I think that Firefly should be officially declared a drug

UPDATED: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 03:39
VIEWED: 5820
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Sunday, February 12, 2006 1:16 PM


Long time lurker first time poster. I want to say that ever since I fist saw firefly I feel different. It's as if my body has grown dependent on this addictive addictive truly gem of a show. The day I finished the final episode I felt the urge to once again pull out the first disc and watch the whole series over again. Firefly started something in my soul that steadily consumes it more and more until I hunger so deeply that the only option left to me is to lash out at the devil incarnate (in my mind) the fox station. However my mind cannot think of any peaceful way to do this the urge to get vengance is still there am i the only one whose soul has been consumed by the firefly fever such as I?


Sunday, February 12, 2006 1:45 PM



The first day I borrowed my Dad's copy, not a one has gone by that I don't watch Firefly or Serenity or some sort of video/interview that has to do with it. Either that or I'm reading fan fiction, or dreaming of a way I can hit Moonlight Rising to see our beloved Captain and the Hero of Canton.

It kinda crawls under your skin and just eats away at your soul. Only it leaves you a better person.

It's as if there was something I was missing and yet didn't know it. Now that I've seen it, that void has been filled and cannot ever be completely satisfied. I just need more.

Hubby just quit smoking. And I've said it before and will say it again: now I know that craving.

I'm not yet into selling things off to supply myself with Firefly stuff, but it's an awfully tempting possibility. Perhaps my Star Wars stuff may wind up on EBay...

AIM - Dewlanna
YID - jedi_kaele


Sunday, February 12, 2006 1:50 PM


I agree. It's addicting.

Ever since I saw the TV show aired for the first time on Sci-fi channel... I got hooked.

But seriously, I'm not addicted. Not at all. I can quit watching it anytime I want to. I just don't want to!

~A message from Serenyty~


Sunday, February 12, 2006 2:03 PM


I'm addicted, plain and true, no turning back.

I like it too!

I've been watching Firefly since before the movie came out and Serenity since. I haven't missed a single day. And I've never been this way before, not about anytning.

So.... yea, you are not alone.

And hey, we're glad you quit lurking and started posting!

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Sunday, February 12, 2006 2:05 PM


Oh, and here's your Browncoat....

*hands Phoisgood495 a Browncoat*

We're glad to have you aboard.

Some other folks will come along and offer you food no doubt and remind you that since we all want more (!) to share Firefly/Serenity with as many folks as you can, so more people will fall in love.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Sunday, February 12, 2006 3:10 PM



Originally posted by Phoisgood495:
... am i the only one whose soul has been consumed by the firefly fever



Sunday, February 12, 2006 3:26 PM


On my blog, I referred to it as "visual crack". No, you are not alone.


Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Sunday, February 12, 2006 3:30 PM


Sorry, it's mystery meal for dinner tonight. River took the labels off the cans again.

AIM - Dewlanna
YID - jedi_kaele


Sunday, February 12, 2006 4:00 PM


I got a fever...and the only prescription is more Firefly!

We will hold...we hold till Mal gets back.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young


Sunday, February 12, 2006 4:04 PM


You're not alone (and if you ever feel like you are, just post that question again on here and you'll be reassured very quickly). Most, if not all, of us on this board seem to feel that way. It's odd--I haven't yet figured out why Firefly speaks to some more sincerely than others. I understand the people who watch it and don't like it--they're just soulless. ;-) I don't quite get the distinction between those who watch and really enjoy it and those who watch and fall in love. I am in the latter category. Call it love, call it addiction, call it whatever you want. Doesn't matter--it all means the same thing. This 'verse and these characters and in my head and in my heart, ALL DAY EVERY DAY. I've decided you've gotta just give in to it. Really, there's no choice about the matter anyway.

Glad you're here with the rest of us weirdos(*with a nod to CHRISTHECYNIC*)!

MAL: We're still flying.
SIMON: That's not much.
MAL: It's enough.


Sunday, February 12, 2006 4:36 PM


Firefly/Serenity is an amalgam of three highly dangerous substances: Love, Creativity, and Knowledge. Alone, any one of these is highly addictive --the more you have, the more you want, and you can never have enough.

Together, they are irresistable.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Sunday, February 12, 2006 4:46 PM


I'm also addicted. It's gotten so bad that I can't watch anything without getting frustrated and thinking "This is crap compared to Firefly." I even get annoyed with my boyfriend if he prevents or delays my daily FF fix. The poor guy. I need help. Anyone else have this problem?


