Fox launching new network.

UPDATED: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 09:42
VIEWED: 13847
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Wednesday, February 22, 2006 1:46 PM


Hope springs eternal (or perhaps not)! Fox is launching a new network this fall to pick up the slack from the CW merger.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 2:12 PM


I'd say real good news... except it's looking to be about as interesting as a good reading of Aquinas.

With quality reality programming, where's room for Firefly? I'd be glued to my seat voting for the next hit supermodel, or wondering who's going to have their hand in the cookie jar on that island, who the second smartest person in America is (sure as hell I ain't appearing on no show), or watching CSI: Another One.

Sigh. I think I'm going to puke. Give me Law and Order, Firefly, Monk, and Lucky. That's original programming.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 4:33 PM


Thepistonengine, you had me there for a minute. That's a good one. Although, I didn't mind reading my Aquinas. Perhaps Fox wwould televise that?

Remember, that but for one trifling exception, the entire universe is made up of others.- Oliver Wendall Holmes


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 6:15 PM


So they cancel quality television shows like Firefly and Arrested development, claiming there is no audience and they want to fill that time up with shows that bring in the bucks. But then, they're launching yet ANOTHER crap hole island network; oh and of course there is NO ROOM for the good shows so they go ahead and fill it with crap shows. I.JUST.DON'T.GET.IT.
Maybe I am an alien...

Gelassenheit means Serenity


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 8:34 PM


You know, Joss would be an idiot to sell his ideas to Fox again. I know they own the rights, or whatever--who cares (I'm being sarcastic with that last part, just so you know).

But really, can you imagine how frustrating it would be to work for someone that totally, completely and entirely rejected your genius? Hum... That would be tough, to say the least.

Wacky fun!


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 8:50 PM


This is why I don't watch TV.

Now would I have known of Firefly at the time, I would have loved it. And if it returned it would be the ONLY TV show that I would have EVER counted the minutes until it came on, I would find another show that game on 30 minutes before that Firefly just to make sure that I am there on the couch when Firefly did start.

The only time I do watch TV today is when I just have nothing else to do, and even then I just find repeats of some of my old favorite shows. Like Matlock.... I'm 16 and one of my favorite shows is Matlock...

Oh Monk was cool too!! It wasn't cancelled was it?? (Again... I don't wait for anything to come on, I just watch TV whenever I don't feel like being on the comp... Which is like 30 minutes everyday.)

But I honestly think that Joss wouldn't consider FOX again (even a network owned by FOX). If he's half as stubborn as me he wouldn't even bother watching that network anymore (if he already had been watching it at all).

First I stopped watching Fox News (then all TV News broadcasters), then I stopped watching Fox period. And not because of Firefly (not at the time), it's just because they have BAD SHOWS that I just don't like at all. And I spend more time on the compo, anyway.

"Th3re !s n0 spo0Ne." -The Matricks


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 9:46 PM


Don't watch tv, wouldn't watch the drivel it sounds like they are putting on their new network.

Well, unless they seriously revived Firefly, which they aren't gonna do! Look at those things they are planning to show! Just look at 'em. No don't... it's scary.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 10:29 PM


Gotta go with the No votes here... It'd be nice if Fox was devoting the network to quality programing... similar to NBC's Bravo network (not ALL good, but certainly a reliable source of stuff marginally above crap)... but this looks to be focusing on extremely low end reality tv. What's the point in giving us MORE crap?

It's a business model I've decided. Saturate the market with brutally dumbed down tv, cancel good shows claiming that nobody watches them which tells the public that most people must prefer stuff like American Idol. Since most people are sheep, that works. Then you can herd everyone toward your shows that cost next to nothing to produce and bingo, big profits! There's no room in a market with that philosophy for quality entertainment. Sadly, the movie industry seems to work the same way. I think our only hope lies in DVD series sets where the only reason you have to buy them (instead of simply rent) is because they contain something marvelous.

