Time line

UPDATED: Sunday, February 26, 2006 15:48
VIEWED: 1633
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Sunday, February 26, 2006 10:16 AM


Ok a friend and I were have a little chat about the time line of firefly. We know it's set 500 years in the future but how long do you think people have been living in the actual solar system from the tv show. We decided it was sometime between 200 and 150 years what do you think?


Sunday, February 26, 2006 11:58 AM


i think in the serenity rpg or maybe the novelization of the movie it said that an entire generation of colonist were born and died on the ark journeying to our little corner of the 'verse. dont know if that helps in any way.


Sunday, February 26, 2006 12:48 PM


Well, we can estimate about 100 years for the actual journey from Earth-that-Was to the colonization of Londinium and Sihnon. The civilization in the 'verse we see now (2518 A.D.) is pretty complex, but keep in mind that technology can radically change a society to an exponential degree (compare how much the US changed between 1800-1850, 1850-1900, 1900-1950, and 1950-2000; later years had much more rapid change).

The other thing to figure is by when we might, conceivably, have the technology to terraform Earth-like worlds, create artificial gravity, and build those giant arks.

For the purposes of the Serenity RPG I'm running, I estimated that it'd be about 200 years at least between the initial colonization of Londinium / Sihnon and present-day, perhaps a little more. That'd mean mankind left Earth-that-Was circa 2200 AD, and arrived in Londinium / Sihnon circa 2300 AD. KF


Lord, I'm walking your way. Let me in, for my feet are sore, my clothes are ragged.
Look in my eyes, Lord, and my sins will play out on them as on a screen. Read them all.
Forgive what you can and send me on my path. I will walk on until you bid me rest.

~Haven Prayer


Sunday, February 26, 2006 1:36 PM


the issue my friend and I were having was that it would likly take 100 years to get to a solar system with planets and the like that we could terraform. We were also trying to figure out when the earth would "get used up" which would be important to figure out the whole time line. Another issue we talked about was what level of scociety existed in the ships that brought people off of earth. The final issue we were debating was about how long it would take to develop the ships that we see flying around, they don't just come out of thin air its a process, so are firefly like a 2nd or 3rd evolution of mid-bulk transports?
I may as well share some of my thoughts on this post. I felt that it would take us 100 years to get to the point that a government would be willing to build a fleet of multi national colony ships. I feel that it would be more likely that many of these ships were built each of which similar in shape and size to alliance battlecrusiers. Each ship would have some sort of fusion drive which would consume minimal resources. In addition their would likly be a fleet of shuttles to facilitate transport between the colony ships, and to allow people to land and teraform planets. After arriving I figured there would already be a governmental and class system in place established on the colony ships. I also figured that many of the first cites would have been built using scrap parts from the colony ships themselves. Finally I figured that it would take them about 50 years max to terraform a planet. Considering the fact that planets are still being terraformed during the tv show it proves that they couldn't have been around for more then 200 years. My money is on 150 years. Maybe even less.


Sunday, February 26, 2006 3:15 PM


As I see it it was population pressure that used up the earth and it's resources. I was watching the news Friday night and the anchor mentioned that sometime during the broadcast the population on earth went to 6.5 billion and it would reach 7 billion by 2009. Do the math from there.


Sunday, February 26, 2006 3:48 PM


It is possible that time on "the Arc" to find a new solar system was never counted. This might explain better, let's say they left Feb 26, 2162 and then traveled on "the arc" for 134 years and then they started the calendar back up at Feb 27, 2162 when they arrived on Londinium. So they Travel time has no effect on the calendar. So they are more that 500 years into the future than us. If this is what happened.






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