Sunday, February 12, 2006 7:26 PM



Originally posted by MalNourished:
I'm also addicted.
...Anyone else have this problem?



Sunday, February 12, 2006 8:14 PM


I'm so addicted, that I start quoting Firefly wherever I go.

A couple of nights ago, I quoted the "does the room have purpose?" lines from Jubal Early. My dad thought I was serious. Then I informed him that I was quoting Firefly.

I quote it WAY too often...

~A message from Serenyty~


Sunday, February 12, 2006 8:38 PM



Originally posted by MalNourished:
I'm also addicted....
Anyone else have this problem?

How is it a problem?


Sunday, February 12, 2006 11:53 PM


About a month ago, I happened to be in Wal-Mart on payday, so I grabbed Serenity. I saw the trailer and remembered being interested, and very vaguely remember seeing about half of what I'd later learn was "Our Mrs. Reynolds" before those tools at Fox threw away their masterpeice.

After work that night, I watched it at a friend's house and got hooked. (She didn't care much for it, said it was "too all over the place". I'm gonna have to work on converting her with some Firefly episodes.) After watching the movie a couple times, I realized I didn't just like the movie, I loved the movie . . . but not as much as the characters. Because I have some strange aversion to downloading movies or things I can easily buy, I had to wait until my next payday to pick up Firefly.

I really wanted to take it slow watching Firefly; one episode a night, maybe two, but I couldn't do it. It was more like three or four, and in no time flat, I was cut off. Oh, there's still there Serenity TPB I have the comic shop clerk ordering for me, and maybe even the pen and paper RPG if I can convert the right set of friends, but until there's another episode or movie, I'm going to be craving more. And as soon as the credits roll on that episode (or movie), I'll go back to wanting more. And I do have faith that there will be more, someday. The 'verse is too gorram good to die.

By the way, I'm also a recent lurker making a first post. After like my third viewing of Serenity, I watched that behind the scenes video where they flashed the site address on the screen, I started looking around the site. This seemed like a decent enough thread to come in and make an introduction.


Monday, February 13, 2006 12:10 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

I'm addicted, plain and true, no turning back.

I like it too!

I've been watching Firefly since before the movie came out and Serenity since. I haven't missed a single day. And I've never been this way before, not about anytning.

So.... yea, you are not alone.

And hey, we're glad you quit lurking and started posting!

Oh yeah, it's a drug alright. Either that, or there's an extra subliminal message stuck in the Fruity Oaty Bar song, to make us watch it again, and again, and again. :)

FireFly/Serenity is the most addictive series I ever got hooked on. Now, I know, people generally toss that term around rather loosely; but in this case, I'm talking true addiction. The kind where you just literally feel the chemical imbalance in your brain when in withdrawal. And I'm not kidding. And you've all felt this yourself. :)

And I'm with FollowMal, and the others, too: I don't see the part where this is a problem. :)

I think it's time for my River fix. :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Monday, February 13, 2006 12:32 AM


You know, it just occured to me that we should actually strongly oppose Firefly being labled a drug. Don't want the Feds carting people off when they pick up a Firefly DVD. Everything else I agree with.


Monday, February 13, 2006 12:42 AM



Originally posted by Serenyty:

I'm so addicted, that I start quoting Firefly wherever I go.

A couple of nights ago, I quoted the "does the room have purpose?" lines from Jubal Early. My dad thought I was serious. Then I informed him that I was quoting Firefly.

That is so cute, Serenyty! :) I so recognize this! See, even when I'm writing this, I'm thinking: is it bad that I understand everything she says? :)

And I'm venturing into real life now, as well. Last week we had an online meeting (for some computer related thingy). And I just kept throwing in lines like: "I don't disagree on any particular point." Or, "Oh, forget it; I don't know what I'm saying. I never know what I'm saying." (I didn't wanna make the last one too obvious) Or, the short, but ever-sweet computer-related "What, no backup?" :)

I only slept 3 hours last night, cuz I got all caught up in the 'verse. What, you think, "it's time to go to sleep again"? "No, mei-mei. It's time to wake up!"

Gonna make me some coffee. :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Monday, February 13, 2006 3:49 AM


Hey OLDMANAPLITFOOT! Welcome! I didn't want your "I'm new here" post to get lost in this thread. There are a lot of good "welcomers" around here--hopefully they'll see your post, too. Not sure I'm one of them, but wanted you to know that this is a great place for thos of us who've been kicked in the gut (the heart? the head?) by Firefly and Serenity.

Keep trying to convert people to the 'verse. There's always specualtion as to how we can get more, but it seems at this point to boil down having super-high sales of the Serenity DVD, to convicne the powers that be that it'll be worthwhile to make a sequel.

