You are a Browncoat if............................

UPDATED: Saturday, May 23, 2009 14:11
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Saturday, February 18, 2006 6:19 PM


Okay I will start this in hopes people keep it going......

Your a browncoat laugh out loud when something is said because it made you think of firefly or serenity

~~River: Bible's broken. Contradictions, false logics. Doesn't make sense.~~


Saturday, February 18, 2006 6:35 PM


...You say "SHINY" now instead of "ok"

"Smellin' alot of IF comin' offa' this plan!"


Saturday, February 18, 2006 7:42 PM


...when you look in your closet and there is literally a long brown duster with serentiy and independent patches on it hanging there...

I know that's probably off the deep end a bit but I've actually had that coat for many years and never wore it and then I saw SereniFly and realized what a treasure I had hanging there so I bought the patches from one of the retailers listed on this site and slapped them on the coat and now it's really, really shiny and I can't wait to wear it to a convention or something and this is getting really bad and I'm rambling on and on and I'll stop fanboy jones got the better of me for a second there. Please don't judge to harshly...

"...there's a whole universe of folk who are gonna know it too. They're gonna see it. Somebody has to speak for these people." -Mal


Saturday, February 18, 2006 7:44 PM


Can't judge you BrownCoatRecruiter, just am jealous of your REAL browncoat! Cool!

Ok, my turn....

you say gorramit when you mess something up. In front of everyone.. even at work. Well, mostly at work.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Saturday, February 18, 2006 8:05 PM


You know you're a Browncoat when . . .

You try to convert your Chinese friends so they can translate for you.

You snicker every time you hear a military official mention the chain of command.

Every time you see an attractive woman walk by, you turn to your friend and say "I'll be in my bunk."

Your friend understands the reference.

You hesitate before biting into an apple.

You think twice about people you meet wearing hats.

Blue latex gloves TOTALLY freak you out.

Someone says they're unarmed, and your first instinct is to shoot 'em.

You look at strawberries in a whole new light.

You never kiss a woman on the lips.

You attempt to throw random Chinese words into everyday conversation.

Every time someone mentions wishes and horses, you get a hankering for steak.

You've seriously contemplated what packaged food and rosemary might taste like.

You've recently taken up Chinese Checkers.

You refer to EVERY SINGLE party you go to now as a "mighty fine shindig."

People talking in movie theaters don't bother you much anymore 'cause you know where they'll end up.

You've tried eating non-Chinese food with chopsticks.

You've taken a sudden interest in rice wine.

You tell every one you know what a postholer’s for.

Your friends are tired of hearing that you can kill them with your brain.

You can say “crack of a baboon’s ass” in Chinese.

You’ve been to Plano, TX just to see if they’ve got any songs about Wash.

You’ve tried to convince your Sunday School teacher to integrate non-progressional evolution theory with God’s creation of Eden.

You know how fast the human body can be drained.

You’ve tried to make your own Mudder’s Milk.

You look for “The Hero of Canton” on Karaoke Night.

You've talked to your doctor about removing a certain nerve cluster in your back, just in case.

You sent last year’s Christmas List to Buddha instead of Santa Claus.

You get a little sad every time you see a leaf floating in the wind.


Saturday, February 18, 2006 8:18 PM

BELOWZERO get an uncontrollable fit of giggles every time you see Reynolds wrap....'ve accidentally called Father "Shepherd" at Mass (and he got the reference...oh my)....

....your son is only 8 and he is a Browncoat... have an iguana named Jayne because of the aforementioned son... see a WWJD bracelet and think "What would Jayne do?".... spend more time on this board than you do with friends face to face.... cried yourself to sleep when you discovered Nathan had a girlfriend!....

"Do not go gentle into that good night....
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. . ."
--Dylan Thomas

Though my soul may set in darkness
It will rise in perfect light.
I have loved the stars too fondly
To be fearful of the night.


Saturday, February 18, 2006 8:24 PM



Originally posted by BelowZero: cried yourself to sleep when you discovered Nathan had a girlfriend!....

Or when you found out that Summer was Single though you still had no chance...

Though I don't know if she's single or not... I'm just assuming /shrug.