Sorry for the extended rant... got on a roll.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 11:10 PM


Yep, cater to the lowest common denominator.... primary staple of commerce the world over.

Sad state of the world is that a majority of the people that watch TV regularly have a next to nil attention span, and can only sit still long enough to drool over the drama (mindless type, not the drama in the theatrical sense) that is brought by reality shows.

Short Version: Folk that really enjoy a quality program; and, god forbid, have the mental acuity to appreciate a good long term story get to suffer.

I would be overjoyed with the revival of Firefly, but by now I am to cynical to hope for it.


Thursday, February 23, 2006 3:07 AM


This doesn't concern us. Joss Whedon has made it very clear he'll never work with Fox again.



Thursday, February 23, 2006 3:50 AM


Maybe we're going about this the wrong way.

We need to have them start a Firefly Recruitment Reality show.

Twelve contestants, show clips from the shows, and the one who recruits the most new Browncoats wins...

what could we have for the prize?

OOOOOooooh...another season?'d never work.


Signature? We don't need no stinkin' signature!


Thursday, February 23, 2006 5:20 AM


Wow, nothing like repackaging other network's shows and then throwing even more reality TV at us (and not even "original" reality TV at that).

Actually, this isn't the most annoying thing they've put up. My folks have a satellite system, and, believe it or not, they're actually launching the Fox Reality Channel. I kid thee not, it's literally all reality shows all the time. They've apparently acquired the rights to stuff like Survivor and will do nothing but show this bilge.

I wish Fox would go ahead and cancel the Simpson, then I'd have no temptation to watch anymore at all. Cartoon Network can hook me up with Family Guy and American Dad.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal, Fox!


Thursday, February 23, 2006 5:48 AM


FOX...yeah I'm talking to you...I, GrimJack, do hereby solemnly swear to take back everything negative I have ever said about you (except for the time I referred to you as heartless Nazi stormtropers who would have cancelled Sesame Street because it didn't have enough sex)...

...IF you put Firefly back on the air and give it a chance...a real chance Murdock. not fail a second time or you will find Browncoats marching on your doorstep.

We will hold...we hold till Mal gets back.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young


Thursday, February 23, 2006 6:05 AM


We are not far away from a serious change in network programming. Someday most shows will be downloadable in a subscription format, meaning that the audience will have the final say as to how a show is deemed successful. If I was Joss I would go to Universal, or as a last resort, FOX, to foot the bill for a trial run of say, 6 episodes that would be available online only for a price of say, $2.99/episode, or $15.00 for all 6.

I can think of a handful of reasons why this wouldn't work right now, not the least of which is piracy. Also, I don't know what percentage of the Firefly audience would a) pay for a show when all others are free and b) have enough computer savvy to know that the shows are available and then be able to download and watch them.

That's why this change is still at least a few years out, but it may take a show with a rabid following like Firefly to be the guinea pig. I'd pay for it and most people here would, but that's probably not enough to make it feasable.

But can you imagine how much money the really successful shows could make with this model? And if a show like Firefly was very successful then more money could be put into the show for sets and fx work, and it could keep getting better and better and making more and more money, like a snowball rolling downhill!

One would think that in this life
Where no two snowflakes are alike
One would have a brilliant rhyme
For each and every bit of time.

- The Yeti, CLUTCH


Thursday, February 23, 2006 6:20 AM



Honestly, since when is Fox the "World's Most Powerful Media Company"? I would peg that title on Sony to be sure.

And Christ, what is with those titles? "Secrets?" "Desire?" That goes beyond catering to morons and puts them right up on a friggin' pedistal.

"Dont ask me silly questions.
I wont play silly games."


Thursday, February 23, 2006 6:59 AM



Originally posted by Mattie:
But really, can you imagine how frustrating it would be to work for someone that totally, completely and entirely rejected your genius?

Dude. That's my every day!!

When you can't run, you crawl.
And when you can't do that...
You find someone to carry you.


