Getting Book Published

UPDATED: Thursday, March 16, 2006 18:43
VIEWED: 22636
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Saturday, February 11, 2006 7:34 AM



Originally posted by queenofthenorth:
By the way, I've read the Silmarillion and agree with you about it being a painfully unreadable book.

Yes, I agree too that the Silmarillion is difficult to get through, but keep in mind that this book Tolkien never wanted to publish...never had plans to. They were his notes about his world. Those careful notes that he kept about bloodlines, laws of society, lineage, lands, etc. After Tolkien died, his son decided to publish these notes in book form. There are many people that don't quite understand the Silmarillion, and therefore don't enjoy it because they go into it thinking it's a novel; it is not. But once you understand what it is your are reading, then the world of Middle Earth begins to make more sense and you begin to form an even better picture of this realm in your imagination. It gives you a window to look through into the mind of Tolkien.


"Ten percent of nuthin' is...let me do the math here...nuthin' into nuthin'...carry the nuthin'"


Saturday, February 11, 2006 12:34 PM



You're off the hook. Ahh if only you had heeded my warning that I was a merciless prick. Or if only you had a skin thick enough to withstand my withering opinions. You should maybe go read some Nietsche and become artistically twisted and brooding like me. Or not.

Such a pity.


When I was a kid, I spent my summers overseas. I was isolated and had to find things to occupy my mind. When I wasn't climbing of rooftops and fountains and playing soccer (or "football" if you're a toothless englishmen who enjoys rioting when your team loses). I soccer'd my ass off in the streets with the dirty european kids from lots of different cities. When they began to bore me (and they always did), I went in search of literature. I I crept around those their streets like a ninja searching the kiosks for reading material in my native language (pig latin). All I found were Conan comics. Beautifully drawn picture-books of a monstrous muscular dude with a sword who hacked apart anything and everything that moved. Spend enough time with Europeans and you'll start having homicidal fantasies like you find in those comics.

I crept around the city-streets of Europe buying English-language Conan comics from kiosks. I was like a ninja in seach of literature I could read (king's english). It's not easy being a ninja. It's even harder being a master of the nunchuks who was orphaned into slavery and had to fight and endless stream of karate-warriors to the death in the gladiatorial slave-pits of the tibettan underground (tibet is well-known for it's underground gladiator pitfighting ~ a story I'll save for some later date).

Eventually I returned back to the uncivilized world and my love-affair with REH's literary works (his actual novels, not the comics) began. I read all I could find and I could never get enough. And then...

The movie. Best movie I've ever seen...

You've never read REH Psolaris. I just know it. Or if you did the magic of it was lost on you. You should go back and reread it since it was ALL written before Tolkien ever became the cult hero of literature he is today. He would have been forgotten completely if it hadn't been for Led Zeppelin and Gary Gygax.

I reprint a link with his public domain works if you are feeling gutsy...
(you have rolled the sacred dice back in ye days of olde, so I know you are)
(or you better be)

Start with the Conan books if you dare. This link is nothing but Conan unfortunately. They were his best works anyhow. Great literature. It inspired great comics, and then the movies... well... movies need sum 'splainin...

I suggest watching the 1st movie with the austrian meathead. Ignore any pseudo-REH fans who hate it. They have no clue what they are talking about. But feel free to hate the 2nd movie with a ferocity a thousand times more terrible than the sun exploding. John Milius got blacklisted from hollywood before he could ever make the sequels. He gave us the greatest work of cinematic and operatic art ever and then was forced to be nothing. Consequently, the REH storylines became Sorbo-esque fodder for the whores and hacks that jealously despise true talents like Milius. Great men are always driven underground and persecuted in their time. Milius was one of them. And yes I know he's a right-wing kook and gun nut. So fuckin what? He's got art in his soul.

John Milius's "Conan the Barbarian" was the greatest and most powerful opera in the whole of human history. Yes it was an opera. It was brilliantly filmed and Basil Poledouris' music was greater than any Wagner-ian symphony ever written.

It was opera. In general I hate "opera". Fat viking chicks and dudes in leotards screeching for a bunch of wealthy fuckin mummies who are "cultured". I hate those types of people and their sort of "opera". Milius's conan was my first and last taste of opera. But in this case I could never love anything crafted by the hands of men or gods from now till the end of time more than I loved that work of art. It stands out as the single-best piece of silver screen cinema ever made. I fuckin love that movie. I would rather be stranded on a desert island with a TV, a VCR, and nothing else but that tape for 10 years than be stuck there with a plane-load of nympho super-models.

