Joss' word on the CW rumors

UPDATED: Monday, March 6, 2006 13:04
VIEWED: 39710
PAGE 3 of 4

Thursday, February 16, 2006 7:55 PM


Ladies and gentleman I would like to add one more thing to the rumor mill. I was just poking around myspace and looking at the Firefly group I am in and someon posted this:


I attend a theatre group in Hollywood that is run by a professional script doctor (who will remain nameless, because I don't know how "Top Secret" this info is).

Ya know how UPN and the WB are merging to one network? Well guess what cast members have been in and out of meetings with the people working on the merger recently?


I was absolutely STUNNED to hear it, but am so glad! This guy has never steered me wrong, and it may still all fall through, but that's the juicy news right now.

They're also looking to change the proposed "CW" name of the network to something else. But that's just an aside.

Ok so of course everything you read on the internet isn't true and in light of Joss's comments earlier, maybe the reason why he didn't come out and say get over it is because it really could be a reality and can't say yet. Either way I have no idea, also I don't have any way of debunking this kid's claim but hey if there is a glimmer or truth in it I hope it makes people feel shiny inside. It did for me.
If I come across anyone elses rumors or garbage that sounds positive I will bring it for us to cling on.

If theres whores, I'll be there...


Thursday, February 16, 2006 8:02 PM


Hey folks! In an effort to make the letter writing process easier, I started a new thread with mailing addresses on it so hopefully that will save folks some scrolling and digging. It's entitled: Mailing Addresses for the Faithful. Cheers!

BTW, I got us two new recruits today. Hopefully, they'll show up here before long. It only takes 3 days after all...

"...there's a whole universe of folk who are gonna know it too. They're gonna see it. Somebody has to speak for these people." -Mal


Thursday, February 16, 2006 8:07 PM


Seems to me that letter writing is the way to go. If the CW is considering the show then it shows our support for it. If they are not considering it, then it lets them know that maybe they should. Either way, it can only help us. I would also think that both e-mailing and sending snail mail would be best. Keeping people's in box filled with Browncoat messages and sending in snail mail would certainly make the statement that there are fans who want the show back on the air. I know of two other fandoms that had their shows cancelled early and the fanbase rallied and wrote letters and in both cases the shows were at least given a mini series. If we keep pushing and let them know we still want more we could get our show back. I would think now would the time for some action since the fanbase is still growing. One thing is certain, sitting still will get us nowhere.


Friday, February 17, 2006 4:49 AM



Originally posted by Onizuka's sources:
They're also looking to change the proposed "CW" name of the network to something else. But that's just an aside.

Oh, thank the Divine.

CW = Commonwealth.

I keep thinking Dylan Hunt's gonna swoop in and ruin everything.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Friday, February 17, 2006 6:58 AM



Originally posted by SadLittleKing:
If I send a letter to that UPN address, will it reach the right people? Anyone know?

My understanding of the UPN address is that it is the person who is/will be running relavent things at CW, so don't be worried that the address itself is UPN.

Ain't. We. Just.


Friday, February 17, 2006 12:02 PM


To show that the heart can make the head believe anything (and perhaps demonstrate my powers of self-delusion), I offer the following scenario to reconcile the rumor with Joss's response.

Joss says that he wasn't approached to specifically make a SereniFly show. But he may have been approached to create a new show for the network. He may have been the one to pitch the idea of resurrecting FF, but only if the original cast members can be brought on board. If this CW was still in negotiations with the actors, then theoretically they may not have really started talking to Joss about developing a new FF yet. See, I've just turned Joss's post into one o' them infamous non-denial denials...

Of course, I'm probably just wildly speculating, and it's much more likely that the rumors are probably totally bogus. Still...


Friday, February 17, 2006 12:28 PM


OH GOD! THAT KERNLE OF HOPE!It just wants to explode.

Nothing contructive to add. Just the fact that reading this just makes me happy and entertaining the possibility (however much I might be setting myself up) is fun and make me all giddy like. (giddy is ok since I'm a girl )


twas a perrty sight as jello was a slingen and the ladies were all in a heap of fun.
Twas a right shiny event for the eyes to feast on.

It was fun!!

