I'm just speachless

UPDATED: Sunday, March 5, 2006 18:53
VIEWED: 18203
PAGE 1 of 3

Saturday, February 25, 2006 11:22 AM


OK, let me preface this by saying that I'm new to Firefly, a latecomer, and I'm even more sad by this fact than that fact that I've fallen so hard into it's world only to find that it's not running, and had such a short life at that.

I'm sure you vet's who've championed the cause and built the community have heard it before, but I don't have a better outlet than you folks, so here I am. I'm long winded, so please bear with me, and those of you who read it all - you get a cookie.

I've followed Whedon's works for some time. I was a huge Buffy fan, and recruited many to the club. I hated how the critical world didn't quite 'get it' even though it was simply one of the best shows on tv at the time (oh...not hard to accomplish, but every now and then a real gem comes along). I thought it went on too long and appreciated it when the show finally ended, in the way you feel content with your favorite meal - it's a wonderfull experience during the journey, and something to sit back and appreciate after you are done. I followed with Angel and stuck it out as the show struggled and evolved, and got stronger. I was upset at it's end, but more so because I knew this was the end of the 'Buffy-verse.'

And then Firefly...I'd heard of it, and planned to watch, almost entirely because Whedon was at the helm. To my dismay, I never did. I intended to await for the cd's to come out, catch up and jump back in. What a mistake!

I'd heard there was a movie, so naturally my thoughts were - OK, this will be around a bit. How wrong I was. I get the dvd's, and start watching. I didn't get half way thru, and got the movie too, but learned that the series had been cancelled. No - I haven't been on a deserted island (I'll insert a witty Lost reference, as soon as I can come up with one), but suffice to say, I've been out of touch, and now I jump in midstream to the joy of a new Joss Whedon creation, only to learn it's GONE!

I watched each one, then the movie (to say I was shocked by the deaths of key characters is an understatement), and now I find myself empty at the fact that this great experience is limited to an incomplete season and a movie that I would rather have seen been 2-3 years more of the show (I have to imagine it would have been more expensive than more episodes, but the entertainment industry is more complicated than that).

I want more, and I can't see how more will come. I watched every option on the disks - and you can just see how the cast and crew loved the show. Oh it's simply unfair!

I know far better than to wonder if it will come back, if that were possible, it would already be so. I also know that the best of efforts have been made by the fans, and I wanted to express my solidarity with you all, and my appreciation that such efforts are made.

It wasn't the last episode, and from commentary, they all knew the show was done, but the slow-motion coffin scene, it was so fitting, and I can see why it was made as a symbolic goodbye to the show. I watched it again, after learning it, and it truly brought tears to my eyes.

Like many great works of art, they are flawed or incomplete. Firefly made me laugh out loud, cry, and in the end wish I could go back in time to when it was fresh, new, and to have joined those who, though knowing it's creator's genius, were just discovering his newest invention themselves.

I may have missed the boat, but I'm greatful to have joined, however late.


Saturday, February 25, 2006 11:35 AM


Similar to my experience, theres always fan fiction to tide you over, I think some novels are also on the cards.

Take a look at the Virtual Firefly project at

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
You should never give powers to a leader you like that you’d hate to have given to a leader you fear


Saturday, February 25, 2006 11:47 AM


I feel your pain....mc1csmo... that is pretty much how I felt/feel too.. but I DO believe there will be more and I do believe Joss will find a way to make it interesting and full of Joss-i-ness...

in the meantime.. thank the gods for the DVDs... imagine if there weren't any... shudder shudder....

and in the meantime.. join us here where we hold the line til Mal and Co. get back..



Saturday, February 25, 2006 12:00 PM


We laughed we cried and now we hold the line.

An I carried such a torch


Saturday, February 25, 2006 12:11 PM


America loves a winner!

Very nice post. Thanks for taking the time and might I add - Welcome! Because of DVDs, your situation is as bitter sweet as it is common. Contrary to your experience, I was in on Firefly from the start. It's the REST of the Whedon 'verse that I go revisit, in total, to feel what so many fans went through their 1st time around. See, I went through the same thing w/ Angel as you did w/ Firefly. Even though TNT was showing reruns of Angel, in its proper episode order I wanted to see EVERYTHING. Not just the show, but the commentary, deleted scenes....Thanks NetFlix! ( To date, I've left much of the Buffy series for later exploration )

Anyway..stick around. It's fun here.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, February 25, 2006 12:22 PM


A lot of people feel the exact same way after watching the series. Then they wind up here.

