Simon and Kaylee - Meant to last or meant to not?

UPDATED: Thursday, February 16, 2006 12:14
VIEWED: 6787
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Monday, February 13, 2006 2:48 PM


Let me start off this post by saying that I am a HUGE Simon/Kaylee fan and in my romantic, rose-colored world, they would last until the end of time and beyond. However ...

As I've been exploring the world of fan fiction (and starting to write my own), I can see a definite trend. There are a lot of us who believe Simon & Kaylee could make it work - and a lot of us who don't think they stand a snowball's chance in H*LL.

So where do you stand and why? Here are my thoughts on the matter. Dismiss, dispute or digest at your own will.

Kaylee and Simon seem to be one of those perfect "opposites attract" type couples. (Think Han & Leia with Simon as the proper one and Kaylee as the scoundrel.) Kaylee is full of sunshine and light, while Simon is stiff and anxious. Simon is book smart while Kaylee is street smart. But what attracts them to each other (and would keep them together), besides the fact that they are relatively the same age, very attractive and in lust?

This leads us to the most important characterization question there is and one for the life of me that I cannot answer - What do they each want? Not from each other, but from their own lives?

What does Kaylee want (besides sex with Simon)? The easy answer would be nothing - she's a happy go lucky type girl, content to stay on Serenity with her captain and fix the ship as it falls into various states of disrepair. But that can't be all there is - why - because any character, any person, has to want something for their life and that desire is what drives them to act, to be, to live.

Does Kaylee want to be married with fat babies? Does she want to ever leave Serenity and live on a planet again? Does she want to stop being a mechanic? Not that being with Simon would necessarily force all of these issues to a resolution, but hopefully you can see where I'm going with this ... what does Kaylee want? Until we know, it's almost impossible to predict the state of her relationship with Simon, in the long run.

Which leads us directly to the good doctor. What does Simon want? For the course of the show and into the BDM, Simon's one desire was to keep River safe and then to make her well. At one time, he might have wanted to be a famous doctor (although I think all evidence points to the contrary), but now that he's made himself and his sister marked fugitives, the chances of that happening are slim. Sure, the Alliance may eventually rescind the prices on their heads, but when? Won't Simon be too far behind all the latest techniques to compete in a tough, Core medical environment?

Does Simon want to be married with children? Does he want a relationship like his parents had? If his one goal in life is to make River better and he can't, because of her own psychosis or his own limitations, will he be able to set his sights on a new goal?

I really don't have an answer so I'm hoping someone out there in the black does. Restore my hope in romance (on the eve of Valentine's Day no less) and give me some reason that Kaylee and Simon could work.

Of course one possible solution is that love is not logical. Kaylee and Simon care for and love each other because they do, period. Life threw them together and they are the better for it.

"Looks like we got here just in the nick of time. Know what that makes us?"
"Big Damn Heroes, sir."
"Ain't we just?"


Monday, February 13, 2006 3:15 PM


Hmmmm, well, I think that it would work out well, theoretically, the whole opposites attract idea coming into play. However, knowing Joss and his ability to surprise the audience with events that aren't expected or really wanted (death of Book/Wash), I'm assuming something will come in the way of their relationship. It could be their opposite interests, goals, dreams, the situation that Joss presents to us next (because he WILL make a sequel/second series), or even River come in the way of that. It could be that River needs all of Simon's attention, maybe she gets worse, or in the stories/story to come she needs his help in some way, and he doesn't have the time nor the room for a relationship at the time. All in all, though, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

"Found you!"
-River, in Safe


Monday, February 13, 2006 3:34 PM



Originally posted by TamSibling:
Simon is book smart while Kaylee is street smart.

If I may comment on just one peice of this. Has any considered that Kaylee may be of equal intellegence if not greater than Simon. She has that uncanny ability with machines without Simons privalaged background and education. To me, that is more impressive than the wealthy son of aristocrats becoming a successful doctor.


Monday, February 13, 2006 4:21 PM


Love ain't logical. If it were, my parents never would have gotten together.

But on a 'deeper' level: I think Kaylee would want a family eventually - or, given her character, could end up finding herself having a kid. I think she'd take it in the same, cheery stride that she takes everything else. I can also see Simon wanting more stability, and I believe that if he was the father he would try to do right by her and his sister - this could involve all three of them leaving Serenity or even staying, it's moot in this speculation.