Ok lemme ammend that. Make it 7 days. And make the super-models genetic clones of my Junior High School lesbian gym teacher who never shaved her mustache. That's more realistic.

culture fascists who are know-it-alls claim opera is classical music set to plays. I say it's the other way around. Plays are written around classical music that inspires deep imagery in the imaginations of playwrights. But I dunno... I'm an ingorant savage and they are cultured peoples, elite aristocrats who love to shout down people as being either (1) other elite aristocrats or (2) ignorant savages. I prefer to be categorized in the latter cuz I can love their precious world of art in my own way (free from their pompous self-importance), and I don't have to engage them in pissing wars over who is the smarter aristocrat (buncha fuckin divas every last one of them).

I'll debate you on the finer points of shit later. I've exhausted myself before I could finish. Not easy when you are royalty like me.

XG ~ savage aristocrat

No such thing as mustard. Could you pass the grey poupon?


Saturday, February 11, 2006 1:32 PM


btw... I think it's time we take our debate to private channels.

Queeny has dogged me and thinks I'm just an ass who is out to shred her to pieces.

If you have anything to say to me Psolaris then PM me. The invitation is extended.


and if I'm wrong then she better fall to her knees and apologize for her many assaults against me. I'm the tyrant who wanted to terrorize her into being nothing. Oh such a monster am I.

I'm free! I'm free! I can be done with this thread... why? Because I'm free!!


Saturday, February 11, 2006 3:02 PM


On a more positive note, I just ordered your book, Queen. I ordered before but had to cancel. $$ is a little tight right now. I am upgrading my laptop. But this time, I will not cancel.

Can't wait to read it from your excert it sounds interesting. I am paying $3.99 for shipping on amazon. Isn't that kind of expensive for 1 book? Anywhoo, I will probably receive it in the next couple of days. Hope things are going well and don't be discouraged.


Monday, February 13, 2006 5:40 AM


Wow, looks like I've missed a few posts here.

Psolaris: Yeah, no one told me it wasn't meant to be read as a novel. That might have helped. I still think he's a great writer though.

XG: Wow, I didn't even think I was attacking you and you're already washing out on me? That's really quite disappointing. Oh well. As you said, you're free to leave at any time.

Harshcritic: Thanks for buying my book! I really appreciate the support. I hope you enjoy it, though it's obviously no masterpiece.

"I'm having one of those things - a headache with pictures."

"Of course I'm right. And if I'm not, may we all be horribly crushed from above somehow."

Like books? Go to this thread:
to find out how to buy mine!


Monday, February 13, 2006 6:56 AM


Well, congratulations, Queen! My money is a little (okay, "very") tight right now, so I won't be partaking of it at current, but it's always good to see someone complete a creative work.

Hopefully, you'll get some useful criticism from those here reading your book, that will help you grow as a writer. You're obviously not ready to have your book put alongside those of the authors that are being discussed here -- by Psolaris and REH's Mom -- but you have to start somewhere...

It's good to see that you're taking the attention whore's comments in stride. It can be hard not to take stuff personally, even when it's as comically written as XG's doing it. ("READ REH! REH ROOLZ! TOLKIEN SUX! YOU SUCK!") Very informative...

/sigh... "I cannot abide useless people."


Monday, February 13, 2006 8:46 AM



I'm washing out on you? You're the one who went on a fishing expedition for the allmighty pity party. You got truth from me and you didn't like it. You lashed out (even though I warned you that you would'nt like what I had to say), and then you attempt to belittle me with your psycho-babbling nonsense about why I say what I say.

You got what you asked for, you didn't like it, and when you couldn't stand the heat you shrieked and howled at the fireplace blaming it for all your ills. I've gone to great lengths to try and make you a better writer (cuz frankly, you just suck as it is for now).

You want to write, then go back and read, re-read, and re-read as many times as it takes. You need to writ shit that is interesting. Period.

What you are writing now is hogwash.. if I were clutching my mana power-crystals and hugging trees, and worshipping new-age goddesses your writing would be interesting to me. But I ain't. so It isn't.

You're the 100-millionth gutless wonder of the world. You should crack open a few history books before you ever dare invent fantasy worlds. How can you ever make interesting history if you are blessedly ignorant of the history of the world you live in? And you are. I can see that much.


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Monday, February 13, 2006 9:09 AM


Hey Whammy:

I would love to read that post... you went ignored till now but please post a link.

I'm curious to see what manner of lunatic babbling minds like yours and your ilk are posting here. Please... enlighten me.

