Browncoat Rally Cry!!

UPDATED: Saturday, March 4, 2006 05:21
VIEWED: 8476
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Wednesday, March 1, 2006 2:04 PM


I have a dream...., but first a question...

Does anyone know if this is the correct address for 20th Century FOX HQ?:

Twentieth Century Fox Television
10201 West Pico Blvd
Building 88, Room 30
Los Angeles, CA 90035

If so, I plan on taking a vacation around mid to late June and wanted to know how many Browncoats would actually meet me in L.A. to picket/protest (to bring back our favorite show) out front of the building for a solid week. My goal is actual media attention, which would probably mean at least 200 people who would stay the whole week. People have posted about the effectiveness of writing a letter and the time it takes but this would have a good impact, I think. Anyone game for this or am I just out of my gorram mind?


"Six men came to kill me one time...and the best of them carried this. It's a Callahan full-bore auto lock. Customized trigger. Double cartridge thorough gauge. It is my very favorite gun."


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 2:27 PM


So many years after the cancelation? I'd imagine that you'd just be considered a fringe element and not be given any consideration beyond that.

It's nice to know that people are still willing to fight to get the show back, but who about something a little bit less radical.

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 2:38 PM


I figure the fan base has grown bigger then ever since the BDM....and I personally wouldn't be a Browncoat if that movie never came out. What better time to re-light firefly when our numbers our at the there highest(and most profitable for networks/ratings). Maybe its extreme but being normal scares me.


"Six men came to kill me one time...and the best of them carried this. It's a Callahan full-bore auto lock. Customized trigger. Double cartridge thorough gauge. It is my very favorite gun."


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 3:21 PM


It might make local news, but it's LA and there are a billion local news stations.

No, I am not insane, I am crazy. Thank you for asking.


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 3:22 PM


It might make local news, but it's LA and there are a billion local news stations.
Sorry, this is me being helpful.

No, I am not insane, I am crazy. Thank you for asking.


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 3:41 PM


Hey there Muddersmilk302. You are my kinda stupid! And I mean that with as much love as possible. I'm in Baltimore, and if I had any vacation time coming, and any money to go, I would be right there beside you.
I think you are right. Now would be the best time to strike while the BDM is still fresh in their minds. I think we need to start getting extreme if we want the show back. I have sent my letters and my e-mails. I am currently working on trying to build a letter writing base web site, just for form letters and addresses and such, but I ain't all that computer literate, and so it's slow going. I could possibly purchase a few hundred buttons for all of the participants to wear and hand out while they are there. I could UPS them to you, to try to do my part. Keep me posted on your recruiting progress.

"She is starting to damage my calm!"


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 4:15 PM


gotta say, sounds like an excellent idea. fanatical, yes, as has been pointed out- but personally i that that is an *excellent* trait :) not to mention the fact that browncoats in general are a bit more fanatical then other fanbases.

unfortunatly, due to the fact that i am all of 15 yrs old and therefor lacking both parental permission (a damned nusience) and money, i can't go, but it songs like a real good idea to me.

on another note: the topic of this thread is "browncoat rally call" which brought to my attention taht we don't really ahve any call... which is to say, as far as i can remember, nowehre is there mentioned some sort of battlecry (which is a little problamatic for my subconcious, as i don't ahve anything to yell in my shiny foxslaying dreams). does anyone have any ideas? (i did consider "bwaah!" but i've tried it a cuple times, it just doesnt have any particular ring to it)


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 4:28 PM


Sorry, but I don't think it's the way to go.

Joss has said he will never work with Fox agian, and I do believe him, so, even if for some magic reason they agreed, why would he?

I believe the way to go is to rally in front of the headquarters of Universal for a sequal.... and if you want small screen, have a signing raly in front of the CW headquarters.

"Someone Ever Tries to Kill You, You Try and Kill Em' Right Back"
Very Shiny:
Even Shinier (Is that even a word? It is now...):
AIM: dog13000 YSN: reverse_drive2g


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 4:33 PM


This indeed is fanatical, and is most certianly not my kind of stupid. I really don't want to be lumped in with this.

After all, once a group of people gets known for being fanatical, there's no shaking it.