"Th3re !s n0 spo0Ne." -The Matricks


Saturday, February 18, 2006 10:01 PM



Originally posted by BelowZero:
[B see a WWJD bracelet and think "What would Jayne do?".... spend more time on this board than you do with friends face to face.... cried yourself to sleep when you discovered Nathan had a girlfriend!....

Is that last one REALLY true?! I WILL cry myself to sleep tonight.

The other two, though, fit me to a tee.

My turn, though say "go-se" instead of crap and your boyfirend tells everyone else not to ask. dream about it at night

...Hero of Canton echoes through your house when you've had a good day.

...your family knows every line of the BDM because you quote it to them, not because they've acutally seen it that many times themselves.

...the rally call to the Battle of Serenity thread inspires you to write letters to everyone you can think of. never, EVER stop believing in and hoping for the return of the Serenity and her crew.

Wacky fun!


Saturday, February 18, 2006 10:28 PM

CHOLLETT try to convert your English Literature teacher by convincing her to check out the BDM because (as you tell them) there are Shakespearean allusions, there are many relevant themes, such as love, heroes/antiheroes, etc. that you are covering in the course, and there is an allusion to The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, which has just been examined that day.
All of this, while other converts are in the room grinning at you. refer to a payday or paycheck as "getting paid in cashy money". study chinese curse words. grin any time the word "shiny" comes up

....(this happenned today) You go out and stumble upon the action figures, and as you go to the counter the clerk asks if you want the trade paperback book (the 3 Comics in one book), because it's their hottest selling item at the time. You then tell all your convert friends.
....And of course you buy it even though you already have all 3 comics.

I'm babbling like a moonbrain.


Saturday, February 18, 2006 10:30 PM


Operative: "Its worse than you know..." Mal: "It usually is." say "cashy money" when referring to currency =^..^='s worst than you know...Operative usually is.....Mal


Saturday, February 18, 2006 11:40 PM


You literally jump up and down on the spot for a second or so when you see the graphic novel in the Forbidden Planet. (Though I couldn't find the novelisation.... what can I say, it was my lunch break and no one can ever find things quickly on lunch break.)

Creative Writing


Sunday, February 19, 2006 5:06 AM


.......when you have read the Wikipedia entry on every character, Firefly, and Serenity

~~River: Bible's broken. Contradictions, false logics. Doesn't make sense.~~


Sunday, February 19, 2006 5:42 AM


your friends and family have started useing "shiny", even though their not quite sure where it came from

you have dreams about killing fox exec.'s, and wake up with your knife in your hand

all the chinese people at your school hate you because you butcher their languige so...

...but you don't care because you know other browncoats understand what your saying


Sunday, February 19, 2006 7:58 AM

THEMANTHEYCALLEDJAMES get borded and hop over to Firefly on a sunday mourning...


Sunday, February 19, 2006 8:03 AM


.... when you spend $65 Canadian on a Serenity poster from Germany.

.... when you have both the Firefly and Serenity soundtracks on your iPod with their own playlist.

.... when you have all the Serenity movie posters except the one from Australia waiting to be framed to hang on your walls.

.... when you pre-order the Serenity model from Dark Horse comics.

.... when you have 7 out of the 9 comic book covers just for the sake of having them.

.... when you put "Gorram it" in your movie script instead of "Son of a bitch" to the dismay of your friends.

"I aim to misbehave."
"Can't do something smart, do something right".

HOMER: "Oh Lisa, you and your stories; Bart is a vampire, beer kills brain cells. Now lets go back to that... building thingy... where our beds and T.V.... is".


Sunday, February 19, 2006 9:03 AM


Quote: try to convert your English Literature teacher by convincing her to check out the BDM because (as you tell them) there are Shakespearean allusions, there are many relevant themes, such as love, heroes/antiheroes, etc. that you are covering in the course, and there is an allusion to The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, which has just been examined that day.
All of this, while other converts are in the room grinning at you.

....your English Literature teacher wears a long brown leather coat to class one morning. And you sit though class resisting the urge to ask her about it. When class is over you go up and ask her where she got it, when she asks why you want to know, you say it reminds you of Firefly.
You sucsesfully convert her. (Though one of her friends did recomend her first, but she's borrowing the first disc of my set of the series.)