I do believe that River will need some kind of supervision the rest of her life given that even if her condition is 'identified' and treatable, anyone with paranoid schizophrenia requires some level of monitoring. So we can assume that whoever Simon ends up with will have to be understanding about that - Kaylee would be ideal for this role as she's already friends with River.

There's also the "Once you've been through a highly traumatic experience with someone else you're stuck with each other" (which, come to think of it, could explain my parents). On that deep connecting level, how is Simon going to sit down with anyone else some day and talk about what it was like to spring his sister, have his faith in his way of life shattered, live on the raggedy edge, find a planet full of dead people, plan crimes to survive, get shot by Reavers etc. etc. etc. to someone who wasn't there? Will anyone else be able to ever really understand? Kaylee was there - they have that bond which will, at least, have them as close friends for the rest of their lives.

In the end, if anyone was going to break it off I do think it'd be Kaylee. But we don't know (yet) what would have happened. I think these two have a really good shot at making it. I don't believe it's doomed to failure.

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move. - Douglas Adams


Monday, February 13, 2006 6:02 PM


I think they have a good chance of staying together. I think there would be a lot of bumps along the way in their relationship, though. Simon saying the wrong thing and Kaylee taking it the wrong way, his dedication to his sister's well being. Stress of being on the run, Simon's hate/hate relationship with Jayne, and even tension with Mal.

I think Kaylee started out by just wanting Simon for sex, but as they got to know one another, become comfortable around each other, their friendship grew. The closer you get to the end of the series, you see their friendship slowly change.

The way he looks at her in the Message and Objects in Space. I think love grew out of a deepening friendship.

"A government is a body of people usually notably ungoverned."


Monday, February 13, 2006 6:11 PM


"If I may comment on just one peice of this. Has any considered that Kaylee may be of equal intellegence if not greater than Simon"

No, no we haven't considered it. So she's good with ships, so is my idiot cousin.


Monday, February 13, 2006 6:18 PM


Anway, blah blah blah, but it just seems to me like Kaylee and Simon are the faithful types. Pretty damned solid faithful types too, like savagely faithful. In fact, they seem like the types that would stay faithful long after a marriage has gone downhill, too. Not that I think it would, because they're sweet types who would stay sweet.

All thag opposites stuff seems way overblown and mostly innacurate to me- not least of which because I don't see Kaylee as streetsmart at all, just basically adapted to a harsh universe. Simon would lose the stiff part once he humped her anyway.

And anyway they both seem like settling down types. And they both seem like types to bring up little 'uns, too.


Monday, February 13, 2006 6:24 PM


Normally I'd post a long winded answer. But in this case, I'll refer you to my fanfic epic known as "You Can't Go Home Again". I think the whole story, once you've read it, would answer your basic questions.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Couldn't we at least abduct their political or religious leaders instead of just any idiot in a pick-up truck?"

"I'm sure the Great Leader has his reasons."

"Well I'm sure the Great Leader is just some sort of twisted ass freak."

"All right, I am now offically ignoring you, commence anal probing."


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 3:45 AM


Hey TamSibling, I liked your post; made me think, it did.

I just want to say something about Kaylee (what, you think, not about River? why, she'll be in here, don't worry; lol).

Really, there's a whole lot more to Kaylee than sex. I think Kaylee shares an endearing quality with River: innocence. Like River gazing at the stars, full of joy and marvel, Kaylee is cheerful at life. She sees the beauty of things. A rare trait. Where others may frown, and wonder what the verse has gotten to, Kaylee will just say: "Look, they got boy whores! Isn't that thoughtful?" That's Kaylee for ya. She just keeps looking at things with innocent eyes. Not that she never had sex, or wants to, but she somehow never loses her basic innocence.

Hmm, this is the second time, in so many days, that I find myself taking a page from Kaylee's book, and loving it. I guess I really want to be like Kaylee. She has a cheerful soul. That speaks to me.

Now, as for your question, Simon and Kaylee, I like to see them together. It seems fitting somehow. Kaylee has faith in people; and Simon, noble as a grape, is like the very reason to have faith in people. There's poetic beauty in that.

Why, this Valentine's day is beginning more hopeful than I thought. :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 4:09 AM


I can see those two just as easily working out as falling apart.

Pro: they force each other to grow.

Kaylee has to accept in Simon a man who cannot be HER hero. He's River's. Unlike every other man on the ship, he's not trying to protect her. She has to learn endurance and grow a bit of a spine during the course of their pre-romance. She starts standing up to the men in her life, let's go of her tendency to wait for a "perfect moment".
The Message is a very important eppy, there. The confrontation with Mal in the movie is also an excellent example.

