Serenity 2 would probably be more successful than Serenity 1

UPDATED: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 16:30
VIEWED: 3231
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Wednesday, February 22, 2006 10:11 AM


I think that if they released a Serenity sequel, it would do better at theatres than the first movie did.

We have seen an explosion in the amount of Browncoats ever since Serenity was released on DVD. I didn’t have much interest in seeing Serenity in the theatres when it came out, but I would definitely go to see any Serenity movies in the theatres now that I have joined the ranks. I feel that there are many people in the same boat.

I didn’t see Serenity until I rented it on DVD, ever since then I have purchased it on DVD along with the Firefly box set. I am obsessed with the show now, and I regret not seeing it in the theatre. I think the new Browncoats would join the veterans to come out to the theatre to see a Serenity sequel. Also, when the uninitiated see that a Serenity sequel was made, they may get curious about checking out the ‘verse too.

Can you imagine if a sequel did do better? We would then probably get a third film as well as more books and maybe ideas about a spin off series. Heck, the fact that Fox cancelled Firefly could end up in our favor in the long run. We may not have drummed up this many fans if it weren’t for the Serenity movie. It may end up being the catalyst for bigger and better things. For years, Star Wars only had three movies and some books. We would have that plus 14 shiny TV episodes.

That all would be great, but it takes a while to get new movies and books. I want my Firefly/Serenity fix on a weekly basis!


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 10:35 AM


You won't get any argument from me. Though I would probably slightly prefer a return to TV. Don't get me wrong I love Serenity the BDM but there is so much more you can do with characters over the course of a season that you just can't fit into a movie. And the characters are what it's all about.


"A lot of people are asking me, you know, what exactly is Firefly? It's a tv show you morons!" - Joss Whedon


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 11:04 AM


I'd agree with that.
When Serenity came out the only reason that I didn't go and see it was because I hadn't seen Firefly, now that I have I can't wait for the DVD(next week)-4 days left.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 11:06 AM



Originally posted by daveshayne:
...there is so much more you can do with characters over the course of a season that you just can't fit into a movie...


I agree. I would much rather have a TV show as well. I want to know Book and Inara's back story, and I don't think that would translate well into a movie. A TV episode for those stories would have been perfect. Hopefully, they will cover them in a book or comic.

I wonder though if Firefly/Serenity has a bigger following now than if it would have stayed on the air. Maybe the TV show would never have received the attention that the Serenity movie has. Who knows. Angel didn't seem to break out of it's cult following, but I think Buffy gathered more and more viewers through word of mouth and great write ups in mags. I guess we will never know. I bet if they brought back Firefly, there would be more people there to see it's first episode than there was in the beginning. I sure hope that comes to pass.

It seems that Serenity covers the storyline that Joss had in mind for the first couple of seasons. The next movie would probably cover the next arc that he had in mind (Blue Sun maybe?). After 3 movies and maybe some back stories covered in books, I doubt there would be much left for the Serenity crew. That's where a spin off would be good.

Don't get me wrong, though. I love the two hours of Serenity, but I prefer the 11 hours or so that the Firefly eps provide. I want more! Also, sometimes I just like getting a 45 minute ep instead of vegging through a movie for 2 hours.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 11:15 AM


When you say explosion in the amount of new Browncoats you are just not kidding.

I can barely keep up with greeting new people. It's amazing. I think the Serenity DVD is a catalyst too. I think this is going to keep trending upward. Every one who sees the movie, then is led to the show, falls in love. Hard. That can only mean more box office for a 2nd film.
But I think a series would be better. On SciFi would be my choice, but the new CW would be ok, as would several other options.

We just need more Firefly!

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 11:21 AM


I love my captain

A sequel probalbly would do better.
But I would love a return to TV. The reason is that there's usually only a limited number of movies (say 3) before things start to go down hill. I'm not saying that Joss would do this but it's a lurking fear in the back of my mind. I know that TV show start to crash eventually too but just consider the the amount of time you'll have in the verse in 2 seasons on TV vs. 2 more movies.
However none of what I just said really means much (then why did I say it?) because I will welcome serenity in any medium. Any.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 11:35 AM


I, for one, missed Serenity in the theater, although I saw the trailer before Batman Begins and was interested. But I never knew when the gorram theater was actually playing it, thanks to the crappy advertising. But you damn well bet I'd be paying more attention to the sequel. Not only would I see it in the theater, but I'd go more than once, which is extremely rare for me. Only movies I've seen more than once in the theater were Jurassic Park and Fellowship of the Ring. Hell, I'd drag friends along, too.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 11:46 AM



Originally posted by StealthGuy:
I wonder though if Firefly/Serenity has a bigger following now than if it would have stayed on the air. Maybe the TV show would never have received the attention that the Serenity movie has.

On the other hand people who discover Firefly have a tendency to really like it and being on broadcast television would only have increased the number of people who could have discovered it. But as you said we never will know.


"A lot of people are asking me, you know, what exactly is Firefly? It's a tv show you morons!" - Joss Whedon


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 12:01 PM


I don't think that's unreasonable to think at all. I agree very much. I missed Firefly when it first aired since I was in school and didn't really have a lot of time to watch TV. When Serenity came out, I didn't see it in the theater (which I'm now kicking myself quite hard for ). I heard so much good stuff about it I decided to check out the show, but by the time I had time to watch all the episodes, the movie was out of the theaters.

I know the same basic thing happened to one of my friends. And I've lent the show to one of my coworkers and she and her husband would probably go see a sequel. And I'm working on a Firefly/Serenity marathon to watch all the episodes, read the comic, and watch the movie over a weekend with some of my uninitiated friends and all of them would probably go see a sequel.

