, 2006 3:40 PM


So I'm reading your obsessed if you...quotes and I am laughing hysterically. I read the one about your professor and I realize it's you! I loved it Mattie! Beautiful list. You had me rolling. I do the exact thing. That's all I can think about. I have many a time sang Hero of Canton without realizing it.


Monday, January 30, 2006 4:17 PM


Let's see...where do we start...

The only things my tv has played for the last month and a half is serenity, the box set, or Dora the explorer (I have a 2 year old)

Said 2 year old watches the show with me and names all the characters during the intro...ending with "Book!" ...pause... "And HORSES!"

Teaching your eleven year old neice how to swear in Chinese from the show....and she's teaching her little friends at school (Honest, Mister Principal...It wasn't me who taught her...)

Shuffling the bills that the tax return is paying off to hopefully go to Flanvention.....and planning on taking said niece along because she's a Browncoat now TOO!

What is this signature you speak of?


Monday, January 30, 2006 4:30 PM



Originally posted by samafin:
Shuffling the bills that the tax return is paying off to hopefully go to Flanvention.....and planning on taking said niece along because she's a Browncoat now TOO!

Hope to meet you both there!

I don't disagree on any particular point.


Monday, January 30, 2006 4:46 PM


I'm hoping to make some new friends there, lol...cuz i'm a small town girl, so I'm likely to be goggling around, totally lost, and feeling too shy to do anything wild, crazy, and fun...


Monday, January 30, 2006 5:05 PM


Well, let's see.

I told a friend, when she asked for something to drink, that the only liquid I saw was the puddle of pi$$ refusing to pay my wage.

When asked if I'd watch the phones for a few minutes while the secretary "took a walk", I replied "No ruttin' way!"

I've sweet-talked at least ten close friends/family into watching episodes or the BDM. I hate sweet-talk. I never use it.

When four providers showed up at my desk, all needing something RIGHT NOW and all of which would require at least twenty minutes of my time concurrently, I took a deep breath, gave each my best steely look, and growled, "You are starting to damage my calm". It worked like a charm.

I started to comment to my roommate about a particularly well-done scene in the BDS, and he just looked at me deadpan and said, "You don't PARTICULARLY like this scene. You like the whole d*mn thing. Admit it."

Hey, no skin off my muscular buttocks. Heh.

So, whaddya think? Am I obsessed?


Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Monday, January 30, 2006 5:26 PM


You know you're obsessed when .....

You buy a new laptop and the first thing you do is transfer your Firefly/Serenity pics for your wallpaper and screensavers.

spend $10 in internet cell phone charges trying to download the Firefly theme as a ringtone (still can't figure out how to gorram do it!).

call the postage machine " a gorram piece of gose" when it eats up your 100 envelopes instead of putting postage on them.

check FFF when I come home for lunch, when I get home and before I go to bed.


Monday, January 30, 2006 6:53 PM


i work in a semi.. ok, totally professional piece of the verse but using the slang of the fly has really helped cut back on my swearing at work when things go really wrong. the way gorram just slides off the tounge makes things not seem as bad. i am a newbie to all the expressions but since all i watch when i come home is my cherished boxed set, i am sure to be using/learning more.
i also find myself humming the main theme in a stressful situation. FF just makes me all shiny.

are most of the expressions chinese? i am going to get one of those learn chinese cd's if so.
also can anyone teach me how to add a photo to my post? i love everyone's and i am full of envy.

"you ever been with a warrior woman?"
"your patient ought to be dead right now"


Tuesday, January 31, 2006 10:01 AM


Go to your profile and hit "Edit Profile." At the very bottom, right before the update button, there's a section of icons you can use. Click on the one you want and there ya go.

Hope that helps.

An Unreasonable Believer
Can't Stop The Signal.
"Love. You can learn all the math in the 'verse, but you take a boat in the air you don't love, she'll shake you off as sure as the turning of worlds. Love keeps her in the air when she oughtta fall down, tells ya she's hurtin' 'fore she keens. Makes her a home."


