Oh God! I want to Destroy Everyone!

UPDATED: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 06:04
VIEWED: 21639
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Tuesday, February 14, 2006 10:04 AM


Well. I'm kinda relieved that's over. Some people just can't or won't see any other perspective, no matter what's said. The moment valid points are raised, it's met with fingers-in-the-ears refusal to consider.

Anyays. Anyone fancy some ice cream or chocolate? I was going out to get some anyway, my treat...

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Tuesday, February 14, 2006 10:05 AM


Well. I'm kinda relieved that's over. Some people just can't or won't see any other perspective, no matter what's said. The moment valid points are raised, it's met with fingers-in-the-ears refusal to consider.

Anyways. Anyone fancy some ice cream or chocolate? I was going out to get some anyway, my treat...

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Tuesday, February 14, 2006 11:19 AM



Originally posted by britchick:
Well. I'm kinda relieved that's over. Some people just can't or won't see any other perspective, no matter what's said. The moment valid points are raised, it's met with fingers-in-the-ears refusal to consider.

Anyways. Anyone fancy some ice cream or chocolate? I was going out to get some anyway, my treat...

Game on. I'll meet up with ya! My fave is orange sherbet with dark chocolate bits.

"Wanna?" – Mal to Kaylee, Out of Gas


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 11:23 AM


Oooo, I love butter pecan ice cream! I'm in!

Oh, wait, maybe I want a hot chocolate sundae, after all this stress......

naw, butter pecan will do in a sugar cone!

Ya'll are sweet!

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 11:57 AM



Originally posted by britchick:
Well. I'm kinda relieved that's over. Some people just can't or won't see any other perspective, no matter what's said. The moment valid points are raised, it's met with fingers-in-the-ears refusal to consider.

Anyways. Anyone fancy some ice cream or chocolate? I was going out to get some anyway, my treat...

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Hey, sayin it twice twice don't make it no smarter smarter!

It's smart enough already...
CitizenLikes Ice Cream.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
You should never give powers to a leader you like that you’d hate to have given to a leader you fear


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 12:09 PM


Cartoon, that was one of the nicest things I've seen posted in this thread. I almost felt compelled to do the same and pray but I gave in to the knee jerk reaction and posted a bit of sarcasm about needing more or different medications. Wish more people had your kind of response to her posts and similar things in life. Can't help think the world would be a much nicer place if we all thought that way.




Tuesday, February 14, 2006 12:17 PM



Originally posted by JayTee:


I initially responded with sarcasm, too (the bit about the hangover). Just one of a million things I wish I could take back. Trouble with words is once they're out, you can't take them back (unless you're quick enough to edit your own stuff before anyone sees it, that is).

I seriously hope she's alright.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 12:37 PM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:

Originally posted by CantonMudder:
You sound like me long ago when I was in my 30s River. From what I've been reading of your writings, you must be in your late 30s early 40s. You are acting just like I did, but you'll get over it, or you'll die. Something happened to you didn't it? Something happened to you and you just gave up. What was it River? Do what Book did for Mal before he died. Find something to believe in and just believe it.

WTF ever! Screw you, screw all of you! What the fuck ever!

Not finding the answers I wanted, or needed, and not finding any salvation for the human race. And not given any good reason why the human race should not be destroyed, or saved, I now with an annoying, graveness in whats left of what passes for my heart, I am pressing the pretty red button of absolute destruction.

*** Blinding light of complete destruction ***

The reality that you now know is now gone. Earth is no more. Earth is a smoking ruin devoid of all life except for the 3% population struggling for what life there is left..and there is none.


Last note from a dead woman. I gave you a chance to show me the value of humanity, and you failed completely..totally, absolutely, and for that a whole planet died.

Firefly/Serenity if you can Believe it, for a short period gave me a measure of hope. it allowed me to believe in the spirit of human kind. That somehow we would prevail through all of the weirdness that the powers-that-be put us through. But, I have to admit, when it comes down to it, the people here, are nothing but alliance gridrunners...nothing more.

If the real River was posting on here you idiots would have treated her the same way....yes you would have... maybe even worse.

Anyhow. To the satisfaction of most of you...maybe even all of you. I am River6213, my name is Glenda J. and this is my last post. Remember, I am supposed to follow the destruction of Earth, and you idiots didnt even try, but I'm a woman of my word and I always follow through what I idiots.

You wanted a fucking show back, but you turn your backs on real human beings. Stupid retards. This is why Joss stopped the show...he realized he created a group of fucking retards, and this is the only time I ever agreed with him.

Personality -2A
Seattle, Washington
Unit termination date: 02-14-06 - 16:00

No further interaction with IP address: XXX.XXXX.XX.

What did I say wrong????