...between yourself and a friend you plan on converting the entire English department at you school.

...You get your English teacher to show Objects in Space in class and then disguss it for it's existensialism. (My very talented friend managed this.)

"Putting the Me in Mercinary, Jayne Cobb."


Sunday, February 19, 2006 9:43 AM


You sit at your desk during a slow period and list the episodes, on their correct disk and in order.

You work at a bank and refer to currency as "cashy money".

You see the name on a box of rubber bands made by Alliance and wonder how the Alliance got into making rubber bands.

You plot how to get a Firefly screensaver instead of the company logo past the IT guys at work.

You still have hope even though Nathan has a girl friend.

You KNOW that there will be a sequel.


Sunday, February 19, 2006 9:56 AM


...when you try to figure out a way to watch Firefly on your husbands laptop while doing an exercise DVD with the annoying exercise lady. (Must lift dumbells,must make self Mal worthy!) have all 9 covers of the comics and they are framed in your bedroom next to a framed movie poster. are going to buy the trade of said comics because you want to read them again but can't because they are framed.
...your husbands name is James, but when you think about him in an annoyed fashion is always comes out Jayne.
I have issues. I'm so glad you al understand.
And to whoever mantioned Reyonlds wrap, HEH, I never thought of that.

Some people juggle geese!- Hoban Washburn


Sunday, February 19, 2006 10:07 AM


... You have all 9 covers of the comic and are getting the trade paperback so you'll have all 10 covers.


"A lot of people are asking me, you know, what exactly is Firefly? It's a tv show you morons!" - Joss Whedon


Sunday, February 19, 2006 10:19 AM


You have converted at least three others to Firefly

Everyone else you know has heard of the show thanks to you

You have actually said "Some people juggle geese!" to someone who had no idea what you were talking about

...and then spent twenty minutes explaining the reference and trying to convert them to the show

You've bought clothes for no other reason than they look like something your favourite character would wear (knitted tops, patterned dresses, brown jeans, brown coats, leather waistcoats, Hawaiian shirts ... YOU know who you are!)


Sunday, February 19, 2006 11:19 AM


You learn how to knit a Jayne hat. Then you post the pattern on your knitting yahoo group just in case there are some hidden browncoats in the crowd. You flush out 4 of them :D

"Funny and sexy. You have no idea. And you never will."


Sunday, February 19, 2006 11:19 AM


"You have actually said "Some people juggle geese!" to someone who had no idea what you were talking about"

I say that all the time!

You say "Please God make me a stone!" when something went wrong or you're just miserable. (I do and I am german, so everybody wonders even more)

For all Germans: You watch the DVD with the (really bad) german dubbing because your friends aren't so good in english...

You plan to make your own T-Shirts with Firefly and Serenity Quotes.
"Some people juggle geese"
"Two by two, hands of blue"
"I followed the voices"
"I can kill you with my brain"
"This must be what going mad feels like"
are on top of my list

You take your DVDs and Soundtrack wherever you go.

You give yourself the name "River_Tam" in an online poker room.

You spent your days searching for Pictures, Fanvids, Songs etc who are related to Firefly/Serenity

You spent the money for the next 3 months to by your copy of the Firefly DVDs (50€) and the Firefly Soundtrack. (Serenity and its Soundtrack haven't been released yet)


I am 94% Like River Tam

The Fugitive. You are clever and dangerous, which is a nasty combination.
The fact you are crazy too just adds to your charm.
They did bad things to you, but you know their secrets.
They will regret how they made you.



Sunday, February 19, 2006 11:42 AM


You are a browncoat if you
own a Canoe and it,s called
and you call it your boat




Sunday, February 19, 2006 12:18 PM


Now I am learning about scary.

... you haven't taken an English lit. class for years but you still go read The Rime of the Ancient Mariner because Mal referred to it.

... you cheer when your spouse slips and says, "Some people juggle geese." (Said spouse trying not to be associated with your own obsession)

... you read about others singing The Hero of Canton in the shower and resolve to go watch the episode again so you can memorize the lyrics and try it yourself.