This isn't some, now we are a bunch of crazies but later people will see the light thing. It is permanent.

And if people see us as that, then anything that we have to say will be discarded, period.

Point of fact, to make something happen, you have to do what you know will get noticed by a large amount of people AND instill enough respect for people to support you.

Sure this little stunt might get the former, but it certianly will not acheive the latter. You'll all end up a water-cooler joke at F*X.

Try to think of something that'll get there attention. Like, oh I don't know, proving that there is a large market for this stuff.

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 4:45 PM


well, dome decent points on the danger of fanatacism i'll give you that; my take on this (and maybe im quite wrong, this is just what i got from it) is that it wouldnt neccesarily be done with the intention of some sort of immediate gratafication, or even notice, but rather that its a way to fight back, a way to DO something, even if its not that helpful, realisticly. but i dunno maybe it was purely in hopes of drawing media attention and i've gone and twisted it to my own ideas again :)


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 4:55 PM


Much as it pains me to admit it, I have to agree with Sigmanunki: a protest in front of Fox at this point will just look silly. Recruiting so many Browncoats that the whole franchise makes lots of money is the one thing Hollywood and LA will respect. *sigh*

On other matters, though--


Originally posted by Miramel:
on another note: the topic of this thread is "browncoat rally call" which brought to my attention taht we don't really ahve any call... which is to say, as far as i can remember, nowehre is there mentioned some sort of battlecry (which is a little problamatic for my subconcious, as i don't ahve anything to yell in my shiny foxslaying dreams). does anyone have any ideas? (i did consider "bwaah!" but i've tried it a cuple times, it just doesnt have any particular ring to it)

Nathan Fillion gave us a rallying cry, and it inspired this song:

Trilogy, O trilogy, I want my trilogy,
Don’t stop at one, Don’t stop at two,
Gorramit, gimme three!
Trilogy, O trilogy, that’s what I want to see,
Someday I’ll own a boxed set
Of that Big Damn Trilogy!

Check it out at the link in my sig.

Keep flyin, and keep recruitin',


"Some things stay with you, 'til the day you die."
On the Drift: Music Inspired by Firefly and Serenity, now on sale at


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 5:23 PM


yea, i've heard that song, 'tis quite good i thought


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 5:32 PM



Originally posted by Cedric:
Much as it pains me to admit it, I have to agree with Sigmanunki: a protest in front of Fox at this point will just look silly. Recruiting so many Browncoats that the whole franchise makes lots of money is the one thing Hollywood and LA will respect. *sigh*

Getting another movie or show is about money. Plain and simple. Not very newsworthy or flashy or inspiring. But true nonetheless. That's the language that networks and Universal speak. That's the language we have to speak.

I want a Trilogy.. that would make me a very happy Browncoat! You know, 3 more movies, a series in between and then another 3 or 7 movies.
Yep, that'd do it.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 5:40 PM



Originally posted by Miramel:
yea, i've heard that song, 'tis quite good i thought

Thanks. I got a room full of people singing it with me last weekend. Afterwards, several scifi fans told me they were ready to give Firefly a try. :-)

Look, it might take a while--but we will get a sequel. Or a series. Or shadow puppets. Believe.

And go to, and take the advice there.


"Some things stay with you, 'til the day you die."
On the Drift: Music Inspired by Firefly and Serenity, now on sale at


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 5:42 PM


Also, Miramel - it's so refreshing to see a youth with good taste. It gives me hope for our future.
You know, the future - that's you!


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 5:51 PM


Guys, come on! What's wrong with a little rally? I admit, Fox might not be the best place for it. I would like to see it on the Sci-Fi channel, myself. I applaud Muddersmilker302 for at least wanting to do something. After all, Firefly is 'the only spaceship powered entirely by fans'.

So we're fanatics. So are Star Trek fans, and they kept that series going for 30 years. Rally for the cause, I still like it. I can only afford to buy so many copies of the series and movie to help boost sales. I have 5 coffe mugs, and 2 calendars, and a shirt and another mug on the way as well as converting more fans, but I can't help thinking that won't be enough.

Money isn't always the only thing that talks.