Very longwinded and probably not entirely necessary, but what I guess I'm trying to say is that I'm just one person and branching out from me is at least half dozen people that would go see a sequel at least once. That's just me. I've witnessed some of the explosion here at and I think it's safe to say that there'd be thousands and thousands of cases just like mine. A sequel would definitely do far better than the original.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 12:03 PM


I agree that a sequeal would do better than the first movie. Having discovered Firefly/Serenity after the movie was released and gone from the theaters in my area, I would see a sequel more than once. And, there appear to me many many more like me.

I am a firm believer that TV is the proper medium for this story. Specifically, a continuation of the Firefly into more seasons. But, I'd take movies over nuthin'.

Let's see, nuthin' times nuthin', carry the nuthin'...

"We've done the impossible. That makes us mighty"


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 12:06 PM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

Every one who sees the movie, then is led to the show, falls in love.

Hehe; that is me, alright! :) I had never even heard of FireFly before I saw Serenity (now a good 6 weeks ago).

For some mysterious reason, though, I had already heard the name River Tam, before I saw Serenity, but I had no association with it yet (must have been a late quantum state phenomenon, letting me know, beforehand, that she was about to change my life for ever).

For me, seeing Serenity first was a good experience. Because seeing the series afterwards is like someone telling you: "Okay, now my dear, you get to see the fineprint." And a fine print it was! :)


EDIT: Oh yeah, I was supposed to say something about a sequel here (funny, I wound up talking about River again; wonder how that happened; lol).

I think the sequel would do better than the original. But I'm not sure it would be a better movie, per se. It's just really hard to imagine Summer Glau outperform herself in the sequel. She should have received an Oscar for her work in Serenity/FireFly already (but I digress, yet again!). In a way, I'm almost afraid to see something new, series or movie; I mean, how do you top this? But with Summer Glau in it, I will see it all, of course, and love it. :) Without her, I will probably pass, though.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 12:07 PM


i see the ranks really are growing! I came at the 'verse sideways (as Book said). I remember when the series premiered, saw a couple episodes but was too busy dealing with kids, divorce, job a word life, to remember when it was even on - by the time things had settled down, Firefly was gone.

So life went on, and then I saw the previews for the BDM, didn't get a chance to see it in the theaters (damn shame too - would like to see that ship on the big screen).

Then Dec '05 comes along, the movie gets released (on my b-day of all days - how cool is that? lol), I go rent it, watch it, take the dvd back to the rental store - DRIVE STRAIGHT TO BEST BUY and buy the BDM...get home and get on the web, start doing some research and find the boxed set - go BACK to the store and buy it! Watch the whole series in like a day and half and I've been hooked ever since.

Now I can't get enuff - and given a choice of a "series" of movies or a couple seasons on tv, I'd opt for the seasons - they'd be able to cover much more ground and with far more detail than a handful of movies (did anyone else notice how the Star Wars prequels seemed "rushed"). That said I'll take any and all stories related to the verse that I can get my hands on!!!

Would a second movie be more successful? I think it definitely would. And the studio could do far worse - look at some of the tripe that has managed to have multiple sequels when the first movie wasn't even any good!


"Jayne your mouth is talking, you might wanna look to that"


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 12:48 PM


Why must you people constantly provide me with hope? That only gives the executives something to crush and we all know how good they are at tearing things apart. I should just stop reading all these shiny threads, but deep down I guess I still think someday I'll log in to see "Serenifly picked up by snoozwogle network" or something like that.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 2:29 PM


C'mon Zeek, you wanna be here when that happens right. WHEN THAT HAPPENS....

I don't think it's over. I really don't. There are too many people getting exposed to the 'verse by the movie now and becoming fans. People are still snapping up the DVD's of the movie and the show. More show or movie is the only place to go with this. We just have to hold...and wait for the shiny day when that news will come. And in the meantime, we are all here having a great time and enjoying each others company. It'll do til Joss and the Captain tell us it's comin' back!

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 4:10 PM


We sniff the air, we don't kiss the dirt.

I agree, I dont think its over. It has gotten too much publicity in the past couple of years. I'm not picky: I'd love to see it come back to T.V. because, as previously mentioned, they could go into much more detail. But I'd definately settle for more big screen BDMs or straight to DVD BDMs. A new movie would probably be far more sucessful with the still rabidly swelling rabid fans (and damn proud of it!) I'm kind of suprised there arent more novels out there with the TONS of top quality fanfiction available not to mention the excellent comics Big Daddy Joss wrote.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 4:28 PM


I am 100% that a another movie or two would pull everyone in. I first saw the series about 6weeks ago when one of my daughter's friends brought it by the house. I saw the pilot and was hooked!! that was no accident nor freak of nature. I hate to compare it to the original fan bring back but if it worked for Star Trek fans it can work for us!! I think there are plenty of Browncoats out there that can write well 'nuff and love the characters so as to write them well. I myself am not a novelist but I am an avid reader and would read any fanfiction I could get my hands on. (sorry guys but I cut my teeth on Star Trek seein' as how my parents were Trekkers from waaayy back!)


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 4:30 PM


The seqel WILL be more successful because it will be the big wrap up to the ninth season cliff hanger.

I'm generally an pessimistic person, but I'm trying a new appraoch. My wife is all for optimism, and she's a well-liked person, so I thought I'd give it a go. This is my proving ground.

Remember, that but for one trifling exception, the entire universe is made up of others.- Oliver Wendall Holmes






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