If a new season starts, what will you want to see?

UPDATED: Monday, February 27, 2006 16:02
VIEWED: 11913
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Thursday, February 23, 2006 3:23 PM


I think we'd all like to see more of Firefly period. Just like I'd like there to be more Han Solo Books and I wish George would do Episodes VII. VIII and IX. Didn't like the "first" three as much as the orriginals, but I didn't think I would. I'd changed, George changed, times changed and so did technology. From 4 to 5 to 6, the technology didn't change as much as it did between the release of Episode VI and the release of Episode I. But I still re-watch them. It stimulates the imagination.

So, I just want to see more of the good stuff.

OK, came home and checked (turned on the subtitles), and the actuall quote is...

"I'd like to be the king of all Londinum and wear a shiny hat." - Mal


Thursday, February 23, 2006 4:17 PM


Simon will have to start changing - and I want to see that.

No. 1, his relationship with Kaylee will change him in some way - he may relax a little more because he knows definitively that there's always going to be someone on his side. In addition, (no slam to the guys) regular sex seems to either calm some guys down, or rile them WAY up. We don't know which way Simon will react. He could also be one of those individuals to whom the sex is secondary, but the knowledge that he has someone in his corner makes all the difference. Whether Kaylee feels exactly the same way (definition / intensity) or not, he'll feel a bit less isolated.

No. 2, he and River balanced each other out. Now that she's perceived to be a touch more capable, now that she seems to be integrating into the crew a bit better, now that the others are beginning to see her as a worthwhile addition to the crew in and of herself...Simon could decide that there's far less need for him to act as River's protector. This has pretty much been his entire reason for existence for the last year in the 'verse. It's underlied just about everything he's done. Having something that fundamental, changed that rapidly - Simon may wobble a bit before he figures out where he stands, or he may silently implode, but I don't think that he'll just be able to seamlessly make the transition. This could bring him more into conflict with Jayne, with Mal, possibly even with Inara and Kaylee if he ever feels like their treatment of River somehow undermines (or doesn't take seriously) his position as River's protector.

Mankind makes tools; we use them to augment our hands, arms and legs.
The computer augments the brain and this makes it very unpopular with totalitarians. - Charles J.C. Lyall


Thursday, February 23, 2006 4:59 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Gotta go with FollowMal on the whole Mal/Inara relationship. Them getting together and actually BEING in a relationship would be a bit... ermmm... anticlimactic for the show. We *need* that sexual tension between them - always so close to saying what they're feeling for each other, but just never the right time for it.

I'd love to see Book's past be unfolded SLOOOOOWWWWLLLY; think a 2- or 3-season arc for that one, where just the smallest hints are revealed at odd times, by any number of odd people the crew encounter on their travels. Book can keep appearing on the show in flashbacks in that way, or even in visions that River sees, or in "visions" that are really Mal imagining a conversation between them (since Book *did* seem to act as Mal's conscience - or "better angel" - a lot of the time).

It'd be nice to see Simon let go of River a little bit, as he realizes that yes, she's still screwed up, but it's now a *functional* kind of screwed up. This would allow River a little freedom to get them into new jams (and out of them as well), and it would let Simon actually become a REAL member of the crew, able to participate in, plan, and initiate heists, much like he did in "Ariel". Like Mal and Inara, though, his relationship with Kaylee would always seem to be in the wrong place at the wrong time; the big difference is, they'd actually HAVE a relationship. Or at least some sex. I'd hate to have to hear how Kaylee hadn't had nuthin' twixt her nethers weren't run on batteries. Oh, wait - I could stand to hear a little more. :)

What else? Niska, of course. There's going to be at least one more reckoning with Adlai Niska, because Mal was foolish enough to leave him alive.

Now, if only it would happen on my TV the way it does in my head, where all these people are still living out on the raggedy edge...


A baby seal walks into a club...


Thursday, February 23, 2006 5:20 PM



Originally posted by grizwald:
3. Jayne (temporarily) falls hook, line and sinker for a babe they meet in a port. The romance is a quick failure, but it makes him start thinking, in Jayne terms at least, about settling down. With someone. But he doesn't know who.

Me: Meh, not much interested in Jayne settlin' down with someone. Don't know who'd win that mercenary heart. Don't much care to find out.

JW: I'm casting you in that part, GutterBall.

Me: I'm in.

