Browncoats Thread

UPDATED: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 16:45
VIEWED: 5449
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Monday, February 20, 2006 4:41 PM


Okay, this is the first post I've created. I've commented on so many I didn't have the nerve as it were to try my own, but with so many new people coming by to say hi (and taking over a lot of the threads) I thought maybe what we need is a Welcome new Browncoats thread as a seperation from the rest, as well people can go and see just how many newbies have signed on.

What do you think Haken? Would it be possible to have a seperate Newcomers post, like you have for General, Scifi and Trolls? Just a thought to try and keep up with all new the recruits.(and conversley thin out the General Discussions Board.)

Your thoughts would be welcome.... and to all the newbies that read this... well, welcome.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Monday, February 20, 2006 4:56 PM


I'm for this, if Haken says yes, because I like greetin' folks.

And I just can't keep up with all the new folks! There are so many!

And likewise new folks, welcome.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Monday, February 20, 2006 5:06 PM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

I'm for this, if Haken says yes, because I like greetin' folks.

And I just can't keep up with all the new folks! There are so many!

And likewise new folks, welcome.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal

Followmal, thanks for for thinking this a good thing. There have been how many new people just in this week alone saying hi? It's starting to conjest the general thread to the point that things I commented on or read the day before are gone. I'm not complaining, I'd just like to have a way of seeing who I failed to greet with a pint of Milk, of the Mudder variety.

On another point someone wondered how many Browncoats there are, though this wouldn't tell us how many fans there are we could get a general idea how big the fan base has grown by comparing the amount of then and now. I've been in this since the show was on Fux and I can tell you the spike in fans have gone so high if we had a chart it would astound everyone.

Hope Haken sees this and thinks it's a fair to middlin' idea.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Monday, February 20, 2006 6:15 PM


Can someone stop her from bein' cheerful?

"Someone Ever Tries to Kill You, You Try and Kill Em' Right Back"


Monday, February 20, 2006 6:26 PM



Originally posted by dog13000:
Can someone stop her from bein' cheerful?

"Someone Ever Tries to Kill You, You Try and Kill Em' Right Back"

Don't quite get your meanin' dog. You want me to be a bitch, is that it? Well, just look at my sig.

If not and your meanin' something else.... just look at my sig

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Monday, February 20, 2006 8:53 PM


Dog, I don't think there's a power in the 'verse that could stop us from bein' cheerful.

Sometimes you wanna duct tape our mouths and throw us in the hold for a month but you can't!

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Monday, February 20, 2006 9:04 PM


Well, he could try, but I'd kill him with my pinky.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Monday, February 20, 2006 9:11 PM



Well, we'll see what Haken decides. In the meantime, new folks will see this thread and hit it and maybe for a time it'll be more localized.

I'm grateful for the localization as my clerkin' job was gettin' rough! And I noticed that Kaele has quit cookin' ( yikes, i was gettin' spoiled!) and gone to take out.

But you gotta love all the new folks comin' on.
It's really been amazing the last couple of weeks.
Feels good!

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Monday, February 20, 2006 9:12 PM


I think it's a good idea. That's all I really have to say...

Also... I can kill you with my brain.


Monday, February 20, 2006 10:35 PM


Great to know, maybe as they see this the newbies will say hi here, it's just gettin hard keeping up with all the new people, there are many I'm sure I didn't greet with a pint of Mudder's Milk, and I went to the trouble of flying out to Canton to get some fresh. Haken, hope you see this soon. I believe the influx of recruits have only just begun.

We are doing the impossible, and we're getting mightier every gorram day.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 3:11 AM


Thank You, at least somebody got what I intended...

"Someone Ever Tries to Kill You, You Try and Kill Em' Right Back"


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 3:26 AM


This is a sweet idea.

I'm new (to this site, and to posting on discussions in general) and didn't know what to expect. The responses have been so welcoming and nice, it really made my day.

Perhaps the kindness is a Firefly thing (civility may be a necessity out here on the space frontier ), but regardless, I'm really happy to be here and hope we get to welcome lots more folk.



