UPDATED: Thursday, March 9, 2006 17:49
VIEWED: 6488
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Thursday, March 2, 2006 9:23 PM


Hey there.

In anticipation of being flamed, deleted, or relegated to the Troll board, I just want to start off by saying that I'm not trolling. I really like Serenity, and I am a happy owner of the Firefly DVD set.

My opinion of Firefly as a series is that it was cancelled while still in its infancy; in other words, it wasn't fully developed as it was. It needed more time to really get in the groove, just as Buffy did. Does anyone think Buffy's first season was its best? I certainly don't, and I think that would've applied to Firefly as well if it'd had more time. Unfortunately, that's all it has to show for itself, and I think it could've ended up being a lot better. It was a show with promise.

Because of this, I wrote a 3-star review of the DVD set on I noticed before writing that the set had a 5-star rating, which is quite a rarity on that site, especially considering the set has over 2000 reviews... also quite a rarity on So I immediately figured there's some kind of review-writing campaign to try to draw attention to the series, which is understandable given the sad story of its cancellation.

I also noticed, about three days after my review was posted, I already had five "Not Helpful" votes against me. And here's where my issue comes in... my review was not negative, and I actually encouraged people to buy the set if they liked the movie. I also said I'd love a Serenity II. Anyone who read my review should've understood that I wasn't slamming the series in any way - I just acknowledged that the show as it was had faults. I also said it had loads of potential. Heck, I wish there were more episodes to watch!

I don't know if people are automatically voting "Not Helpful" on reviews that aren't 5 stars or what, but you're not doing anyone any favors if that's what's happening. If anything, it threatens to alienate the people who aren't über-fans and possibly even turn them against the cause.


Thursday, March 2, 2006 9:47 PM


Speaking as a FF fan, I cannot imagine being more neutral on that story. Ok, you gave it three stars. A couple people didn't cotton to it. Excuse me, a grand total of five. Well. Um. Say, I hear askaninja is pretty funny!


Thursday, March 2, 2006 10:07 PM


And I'm speaking as another FF fan. If you really don't get what I'm saying, go to and look up reviews that got less than 5 stars and said anything slightly negative about the show. Look how many "Not Helpful" votes they get, compared to the hundreds of "Helpful" votes given to people who give the show 5 stars, even if they hardly say anything about it aside from "Wow that was the best show ever! Shame on you Fox for cancelling it!" What's funnier is that many of these reviews are obviously by people who keep making new accounts just to review the show.

It's just ridiculous, and it makes fans of the show look silly and desperate. And hey, maybe some of you are - I've been silly and desperate about things I liked being taken away from me, so I don't fault anyone from that. Just be careful who you're attacking. I don't give much of a crap about getting Not Helpful votes, it's just the principle of you (the general "you," not you, BitterBierce) going around giving them just because some people who like the show don't like it quite as much as you do.

I'm just saying that you guys run the risk of pushing less intense fans away. If that's what you want, great. But I have a feeling you don't.

Make of this post what you will. If your response is any indication, I suppose I'll be made fun of by a couple people and ignored by the rest. So whatever. Feel free to prove me wrong.


Thursday, March 2, 2006 10:30 PM


I'm terribly sorry for saying this, but coming here and telling us about a review, not even know if anyone here did what you say was so unjustified, is rather trollish.

If you weren't trolling, then you wouldn't have even brought it up. You would've just let it go.

But, then again, why are you keeping track of a review? Do you think so highly of yourself that you want to make sure that your review stays on top?

Seriously. For those that come after this, just let the thread die. Don't let this guy fool you. It has "I'm trying to pick a fight" written all over it.

EDIT: Check his profile. He registered here just to post this. 'nuf said

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Friday, March 3, 2006 2:20 AM


aww, give the guy a break. There's likely more than a few 'coats that'll jump on anyone that puts forth what can be construed as a negative opinion of the 'verse. (Thinking also of the recent debacle with the Sore Thumbs web-comic...)

Not having read your review, can't say much one way or the other on you getting the "not helpfuls." You do have a point, though, about the potential of the show. Most sci-fi's never really hit their stride or accumulate their fanbase until season 2.

I think the last thing we want is to turn people off of the fanbase, though. On the other hand, it's easy to get on the defensive at times, too. 'Coats are among the underdogs of sci-fi geekdom, after all. (Which is why we're cooler, we have that whole "underground/ counterculture" thing going for us. :)

You can take my hope when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers.