Simon, on the other hand, finds in her someone who forces him to adapt to a new world but also has the patience to show him how. Simon operates strictly on familiar patterns, so this is indeed an important thing. Plus, she allows him to step outside of his tunnel-vision regarding River. Be just himself for a moment, remember the bright side to life.

Con: They really do not have so much in common. In fact, nothing at all, beyond sex and the above mentioned temporary effects.

Kaylee is pretty entrenched in her role as Serenity's mechanic. It's almost ideal, in her mind. She has all these fantasies about "fancy" things and at the same time she mocks the things that Simon still holds dear about that kind of life, like propriety.
I imagine she still has some illusions about what married life might be like, such as happy-sunshiny romance forever that would be shattered with the continued reality of Simon's caring for River. Not like River's brain will ever be un-cut on. It'd never be just them.
Add the burden of children and this could easily become a bad strain.

Simon lacks the sense of adventure that is inherent to Kaylee, but at the same time I think he would be bored with just a family life somewhere. He was a trauma surgeon, after all. I bet he misses that controlled adrenaline kick, the sense of being useful without being in danger.

The life he left behind was pretty much ideal for him, and in Kaylee he doesn't have someone who could even remotely substitute the thrill of academic challenges. She's brilliant but not in the spheres that he is.

They are both gifted, but in entirely different fields.

Much as I adore them, I can't find a single thing that they would both have in common, long-term. Something beyond sex or helping each other grow up to a point.

My guess would be a hot and mutually beneficial short-term relationship with a drawn-out break-up period but eventual friendship.

I'd gladly be convinced otherwise, though, if someone sees it differently. :)


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 4:14 AM


Come on, you all know exactly what would happen. Of course Simon and Kaylee are great and perfect for each other. But remember that this is a Joss Whedon show, which means that Simon would end up shooting Kaylee, or something else totally unexpected, like Simon getting shot with a Reaver harpoon.

Thier happiness wouldn't last in the Whedonverse because conflict is ultimately more interesting than contentment.

Like the rest of you, I'm excited to see what Joss does with this WHEN we get our SERIES back from the black abyss of ignorance.

Remember, that but for one trifling exception, the entire universe is made up of others.- Oliver Wendall Holmes


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 5:17 AM


Simon and Kaylee work only on the carefully constructed world of Serenity. Off the ship, they belong in one another's worlds no more than Inara and Mal do in each other's.

As long as their fugitives on the run, and stuck aboard the same ship, they've got a good chance to stay together, but as soon as some of that tension is off, the difference in their worlds will tear them apart. In "Shindig" and "Safe", respectively, we get to see what happens when Kaylee enters Simon's "world" and when Simon enter's Kaylee's. Ain't neither thing too pretty.

Heap onto that Simon's responsibilities toward River, which will be ever-changing and never really go away, and you've got a recipe for folks who're are going to drift apart despite their best intentions.

They're a cute couple, and they're a fun "underdog couple" to root for, but there's no doubt in my mind that, when the show continues, they won't get more than a season or two of together time. Of, if things continue as movies, I think we'll see one of them as the next casualty.

This is Whedon, after all, and Whedon hates love.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 5:24 AM



This is Whedon, after all, and Whedon hates love.

Too true! You know it's not going to last, because the loves that last are few and far between. There's too much shifting and complexity in life to simply fall for the first red-headed mechanic that comes along. The pressures that threw them together will eventually pull them apart. In the FF/S world, only Zoe and Wash's love was forvever I think. Mal and Inara are too proud to actually love each other. And since Wash, well, you know, I don't think Zoe loves again. Then again, we are talking about Mr. Whedon, the man who gave us the pregnant vampire and other foolishness. Probably, WHEN the series starts up again, Zoe will end up with Simon, Kaylee will join the Alliance, Mal will fall in love with her since he loves to love what he can't have, River will become a companion, Inara will be captain of the ship, and Jayne will run for Parliment.

By the way, what an appropriate topic for Valentine's Day.

Remember, that but for one trifling exception, the entire universe is made up of others.- Oliver Wendall Holmes


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 5:32 AM


I think a lot of it (and who winds up with who) really depends on the direction of the show. For example, if everyone stays on the ship, various couples DO have a bit of a chance, but if they don't, I would ultimately seen Simon and Inara together on a Core World somewhere, while Mal and Kaylee end up married and raising a gaggle of kids on Serenity. Of course, that's at the end of Season Seven, after the second war, and there's be lots of twists and turns to get there... And might be a little too obvious!