I take great pleasure in seeing madmen howl and I'm not about to dig through these forums looking for that thread.



Monday, February 13, 2006 12:07 PM


XG, I don't know how many times I have to explain to you that I'm not lashing out. You haven't seen me begin to get angry yet. I knew you were going to say exactly what you said. You haven't said anything that I didn't already think of. So, in short, I was fine with what you said and I didn't/haven't "lashed out" at you. If I was mad or lashing out at you, it would involve a lot more swear words and insults, believe me.

You keep trying to speak for me like you know exactly what I'm thinking/feeling. 'Fraid you quite simply don't.

Would it help if I said that I accepted what you said in bold, capitalized sentences? Would you believe me then? Or would it require a few paragraphs of me swearing and insulting you incoherently? Ahh, whatever. I'm obviously wasting my time. You're just going to skim through this post and come back with another long-winded, "you didn't like what I said" post, so you can continue to feel like you're some kind of bad-ass truth giver.

"I'm having one of those things - a headache with pictures."

"Of course I'm right. And if I'm not, may we all be horribly crushed from above somehow."

Like books? Go to this thread:
to find out how to buy mine!


Monday, February 13, 2006 8:02 PM


Hey Queen, just wanted to let ya know that the book came in and picked it up today. So will start reading it and give ya my opinion when I get back from my trip.

XG, Like I said when I say I do something, you can expect I damn well will do it. Not to mention it was kinda sad to write me off a week after asking me to support Queen here. Give me a couple weeks at least next time before trying to rip in okay. anyways my 2 cents on that.

Everyone else hang in there, have a wonderful week and will try and pop back in when I get a chance. mochiron minna san wa kaze o hika nai de kudasai. mata, Ookami yori

Surren boys and girls try dancen when your opponent is trying to spill your blood w/ two blades and you got only one!!!


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 3:54 AM



In ancient Greece, when marathon slaves (runners) brought bad news, they were slain. It was a religious rite. Greeks were a supersitious oracle-type people who always knew what the doomed slaves were going to say. Why didn't our 500 men manage to slay the 40,000 troops of this or that country?

Good news, you live. Bad news, you die. That's how lies start. If I ran 1/2-way across the country to tell them a war was lost, they'd be hearing me tell shitloads of lies as I schemed to escape the sword.

I'm not gonna argue with you. If you can't handle what I have to say about your writing, you are'nt meant to write.

Do you think any editor at a major publishing house is going to publish your manuscripts because you're a nice person?

They are cruel, ruthless pricks (like me)... it's a business. You've either got talent or you don't.

You might have potential but who knows? You can't handle criticism so you'll always sabotage yourself. Self-defeating horseshit (it's called "hubris").

I have tried to push you in a positive direction by being honest and you are too chicken-shit to hear it. Wait till you actually learn to write well enough to pique the interest of publishers. You'll be blacklisted with this kind of attitude.

But hey, I'm just an ass who gets his kicks out of insulting you and scheming up new psychological plots about how I can torment you.

I should have known you'd see through the facade of my diabolical plot.


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.

and PS ~

good job Oooka-whatsyername


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 5:28 AM


Cool, Ooka, thanks. Hope you enjoy the book.

See, XG, I knew it. You just came back and said the exact same thing you've said about four times now. Let me put it here again: YOU DIDN'T UPSET/ANGER ME. I ACCEPTED YOUR WORDS. Let me also put why the things you've had to say recently can't be construed as helpful criticism designed to help me better myself.

You said my book sucks. Compared to what? Tolkien and REH? Well of course it would. They're masters of the genre with decades of experience. You compare my book to some romance novels, say, and I probably come out looking like the master. That's not remotely helpful to me, therefore.

You said you hate my book. Yeah, so? That's your opinion. You hate Tolkien's LOTR, which is widely regarded as one of the best masterpieces of all time. Not to mention every other person who's read my book so far liked it. So you can see how that's not helpful to me. Besides, some people are going to hate my book even if I am the best writer out there.

You said my characters were wooden and uninteresting. Compared to which characters? Why were they uninteresting? What can I do to make them interesting? Again, not helpful to me.

You said I should read REH's works. Okay, that might be helpful and a good piece of advice. But what do you want me to do? Become another REH carbon copy?

The things you had to say earlier were actual helpful criticism, like I needed more narrative and the pace of my book was too fast. This stuff was helpful, and I'm working on it in my new book. The stuff you've had to say lately, though, cannot be construed as helpful criticism, as I pointed out above. It just sounds like you mouthing off in a (futile) attempt to piss me off. But, again, I don't know why I'm bothering to be logical. If you do respond, you'll probably just repeat yourself again.