Tuesday, January 31, 2006 11:12 AM


you know you're obsessed when......

you open all your gigs by saying "Grrrr, Arrrrgh."

you have more friends on than in real life

you eat protein bars from gas stations and imagine it's Alliance Grade A Foodstuffs

you figured out both the "serenity theme song" and the "Hero of Canton" on guitar

your three top priorities are food, shelter, and figuring out who Book actually was before he hooked up with Mal and Co.

you have all the episode scripts memorized not to mention the commentary tracks

".....and we will call it, 'this land'" Wash



Tuesday, January 31, 2006 12:16 PM


I've responded to being teased by my husband with "I can hurt you"...I've also referred to someone who had annoyed me as a "total backbirth"

I spend an inordinate amount of time hanging around here, and I organise my day so I can squeeze in yet one more viewing of an episode on my beloved dvd's. I even fall asleep listening to Firefly Talk, or The Signal podcasts on the nights when my husband isn't home


Tuesday, January 31, 2006 8:02 PM



Originally posted by Bowie:
You know your obssesed when you print out copies of the script to each episode, so you can read it when your away from TV, and hand to your friends to read.......

like I did. :)

If you play check out the region Firefly.

Yea, and where do we GET said copies of scripts????
THANKS. oooooh this will help me memorize each and every episode...

omigawd. I think I am truly obsessed.

"Do not go gentle into that good night....
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. . ."
--Dylan Thomas

If you make my favorite show disappear forever, you *will* go to a very special level of hell, one reserved for child molesters, people who talk at the theater, and Fox executives.


Thursday, February 2, 2006 12:48 PM


YAY! I luv this thread... it means other people like me!LOL! totally Firefly obssessed! I just gave my uncle a puppy for his birthday and I named him Firefly... not my uncle, the puppy. LOL! He's a yellow lab, so I guess it fits. Oooo, I'm also trying to fit some Mandarin Chinese classes in my schedule... even though I already know all the really useful stuff. lol. Browncoats FOREVER!

Take My Book, Take My Wash
Kick Me Right Smack In The Crotch
I Don't Care Cause I'll Still See
This Film Whedon Made For Me!


Thursday, February 2, 2006 1:26 PM



Originally posted by Drace:

...trying to fit some Mandarin Chinese classes in my

Few years ago I took some Chinese at night school.
It was incredibly interesting and painfully
difficult to get up in front of class and speak.
Can't do that in english - teacher made us do it
in Chinese. Bit of a disaster, that.

What I really meant to say here, though, getting
back on topic, is: I Am Not Understanding Why Any
Network In The World Is Making Stuff That's Got
Nothing To Do With Our Beloved Firefly!! {that
would be all in caps except my coworkers would
notice if I started shouting like that.)


Friday, February 3, 2006 11:18 AM


Well if the octopus turn out right,
then it justifies everything.

Doesn't it?


Friday, February 10, 2006 8:13 AM


When you are seriously considering committing murder and/or serious theft to get River's blue dress (selling for £3179 -

19 conversions and counting!!!


Friday, February 10, 2006 9:59 AM


The other day, in one of them Star Wars threads, I heard someone say:

"Leia's a ho!"

And my immediate thought was:

The term is "companion".


"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Friday, February 10, 2006 12:21 PM



Originally posted by SerenitysLittleAngel:
When you are seriously considering committing murder and/or serious theft to get River's blue dress.

Hey, relax! Can't you find a disreputable crew to do that for you?


Friday, February 10, 2006 2:03 PM


You know your obsessed when...

You say something Serenity related, everyone stares at you, and you think it's completely normal.


Friday, February 10, 2006 2:19 PM


The worse part of being obsessed is when a friend
tells you his dad had a chest x-ray and they find

Then you resist asking the only thing that came up.

Was it gold?

I wasn't too proud of myself that time. I didn't know what to say, and that idea was not the best way to go. Nice work, dumbass.


Saturday, February 11, 2006 2:38 AM



Hey relax! Can't you find a disreputable crew to do that for you?

Well... I put out an ad, but no one's answered yet.

Another sign: I was watching T4 this morning and one of the presenters said "And now for a clip of the world's most awkward kiss". I jumped up, ran over to the TV and screamed:


Umm... no. "Beauty and the Geek". Honestly. Why get my hopes up like that?

19 conversions and counting!!!


Saturday, February 11, 2006 9:13 PM


I love my captain

-you go to sleep thinking about where to take you fanfic and end up dreaming about it
-when your friends and family (who all like Firefly/Serenity) look at you funny and say your obssesed 'cause you spend to much time in the verse. (watching the show/movie or on sites like this)
-you spende hours workinf on fanart specificly to post it in the Blue Sun Room
-you actually respond to this post with a list of ways to tell
-said list describes your average day

There's nothin worse than a monster, thinks he's right with God.