Friday, March 3, 2006 7:32 AM


So what? There are nutters in everything. Just ignore 'em, they're people with troubles. I don't even understand how people can put more than fifty words about it, much less write term papers like these people.

Ok! Some people are kinda nuts. This isn't news.

Seriously, askninja is hysterical. You should watch it.


Friday, March 3, 2006 7:58 AM


I certainly don't expect everyone to love this 'verse as much as I do. And I wouldn't be worried too much about your review being helpful or not. You posted your opinion, they posted their reaction to your opinion. I'm sure that if your review is as well written as your post, that it was more than passable. But not everyone has to agree with you or feel that what you said is correct or helpful.

I personally don't feel like I have to agree with anyone. Call it my stubborn streak, but those Alliance goons won't make me into a carbon copy.

And perhaps you're wrong about people spamming Amazon. Looking at the membership of this website as it is and how just today within five minutes I saw just as many people join...I find it not at all surprising that there would be so many reviews. Thousands are here on this website alone. And we're just one of many.

Look at how we hit the SciFi channel's poll. One mention and the recruitment call goes out. The word is spread. It doesn't take much for things to crawl through this community. It may be large but it's a well-connected spiderweb. And it is a very ACTIVE community.

Sometimes I think Joss doesn't deserve us...LOL He could though if he gave us another Firefly series, I'm thinkin'. A COMPLETE series.



Friday, March 3, 2006 8:12 AM



Originally posted by Username2:
I don't know if people are automatically voting "Not Helpful" on reviews that aren't 5 stars or what, but you're not doing anyone any favors if that's what's happening. If anything, it threatens to alienate the people who aren't über-fans and possibly even turn them against the cause.

Not speaking for anybody else but I personally don't find 3 star reviews particularly helpfull. If I'm looking to purchase a product I want to hear from people who really like it or really hate it. I want to know what it has that's worth raving about as well as what people have to say about how it totally blows. The 'sort of like it maybe' type of review isn't usually gonna tell me enough to be worthwhile when I'm making a decision to purchase.

For the record I also rate Firefly as a 5. I love it not just in spite of what some perceive as it's flaws but because of them.


"A lot of people are asking me, you know, what exactly is Firefly? It's a tv show you morons!" - Joss Whedon


Friday, March 3, 2006 8:12 AM


Sigmanunki & Daveshayne I'm with you.

I respect everybody's opinion especially the neutral/negative ones (since they tend to be the most illuminating and helpful for one's personal growth ).


Last time I checked this was NOT You're targeting the wrong boogey Maverick.

Example: I trick out a Honda Civic and drive to a local mall. While shopping, somebody keys "Poser" on the hood of my, in my eyes, beautiful car. I walk back into the mall and start screaming at the patrons of Orange Julius blaming them for the keying. The logic: I parked at the mall, a shopper must have keyed my car, Orange Julius patrons are shoppers, hence Orange Julius patrons keyed my car.

...stupid example (my bad), poor assumption (your bad)

We will hold...we hold till Mal gets back.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young


Friday, March 3, 2006 8:15 AM



Originally posted by Username2:
Hey there.

In anticipation of being flamed, deleted, or relegated to the Troll board, I just want to start off by saying that I'm not trolling. I really like Serenity, and I am a happy owner of the Firefly DVD set.

I give your post 3 out of 5. You're obviously in your infancy and although youd potential, you were killed by Foxes before it could be reached. I hope you have a sequel.


Friday, March 3, 2006 8:16 AM


Maybe readers didn't like this part:

"I have to say the series itself isn't all that great. Some of the stories are very weak, and a lot of it is downright embarrassing to watch with other people around."

Or maybe readers didn't find your review helpful because you said it wasn't great (twice) and had faults, but never really articulated exactly what those faults were (I guess except that you felt some stories were "weak").

Or maybe readers didn't find your review helpful for some other reason.

Who knows, who cares.

Good DOGS!


Friday, March 3, 2006 8:23 AM


Seems like the reaction to your review is part of the crazy fandom. A sad part, but one that's not likely to change.

I'm bummed to see FF get a low rating anywhere, but if it's your honest opinion and well argued, then kudos to you.


Ask Dr. Science ... he knows more than you do.
"I have a Master's degree ... in science!"