As someone posted in another thread, recently, who would POSSIBLY had predicted the romantic twists on Buffy/Angel? Willow dating a lesbian Slayerette? Buffy and Spike? Angel falling for Cordy? Xander engaged to a demon? (Well, okay, that one, sure). "Here's how it might have been..."


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 5:36 AM


That's true. I know Buffy and Angel constantly took me by surprise. My wife was always rooting for Wes and Fred to get together, because you just knew they would. Then, when they do, she's eated up inside by a giganto demon. Never saw it coming.

By the way, I like the arc of season seven, sounds like a good HALFWAY mark for the series. Just think, after fourteen years of Firefly back on TV they can make a final movie about all the old characters called SENILIYT.

Remember, that but for one trifling exception, the entire universe is made up of others.- Oliver Wendall Holmes


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 5:48 AM



Originally posted by GWEK:
while Mal and Kaylee end up married and raising a gaggle of kids on Serenity.


He calls her mei-mei!! He treats her like a daughter, almost.

What would young and blooming Kaylee want with someone like Mal, who's old beyond his years and paternally pets her head like she's a German Shepherd? She needs someone to start out life with, not retire.

What would layered cynic Mal want with an open book of a child-woman who follows his every command without question? He needs an emotional resting place, not a playback of every youthful illusion he's already rejected.


Much as it pains me, but Mal ending up in an undeveloping, mirror-image, two-rebellous-people-with-nowhere-to-go relationship with River seems more like to me than destroying that beautiful rewarding friendship between him and Kaylee.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 5:49 AM


I think Whedon's sort of stated that his intention was for "Firefly" to go seven seasons (giving some indication of the number of stories he had to tell). Of course, there's no reason those characters might not continue for another in a spin-off! Seven years in the black, seven years in the Core Worlds, say? Has a certain symmetry, no? "Here's how it might have been..."


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 5:54 AM


Everyone's got their own opinions and viewpoints, and, really, I'm not saying that I'm a Mal-Kaylee fan or anything, just that I could see it happening. As for the details--See the above statement about how Whedon continually surprised us during Buffy and Angel with pairing that initially seemed very unlikely.

Also, look at it from this point of view: Kaylee is already maternal toward Serenity, so it's going to take a lot of her to leave the ship. The ship, to Mal, represents independence, so he's never going to leave it. Of the crew we know now, they're gonna be the last two onboard. Together, the captain/pilot and first-mate/mechanic are all you'd need to keep flyin'...


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 6:02 AM


True, and insightful. The common bond of the love for Serenity could be the avenue needed to match them up and keep them together.

As for AGENTROUKA's comments about the paternal nature of Mal towards Kaylee, haven't you ever noticed someone under your nose for the first time? I remember the first time I noticed a friend's bratty sister I had grown up with was actually an attractive girl. Talk about conflict. Anyhoo, I think it's a mistake to interpret Kaylee's optimism and enthusiasim for simplemindedness. Many people I know, like my wife for example, are enthusiastic and trusting purposfully, not unknowingly or because of a lack of experience. In fact, it's usually in an effort to offest pessimism and cynicism that surrounds them. We have a mistaken assumption that cynics are somehow more enlightened, which is a mistake. But that's off-topic. To sum up: Mal and Kaylee could make perfect sense, which means that they will never get together. The only sense in Whedon's world is non-sense. Whatever you think is coming you're wrong. As the Book said about the Operative, they'll come at you from the side. Just like Joss. And isn't that why he's the shiniest of them all?

Remember, that but for one trifling exception, the entire universe is made up of others.- Oliver Wendall Holmes


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 6:52 AM



Originally posted by milford:
True, and insightful. The common bond of the love for Serenity could be the avenue needed to match them up and keep them together.

But isn't that a little... little to keep two people together? What about them as individuals? What connects them? Seems more like sex out of convenience if it's because these two stay aboard the ship the longest.


Anyhoo, I think it's a mistake to interpret Kaylee's optimism and enthusiasim for simplemindedness. Many people I know, like my wife for example, are enthusiastic and trusting purposfully, not unknowingly or because of a lack of experience. In fact, it's usually in an effort to offest pessimism and cynicism that surrounds them. We have a mistaken assumption that cynics are somehow more enlightened, which is a mistake. But that's off-topic.