And Leebo?

Any firefly fans in the Kansas City, Missouri area?

I'm down in Joplin, and there are quite a few KC-area Browncoats that spoke up in an earlier thread posted by a guy named, aptly enough, KCBrowncoat.


Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Thursday, February 23, 2006 5:50 PM


I don't really care all that much about anything focusing on Book as I think we've pretty much got the basics figured out. We can cover his backstory in bits and pieces as our crew continues to wander around the 'Verse.

I should think that a second season would focus a lot on many folks not trusting our stalwart band after so many of their "associates" were killed. Might get a renewed rebellion interested in recruiting anybody that shook up the Alliance so much, and the odd Alliance politico who isn't going to quietly go into retirement after Mal's broadcast.

Definitely a lot of focus on Zoe of course, and River's growth into becoming a full crew member. Simon's parents might make an appearance or two and he could be very conflicted...he might be able to salvage his career now that the events of the movie are over with.

Could be interestin', that's a fact.

From the High, Snowy Mountains of Colorado


Thursday, February 23, 2006 8:33 PM


I'm a Newb, and as such have a lot to get off my chest so forgive the long post. I think some of the ramifications of the movie are being overlooked when thinking about the new series. Two things change everything:
1) the signal got out about pax/reavers
2) River is now a bona-fide tons-o-reaver ass kicking machine

1) Just a guess but the alliance will be more than just PO'd and regular folks in the verse might be pretty PO'd in the opposite direction. Maybe enough to see a whole lot of brown coats again? Isn't it possible we might get one of those Joss-patented major series turns? Wasn't the inspiration for our favorite show a book about the civil war? It would be silly to see the crew just go back to pulling heists knowing what they now know. I expect the crew would get involved in taking the fight to the Corp. somehow.

2)Now that it is clear that River is a weapon, the plots will need to take on more complexity to be believable. Mere heists aren't enough of a challenge, she's too powerful. She provides too easy a resolution to the old 'complications' via the fact she could always save the day if need be. One way to deal with this would be if she develops some ethical reason for staying out of the messes everyone else makes for themselves. This would be a mistake in my opinion because a kick-ass River would be a major draw to growing the fan base and sustaining a series.(anyone remember Buffy) Expanding the stage (no not Serenity, the scope)by putting River's abilities amidst bigger, badder foes than the backwater foes we got used to would also deal with this (refer to my first point about the makings for a war).

Would changing from running heists and committing "petty theft" to running covert missions for brown coats really be much of a stretch? Didn't you ever wonder whether quotes like "May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one" were more than character revelation/development and might be foreshadowing?

Maybe I just smell fire because I'm a pyromaniac midget.


Thursday, February 23, 2006 9:13 PM


I'd like to see what the alliance is covering up about Earth-that-was.
Seeing as that story told at Serenity's beginning by the teacher is obvious propaganda, the pressence of bluesun, the lies about miranda, and that Joss has constantly been saying that firefly is about how in the future we have the same problems as we do today...I can surmise that the ruling class of the alliance is the same power elite corporate/government pressence in control of our present day world. Earth just got "used up?" Sounds like a weather balloon story to me.
They're hiding something....and the whole verse is gonna know.

"Storms getting worse."
"We'll pass through it soon enough."


Thursday, February 23, 2006 9:17 PM



Originally posted by GutterBall:
Me: Meh, not much interested in Jayne settlin' down with someone. Don't know who'd win that mercenary heart. Don't much care to find out.

Dude....ready? Ultimate plot twist.....River.

After your immediate dismissal wait for a sec....think about....

How crazy would that be?

"Storms getting worse."
"We'll pass through it soon enough."


Thursday, February 23, 2006 9:19 PM



Originally posted by DeadlyUnpredictableMidget:

2) Now that it is clear that River is a weapon, the plots will need to take on more complexity to be believable. Mere heists aren't enough of a challenge, she's too powerful. (...) a kick-ass River would be a major draw to growing the fan base and sustaining a series. (anyone remember Buffy) Expanding the stage (no not Serenity, the scope) by putting River's abilities amidst bigger, badder foes than the backwater foes we got used to would also deal with this (refer to my first point about the makings for a war).