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 1:01 PM



Originally posted by CantonMudder:

Originally posted by RiveR6213:
WTF ever! Screw you, screw all of you! What the fuck ever!

What did I say wrong????

Is it wrong to find this hilariously funny?

Sorry, CantonMudder, I know you were trying to help, but I can just see you sitting there, wide-eyed and with your hands out in dismay and confusion.

Don't worry. Nothing anyone said got through to her. I even dropped the snark for a whole post and got little more than a "well, that's good for YOU, but..." type response.


Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 1:17 PM


Now I am learning about scary.

Does it have to be chocolate or ice cream? It can't be both? Sigh.

Sorry. I'm getting greedy, I guess. Also, reading all that stuff above made me exhausted and sad so I need a double dose of sweet things right now.

Thanks for the offer, Britchick!

"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 1:32 PM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
Give me one good reason why you should all live...just one good reason.

The Powers that be has granted me ONE wish, so now I have the ultimate power to eradicate you vermin, but the catch is, if one person can come up with a good argument why you should all live, I have to back off.

My finger is hovering near the pretty red button of absolute destruction, which on of you can prevent it, or is this another thread down the toilet of life?

Why should humanity live?
What good is it?

You want one good reason not to blow it up.....Well....Here’s a few I can think of off the top of my head:

Ice Cream. Opening Day. Sex. Libraries. Pacifiers. Digital Cameras. Manchester United. Led Zeppelin. Star Wars. Tivo. Hot Pockets. Feeling Grass between your toes. Fresh Snow. Multivitamins. Jelly Bellys. The Rinse Cycle. Merlot. FedEx. Placemats. Marshmallows in Cereal. Disposable Diapers. Sunshine. Public Transit. Museums. Breasts. Pixar. The Greatest Generation. Joss Whedon. July. Electric Blankets. Chinese Food. Good Chinese Food. Tolerance. Democrazy. Toddlers. Cardboard. Half-Days. Perfect Games. The Super Bowl. Wrath of Kahn. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. The Dali Lama. The Peace Corps. Sleeping In. Tom Morelo. Paper Shredders. ESPN. ESPN2. ESPNews. ESPNClassic. ESPNDeportes. Free Press. The Swimsuit Issue. Zombie Movies. ABBA. Finding Cash in Your Winter Coat. Hot Showers. Cold Showers. Caffeine. DeCaf. HalfCalf. Scissors. Eggs. Batteries. Buffy. Blue Jeans. Christmas Cactus. The Beach. Children. Magnetic Poetry. Best Friends. Pints. Light Bulbs. The Internet. The Moon. Matching Bras and Panties. Goodfellas. Soy Protein. Licking the Spoon. Beethoven. Non-Stick Pans. The 5-5-5 Deal. Your Kids Birthday. Love. Soap. Chicken. Feeling Pretty. Angel. Salt Water Taffy. Childbirth. Flowers. 5.1 Surround Sound. The Original Planet of the Apes. Leg Massages. Clean Sheets. Candles. Firefly. World Series Champion Boston Red Sox. Trips to the City. The Big Lebowski. Summers on the Cape. X-Play. Peanut M&M’s. Paninis. Bubbles. Garlic. Sick Days when you’re Healthy. The Family Guy. Egg Timers. First Kisses. Player Vs. Player. Losing your Virginity to someone you Love. DDR. Roadhouse. Turkey Basters. 36 MPG. Black T-Shirts. Tassels. Horses. Beer Farts. Prescription Lenses. Rebates. The Alarm Clock. Cheese. Apple OS. Comic Books in the Attic. Joe Demaggio’s Hit Streak. Kate Beckinsale. Triumph the Insult Comic Dog. Super Mario Bros. Armistance Day. Being Naked. Planetariums. MP3s. Trapper Keepers. Turning the Channel. Red Heads. Spending the Rent. Suduko. Edgar Allen Poe. Cousins. Oxygen. Making Lightsaber Noises. H20. Air Conditioning. This Laptop. Back Hair. Repenting. Fire. Ramen Noodle Soup. The Zoo. Sandals. Toothpaste. Crying. Picasso. Inebriation. The 12 step Program. Vibrating Controllers. Dan Marino. Toenails. Spas. My Chemical Romance. Cops Marathons. Ice. Coupons. The T. Remote Starters. Yams. Jeep. Happy Endings. Final Fantasy. Chick Flicks. Popcorn. Breast Milk. Free Samples. Smooches. Tape. The Godfather Part II. Acetaminophen. Serenity. The Letter M. Band Camp. The Weather Channel. WordPerfect 12. Cuticles. Snow Tires. Knowing When to Take a Deep Breath and Let It All Out.

.....That’s what I was Thinking......

"You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought....."
Wanna Know something? I really liked the Star Wars Prequels. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
I Love Star Wars and Firefly. Isn't it unbelievable??!?!?!