Thursday, February 23, 2006 7:02 AM



New member here, but longtime fan of Firefly. In fact I just recently hooked my girlfriend on it. Took her to Serenity, which she loved, and then gave her my box set, which she won’t return.

With regards to the question of the future of Firefly that Lister was alluding to, I think it is ON DEMAND that is the future of TV. People won’t have to know how to download an episode. They’d just use the On Demand function on their Digital Cable to order it. In fact, that experiment may already be underway. On my cable recently, one of the On Demand features was Serenity and/or individual episodes of Firefly. Could this be a precursor to whoever owns the right experimenting with new episodes of the show in an On-Demand fashion? The DVD’s of both the movie and the show are top-sellers. Someone might see a correlation between that and the opportunity to get the same people who would buy the DVD’s to pay for new content as it is made. IIRC, the show had something like 5 Million average viewers in the US when it was cancelled. If only 15%, or 750,000 of them paid an average of $2.49 for each new episode (either $1.99 with commercials or $2.99 without) that alone would translate to $1.867,500 per episode. And the producer would also be able to charge some fee for the advertising too. That could easily bring it to over $2 Million. Would that be enough to revive the show? Maybe not, but they could also add revenue streams by licensing the show out to similar services worldwide, and then selling the DVD’s. That may double the income, to around $4 Million per episode. That number just may be enough to make it worthwhile.


Hope is a good thing.
Maybe the best of things.
And no good thing ever dies.


Thursday, February 23, 2006 7:03 AM



Originally posted by Dracos:
And Christ, what is with those titles? "Secrets?" "Desire?" That goes beyond catering to morons and puts them right up on a friggin' pedistal.

You know the old saying, "Nobody ever went broke by underestimating the intelligence of the american people." H. L. Mencken*

*Actually about half the cites I can find for that quote substitute the word taste for intelligence and I find the quote (both versions) atributed to both Mencken and P. T. Barnum. You be the judge.


"A lot of people are asking me, you know, what exactly is Firefly? It's a tv show you morons!" - Joss Whedon


Thursday, February 23, 2006 7:19 AM



Originally posted by ChrisPV:
Actually, this isn't the most annoying thing they've put up. My folks have a satellite system, and, believe it or not, they're actually launching the Fox Reality Channel. I kid thee not, it's literally all reality shows all the time. They've apparently acquired the rights to stuff like Survivor and will do nothing but show this bilge.

I actually watched the Fox Reality Channel once. They were showing Celebrity Boxing. What I got out of it were the questions, "How did I ever watch this crap? And like it?" Honest, I think I've come a long way in the last so many years.

Anyway, there was something in this article that I think deserves comment:

"Twentieth Television's new hour-long scripted dramas Desire and Secrets will inaugurate My Network TV. Structured in a 65-episode story arc stripped Monday through Friday for 13 weeks"

Any bets on how many of those 65 planned episodes actually get made? And aired?


Thursday, February 23, 2006 7:21 AM



Originally posted by Dracos:

Honestly, since when is Fox the "World's Most Powerful Media Company"? I would peg that title on Sony to be sure.

Fox (more specificly Newscorp) own a major movie studio (20th Century Fox) a top broadcast network(FOX), one of the top cable channels(FX), a powerfull news channel (FauxNews), and a few dozen affilate stations across the country (which is part of the rationelle behind this new network, as several were WB or UPN affiliates, but won't be picking up CW). I believe they also own some newspapers and radio stations, but I could be wrong.

Sony is primarily an electronics company, and in that field I would say they are on top, but they are not really a "media" company. The only real Media outlet they own is Columbia/Tristar Studios, and the sub-division Sony Classics. They do not own any TV stations, either broadcast or cable/satellite.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Thursday, February 23, 2006 7:49 AM


The problem with the internet download model is that you'd almost have to have the first 6 episodes be free. Cause people would "cancel" shows faster than FOX if it's their own money they're shelling out to see each episode.

Also, any successful show, like Lost, would have 10 clones pop up the second it became popular. This would over saturate that genre and the shows would all die out. Then the next big thing would hit and repeat.