Personally, I'd rather not go there. When I first saw the BDM, before having seen FireFly, I thought: "Okay, this girl's got some elegant moves on her." Now, about 6 weeks later, the whole River as fighting machine, though cute to watch perhaps, is really an aspect about River I'm least interested in. As far as I'm concerned, River's vulnerability is her strength (I know, that's not a line that would do real well on that "gorram doll" Serenity poster, but I'm sure there're folks who get my full meaning). The very last thing I need, sorry to say, is a Buffy-like River, POW, POW, slaying Reavers. You know, there's a reason I never watch Buffy, and always watch River.

I hope River stays the tender person she is; strong enough for us to feel happy for her growth; but vulnerable enough to keep you realizing it was Love for his beloved mei-mei that drew Simon half the way across the galaxy, unstoppable, to rescue her. That same Love is what draws people to FireFly, and to the theatre, and to the DVD stores. Equally unstoppable.

Hmm, been up nearly 24 hours now. Need sleep. Just wanted to say something about my River.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Thursday, February 23, 2006 10:17 PM



Originally posted by asarian:
Personally, I'd rather not go there. When I first saw the BDM, before having seen FireFly, I thought: "Okay, this girl's got some elegant moves on her." Now, about 6 weeks later, the whole River as fighting machine, though cute to watch perhaps, is really an aspect about River I'm least interested in. As far as I'm concerned, River's vulnerability is her strength (I know, that's not a line that would do real well on that "gorram doll" Serenity poster, but I'm sure there're folks who get my full meaning). The very last thing I need, sorry to say, is a Buffy-like River, POW, POW, slaying Reavers. You know, there's a reason I never watch Buffy, and always watch River.

I hope River stays the tender person she is; strong enough for us to feel happy for her growth; but vulnerable enough to keep you realizing it was Love for his beloved mei-mei that drew Simon half the way across the galaxy, unstoppable, to rescue her. That same Love is what draws people to FireFly, and to the theatre, and to the DVD stores. Equally unstoppable.

Hmm, been up nearly 24 hours now. Need sleep. Just wanted to say something about my River.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam

I agree that her vulnerability was part of her appeal, though the mystery about her was as much if not more of it for me. The BDM changed both and things can't be just like they used to be. That was the point of my post. A new season's plots can't ignore the "why didn't River just kick some ass" element that can now creep in to every other situation. It will have to be dealt with somehow. I would be pretty dismayed to pretend the BDM didn't happen.

Though I don't want to see River kicking butt all the time either, I disagree a little with you here. I think it would be foolish to assume that none of the new fans spawned from the BDM would want to see River kick some butt. Personally the kick-butt with humor element PARALLELED with the tenderness is what drew me to the show, movie and DVD store. I actually lean a little more towards the kick-butt with humor myself, but hey I am more of a "free soup" kinda guy if you know what I mean.


Friday, February 24, 2006 3:32 AM


Just thinking a little about River's potential arc once the series gets back up and running...


1)We can see that River's a total badass killing machine, but is she always "on" or does she need some sort of impetus now? (You really only saw her fight twice in the BDM, once when triggered by the Fruity Oaty Bar commercial, and then later vs. the Reavers, which was fueled by that situation kind of being... desperate, to say the least.) What I mean to say is, River's got a rather multi-faceted personality, it might not be that she's totally in control of when she goes into "super-assasin" mode. (Ie, she wasn't much help against the Reavers until after Simon was shot...)Also, I think that there's a conscious attempt on Joss's part here to contrast River's normal persona with that of "assassin River."

Just because she's capable of these things doesn't mean that River's all that happy about that aspect of her. Really, she's just a bright and talented girl at heart. The combat stuff is something that the Alliance did to her, and therefore she might not exactly be embracing of that side of her. She might even be a little disturbed that she's even capable of killing. Other words, River could potentially be a "perfect weapon," but does she want to be that? Would Mal even have the heart to try and use her to that end?

2)The whole Miranda arc might have helped heal her somewhat, but I figure there's still plenty of damage in that girl. She might be more "functional" but I wonder if she's totally out of her "crazy and babbling" persona. I imagine she's still fairly unpredictable, and now that she's a little more capable and coherent, it might actually complicate matters more. Now that she's "out and about", she can actively serve to get the crew into all manner of new troubles. I imagine the Alliance is still interested in getting their little test subject back as well. (Was Miranda the only secret in River's head? I never got the feeling it was.)

You can take my hope when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers.