Edited to add: You mentioned editors. Do you honestly think editors are going to go, "I hate it. It sucks. There, you know what the problems are. Go fix it." Really don't think so. They're going to say stuff like you were saying before, that it needs more narrative, etc. Because that's actual criticism.

But yeah, you're just going to go, "Oh, you can't handle what I have to say" again. Really, I ask you, what would actually convince you that I have handled it? If I swore at and insulted you? If I raged/cried or said I was giving up writing because I'm not good enough? Really, tell me.

"I'm having one of those things - a headache with pictures."

"Of course I'm right. And if I'm not, may we all be horribly crushed from above somehow."

Like books? Go to this thread:
to find out how to buy mine!


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 1:44 PM



Ahh yes. I've said the exact same thing a 4th time in a row. Because each time I point out what your doing, you do it again. And you pretend you aren't doing it.

They say ignorance is bliss. What does one call fabricated ignorance? I call it lying.

When I point it out, you deny it. Then you do it all over again. Rinse and repeat.

PS to the above:

yes you're lie'ng your ass off. (I've never been quite able to figure out how to properly spell the many variations of LIE (i.e. ~ deception)...

Conjugal wordsmanship ain't my strongpoint, and the favored word for everyday deception has too many forms)

You weren't hurt? You weren't angry? Ya ya sure sure.

I said your books sucks. You ask compared to what? ...good literature.

I called your writing mechanical and dull... (I'll explain it through generalities)

Your writing:

Chick-with-sword has blonde hair, a round face and blue eyes. She is beautiful and all the boys in her village are attracted to her. She dresses in blue cloaks and red tunics.

That's how you write more or less. If you gave a shit about what you wrote, you'd describe Chick-with-sword like this...


She was a mortal beauty not of this earth. Her face was sculpted by the gods into gently curving slopes, an oval with two seductively piercing eyes that burned and dazzled like diamonds in the moonlight. She had wet, glistening red lips like rubies, turquoise-blue eyes that sparkled like diamonds, and was clad in a a sky-blue cloak. Her silky-blonde hair flowed in billowing puffs of foam. Wherever she went, her silken crimson-dyed skirt clung tightly to the curves of her body driving men wild. None could look upon her without feeling they'd been struck with a fork of lightning sent by the gods of Valhalla. etc. etc. etc.

Ok that's tacky but it's for the sake of example (and spur of the moment). If I had mentioned "quivering love-purse" or "pulsating man-root", it would be a Harlequin romance novel with a cover that is a Frazetta rip-off, starring Fabio ("I can't believe it's not butter!") and a Misses "nearly naked bimbo-of-the-month."

...bottom line... you need a little metaphor in your life. May I suggest you seal yourself in a vault like some hermit and read poetry for the next 2 years?


Fabio's nose is a lethal weapon. It slays "amusement park" gulls by the dozen.


Thursday, February 16, 2006 5:31 AM


Well, as I can see, you ignored the most pertinent parts of my post again and repeated yourself again. I forgot that, having the access to my brain that you do, you automatically know what I'm thinking and feeling. Silly me, of course you do. I keep asking what it would take to convince you that I have accepted what you said, but you keep ignoring it and speaking for me, stating your opinion as fact.

In short, I've grown bored of going around in circles with you. So I'm out of this thread and this discussion with you. If you want to have a discussion about something else in another thread, I'm fine with that. But I'm done with this one. You can continue chasing your tail in circles if you like. I'm leaving. If anyone besides XG has anything to say to me, I'll come back and talk to them.

And I know you're only going to go, "oh, this means I was right all along, blah blah blah" but whatever. I really don't care. I could do both sides of this discussion myself now, you've become so predictable. And I'm even going to restrain myself from posting all the flaws in your last argument. Monumental feat, that. So, in conclusion, I'm out.

"I'm having one of those things - a headache with pictures."

"Of course I'm right. And if I'm not, may we all be horribly crushed from above somehow."

Like books? Go to this thread:
to find out how to buy mine!


Friday, February 17, 2006 9:53 AM


Okie dokie pokey. You're out of this thread.

Fair enough. I didn't want to be here in the first place yet here I am.

You're bored and I'm agonized. I be honest with you and you attack attack attack. That's why you're an amateur, it's why you'll always be an amateur. Kill the messenger.