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 6:42 PM



Originally posted by Miramel:

well, dome decent points on the danger of fanatacism i'll give you that; my take on this (and maybe im quite wrong, this is just what i got from it) is that it wouldnt neccesarily be done with the intention of some sort of immediate gratafication, or even notice, but rather that its a way to fight back, a way to DO something, even if its not that helpful, realisticly. but i dunno maybe it was purely in hopes of drawing media attention and i've gone and twisted it to my own ideas again :)

Why direct time and energy into something that has more than just potential to harm the chances of what we want to happen? Why not find a more creative solution?

Let me give it a try. Don't want to cut someone's idea down without coming up with something myself.

We need to show that the FF/Serenity fan community is:

1) Large

2) Mostly rational people that will financially support the franchise.

3) Prove that the community is active

4) Make stuff

5) Once the above is done, inform the companies that they are missing out on a lot of money because we are creating free content. Content that they could be creating and charging for.

6) Learn Mandarin

-1 We are getting larger all the time. Whether this is because we are spreading our Box Sets around, or saw it on Space/SciFi, or whatever. Our numbers are growing. So, we're pretty much taking care of this one already. Yah us!

Basically, more people, more revenue oppertunity.

-2 Kindly point out the flaws in plans like this one. Sure it is great to see people get fired up enough to do something. But, we have to point these people in a constructive direction, lest we get known for being fanatical (we lose by default here).

We also have to actually buy the FF/Serenity stuff ie no downloading. If you know someone that has downloaded it and/or burned it. Try to friendly encourage them to purchase it if they have the cash. You can't bleed a stone and you act like a prick, they'll just turn off straight away. So, this one will require one to turn off there "passion" for a small chunk of time.

Basically, prove that we are willing to spend our money.

-3 Writing fan fic and participating on boards like these are good ways to show that the community is alive and kicking (and it's fun to boot ).

Have FF/Serenity parties, go to the Cons, organize screenings (there was a thread addressing this just the other day).

Basically, show them that we are not just sitting on our collective doing nothing.

-4 Yup, I'm being vague... but for a reason. The thought is that we make stuff that is a market that they could be making money from.

Games is a big $ industry. I know of at least one mod project working to get FF into a game, another one announced that it was starting just the other day and I'm working on one that'll be announced when it is more mature.

I know, time and time again, people say that games should be made, and/or people say they are developing one, but it seems as though no-one is actually making them. Well, I know there is a mod for EV Nova going on and from there forums, they are still at it. Not sure as to there actual status is, but from the first post about it here that I found through google, they've been at it for over a year and still plugging away.

That is just an example, but you get the idea. Find a market that has a lot of $ potential, and start doing something. Preferably for free. That way, there's a lot less chance of getting sued.

What this says to the corps is that you guys aren't fulfilling a need that we have that could be making you loads of cash. So, we're going to make it ourselves and share it for free.

All of this also screams active community. So, the more, the better.

Basically, show them that they are not filling a profitable need ie If they don't see the market, show them the market.

-5 Here we don't actually have to do much of anything. Once we get enough done, someone will notice and let F*X/Universial/etc know that they are missing out on major $ value.

Then they'll start to see the picture and we might get something from them.

Basically, we benefit from doing what we love

-6 And no, not just the curses. And yes, I'm only really 1/2 serious about this one. But, it would be neat now wouldn't it

Say you are speaking in Mandarin somewhere around someone that you only somewhat know, don't you think that they're going to ask why you're speaking in touges? And there you go, straight into a conversation about FF/Serenity.

This also has the benefit, that when the Chinese take over the world, that you'll fit in straight away. There is also some basic brain benefits as well; keeps the brain young.

By the way, my wife has told me of studies recently done about how hard learning a new language is and it isn't that difficult. There is no age barrier, just a time one. So, if you really want to learn, just put your mind to it, put in the time, and you'll be fine.

Basically, this is just neat and would be fun to do

At any rate, that's my attempt. Comments?

Is that because it's me?

So we're fanatics. So are Star Trek fans,

And when's the last time that you heard of Star Trek fans protesting? They did it with letter writing campains, showing the corps where they spend there moeny, etc.

For the corps, it all ends up looking at the bottom line. If they know they can't make a profit, or it's even fairly risky, then getting something done will pretty much be imposible. Sorry, but that is the reality of this world we live in.