Welcome :).

"Th3re !s n0 spo0Ne." -The Matricks


Saturday, February 25, 2006 12:39 PM


I can relate to this experience as well, as I was introduced to Firefly just a few weeks ago, after watching Serenity. The show instantly enthralled me, there's this profound insight into the characters that appeals to me. In addition to the many other aspects of the show which invoked this vehemence in me for this series.

But Firefly transcends a mere series, it's a living, breathing entity; it's a candid view of people, rife with genuine emotions and convictions which completely envelop you. I still have a lot of questions concerning the cancellation of the series, and some as to why it hasn't resurfaced in the past on perhaps another network. If one were to assess the remarkably large sales of the Firefly DVD's, it would seem fairly evident that it would be a lucrative venture to adopt the series. Moreover, the vehement fan community, who's more passionate than Browncoats? (nobody)


Saturday, February 25, 2006 2:43 PM


Welcome here, we're weird.

We have heard it before, though no two stories are exactly the same, but that doesn't mean we don't want to hear it again.

Whenever someone comes here I make sure I say a couple of things.

One is that you need to have faith and go out there and introduce people to the show. We can have more, Joss has said that he'll do his part, he's said he wants to see it continued and is still working towards more. However at the moment it isn't up to him, it's up to DVD sales.

If more people become fans, buy the DVDs, and convert still more, we can have more. You won't have missed the boat, you'll have helped it launch again.


The other thing is very simple, we've all been drawn together in a way that non-fans just don't understand. We're family, and you're one of us now, welcome home.


Saturday, February 25, 2006 4:04 PM



Originally posted by Mc1csmo:
those of you who read it all - you get a cookie.

Okay. I looked long and hard for a cookie (the aforementioned, promised one), but, much to my dismay -- nothing. Not even a crumb.

Ain't right to promise a cookie when no cookie is forthcoming.

Seriously, welcome and grab a browncoat -- just not mine (watches coat closesly in a room where cookies are promised but not delivered)...

We all seem to have felt the same thing... utter joy at discovery of this verse, then aching despair at the fact that there is no more.

"I can't!! Too much hair!"


Saturday, February 25, 2006 4:25 PM



Originally posted by cartoon:

Originally posted by Mc1csmo:
those of you who read it all - you get a cookie.

Okay. I looked long and hard for a cookie (the aforementioned, promised one), but, much to my dismay -- nothing. Not even a crumb.

Haha, "promised one," for some odd reason that just seemed a bit humorous to me.

Oh...i'm the only one?



Saturday, February 25, 2006 5:26 PM



Originally posted by Mc1csmo:
...I'm even more sad by this fact than that fact that I've fallen so hard into it's world only to find that it's not running, and had such a short life at that.

Yeah, instant heartbreak. Scale of 1 to 10, it was about a 9 for me. Major ouch. But it's already fading, down to about a 4 or 5 now. However the total preoccupation/obsession isn't going away. At the risk of sounding all whiney & pesky, here's the link to our network mailing address thread again -
I'm hoping *everyone* will write letters because it just feels to me like we have this little window of opportunity right now while the DVD sales are good. Also writing to the networks helps dispel some of that awful sadness that comes from helplessly watching something you love leave forever. Ouch. Got meself back up to about a 6 there, must watch DVD now.


Saturday, February 25, 2006 5:35 PM


What Chris and all the others said. And....

I sorta hand out virtual browncoats..Cartoon is guarding his so we'll have to get you one for your ownself...

*digs in storeroom and pulls out a shiny new browncoat for Mc1cmso*

Welcome to our happy home. We are most glad to have you!

Cookie? I get a cookie? Woot!

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Saturday, February 25, 2006 6:13 PM



Originally posted by Mc1csmo:
I want more, and I can't see how more will come.

The odds were really stacked against us to get the movie but we hung in there and hoped and we got our movie. Is it perhaps an uphill battle to get more in the face of the disapointing box office? Yes, but we get more and more people falling in love with our ship and her crew every day and all of them want what you and I want - more. And with a little luck and a lot of perseverence Serenity will fly again.