Hoplessly addicted but in that good sort of way. :)

SCAD/Savannah,GA Browncoat


Friday, February 17, 2006 4:12 PM


*takes brown coat* Thank you! I shall endevor to post often, then.


Friday, February 17, 2006 6:44 PM


*The following contains immature references and fantasies concerning Joss Whedon. Read at your own risk*

Joss Whedon is a DICK! If I ever met him, I'd be like, "You're an ASSHOLE, Joss Whedon!". And then because he's such a douche', he'd probably be like, "Ohhhh, look who's cranky! Making a "boo-boo" face because I gave up on his stupid little show!", then I'd be like, "Look who's making a 'there's a foot up my ass because there really IS a foot up my ass' face!", then I'd kick my foot strait up his narrow ass and walk around with a Joss shoe for the rest of the day. Everywhere I'd go, people'd be like, "Look, Joss Whedon shoes!", and I'd be like, "Nope, these are Nike's new 'SKANKBITCH SUPREME' line of footware". Then I'd shoot him for being a bitch... not int he heart or the head, just in the kneecaps so I could watch him squirm. Then i'd tie a noose around his neck and drag him around all day the way he yanks us Browncoat types around with things like "WE'RE FILMING NEW EPISODES! of Dateline. I'm gay." If they EVER make a sequel to Brokeback Mountain I'm going to drug Joss Whedon and provide him as a stunt double for the love scenes.

Burn in hell, Joss Whedon!

"Deep in the battlefield covered in blood
Lies an Airborne Ranger dying in the mud
He fought for his country and he died like a man
Though some people back home just wouldn't understand"


Friday, February 17, 2006 6:55 PM



I hope, as always, this clears things up. And I hope the executives at the Carnie Wilson network DO give me a call. I've got a million ideas for redoing their offices.

Power to the people who are powerful enough to crush the other people! -jossy.

Doesn't anyone else here want to see Serenifly-Verse on the Carnie Wilson Network? Since Jewel is out maybe Carnie can be Kaylee, as originally planned, fleshy and voluptuous.

Just a thought.


Friday, February 17, 2006 7:05 PM



Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:
...he'd probably be like, "Ohhhh, look who's cranky! Making a "boo-boo" face because I gave up on his stupid little show!", then I'd be like, "Look who's making a 'there's a foot up my ass because there really IS a foot up my ass' face!"

*falls over laughing*

Man, it took me like five minutes to get to the rest of this post because I started laughing like an idiot right here and just couldn't get past it. Ha!


Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Friday, February 17, 2006 7:33 PM


My! There's just an acre of you new recruits!

Ok, no cooking, I just can't keep up! I'm just making the Cap'n spring for Ice Planets for everyone.

*hands them out*


AIM - Dewlanna
YID - jedi_kaele


Saturday, February 18, 2006 7:24 AM


Thanks for the warm welcome Follow. Going to puchase the DVDs for myself and my brother.

Neither of us are huge sci-fi fans beyond Star Wars (not the new ones of course). But, watching Serenity and FF conjured up those same visceral feelings about life and adventure in another 'verse.

But, for me FF has gone over and beyond what Star Wars ever did. All I know is that I have never ever posted on a Star Wars fan site.

I have to give credit to Joss for coming up with such a brilliant mix of genres and creating his own - - the Sci-Fi / Western. Sure, other sci-fi movies have had elements of the Western. But none has been able to pull it off as cleverly as Joss and FF.

Great fan site everybody for all those hopeless hopefuls like me that will hopefully one day see this great cast reassembled. Keep up the good work.


Saturday, February 18, 2006 7:55 AM


Is there any truth to the HSN spinoff rumors...where Mal and Jayne deftly market cubic zerconium pendant jewelry and Kaele sells hi-def projectors?
Sorry, just a bit disappointed is all.

"What was that?"


Saturday, February 18, 2006 8:08 AM


Welcome JubalComeLately!

And good one...

Everyone new gets a browncoat when they sign on, so here is yours....

*hands Jubal a 'coat*

We're glad you joined us.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Saturday, February 18, 2006 10:04 AM


So, is everyone in agreement that the CW rumor 100% crushed? Given the Jossieness of the post and all the takes of the issue I've read in this thread, I have serious doubts. I just don't think I could say that the rumor is certainly debunked.

Any thoughts?