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 6:54 PM


What have you done to me? How did I not know about the Bedlam Bard's cd?

I MUST have!


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 7:41 PM



Originally posted by SameErtia:
What have you done to me? How did I not know about the Bedlam Bard's cd?

I MUST have!

And here I thought I had been going overboard with trying to post announcements about it everytime I turn around. :-)

In keeping with Sigmanunki's arguments, which I have to agree with >again< , I was hoping that On the Drift would hit #1 at CDBaby, so that we could point to its popularity as another sign of the strength of the Browncoat Movement.

And yeah, Sig, for some reason, I just can't stand agreeing with you. I wake up every morning, saying, "Darn it, I hope Sigmanunki isn't awake, 'cause that means we agree on what time to be awake."

Just yankin' yer chain,


"Some things stay with you, 'til the day you die."
On the Drift: Music Inspired by Firefly and Serenity, now on sale at


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 8:15 PM


[Q I know, time and time again, people say that games should be made, and/or people say they are developing one

I tell you what would be a damn fine game..Firefly game similar to Kights of the Old Republic(same party selection, and character stength options) but add a more real-time shooter element...just could fly around the 'verse pulling jobs...watching Jane whip would be great.

And another thing...I've been wanting to rant about this for a I'm gonna do it now...corps only care about the bottom line... well they did a pretty sh*!ty job of promoting Serenity and Firfly.
I've been a Sci-Fi fan for about 18 years..starting with my dad forcing me to watch the Empire Stikes Back when I was 6(didn't have to do much forcing after that.

That being said....I think it is pretty strange that I knew nothing about the 'vers untill about 2 months ago....I had never heard of Firefly, I had seen preveiws for the movie, but they weren't run enough to make me want to see it. A large part of my friends are Sci-Fi fans as well...and they had not heard of either as well(granted the Sci-Fi channel is not offered by our local cable).

So what I'm saying is if they can't reach their potential target audience...then they don't deserve their high-paying jobs....I mean put one tenth of the effort they did into Van Helsing, Phantom Menace(ROTS was the f'n awesome though), Aeon Flux, and other shit movies they promote the hell out of and put on taco bell cups...they maybe serenity would have been a Big Damn money maker.

I ended up seeing Serenity on DVD by happens-stance at a friends house....I immediately wentout and bought it...followed by the Firefly DVD's.....and forced my g'friend watch them(which she ended up liking a lot...and she hates Sci-Fi)It just really pisses me off that such a great series and movie has gone unnoticed to so many peopel b/c of dumbass coporate execs and sub-par marketing depts.(don't get me started on FOX)

Ok...just needed to get that out...comments anyone?


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 9:17 PM



Originally posted by furiousmonkeyboy:

I tell you what would be a damn fine game..Firefly game similar to Kights of the Old Republic(same party selection, and character stength options) but add a more real-time shooter element

From what I've seen in the game related threads, this is something that a lot of people want. So, if you want to mod Kotor, I don't think that anyone is going to argue. In fact, from what I've seen, a lot of people will cheer.

Here's a link to modding tools, tutorials on how to do it, etc if you want to start something.


Originally posted by furiousmonkeyboy:

And another thing...

Don't think anyone will disagree.

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 9:52 PM


I'd be modding it right now...If I could(I use a Mac)..... I was just implying that that would be a good basis for a Firfly game


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 10:00 PM


Actually now that I think about it... KOTOR's game system would be a great way to do it.

In KOTOR there can be one main character that the player usually plays, and you can select companions to leave a ship with you....

DUDE I'M TOTALLY INSPIRED (and this is coming from an artist who has participated in making MODs).

I would assume they give you a map editor with these mod tools (I haven't looked at it yet), and if you've played KOTOR then you know that their map editor seems to be good at making Space ships and the such.

Not only that the very game has you going from planet to planet via the Ebon Hawk (the space ship in both KOTOR 1 and 2)....

Ok... This.... MUST... Be done...

I'm definetly in for a Firefly Mod. 3D Modelor/Animator reporting for duty... I need to start looking around in the KOTOR modding community to find some good modders... (No offense, but finding some here is unlikely.)