You misunderstood me. I never said that Kaylee is in any way simple-minded. I said she is an open book and an optimist to the point of illusion. That's very different.

She's smart and a character with depth, but she is not the sort of challenging personality that would keep Mal's attention, I think. He knows Kaylee because at her best she lets everything show and he's very good at reading people. He can easily manipulate her, just like a father can easily manipulate his children for their own good. (See "Out Of Gas".)

Where's the sense of continued discovery that keeps a relationship interesting? The sense of equality?

She reacts to him like a girl to an adult, not like a woman to a man. When she speaks up to him it's either indirect and avoidant ("Shindig") or in a somewhat whiny complaint style (the movie). They inhabit an unequal social status on the ship, be it with regards to age, education, experience or downright position of authority.

For Kaylee to grow into a woman who could begin to match Mal in personal strength, she'd have to lose a lot of what makes her Kaylee right now, she'd have to become someone else.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 8:09 AM


I suppose I took your comment of optimisim to the point of illusion to mean naieve. Kaylee is certainly optimistic, but my argument is that I believe it is a matter of choice, not necessarily DNA.

As for the love of Serenity not being enough to keep them together, you are certainly correct, but it is enough to bring them together don't you think? And I have to wonder that if the idea of Kaylee not being a challenging personality isn't the point of interest for Mal. After all his shenanigans with Inara, it could conceiveable drive him to someone more straight-forward.

In terms of what keeps the relationship interesting, you bring up some good points. However, I think their staus of inequality would be a prime area to mine. How else could Mal learn to curb his acidic tongue but by damaging Kaylee. That's a scenario I've seen played out dozens of times in my own life. Hard-nosed types brought softer by the threat of hurting someone they care about. I could see it changing Mal, not Kaylee.

All in all, I must compliment you on your well thought-out approach AgentRouka.

Remember, that but for one trifling exception, the entire universe is made up of others.- Oliver Wendall Holmes


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 10:13 AM



Originally posted by milford:
I suppose I took your comment of optimisim to the point of illusion to mean naieve. Kaylee is certainly optimistic, but my argument is that I believe it is a matter of choice, not necessarily DNA.

You'll get no argument on that from me. I completely agree. :)


As for the love of Serenity not being enough to keep them together, you are certainly correct, but it is enough to bring them together don't you think? And I have to wonder that if the idea of Kaylee not being a challenging personality isn't the point of interest for Mal. After all his shenanigans with Inara, it could conceiveable drive him to someone more straight-forward.

The way I see it, it's exactly that child-like, innocent and open quality to her that has Mal treating her like a daughter. I just don't see his response to that changing, no matter how things do or don't work out with anyone else.

He could easily be looking for someone more straight-forward, I just don't think that it'd be someone as vulnerable as Kaylee, but again someone with a core of independent strength, who chooses to see the world with more realism.

That's, for me, a quality that's been inherent in all the women Mal has been attracted to on the show.
Inara - self-sufficient, self-confident, she'll confront his anger head-on, even in a very tense situation.
Saffron - showing her determined side is what eventually trips him up and in "Trash" you can tell he can't suppress a slice of respect for her incredible resourcefulness.
Nandi - she's a leader in exactly the same way Mal is.

For Mal to be sexually and romantically attracted to a person he has to protect from the cruelty of the 'verse just doesn't jive for me. It immediately gets him Papa Bear mode.

In fact, all these women have in common is the ability to let Mal take a break from protecting, like a vacation from the reality of being "Captain".


In terms of what keeps the relationship interesting, you bring up some good points. However, I think their staus of inequality would be a prime area to mine. How else could Mal learn to curb his acidic tongue but by damaging Kaylee. That's a scenario I've seen played out dozens of times in my own life. Hard-nosed types brought softer by the threat of hurting someone they care about. I could see it changing Mal, not Kaylee.

But this she is already doing. Kaylee's presence gentles Mal's harsh side. That's the state of things right now.

He's not changing because of it, though. He's still the "mean old man", he just curbs his tongue around her.

It's directly tied to his paternal attitude of protecting her from the harsher aspects of life, of the people, of himself, which in my eyes, actually prevents any feelings of attraction, as it has a patronizing flavor.

It'd be different if they met on an equal plane in at least one significant aspect of their lives. But they don't. Mal is always in the superior position.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 10:40 AM



The way I see it, it's exactly that child-like, innocent and open quality to her that has Mal treating her like a daughter. I just don't see his response to that changing, no matter how things do or don't work out with anyone else.
Things always change, that's why it's so hard to shop for pants. Mal's fatherly/big bortherly feelings toward Kaylee give them the perfect jumping off point for a relationship.