Friday, March 3, 2006 8:33 AM


Or maybe nobody read them at all.

Personally I only look at the 5-stars and one stars, because the former are right, they know what they are talking about, they "get it" and it's all feelgood stuff.

The latter are, of course on their way to the Special Hell. Damn amusing, though. I know it's deeply wrong to mock those not overly burdened with schoolin', but it is a huge laff...

Interesting spelling (which guarantees I'll drop a big one in this post...), parallels with something...wrong. Review based on the picture on the DVD box. Or all of the above, and they still need to synopse* the entire series, for the two-hundredth time.


*live with it. It was that or "synopsitize", which I rejected because it sounded a little Bush.

We've got a Californian in the back room, you know. Absolute murder stopping her from pouring Maple syrup all over the Full English Breakfast. As bizarre as that whole icing sugar on French Toast thing.


Friday, March 3, 2006 9:36 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Username2:
I really like Serenity, and I am a happy owner of the Firefly DVD set.

My opinion of Firefly as a series is that it was cancelled while still in its infancy; in other words, it wasn't fully developed as it was. It needed more time to really get in the groove, just as Buffy did. Does anyone think Buffy's first season was its best? I certainly don't, and I think that would've applied to Firefly as well if it'd had more time. Unfortunately, that's all it has to show for itself, and I think it could've ended up being a lot better. It was a show with promise.

Hey, now that would have made for a helpful 3-star Amazon review.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Friday, March 3, 2006 9:45 AM


Personally I think this thread debunks your theory pretty well. You got a lot of honest replies with logic and reasoning. There is no flaming going on. This is a friendly community. Your 3 star review will most likely get many unhelpful votes. We love this show with a passion and want the rest of the world to experience that love. Is it so wrong that we want everyone to be happy? A 3 star review isn't going to get us there. We love our 5 star rating for the BDB (big damn boxset). And heck I haven't even posted a review on amazon. So, I think the 5 star review spamming is not as big a problem as you may think.


Friday, March 3, 2006 10:35 AM


Personally, I don't find a review helpful if all that's being reviewed is its "potential". I haven't read your review, but you make a big deal in your post here about the potential Firefly had, and that's why you liked it... well, fair enough. But I find reviews that focus on the DVD at hand to be more helpful. Score the DVDs on how well you liked or didn't like them; I find it rather unfair to score them based on what could have been. For all we know, Joss might've quit and handed the reins over to someone with less talent that would have turned Firefly into a sitcom with a wacky neighbor played by Jaleel White.

Anyway, as for the Amazon thing, that happens for every show or book with a following. I gave a baby book a negative review that echoed what a few others had said. All of us one-star-ers got boat-loads of "not helpful", even though I, for one, went into quite a bit of detail as to why it was a poor book, and some "helpful" reviews only said, "It's the only baby book you'll ever need!" Take it with a grain of salt; Amazon buyers are pretty smart. Like others have mentioned, I only read 5 star and 1 star reviews for the most part, and between those I get a good idea as to whether something is good or not.


Friday, March 3, 2006 11:09 AM


Can I troll now? Please?

Firefly sucks, Joss Whedon sucks. He's nothing but a George Lucas wannabe. Damn all who think Firefly is anything more than a western with cheap sets. And Star Wars sucks, too. I hate you all.

Now I'm running and looking for cover.


PS: Why do I have to rewrite my signature for every post?

Carry the Nuttin'


Friday, March 3, 2006 11:38 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Seems like the reaction to your review is part of the crazy fandom. A sad part, but one that's not likely to change.

I'm bummed to see FF get a low rating anywhere, but if it's your honest opinion and well argued, then kudos to you.

I agree with that statement. If the person who posted this watched the series, liked it, but didn't LOVE it, then who are we to tell him he's wrong? It's kind of like what happened over at AintItCoolNews - Harry saw the movie, said that he rather liked it, even though he's NOT a Browncoat or a fan, but he still liked it more than he expected to, even though he had some issues with it... and then the flames started coming, hot 'n' heavy.

WE know how great this show is. WE love it and everything about it (except its cancellation, of course). That doesn't mean that EVERYONE has to feel the same. Different strokes, y'know?

This is the crazy fandom part of the Browncoats that I think we could do without. Don't try to belittle or berate someone into loving the show; that only turns them off. Kinda like Jehovah's Witlesses coming to your door at dinner time, right?


A baby seal walks into a club...