Sunday, February 12, 2006 4:04 AM


When my mother who is eighty and doesn't watch television even when she is in the room says "didn't you watch that yesterday?"

When I actually converted one of my workmates to fanfiction writing, for Firefly of course!

When I take a notebook and pen to surf club, 'cause we'll be there two hours & I might get an idea for my story.

Yeah, I think I'm obsessed.


Sunday, February 12, 2006 6:48 AM


All the time, all the time. Especially gorramit, since I tend to do minor cussing a lot.


Sunday, February 12, 2006 6:50 AM


I like to eat tuna fish in pita bread and pretend it is protein . I also worked out how to write the entire theme song in pictures.

None of my friends know what Firefly or Serenity is so I'm going to invite as many people over as possible to my birthday and make them all watch it.

Mwaaahahahahahahaaha!!! Mine is an evil laugh (not really). (Maybe).

When in doubt, consult the hamster.

Also, I can kill you with my brain


Monday, February 13, 2006 6:08 AM


I love my captain

Have you ever watched something just because you noticed a Firefly cast member was in it? It could be TV or movies and it doesn't matter how small thier part is or how bad the show/movie is, you still watch. I have examples. For small parts, I watched a CSI rerun I had seen several times because I noticed Summer Glau was in it. Or Dracula 2000 with a cameo by Nathan Fillion. As for the bad...have any of you seen Cleopatra 2525? It wasn't a great show, really campy but light hearted fun, you know. I can't for the life of me figure out why this show has twice as many episodes as Firefly but it stars Gina Torres.

(opens mouth to say most awesonme signiture)......I have no cool signiture. I am sad.


Monday, February 13, 2006 10:46 AM


I am new to the community, no longer a "rebel without a cause", am proud to be a browncoat. That said, I thought I would contribute my own short list.

1 - The "you know you're obsessed when..." post is the first you ever responded to, and you can relate to everything posted before you.

2 - You find yourself referring to the governmental institutions and figures as "Alliance" (Actually found myself yelling to my fiance in the driver's seat, "Careful, Alliance!" when I spotted a police car pulling in behind her.

3 - You subconciously compare every woman you meet to your lost love, Kaylee. Goram FOX! And find yourself getting jelous at the name or image of Simon.

4 - You find yourself referring to your preacher as a Shephard.

5 - You can't wait to get to work so you can check in on FFF without your Fiance nagging you about your obsession. And your lunch hour is devoted to hunting down every rumor of a continuation of the series / sequel.


Monday, February 13, 2006 11:28 AM


You know you're obsessed when...

While reading MacBeth in English you can't help but giggle at Malcom and it does not help that they abriviate it as Mal. People around you in class stare.

You hum or sing the Fruity Oaty Bar song and then look around all paranoid, sure that a girl is going to proccede to beat everyone in the vicinity.

Your sister has a friend named Miranda. She wasn't allowed in the house for a while, and when she asked why and you told her she thought it was cool, and went and picked up the sieres.

You go shoping for clothes at, Ross or T.J. Maxx and every article of clothing you pull out, you classify: "Oh this is so Kaylee." or "Jayne would so wear this." And then you buy it.


Monday, February 13, 2006 10:30 PM


I spell my name Melinda. One of my teachers has a habbit of writing it Malinda. I never correct him because if it were spelled that way my friends would call me Mal.

"Putting the Me in Mercinary, Jayne Cobb."


Monday, February 13, 2006 11:03 PM


U noe ure obsessed when:

the moment u get ure new MP4 player u rip all the firefly episodes so that u can watch them wheneva, where eva... Alright!!! gotta get my firefly fix!!

it's late at nite so u put on the firefly episodes to fall asleep to...

say gorram _______ way too much, and swear more in chinese then you ever did in english


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 4:23 PM


I love my captain

I play World of Warcraft now and then and have several friends who play it incessantly. The "good guys" are called the Alliance. Like I said, thier supposed to be the good guys and my character is alliance but whenever I hear someone mention it I start to get all crotchety and paranoid.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 5:06 PM


An average day in the 'verse for me (why not today?)...