Friday, February 24, 2006 4:25 AM


Gutterbal, you're in Joplin, MO?? !!!! I'm in Anderson, MO just southwest of you! OMG, a fellow Browncoat close to home. I'm so excited, I'm silly!

Sorry folks, didn't mean to hijack the thread... just got excited.

On subject: to continue from above... I was intrigued by the discussion of the resurgence of the Browncoats against the Alliance. It might be that undercover smuggling and the like for an underground resurgence of the Independents would be interesting. As interesting as heists... but maybe you could throw a couple of heists in there for the crew to have extra. So many possibilities.... oh, why oh why isn't this show on my tv this week!

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Friday, February 24, 2006 4:45 AM


If I can hijack the thread now, I'd like to direct those who might be interested to, a Virtual Firefly project by some Browncoats dedicated to continuing the series. We finished out season one with seven "new episodes" in script format and will be continuing on to season two later this spring.

We're trying our best to remaing true to Whedon's vision and style, and hope the audience enjoys.

Keep flying! "Here's how it might have been..."


Friday, February 24, 2006 2:00 PM



Originally posted by FollowMal:
Gutterbal, you're in Joplin, MO?? !!!! I'm in Anderson, MO just southwest of you! OMG, a fellow Browncoat close to home. I'm so excited, I'm silly!

WOW! And here I was just complaining that the nearest Browncoats were nearly three hours away in KC!

I've been through Anderson like twenty times. How bizarro is that??


Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Friday, February 24, 2006 2:36 PM


Way bizarro! I am so glad that you are out there close to me. It's so nice to know that a fellow Browncoat is right there.

When the BDSequel comes out we will have to meet and make a shindig of it! I always go up to the cinema by the Northpark Mall and see movies I want to see badly. Best theater, best seating and sound.

I hope we run into more Browncoats from this area online. It would be great!

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Friday, February 24, 2006 3:01 PM



Originally posted by FollowMal:
When the BDSequel comes out we will have to meet and make a shindig of it!

Absolutely! We gotta PACK that place!

When I saw the BDM there, the theater was pretty full, but not PACKED. I'm thinkin' that, with a little bit of plannin', we can ROCK that bee-yotch!


I always go up to the cinema by the Northpark Mall and see movies I want to see badly. Best theater, best seating and sound.

Heh, not that there's much to choose from in this neck-o-the-woods, but hey! It does have really good sound, and I love the stadium seating.

On topic, I've been toying with the idea of a fanfiction involving just that scenario -- that the broadwave about Miranda stirred up the latent anti-Alliance hostility and that the Browncoats rose up again. My twist, though, was that neither Mal nor Zoe had signed up yet. And didn't necessarily intend to.

I have a few pages written, but I got shelaleighed by an original book idea and haven't written on the fanfic all week.

*sheepish* Plus, there's the knowledge that I've never written a fanfic in this 'Verse before and have no clue if anyone would even read it. Heh.


Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Friday, February 24, 2006 3:20 PM


GWEK -- I LOVED those episodes -- THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I never thought I'd get another "old school" Firefly fix, and there it was. Very nicely done -- a seamless transition!

Oh, there ain't no words in the 'verse that can say how nice it was to stay up way too late reading 'em all.


Now, as to post-BDM... I dunno. The one thing I *don't* want to see is "Buffy Part II." Buffy is Buffy. Firefly is Firely. Both have their own personality, and well... mixing it like that seems like it'd just muddy 'em both up.

So for that reason, I really REALLY don't want to see "SuperRiver" who can fly better'n Wash, fight better'n Jayne, so forth and so on. It makes too many other characters pointless, and kills so much of the mutual interdepence that makes the dynamic work.

And yet, for someone for whom everything comes "as naturally as breathing" it's hard to believe she'd be otherwise. Thus, if we MUST be post-BDM I think we need to loose River, or at least her "super-powers." Whether that means a relapse into crazy-town (Objects in Space with the "River-Eye-View" segments has got to be one of, if not my very, favorite episodes), passing her off to some Obi-Wan Kenobi type mentor to whisk her off to her own adventures offscreen, or (horrors!) kill her off... something needs to resolve that.

Actually, having her dissappear and have the crew try to find her/get her back would make a nice story arc, while keeping the Super-River problem from resurfacing.