Tuesday, February 21, 2006 3:56 PM


I think the civility is more in keeping with the intellegence factor of the Firefly fans themselves. I've heard horror stories of Fan sites for Star Trek and Star Wars and DA and other sci fi shows where the people were snarky and downright demeaning. We do get the occasional troll (best thing is to ignore them, they get sent to troll country, though it is on occasion hilarious) but it's become rarer. But new people. Dear God I can't keep up. Maybe some aren't seeing this as a serious issue, but I quite am serious about this. At least just to clear a little room on the General Discussion page. I do hope you read this Haken. And to those who do and are new, HI. And to those regulars, HI.

Yes, maybe a bit too cheerful.... put that duct tape down dog.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 4:18 PM


What an excellent idea! Welcome aboard. I have been a member of this site for a week and lurked for 2 weeks prior. I think i'll reintroduce myself since my intro thread got buried very quickly. And I never did thank FollowMal for my Browncoat. Thanks!!!! *finally puts on Browncoat*
I first was hooked when I went to see Serenity with a few fellow Browncoats and I borrowed the FF series a few months later and will be a Browncoat for life! And if you guys ever need a ride my Firefly (Gemini) can pick ya up.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 4:30 PM


Hey, MisstresSahara!

*raises cup of Mudder's milk in salutation*

back on the front page. Good! Still hope to see this attached on top somehow.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 7:06 PM


Your sweet to welcome me aboard Issac, truth is I've been lurking on this site since Firefly was on Fux. When I first saw the commercials, (yes, amazing to say there were some commercials) the first thing that came to mind was, "That looks terrible. Cowboys in space? I am so not watching that." Shows how bad Fux fuxxed up the marketing.

I don't remember why I watched, (and though I know they didn't air it, I swear seeing the 2 hour pilot first, not The Train Job) It was ok, I couldn't follow some of what was going on, some made no sense, but it was ok. Better than some of the crap on tv.


Then Crow stood up, threatening Mal and company. Oh great, it's going to be another typical show where the bad guy threatens, and the good guy lets them go, only to have them come back and threaten some more. In my mind I'm saying why doesn't someone just once have the balls to get rid of these guys instead of letting them live? Truth, that's what I was thinking. So you could imagine how shocking it was for me to see Mal kick him in the engine. I remember screaming out "They did it, holy s*#t I can't believe they did that." It was so.... un-conventional. EXACTLY what I wished characters in other movies and shows would do, and they freakin did it. Well that hooked me. It was a surprise and a wonderful shock, especially the scene following with the next henchmen. I didn't know Joss before this, but I now see the genius people speak of. WOW.

Now me being nieve and all I had no idea the repootation Fux had about cancelling good shows, so it never occured to me they'd cancel this. Why would they? It had everything that Enterprise didn't (oi, don't get me started on that piece of go se) It had comedy, drama, suspence, it had Mal. (I saw the reference for Han yes, but a darker broodier Han) So it was very confusing when I'd tune into the show and saw a baseball game instead? WTF? What happened to my Firefly? Every week the same thing, then when they'd show it I'd miss some of it because they never announced it, then when I'd get back into it I found it being replaced by Adam Sandler movies. Adam Sandler? Where the GOORAM hell was my Firefly? I didn't know it was cancelled, I didn't even know the trouble it was in till I came online to find out if any info was available.

Imagine my surprise when I found this site and read the whole ugly truth and how the show was in high waters from the very first episode, or that Fux had axed the pilot and made them write Train Job, and that the shows I'd seen was out of order. What made me angry was my stupidity of not taping them when I had the chance because, well, I didn't think it'd be taken off. NIEVE. *SIGH* So yes, I've been in it from the very beggning. And oh what pain and pleasure.

Well, long (very long it seems) story short, I did register back then, but I'd forgotten my username and password, so I tried to make a new one, I had to have Haken change it, and sent him a few Emails (I wonder if he ever got them) but he never got back to me and I never signed on from a different service, (general newbie when it came to Mail servers) I've been lurking here since 2002, I've commented as Fireflyfanforever in the Blue Sun Room, and it finally took Stillshiny's Muppet challenge to finally get me out of my corner, and my God, now I won't shut up. I do miss seeing the veterans though, I feel I've come to know them, even though I never chatted with them then. I hope they come around again soon.

So there's my long winded and somewhat painful story. I didn't participate in the save the Firefly Campaign, in that I gave money for the adds, or send dvd's to the troops, (sadly no funds) but I've recruited, talked to a book/comic store about Firefly, and have even made a convert in a friend who lives in California, who at times lurks here, and who got to go to a special screening of the movie. Hey Amagic, some Mudders Milk to you my friend.