"...there's a whole universe of folk who are gonna know it too. They're gonna see it. Somebody has to speak for these people." -Mal


Saturday, February 18, 2006 10:16 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoatRecruiter:
So, is everyone in agreement that the CW rumor 100% crushed? Given the Jossieness of the post and all the takes of the issue I've read in this thread, I have serious doubts. I just don't think I could say that the rumor is certainly debunked.

Any thoughts?

Well I guess we could say that the rumor is that the rumor is untrue. Joss did go out of his way to deprecate the CW which is not usually the kind of thing you do to a prospective employer. On the other hand since Joss might be pitching other material to the companies involved in the future the fact that he is willing to bag on CW now might mean that he already has a deal going that he just can't talk about. On the other other hand Joss may be relying on Viacom and Warner executives not holding a grudge about unkind things said on an internet message board. On the other other hand....

This could go on for hours. I personally remain guardedly optimistic for some sort of movie/series but I won't be making book on this particular rumor coming true.


"A lot of people are asking me, you know, what exactly is Firefly? It's a tv show you morons!" - Joss Whedon


Saturday, February 18, 2006 11:04 AM


I think it's almost a certainty that something else will materialize: some TV movies, a mini-series, etc.

With Buffy and Angel, there are well over 100 episodes of each, and Joss pretty much got to say what he wanted to say (though Angel was unfairly cancelled, necessitating a bunch of script rewrites). Likewise, the actors have mostly moved on; just look at SMG and that amazing Scooby Doo movie series!

But the real sense is that Serenifly still has a lot to say. Pretty much each of the cast has said that they're as big a fan of the 'Verse as each of us is. I think they would jump at the chance to do more. Joss has said he's "never not going to be interested" in more, so the odds are good.

Whether we'll ever get another full series is unknown, but even periodic TV movies would be something.

Personally, I rather see it on TV than on the big screen. Don't get me wrong, I loved the film, but they cost too much and take too long to make. Even if another theatrical release were greenlighted, we likely wouldn't see it until 2008. A TV movie or mini series, however, can be done much more quickly, and cheaper, and thus more frequently, and could be ready within a year.


Saturday, February 18, 2006 7:35 PM


I had heard of Firefly, seen it at walmart for sale but i hadnt heard anything about it (assumed it was on cable) It wasnt till scifi aired it before my beloved SG1 that i accidently saw the end of safe, WOW. I quickly DL the entire series and was HOOKED, so much so i ordered the 3 of the BOX set. I was heart broken when i saw it didnt even have 24 episodes. to fox. that said firefly knocked SG1 out of my favorite series slot, a 10 year love afair, replaced by the summer fling go figure. I do pick up threads of hope in joss's post. and to best put my hopes into words a wise man once said. "I dont wanna explode"

PS. Any know where i can find a coat like mals? seriously?


Saturday, February 18, 2006 7:52 PM



Welcome. I discovered Firefly exactly the same way. Waiting for SG1 and then there before my eyes was the best show I'd ever seen in my whole life. I haven't been the same since.

I have acquired the job of supply clerk around here and I hand out virtual browncoats to new folks, so

*hands Sulten a browncoat*

you'll be needing this. We're glad you are here and I hope you will be as happy in this shiny place as I am.

Don't forget to spread the word... the more Browncoats we have the better our chance of a series or movie.

I don't actually know where you can get a real Browncoat, but I do know that somewhere out there is a replica being made. It's kinda high I've heard... but that may be what you are looking for. Google :Mal's browncoat maybe?

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Monday, February 20, 2006 6:47 AM


Yes! Yummy! Iceplanets!

You know what? I bought an actual brown coat this weekend

(and also teh Browncoats T-shirt... for me and a couple of other people... does that help? CAN WE HAVE MORE SHOWS YET? No? Ok, keep purchasing.)


Monday, February 20, 2006 8:08 AM


Well, I for one choose to hold. It's my Cap'n's order, and I'll stand by it.

Just the fact that there's a rumor, means we are in the thoughts of others, and we just gotta hope we get into the thoughts of the moneymakers and moneydealers.

As for recruitin', I gave the 1st disk of the series to my boss (I couldn't stand to give up more than that on a 3 day weekend)but I'll be surprised if he hasn't already done some shopping of his own!