Personally, I just want to see more great Joss dialog and more of the 'verse.

edit.. oh yeah.. and some nekkid Jayne. Yum! :)


Friday, February 24, 2006 3:30 PM


Gutterball -

Ok, WHEN the sequel comes out, I'll be there and we'll bring a lot of folks with us!

You know, we were probably at the BDM at the same time and didn't even know it... damn it's a small world.

And I love your fanfic idea... write it and I'll read it! I'd love to!

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Friday, February 24, 2006 3:56 PM



Originally posted by FollowMal:
Ok, WHEN the sequel comes out, I'll be there and we'll bring a lot of folks with us!



You know, we were probably at the BDM at the same time and didn't even know it... damn it's a small world.

Heh, I have no doubt. I think we went opening weekend, but I'm not sure. I do remember that we had to sit in an unusual place (we went often enough to have favorite seats, ya know) because the place was seriously pretty full.

Funny thing about that: I had NO idea what I was getting into. I'd only heard of Firefly by my friends saying, "Hey, this movie we're watching tonight used to be a TV show". *facepalm*

However, if I'd known what I was getting into...I'd have shown up early! Bwahah!


And I love your fanfic idea... write it and I'll read it! I'd love to!

Aww...nice to say, but for all you know, I write like a talented mongoloid. *snerk*

It'll take me a while, anyway, thanks to this book idea. I cranked out 4 chapters (almost 20 pages) in just under 4 hours on the new idea one night, so it's pretty much taken precedence.

However, if/when I get the book finished and polished enough to hopefully send off, I'll definitely harken back to the fanfiction. It kinda burns in me, demands to be told....

*grin* Kinda like the REST of the story....


Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Friday, February 24, 2006 4:02 PM


I tell you what I wouldn't want to see.

Someone I like on the crew getting a puppy as a present. Cause we know they're goners for sure.

"It always had your name on it, I was just carrying it for you."


Friday, February 24, 2006 4:12 PM



Originally posted by StarSong:
GWEK -- I LOVED those episodes -- THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I never thought I'd get another "old school" Firefly fix, and there it was. Very nicely done -- a seamless transition!

Oh, there ain't no words in the 'verse that can say how nice it was to stay up way too late reading 'em all.


Now, as to post-BDM... I dunno. The one thing I *don't* want to see is "Buffy Part II." Buffy is Buffy. Firefly is Firely. Both have their own personality, and well... mixing it like that seems like it'd just muddy 'em both up.

So for that reason, I really REALLY don't want to see "SuperRiver" who can fly better'n Wash, fight better'n Jayne, so forth and so on. It makes too many other characters pointless, and kills so much of the mutual interdepence that makes the dynamic work.

And yet, for someone for whom everything comes "as naturally as breathing" it's hard to believe she'd be otherwise. Thus, if we MUST be post-BDM I think we need to loose River, or at least her "super-powers." Whether that means a relapse into crazy-town (Objects in Space with the "River-Eye-View" segments has got to be one of, if not my very, favorite episodes), passing her off to some Obi-Wan Kenobi type mentor to whisk her off to her own adventures offscreen, or (horrors!) kill her off... something needs to resolve that.

Actually, having her dissappear and have the crew try to find her/get her back would make a nice story arc, while keeping the Super-River problem from resurfacing.

Personally, I just want to see more great Joss dialog and more of the 'verse.

edit.. oh yeah.. and some nekkid Jayne. Yum! :)

You get me, you really get me.
The "SuperRiver" issue is exactly what I was talking about. I was never in favor of River kicking continuous butt. I am also not in favor of her never kicking butt again; it would make a lot of the backstory that has been revealed just as pointless as a "SuperRiver" would make other characters. It is an interesting twist that will have to be dealt with and I will want to see how it is done. Going back to being crazy is too convenient a solution. Having her disappear with the crew trying to find her has potential, but it isn't a long term enough solution to deal with the issue for multiple seasons.


Monday, February 27, 2006 4:02 PM


now about mal and inara, me done some thinking. yes i think and yeh i love watching m&i fight it's classic. but say the did make another season and another they would have to end sometime and when they do mal and inara should get together then i'd be happy,i can wait that long i think. as long as kaylee and simon don't break up cause dat would be rather foolish.
that suggestion that they should become the new married couple is great.

Simon: Can you move your feet? Kaylee. Stay with me. Can you move your feet?
Kaylee: Are you asking me to dance...?






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