"Th3re !s n0 spo0Ne." -The Matricks


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 10:12 PM


Curse M$ windows and it's monoply in the computer gaming industry!!!!

I have a Mac too.

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 10:36 PM


One request. Please don't call it "The 'Verse".

That's the name of my project and there is another one that plans to be a mod The Elder Scrolls Oblivion that is using a subtitled version of the same name.

I guess this is what happens when you come up with an obvious name. But, I calll dibs!

How about a game that's game play is Fallout-esque?

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 10:39 PM


Hey! Then if someone else is already making a mod on a better engine then why should I bother making time?? Goodluck to you guys :).

I've got my own ideas, I'd rather do those :).

"Th3re !s n0 spo0Ne." -The Matricks


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 11:33 PM



Originally posted by Dinky:

Hey! Then if someone else is already making a mod on a better engine then why should I bother making time?? Goodluck to you guys :).

I've got my own ideas, I'd rather do those :).

Well, my project is from scratch. So, I have to build the engine and modding tools before anyone can do anything with them. For me, it's a long road.

But, if everything goes according to plan, or an approximation of according to plan, people will have a cross-platform engine to play with. Hopefully by then I can either attract someone who knows (or learn enough of myself about) "making things pretty" to make the engine shiny.

Still, for me, it'll be a good chunk of before anything is end-user produced.

By the way, I've been meaning to ask you if I could solicit your advice on a couple things? It's just that I know what modding tools I'd want, if I was to make a mod for an engine. But I'm not a modder, I'm a programmer. So, the questions are going to be along the lines of, would x be acceptable? Perhaps a little discussion if you want. Would it be ok if I messaged you from time to time?

Regarding the mod. Psyborg is doing it, but (s)he's just getting started. So, I'd imagine (s)he could probably use some help. Hint hint nudge nudge

Seriously though, if you've got other things to do, then it's all good. Hell, I should be way ahead of where I am. But, real life comes up, other interesting projects to do... spending way too much of my time posting on this board and not writing code like I should be doing.

*sigh* I think I have a problem

Ok, back on topic.

I know that typing isn't exactly the best way to communicate, and that the above could've come off as pushy or whatever. Please note that it is not intended that way. It's just meant as is. Just pointing out that someone could use some help if you are willing and able, nothing more.

At any rate, it's been way too late for me for a while now; I'm starting to feel floaty tired. So, I'll have to end the post here.

See you on the forums

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Thursday, March 2, 2006 12:03 AM


This idea of modding KOTOR to create a Firefly game...It's a great concept, but the fact of the matter is, I think, The game will ruin the Illusion of the series that we love so much.
There is no way at all the a game could re-capture that vast emptiness of space that Serenity travels through day in, day out with her crew.
If we were to make this...we'd have an attempt...and a damn good attempt no doubt, but the graphics would let us down. Lip Syncing would be irritating just like it was on KOTOR. I dont know much about Modding games...I don't know how effective it would be, but I think one of the things people love about the series and the film are the characters..and their eprsonalities. They're such individuals from start to finish and we love to watch them...but to play as them???
I mean...what about when you died in the game...You'd hate to see watch River die in a fight with one Reaver when you accidently put on sticky keys and cant turn them off in time to save her. The reason the film as so good was because it kept us in the illusion. We became submerged in this world and the people in it and it never gave us reason to be taken out of it. A always..ruins the film it's connected too. A well made film tie-in is always poor let alone one made by amateur fans, i don't mean that with any dis-respect. I'm just saying that I think everything we love about Mal,River,Jayne,Simon and the rest of the crew would be gone as soon as we started playing.
No doubt I'm gonna get some arguments here:p


Thursday, March 2, 2006 4:20 AM


You have really missed the point....I wasn't talking about modding Kotor it the first place...I was saying that a Firefly game made completely seperate with Kotor-like gameplay (party selection, openended story line,travel to where you want to)with more of a shooter action during combat....would be a great I might mod Kotor if I had the time or ability...but that isn't what I was talking about


Thursday, March 2, 2006 9:22 AM


I'll also point out that a FF game does not necessarily mean playing the crew of FF.