So, in summation, we don our 'coats, grab our weapons (Jayne has Vera, I have "George") and HOLD! HOLD 'TIL IT RETURNS! 'cuz we don't have else but each other, for now. the doubters!

Serenity will fly again!

"I aim to misbehave."


Monday, February 20, 2006 8:53 AM


Really, we have to contact the person that just won the powerball lottery. Something like $125 million after taxes.

We just need to convince this person to part with about $20 million to finance season 2.

Shouldn't be too difficult.

Start with the part where Jayne gets knocked out by a 90 pound girl. 'Cause I don't think that's ever getting old.


Monday, February 20, 2006 10:06 AM


Originally posted by BrownCoatRecruiter:
So, is everyone in agreement that the CW rumor 100% crushed? Given the Jossieness of the post and all the takes of the issue I've read in this thread, I have serious doubts. I just don't think I could say that the rumor is certainly debunked.

Any thoughts?

Not 100% as much as faith that somehow it will return.. With as much reaction and chatter just on this site alone, I find it hard to believe that this is as far as it will go..
There are SO many possibilites. Take a look at all of the new shows on cable networks; the reimagined BSG comes to mind; and the massive success that continues to grow for it... If Firefly could get into syndication it would absolutely flourish..
SO, I guess I'm gonna wait and see... write the networks and keep the faith..
Let's all shine.


Monday, February 20, 2006 11:46 AM


I bought FireFly two weeks ago and i've already watched it twice. Watched it once by myself and the second time with my wife. We bought and watched Serenity this past weekend also. I really hope that they will be able to continue this 'verse.

Not much more for me to say except, you've got yourselves a new volunteer!


Monday, February 20, 2006 11:53 AM


Well, Klam, new volunteers need a Browncoat and since I'm the supply clerk, I'm just the person to give it to you.

*hands Klam and his wife a matching pair of regulation Browncoats*

Welcome to our ship, we know you will be happy here, because this is our home and now it's yours.

We're all just holdin' til we hear news that our crew is comin' back. We're glad to have you on the line with us.

Post often, we love to talk and there will be someone come by and offer you food. You'll get lots of greetings as you post and everyone sees you are here.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Monday, February 20, 2006 1:17 PM


Okay, so I suppose I've been snoopin' around the shadows of this message board for too long- hoping to feed to Firefly addiction. I feel I better make myself known as a part of this lovely world of FF fans. :)
My brother and I decided to check out Serenity in the theatres because of its good reviews. I'm not really a normal sci-fi fan or even a tv fan (although I have always loved "Next Generation") so I have to thank my brother for forcing me to discover this amazing 'verse.
I thought the movie was really good, but once I borrowed the Series from my brother, I absolutely fell in love with it- just like everyone else who gives it a chance seems to do. :) It's so funny because once I became a fan, everything seemed to remind me of the show or one of the characters.

It makes me so happy and hopeful to listen to you all talk about the future possibilities of Firefly.

Now that I've rambled on, my main point of posting is to report that since my brother and I first saw Serenity in the theatres, we have converted at least 10 new Browncoats- each with extensive networks- :) the latest being our parents and little sister who were visiting this past weekend. It was so cold here in Chicago that none of us wanted to leave my apartment, so I snuck in FF disk one DVD and we were off...

"Can't take the sky..."


Monday, February 20, 2006 1:22 PM



Not only am I going to have to hand you a browncoat... as a new recruit, you get one of those, but I think with all the recruitin' that you've been doing, we may have to come up with a commendation, lol

*hands IHeartFirefly a regulation 'coat*

Welcome to our happy ship. Hey, you keep going like this and our sequel is guaranteed! Thank you!

Don't be a stranger, we love to talk and we'll enjoy your posts. Please delurk more.

Oh, and someone will come along and offer you food, we're having dumplings and strawberries for dessert. My favorite....

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Monday, February 20, 2006 1:53 PM


I'm new here, but not new to Firefly. I think that in light of the new rumors and all the stirring that it has caused we should all make a goal of getting at least 5 people hooked on the show in the next month or so. Just think if a hundred people get 5 people hooked and those people get 5 hooked that number gets big really quick.