Til then, feed your growing (and it *will* grow) obsession here. Welcome!

MAL: We're still flying.
SIMON: That's not much.
MAL: It's enough.


Monday, February 13, 2006 4:39 AM


So, there's something called the C.A.G.E. questionaire used to screen for alcohol addiction. It consists of 4 questions: 1) Have you ever tried to Cut down on your drinking? 2) Have you ever been Annoyed by others' criticism of your drinking habits? 3) Have you ever felt Guilty about your drinking? 4) Have you ever needed a drink first thing in the morning to get your day started? (An Eye-opener). I often find myself thinking of a Firefly equivalent: 1) Have you ever felt like you should Cut down on the time you spend following the 'verse? 2) Have other people been annoyed with you for quoting Firefly/Serenity incessantly and not being able to discuss anything else? 3) Have you felt Guilty about pursuing Firefly/Serenity activities when you should be paying attention to the real world? (Like work, family, etc.) 4) Do you need some form of Firefly/Serenity exposure just to get your day started?
Yep, definitely addicted... Pour me another round of the 'verse. And pass the Fruity Oaty Bars.
First time post, by the way. You guys are great.

Please God, make me a stone


Monday, February 13, 2006 5:33 AM



Originally posted by mcallen:
I understand the people who watch it and don't like it--they're just soulless.

Actually, I think such people must have a natural, genetic immunity to the addictive quality of "Firefly"/"Serenity" -- which I will hereto refer to as the poor taste gene.

Many in Hollywood (particularly producers, advertisers, promoters, network schedulers and award nominating committees) seem to be the most egregiously afflicted beings.

Too bad someone couldn't concoct an anti-immunity vaccine for them, so that they would become as addicted as the rest of us normal folks.

I say we stick 'em in a room with Jayne and Vera for a bit, and see if they'll come around.

If not...

"Hamsters is nice."


Monday, February 13, 2006 5:49 AM


I need help !!!!!

I keep walking around asking "does that seem right to you?".

Driving my wife mad!


Monday, February 13, 2006 6:07 AM


I think Diana Ross said it best.....

If there's a cure for this
I don't want it
Don't want it
If there's a remedy
I'll run from it
From it

Think about it all the time
Never let it out of my mind
'Cause I love you

I've got the sweetest hangover
I don't wanna get over
Sweetest hangover

Yeah, I don't wanna get over
I don't wanna get
I don't wanna get...over

Ooh, I don't need no cure
I don't need no cure
I don't need no cure

Sweet lovin'
Sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet love
Sweet, sweet love
Sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet love

Don't call a doctor
Don't call her momma
Don't call her preacher

No, I don't need it
I don't want it

Sweet love, I love you
Sweet love, need love

If there's a cure for this
I don't want it
I don't want it no
If there's a cure for this
I don't need it
Sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet love
Sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet love
Sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet love
Sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet love"

"Funny and sexy. You have no idea. And you never will."


Monday, February 13, 2006 7:09 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by Phoisgood495:
Long time lurker first time poster. I want to say that ever since I fist saw firefly I feel different. It's as if my body has grown dependent on this addictive addictive truly gem of a show. The day I finished the final episode I felt the urge to once again pull out the first disc and watch the whole series over again. Firefly started something in my soul that steadily consumes it more and more until I hunger so deeply that the only option left to me is to lash out at the devil incarnate (in my mind) the fox station. However my mind cannot think of any peaceful way to do this the urge to get vengance is still there am i the only one whose soul has been consumed by the firefly fever such as I?

You're definitely in the right place, my friend. I can't watch Firefly during school sessions because it makes me put off doing my homework. Then the first thing I do on a break is watch ALL of it. Heck, I'm avoiding homework right now!

*pours really fresh wine and hands over a cup*

Welcome aboard!

I draw...therefore I am.
Live in Minnesota? Join the Group! Yahoo Group, that is...


Monday, February 13, 2006 12:47 PM


Whew, I have been a busy supply clerk... and I'm lovin' it! Welcome OldManSplitFoot!

*hands OldManSplitFoot a Browncoat*

We are so very glad you found our shiny ship!

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Monday, February 13, 2006 12:49 PM


We're all wanting another round of the 'verse!

*hands Malachite a Browncoat out of stores...*

*Passes some Fruity Oaty Bars*

I believe all the new folks have some fine fresh wine from Channain, and welcome.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Monday, February 13, 2006 1:43 PM



Originally posted by MalNourished:
I'm also addicted. It's gotten so bad that I can't watch anything without getting frustrated and thinking "This is crap compared to Firefly." I even get annoyed with my boyfriend if he prevents or delays my daily FF fix. The poor guy. I need help. Anyone else have this problem?