I say we though I personally only discovered the 'Verse in the month before the movie came out. But there were Browncoats before me that didn't give up hope and to honor them I won't give up hope now. There will be more Serenifly, either as movies or a resurected series - this I believe. Certainly there will be more comic books (Dark Horse already has those in the works) and novels are also being written.

In the meantime we hold. We hold till Serinity comes back.


"A lot of people are asking me, you know, what exactly is Firefly? It's a tv show you morons!" - Joss Whedon


Saturday, February 25, 2006 6:24 PM



Originally posted by daveshayne:
I say we though I personally only discovered the 'Verse in the month before the movie came out.

You don't need to say that, you're one of us now and that's all that matters. You'd be just as much a part of we if you only found the 'verse today or if you were somehow a fan before the first episode aired.

Never forget that. (Though I don't think you are.) And all new people, thread starter and others, the same goes for you.

We're in it together.


But there were Browncoats before me that didn't give up hope and to honor them I won't give up hope now. There will be more Serenifly, either as movies or a resurected series - this I believe.

I do as well. Keep believing.


In the meantime we hold. We hold till Serinity comes back.

Well said.

I mean that, there's a reason I quoted the post more or less in its entirety.

Very well said.


Saturday, February 25, 2006 6:36 PM


Welcome aboard!!
Don't matter that you're new here - just that you ARE here. We are all in the same boat, so to speak, and man, do we love that boat!

Love is what keeps her in the air.


"Now somethin' about that is just downright unsettlin'."


Saturday, February 25, 2006 6:47 PM



Originally posted by christhecynic:
Well said.

I mean that, there's a reason I quoted the post more or less in its entirety.

Very well said.

Thank you.


"A lot of people are asking me, you know, what exactly is Firefly? It's a tv show you morons!" - Joss Whedon


Saturday, February 25, 2006 6:49 PM



Originally posted by FollowMal:
I get a cookie? Woot!

Whoah!! Just a minute!!

How does FallowMal get a cookie and I don't?!?!?


Saturday, February 25, 2006 7:21 PM


Settle down, 'coats...
Here's a little box of strawberries for you. Let's put them in the middle of the table and share them around. ::-)

-- bastards singed my turtle --
----- why's the rum gone? -----


Saturday, February 25, 2006 7:44 PM



Originally posted by cartoon:

Originally posted by FollowMal:
I get a cookie? Woot!

Whoah!! Just a minute!!

How does FallowMal get a cookie and I don't?!?!?

Maybe your browser's not set up to accept them...

Ain't. We. Just.


Saturday, February 25, 2006 7:56 PM


Live vicariously through new fans. I swear it helps! Convert all your friends and family, while reading each weekly post my a new Browncoat who is simultaneously in love and devastated. This is our own little support group. The people here are friendly and wonderful!!!

Jayne: I once hit a guy in the neck from 500 yards with a bent scope. Don't that count upstairs?
Book: Oh, it'll be taken into consideration.
Jayne: You made that sound kind of ominous.


Saturday, February 25, 2006 9:18 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


I know far better than to wonder if it will come back, if that were possible, it would already be so.

Patience, GrassHoppa... Don't *wonder* if it will come back; KNOW that it will. It might not be back this year, or even next year, but it WILL be back. The Star Trek faithful waited a good 10 years to get their Big Damn Movie, and that led to ever more movies and TV spinoffs. Star Wars fans waited longer than that to get our prequels... and we probably shouldn't have bothered.

Mark my words: Serenity WILL fly again! Until then, we hold, and we never, ever lay down arms. You think we're beaten? We're just getting started. Our numbers may be small, but we ARE mighty, and we've already done the impossible once. No reason to conjure we can't do it again.


PS: You owe me a cookie. I'm putting that down on my List.

PPS: Just kiddin' ya about the cookie. There isn't really an emoticon for sarcasm, so that might not have been clear. And I don't really have a List... Hmmm... Item number one on The List: Make a List. ;)

A baby seal walks into a club...