And yes, I will come back and read your next psycho-analysis of me... I'm chasing my "tail."

Go back to the thread where everyone loves you and says nothing but nice thing (yet never buys your book). That's where you belong.



Sunday, February 19, 2006 7:35 AM



I'm never one to just bow out. Not like this anyhow.

How is life in the land of happy reviews? I took a scalpel to your book and foresaw what would come next. You lacked talent as a writer and if I said anything else to that effect I would have to listen to you attack me ad nauseum. I tried to duck out but you came looking for me, and when you got what you sought you decided to (1) run away, and (2) attack your critic. Ahh artists always have to blame the critics. Just like ancient Greeks have to kill the messenger.

I'm an asshole who hates women, I'm rascist, I'm bigoted... (don't say so but imply it)... It's rascism, man-ism, macho-ism, elitism... I'm guilty of a whole slieu of -ism's. I'm just a masogynistic dawg who gets pleasure from ripping your work apart in the greater glory of trying to drive you from the world of art.

You've said it over and over, and alas you were just too correct. (allow me to itemize your pyscho-analysis of me):

I'm angry at the world.
I'm... uhh... I enjoy stirring up trouble with other people (for the sake of arguing)
Uhh.. what else? There's all kinds of accusations tied up in everything you've said about me.
I'm just looking for trouble, point blank. You figured me out, smart as you are.

And Haken isa apparently on your side; he deletes my posts and gladly buries threads when they become cumbersome "troll" fodder. Well.. not alwys delete so much as just manipulate where they appear. I'm such a troll. He should come forward and defend my accusations if he's actually monitoring this thread but why bother?

Psolaris has done what I always knew what she would do. She drew me out to argue with you and now she's ran away. Or has she? I think I kicked her "sacred cow'", Tolkien, in the nuts and challenged her frozen brain to think. How dare I?!?!!

Tolkien is truly original, and an indisputable champion of norse mythology. Oh yeah, you bet your ass he is! Never mind that REH took Norse mythos out of the dark-ages and wrote his works around it (from 1932 to 1936 when he killed himself, a full year before "The Hobbit" got published by the Oxford professor).

Tolkien was first. REH was nothing. At best, it was a coincidence that Tokien's take of Nordic mythos "resembled" REH; although REH's heroes were alot darker than Tolkien's barrel-chested, hairy-footed, home-body hobbits). Tolkien-istas always are know-it-alls (like Psolaris). Challenge them and they ignore you. Their intellects are beyond questioning. After all, Peter Jackson made a trillion-dollar set of films around those books, hollywood loves him, and hollywood knows best.

Howard tamed the darkness of norse mythos and made it acceptable to domesticated readers of "great literature". And he was truly "original", even though his work was fraught with a touch of the ancient world (slavery, murder, rapine, all the taboo things that come from the past). He gave us the embodiment of Rousseau's "noble savage" (sword-in-hand).

Tolkien took that genre and made it acceptable to "civilized" peoples. He was original. Except for when he wrote the (beginning) of "The Hobbit" ~ where we all got a true taste of his writing style, and then later had to digest his "trilogy," a sequel to his copycat works of "The Hobbit".

...and PS to Psolaris: "Silmarillion" was written because Tolkien's scratchy maps didn't make the boring references of his work understandable... it was written because nobody could understand his writing. He always referenced faraway lands and kingdoms that he never bothered explaining in his books. He had to elaborate later. But hey, you're an authority on the subject so you know best. You debate me on Tokien versus REH when I've read both and you have apparently only read Tolkien. You would see for yourself if you'd bother to read REH.

Where was I? Ahh Tolkien and his works...

We got a double-dose of his writing style in and it was definately not REH-copycat crap like "The Hobbit" was... (OH DEFINATELY NOT! ABSOLUTELY NOT! OH SHIT I'M USING "CAPs" AGAIN, PLEASE PSOLARIS DON'T FORGET TO MENTION MY USE OF THEM WHILE YOU POINT OUT HOW I'M JUST LOOKING FOR ATTENTION).

It was Tolkien being Tolkien.

You are never going to be a great writer. You are too chickenshit. You have no heart, and you can't handle criticism. BUT, people like Psolaris will be there to pick up the pieces, give you comfort, and tell you what a marvelous talent you are and will be. Shmooze-factor 7.9 on the ass-kiss scale.

XG ~ defiant to the last.

No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.

here comes Queeny to tell me to just go away. Shoo you silly trouble-making bastard.


Sunday, February 19, 2006 9:58 AM


You're becoming so predictable it's boring.