He could easily be looking for someone more straight-forward, I just don't think that it'd be someone as vulnerable as Kaylee, but again someone with a core of independent strength, who chooses to see the world with more realism.
That may be true, however, how are those relationships working out? Mal and Inara have exacly nada except potential and Saffron tried to kill him. What if that's because they're both too similar? Kaylee's approach to life might bring Mal a relief from conflict, which is a strong foundation for a relationship.


For Mal to be sexually and romantically attracted to a person he has to protect from the cruelty of the 'verse just doesn't jive for me. It immediately gets him Papa Bear mode.
Not necessarily. I think it's a mistaken assumption that Kaylee needs protection. Open does not necessarily equal vulnerable and helpless. She doesn't hesitate at all when it comes to her ship, and I think there's more of that in her.


But this she is already doing. Kaylee's presence gentles Mal's harsh side. That's the state of things right now.

He's not changing because of it, though. He's still the "mean old man", he just curbs his tongue around her.

I didn't say he was, only that this thread had potential. Kaylee and Mal isn't as far fetched as one would think.

Remember, that but for one trifling exception, the entire universe is made up of others.- Oliver Wendall Holmes


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 11:19 AM



Originally posted by milford:
Things always change, that's why it's so hard to shop for pants. Mal's fatherly/big bortherly feelings toward Kaylee give them the perfect jumping off point for a relationship.

That sounds so pervy, though. How does one go from fatherly to hot and bothered unless both people change in a fairly fundamental way?



He could easily be looking for someone more straight-forward, I just don't think that it'd be someone as vulnerable as Kaylee, but again someone with a core of independent strength, who chooses to see the world with more realism.

That may be true, however, how are those relationships working out? Mal and Inara have exacly nada except potential and Saffron tried to kill him. What if that's because they're both too similar? Kaylee's approach to life might bring Mal a relief from conflict, which is a strong foundation for a relationship.

Mal and Inara don't work out (yet) because their circumstances keep them apart, not because of their personalities. They are actually very compatible, when it comes to their tempers.

Mal never did have a relationship with YoSaffBridge that didn't work out, of course, but the one moment where she manages to seduce him is when she shows him the strong side of her fictional "Saffron" character. When she stops being in need of protection.

And Nandi, well, that was a one-night-stand but it was one based on affection and mutual respect and attraction.

I'm not using these women as examples for successful relationships but to highlight the qualities that romantically attract Mal to a woman, which are qualities that Kaylee does not share.


Not necessarily. I think it's a mistaken assumption that Kaylee needs protection. Open does not necessarily equal vulnerable and helpless. She doesn't hesitate at all when it comes to her ship, and I think there's more of that in her.

It's not her open-book approach to life that makes her vulnerable. Look at Wash, he's very open but he's not vulnerable like Kaylee.

And Kaylee is indeed vulnerable. Not helpless but vulnerable. Very vulnerable compared to everyone else on the boat, including River. It's always some man pulling her out of a crisis, with the notable exception of her pulling Wash to safety in "Heart of Gold".

Serenity - Jayne insults her and she's downright paralyzed, letting Mal do the work of defending her.

Shindig - when the girls insult her, she can't stand up for herself. She stands there all helpless and hurt until the old guy arrives to save the day.

Safe - She's almost overwhelmed by the presence of injured Book.

Out of Gas - Mal has to all but baby-talk her into trying to fix the engine. Just like a child.

War Stories - the gunfight. She doesn't even try, once she's left alone. (Note, this is a normal human being reaction, but relative to the rest of the crew... very vulnerable.)

The Message - she's immediately transfixed by Tracey and his attention to her, without even thinking to question his fairly unethical behavior from moment one, simply because it flatters her.

Objects in Space - The one Early picks out to threaten into doing his bidding is Kaylee because no one else would have been cowed with as little resistance. (Again, normal human being, but you have to compare it to the life she chose to lead on the ship and how everyone else deals.)

Then she keeps setting up "perfect moments" for Simon to take advantage of, and then pouts when he fumbles them, instead of just plain telling him how she feels.

She is often feeling groundlessly inadequate, anticipating failings, apologizing for completely understandable behavior.

The downside to her child-like sunshine personality is that she harbors insecurities like a teenaged girl, not the self-confidence of a grown woman.

