I know everyone wants a new Firefly series, but...

UPDATED: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 17:15
VIEWED: 12015
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Tuesday, February 28, 2006 3:11 PM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:

Not really. A fat greasy cow is something I am not, but it seems that that comment regarding fat greasy cows got your limited attention. There are websites for that sort of thing if you are into it, and I suspect you are.
Your post just shows what a knuckle-dragging idiot you really are. Look, I'll give you a tip...its called fire and you can use it for a great many things. Next I show you what a wheel can do for might change your life, or in your case it might not because you are to stupid to get it.


You are way to stupid to live

Why don't you just consolidate all of your joke book insults into one message? That way you don't have to keep looking them up and adding them at end of each message. I couldn't help but notice you were not able to dispute one thing I said, but that's okay. I understand that you are a little slow.

In the mean time, feel free to insult my intelligence while we both pretend that in all likelihood I am far more intelligent, better educated, and financially better off than you will ever be.

Honestly, in all that time, that response was the best you could come up with? "Knuckle dragging idiot"..."too stupid to live"..? Should we wait while you quote all the clichés you know, like the class retard, or should we get back to subject this thread? It’s up to you, fat greasy cow.


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 3:15 PM


*River sighs and puts down the burrito she was eating*

Just when I was being nice to the vermin-boy he had to go and open his fat trap and try to be mean to me only because he's Mr Neanderthal man. Here we go again!

Were you crying when you wrote your post? I must have hurt your feelings or something. Besides, its no big deal, and you are the one that is all hostile, so why don't you silence that stinking hole of yours, and sit down and be very quite like the good little mama's boy you are?

Also, I could buy your whole life you vermin, and sell you, and your fat, greasy mother off into white-slavery somewhere in some 3rd world crap hole, where you will get to know the words "azz-rape" in a personal way, and with that, I shall allow you to have the last word because you are such a mama's boy, and mama's boyz need to have the last word.

*River goes back to eating the beef burrito*


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 3:16 PM


I think if they were told they would have another chance to air the show, they could completely ignore the movie. The movie's only purpose was to satisfy those unruly browncoats who weren't happy with the decision to take it off the air. If they brought it back I think it would be okay to wake up the dead.. and finish the REAL plot.


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 4:08 PM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
*River sighs and puts down the burrito she was eating*

Just when I was being nice to the vermin-boy he had to go and open his fat trap and try to be mean to me only because he's Mr Neanderthal man. Here we go again!

Were you crying when you wrote your post? I must have hurt your feelings or something. Besides, its no big deal, and you are the one that is all hostile, so why don't you silence that stinking hole of yours, and sit down and be very quite like the good little mama's boy you are?

Also, I could buy your whole life you vermin, and sell you, and your fat, greasy mother off into white-slavery somewhere in some 3rd world crap hole, where you will get to know the words "azz-rape" in a personal way, and with that, I shall allow you to have the last word because you are such a mama's boy, and mama's boyz need to have the last word.

*River goes back to eating the beef burrito*

{Insulting response's less than 4 hours from the start of Lent...aww screw it,it's also because your response itself makes you seem really stupid}

...back to the thread at hand.
I heard that the movie basically took the show where it was going to be and the end of season two. I assume that at that point, he meant to change direction of the show to keep it fresh. However, I hope his justification in killing Wash (the light funny element) and Book (the spiritual center) wasn’t so he could take the show in darker direction. I thought part of the magic is show was that it was generally positive.


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 4:24 PM



Originally posted by Seba:
...honestly, how good can it be without Book or Wash? The entire character dynamic of the show is now ruined. The #1 reason the show was as fantastic as it was was because of the fascinating characters and the way they played off of one another. It was perfectly balanced, and now that balance is gone. Joss, from the Serenity commentary seems to act as if these decisions were of no consequence, but he has effectively killed the show himself this time, no network interference needed. It’s one thing to kill off a character after we’ve explored the character fully, from all angles after 8 or 9 seasons, but in this instance, we’ve really only just met Wash and Book – all of us – and to kill them at this stage is to suggest that their presence on the ship was meaningless, making the whole “family” theme ridiculous as well. After so many fans fought to have the show resurrected, to kill off two beloved main characters is nothing short of sadism from Mr. Whedon, and a complete slap in the face. He seems to think that the only reason people watch the show is to marvel in his creative brilliance, and anything he does will be applauded and rabidly consumed by his fan base, but in reality, it was the characters that drew people to his show, and actions such as this will surely put a dent in that fanbase. Myself, not being a fan of Mr. Whedon or his pre-Firefly work at all, was certainly not impressed by his decision.

Perhaps Firefly is better off dead and in the hands of caring fans than Mr. Whedon, who, judging by Serenity, has started to loose the original magic.

I'm not listening, I'm not listening...

Things change, characters die, good storytelling thrives on stuff like this, without change stories become stagnant. There, I've said my bit *deep breath*.

"Gorramit Mal... I've forgotten my line."


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 5:15 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Actually, much to my surprise, Gunn seems to have lived. There's a new Angel comic mini-series that started about a month ago, in which Gun (now missing an eye) seeks out Angel in (I think) Eastern Europe (where the previouse post-series Angel comic was set).

I imagine some people don't count the comics as cannon, but since I believe Joss has story approval on all the comics - and since we're not likely to get any more filmed Angel adventures for a long time (if ever), it would seem that Charles somehow survived the nasty dust-up we didn't get to see in the final episode.

Interesting, especially since the wife and I just finished rewatching the entire series of Angel on DVD, again. We were discussing (at length, and with arm motions!) our perceived outcomes of the epic battle at the end. I figured that Gunn was the least likely of the survivors to... well, SURVIVE. He was grievously injured already, and they were going up against a veritable ARMY of the worst that the Senior Partners could throw at them. Gunn, while he is one kick-ass dude, is still a "mere" human amongst the others, and seemed to me to have the least chance of actually getting through that particular Apocalypse.

But then my oh-so-astute wife pointed out that that's exactly the kind of thing Joss would do: let you think one thing, then turn it around on you and spring a surprise. So, of course, I end up thinking Gunn probably DID live. And if there's still talk of a Spike movie possibly getting done at some point, it stands to reason that Spike made it through, too.

And if anyone can give me a rundown on some of the comics, I'd appreciate that. I want to read up on them, but I don't know if there's a certain order I should go in to avoid spoilers and such.


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