You PM'd me telling me that I ran, and I PM'd you right back with what was going on in my life. I have already told you that Queeny and I have been emailing each other personally with the creative criticism (perhaps you should look that term up in the dictionary) that she asked for. I did exactly what I promised to do. I told her what worked, and what didn't work, and what I liked and didn't like. And I am giving her the respect she deserves for following her dream. She wants to be a writer, and what better way than to get something out there and ask for feedback, take in the feedback, and try again. You continue to say the same thing over, and over, and over about how much you didn't like her book and she's said to you every time that she has no problem with that, and that she's asking for creative and constructive criticsm to help her improve her skills. She's handled criticism very well actually, she's just tired of people that have a one track mind and can't say much else.

In case you didn't read the PM I sent you, lemme reiterate. You once told me that I shouldn't give up on my dream when I told you I had worked for a small film company here in my hometown. And in reply I told you I hadn't and that I continue to network and get my name out there. I'm in the process of running two shows at the moment so I've been away recently. I've been asked to use my know how in the theatre and film arts. So excuse fucking me for having a life that doesn't revolve around conversation with you. I'm not running anywhere. I'm living my dream.

You've either A) read my PM back to you and are ignoring it because it proves you wrong or B) haven't read it yet which I don't believe because you seem to get on your computer all the time since you're on here all the freaking time.

Go back and read that PM again. And do exactly what I told you to it. You accused me of being a shit starter...however I'm not the one calling attention to myself am I? I'm not the one talking in circles. I'm not the one trying to prove what superior brain power I have over everyone else by accusing them of having a frozen intellect. I don't need to prove anything to you, I have better things to use my time and energy on.

I don't care that you hate Tolkien. Whatever. It's your taste and opinion on the matter. I've already given my take on things, even had some proof to back me up, but I said before I'm not here to argue who's a better writer than whom...that is an arguement that would go around in circles. So unless you have actual proof of the fact that REH had a hand in Tolkien's work..........

Now I'm sure you'll have something to say to this, like "See, I knew you'd back down" or "see I knew you'd say I'd call attention...." blah blah blah...accusations thrown here and accusations thrown there. I was willing to have constructive conversation with you. I love long conversations that make me think...and I enjoy seeing things from a different perspective and thinking outside my box...I do it all the time. Hell, ask anyone that knows me best. But this is not productive anymore and is becoming more and more juvenile.

Go one XG, throw out yet another juvenile accusation to either one of us as's getting old.


"Ten percent of nuthin' is...let me do the math here...nuthin' into nuthin'...carry the nuthin'"


Monday, February 20, 2006 3:00 AM


I NEVER <-- note: caps: I "NEVER" received a response (PM) from you. If I had, perhaps this conversation would be different. But newp. No such thing ever occured on my end.

I got attacked, again and again, and when I sought to defend myself (even after being called a "dessicated abortion", I got censored and my post was deleted).


perhaps you sent one, but I never received it.

but then Haken feels fit to delete my posts (ahh you just gotta love free speech) (and no this does'nt mean I would ever be nice about my take on your writing Queeny.. I'm still a prick!)


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 3:11 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


XG ~ defiant to the last.

XG, do you know what your sin is?


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 7:26 AM


Here is my novel, available for free on the following link

It's fantasy, romance, a bit of adventure... Please do me the honour of reading it and giving me feedback!


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 10:38 AM



No dude. Please. Tell me what my major sin is. I'm so fucking infested with sin that the people who define the word at the dictionary companies will have to rewrite the defintion of it. My heaven is to be slithering around in a mud pit full of naked nympho-women who where ex-porn queens kicked out of heaven. Beat my naked ass with whips, call me all kinds of names, just lemme slither around nekkid with you in the slime.

Please tell me my #1 sin.. I can't escape the mystique of a 1-liner question... what's my major sin? Can you sum it up in 1 word or 1 sentence?


Hell is probably a strip-club with go-go cages in every corner and a bar filled with decent booze. Satan is a barfly who fills your ear with nonsense. I'll buy that crazy fucker a shot of tequila and go tuck a few dollar bills down the G-strings of the strippers (as long as I get laid or at least get a lap dance). Woot N' shit.

Beats the hell out of a heaven full of endless clouds filled with chocolate-cake and happy-times.


oh ROAR n shit!


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 12:13 PM



Originally posted by Brighit:
Here is my novel, available for free on the following link

It's fantasy, romance, a bit of adventure... Please do me the honour of reading it and giving me feedback!