Saturday, February 25, 2006 10:20 PM


MC1: My BF lent me his DVDs and they sat on my shelf for about 3 months...then I watched them. In the space of 2 days. (This is a tired and familiar story to others on the site: just play along nice, OK?) Now he realizes the fan he's created. He merely liked the series and thought that I (a serious sci-fi fan) would like to "check this out".
Ooh, little did he know.
I, too was disappointed very much to know that the story "ended" there, but then the movie came out and it was so shiny!!!
Now, I want more story. Maybe I'm just a greedy Browncoat...
Anyhoo, you're not alone in coming in late (I just got hooked back in May of '05) but it seems to me that nobody has that "You're just jumping on the bandwagon" feeling.
If you're a Browncoat because you saw the show in it's run on FOX, shiny!
If you're a Browncoat because you saw the DVDs, shiny!
If you're a Browncoat because you saw "Serenity" and wanted to know more, shiny!
We're all just folk here.
Everyone I've met here has been friendly and helpful and no disagreements have come to anyone touching metal.
Well, been wanderin' a bit. You'll fit right in.
Chow's in need to dress...


Sunday, February 26, 2006 2:45 AM


Great post MC1CSMO

I am just new here too. Where I live, by the time the series was shown, the news of its imminent cancellation was already known.

I loved Buffy and Angel, and was gutted when they ended, especially Angel since it was really starting to produce some great episodes, best end to a series ever though.

Anyway the show never really ended up being shown and I hestiated buying the DVD until recently. I bought the DVD and saw the movies and have been captured in the unvierse of Firefly. But Im glad fansites like this help keep the imagination and hope alive rather than just let a great show unfairly die


Sunday, February 26, 2006 5:14 AM


There are just so many new and shiny Browncoats... I'm lovin' it!

Welcome Aussay we are so glad to have you join us too. As you can see from this one thread we are a friencly bunch.

*hands Aussay a browncoat*

We're sharin' strawberries... looks like, but I'm still holdin' out for a cookie!

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Sunday, February 26, 2006 7:12 AM


Here is my .02 for ya:

Yes, Firefly may be gone, but it still lives on in us, the fans. And to any Nay Sayers out there, if this were such a dead horse, why would there be Flanvention II planned for December?

What's Flan II?!?

Why Flan II is the sequel to Flanvention I, which was held this past December. A Convention for Firefly/Serenity fans the world over to converge in Burbank, California (use to spend a weekend with the cast and crew of Firefly/Serenity.

Nathan, Adam, Alan, Badger, and YoSafBrig have signed on to be there and I am sure others will sign on.

On a different note, being shocked that Joss kills off main characters? I may have not gotten into the whole Buffy thing, but I did start watching Angel and got a shock when Doyle was killed off in, like, the 3rd episode. Joss kills folks off. Its a key element to keep the series fresh, at least in my mind. I kept waiting for someone on Firefly to get bumped off... and I think we would have seen it, if allowed to go on. But that's a topic for another post.

Oh, and this is just my own pet peeve, so please forgive my ranting:

As to the whole Firefly On Demand post, forget it. Anyone who sends money in hopes of getting an episode here and there is kissing good money goodbye. That post is inteded to bilk you out of $$$$, pure and simple. It is insulting, aggravating and just plain stupid. I know that Joss has come out and said he doesnt know Ace Underhill, but this idea is still being kicked around in chat and posts...


Sunday, February 26, 2006 7:45 AM



Originally posted by Mc1csmo:
Firefly made me laugh out loud, cry, and in the end wish I could go back in time to when it was fresh, new, and to have joined those who, though knowing it's creator's genius, were just discovering his newest invention themselves.

I may have missed the boat, but I'm greatful to have joined, however late.

This is such a common thread, a thread that ties all fans of the series and movie together. Seems like we've lost a close friend, in fact 9 or 10 counting Serenity..... I have enjoyed the work of Joss Whedon since the first episode of Buffy - right through Firefly and Angel, all excellently different than anything i've ever seen on the small screen. It may be true that genius is often under appreicated, I know in the case of Friefly some tv exec was doing way too much blow to realize what they had. They cancelled one of the most innovative programs to come along in a while....
But, as long as there are fans that love the series it will continue, even if only as a fan site and place to tell tales of the great adventure. Just like the crew that became family on Firefly, the community of fans is like a family as well and it seems to me that our numbers are growing - i have to believe that some day our voices will be heard and 'the powers that be' will give Firefly the attention it deserves.

Until then.....i would really like to see some of the cast of Firefly in other works....i would pay just to see Jewel Staite eat strawberrys.... so if anyone knows of something that these actors are doing now, please let me know...

sorry - i was carried away - But WELCOME MC1CSMO to the club, and please hang around...we can use all the browncoats out there to keep the dream alive.



