Joss Whedon is our SCi Fi Saviour

UPDATED: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 00:08
VIEWED: 1556
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Monday, February 27, 2006 4:59 AM


All I have to say is thank god for Joss Whedan. Some one has finally put it together and made not only a great series but an incredible movie.

I loved the old star wars movies, they will live with me forever. After waiting years for the new star wars movies to come out they turned out to be so so... (so what do I have now in terms of great sci fi movies to look forward to?????).
I thought I would never see another great sci fi movie like starwars again, then i saw serenity. WOW, this movie was so amazing, strong interesting characters, fantasic plot, funny dialogue. Joss was able to recreate something similar to the original starwars, and dare i say it maybe even embelish it a little. Many have tried and come close, eg 5th element/starship troopers/(the new star wars movies), and failed.
Go Joss, Go, keep churning out the serenity/firefly good ness, make serenity 2/3/4, out do lucas, I know u can do it!!!!!!

How can we the fans make this become a reality more quickly. We've got to get the sales up for Joss, ive got my copy of firefly and serenity. EVERYONE if u love that movie go out and buy it, and we are bound to see more serenity goodness.

PS I reckon starwars revenge of the sith would have been much better if we had of seen darth vader come back at the end and kill some jedis, and then scare obiwan of into hiding. Doesnt that make a little more sense. (Anyway stars wars is over and ruined no point in complaining now). But on the bright side we have Joss Whedan and Serenity, YAY...


Monday, February 27, 2006 5:06 AM


Hey DickyBoy3001!

It's good to have you aboard and to hear you so excited about the 'verse.

I sort of hand out browncoats to new folks and I think you qualify as this is your first post, so...

*hands DickyBoy a shiny new browncoat*

You'll be happy here I know, because the people here are the best.

Someone will come along and offer you food and drink I'm sure and say the same thing I'm gonna say.

Welcome home.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Monday, February 27, 2006 5:18 AM


Thanks for the welcome, not sure about the brown coat thing though. Now that I read my post I guess it is a bit of brown nosing, although it really wasnt my intention to brown nose, just to speak the truth and see if I could get a massive forum started to get someones attention and (head in the clouds I know) get Serenity 2 made, YEAH!!!

ahem wow got a little carried away there!!


Monday, February 27, 2006 5:35 AM


No, you are not carried away, check out some of the other threads if you want to see carried away.

The browncoat thing is just that... a nice way to say hi and welcome. Feel free to refuse if you want. Didn't mean to be pushy. And you are not brown nosing.

We ALL want more Serenity or Firefly, there are many threads currently with lots of different ideas about how to relight Firefly. There is a thread with addresses for mail to Universal, CW and other networks and companies to get their attention. There are several threads that talk specifically about things that individual Browncoats can do to help get the show or another movie going.

Please make yourself to home and look around and you will find lots of folks who think exactly the same way you do and you'll find lots of things we're all doing to get Firefly/Serenity back.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Monday, February 27, 2006 5:35 AM


lol, welcome dickyboy.

Your browncoat is not to do with brown nosing. In the film, Mal and Zoe fought for the independence army, known as the Browncoats. By giving you a browncoat, followmal was saying "welcome to the family"!


Edit: See you beat me to it followmal!


Monday, February 27, 2006 5:39 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by dickyboy3001:
Thanks for the welcome, not sure about the brown coat thing though. Now that I read my post I guess it is a bit of brown nosing, although it really wasnt my intention to brown nose, just to speak the truth and see if I could get a massive forum started to get someones attention and (head in the clouds I know) get Serenity 2 made, YEAH!!!

ahem wow got a little carried away there!!

Welcome to the site DickyBoy3001!

"Browncoat" actually refers to the fans of the movie & the series it sprung from Firefly. The term browncoat comes from the name that everyone uses to refer to the Independent faction of the War for Unification fought in the universe that Joss Whedon created. Both Mal & Zoe were "browncoats" and we fans adopted the name for ourselves. Browncoat was by no means a reference to your enthusiasm or meant to give the impression we thought you were brown nosing.

Hope that clears things up.

If you have not seen the series Firefly I would highly suggest you do. It takes place prior to the movie (the last episode leaves off 6 months or so the beginning of the film). It will fill you in more on the characters & 'verse.

Take care & keep flyin'!


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 12:08 AM


Ahhhh, and the recruits keep coming in. Enthusiastic? We love enthusiasim, we WANT enthusiasim.

And Followmal can also get you your weapons and gear, she's the recrisitions officer.

As for me, I hand out the drinks. Here ya go.

Mudders Milk; All the carbs and protiens of your
mothers best turkey dinner.... plus 15% alchohol.
Dicky, welcome to We're weird, you'll love it here.

Now you have to get the series, look for the River Tam Sessions, someone should help you find those, there's an extensive gag reel of the tv show, I downloaded it from Limewire. Lets see, the comics that bridge the 6 months between the show and the movie (I've yet to get those) The official Serenity movie book, and Browncoats help me out, I know I'm missing other things.

Oh, and plenty of Browncoats have made their own merchandise that you can find here. Some templates for models of Serenity, an ornament and dogtags and a lighter with the Serenity label.... I'm running out of breath.

And you must go to the Blue Sun room and check out Firefly pics done by some of the fans. (most notably the best artist here MPhillips)

You have a whole new Verse to discover, and I envy you seeing it for the first time. So I'll rediscover it vicariously through you and all the other new recruits. Enjoy the drink, please mind the rug.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting






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