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 1:49 PM


oooo, chocolate and ice cream! I'm in.

That was an impressive list, though I woulda left out disposable nappies. convenient yes, but those things will actually be around long after someone does blow us all up.

I just thought of a reason - even though I just spent the best part of two, three days arguing with her, I honestly don't hate her. On the contrary, I'd love to find her, make friends and help to prod her in an more positive direction.

That, and the other people who want to help her kinda makes me think some things are worth saving.

right, wheres that Ice cream?

Shiny proof that stalking really does pay!


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 3:49 PM


I doubt you'll even read this, but whatever.

You talk too and treat other people like nothing, worthless, you expect people to constantly recognise you as top dog and you take even reasonable responses and become way more combinative than warranted.

You didn't listen to a word anyone here said, you had made up your mind and were completely unprepared to listen. I even gave you a pretty good reason, your response was amounting too "Yeah good point but then I wouldn't get to kill everyone". So what was the point?

You talk about people here treating you badly? Frankly I've seen plenty of people here try to reach out too you, and for their trouble you attack them.

I suppose it hasn't occurred to you that maybe, just maybe, peoples responses to you are a product of your treatment of them? Maybe you'd see some of the good in humanity if you showed it some of the time.

You reap what you sow; you get out of life what you put in. Put nothing in, you get nothing out, put evil in, then you'll receive evil.

Turn our backs on real Human beings? You've just been too selfish and preoccupied with your own little life to notice all the chances you've been given, I thought maybe my initial thoughts about you were wrong, now I find my self revaluating that position.

News flash, we ain’t your mommy, your daddy or your damn babysitter, and this is not your support group, we've tried to do more for you than, frankly, you deserve, if you weren't so preoccupied with satisfying your preconceived prejudices and being the bitter little centre of the world, you'd have worked that out.

You know if we were all as judgemental as you the world would be in an even worse state.

Judging you by your own standards, a bit metaphysical I know, but it's the only fair way.

Here we are at the end and all I can say is you really need someone to talk to face to face, whether that’s a lover a brother or any other sucker, don't matter, a psychologist would probably be best. Perhaps a mood-stabiliser, I suggest Lithium Carbonate.



IP addresses are trigrams (XXX.XXX.XXX)

There certainly is an Idiot here, CitizenIs truthsome.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
You should never give powers to a leader you like that you’d hate to have given to a leader you fear


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 5:52 PM


**To Citizen and Seryn, and all the good people here**

I apologize to everyone here. I'm sorry I started this ill-concieved thread in a childish bid for attention, and conversation. I guess I just got carried away, and my behavior towards all of you have been immature, and unacceptable.

Citizen is right. You are all not my gorram babysitter, nor my mother, or father, and I had no right to vent my personal frustrations of life the universe and everything in this forum. It was childish, illogical and irrational, and also counter-productive to my primary goal.

The majority of you here actually did offer many good reason's why the human race is worth saving, but I was too blinded with contempt for humanity to see it right off. What I mean by that is this: Most of you spent 3 or 4 days trying to convince a loudmouthed,crazy woman that human life had value. In a completely evil world, none of you would have bothered, or wasted your time on such an exercise, but you people did, therefore I am forced to reevaluate my perception, and view of my current reality, and adjusted it accordingly. I apologize for being and acting in a selfish manner.

I am here like all of you for my love of Firefly and the 'verse in which it flies in. My reasons for being here should be for that alone...this is the common denominator of all who posts here. I guess I forgot that, and acted like the universe was all about me which it is not.

I guess what I'm saying in a nutshell is: You were right and I was wrong, let's leave it at that and I hope all of you good people accept this apology, though at this point I understand if you view this apology with a little contempt.





Tuesday, February 14, 2006 7:35 PM


That was beautiful! I have tears in my eyes..



Tuesday, February 14, 2006 11:02 PM


So you going to post here again?

*Realised his own post was a bit more combative than he meant.*
Apologetic CitizenIs constantly revaluating his position.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
You should never give powers to a leader you like that you’d hate to have given to a leader you fear


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 12:36 AM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
**To Citizen and Seryn, and all the good people here**

You are one hell of a chadband. Who is the "fucking retard" after all? You showed your true face yesterday, the new mask won't help a bit. I don't believe a single letter of your wannabe explanation.

°°°°°°°°°°°° - my selfmade ambient/lounge/chillout music - mphillips 100 in 1 pack Vol.1


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 1:22 AM


Hey Glenda,

Thoreau said, Most men lead lives of quiet desperation. You, at least, cried out once. There's no shame in this. It was all real. Even if, as you say, you just did it in a childish bid for attention, then, still, that valid need for attention was no less real. So, there! :) We got to know the real you, as Niska would say. And guess what? I'm glad we did.