And that keeps Mal treating her like a child. An inspiring child that keeps him hopeful but that he also doesn't always treat with the respect she would deserve as a full "adult".

He needs her to stay innocent, so he prevents her from growing through hardship. Just like we want to do with our children. (Innocence always comes with the price of vulnerability. Innocence, after all, is a type of ignorance, a type of inexperience.)


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 1:26 PM



Originally posted by milford:

The way I see it, it's exactly that child-like, innocent and open quality to her that has Mal treating her like a daughter. I just don't see his response to that changing, no matter how things do or don't work out with anyone else.
Things always change, that's why it's so hard to shop for pants. Mal's fatherly/big bortherly feelings toward Kaylee give them the perfect jumping off point for a relationship.

Umm, we will have to disagree, what you see as a jumping point, I see as dead end. Can we please move this thread in a direction where fatherly/big brother feelings CANNOT turn into something sexual.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 4:59 PM


Well, to pull this back to whether or not Simon and Kaylee would work...I think they could. I think it would be very difficult, but what about love isn't? I believe that their love for each other extends way beyond lust and just wanting each other for sex (okay, redundant). Maybe this is just my naive romanticism, but part of me honestly believes that if they tried, they could work. Simon loves Kaylee because she is a breath of fresh air from what he has grown up with. She is sweet and unorthodox and cheerful and sunny, and she immediately is River's friend (big push in her direction). Kaylee sees in Simon something she hasn't seen much of either. While these can't be long-lasting benefits to a relationship, they certainly help start one. They get along with each other so well (eg, Objects in Space) and no matter how mad Kaylee gets at Simon when he screws up, she comes back around because she loves him for him. Love isn't forever getting along, it isn't always having the same interests...when opposites attract can sometimes be the longest lasting relationship. My parents are certainly an example of that rule (not that any of you know them, lol). Anyway, as this is Jossverse and he SO loves to screw with relationships, I believe that he maybe could find it in his heart to keep Simon and Kaylee together because I believe (man, I love that phrase) that they truly could work.

And as to Mal/ Ew, that would be very wrong. They are like brother and sister, and that Simon and Kaylee...I think they could last just because of the amount of love and caring that I have picked up from them.

"Were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose?"


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 9:34 PM


My brief opinion is that the relationship wouldn't have lasted.

Obviously the show was canned before the relationship could properly mature.

*(Solitary tear shed for THAT network executive's fait in the afterlife)*

That being said. Simon did not ever treat kaylee with the respect that she deserved. I expect that this would become a sticking point in later character development of future "Firefly" scripts.

However, since Joss only had the chance to make "Serenity", he just decided to give the audience what they wanted and let it go at that.

I guarantee that if the show had continued, Simon would have had to experience some pretty major expansion of character to keep Kaylee's interest.

Of course, I'm a hopeless Jewel fan, but I still think that the writers were working the series, and the Kaylee/Simon relationship into conflict when things got cancelled.

Well that's what I think...


Thursday, February 16, 2006 6:38 AM



Originally posted by sileespacemonkeys:

And as to Mal/ Ew, that would be very wrong. They are like brother and sister, and that Simon and Kaylee...I think they could last just because of the amount of love and caring that I have picked up from them.

I find it real sweet, not to mention uplifting, that people want to keep Kaylee safe. :) Usually I react that way with River (now, don't get me wrong, I'm protective of Kaylee, too; I guess I'm just less triggered around her).

Simon and Kaylee, yes, I still believe it. Simon, in the words of Jayne, can be a trifle pompous. With Kaylee around -- a person he would, under normal circumstances, never have met or given the time of day -- he is forced to re-evaluate the way he interacts with people; which enriches him. And Kaylee has in Simon, well, ... Not that Kaylee is superficial; but with Simon, noble as a grape, I think, Kaylee can grow to realize she's worth much more than the Besters of this world. They can do wonders for each other. And I love wonders; that's why I love the show; why, that, and River, of course. :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Thursday, February 16, 2006 6:48 AM


>Well, to pull this back to whether or not Simon and Kaylee would work...

God thank you....I was so excited to see many posts and most of them aren't even about the darn topic.

From what I could see in the last episodes of the series, they were pushing S/K together, slowly, teasingly, just like it should be on a series. The only episode where I missed something touching between them was when they were going their separate ways in Out of Gas. Mal and Inara got an awkward goodbye...

The beginning of Objects in Space shows how comfortable they are becoming with one another.