Sunday, February 26, 2006 8:08 AM



Originally posted by daveshayne:

In the meantime we hold. We hold till Serinity comes back.


Wow that seems really familiar...

We will hold...we hold till Mal gets back.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young


Sunday, February 26, 2006 8:11 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

There are just so many new and shiny Browncoats... I'm lovin' it!

Well, here's another one! I saw the movie opening day, but it was the series on DVD that really pulled me in.
I always looked at the big shiny ships in the SF series, but I never thought I'd actually get on one, not the way the really serious fans do. I guess I was just waiting for the right one to come along.
"You're gonna come with us! . . .You like ships. You don't seem to be looking at the destinations. What you care about is the ships. And . . .mine's the nicest." -Kaylee
She was talking to Book, but she could have been looking right out through the screen and talking to me.
And she was right.


Sunday, February 26, 2006 8:19 AM


Welcome aboard OTMA!

FollowMal will be along directly with your shiny brown hued coat (I'd give it to you myself...but she lashed my backside something fierce the last time I got into her storeroom without permission...and no matter what she tells you there were only THREE strawberries when I got there...but I digress).

It's a good thing you're gonna come with us...our board is the nicest!

We will hold...we hold till Mal gets back.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young


Sunday, February 26, 2006 8:20 AM


Yea it does GrimJack...I'm glad to be seein' you often again. in answer to your response to Dave...

And what's this re: backside lashing?!!! Ummmm, not me, I'm all nice an' such, I'd never be upset like that! * mortified face, you have to imagine my mortified face*

STRAWBERRIES! SO that's what happened to my gorram strawberries!

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Sunday, February 26, 2006 8:23 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

Yea it does GrimJack...I'm glad to be seein' you often again.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal

The feeling is mutual comrade

We will hold...we hold till Mal gets back.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young


Sunday, February 26, 2006 8:31 AM


And so there is, Otma and believe you me I'm so pleased to see you! We love the stories, the shiny stories folks tell us of falling in love.

I think you have it... Serenity is the only ship I've ever seen that if I had any chance in the world of getting on, I'd do it. In a heartbeat.
Thus my name, I'd follow Mal into Hades.

Welcome home, my friend! I'm the supply clerk... and I'm really not as ornery as GrimJack says... as our subsequent posts show and you are needin' to be outfitted with your very own browncoat!

*rummages around, moving stuff over and muttering "must tidy up the place one of these days... too many new folks to enjoy though, so it'll have to wait" and finally! pulls a shiny new browncoat out of the boxes and hands it to

You are gonna love it here. Post often, we love conversation. We're all just holdin' the line, now you have your gear, well you'll have line duty too.

Someone will be along directly to offer you some food I reckon. Our chief cook, Kaele seems to have been busy with shore leave or such the last couple of days... but there's protein in every color of the rainbow, so help yourself.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Sunday, February 26, 2006 8:45 AM


Wow, i feel so at home here...

I was introduced to firefly last summer and the DVD set was viewed in record time - work suffered but I didn't care! Then counted down until opening day of the movie. That saw me through for awhile.

Recently I have needed a fix, watched the movie for the nth time, watched the series again, picked up a few new lines (Jayne to Mal; during Out of Gas flashback - " not as deceiving as a low down, dirty.. deceiver)

I surfed the web and found you guys. Fellow browncoats! Watched from a distance, read some threads and now here I am. I've never joined a fan forum, never posted a damn thing to any web site before. Yet here I am, with you. Don't feel like I'm out in the black, all alone anymore.

Just can't get enough.

I'll be in my bunk


Sunday, February 26, 2006 8:56 AM


As well you should, Jaynesbunkwoman ( love your name, by the way!)!

Welcome home! You'll be needin' a 'coat and your gear.... follow me....

* finds a browncoat in jaynesbunkwoman's size and hands it over*

There you are! You are already one of us... never forget that.. love does that... but now you get to dress like the rest of us!

Post often, help yourself to chow and we're glad you are here.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Sunday, February 26, 2006 9:05 AM


Welcome JaynesBunkWoman!

You almost brought a tear to my eye with your comment about being alone in the Black...because I felt the same way **wipes corner of eye when he thinks no one is looking**...stupid Space Dust.