... you hesitate before reaching for that fruit bar (is it fruity oaty, or just fruity?).

... you realize with a jolt that you haven't watched an episode for at least a week (I blame the Olympics) and want to pop in one of the DVDs immediately, no matter what someone else is watching.

"We need to keep our heads so we can ... keep our heads."


Sunday, February 19, 2006 12:36 PM


you sing the firefly theme when you drink


Sunday, February 19, 2006 12:59 PM


That Serenity DVD I took home to my parents, to watch it here, I just... gave it to my brother! He's the one I'd been asking about the Russian thing. He now asked why I asked. So, I promptly, quasi-nonchalent, said I just happened to have the Serenity DVD with me. :)

I will buy a new one tomorrow. But, as far as being a browncoat goes, I think I did good today; everything for the cause, right? :) *keeping fingers crossed*

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Sunday, February 19, 2006 2:04 PM



Originally posted by asarian:
That Serenity DVD I took home to my parents, to watch it here, I just... gave it to my brother! He's the one I'd been asking about the Russian thing. He now asked why I asked. So, I promptly, quasi-nonchalent, said I just happened to have the Serenity DVD with me. :)

I will buy a new one tomorrow. But, as far as being a browncoat goes, I think I did good today; everything for the cause, right? :) *keeping fingers crossed*

Nice one, asarian. Every Browncoat knows when it's the right time to make the ultimate sacrifice for the sake of the cause.

I don't disagree on any particular point.


Sunday, February 19, 2006 3:34 PM



You’ve been to Plano, TX just to see if they’ve got any songs about Wash.

You are a browncoat if.....
...The day you found out that you went to the same high school that Alan went to and you were quite possible sitting in the same spot that he had once sat, you actually squealed with glee.

...That same day, you asked every teacher (151 total) if they were there when Alan was there and if they had any amusing anecdotes involving the ducks from the school pond possible being juggled...

...After asking all the teachers about Alan and finding out that he was on the speech team, you went immediately to the counselor and asked for a schedule change.

True story. That's why I have been on the speech team for the last three years. It's really weird to live in the same town as he used to and his parents still do because every so often someone will track me down to tell me a story about how they saw him over the weekend and I have never been one of the lucky ones.


Sunday, February 19, 2006 5:36 PM


.... it's 3:30am and you have to get up for school in just over three hours - but you're still on the boards.

There are others - but I'm just too tired.

19 conversions and counting!!!


Sunday, February 19, 2006 7:55 PM



Originally posted by UnregisteredCompanion:
You learn how to knit a Jayne hat. Then you post the pattern on your knitting yahoo group just in case there are some hidden browncoats in the crowd. You flush out 4 of them :D

"Funny and sexy. You have no idea. And you never will."

Um. Posted where, please? Not that I have any TALENT at knitting mind you but this just might make me take it up again...!

"Do not go gentle into that good night....
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. . ."
--Dylan Thomas

Though my soul may set in darkness
It will rise in perfect light.
I have loved the stars too fondly
To be fearful of the night.


Sunday, February 19, 2006 7:58 PM



Originally posted by Mattie: cried yourself to sleep when you discovered Nathan had a girlfriend!....

Is that last one REALLY true?! I WILL cry myself to sleep tonight.

Um, yeah, I suspect it is, since the man himself asked one of the other Browncoats at some con or something for the name of her perfume so he could get it for his girlfiend. *sigh* commence sobbing, I guess.

You can check out the whole thing on the *other* Browncoats board under the Appreciatin' Nathan thread but it is 40 pages long right now so make sure you have some time!!!

"Do not go gentle into that good night....
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. . ."
--Dylan Thomas

Though my soul may set in darkness
It will rise in perfect light.
I have loved the stars too fondly
To be fearful of the night.


Sunday, February 19, 2006 8:27 PM


If you spend all day thinking about how to recruit everyone you know.

If try to talk like your from the verse to segway into recruiting people.

you were watching firefly in an airport in doha, qatar (a small country next to saudi arabia) and a mulsim man dressed in all the muslim gear comes up and asks "hows the verse been treating you" you spend the next 2 hours talking about firefly. and you tell him to tell everyone he knows about the show. he tells you he already has.