I know I've gone on a bit but I've wanted to tell my little(?) story for a while, but was afraid I'd look like an attention companion. But seeing as you gave me an opening (ooh you, look what you've started) I thought better now or I never would. There should be an emote for *whew*

So in other words, thanks for the welcome, I hadn't gotten one, well on the general boards, and you know what I don't believe I ever got a coat either, but it's all good, I'd probably muss it up.

Maybe I should lay off the milk for a while, but since I'm here Issac, have a pint, a large one, after my story you probably need it.

And to all the wonderful Veterans who have been in it from the beggining. CHEERS! You did the impossible, and we all thank you for it.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 7:15 PM


yeah I have been cogitating this idea too... seems a logical thing to put out a welcome mat and have all the new travelers in one place... at least FollowMal will know where all her coats are going and ChristheCynic can see how many weirdos have checked in...


amd then Kaele will know how much protein to throw in the pot... home. welcome home everyone.. we have been waiting for you..

Chindi (looking longingly at FollowMal's mug of Mudders...)


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 7:25 PM



Originally posted by Chindi:
yeah I have been cogitating this idea too... seems a logical thing to put out a welcome mat and have all the new travelers in one place... at least FollowMal will know where all her coats are going and ChristheCynic can see how many weirdos have checked in...


amd then Kaele will know how much protein to throw in the pot... home. welcome home everyone.. we have been waiting for you..

Chindi (looking longingly at FollowMal's mug of Mudders...)

Oh Chindi I'm sorry, I'm just catching up on passing out the rounds.

*looks at stock. getting low, going to have to make a midnight Canton run soon.*

Here's you pint Chindi Mind the rug.

Hey, with all these recruits we'll be able to start singing our version of The Hero of Canton.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 3:41 AM


That's a cool story. I didn't even know about Firefly when it aired, although I wish I did. And thanks for the pint! I was gonna ask ya for one. Cheers! To Joss and more Firefly!

I see that you have a few cooks and you're the hander outer of Browncoats. I was wondering if ya had a position open. Perhaps Chaplain (I'm not a Shepherd, that's just my alias last name), or perhaps some sort of assistant. Let me know. Take care all.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 8:40 AM


Isaac.. head down to the engine room and see if Kaylee needs any you got the right look for her and yer breathing.. should be a great match!!

Chindi (impish to the end)


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 8:41 AM


honestly Cap'n it was the mudders made me do it....



Wednesday, February 22, 2006 9:26 AM


You mean the mudders milk made you do it? How big of a mug have you had today?? lol


Sunday, February 26, 2006 11:35 AM


Been gone a while, so I'm doing a shamless :bump: hoping Haken see's this and thinks it's a viable option.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Sunday, February 26, 2006 10:48 PM



Im a new 'Browncoat' and have just starting posting here. But havent really given a proper intro. Im a latecomer to Firefly as well and I love the show.

Im from Australia and the show didn't really air much over here. I only watched the DVD of the series recently and cant believe it took me so long to discover the show.

Anyway, hi guys and thanks for the welcom. YOu guys have been really great so far and I hope to help spread the word of Firefly and post here lots


Monday, February 27, 2006 7:09 AM


Welcome to the crew Aussay! Good to have another new Browncoat. I've only been here a few weeks and have met a lot of interesting and awesome people. I'm sure you'll have fun as well. I'm kind of a latecomer as well, I started loving the 'verse when I saw Serenity the day it came out. Well that's it from me. FollowMal should be along soon to give you the coat. Feel free to speak your piece around these parts. We welcome new positive input.


Monday, February 27, 2006 8:40 AM


Welcome Aussay!

So glad you could join our crew. I recently got a lil' promotion *shows off stripe on sleeve* to assistant supply clerk. Let me just go and get you in a proper outfit!

*rifles through FollowMal's store room and opens a few boxes*



There it is!

*pulls new Browncoat from inside a box and hands it over*

We're so glad you found us and hope you'll enjoy being here as much as we all enjoy our BDH's adventures in the 'verse. Chow's on the table, don't be afraid to elbow your way into line. (Wor Su Gai for meal, dig in!) 'Cept for the Captain, we don't stand on much ceremony here.

Your bunks' down the hall, and I'm guessin' you'll be here for quite a while...