Like FollowMal said above...from now on (and even before we met you) you are NEVER alone, and if you find yourself unable to run or crawl...well you know the rest.

Happy to have you aboard...when you're ready join us on the line...and don't shoot till you see the color of their coats.

We will hold...we hold till Mal gets back.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young


Sunday, February 26, 2006 9:08 AM



Originally posted by GrimJack21502:
...and don't shoot till you see the color of their coats.

I love that part, GrimJack.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Sunday, February 26, 2006 9:16 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

Originally posted by GrimJack21502:
...and don't shoot till you see the color of their coats.

I love that part, GrimJack.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal just keep a handin' out them coats, so as we can tell friend from foe

We will hold...we hold till Mal gets back.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young


Sunday, February 26, 2006 9:20 AM


Welcome home to all the new Browncoats!
Wow, what a warm shiny thread. Made my day reading through it all.

Nothing much to add except that I wasn't smiling earlier, but I'm smiling now.

I, fortunately, have never had the "alone in the black" experience. I was converted late (a Serenity convert) to the cause, and discovered rather suddenly that ALL of my friends had known and loved Firefly since the beginning. I now accuse them of holding out on me.

The number of Browncoats is growing at an exponential rate. How much longer can we be denied?


Sunday, February 26, 2006 9:31 AM



Originally posted by SameErtia:

The number of Browncoats is growing at an exponential rate. How much longer can we be denied?

Alone we are but one rifle...together we are Legion.

Soon SameErtia...just a bit longer

Oh...and keep smiling

We will hold...we hold till Mal gets back.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young


Sunday, February 26, 2006 9:32 AM



Originally posted by afterglow:
MC1: My BF lent me his DVDs and they sat on my shelf for about 3 months...then I watched them. In the space of 2 days. (This is a tired and familiar story to others on the site: just play along nice, OK?)

A familiar story yes. But not one we ever get tired of hearing.


"A lot of people are asking me, you know, what exactly is Firefly? It's a tv show you morons!" - Joss Whedon


Sunday, February 26, 2006 9:35 AM



Originally posted by GrimJack21502:

Originally posted by daveshayne:

In the meantime we hold. We hold till Serinity comes back.


Wow that seems really familiar...

We will hold...we hold till Mal gets back.

Well I never made any claim to originality; though I was thinking more of FollowMal's sig when I wrote that. Still I think it says it all - whoever get's the credit for it.


"A lot of people are asking me, you know, what exactly is Firefly? It's a tv show you morons!" - Joss Whedon


Sunday, February 26, 2006 9:37 AM


That would be Joss Whedon

We will hold...we hold till Mal gets back.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young


Sunday, February 26, 2006 10:34 AM



Originally posted by GrimJack21502:
That would be Joss Whedon

Well... um... yeah.


"A lot of people are asking me, you know, what exactly is Firefly? It's a tv show you morons!" - Joss Whedon


Sunday, February 26, 2006 2:05 PM



Originally posted by GrimJack21502:
Welcome JaynesBunkWoman!

You almost brought a tear to my eye with your comment about being alone in the Black...because I felt the same way **wipes corner of eye when he thinks no one is looking**...stupid Space Dust.

awwww shucks Grimjack21502 , what a sweetie I just love all you browncoats out there

and Vera will stay holstered 'till the captain says shoot

I'll be in my bunk


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 7:12 PM




Tuesday, February 28, 2006 7:15 PM

MC1CSMO I said in the title....I'm Speechless. I didn't expect this response.

Dons his shiny new Browncoat....considers how it will look when broken in

Much obliged FollowMal, I'll wear it with pride. No true Browncoat would do less. And thank you all for the incredible welcome, and welcome as well to my fellow 'new browncoat's' I guess I should have considered a cuter name for my board-handle, but this one has been with me for some time. Can't be overly creative all the time. I'll just have to learn to say 'Aint' a bit more, yes..that'll do.

OH! And just so no one thinks I renege on promises...

passes out a cookie to all who finished reading his original post. They are Chocolate-chips - baked by my wife. I might be needing a coat for her too, we've even got a jr 'BC' on the way ;)

I sure do hope we see Serenity fly again. Books, comics, great stuff and it's one way for it to live on well beyond it's current shelf life. There were dozens and dozens of novels in the span of time that kept the spark alive from the end of Trek's run in the 60's, along with conventions galore, animated shows and plenty of fan supported events, scripts and such (There's even currently a series being privately funded and filmed...and of pretty good quality. These 'new episodes' are a revival of the original series), so I know it won't end as long as there's a community of this kind. Boy does it appear to be a strong one, I'm just amazed.