Also, its not that Simon is missing Kaylee's signals, I get the impression from the perspective of simply viewing the series, that he 1. didn't want/didn't expect to get involved while he was a fugitive running from the law
2. is very uncomfortable around a girl he truly does like
3. isn't used to Kaylee's outgoing brand of sexual energy, having grown up in a structured, proper atmosphere like the Core planets.

Kaylee has to break down his barriers little by little. He was completely out of his element in the black, and on the run, protecting the sister he gave up his entire life for.

I think Kaylee admires that and you see their friendship grow and become more comfortable throughout the series.

Joss is asked about S/K's relationship in the Question/Answer session on the Australian Serenity dvd and really gives no answer . . .

"A government is a body of people usually notably ungoverned."


Thursday, February 16, 2006 11:00 AM


It's taken me a while to determine how best to weigh in again, as I've tried to digest all your comments. It seems to me we're still pretty split down the middle, but there are a few things I think are worth discussing (or disputing)!

1. Joss is against love. - Now, wait just a cotton-pickin' minute! I don't think Joss is anti-love and therefore would have made it so S/K couldn't work. I think he would have put obstacles in their path (see: Angel/Buffy, Angel/Cordelia, Fred/Wesley, Inara/Mal) to really test each of them, as characters and as a couple.

2. Kaylee could/should end up with Mal. - I am in the "ewww" camp on this one. I think that while Mal does love Kaylee unconditionally, it is as a big brother, surrogate father more than anything else.

3. The fact that Kaylee needs or inspires protection makes her seem vulnerable. - I don't think so. The fact that Mal, Simon, Jayne, even Zoe want to protect Kaylee is because she represents the vulnerability in them all. As Joss has said before, Kaylee is the heart of Serenity and the heart of everyone on board. They want to keep her safe because they want to protect their own feelings and stay safe in their world.

I think Kaylee is a very strong character, deeply grounded and willing to stick up for herself. The fact that the other characters on the ship want to protect her shows they are projecting their feelings of insecurity on her. I think Simon sees that while he wants to keep her safe, he also has his hands full keeping River safe and enjoys the fact that Kaylee is self-sufficient. Her optimism helps to lift him up and protect his "heart" when he feels himself sinking.

After reading some more fan fiction and reading these posts, I think I'm coming around to a Kaylee/Simon lasting relationship. Although, on the subject of fan fiction ... while there is no doubt S/K would be going at it like bunnies, why does everyone insist they would be irresponsible and end up having a baby out of wedlock? Or get married right away?

I don't see either one happening soon. For one thing, can you see Mal putting up with a baby on his boat? If it was Zoe's maybe, but only out of respect for Wash.

I think Simon would wait a very, very long time to pop the question and I think that Kaylee would probably be the one to do it. Simon still doesn't know what to do with himself or his life, especially if he doesn't have to be on the run anymore. I think this would lead him to let things stay they way they are before making more drastic changes.

But I think he'd be madly in love and do everything to let Kaylee know how important she is to him - when he wasn't sticking his foot in his mouth, that is.

I really think I made in difference in their lives. Me, Jayne Cobb.

I know your name, jackass.


Thursday, February 16, 2006 11:12 AM


Meant to last!!!!!!......uh......until Joss writes another movie, and implales one of them on a giant toothpick, or sets one of the on fire, or some other Joss type gruesomeness!

I'd given some thought to movin' off the edge -- not an ideal location -- thinkin' a place in the middle.


Thursday, February 16, 2006 12:14 PM


>while there is no doubt S/K would be going at it like bunnies, why does everyone insist they would be irresponsible and end up having a baby out of wedlock? Or get married right away?

You're the first person I've seen that feels the same way I do about it.

1. The man is a doctor. My guess is he has yearly contraceptive shots and makes certain any woman he's with does the same. 500 years in the future, I'm sure they've advanced enough that 'oopses' are rare.

2. He's on the run. He's trying to protect his sister. Knocking up any woman whether he loves her or not would be a recipe for additional disaster. I think he's more responsible than that.

3. I think he loves very deeply (look at what he gave up for River?) and would love and protect Kaylee enough to die for her.

And he doesn't need to be married to her to accomplish this. Imagine what the Feds would think when they found out he had a wife? Ohh, someone else to catch and torture...

No, wouldn't happen. Simon's too smart to let it.

My opinion though and I know many have ones that differ.

"A government is a body of people usually notably ungoverned."






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