You're being humble about it; which is good; but, in a way, the universe really is all about you. :) You know what expression, Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire? Well, I kinda like to turn that around: Whoever forgets one person, destroys the world entire. Or as Captain would say: nobody gets left behind. Simple as that.

I'm just really glad you're back. And I hardly even know you. And yet, I was so happy when I saw your post this morning. :) You ask to accept your apology; and I would, instantly, if I thought one was warranted. Instead, I actually feel more inclined to thank you! I mean, it's one thing to try and believe in humanity; but quite another to see that, every once in a while, that faith is really justified. :) O, the irony! This whole thread, on whether humanity deserves to live, itself is well deserving of being filed in the "Yes" folder.

I daresay, you're mistaken about one thing, though: your reasons for being here should not just have to be confined to the love of Firefly and the 'verse in which it flies. Because the thing you really forget in this, is that Love and care, and invisible bonds that stretch beyond selfishness, are precisely the reasons people are drawn to the 'verse to begin with. As far as I'm concerned, feel free to call on us whenever you need it. No questions asked.

And so I came full-circle, I guess; this 'verse is as real as it gets. So, thank you; it's been, yeah, real. :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 4:07 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


Originally posted by RiveR6213:
**To Citizen and Seryn, and all the good people here**

I apologize to everyone here. I'm sorry I started this ill-concieved thread in a childish bid for attention, and conversation. I guess I just got carried away, and my behavior towards all of you have been immature, and unacceptable.

Citizen is right. You are all not my gorram babysitter, nor my mother, or father, and I had no right to vent my personal frustrations of life the universe and everything in this forum. It was childish, illogical and irrational, and also counter-productive to my primary goal.

The majority of you here actually did offer many good reason's why the human race is worth saving, but I was too blinded with contempt for humanity to see it right off. What I mean by that is this: Most of you spent 3 or 4 days trying to convince a loudmouthed,crazy woman that human life had value. In a completely evil world, none of you would have bothered, or wasted your time on such an exercise, but you people did, therefore I am forced to reevaluate my perception, and view of my current reality, and adjusted it accordingly. I apologize for being and acting in a selfish manner.

I am here like all of you for my love of Firefly and the 'verse in which it flies in. My reasons for being here should be for that alone...this is the common denominator of all who posts here. I guess I forgot that, and acted like the universe was all about me which it is not.

I guess what I'm saying in a nutshell is: You were right and I was wrong, let's leave it at that and I hope all of you good people accept this apology, though at this point I understand if you view this apology with a little contempt.




ay, river! Wish you wouldn't sound so crushed about all this! I liked you when you were all feisty and obstinate - calling us all vermin and such brought a smile to my face. Also I am always interested in different people's worldview's, especially those that come from convictions about good and evil.

And I wouldn't say your view that mankind should be wiped out was soundly refuted - we can all agree that humanity is in some parts ugly and in some beautiful. I personally believe that love is the antidote for selfishness (Or something like that). Thankfully we humans have both instincts - to self-preserve and self-prosper, and to love and be loved.

In my philosophising I have concluded that an unselfish life is possible, but it takes either a lot of love or a lot of pride in order to sustain it, usually a mixture of both. Probably why religious people are your best examples of selfless lives (eg. Mother Theresa)

And one could quite accurately argue that pride is a form of selfishness, which just leaves love.

The Christian philosophy on love is for me the most beautiful (I grew up in church so i could be biased); that of forgiveness and redemption, and of a new, selfless life that is sustained and constrained by divine love. Whether or not this love is real and tangible to us is another matter, but hey, it seems to work for some people.

If religion is abhorrent to you then I reckon you'll have to get by with the hope you can get from the natural (rather than supernatural) love that you can find in the world. I believe that we each have an instinct for love, and a conscience that tells us to place this instinct above our selfish instincts. Some people through suffering or indulgent parents learn to harden their hearts and suppress the love instinct thus becoming totally selfish. This is dismaying, but you can get hope from the fact that each new baby brought into the world is a new soft heart and a clean slate (I think so anyway).



Wednesday, February 15, 2006 5:03 AM


I'm glad you're back.

You just made my day.

Thank you.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 6:04 AM



Please, please don't feel sad about this, this was a great thread. (There are so many people on this site that write so well.) It's your feistiness that we love! Fire, rage, intellect and persistence are so much better than a Philly with a broken spirit. (I know that your spirit can never be broken;) you are too strong! We need the old River!; We need it in our face now and then. During the height of this thread I believe you posted somewhere "the word of the day is impale",… thought that was great! So whenever you feel the need to let out please do and don't hold back. ….

One of many vermin!

"Do not go gentle into that good night....
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.."
--Dylan Thomas






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