Still, I'm a purist, and I won't ever be satisfied till it's new by JW and has the original cast (those that are left that is). That might be awfully hard, in the short term at least. However, that never-say-die attitude, and keeping the spark alive means that there'll be hope. I'm extremely heartened to read that JW also plans to not let it lay and end as it has. It's never easy to get these things going again once they've stalled. Small screen means we get gratification near weekly, and that's the best for fans of a series like this. I also feel it works a bit better in serial format than in the movies. Serenity the movie just felt like a two part episode to me, all shown at once with out commercials (thankfully). The small screen suits this show so much better.

I'm rather thinking we'll get periodic motion picture installments though, which means longer lag between and a greater need to statiate the thirst for returning to re-live the tv episodes...oh if only there were more. Even 3 full seasons and there'd be a chance for regular viewing in syndication! Not even a full one, it just hurts, really hurts. At least there are the dvd's but still...too few.

See I've got enough knowledge about the industry to be dangerous (to myself? yeah, that's it) and I know that once many of these relative unknown (and gifted) actors start working again (someone mentioned that a few have already jumped onto other projects - bravo for them!), it's hard to get all those stars aligned again, no matter how much they loved the time they spent working on the show, it's a real world, and they need to pay the rent. Some are likely to rise in their profession, perhaps even really break out, which means more commitments, and a harder time getting everyone on the same timetable. It complicates things, more so than I'm portraying.

I like to think that the specialness will overcome that though. See...ensambles that just click, that work, that fit from the start...they don't come around all that often. The sidewalks of the industry are littered with the corpses of great concepts and even well written ones, but that crashed and burned, in some cases (like this one) long before they were given half a chance. But every once in awhile, something gels. Not only is the writing crisp, witty and of the nature that truly compliments the viewer's intelligence (and that is rarer still), but the actors just work. They seem like the parts were written FOR them, before they even landed the roles.

That's how I look at Firefly/Serenity. It's one of those cosmic events were if you really spend the time (and you don't need much) you can easily see that something very special was happening. wonder how it would have been with just a few more seasons! I see shows with so much less 'it' factor, that doesn't come close to resonate with it's fans, that doesn't leave you at the end of each show checking the 'next time on..' clips for what awaits you the following week, I see shows with not even near the same potential of this one, and couldn't hold a candle to it, last longer.

Yes, I'm bitter, in the way someone is bitter when a young cousin is lost before they've learned the magic of what their life could have become.

But I can see that not only am I in good company here...but also that that company makes it more than a bit more bearable. Knowing that the torch is carried, and knowing that there's a chance that we'll see some form of rekindlement of the show, perhaps not soon, but one day, it provides much needed hope.

I'd say it was strange (and feel wierd to say it) if I were in company of a different kind. I'm certain you all feel the way I do, that you've come to almost 'know' these characters, and feel for them. There comes a connection, oh so rarely (and less quickly), where appreciation is all that one can have for something so powerful, yet so fleeting.

I guess if you've weathered thru my long-windedness again, I owe you another cookie pulls out a large tray of them I mine as well ask my wife to keep baking them, I expect you'll be seeing me posting aplenty to have to dole them out.

Oh look! The first crease on the jacket. It's already starting to feel home.

'I aim to misbehave'


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 7:54 PM


Oh, my gosh! I was out in my shuttle when I got a wave that the strawberries were all gone. Where are all these people coming from? So very glad to see you here.
(Puts a big bowl of fresh berries out on the table "for questioning" like the buffet in "Shindig")

-- bastards singed my turtle --
----- why's the rum gone? -----


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 1:30 AM


Count in another new -- and late -- volunteer to the Browncoats from the Great White North. It was just my luck that I happened to read the religion thread first, and I've already managed to prove myself quite weird as well. Such a homey feeling.

Unlike some, I had extremely spotty exposure to Joss's prior works, mostly due to several years spent stuck with peasantvision. It didn't help that, although some friends raved about the likes of Buffy and Angel, I'd known said friends to be of questionable taste in chosen entertainment, which further put me off seeing what the gorram 'ell they were babbling about. Oi, before you feed me to PMSing Reavers, you would have questioned their recommendations too had you known them!