Friday, March 3, 2006 12:29 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

This is the crazy fandom part of the Browncoats that I think we could do without. Don't try to belittle or berate someone into loving the show; that only turns them off. Kinda like Jehovah's Witlesses coming to your door at dinner time, right?

I agree in principle. No-one should be browbeaten into liking or not something. It'll just drive them away; everyone has there own opinions. And if this guy left it at that the so mote it be.

But, (s)he joined this site for the sole purpose of compaining about what other people did on a different site that has nothing to do with this site not even linking to what the complaint was about.

Can we say troll?

Why is this thread still going again?

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Friday, March 3, 2006 12:34 PM



Originally posted by ThePistonEngine:
PS: Why do I have to rewrite my signature for every post?

Have you tried going to my firefly and using the profile to set your signture?


"A lot of people are asking me, you know, what exactly is Firefly? It's a tv show you morons!" - Joss Whedon


Friday, March 3, 2006 12:38 PM



Originally posted by Zeek:
We love this show with a passion and want the rest of the world to experience that love. Is it so wrong that we want everyone to be happy?

I totally understand what you're saying and don't mean to take this too seriously (I assume there's a little tongue in cheek here) but people have a tendency to take this idea a little too far.

What makes me happy ain't gonna work for everyone. If more people understood that there'd be a lot less dead bodies in the world, and no annoying Jehovah's witnesses (good call, kwicko)

How's that for taking it too seriously?

It's all zen man. Let those who love FF love it, and those who don't go on their merry, I say.


Ask Dr. Science ... he knows more than you do.
"I have a Master's degree ... in science!"


Friday, March 3, 2006 4:29 PM


A ha! Thank you very much. Now, onto business.

You all still suck. Especially me. Because I troll myself.

In all seriousness here, there is much truth that has be said on this thread.

It is a sad day when so called browncoats beat to death a perfectly legitimate, yet regrettable, opinion of firefly. That being said, I don't understand the purpose of the original post. Is he trying to bring to our attention a problem so we can peer pressure our more unruly members? Is he pointing his finger at us an wagging it "No, no."

Of course it's stupid that reviews that contain nothing more than "OMG, why did they cancel this wonderful series!?" would be rated helpful. But point me out someone who actually bought anything on Amazon because they saw a 14/15 helpfulness on a review like that? If they did, well, bless their stupidity, because they're going to get a very nice series in return.


Originally posted by daveshayne:

Originally posted by ThePistonEngine:
PS: Why do I have to rewrite my signature for every post?

Have you tried going to my firefly and using the profile to set your signture?


"A lot of people are asking me, you know, what exactly is Firefly? It's a tv show you morons!" - Joss Whedon

Carry the Nuttin'


Monday, March 6, 2006 8:05 PM


Well hey, thanks for seeing my side on this, at least some of you. I'll address some specific points brought up (and yes, I like typing.. sorry):

1. Apparently, since this is the only thing I've posted since registering, I appear to be a troll. While I get where you're coming from in saying this, I think it's pretty obvious why this is the first thing I posted here. I wasn't fanatical enough to be interested in joining this forum just to discuss the show, but I find the whole "campaign" of this thing both intriguing and slightly troubling in some respects. I posted this thread to address that. I knew I'd get that kind of reaction from some people; hence the disclaimer at the beginning.

2. The idea that I reviewed the show's potential. That is actually untrue. If I were to have reviewed the show's potential, I would've given it 5 stars. :) I gave it 3 stars on the merits of the show as it was so far. But I also acknowledged that it had potential. I think that's relevant because it means there are things in the show that are worth watching, even when it's not at its best. Maybe some of the storylines weren't all that good, and I got embarrassed when my roommate was around during certain parts, but I really liked other things about it. You know?

3. Someone said that 3-star reviews are not helpful. I'll admit that I usually go to and look up 1-star reviews to see why I shouldn't buy something. But I've actually known people who only read the 3-star reviews because they usually find them to be the most balanced. Neither fanatical nor hateful, but not necessarily neutral either.

4. Why do I care how many "not helpful" votes my review gets? I don't think "care" is the right word there. I just think it's funny when people vote a review unhelpful simply because they don't like the person's opinion. They aren't reading the review to decide whether or not they want to buy the thing, they're reading it to see who agrees with them. As for why I bothered to keep track of it, I don't think it's all that unusual for people to look through the reviews they've written there and see what sort of reaction they've gotten to them. Or maybe it is and I'm just a flaming wacko! But I doubt it. At least not for that reason.