AIM - Dewlanna
YID - jedi_kaele


Monday, February 27, 2006 7:54 PM


Always a treat to meet and greet. I must have missed a lot of new Browncoats siging up, and so could not do my duty as resident bartender. So Welcome aussay and have a pint.

Mudders Milk; All the carbs and protiens of your
mothers best turkey dinner.... plus 15% alchohol.

If someone wants to pitch hit as bartender whenever I'm away I'll be happy to give you an apron. But remember, no drinking all the stuff yourself. You have no idea how hard it is getting this stuff pass the Magistrates men.

And still waiting for a reply from Haken. So what DO you think?

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Monday, February 27, 2006 8:30 PM


Just thought I'd pop by and say a hello. This is my first post though I've been looking about for a few days. Glad to be where I'm not the only die hard fan.


Monday, February 27, 2006 9:53 PM



Originally posted by Radar:
Just thought I'd pop by and say a hello. This is my first post though I've been looking about for a few days. Glad to be where I'm not the only die hard fan.

Radar, great to meet you, your not distantly related to River are you? What with your eerieass way of knowing things....

Anywho, here's a pint of brew, just brought them in from Canton. (Damn Higgens almost tried a landlock on me, gonna have to try to fly under the rad... sorry)

Mudders Milk; All the carbs and protiens of your
mothers best turkey dinner.... plus 15% alchohol.

Mind the rug.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 12:53 AM



Originally posted by Kaele:
Welcome Aussay!

So glad you could join our crew. I recently got a lil' promotion *shows off stripe on sleeve* to assistant supply clerk. Let me just go and get you in a proper outfit!

*rifles through FollowMal's store room and opens a few boxes*



There it is!

*pulls new Browncoat from inside a box and hands it over*

We're so glad you found us and hope you'll enjoy being here as much as we all enjoy our BDH's adventures in the 'verse. Chow's on the table, don't be afraid to elbow your way into line. (Wor Su Gai for meal, dig in!) 'Cept for the Captain, we don't stand on much ceremony here.

Your bunks' down the hall, and I'm guessin' you'll be here for quite a while...

AIM - Dewlanna
YID - jedi_kaele

Thank you kindly!

*puts on Browncoat*

Looks mighty pretty!


Originally posted by MISSTRESSAHARA:
Always a treat to meet and greet. I must have missed a lot of new Browncoats siging up, and so could not do my duty as resident bartender. So Welcome aussay and have a pint.

Mudders Milk; All the carbs and protiens of your
mothers best turkey dinner.... plus 15% alchohol.

*drinks brew*

Ahhhh! That’ll keep me going, thanks


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 3:57 AM


Welcome to the crew Radar! Glad to have another member along. Feel free to speak your peice. Anyone mind passing over a small mug of mutters milk? Cheers to our new recruits.

The Bible's a bit fuzzy on the subject of kneecaps.


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 5:15 AM



Originally posted by IsaacShepherd:
What an excellent idea! Welcome aboard. I have been a member of this site for a week and lurked for 2 weeks prior. I think i'll reintroduce myself since my intro thread got buried very quickly. And I never did thank FollowMal for my Browncoat. Thanks!!!! *finally puts on Browncoat*

Hey, that's my story!! I too only joined this month after lurking for a spell. * shrugs into browncoat handed over by Followmal* thanks FollowMal - fits fine! *rolls sleeves up*

I was converted last summer watching the series on DVD and then waited patiently for opening day of the movie (ya know, 'cause patience is one of my virtues....not!)I thought that was it and life went on. Ok, in reality the U2 tour kinda took hold of me and was quite the distraction for some time. Fast forward to january and something is not quite right in my verse. Can't put my finger on it. Watched season 1 of Angel and Buffy while home sick. Some of the equilibrium is restored. Then at Mom's one night, my sister (one of my converts) has brought the BDM over - we watch it. Equilibrium fully restored, all is shiny in my verse. I have since watch all episodes again and then some. but still not compeltely shiny - need to share with others of like mind.

What is it about FF that makes us soo obsessed with it. I think it's 'cause the charcaters we love soo much are everyday imperfect people out there in black, on the raggedy edge. Although some would argue (FM - that you) that some of the characters ARE perfect....