In truth, my link to Joss comes through Nathan Fillion, for not only am I from his corner of the 'verse, but his mom was my high school English teacher -- no, really, she was, my hand to god! She was the best one I had, too, and that's a lot of teachers. Once, in her Classroom That Was during a Macbeth session, Nathan stuck his head in the door to ask her something. His visit was very brief as (I think) he was on his way back to LA, and after he'd left she told us what manner of work he was doing while trying unsuccessfully to hide how proud she was. Part of me could barely conceive at the time of someone only three years older than myself already doing acting work; the other part was mildly annoyed he'd interrupted a fascinating discussion and wanted to get back to the business of murdering people. The encounter left some manner of imprint on me, because from then on I'd watch something on TV if I happened to catch his name in the credits; though part of it was out of respect for his wonderful mom, part of it was also out of curiosity to see how he was doing. Man, he looked so gorram different bald in Saving Private Ryan. *snerk*

Where does Firefly come into this? For a year and some, I'd heard the series' name, drifting about on occasion like a leaf on the wind, but nothing at all on the content itself, not even so much as a vague description. Then Serenity came out and a number of acquaintances possessed of far better taste were SQUEEing over the experience. Now, the mentions of the series had me faintly curious by this time, and when I heard nothing but universally favorable reviews of Serenity -- definitely an anomaly in itself -- I finally decided to watch the series first, courtesy of a friend who was more than happy to rewatch her DVDs with me. I admit I don't see many movies or shows because I'm very, very picky and tend to find a lot of what's on nowadays disgustingly predictable, trite, recycled and ho-hum. (Call me a snob, but I'm quite serious.) I figured what the hell, let's give this Firefly thing a chance to disappoint me.

Humped, just like that. This was roughly a month ago.

The bitch of it all is that I was actually at the San Diego Comic-Con last year when they were screening Serenity for the 5000 or so loyal Browncoats who'd crammed into the viewing hall. Even had I known what the rutting fuss over this fool movie was all about, I wouldn't have been able to go see it because I was working at another exhibitor's booth on the dealers' floor for the entire con's duration, trying to establish some business connections. I succeeded in my endeavors, but gorram it, had I known but a year earlier...!

Oh well. I'm here now. Hope y'all will forgive me for such lapses. I'm beginning to think it was an Alliance plot to scramble the signal so it'd just be static by the time I got it.

*offers fresh strawberry cookies*


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 3:50 AM



Originally posted by christhecynic:
Welcome here, we're weird.

We have heard it before, though no two stories are exactly the same, but that doesn't mean we don't want to hear it again.

Whenever someone comes here I make sure I say a couple of things.

One is that you need to have faith and go out there and introduce people to the show. We can have more, Joss has said that he'll do his part, he's said he wants to see it continued and is still working towards more. However at the moment it isn't up to him, it's up to DVD sales.

If more people become fans, buy the DVDs, and convert still more, we can have more. You won't have missed the boat, you'll have helped it launch again.


The other thing is very simple, we've all been drawn together in a way that non-fans just don't understand. We're family, and you're one of us now, welcome home.

Hello fellow BrownCoats...i recently became a member of this amazing site...i jus would like to guys are the best, you are so considerate and friendly...the above post nearly choked me up, when you said 'welcome Home' that put a smile on my 19 and have been into firefly only after the release of Serenity..its apart of my life now...I am proud to say, i am a BrownCoat...Take care everybody :)

"May be on the losing side...Still not convinced it was the wrong one"


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 4:20 AM


I want in on this warm fuzzy thread!

Has anyone else been watching the number of people registering? (Put your mouse over the users name and look at the number on the address it connects to) We just got to 18,000 a few weeks ago and now we're getting to 18,750!

So several hundred people a week are fanatic enough to hunt down this web site and actually register on it. This has got to be a smallish fraction of the total new fans, included lurkers and non-internet-ers. Think of how many new fans there are out there total!

It really is good stuff. We'll get our show back, one way or another!

I brewed some fresh coffee, have a cup and toast the positivity!


Ask Dr. Science ... he knows more than you do.
"I have a Master's degree ... in science!"






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