Thursday, February 23, 2006 8:09 AM



Originally posted by Gelassenheit:
Maybe I am an alien...

Maybe you are a lion?!?

"It's a cow."


Thursday, February 23, 2006 8:10 AM



Originally posted by Zeek:
Also, any successful show, like Lost, would have 10 clones pop up the second it became popular. This would over saturate that genre and the shows would all die out. Then the next big thing would hit and repeat.

And this is different from broadcast media how?


"A lot of people are asking me, you know, what exactly is Firefly? It's a tv show you morons!" - Joss Whedon


Thursday, February 23, 2006 10:27 AM


I like your idea for future TV, and agree something like that must come along, and soon, too. I, for one, NEVER watch any commercials; yet the folks who give us TV base a show's "success" on the potential buyers it draws to watch the advertising. A well-watched show lets the TV producers sell more advertising, and thus the show stays on the air. How can they be so stupid? Many friends have told me they are growing more fed up with all the commercials, which basically screw up the storytelling, so they also do not watch any ads. I watch a few good shows for the escapement, not to find out which car or deodorant to buy.

Dinky, MATLOCK! My mother loved that show into her 80s. She also never missed Alex Trebeck's and Pat Sajack's (sp?) game shows. But you're 16?? Please see your doctor!

Personally, I'd rather read a good book than watch most of today's TV.


Thursday, February 23, 2006 11:52 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


You know the old saying, "Nobody ever went broke by underestimating the intelligence of the american people." H. L. Mencken*
*Actually about half the cites I can find for that quote substitute the word taste for intelligence and I find the quote (both versions) atributed to both Mencken and P. T. Barnum. You be the judge.

Yeah, it's Mencken. It was his response to the debut of Reader's Digest magazine. Seems appropriate in this context, given Fox's and Digest's appeals to the lowest common denominator.

Their "original" shows with titles like "Secrets" and "Desire" just remind me of Spike and his favorite soap opera, "Passions". Which, oddly enough, SciFi channel is now running on a daily basis. :)


A baby seal walks into a club...


Thursday, February 23, 2006 1:08 PM



Originally posted by Storymark:
Fox (more specificly Newscorp) own a major movie studio (20th Century Fox) a top broadcast network(FOX), one of the top cable channels(FX), a powerfull news channel (FauxNews)

If that's the case, then all the 'good' shows are on the FX channel anyway (apart from 24) - now days it seems if you want quality TV you need to be seen to pay for it. Firefly II and Arrested Development would sit nicely amongst The Shield and Rescue Me etc, etc - bring over 24 and leave FOX to its 'When mother-in-laws attack 2' and 'World's stupidist President' (FOX's would win hands down) crap.

Is FX expensive to subscribe to? I live outside the US, and we get masses of quality US and UK programming on broadcast TV - uncensored :) Which brings up another point, if FF wasn't on the main FOX channel the 'suits' may be more amenable to leaving Joss alone in peace to get on creating his masterpiece,(not that Joss would go within 10 feet of FOX now).


Thursday, February 23, 2006 1:41 PM



Originally posted by Sickdude:

Originally posted by Gelassenheit:
Maybe I am an alien...

Maybe you are a lion?!?

"I don't think of myself as a lion. You might as well, though. I have a mighty roar."

Gelassenheit means Serenity


Thursday, February 23, 2006 4:23 PM


I love my captain

I once heard someone say that if you were to make a network made up entirely of shows canceled by FOX in the first three seasons, It would be the most awesome network ever.


Thursday, February 23, 2006 4:31 PM


FOX will continue to be successful with its cratastic programming. The American people as a whole are morons and sheep. Individual people are usually quite intelligent. The advertisers keep buying ads because stupid people actually see the Wal-mart commercial and go "holy crap I need to go to Wal-mart."

Reality shows are not much different than the stuff that used to be popular like Jerry Springer, Jenny Jones and all that crap. People like watching stupid people be stupid around other stupid people. Networks like FOX have figured this out just like McDonalds figured out that if they make a mascot more popular than Jesus they will sell billions of cheeseburgers.