Also I've been around net rumors and had my fair share of cryptic show creators (anyone know JMS and B5?) A few times the writers/producers didn't know anything when in fact stuff was happening. So don't take the rumor for fact, but remember it may not be a lie just because Joss Whedon doesn't know about it. Chances are some CW execs were like "Hmm maybe we should try out that Firefly show." and someone heard them and told Kristen and she told us and everyone went crazy. Which is good because if those guys were considering it and they hear about the stir just a consideration caused they might be prone to actually attempt to pick it up.

BTW this is my first post and hopefully not my last :)


Monday, February 20, 2006 2:24 PM



Originally posted by Brandon:
BTW this is my first post and hopefully not my last :)

Sounds like a plan. And hi Brandon welcome aboard.


"A lot of people are asking me, you know, what exactly is Firefly? It's a tv show you morons!" - Joss Whedon


Monday, February 20, 2006 2:53 PM


Hi, Brandon...
Welcome to our shiny ship. We don't want it to be your last post either. As you can tell by looking around we love to talk and

*hands Brandon a browncoat*

every new recruit gets one and we're glad you're here.

I hope you will be as happy here as I am.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Monday, February 20, 2006 4:05 PM


That's it!

I give up cooking, we're ordering out somewhere nice! I can't keep up with it all.

There's just too many of you new recruits to feed all at once and I'm not up to it.

So how about a NEW RECRUIT SHINDIG???

Food's ordered and laid out. Just dig in and make yourselves t'home.


BTW, I am just so gorram tickled at all the new posters! This is so shiny. I love reading the stories how we all describe how this 'verse pulled us in. You can almost script it...

Version 1: "I found it (fill in blanks). Couldn't stop watching. Went out and bought stuff. Now I'm recruiting."

Version 2: "Someone recruited me. Couldn't stop watching. Went out and bought it. Now I'm recruiting."


AIM - Dewlanna
YID - jedi_kaele


Monday, February 20, 2006 4:19 PM


Version 3: I watched it from the first showing on Fxx and was hooked.


Monday, February 20, 2006 4:32 PM


I'm having a ball at this right fine shindig here. Love the strawberries too. I found today, ridin' 'round town (shoppin', a'course, wouldn't be a lady were I not shoppin')that my son and I were spoutin' lines t' each other.

And a'course everthin' in the 'verse reminds us of the 'verse, 'cuz it t'is the 'verse!

"I am to misbehave"


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 8:30 AM


Thanks for the shiny coat- and the lovely meal. You all are wonderful!
I have to say, it's not really so hard to make new recruits. It just seems like I end up talking about FF because I want everyone to be a part of my new world.
Just last night I was talking to a couple of guy friends from home and mentioned that they needed to experience the best show ever. When I said it was Firefly, one of them started yelling, "Yes! That show is so awesome!"...It was really a bonding moment for us as we rattled off our favorite moments of the show through the screaming. :)
Apparently, at my old college where he now attends, several of the guys on his floor own the Series and the whole dorm got hooked. It got me thinking that we need to buy complimentary copies for every college dorm and just sit bacl and watch the Firefly "bug" spread. :)

"Can't take the sky..."


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 8:44 AM


Ooooo, that is a shiny idea! Add it to our list of Firefly/Serenity for the troops, libraries, and college libraries and now we can add college dorms.

I can do this myself, as next month is donate to the local college library. I'll add copies and take them to the dorms.

We are seriously gonna take over the world.... they just don't know it yet.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 10:40 AM


World domination...I like it.

"Can't take the sky..."


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 6:29 PM


We'll dominate the 'verse, just you wait'n'see!

I heard back on my recruit that he enjoyed the disk and wants more...It's gonna be a sacrifice, but I will do it for the cause! He even responded to an email today with "Shiny".

No I must go & watch all the disks, so I can handle bein' without them for the weekend!

"I aim to misbehave"


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 6:30 PM


I love my captain

You know, I been seein' lots of folks bein' handed browncoats around here. I been here more'n a month now and ain't nobody handed me a gorram thing. I'm seriously thinkin' on stealin' one.

insert most awesome signiture ever


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 6:39 PM


I love my captain

Oh hey! Free food!