You sing the Hero of Canton at work non stop.

Jayne! The hero of Canton. I LOVE VERA!


Monday, February 20, 2006 3:30 PM


if you go to the bar three times a week and joke about how guinness looks like mudders milk, but then a few weeks later ask the bartender for mudders milk, and she understand the reference but hands you a newcastle......true story


Monday, February 20, 2006 3:34 PM


what browncoat doesnt sing the hero of canton, or the theme song when they drink. i think i taught half of my regular bar how to sing it, along with converting about 12.


Monday, February 20, 2006 4:15 PM


You are a browncoat if...

...You are depressed for hours when you realize there's only a grand total of 4 browncoats in your entire school...and are absoloutly gleeful when you discover you were wrong and there's more.

...You bring your DVD set to school with you to take it to stay the night at someone's house, but wind up using it to try to convert several people.

...Your parents refusing to watch Firefly, at all, hurts. cut your apples before eating them. sing the theme song quite a bit, and often have a medly of various Firefly-related songs stuck in your head.

...You can trace practically anything in such a way so as it reveals SOMETHING to remind you of Firefly.

...You've told the annoying guy in your Algebra class "your mouth is talkin', might wanna see to that."

...You then spent the rest of the period explaining the refrence

...Your standard reaction to someone giving you too much information is to say "I can't know these things!"


Monday, February 20, 2006 4:40 PM


everytime you see universal picture symbol in every movies, you are hoping it change into "earth that was"


everytime you see fox symbol, you feel angry and says f**k


Monday, February 20, 2006 5:22 PM



Originally posted by TiVO25:
You know you're a Browncoat when . . .

You snicker every time you hear a military official mention the chain of command.

*snickers* I've even used that phrase before. Got very wide eyes in response. Heh.


Every time you see an attractive woman walk by, you turn to your friend and say "I'll be in my bunk."

Your friend understands the reference.

Ha! I've said it in reference to a muscle-y guy before. The people with me had no clue what I was talking about and blushed/giggled like idiots. I just shook my head and walked off.


Someone says they're unarmed, and your first instinct is to shoot 'em.

That's...NOT normal??


Every time someone mentions wishes and horses, you get a hankering for steak.

HA! I do that! Even above and beyond quoting it!


You refer to EVERY SINGLE party you go to now as a "mighty fine shindig."

*snort* The last time I was at my sister's house (a new recruit that hasn't watched much of the series yet, though I'm nudge-nudge-SHOVING her toward it), I paused at the door and thanked her for the mighty fine shindig.

Heh, she immediately asked which episode so she could watch it that night! Ha! Didn't even have to explain!


People talking in movie theaters don't bother you much anymore 'cause you know where they'll end up.

Well, isn't that...special?


You’ve tried to make your own Mudder’s Milk.

Um...*sheepish*...guilty. Heh.

Excellent list, TiVO25! I cracked up at least a dozen times! I don't even have any more to add, though I had a good handful of them in mind when I started reading this thread.



Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Monday, February 20, 2006 6:12 PM


".... when you have both the Firefly and Serenity soundtracks on your iPod with their own playlist..."

OMG, I am SO guilty of this one. ;) Anyway, here are some of mine...

...You feel you're a better driver when you have the "Space Battle" track from the Serenity soundtrack on...

...You substitute Gorramit for Goddamnit...

...You say shiny almost all the time...

...You become more and more comfortable with wearing the Jayne hat EVERYWHERE...

...Your entire myspace profile is dedicated to Firefly...

...You purchased 2 of the upcoming ornaments, one for work and one for home...


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 10:13 AM

IMALEAF buy a case you buy for the gaming computer you are building because the case looks like something that would be on Serenity

~~River: Bible's broken. Contradictions, false logics. Doesn't make sense.~~


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 10:32 AM



Originally posted by Veloxi:

...You become more and more comfortable with wearing the Jayne hat EVERYWHERE...

Your entire family shouts to you when you are going out to feed the horses in the snow and it's bitterly cold...."Don't forget to wear your Jayne hat!"

Happened Saturday!