I've figured out that people look at science fiction fans as weird and strange. Of course we are strange to them. The majority of American television viewers think and act similiar to each other and then here we come and want TV that makes us think, with characters we can actually admire and love. I think time can change this and people can change especially if people are shown how much better some shows are. FOX is going to make millions with this network and what are we Firefly fans going to have to show for it? Nothing...

I figure the best chance we have of anything is getting our show on a cable network that doesn't have 20 million people watching there most popular show. There just isn't enough of us to convince a station like WB or FOX to give us an hour of their programming for a show that makes a small profit and only attracts a few million viewers when they can fill that slot with another remake of Survivor and attrack 15 million people and jack up the advertising rates and make ten times as much money.

I realize I went on a rant and have no real idea what I have said or if it makes sense, but I don't care. Just felt like saying it.


Friday, February 24, 2006 6:19 AM



Originally posted by bullet1510:

Is FX expensive to subscribe to? I live outside the US, and we get masses of quality US and UK programming on broadcast TV - uncensored :) Which brings up another point, if FF wasn't on the main FOX channel the 'suits' may be more amenable to leaving Joss alone in peace to get on creating his masterpiece,(not that Joss would go within 10 feet of FOX now).

No. FX is comes with most basic cable packages in the US. It is not, however, available on the Dish Network satellite system (at least in my area). Not sure if it's on Direct TV (the other satellite provider).

It would be great if FX was showing Firefly. Between The Shield, Rescue Me, and 24 (they often show the reruns after the first run on FOX), and Firefly Redux, FX would easily be my favorite network on TV.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Friday, February 24, 2006 6:32 AM



So they cancel quality television shows like Firefly and Arrested development, claiming there is no audience and they want to fill that time up with shows that bring in the bucks. But then, they're launching yet ANOTHER crap hole island network; oh and of course there is NO ROOM for the good shows so they go ahead and fill it with crap shows. I.JUST.DON'T.GET.IT.
Maybe I am an alien...

Let's just admit it, the vast population of the first world countries, are incredibly ignorant and stupid.

I don't even really watch many new shows anymore, because they are all the same shit over and over and over.

Give me Firefly, Lost, Buffy, (the old) Alias, the first 6 seasons of The Simpson's, and 3rd Watch.

Now THAT in my opinion is good television.

"I aim to misbehave."
"Can't do something smart, do something right".

HOMER: "Oh Lisa, you and your stories; Bart is a vampire, beer kills brain cells. Now lets go back to that... building thingy... where our beds and T.V.... is".


Friday, February 24, 2006 7:53 AM



Originally posted by Gelassenheit:
"I don't think of myself as a lion. You might as well, though. I have a mighty roar."

"It's a cow."


Friday, February 24, 2006 7:57 AM




Originally posted by Mattie:
But really, can you imagine how frustrating it would be to work for someone that totally, completely and entirely rejected your genius?

Dude. That's my every day!!

Haha! It's mine, too. That's why I'm looking for a new job!

Wacky fun!


Saturday, February 25, 2006 12:20 PM



Originally posted by Dinky:
This is why I don't watch TV.

Me either--a mind is a terrible thing to waste, after all--with one deeply compelling exception: "Battlestar Galactica," which airs on SciFi.

It's not as funny as FF--boy, is that an understatement!--and its characters are complicated and so not so easily likeable; but Time Magazine was right to call it the best show on TV. It blows every predecessor TV scifi program out of the water, including the politically sophisticated but clumsily produced "Babylon 5" and even ST:TNG at its best.

Season one is out on DVD, as is the first half of season two--or you can download 'em via iTunes (or, for free, via bittorrent).

It's the high point of my week, every week, without fail.

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle. . . ."