BTW I've only recruted a few people so far but I hope to get more soon. See I described it to a few friends and they requested I bring Serenity to our spring break shindig. It's a week long so I decided to bring FF too. They won't know what hit em.

insert best sinature ever


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 10:56 PM



Originally posted by Kayna:
They won't know what hit em.

No they won't. If they fall in love like I think they will, they will never be the same!

What's this I hear about you not gettin' a Browncoat, Kayna?! Have I forgotten you too! Gorramit- well, that IS what you get when you put me in charge of 'coats, a loveable, but forgetful supply clerk. Ya'll just have to forgive me.

*goes to back of storeroom, sets aside all the Nathan pics, stops -looks lovingly at the new one from the Premiere Magazine - shakes her head to clear her mind ( could this be contributing to the forgetfulness?) and finds a 'coat in Kayna's size and hands it ceremoniously over*

there we are, your very own Browncoat! I'm proud to serve with you.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 11:07 PM



*goes to back of storeroom, sets aside all the Nathan pics, stops -looks lovingly at the new one from the Premiere Magazine cover-

Here let me help you move those aside ...*drools a bit...ok alot*

*looks at the shiny Premiere Cover.* Is this "new" as in I can find his beautiful face on the news stand currently? 'cause that would make my week.


twas a perrty sight as jello was a slingen and the ladies were all in a heap of fun.
Twas a right shiny event for the eyes to feast on.

It was fun!!

Hoplessly addicted but in that good sort of way. :)

SCAD/Savannah,GA Browncoat


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 11:24 PM


Yup, Blue it's true, but I'm wrong about him being on the cover... sorry... went back to the thread I caught this from and it's an article inside the magazine. But he is IN there! With a wonderful new pic! I'll try to add the link to this post....hang on.

So sorry to mislead like that... I hate it when I'm inaccurate. He DESERVES to be on the cover though, that is probably where my mind was.

Edit: I went back and changed my post to reflect that he's in the magazine, not on the cover.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 5:47 AM


Isn't Mal in the new March SFX mag too? I heard he was so I went to the local Barnes and Noble to check it out. I couldn't find it so I went to the help desk and the guy told me that they hadn't sold so much as one of those magazines in 6 months, but as soon as they got this issue in, it was immediately sold out.
He seemed confused as to why everyone wanted it all of the sudden, so I asked him if he had heard of Firefly. He hadn't, so I enlightened him. :)

"Can't take the sky..."


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 6:23 AM


Nice one, IHeartFirefly! Hey, if you get ahold of the magazine, please post a pic for all us "Mal lovers". Pretty please.

I am so pleased the magazine sold out like that!
Our Cappy is getting popular. I'm sure hoping "Slither" adds to that popularity.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 7:23 AM


I'm still trying to find a copy, but when I get my hands one, I will certainly post any pics of our lovely leader. :)
I am a little worried about this "Slither" thing though. I don't handle the horror genre well and from the few pics I've seen of this movie, it's pretty gooey and gross. It's definitely going to be hard for me, but I suppose it's worth it to support the Cappy.
...What am I saying? It's quite worth it to see him on the big screen again!

"Can't take the sky..."


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 7:28 AM


My hubby likes slimy scary movies like "Slither" so I'm definitely going. I'll just hide my eyes as best I can when it's gross and ogle a plenty when the Cap'n is on the screen. LOL

Ah, yes, "our lovely leader." Yep, it's worth suffering a little gross stuff!

Thanks, IHeart, I'll look forward to any pics you can find. Gotta add to my infamous collection.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 9:43 AM


With a thread as completely and utterly off topic as this one, why does it not surprise me that the Nathan appreciators have seized control?

An insidious bunch, we are.

Ain't. We. Just.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 9:49 AM


We are everywhere, huh?

I laughed so hard... my cat ran in the other room. Scared him!

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 10:26 AM


I love my captain

Us Malaholics do seem to be takin over a lot of threads.
Thanks for the coat FollowMal.
Also, about Slither, It actually looks kinda campy but in a good way. It doesn't take itself too seriously. I got the feeling when I saw the trailer that the makers new this wasn't going to be "The GREAT HORROR MOVIE" and decided to have some fun.
I'll probably go see it. It should be good for a couple of laughs at least. Plus Nathan makes anything better. Besides, I have a cousin whose favorite film genre is cornny horror. I'll take him with and use it to seguay into FF.






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