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 11:33 AM


You know your a Browncoat when.........
You understand what a Browncoat is and don't automatically start thinking about Trekkies
People stop asking you what you mean by some people juggle geese (you've already explained it to them)
Every person at work knows that your desktop background is Summer Glau not just some ramdom chick.
You've converted more than five people into brown coats.
You work the 'verse into nearly every conversation and it still flows.
You are genuinely sad for people who havn't seen firefly yet.

An I carried such a torch


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 12:29 PM


Everytime I drink a shot of Jager (or whatever) I say "To the Mudders!" I get some funny looks, though not from my friends whom I'm proud to say, have been successfully recruited!


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 1:52 PM


You know you're a Browncoat when you refer to the vehicle you drive as your Boat.

or when you're piloting your Boat and see smoke comming from a vehicle in front of you and begin to conclude that the vehicle is operating without containment.

or after realizing the vehicle is operating without containment and you yell "Reavers!" and put the petal to the floor dodging traffic recklessly to avoid the "Reavers".


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 2:36 PM

RIMMEDIC wear your dogtags and/or Zoe necklace (from every day and don't feel fully dressed without them're not too sure you have anything in common with anyone out there who's not a Browncoat (yet).


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 4:25 PM



Originally posted by Sulten:
you were watching firefly in an airport in doha, qatar (a small country next to saudi arabia) and a mulsim man dressed in all the muslim gear comes up and asks "hows the verse been treating you" you spend the next 2 hours talking about firefly. and you tell him to tell everyone he knows about the show. he tells you he already has.

I LOVE this story!!

You know you're a Browncoat when ....

just for a tiny moment, you wonder if "Firefly" is the key to world peace. ;-)

MAL: We're still flying.
SIMON: That's not much.
MAL: It's enough.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 4:04 AM



or Zoe necklace (from

... you're too poor to buy a Zoe necklace, so you spend literal hours scouring haberdashery shops for long, thin, dark brown leather cords - so you can make your own. You then wear it proudly.

20 conversions and counting!!!


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 4:22 AM



... you're too poor to buy a Zoe necklace, so you spend literal hours scouring haberdashery shops for long, thin, dark brown leather cords - so you can make your own. You then wear it proudly.

As an aside, check fabric stores for that cording. They use it for lacings and stuff. Since the ends are tucked into her shirt to begin with, it doesn't necessarily have to be 'finished' cording.

You are a Browncoat if... own a 'virtual' Browncoat issued by Followmal herself. download or purchase an entire TV series just to see our BDH in just one or two of the episodes. watch a cartoon just to see if you can find our BDH's voices.

...your day cannot begin your day without breakfast and a stop at can't eat a turkey dinner without thinking about Mudder's Milk. (Gah, last night!) saw the BDM and could label every scar that Mal had, including which episode it came from. "That's when he got shot in the Serenity episode, there's where he got stabbed by Crow in Train Job..."'re now afraid of talking during movies because you don't wanna go to the 'special hell.'

AIM - Dewlanna
YID - jedi_kaele


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 5:06 AM

IMALEAF are going to go see Slither in theaters (instead or renting or downloading) just because Nathan Fillion is in it

...Same for Gina Torres and the movie Jam

...Same for Morena Baccarin and the last two O.C. episodes

...Same for Adam Baldwin and the movie The Thirst

...and I will be home when The Mammoth staring Summer Glau airs on T.V.

~~River: Bible's broken. Contradictions, false logics. Doesn't make sense.~~


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 2:49 PM


You sit through the entire showing of the truly awful TV remake of the Posiedon Adventure to show support of Adam Baldwin.

You cheer when watching Adam Baldwin in Independance day.

I, Robot might be worth watching again just to enjoy Alan Tyduk's voice.

Is it me, or is Lady Heather on CSI Inara's friend Nandy from Heart of Gold?

You buy movie stock in Slither just to support Nathan Fillion.

You own stock in Nathan Fillion and, while you are saddened to see the stock fall, you just can't bring yourself to sell it.

(You, too, can accomplish the last 2 at Just let them know that BlackJoke recommended you so I can get more fake $$).


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 3:46 PM

GRIMJACK21502 refer to as 'My other home.' hold the line.

We will hold...we hold till Mal gets back.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young






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