I have the same problem. I'll be watching a TV show, and think to myself "Man, that camera angle sucks -- it's bringing nothing to the story. Who lights this set? Boring! Why is their dialogue so stilted? These poor actors are out of their depth, but, who wouldn't be with this writing . . . " and so it goes, and off goes the TV.

I like House well enough, but nothing like the way with Firefly.

I had a similar experience with books. I spent the better part of a year reading Patrick O'Brian's Capt. Aubrey/Stephen Maturin novels about the British Royal Navy during the Napoleonic wars. I was ruined for print for almost a year after. I would pick up a book, read a paragraph and spit "This writing is pathetic!"

Those books taught me an interesting trick, though. I go to the library, open a book to somewhere middle-like, read a paragraph, and if the author's ability to stitch a sentence together impresses me, I check it out without reading the description on the flap. It's served me well, recently. Read some stuff I normally wouldn't, and not knowing what direction the story is going immerses me more in the flow of the writing.

"Wanna?" – Mal to Kaylee, Out of Gas


Monday, February 13, 2006 6:25 PM



Keep trying to convert people to the 'verse. There's always specualtion as to how we can get more, but it seems at this point to boil down having super-high sales of the Serenity DVD, to convicne the powers that be that it'll be worthwhile to make a sequel.

I've been working on that, actually. When I first started watching Firefly, my brother and dad watched it with me, and got into it. My brother is almost as hooked as I am. Wasn't really expecting my dad to get into it, but he did. More than my mom, which is weird. I would have guessed the other way around. Hell, as I type this, they're watching "Heart of Gold", and then probably "Objects in Space" after that.

However, my friends haven't been as easy to convert. I've shown Serenity my friend Allissa, and she didn't like it that much, as well as another friend, who unfortunately had to leave in the middle. He seemed kinda interested, but not enough to convince his girlfriend to sit down and watch it with us instead of leaving right away. (She would have liked it, she has good taste.) Also, I brought my Firefly DVDs to Allissa's house the last time I went and got drunk there after work, but it's always too loud and drunk over there to actually watch anything. Not to mention the people I talk to on Final Fantasy XI Online who I keep recommending Firefly and Serenity to. (A couple of them watch Firefly reruns on Sci-Fi Channel already.)

But, I won't give up. I'm the type of person that has to make everyone watch the movies I love, even when I don't depend on them eventually buying a copy to hope for a sequel. Practically everyone I know has seen Donnie Darko at least twice (theatrical and director's cut, both of which I have on DVD).


Monday, February 13, 2006 7:49 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by MalNourished:
I'm also addicted. It's gotten so bad that I can't watch anything without getting frustrated and thinking "This is crap compared to Firefly." I even get annoyed with my boyfriend if he prevents or delays my daily FF fix. The poor guy. I need help. Anyone else have this problem?

Serenity Secrets of Success:

(1) soft porn in every episode
(2) healthy dose of subliminal reality
(3) dose of humor with every dose of darkness
(4) as if Buffy and Gang grew up
(5) gunfights & high speed chases = ADD
(6) MKULTRA brainwashing techno theme
(7) depregramming from MKULTRA brainwashing
(8) like Friends on crack
(9) American Independence/Independents vs Commie Chinese-British Empire Alliance
(10) soft porn in every episode

Good luck in recovery from Joss' secret weapon...

If'n ya find a cure, then keep it to yerself!

"'They're hurting us. Get me out!' The Government was playing with her brain."
-Dr. T, censored Serenity pilot

"That's sounds like the Alliance. Unite all the planets under one rule, so that everybody can be interfered with or ignored equally."

"This is another sign of your tragic space dimentia - all paranoid and crotchety."

(try again later if server is crashed)


Monday, February 13, 2006 10:07 PM



Originally posted by bobnsam:

I keep walking around asking "does that seem right to you?".

I've done that.

Quoting Jubal Early is fun!!!

I also quote Kaylee. The hot cheese comment from Shindig? I say that ALL the time, when something's fancy.

~A message from Serenyty~


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 3:39 AM


Malachite and OldManSplitFoot, welcome to our sweet little corner of the 'verse.

We got food on the table and fortune cookies for afterwards. (Cap'n splurged since the last run paid off well.)

Grab yourselves an empty spot and pull up your chair.

AIM - Dewlanna
YID - jedi_kaele






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