AS much as the U2 tour obessed me for bit, i didn't join a forum, come up with a sexy alias (at least I think it's sexy) and start talking to wonderful stangers, who have welcomed me with open arms (still waitin' for my pint of MM). Would love to go meet with y'all at Flanvention but no way I can afford it. i am hoping that the cast and some of youse browncoats will make other conventions a little closer to home! (somewhere in the northeast is good!)

I know for a fact that i have converted at least 5 others, and who who knows how many they have converted. Although I don't think they are obsessed as me, they do the the DVD series and BDM, so that counts!

I brought some strawberries for us to share - let me put them on the table so we can all have some *takes a rather large berry from bowl by the stem and proceeds to * ohhh myy, these ARE [\i] yummy!

I'll be in Jaynes bunk


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 5:29 AM


I love this place!

*dives into the bowl of strawberries.. grabs a few and goes back to work in the storeroom*

Thanks, Kaele for coverin' for me!

*shouted back over my shoulder as I go off to work... mmmm strawberries!*

ETA: Thank you, JBW for sharing the strawberries and yes... Mal is perfect.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 6:02 AM


Welcome aboard jaynesbunkwoman! Glad you found the thread. I'm glad this is here, hopefully everyone that is new will eventually stumble upon it.
Thanks for bringing the strawberries. *politely swipes a strawberry from the bowl then tips hat* Thanks you much.

The Bible's a bit fuzzy on the subject of kneecaps.


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 2:20 PM


Did someone say strawberries? I have a way of eating strawberries that makes Joss think about.... eating strawberries. I think I'm close to a joygasm.... wait.

*dips strawberry in the Milk and bites*


Um, oh.... yes here's a pint JBW. Mind the rug.

Try dipping the berries.... I mean... OH MY....


If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 2:30 PM


I never introduced myself when I started posting a couple days ago, so...


I was introduced to the series through the movie, saw it on opening night after hearing so many good things. Soon after bought the series and have been incredibly hooked ever since. I got my roommate hooked too, and have atleast gotten a couple other people to see either the movie or the pilot.


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 2:43 PM


I was a lurker, too, until dear mphillips started that over-the-hill-gang thread, and boy howdee, there were lots of us! I've been trying to help FollowMal, too, Kaele -- congrats on the promotion! I'm sooooo jealous of the stripey arm!

I brought more strawberries -- dig in children!

Hope Haken checks in soon; FollowMal can't be on duty 24/7.

~I'm old enough to BE in Jayne's bunk!~


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 3:09 PM


More people more people yaaaa, love it. Even if it means more runs to Canton. I may need to get Issac to help me soon if he's willing to offer his boat to load extra contra... I mean supplies.

Ola Matt, welcome abord, someone said once we're weird, you'll like it here. Will do will do. Take a pint please.

Mudders Milk; All the carbs and protiens of your
mothers best turkey dinner.... plus 15% alchohol.

Oh, try dipping the strawberries, I mean.. really...

Rese, I don't believe I ever gave you one. My bad. Double pint for you.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 3:42 PM



Originally posted by Misstressahara:
Take a pint please.

Mmmmm... now that's ruttin' good.


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 3:51 PM


Thanks much, Misstressahara! Oooh, yummy!
If you leave them to soak a little longer, they get all fat and juicy. The strawberries . . . . I mean!

~old enough to BE in Jayne's bunk~
and it's certainly getting crowded in here -- shove over, girls.


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 3:54 PM


Hey! I suppose I'm a new browncoat as this is my first post here ever. And...I guess this is where you would go as a newbie.

My friend showed me the series about a month ago and now I own both the series and the movie. I've also showed the series to several of my friends and they are hooked. Yay!

"how could you do that? how could you embarass me in front of new people?"


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 4:45 PM



Originally posted by Misstressahara:
Did someone say strawberries? I have a way of eating strawberries that makes Joss think about.... eating strawberries. I think I'm close to a joygasm.... wait.

*dips strawberry in the Milk and bites*


Um, oh.... yes here's a pint JBW. Mind the rug.

Try dipping the berries.... I mean... OH MY....


*wiping MM foam mustache off with back of hand, careful not dirty my shiny new browncoat*

wow, that hits the spot Mistressahara - thanks!!

*takes a strawberry from bowl, dips into MM mugs, swirls it around, tilts head back and eats berry whole* mrfmm, mrfgmmm, mmmmmm, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, oh, oh, OH Wow, that really IS a joygasm

I'll be in Jaynes bunk






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