If you were asking me, I would be happy to read it and give you feedback. Although you may be better than me to begin with, I don't know. But anyway, it sounds like the kind of book I would love to read either way.

"I'm having one of those things - a headache with pictures."

"Of course I'm right. And if I'm not, may we all be horribly crushed from above somehow."

Like books? Go to this thread:
to find out how to buy mine!


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 6:34 PM


I wasnt asking anyone in particular, just doing a bit of publicity. Thanks anyway, thought!


Thursday, February 23, 2006 3:32 AM


Hey Queeny... I thought my abrasive posting-style had officially hijacked this thread and made it radioactive... well?

You announced you were off to better things and yet here you are posting in this thread (oh wait, when I'm critical it's an avant-garde coup against the monster who is out to stop your book from being sold... ya oh ya I forgot about that... never let critics get in you way).

If you had (1) the heart, and/or (2) the soul of an author, you'd tell that mercenary piece of shit to go fuck himself and peddle his trash elsewhere. But you don't, so you won't.

You are none of the above (and neither is he). Cry and whine for me again about how you're not being published. The above should be a lesson to you. **time to go hug&cuddle** with Psolaris. He's a brute monster who is just a meany-weanie. Poop on him. Shoo! Go away XG you meanie!

I guess KPO ain't gonna indulge me with his 1-word answer to the question he posed. Ahh his sagely wisdom is an immortal treasure for the ages...

XG (middle-finger fully extended)

No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Friday, February 24, 2006 1:19 PM


Let's see here...Reading this thread is somewhat entertaining but to keep my bum intact I am not going to do be a 'prick.'

First of all: Queeny, I comend you for living out your dream. Being a high school sophmore filled with dreams that will at minimum lessen when I hit the even infamous 'real world.' I hope the sales are doing well as I know that starving artists and writers everywhere are being neglected. Being, as mentioned before, a mere high school student, I don't know if I'd be actually able to buy your book as I do not have much money. But it looks interesting, and if I can, I'll get my grubby little hands on it. I've written a good number of things myself, so I know some things about constructive criticism and the like so when/if I can get my hands on it I'll be sure to mentioned the minor grips that I genally just look over.

XG: From my view point, she really has accepted that you hated her novel. I guess maybe you interpreted her questions when she said things like: "You said it was horrible. Compared to what?" as sarcasim. I can see how this could happen, it did kind of look like it. But I think she was sincere and I'm not going to go into any speculation about anybody's motives because I have a tendency to be wrong. I'll just say that I think you should mentioned specific points that you didn't like to help make her a better writer.


Friday, February 24, 2006 7:56 PM


This is so silly. There are so many distrubed people who like to pick fights on the internet. Get a life already!

Queeny, recently I received your book in the mail. I have not started reading it yet. I'll get to it soon. Right now, I am so stressed right now trying to write my own stuff. That is why I respect you and what you are doing... living out your dream. That takes courage. No matter how hard it is, I'll bet you are much happier than a lot of other people out here.


Saturday, February 25, 2006 5:13 AM



I can add your "distrubed" statement to my column of labels. It's not easy playing the role of a villain... the paperwork associated with just keeping track of all the titles attributed to you could make an accountant lose his marbles.

I can just see you now dude... climbing the tower with a rose in your teeth, intent on slaying the dragon and rescuing the princess (or should I say "Queeny"?).

"Tally-ho, Sally forth, Sally Fields, Fear not m'lady for I shall save thee!"


Your grasp on the dimensions of this subject are a tribute the higher power of the human mind. Your keen insights should be harnessed for their energy and used to provide power to at least 1/3rd of the planet (the lesser 1/3rd). You're to be commended.

Congratz on buying her book. She will be delighted since in the midst of all her accusations about why I didn't "love" her book (dare I say "hate"?), she claims my "attacks" on her are simply selling more books. Ahh, the pity purchase. She got what she asked me for, didn't like it, and did exactly as I knew she would.

Pile on. Truth has a pricetag. Perhaps you and Harshcritic can come and whisper soothing things in her ear (just so long as you don't be honest with your criticisms). Make her feel good, but don't make her be a good author. Newp newp newp can't be having none of that.


No such thing as gravity. The "Earth-that-was" just sucks.