- Wake up at 6:00AM; turn off DVD player/Surround
- Take shower, singing Ballad of Serenity or Hero of Canton
- Sleep on school bus, wondering about certain scenes in Firefly, or working out my fan film
- Arrive at school, go to computer lab. Check my gmail for FFF.Net responses, if none, sigh, go there anyway. Look through the interesting posts on the front page, as well as images and cool sounding fan-fics. Go to google news, middle click my stickies for firefly and serenity, in hopes of some magical announcement that happened over night...see the same post from two days ago about "Done the Impossible" coming out soon. Sigh, logoff.
- Go to my advisory (homeroom), where I try to convince my advisor to let me bring in Firefly and show it to the people.
First period English, space out, Write, and Re-write character descriptions and plot lines for my fan film.
- Second period, Outdoor Education; Use the word gorram a lot when I can't tie a rock climbing knot correctly, shiny when I get it.
- Third period, history, half pay attention, and read my copy of "history of the 'verse" (well, it is history)
- Fourth and Fifth are pretty much firefly free, with the exception of quotes
- Sixth Period, Lunch, Talk with friends, bringing up Firefly a lot, and quoting it, a lot. I tell someone who hasn't seen it I will lend them one of my copies (I have three). Finish eating, go back to the computer lab, do the same stuff I did before school.
- Seventh Period, Math, Wonder how in the 'verse River was so good at this stuff
- Eight Period, Free!, do all the computer stuff again, more finely
- Ninth Period, Free!, Get a call from my dad, let my cell phone ring as long as I know it will before it goes into voicemail so I can here the Ballad of Serenity play out.
- After School, go to a friends house, discuss our big damn fan film, play halo 2 and DOA4, using firefly quotes all the way.
- Early Evening, eat dinner, try and get my dad to learn the guitar part to Ballad of Serenity (I play the violin), he refuses, again...
- After Dinner, Check the boards and such again.
- Evening, go play a video game, COD2 or something like that, and quote firefly between lives
- Sleep, put on DVD player/Surround with whichever episode I chose on, decide whether I want commentary or not, turn it on, fall asleep to captain tight pants

"Someone Ever Tries to Kill You, You Try and Kill Em' Right Back"


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 5:17 PM



I am the current keeper of the browncoats that are handed out to new Browncoats and it appears I missed you in the rush of new folks. So....

*hands Drindell a shiny Browncoat*

and welcome to the 'verse!

By the way, I've become so obsessed I literally can't leave the site for long.... might miss someone new and might miss some news!

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 5:22 PM


Yeah, I go into withdrawl if I don't have something firefly around me.....

"Someone Ever Tries to Kill You, You Try and Kill Em' Right Back"


Saturday, February 18, 2006 1:36 PM


You know your obsessed when....
You get angry at someone for interupting your firefly time trying to buy something that makes you a hefty commision.
When you start saying Joss bless you when someone sneezes (I actually did this yesterday)
When you put on firefly when you clean your house because it's nice to hear your friends voices when performing boring tasks. Note I said your friends voices not friendly voices.
When you actually watch Ghost Whisper just because Sean Mayer is in that episode.
Last but not least you use at least one quote from firefly or serenity in every conversation and your love ones have stopped asking what the heck you mean by some people juggle geese.

An I carried such a torch


Saturday, February 18, 2006 1:43 PM


I'm visiting my parents now. It's the middle of the night here, and I "snuck" the Serenity DVD home with me + the FireFly disk with "Safe" on it, just so I can get my FireFly/Serenity/River fix for the weekend. And I am on the FireFly board now (obviously) and STILL planning to see Serenity this night!

And I'm in my dad's office; and there's a phone next to me, with a label that says: "TAM/fax". And I think: River!

Yeah, I think this counts.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Saturday, February 18, 2006 2:32 PM


You know you're obsessed when you're scrubbing the bathroom, find a book under a pile of clothes, open it up, and mutter:

Today I was pompous and my sister was crazy. Today we were captured by hillfolk and never heard from again. It was the best day ever.


I also caught myself grumbling "gorrammit!" several times as I mopped. But that's nothing new. That's my new favorite expletive.

Huh. I guess that could count, too....


Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Saturday, February 18, 2006 5:11 PM


You know you're obsessed when you spend hours on the web trying to find dinosaurs just like Wash's!


Saturday, February 18, 2006 6:42 PM


When you spend the weekend trolling the malls (which you hate with a passion!) searching for the perfect lookalike for Mal's coat. I WANT ONE!

When you look at a girl and think "man, would she look good with a little engine grease!"


Saturday, February 18, 2006 11:45 PM


When you're apologising to someone at work for being too busy to have done the thing they gave you to do by saying not "I'm doing too much at once" but "I'm trying to juggle too many goslings".

(She didn't ask.)

Creative Writing






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