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Thursday, March 2, 2006 9:47 AM


it's wonderful to see such enthusiasm and renewed purpose amongst the 'coats

A picketline/protest though will not give our beloved show the image we want, If you want to get a big group together outside or heck in universals theme park run around in your browncoat attire, get all attending to sign a big damn thank you card and get it to some of 'versals top people, that might get you some positive attention.

Remember be polite, be on your best behavior, comign across as fanatical does not bring people to your cause.

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Thursday, March 2, 2006 10:19 AM


I agree...I don't think a picket is the answer. Remember, Universal was the place that gave the BDM a chance to begin with. Now, a "Serenity" Rally might be a good idea. In fact, we could do this across the nation,with different groups, all on the same day. We can dress up, show the series and the movie, maybe have some of them for sale, as well as other FF stuff. Take lots of pictures, maybe have a petition that can be signed requesting more episodes/movies. That would be a positive, unified effort, and might help. (In another thread, someone had suggested showing at universities on their movie nights. Great idea! Could also have a school fundraiser for hs kids, a FF lock-in or something)


No power in the 'verse can stop me!


Thursday, March 2, 2006 10:39 AM


the Houston browncoats in June are hosting hte statewide LoneStar SHindig for Texas, piggybacking on a scifif fantasy horror convention called apollocon, its a great chance for the browncoats to meet have a good time and make their presence known and recruit!

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Friday, March 3, 2006 11:14 AM



Originally posted by Cedric:
On other matters, though--
Nathan Fillion gave us a rallying cry, and it inspired this song:

Trilogy, O trilogy, I want my trilogy,
Don’t stop at one, Don’t stop at two,
Gorramit, gimme three!
Trilogy, O trilogy, that’s what I want to see,
Someday I’ll own a boxed set
Of that Big Damn Trilogy!

Check it out at the link in my sig.

Keep flyin, and keep recruitin',


"Some things stay with you, 'til the day you die."
On the Drift: Music Inspired by Firefly and Serenity, now on sale at

Coolio! Cedric, I just got my CD. Freakin' nice!

I've been jonesin' for something like this, and the Firefly soundtrack CD just wasn't enough.

I'm in the middle of listening right now. Very good stuff so far! I just finished River's Jig and started the "Theme Song Parody". LOL!

Good luck getting this out there. I hope you hit #1!

OMG. I just started Eavesdown Docks - how perfect for it!


Friday, March 3, 2006 12:09 PM


I'm glad you're enjoying it. I hope our music will encourage people to keep the dream alive!

BTW, you're the first person to comment on Eavesdown Docks.

"Some things stay with you, 'til the day you die."
On the Drift: Music Inspired by Firefly and Serenity, now on sale at


Saturday, March 4, 2006 1:19 AM


Wow, now we're on to video games and cds. It seems everyone here has A.D.D. and is losing sight of the original vision. Thanks to all who have shown support for my idea, I don't seem to have enough support to consider it anymore. My swinging "set" is just a little bigger then the peoples' who turned this into a video game discussion. To those people: I wasn't planning a riot and just wanted to open people's eyes. I think I'm done with this web site, but I will always be a Browncoat. Keep it real Shiney777 and Kaele....


Signing off for good!


Saturday, March 4, 2006 5:21 AM


Hmm. Well, your topic was a Browncoat Rallying Cry, so if we decided to discuss that and related topics, I don't think that's a sign that anyone here has a mental disorder. Now when someone stomps away angrily because other people didn't like his idea, well, I'll let you work the math on that one.

In response to your quote: My days of not takin' you serious have definitely come to a middle.

There are a lot of ways to open people's eyes, MuddersMilker302, so let's try to remember that we're all on the same side here.


"Some things stay with you, 'til the day you die."
On the Drift: Music Inspired by Firefly and Serenity, now on sale at






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Tue, September 24, 2024 06:55 - 4 posts
People do stop by
Mon, September 23, 2024 17:50 - 4 posts
Happy Anniversary XXII
Fri, September 20, 2024 16:16 - 5 posts
17th Annual Browncoats Backwoods Bash. Bloomington, Indiana. Saturday September 21, 2024.
Fri, September 20, 2024 04:54 - 5 posts
Poetry in song
Tue, September 17, 2024 18:52 - 18 posts