My original post wasn't to try to get people to "peer pressure" the less tolerant fans into not abusing or whatever. I'm just trying to understand the mindset going on here. And I want people to understand that being really, really fanatical tends to turn off people who aren't so much. That's fine if you want to keep Firefly all to yourself, but it can backfire if you're trying to spread the Firefly love.

I'm also pretty sure that the people who are spending the most time writing multiple reviews on that site -- and going through clicking helpful/not on all those other reviews -- are members of this site and are obviously part of the campaign to make the series appear more popular than it is. That's why I posted this here. But I know it doesn't apply to all of you, or even most of you.

Am I making any more sense now? I know my point isn't really a focused one, and I'm going on all sorts of tangents that don't help to make it any clearer. But thanks for reading.


Monday, March 6, 2006 8:16 PM


I can feel for you. I remember when Fable came out, I wrote a review where instead of praising it, I discussed some of its faults. I concluded it was still a very good game, but that it was not what the producers made it out to be. I felt it was a fair review that would give the potential buyer information on what he was getting. Oh I was flamed to high hell for that from rabid Fable-fanboys.

Now I love Firefly, but its got its faults, Hell, everything has its faults, nothing is perfect. It's too bad that some rabid fans are too obsessive to realize that. I don't think being aware of the show's faults makes me any less of a fan though, heck it might make me even more of one for being able to embrace it despite those faults.

Then again, Im also the type who is literally going to wear a browncoat, so maybe I'm just a rabid fan in disguise?

Where's the KABOOM?! There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom! *sigh* Delays...delays...


Monday, March 6, 2006 11:36 PM



Why do I care how many "not helpful" votes my review gets? I don't think "care" is the right word there. I just think it's funny when people vote a review unhelpful simply because they don't like the person's opinion.

So you're saying that you posted this here just because you think it's "funny"? Just feel like sharing the laughs huh? Why not just admit that your vanity got a bit dusted at having your review being judged "unhelpful." Let's at least keep it honest.


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 2:18 AM


Ok, Username2, let me get this straight.

You watched Firefly, enjoyed it but thought there was weak story lines and some definate faults. You posted a review to that effect.
Then, you noticed your review recieved several not helpful votes and other, obviously child-like written reviews with no substance, recieved helpful votes. You concluded there were people going on Amazon and voting particular ways based on how they liked the series, not on how good the posts are.

And this is where it breaks down for me. Why bring this up? I mean, seriously, what was your intention for posting? Is it a reflection on the vices of human nature to disregard what one doesn't agree with? Is it a commentary some of our souls which are lost without a return of Firefly? I honestly think we need to know.

"I'm also pretty sure that the people who are spending the most time writing multiple reviews on that site -- and going through clicking helpful/not on all those other reviews -- are members of this site and are obviously part of the campaign to make the series appear more popular than it is. That's why I posted this here. But I know it doesn't apply to all of you, or even most of you. "

The only conclusion I have is, you see this Amazon voting a problem to be stopped. How do you propose that to be done.

I know you weren't intending to elicit flaming responses, but if you really don't have a goal, I think the term "troll" does apply.

Carry the Nuttin'


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 3:32 AM


Master of the Obvious here...Amazon's "Was this Review Helpful" button simply needs to read "Did you agree with this review?", because that's the way it's used.


OPERATIVE: ...and I'm unarmed.
MAL: Good.



Tuesday, March 7, 2006 4:16 AM


Oooooooh!!! I wanna do my impression of username2, ready? Oh I am so first flame okhereigo:

"Oh woe is me, woe woe woe. No one can see that I am trying to show some deligent, if not incredibly pointless honesty in my review of "Serenity." Here I am, just trying to make the 'verse, (Oh I wish I could say that with feeling but the brown paint from my coat is coming off.) a better place and I get basted for it. Hmm...why doesn't anyone see the genius that is behind the name "Username2?" I mean, it makes perfect sense to me that I should come to the largest fan site for browncoats and just spout my miserable attempt at being non-biased by giving the movie a less-than steller review. Now what's that quote that the crazy chick says...something about being messed with? That'd be real glittery to end this with."

How'd I do?