Thursday, March 2, 2006 1:16 PM


Hey Queen
Just a quick hallor here. I'm some what into your book by now. Kinda moving back and forth between it and a fencing manual that I'm reading for Iaido. Anyways let me know where you want the feedback ie either on this thread or if ya want me to pm ya with it. Makes no diff to me. Have a couple pages already highlighted. For your first try not bad from what I've read so far. Especially since your jumping around w/ a couple of diff time lines and characters. Well hope everything else is going good for you and hang in there. Talk at ya later.
mata, Ookami yori

I ain't disagreen, I only wanted another drink
1 mind, 1 strike, and 1 voice = Iaido/Kendo


Monday, March 6, 2006 5:25 AM


Thanks, Vivace, Harshcritic and Ooka for your support! It certainly means a lot to me that you guys would help out.

Ooka, you can post your constructive criticisms in this thread, that's fine by me. I hope you're enjoying what you've read of the book so far. That's my ultimate goal, after all.

Anyway, thanks again to those who've purchased my book! I will be back to see your criticisms!

"I'm having one of those things - a headache with pictures."

"Of course I'm right. And if I'm not, may we all be horribly crushed from above somehow."

Like books? Go to this thread:
to find out how to buy mine!


Monday, March 6, 2006 7:39 AM


Queen, don't bother listening to anything XG says. He's a troll, and nothing more. His entire outlook on life is to argue or discount anything anyone has to say. If you agree with something he said, he flips out and calls you a moron. Then, continues to contradict what he just said and blows down what he just finished saying.

Think of him as the griefers in MMOGs whose sole purpose in life is to make your's miserable, and all because their mother's an emotionless void and their father's a drunk.

If you want further proof, look at the "umm.. battlestar" thread in the General Forums.
( )


Monday, March 13, 2006 3:14 PM


Hey, Queen
Just thought I would hallor at you and give you my advice and ideas on the book. Sorry its taken me a while, been pretty busy lately. Anyways with out further a due...... I thought it was a really good book for your first novel. The last half of the book had me interested from the first battle, to Griff coming back and retaking his kingdom. pg 19, I felt was a little bit of rough phrasing and could have been worded better. Also at the beginning you hardly discribed the journey back to Cantilia. Asuming that Aldrain tried to get away as far as he could from the warlocks, it should have been at least a 2-3 days journey, by ship. So a little bit longer detail on the journey back would have been helpful. Rydia I liked all the way up to the end where I felt she just became a bitch. I'm sorry, but you don't do that to man or a women. Same w/ relationship in Firefly w/ Mal and Inara. You either say whats on your mind and work it out or you don't and screw up the entire relation. Otherwise liked most of the characters and you had a good plot. At times I felt the wording in the dialogue shifted and changed tone. Anyways hope that helps. I will try and add some more things as I have time. Some books I would recommend reading are The Count of Monte Cristco (sp?), Books by R.A. Salvatore, and books by James Clavel!!!
mata, Ookami yori

I ain't disagreen, I only wanted another drink!!!
The pen shapes the world and the sword forms the world.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 5:31 AM


Thanks for getting back to me, Ooka, I appreciate it. It's encouraging to know that overall you liked the book, characters, plot, etc. I've heard from a lot of people that I should have taken more time describing journeys and that, so I'm definitely going to work on that in my next book. I'll check out the other things you pointed out, too. I have read books by R.A. Salvatore, he's one of my favorites. I've also bought the Count of Monte Cristo, but haven't gotten around to reading it yet. Maybe I will for my next book. The other guy you mentioned I've never heard of. Do you know any of his books that might be around? If so, I will look at getting them. Anyways, thanks again for the help. I'll get back to working on part 3.

"I'm having one of those things - a headache with pictures."

"Of course I'm right. And if I'm not, may we all be horribly crushed from above somehow."

Like books? Go to this thread:
to find out how to buy mine!


Thursday, March 16, 2006 6:43 PM


Hey Queen,
No prob hope it helps you out!!!!
James Clavell is the Author of the Book "Shogun"
focusing on 16th cent battles in which Tokugawa unified Japan. Although its fiction, the story is based on actual facts, just names and somethings have been enbalished. He also wrote a triolgy about a British Trading house based in Hong Kong --- "Taipan", "Gaijin", and "Noble House" The outher two novels he has are "King Rat" (about a Japanese World War II POW camp) and "Wirlwind" (set during the Iran revolution) so hope those help for you. He has a really good style that includes the culture, language, and history woven into exciting plots and characters. Well hang in there and have fun okay. Hope your 2nd and 3rd novels become stronger. Talk with you later.
mata, Ookami yori

I ain't Disagreen, I only wanted another drink!!!
Iaido ---- slow, slow, and slow.... spiritual and 1 strike.






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