Saturday, February 25, 2006 1:03 PM



Originally posted by Brandon:
FOX will continue to be successful with its cratastic programming. The American people as a whole are morons and sheep. Individual people are usually quite intelligent. The advertisers keep buying ads because stupid people actually see the Wal-mart commercial and go "holy crap I need to go to Wal-mart."

Reality shows are not much different than the stuff that used to be popular like Jerry Springer, Jenny Jones and all that crap. People like watching stupid people be stupid around other stupid people. Networks like FOX have figured this out just like McDonalds figured out that if they make a mascot more popular than Jesus they will sell billions of cheeseburgers.

I've figured out that people look at science fiction fans as weird and strange. Of course we are strange to them. The majority of American television viewers think and act similiar to each other and then here we come and want TV that makes us think, with characters we can actually admire and love. I think time can change this and people can change especially if people are shown how much better some shows are. FOX is going to make millions with this network and what are we Firefly fans going to have to show for it? Nothing...

I figure the best chance we have of anything is getting our show on a cable network that doesn't have 20 million people watching there most popular show. There just isn't enough of us to convince a station like WB or FOX to give us an hour of their programming for a show that makes a small profit and only attracts a few million viewers when they can fill that slot with another remake of Survivor and attrack 15 million people and jack up the advertising rates and make ten times as much money.

I realize I went on a rant and have no real idea what I have said or if it makes sense, but I don't care. Just felt like saying it.

Ok this is my time to rant. First of all, I'm proud to be an American, perhaps blindly so. So it irks me when someone describes Americans in particular as you have. Americans aren't any dumber or group-think oriented than any other nation. The world is full of ignorant people. When I was in Germany, a freind told his neighbor I was American. She respond "aber er is nicht schwarz!" ("But he is not black!").

The corallary is that the world is full of smart and ingenious people. Most people are smarter than average in some way. Most people have a specific talent that elevates them.

In my experiance, a lot of people tend to think ignorance and stupidity are uniquely the recent generations. Just isn't so. Our stupidity is calling political opponents pigs or from the dark ages or malicious. Back when people's stupidity involved burning many River Tam's for witchcraft.
That's the extreme, take the common. Most people several hundred years ago were specialists. Blacksmiths, cotton weavers, farmers, tailors, barbers. As today, people have a limited capacity. Today, we tend to broaden peoples teachings, making people decent at everything. Back then, you'd work as apprentice and be really good at one thing.

I'm ignorant. Your ignorant. We all have our prejudices and our biases. It is arrogant and condescending to place yourself above others. It's also arrogant to call yourself above group thought and justify it by placing yourself in a smaller group, the "sci-fi you want a show to make you think" group. (This is the first and last time I will make any personal reference to your character. I'm not sorry if it offends you, it should)

Item #2, addressed to Dinky.
I don't think Babylon 5 was poory produced, until the third season. The first two seasons, especially the climax at the season 1 finale, were brilliant. Just my opinion.


Saturday, February 25, 2006 1:24 PM



Originally posted by Dinky:

Oh Monk was cool too!! It wasn't cancelled was it??

I am a big fan of Monk, too. Thankfully, it has not been cancelled, and there will be a new episode on USA an Fri, March 3, about 10:00. If you like reading (not enough young'ns do these days with their internets and hip-hop 8-tracks)There is a monk book out now (whitch I just read and enjoyed) and its quite an easy read. There are more coming soon.

Aside from Monk I only watch the daily show, colbert report, and House (I watch the reruns on USA, not on Fox ) I hope Fox doesn't cancel that, too.

-Stay Shiny
"The people who made the show, and the people who saw the show, which is roughly the same number of people, fell in love with it, a little bit too much to let it go, too much to lay down arms when when the battle looked pretty much lost. In Hollywood, people like that are called unrealistic, quixotic, obsessive... In my world, they're called Browncoats."
-Joss Whedon


Saturday, February 25, 2006 1:28 PM



Originally posted by ThePistonEngine:
Item #2, addressed to Dinky.
I don't think Babylon 5 was poory produced, until the third season. The first two seasons, especially the climax at the season 1 finale, were brilliant. Just my opinion.