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 6:33 AM


Maybe they can somehow make it so you can't use the button if you already own the item. Because it really should only be helpful by those considering buying it, not those who's already seen it.


Originally posted by Jonestein:
Master of the Obvious here...Amazon's "Was this Review Helpful" button simply needs to read "Did you agree with this review?", because that's the way it's used.


OPERATIVE: ...and I'm unarmed.
MAL: Good.


Carry the Nuttin'


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 7:04 PM



Originally posted by timedoctor:
So you're saying that you posted this here just because you think it's "funny"? Just feel like sharing the laughs huh? Why not just admit that your vanity got a bit dusted at having your review being judged "unhelpful." Let's at least keep it honest.

Funny-strange, not funny-haha.
Also funny-strange are the people who think I'm trolling because either they don't get my point, or because I don't think Firefly is phenomenal so therefore I must be trolling regardless of my point. I am being honest, but you don't like my honesty.

I'm sorry that some of you are so intent on discounting me that you aren't really paying attention to what I'm saying.. which is, I suppose, the same idea behind going through all the less-than-stellar Firefly reviews on and giving them unhelpful votes. Disagreeing with me is one thing, but thinking I'm trying to incite people simply because you disagree with me is quite another.

I do like the idea of changing "Do you find this review helpful?" to "Do you agree with this review?" Would make a lot more sense, even if it's still a useless system.


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 7:28 PM



Originally posted by ThePistonEngine:
The only conclusion I have is, you see this Amazon voting a problem to be stopped. How do you propose that to be done.

I know you weren't intending to elicit flaming responses, but if you really don't have a goal, I think the term "troll" does apply.

Well, it's not so specifically an Amazon voting problem. I consider that to be more of a symptom than the disease, if you will. The problem is diehard Firefly fans attacking non-diehard Firefly fans. I posted this here in the hopes that the people who take part in the attacking would see it and possibly consider that it's possible to like the show without loving the show, and even a non-diehard fan is a fan.. a fan that might have money. My $30 is as good as anyone else's. So putting down my opinion of the show just because it's not as high as yours makes no sense.

There it is in relatively concise form.


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 7:42 PM


This has been brought up before, mostly attempts to keep the overall rating at five stars whenever there appeared to be a chance it was slipping. Don't get me wrong I love the series, but this bothers me (as does the coordinated poll voting). There's a fine line between showing support en masse and forcing a certain opinion on others (I believe the doorstep analogy has already been made).

And it reminds me of a line in Serenity: "We're not telling people what to think, we're just trying to show them how."

Everyone has the right to their own opinion on the show. Quite frankly I would rather read a well thought out 3 star review (even if I didn't agree with it) then a one line 5 star review.

The word troll seems to get thrown around way too easily these days. I don't know if I would bother to join a board I wasn't already a member of to debate this, but I don't think it's necessarily trolling. And we all had the option of ignoring the original post.

But that's just my $0.02


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 1:37 AM




Originally posted by LittleAlbatross:
This has been brought up before, mostly attempts to keep the overall rating at five stars whenever there appeared to be a chance it was slipping. Don't get me wrong I love the series, but this bothers me (as does the coordinated poll voting). There's a fine line between showing support en masse and forcing a certain opinion on others (I believe the doorstep analogy has already been made).

And it reminds me of a line in Serenity: "We're not telling people what to think, we're just trying to show them how."

Everyone has the right to their own opinion on the show. Quite frankly I would rather read a well thought out 3 star review (even if I didn't agree with it) then a one line 5 star review.

The word troll seems to get thrown around way too easily these days. I don't know if I would bother to join a board I wasn't already a member of to debate this, but I don't think it's necessarily trolling. And we all had the option of ignoring the original post.

But that's just my $0.02

Carry the Nuttin'


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 5:53 AM


Ha ha

I was just asking for that, wasn't I?


Thursday, March 9, 2006 5:49 PM



I am being honest, but you don't like my honesty.

So first you get all weepy because no one likes your witty comments on Amazon, and now you want some acknowledgement for being honest? In any case if we're speaking of honesty - why can't you just take the fact that people honestly don't like your opinions?






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Fri, September 20, 2024 16:16 - 5 posts
17th Annual Browncoats Backwoods Bash. Bloomington, Indiana. Saturday September 21, 2024.
Fri, September 20, 2024 04:54 - 5 posts
Poetry in song
Tue, September 17, 2024 18:52 - 18 posts