/Shrug. I dunno about Babylon. I never bother with watching Sci-fi's usually. I blame this on Star Trek... I just think it's really really boooring. I bore easily when it comes to film and such. Err atleast when something is made like Star Trek.

I have to have some sort of fighting!! Or just something that grips me (like Firefly's use of characters) and makes me want to watch, makes me curious. I just can't watch shows like Star Trek (not saying babylon is, it's just that's what I thought whenever I heard of it).

The same goes for most other Sci-fi's, though like most non-Sci-fi dorks I like Star Wars.

Another show I don't like is FarScape (I'm not sure how to spell it). But just like a half an hour ago I was watching Stargate in the other room... That seems like it is (or was) pretty neat :D.

By the way, I would dump Star Wars any day for Firefly.

Oh and I stopped watchin Fox based on the poorly done OTHER shows. Not exactly Babylon... I'd only heard of that, I never saw it (nor was I interested in it). But every other Fox show freaging sucks... The Simpsons was awesome but now it's just boring.

"Th3re !s n0 spo0Ne." -The Matricks


Saturday, February 25, 2006 1:35 PM


Was B5 Fox produced?
I'm too young to have seen it when it first came out. Last two and a half seasons are painful to watch. If you like Serenity/Firefly, you should give the first two seasons of B5 a good shot. Characters seem really dull for the first couple of episodes compared to Firefly, but they do build up. The multi-threaded plots that continue from episode to episode are really good, and the season 1 finale rocked my world just as much as any Firefly episode (though not on the same gut-wretching level as some of the really good scenese in Firefly (Out of Gas,Safe)


Originally posted by Dinky:

Originally posted by ThePistonEngine:
Item #2, addressed to Dinky.
I don't think Babylon 5 was poory produced, until the third season. The first two seasons, especially the climax at the season 1 finale, were brilliant. Just my opinion.

/Shrug. I dunno about Babylon. I never bother with watching Sci-fi's usually. I blame this on Star Trek... I just think it's really really boooring. I bore easily when it comes to film and such. Err atleast when something is made like Star Trek.

I have to have some sort of fighting!! Or just something that grips me (like Firefly's use of characters) and makes me want to watch, makes me curious. I just can't watch shows like Star Trek (not saying babylon is, it's just that's what I thought whenever I heard of it).

The same goes for most other Sci-fi's, though like most non-Sci-fi dorks I like Star Wars.

Another show I don't like is FarScape (I'm not sure how to spell it). But just like a half an hour ago I was watching Stargate in the other room... That seems like it is (or was) pretty neat :D.

By the way, I would dump Star Wars any day for Firefly.

Oh and I stopped watchin Fox based on the poorly done OTHER shows. Not exactly Babylon... I'd only heard of that, I never saw it (nor was I interested in it). But every other Fox show freaging sucks... The Simpsons was awesome but now it's just boring.

"Th3re !s n0 spo0Ne." -The Matricks


Saturday, February 25, 2006 2:34 PM


No, B5 was a WB production first aired on UPN.


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 9:42 AM


No, actually, it was a PTEN production that was marketed to independent stations as a syndicated property. It had no network affiliation until the fifth season, when it was sold to TNT...and sucked.

- T







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WHY DID THEY CANCEL THIS??? *FIREFLY* Ep 14 Reaction Movie Night with Jacqui Episode -1-14 Reaction
Thu, September 26, 2024 12:40 - 12 posts
Why isn't this a bigger story?
Tue, September 24, 2024 06:55 - 4 posts
People do stop by
Mon, September 23, 2024 17:50 - 4 posts
Happy Anniversary XXII
Fri, September 20, 2024 16:16 - 5 posts
17th Annual Browncoats Backwoods Bash. Bloomington, Indiana. Saturday September 21, 2024.
Fri, September 20, 2024 04:54 - 5 posts
Poetry in song
Tue, September 17, 2024 18:52 - 18 posts